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(Cover image designed by Shauna Rousseau & Joyce Melton.)
(Image Sources: Androgynous Man & Football Field
* * * * *
I sit and listen to Samantha prattle on about her “traumatizing” experience with Gerome. Of course, the fact that Gerome would react that way to her pheromones is no surprise. Any more than that she would “respond” with her special hormone mix…combined with the high dosage of aphrodisiacs. The whole package is designed to make her irresistibly alluring to boys…and her…well…“amorous.”
I would’ve been disappointed if it hadn’t been the case. She needs to learn what it means to be a girl, in today’s world. And what boys will do…or at least want to do. She’ll just have to learn to deal it…like it or not. Especially if she’s going to be a WunderGirl…and be of any use to me in my endeavors.
Julia stays quiet throughout his whole sob spiel.
Samantha actually weeps…so I know the hormones are affecting her. She finally finishes her sob story and shuts up.
“I don’t know Lissa.” Julia finally speaks up. “Maybe this has gone too far. How much is left on the trial? I don’t know about what we would have to do to fully satisfy the M&M part of the contract, but I wanted to start here. Maybe it’s time for Sam to go back to just being the boy he was…before all of this.”
I can tell she’s on the fence about that. But I think there’s more to it than just her…or Samantha’s…contract.
I give Julia a disappointed look. And then I look pointedly at Samantha and purse my lips. “So you want to quit? The trial is not over. You signed up for a minimum of a year…with the option of an extension…or until the trial is over, in the unlikely event it would end before the year is out. But I have gotten some good data from you….” I fake a sigh. “If I were to let you out of the trial, it would be up to legal to determine the full penalties for breaking the contract. Some are specified in the contract…others are more…flexible. You do understand that would mean no more special product. For you…or your sister.”
Julia looks confused. No surprise there.
I ignore her.
Samantha looks totally conflicted…. I can see the struggle in her eyes.
Finally, she answers. “I…I…I don’t want to quit the trial. I…like using the products…and the makeup….”
I smile.
Julia doesn’t look surprised at her admission.
Samantha looks at Julia in confused determination and whispers. “Please don’t tell Daddy! I’ll keep on…with the trial…and modeling. I…I…I want to.”
“We’ll get back to your sister in a minute.” Julia seems exasperated. “But as for you…if you do this…it will be long-term. Do you understand? The full year…at least. You will have to go to school…as Samantha. Greta will expect you to continue your development…both physically…and mentally. And meeting all M&M and WG expectations. She may even offer you an extension…if your contract is similar to mine…on that point. Are you sure? We’re not going to keep going back and forth on this. If you commit, it’s for the long haul. And I expect you to honor that…with everything that goes with it!”
I get the feeling that Julia is just testing her resolve…and not trying to really talk her out of it.
Samantha chews thoughtfully on her lower lip…and finally nods.
Then the whole thing with her sister comes out. Oops. My bad! OK…not really. I don’t care! But I can tell there will be further discussion when they get home.
Julia eventually agrees to have me continue to supply the products for her other daughter. She doesn’t have a clue what that actually means, since Samantha didn’t explain that part. And I’m not saying, either. Yes, I’ll continue to provide the products. For a price…yet to be determined. None of them know that part, for now.
I consider Samantha’s further trials as they leave. I decide I’m now going to have Ginny continue her special hormonal mix and maintain her high concentrations of aphrodisiacs and pheromones. I’m intrigued now to see how far we can push her…with long-term sustainment of the effects. I might be able to use that data for something in the future. Who knows?
I also consider what to do about the internal cosmetics she’s on. For now, her altered hair, eye, and nail colors are temporary. If she were to quit using the products, then everything would go back to normal. I do have an experimental product that I’m about ninety percent certain will make the changes permanent. At least it’s worked on mice…and…more or less…on a few early human guinea pigs.
I make a note to have Joyce use the setting hair rinse at Samantha’s next appointment. Red is such a lovely color on her. And those eyes are beautiful…so, I will have Ginny add the setting drops. I’ll have to think about the nails. I may want to change the color to test that some more. I also need to think about her lips and eyelids. Any of the extended wear makeup can theoretically be made permanent…if the setting products work…it should be interesting to see how it turns out.
All in a day’s work at R&D!
