WunderBoy ~ Chapter 4

Isn't everything working the way it's supposed to? Everyone is falling in love with Sam....




By Shauna

Copyright© 2021 Shauna J. Rousseau

All Rights Reserved.

(Cover image designed by Shauna Rousseau & Joyce Melton.)

(Image Sources: Androgynous Man & Football Field



~ Day 51 ~



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I wake up with a jerk from the most bizarre dream. Or was it a nightmare? My mind is still foggy with sleep…but I dreamt that I had slept with Jimmy Rollings. It was both wonderful and disgusting….

Then I move my legs and feel the slight discomfort between them…and come fully awake…only to realize that it wasn’t a dream….that my living nightmare actually started last night. I don’t even really remember Jimmy leaving. I was in such…euphoria…and caught up in the lingering ecstatic feelings he had given me…at least for that moment. It’s certainly not how I would describe my feelings now! But…then again…it did feel good…really good.

I shudder and get up to take a shower. Maybe I can scrub the “disgust” off…and just be left with the “euphoria.” After the water turns steamy hot, I step into its welcoming warmth. I scrub myself…hard…then even harder. But it doesn’t help…the memories of last night…all of them…are indelibly imprinted on my mind…

After our dinner at Jackson’s, he followed me home…in his car. One of the perks of having good grades and graduating early…plus getting the job at WG…is that my parents let me move into the studio apartment…above the garage. It’s completely separated from the house, since it was originally meant to be rented out. Well…that’s what the former owners of the house intended. It sat empty for years…only occasionally used by us…as a guest room. Until now…now it is “home.” It has its own entrance…and it couldn’t work out more perfectly for me. It gives me privacy…but I still technically live at home. That solves the whole legal issue of me still being underage…but allows me to be semi “on my own.” Sometimes it pays to have a lawyer for a daddy…although…that can have its downsides, too!

Of course, my parents would never condone what happened last night…. When we got here, Jimmy parked around the corner and followed me up the outside stairs to my apartment. By then, I was no longer able to control myself…and neither was he. I still don’t know what has gotten into me, of late.

I shudder at the memory of the things we did. Thankfully, the apartment is well sound-proofed…since we were quite loud. The feelings he invoked in me…and my body’s responses…were wonderful...in the heat of that moment. And even if he is a guy. But my emotions…in the aftermath…were ones of pure disgust. I’m no longer a virgin…and it was not by my choice. Not that I blame Jimmy for that…that’s Lissa’s doings…. But that doesn’t help me…or Jimmy. We’re both screwed.

I sigh and turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel. I still feel dirty…both from what I did last night…and what I have to do today. I suppose I could talk to Daddy…but…I want to handle this on my own…I’m a big girl...and I need to start acting like one.

I quickly get dressed and do my makeup, then take my daily vitamins and birth control pill. I had no idea when Momma made me get on the pill…last year…that I would actually need it…. I just assumed that any sex I would have would be with another girl…but being on it has helped my complexion, so I’ve religiously taken my daily regimen of them…along with various vitamins and other supplements. Now…it was my saving grace. The last thing I need is to get pregnant! I shudder at the thought.

I take a deep breath and decide to grab a coffee and bagel on the way to work…instead of having my usual breakfast with Momma. I just can’t face her this morning. I feel crappy enough about what happened last night…and I don’t want to get into it again with her, on the whole “Goth” thing. It’s become a morning ritual to argue about it. She just doesn’t buy that Lissa insisted on it…or that it’s permanent….

I sigh and grab my purse. I need to get on the road…my meeting with Lissa…and Jimmy…is in an hour. I pop in a piece of my gum and lock the door behind me. I close my eyes and shudder…I’ll wash my sheets later. Once I’m in the car, I call Jimmy.

“Good morning, Ronni!” He answers on the first ring. “I still can’t believe last night! It was great! Do you want to get together again…tonight?”

I sigh. “Actually, I was hoping you could meet me at work…in say…an hour. My boss has this weird thing about meeting her employee’s family and…significant others.” I put more “husky” in my voice. “After last night…I think you qualify. Don’t you?” I fake a girly giggle.

He’s quiet for a minute. “You mean…we’re a real item? Sure! I can be there!”