* * * * *
“I see. I’m sure he’s sorry, Adam. And, of course, I’m sure that Samantha will be glad to give him another chance. But…let’s maybe give her a couple of days to recover? We could shoot for Friday or Saturday? I will also have to talk to her parents. Jules tells me that Samantha’s father is against her dating…at all…until she’s sixteen.”
I’m on the phone with Adam. He called to apologize for Gerome’s behavior. He’s also promised his son will be nothing but a gentleman…moving forward. But it’s all completely unnecessary!
I don’t know exactly what happened on their date. Or why either Gerome or Adam feels like they need to apologize. But I’m sure Gerome was just being a teenage boy…out on a date with a beautiful teenage girl. Certain things are to be expected when teenage boys’ hormones rage…it’s just…natural! Something Samantha’s going to have to get used to...all girls do.
“That sounds great, Greta.” Adam sighs. “Just let me know. I’d also like to talk to you about getting Julia and Samantha back on another shoot….” He pauses briefly. “It’s in…ummm…three weeks. Armanio Juliette has a fashion show coming up and I’m his go-to photographer. He needs a couple of fresh, new faces…and I told him I have just the ticket. It would be a substantial payout for all involved. I mean…this is big-league stuff. I also think it could lead to some possibilities for some TV commercials…at least for Samantha…together with Gerome…if she plays her cards right. I know the shoot is after school has started, but it would only require missing a day and half…it’s Friday through Sunday. So…she would need to miss Thursday afternoon and all day, Friday.”
I gasp—this is huge news! I nod into the phone and smile. “I will talk with them. Please go ahead and get them signed up…and send me over the contract. It won’t be a problem to get them to sign, at all…I can assure you of that!”
We talk a couple more minutes, then I disconnect and purse my lips in thought. I’m both elated at the shoot and frustrated at my newest teen model. I’m not sure what Samantha’s hang up with Gerome is…but she better get over it. Pronto!
* * * * *
I receive near simultaneous messages from Lissa and Greta.
Lissa wants me to maintain…and possibly even augment…the feminizing components of Samantha’s products. She suggests including some of the same components we’ve been giving Ronni. With what she’s outlining, the poor girl…like Ronni…is going to be awfully…well…needy…to put it mildly. Boys will be flocking to her…and chasing her everywhere. I have no idea what her sexuality is—but I hope she’s into boys. They’re certainly about to be into her! Maybe literally! I shake my head in wonder at her situation.
At any rate, it seems she may very well be into boys, since Greta told me that she’s going to be going out with Gerome…on another date. It’s in a couple of days and she wants me to do everything I can to make that go well…. Poor Samantha. It seems she’s being hooked up…for the good of the company. At least it’s with an up-and-coming actor. I hear he’s really moving up in that realm. And his Dad is already filthy rich. So…she could do a lot worse.
I continue to shake my head and make the prescribed tweaks to her products. She’s going to become quite the little sex bomb…if she stays on this formulation for any significant length of time. And it seems that Lissa plans on keeping her on it…for the foreseeable future…and maybe longer.
I finish reformulating the “love potion.” Then I get out the special eyedrops that I will have to administer myself. She will be one of the first humans to get them. I already know they’re safe…and I’m pretty confident they will actually work. So far, they have worked well in mice…and in the couple of humans they’ve been used on…well…after the first mishap…that we don’t talk about! It’s too soon to tell whether they will actually be permanent, but they are at the very least going to be very long-lasting.
Now…if we could only figure out how it works…it was just a fluke that we discovered the setting compound. We have no idea what makes them tick…my bet is on some sort of genetic-level change. But we don’t have the equipment to test that hypothesis. But the changes do seem to carry over to the next generation of mice…so that seems to support my theory.
Samantha comes in and I smile. I’m not totally sure about the ethics of giving her the spiced-up products. But she did volunteer for the trial and voluntarily sign up…and she did tell Lissa that she wants to continue. That it’s because she wants to continue having access to the products…is beside the point. She wants to continue using them…and no one is forcing her. It’s not like she was put in a corner. And she is going out on another date with Gerome…. I shrug. I guess it’s not unethical when you look at it that way. At least that’s what I’m going with!
“OK, Samantha. I’m fixing up some new products for you. Make sure that you get rid of your old ones. In other words…don’t let your sister get ahold of them this time!” I wink and giggle.
Lissa let me in on that little story…so that I can properly prepare the appropriate products for Gemma. She has a particular plan in mind…for her…and it will likely turn into a boon for our research. M&M will surely be onboard, too.
Samantha turns red in embarrassment at the ribbing.
I grin, then turn serious. “I need to put some drops in your eyes. Then you need to go see Joyce. By the time she’s through with you, I’ll have your new products sent over to Brea and you can pick them up there.”
She’s awfully quiet and seems sort of resigned to her fate…like she’s given up fighting who she is. It’s about time she accepts it.
“Come on!” I smile encouragingly. “Let me put these in—it will sting, though. I’m sorry about that!”
I put three drops in each eye…and know that it will be close to “molten lava” on her lava scale.
Her reaction confirms that it hurts…a lot. After a count of then, she just hops around and cusses…in a very un-lady-like manner. But she doesn’t ask what they’re for.
I don’t tell her that her green eyes are now almost certainly a permanent part of her. After a minute, I clear my throat. “I know that stung, Hon. But…on the bright side…you won’t have to use the daily drops, anymore. You might have slightly blurry vision for an hour or so. Don’t worry your sweet little head, though…it will clear right up. And after that…you should be no worse for the wear.”
* * * * *
I’m taking a quick smoke break, when I get a message from Lissa. I get it at nearly the same time that Greta comes out to the Smoker’s Corner to join me. I shake my head. Smoking may be out of vogue…in mainstream society…but it certainly is still a staple in serious models’ diets. Nearly everyone here does it to keep their figure. Well…the older models…. The young ones seem to be more resistant to its allure…although…many of them will take up vaping, instead…. Not that it helps…they then later just start smoking…. The vaping just seems to lead them down the inevitable path….
I read Lissa’s message as Greta lights up. The content comes as quite the surprise to me. But I’m thrilled for Samantha! I put my phone down and smile.
Greta blows out her smoke, as she speaks. “Joyce, Adam just called me and wants Samantha to go out with Gerome again. It seems their last date had some…complications. I don’t have all the details, but I want all of us here to do…whatever we can…over the next couple of days and remedy the situation. We need to make sure that Samantha is ready for a more…enjoyable date. I am setting it up for Friday…or maybe Saturday. I still need to confer with Jules on that…so it’s still to be determined.”
I nod. I’m still getting used to everyone calling Julia “Jules.” But I like it.
Greta inhales deeply and continues talking while exhaling her smoke. “Samantha doesn’t know about the date, yet.” She shrugs. “If it’s enjoyable for both, it would be great…but our customer always comes first. Gerome is not our customer…but Adam is…so our curtesy extends to his son. And I don’t want Gerome to think he has to apologize for being a boy—or that his father has to call me to set up another date. If Gerome wants to go out with Samantha, then Samantha needs to go out with Gerome…and be happy to do it.” She puts out her cigarette and quickly lights another. “And just think of the publicity for WG!”
I nod and light another, myself. “Lissa just sent me something that falls right in line with that. Don’t worry, Greta. I’ll get with the girls and we’ll work on her. She just needs to loosen up…and start enjoying being a girl. She needs to stop pretending to fight it! Have you noticed? She has really taken to…most…of it quite well. This is basically the last hurdle to getting her over her own false blustering.”
“Yes.” She nods. “I do think she’s protesting too much. She may not be into boys…I don’t know. But from what Jules was saying…I don’t think that’s a given….”
We finish our extended break by putting out our cigarettes and quickly go back inside to get back to work.
I get ready for Samantha, since Greta let me know that she should be finishing up with Ginny right about now. She will be on her way right after that and I want things to go smoothly.
A few minutes later, Samantha finally comes in…and looks like she’s been crying…a lot! There are huge tear trails running down her cheeks.
“Oh, you poor doll!” I rush over to grab her shoulders and hold her tight. “What’s the matter? We need to fix your makeup! Oh, never mind! You’re going to see Brea after this, anyway. And I’m actually going to wash your hair this time…not just style it. But let’s at least wipe off that mess, first. OK?”
She doesn’t really say much…or react at all, for that matter. She just keeps switching between rapidly blinking her eyes…then holding the tightly shut for a few seconds…like they hurt. She also seems to be having trouble focusing…like everything is all blurry.
I sit her down at the sink and quickly wipe off her makeup with some disposable wipes. Then I wash her hair with the special shampoo that Ginny sent over to me. Before I can even get to use the cream rinse, she startles me.
She starts jumping around in the chair like mad! She just keeps muttering something about fire ants crawling in her scalp.