“Meet me at the front entrance at 7:50 and we can walk to her office together.” I make a kissy sound and hang up. I groan…I want to puke!


* * * * *


* * * * *


I open the envelope and pull out the stack of official-looking papers. I shuffle through them and giggle…maybe just a bit maniacally. My “Samantha” problems are solved…my contact came through! All the paperwork to officially identify her as transgender is in my hand. I put the papers back into the envelope and put it in my top drawer. I take out the documents for my next meeting before closing and locking it. My contact helped modify the standard contract, as well. I scan back through the modified contract, then send Julia and Claire a message to come over to my office at ten o’clock.

I’ve just refilled my coffee when there is a knock on the door, and I grin in anticipation of what is to come.

Ronni comes in with my newest guinea pig. She has a sour look on her face, so I know she did my bidding.

I don’t care about her feelings…I know she had to have enjoyed it…whether she wanted to, or not. Her special gum wouldn’t allow her not to. And she’s happily chewing on more….

Our guinea pig certainly looks smug. I’m assuming the reason for that is Ronni gave him the cover story we “agreed” on.

I motion for Ronni to close the door behind them and smile brightly. “Well, hello there! I assume this is our newest guinea pig. Jimmy, right?”

He gets a confused look on his face.

“Yes, Lissa.” Ronni nods. “Jimmy…meet Lissa. My boss.”

He still looks confused. “Hello…Lissa? Ummm…Ronni said you would want to meet me…since we’re an item….”

I actually laugh. “An item? That’s an interesting way to put it. But…I suppose it would be accurate…based on what I know. At any rate, I have a responsibility to look out for my P.A.! So…an item…. Hmmm…. Tell me, Jimmy. Just how old are you?”

“Umm…well…I just turned eighteen. Why?” He obviously still doesn’t get it.

I suppose he really doesn’t have a reason to…and nod. “Ronni tells me that you and she slept together last night…as in…had sex. Is that right? Was it good?” I laugh at his face. “Oh…come on, Jimmy! We’re adults here, right? We can talk about stuff like this! Was Ronni any good?” I ignore the look of disgust on her face.

Jimmy grins. “She was awesome…but I still don’t get….”

I break in. “You do know how old Ronni is? Tell me you do, Jimmy.” I smile menacingly.

He shakes his head and looks at Ronni…more confused than ever. “I…I….”

“I’m seventeen.” She shrugs.

I nod. “Seventeen. Have you heard of statutory rape, Jimmy? It’s when someone ‘of age’…an adult…has sex with someone that’s ‘underage.’ A minor. It doesn’t matter if it’s consensual, or not. It’s illegal. Very illegal.” I tap a fingernail on my desk.

He pales. “But…but…but…” He looks at Ronni. “You set me up?” He looks like a whipped puppy.

She shakes her head. “I….”

“Whine…whine…whine….” I break in. “Ronni called to let me know that she was bringing you by…and why. She was excited. You know…since you two are now ‘an item.’ Now, let’s get to the meat of this matter. Jimmy, you broke the law…and I can’t just ignore that.” I nod at the camera recording the session. “And…you just admitted to it on camera. Just to be clear…Ronni’s motives for hooking up with you are completely beside the point. You like her, right? She likes you. Like you said…you’re an item. And I’m happy for you both….” I give Ronni a pointed look. “I’m sure you’ll continue to be a very happy couple. Yada…yada…yada….” I look back at Jimmy. “But you still broke the law…and I have to look out for my employees. We’re a very close-knit family around here.”

I sit back and pretend to mull it over. I want to laugh at his discomfort. “Now…I could be convinced to handle this differently…if you also become an employee…like Ronni….part of the ‘family.’ Then I could handle this as an…internal matter…between two employees.”

I’m pretty sure he’s not smart enough to know that’s totally illegal, in and of itself. Just because it’s “internal” doesn’t mitigate the crime he actually committed…. And…with their close proximity in age…it’s unlikely he would get much of a sentence…although…with her father…I’m sure he would get convicted. Anyway…I’m counting on his ignorance. Once I get my hooks into him, it won’t matter….