I guess it must sting a little. I shrug…I had no idea…. I wait the prescribed time and then condition her hair…ignoring her outburst…. I repeat the process…with the same results. Then I take her to my chair and give her a new wonderfully girly-girl style. There’s nothing ambiguous about this style. It screams “femininity.” And it will certainly help cement her in that mindset. And if I do say so, myself…it looks lovely on her…especially with her gorgeous red hair.
By the time I’m done, it looks like she’s having better luck focusing. Her lovely eyes are a little red from crying, but her irises are such a lovely bright shade of emerald green…and they go perfectly with her shiny, now permanently coppery-red hair. Well, permanent if the setting solution works as planned. We’ll know in a week…if her hair continues to grow red without using the temporary products, then it works.
“Oh, Hon!” I gush in genuine enthusiasm. “Your eyes and hair are lovely and go so well together. Isn’t it exciting that they’re both now your permanent color?”
What happens next, is something that I would never have anticipated. Not in a million years!
She slumps over in a dead faint! Poor Dear! She must be totally overwhelmed with excitement! The enthusiasm of her increased status as a WunderGirl must just be too much for the poor girl to process!
Yes, she’s going to make a very lovely young lady…and do the company proud!
* * * * *
I think I just screwed up…big time!
How could I have just agreed to continue this whole thing? I mean, I could have gotten out of it! I had the bird in my hand…and I let it fly away…voluntarily. Or was it?
I shake my head. I do like the feeling from the products. Does that mean I’m “hooked?” Could I live without the feeling? I think more about it…and know I could. I just don’t want to. The plusses outweigh the minuses. But that’s the whole problem! The minuses are just so fricking huge!
I mean…I will have to live as a girl, for Chrissake! I know I’m not a girl. I mean, well…I think I’m not a girl… I mean. Shit! I just don’t know what I know anymore! Other than the disaster with Gerome the other night…I think I…like…most of what I’m doing…. I can’t even imagine going out in public without makeup anymore…. Tingle or no tingle… I know that doesn’t really drive my…vanity. And looking good…is vanity. But…a guy doesn’t want to look good…with makeup. So…what does that make me?
I guess none of it matters, anyway…not anymore. I just signed the deal with the Devil…with my own blood. I slit my wrists and let it flow…and happily used to sign the contract. I get product for myself…and for Gem. And along with that…life as a girl…for the rest of the year that is still left on my contract.
That the deal is with the Devil, becomes ever more apparent, when Ginny nearly melts my eyes out with some sort of new drops. I thought “molten lava” was the top of the scale…I was wrong. This was more like “evaporating lava…!” And, then Joyce lets loose a hoard of fire ants…and they bury into my scalp…biting and stinging…and chewing all the way to my brain! It’s all I can do not to scream loud obscenities…at both of them! Not that I didn’t let out a bunch of choice words under my breath. If they heard me…well then…it just serves them right!
All of that was bad enough. I mean…torture seems like it might be a nice vacation compared to what they just put me through. But…then Joyce gleefully informs me, that I should be “ecstatic” about the fact…that my hair and eye colors…are now permanent. As in…here to stay. Forever.
It’s too much for my fragile state of mind. I simply shut down…and everything goes black….
I faintly hear someone calling to me…. It’s like they’re miles away…. But someone familiar is trying to find me in the foggy darkness…calling out to me….
“…antha! Wake up, Hon!”
And I’m suddenly awake again!
I look into Momma’s eyes and can’t help but cry. There’s no holding it back. It’s just all too much. The gravity of what I’ve agreed to, is finally starting to sink in…all the way to the inner depths of my subconscious. It all comes out in huge sobs…and torrents of tears.
She hugs me and coos. “It’s OK, Sweetie. I know…it’s a lot to process. But you did agree to it. It’s too late to change your mind, now. But…something tells me that you really are OK with it. It’s just sinking in…really hitting you….”
It takes a minute for my brain to once again fully begin processing what’s going on…. It all comes back to me…and I feel the paralyzing confusion rise to the surface, again.
Finally, I sigh and bite my lip.
I don’t see the point in fighting it now…any of it…the damage has been done. If I can make it through the rest of the year, then we’ll see what I can do about going back to being plain old “Sam”…and making “Samantha” just go away. Or…maybe she won’t…. I just don’t know….
Greta looks at me and nods resolutely as she senses my resolve…to not quit… Then she smiles. “Oh! Good! You’re coming to your senses! It’s about time! Because, I have news….”