He looks dumbfounded. “I don’t get it. You want me as an employee? Doing what? Sweeping the floor? This is a cosmetics company…and I’m no Sam Brinkley!”

I smile dangerously. “Well…you can either tone it down…or I can call the police, right now!”

He pales.

“Now…. Let’s be clear, Samantha signed a contract to be a model with WG…as a WunderGirl. You would not be expected to do that. I don’t see you as WunderGirl material. But just to be sure…you’re not transgender…like her, right?” I feign embarrassment. “Oops! Damn! I shouldn’t have said that. Please keep it to yourself…it’s not widely known.” Of course, I fully expect them both to spread my “slip-up.” I need to cement Samantha’s “status.” I pretend to sigh. “Anyway…she has her reasons for being who she is…and doing what she does.”

I pause briefly to let it all sink in. “If you sign up for the trials…you will be contractually required to test certain body care products…like Samantha…but not as a WunderGirl.”

He shakes his head. “This is crazy!”

“Well…you can take your chances with the law. I think you should expect around fifteen years in prison…something like a hundred thousand dollar fine…and mandatory lifelong registration as a sex offender. You can kiss any kind of college goodbye. Or…you can sign up to test a few products…designed specifically for you.” I shrug. “It’s completely up to you….” I know those are the maximums…and like I said…he likely wouldn’t get the maximum. But he doesn’t know that.

He looks over at Ronni.

She knows to play along with this…like a good girl…and a supportive girlfriend. “Look, Hon. I don’t blame you…. I didn’t know about this…legality…either! But Lissa’s right…you need some protection…. This can give it to you…to us.” She looks like she’s going to throw up. Luckily…that can just be attributed to her normal Goth look…even though I know better.

He sighs and nods…then he looks at me. “Where do I sign? It’s only for body care products, right? And you won’t turn me in?”

I pull out the documents and don’t answer his questions. “Here’s the contract. Just sign here, here, here…and here. We’ll backdate it to yesterday…no one will ever know. That way you were an ‘employee’ when it happened….”

He signs everything…without even pretending to read it. At least the Brinkleys sort of knew what they were signing. This idiot just signed. Well…blackmailing an ignorant kid does have its perks, I guess!

I take the contract and put it in an envelope. “Ronni. Be a dear and take this over to HR for them to process. You can bring his copies of the contract back with you…then the two of you can go celebrate…however you want.” I wink. I know that gum has to be working on her. “In the meantime, I’ll take care of our first WunderBoy.”

Ronni takes the envelope…giving me a totally pissed off look…and quickly leaves….

Jimmy looks at me in confusion. “Wonder boy? What do you mean?”

“Well…” I shrug. “The contract you signed includes the standard WG marketing clause…. Well…almost standard. It is standard in that it says that you can be pulled in to help market our products…. But…since I assumed you didn’t want to market the WunderGirl. products…I asked for it to be modified to specify WunderBoy. products. Don’t worry…that product line doesn’t actually exist…but you’ll be first up to market it…when it does. I had the modification made for male participants after signing Samantha up…when it became clear to me…back then…that it would be an issue for a real man.”

He looks visibly shaken.

“I tell you what….” I give him something akin to an encouraging smile. “Let me take you over to see Ginny. She can explain your test products to you. I’ll send Ronni over there to pick you up when she gets back from HR.”

And this time…I know the psych test he’ll be given is valid.


* * * * *


* * * * *


I get Lissa’s message to meet her at 10:00. I’m instantly nervous…then I see that Claire is included on the email. That quickly settles my nerves. There’s only one reason that Lissa would want to see both me and my next-door neighbor, slash WG finance supervisor, slash best friend. It must have to do with Samantha and the Ansel Award.

Claire and I were just talking on the drive in about the strange invitation to the Country Club…and she let me know that it likely came from Adam Ansel. She also let me know after our initial discussion on the award that Lissa was working on getting the paperwork in order….

That alone is enough to scare the bejeebers out of me…knowing that Lissa is even involved. She is a snake…and a venomous one, at that.