* * * * *
I sigh and furiously chew on my gum. I squirm in my seat. I don’t know what’s happened to me, but my sexual desires have been increasing, over the past weeks. They’re nearly unbearable…it’s like I’m going through puberty all over again…with super-steroids.
And the guys have been after me…thick as thieves! It’s become increasingly more difficult to beat them off…not even with the proverbial “stick!” It’s worst at our after-work “recruiting” events…and the weekly girls’ nights out. My “Goth” look hasn’t deterred any of them, in the least…. For some…it almost seems to be a turn-on. And it’s become increasingly impossible to ignore my off-the-rails ever-rising lust.
I sigh…again. Now it’s time to pull the trigger on Lissa’s new plan. I’m loath to do it. I really don’t want to…but…she’s made it clear that she expects me to follow her orders…and I’ve gotten to the point tht I just don’t fight them…anymore…. So…reluctantly, I dial…Jimmy Rollings’…number.
Jimmy spent a considerable amount of time chasing me…last year…my senior year in school. I was a cheerleader…and he was the starting quarterback...which is somewhat unusual…for a junior.
I had no interest in him. Period. Nada! Not even in the least. I still don’t.
Well, it’s not as much him…as I really didn’t have an interest…in any guy. Now, Stacy…the head cheerleader…she was cute! I let out another deep sigh. It’s not that I had…have…anything against guys. There are some really cute ones. But Jimmy…he’s never been anywhere near the top of my list of potential…datable material…. Actually, he’s never even been on my list. Period. Nada! Not in the least…not even like at the bottom.
But I may as well kill two birds with one stone. I still have no idea why Lissa wants him specifically…in the trial…. Or why she wants him so badly. She just said she would let me in on the rest of the plan…when I have him “hooked and landed.”
He’s pretty much convinced he’s God’s greatest gift to women. But, like most guys, he never had that appeal to me. Even if he is totally buff…and in great shape…and does have a cute butt….
I shake my head hard. Why am I thinking about him like this, all of a sudden? My damned hormones have gone crazy! I force my pulse to slow down and to stop thinking about his butt…but then his tight abs come to mind!
“Hello?” He answers his phone and pulls my thoughts back to the business, at hand.
I steel my resolve…. “Jimmy, Hon!” I say it in a husky voice. “It’s Ronni Brown. How about we finally go out on that date?” Not that I even have to try for “husky”…anymore…it seems to be my new “default.”
Trying not to throw up…I push the bile in my throat back down into my stomach and set up the date with Jimmy. Then I hang up, and sigh. I rub my forehead and grimace, in frustration.
I always thought that I’d be a virgin for my wedding. Whether that be with a guy…or a girl. I’m still not sure, where I’ll wind up…on that little detail. But either way…this was not my plan!
Now Lissa has other ideas…all in the name of her trials…. She is the Devil, incarnate!
I really don’t want to do what she’s demanding of me, but…I have to show her my…loyalty. I shudder and fight the tears that want to form. I have to give up my virginity…to prove my…fealty, to her.
She has made it clear that she can destroy my professional credibility…not just at WG…and I believe her. My career would be over before it even begins. She also has a lot of ties to the academic world…and could make or break my attempts at getting into college…the good ones, at least.
On top of that whole issue, I’ve been getting to the point that…I’m…well…having…undeniable…needs.
I’ve never had issues with popularity, but lately boys have been chasing me…more than usual. It doesn’t seem to matter that I am now completely immersed in this infernal “Goth” mode…another of Lissa’s requirements to prove my fealty. I don’t know why, but it’s like I’m somehow irresistible to them…what that has to do with the look, I don’t know. But the really weird thing is that I can’t deny that…they’ve been looking…good…to me, too. And like I said…that’s just not normal for me.
I check and make sure that my makeup is perfect…and that I look pretty…well, pretty for a “Goth.” I don’t even really notice that I’m doing it…not even the shudder that I still get every time I see my pale face, in the mirror…. I mean, I had quit worrying about my looks, after school…and my cheerleading “career” where I had to be little “Miss Perfect.” Not that my current look would have gone over very well with that crowd.
And…now, the girls at work…especially Dharma and Joyce…have been after me, to play my part as the “bait,” for recruiting. Lissa is fully on-board with that…as a collateral duty to my PA role. But the whole thing has really intensified my…desires. And the boys are really eating it all up…and it seems to encompass the whole table…like there is this radius of desire around me. While mostly I have been fighting the boys off with a stick…the girls have been looking for prospects to sign up for the next trial…whatever that is.