I’m still not sure how I feel about the whole award idea. I’m especially not sure how I feel about it…with this whole membership thing…it just seems…off. I know that Adam wants Samantha to get the award…and Claire has moved mountains to make it happen. But…it means declaring that Sam is transgender…and basically forging documents to prove it. Knowing Lissa…the documents will be in order...but at what cost? And what does Adam get out of it?

Then…there is the bigger issue…Samantha has no idea…nor does Gary…about the award. And how do I explain the membership? But…for Samantha to have the opportunity to go to Oakwood…even if just for a year…is too good to pass up. So…she’s going to get a surprise later today…when Claire announces the winner. And…I guess we can celebrate at the Country Club.

I shake my head…at least that’s what I think the meeting is about. It’s all I can think of. I guess I’ll know for sure…in about an hour. I go outside to take a smoke break, in the meantime…and am surprised to find Claire already in the Smoker’s Corner.

“Hi, Claire. Ummmm…this is the second time you’ve been out here this week…. Is it becoming a habit again? I know how that is….” I grimace.

She nervously laughs. “God! I hope not! That’s the last thing I need…but Lissa sent a message to meet her…. Well…you’re on it, too. That woman scares me!” She inhales deeply on her cigarette and rolls her eyes.

I nod. “I assume it may be about the Ansel Award? I’m still not sure how I feel about that…especially after you told me Adam likely paid for our Country Club membership.” I light my cigarette and blow out a cloud of smoke. “Samantha still doesn’t know about the award…or its implications…nor does Gary.”

She shrugs. “Look. It’s a great opportunity. We can all go to the Country Club together. Gary can play some golf with Adam. And Samantha can go to school with Faith…and sidestep a lot of questions that she would have to deal with at the public school. Sure…she has to ‘admit’ to being transgender…but I’m not so sure she isn’t. Are you?”

I sigh. “No…. I don’t really know what to think anymore….”

She grabs my hand. “It’ll be OK, Jules. Samantha will love Oakwood.” She takes one final drag and stubs out her cigarette. “We just have to survive our meeting with Lissa. I’ll meet you there at 10:00!”

I nod as she leaves me alone. I finish my cigarette and light another. I will be glad when this is all over….


* * * * *


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I meet Jules outside Lissa’s door at 9:58 and we go in together.

Lissa looks up from the pile of papers on her desk and motions for us to sit. “Hi, girls. My contact came through.” She pulls a manilla envelope out of her top drawer and hands it to Jules. “These are the papers you will need for Oakwood…and anyone else that needs ‘proof’ that Samantha is TG. She’s even covered if anyone gets the bright idea to check up on the papers. It cost me a lot…in terms of owing a favor…to get these. So…I will be collecting from both of you, in return.”

Jules pales and takes the envelope. Then she slowly pulls out the papers with a sigh.

While she’s shuffling through them, I look at Lissa. “So…we’re good to announce that Samantha got the award?”

Lissa nods. “Does she know, yet?”

“No…I haven’t told her. Have you mentioned anything to her since we last talked?” I look over at Jules.

She shakes her head. “No. She has no idea. I know that there’s a lot to do to get her enrolled…and everything. So, it’s good these came in…there’s not much time left before school starts. I just don’t know how she’ll do there.”

I nod. “Well…Faith can help her…and Gerome, too. He may not be in her classes…but he will be in the same school.”

Jules pales. “Gerome goes there? Is that why Adam wants her to go so badly?”

I shrug. “It seems to be part of it…yes. Is that a problem?”

“I guess time will tell.” She sighs. “Samantha is not Gerome’s biggest fan, right now….”

Lissa grins. “Ahhh… Young love. I just had to deal with some of that myself…between Ronni Brown and Jimmy Rollings.”

Jules looks shocked. “Ronni and Jimmy? Really? When did that happen?” Jimmy is Chad’s best friend…and he hasn’t mentioned anything about it. And I’m still shocked at the change in Ronni, since she became Lissa’s P.A.

Lissa shrugs. “Last night, it seems. Jimmy is also a now participant in our newest trial… He signed up yesterday…and is finishing up with Ginny, as we speak.”