I pop in a fresh piece of gum and chew it frantically. It used to be more…calming…. Now, I just seem to have this irrational need, to chew it…. I groan, as I feel myself flush…and squirm…with a strange anticipation.
Tomorrow evening can’t get here soon enough!
* * * * *
I’m getting ready to go to football practice. School doesn’t start for another two weeks, but Coach has us practicing early…as usual…before classes start. I’m going to be the starting quarterback, again. If I play my cards right, I may get a football scholarship out of it…and go pro.
Not having to take over at the lumberyard, wouldn’t hurt my feelings. Not saying that it wouldn’t break Dad’s heart. But I don’t want to waste my life away at the sawmill, like he did. It’s bad enough, that I’ve had to waste my summers…and weekends…there!
And…well…Dad’s proud of my football progress, too! I think he would be OK with me making a few million in the NFL! Then I could just hire someone to run the mill for me. I grin and shake my head at my own far-fetched dreams.
I’m about to get into my car, when my phone rings. I jump when it goes off, since I rarely get any calls during the day…everyone knows I usually have to work. I look at the caller ID…and nearly drop the phone. It’s Ronni Brown! I didn’t even realize that I have her number in my phone, anymore!
I have no idea why she would be calling me. I had more than just a small crush on her, last year. I was head-over-heels in love. She’s such a babe!
I nearly fumble the phone, when I answer, but catch it…just in time. “Hello?” I sort of blurt it out, like an idiot. I pause…not wanting to say anything stupid…until I know if she just somehow butt-dialed me, or something.
“Jimmy, Hon! It’s Ronni Brown. How about we finally go out on that date?”
My heart beats faster when I hear her breathy voice. And this time…I actually do drop the phone.
“Jimmy? Are you there? Jimmy?” Her voice is coming from the floorboard where my phone landed.
I quickly locate it under my feet and pick it up. “H…H…Hi, Ronni!” I’m stuttering like a nervous idiot! Pull yourself together, Jimmy! “This is a surprise! Yes! I would love to go out on a date, with you! When? Where?”
She takes a deep breath and I hear her smacking on gum and popping it. “Awesome! How about Jackson’s at 7:00, tomorrow night? I’ll meet you there?”
My heart is still beating hard…like a tom-tom! This is really happening! “Sure!” I croak and I have to clear my throat. “That sounds great! I…I…have to run to practice, but I’ll see you at seven o’clock, tomorrow night!”
She makes a kissy sound into the phone and her voice gets even more sultry. “Seven p.m., sharp! Don’t be late!” And she hangs up.
I start the car and am so nervous, I accidentally put it into drive, instead of reverse. I almost drive into the pole in right front of me. I shake my head…to clear out the cobwebs…and put into reverse, then carefully back up. I take a deep breath to steady my shaking hands and wait for my heart to slow down…then take off towards school in a daze.
Coach Reynolds
* * * * *
I watch Rollings throw a deep pass to Brinkley. These two have what it takes, to go the distance! If they can keep from self-destructing…. So many great prospects do, before they get their shot. They let it go to their heads, or get a girl pregnant, or any number of bone-headed things.
I pump my fist in celebration, as Rollings steps out of the pocket, to complete another pass to Brinkley…while avoiding a sack, that would have cost him a loss of twenty yards. He made it look easy!
I shake my head. He’s in perfect shape. He’s a significant triple threat, on the field. So, I don’t get why he’s lost his confidence, off the field. Ever since that cheerleader, Ronni Brown, shot him down last year, he’s just…moped…around. He needs to get over her! But he does seem to have more spring in his step, today…something that he’s been lacking. So, maybe there is hope, after all!
I look at my watch. Six o’clock! I loudly blow my whistle, to signal the end of practice. “Good job, everyone! Now, hustle to those showers!”
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Now Samantha's WHOLE
Family except her father is in the grasps of the company WG. Someone HAS to stop them & these experments!
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
Is not caught up in it, yet, either. is looking dire for the fam...and others. :)
When the devil comes
to collect his due their is going to be hell to pay!
Maybe a fiddling contest?
Thanks for the support!
Yep, she's the right hand of the Devil.
Another great chapter, thx^^
Even the Devil needs good help! ;)