I smile. “Well good for them! I don’t get Ronni’s new look…but who understands kids these days? I wonder what her mother thinks? But I’m glad she’s found someone that likes her…in spite of her…uniqueness. Anyway…I need to let Samantha know about winning the award…and send out the notification to everyone. I will also let Dr. Henderson at Oakwood know that Samantha got the award. She’ll likely want to meet with Samantha…and you and Gary…tomorrow, Jules.” I quickly leave them to go back to my office.


* * * * *


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I’m on my second round of the morning. Dharma has me in six-inch stilettos, this morning…and the heels are as pointed as an old-fashioned ice pick. I only know that because I saw one at the lumberyard….

I don’t know why they keep making me practice walking in heels. I think I could play basketball in them now…well…if I could play basketball…. Anyway…they don’t even really kill my feet…or calves, anymore…not even after walking in them all day.

I round the corner and enter the main R&D hallway. I see Ronni and some guy entering Ginny’s lab. I still can’t believe the change in Ronni…I never would have pegged her for a Goth! It just doesn’t…fit her. Then I nearly trip as the guy turns his head slightly on his way in. It’s Jimmy Rollings! What in the world is he doing here? And with Ronni…going into Ginny’s lab?

I don’t get a chance to ask. I’m about to call out to them…before they disappear into the lab…but my phone goes off and distracts me. I stop and pull it out of the small crossbody purse I use when “making my rounds.” I see that I have a “work” email. I rarely get anything like that…so I’m curious. I see that it’s from Claire when I open it. Then I nearly choke when I read it.

“Adam Ansel Award? What the Hell is that? Wait…! Distinguished female model…? Scholarship to…Oakwood?” I’m muttering to myself as I read through the lengthy notification. Then I scream when the implication hits me. “Gerome goes there! Arrrrgh!!!”

I pivot on my heels…I’m surprised that I don’t drill right down through the marble with the sharp points…and head to where I’m pretty sure I’ll find Momma. I have to know if she knows anything about this!

Sure enough. She’s with Claire in the Smoker’s Corner. It’s a filthy, dirty habit…but it does make finding her easier…the lure of nicotine must be something terrible.

“Momma! Claire! What is this? How can I win an award for a girl? That’s not right! And…I don’t want to go to school with Gerome!”

Momma chokes on her smoke.

Claire looks at me and smiles. “It’s a wonderful honor, Samantha. And don’t think about going to school with Gerome. He’s in the boys’ classes, anyway. Just think about going to school with Faith. You’ll have many of your classes with her. Although…your curriculum will be much more heavily weighted toward the ‘finishing school’ aspects than Faith’s is. You’ll be in the ‘traditional’ track…not the ‘modern’ one.”

I sigh.

Momma finally gets over her choking. “Hon, just think about it. You’ll be going to school as a girl…no matter what. Don’t you think it will be easier to go somewhere you’re not known? You can always go back to public school…if things…change.” She shrugs. “But for now, it really is your best option.”

Other than Mark, I really doubt anyone at school would care…and I don’t even know how he will ultimately react to my…changes. He’s still in Europe…Italy, I think…with his parents…and still hasn’t responded to any of my emails.

Thankfully, Faith has been there for me. It will actually be kind of nice to be back in school with her…I guess. But…I’m still not sure about Oakwood.

“Maybe so…I don’t know.” I shrug. “Anyway…I still don’t get how I can win an award meant for a girl! Won’t they have to know at school that I’m not? And…if so…how will I get put in with the girls? Won’t I have to be with the boys? How is that any better? That would be way worse!”

Momma looks embarrassed…when she admits the truth. “Well…Hon…I have some ‘official’ papers that certify that you’re transgender…that you’re really a girl…on the inside. You will be with the girls…since you are one…at least in the school’s eyes.”

I feel faint.

“It also makes you eligible for the award.” Claire smiles wanly.

“B…b…but…doesn’t that take a doctor…a shrink…or something…to certify it? Aside from it not being true…how did you get these papers. I’ve certainly never seen a shrink!” Suddenly…I’m starting to see the appeal of those cigarettes…or maybe a heavy-duty drug of some sort! Heroin sounds good, right now!

Claire clears her throat. “Well…Lissa was able to ‘remotely’ get you the appropriate statements…kind of like tele-medicine. You have a meeting with Dr. Henderson…the Headmistress…in the morning, at eight o’clock. It’s important that you…stay in your role of ‘Samantha.’”

“But why me? I don’t deserve this award! I don’t even qualify!” I cross my arms in front of my chest and huff. I don’t realize just how much that makes me look like the girl that I’m protesting being.

Momma smiles. “Are you sure, Hon? That was a completely girlish reaction! Are you really sure that you’re not a girl? Give it a shot. What can it hurt?”

“Other than my sanity? My…entire life?” I shake my head. “Oh…I don’t know….” I let it drop. It’s clear to me that I’m just along for the ride. But…I do have to admit…it is kind of cool to win the award. “Wait! Does Daddy know about this?”

Momma sucks deeply on her cigarette and shakes her head…she’s bright red…and coughing again.

This should be interesting!


* * * * *


* * * * *


I meet Ronni in front of the factory and give her a kiss.

She seems kind of…nervous…or something. I’m not really sure what it is. She’s just acting kind of weird as she leads me into the building.

I nervously take her hand and look around…at all of the women walking in the halls…. They’re all perfectly made up and provocatively dressed. It’s every man’s wet dream…the way they look. But this place gives me the creeps…it reeks of estrogen. I think I’ll steer clear of the drinking fountains…they probably add it to the water in high doses…. I wonder if they can somehow pump it through the air? I shudder. How long can I hold my breath?

My frantic thoughts are thankfully interrupted as Ronni stops in front of an office and knocks on the door…before entering without waiting. I nervously follow her in.

A menacing-looking woman is sitting behind a desk and motions for Ronni to close the door behind us.

Scant minutes later…I fall down the rabbit’s hole. This woman drops an atomic bomb on me. When I can in here…last night was the best night of my life! Now, I can only pray that it was a dream. Because…otherwise…it has become a nightmare! I just turned eighteen a couple of weeks ago…and that makes it illegal for me to sleep with my girlfriend? I get having to worry about her parents…but the law? But…somehow…I know this “Lissa” isn’t joking around.

So…I give in…and sign her infernal contract. At least it seems that Ronni and I can still be together…and I suppose that…now that I’m part of the ‘family’…that…what we do together is…up to us. I mean…that’s how I take the “…then the two of you can go celebrate…however you want” comment…and the accompanying wink.

But then Ronni leaves me alone with her…and takes the contract with her…to file it with HR. It seems that I’m stuck with it…now. For better or worse…. I wonder if this is how Sam Brinkley felt?

This woman is some sort of Devil. I’m sure of it! When she calls me a “wonder boy” it both confuses and worries me…. That’s awfully close to WunderGirl. But…her explanation of what she actually means only serves to make me even more ill at ease…. I mean…what does she mean…the line doesn’t exist…yet? Does that mean it will? And…I will have to market it? I’m afraid to push it…I’ll have to talk to Ronni about it.

Then she drops me off at some sort of lab…. She seems oblivious to my muddled state of mind…or she just doesn’t care…which is much more likely.

But…If I thought the morning…so far…was weird…I was wrong. The next several hours are just fucking bizarre…right out of a horror movie! This woman in the lab…Ginny…makes me take this strange written test…with all kinds of odd questions. Then she loads me up with a fucking truckload of products…potions and lotions…and shit. She gives me detailed instructions on how to use them all…and tells me there are even YouTube videos….

After she’s done going through it all, she dumps me off on this photographer…Becky…who takes “baseline” photos…whatever the fuck that means. She seems oddly…disturbed by me being in the trial…but doesn’t really say much outside of giving me instructions on how to “pose.” Finally…she dumps me back in the lab…with Ginny.

Thankfully, Ronni is waiting for me when she does. “Hi…Hon. How did it go?”

I just shake my head in total confusion…completely overwhelmed with what just happened.

Ginny smiles. “Ronni is a great resource. She can help you with any questions you might have. Of course, you’re always free to ask me, too. You’re one of us, now!”

Ronni just nods and smiles. She’s chewing furiously on her gum. “Come on! Let’s go back to my apartment…I forgot something. Then we can…celebrate…like Lissa suggested!”

“Umm…sure. Bye Ginny…I guess I’m supposed to take all of…this…with me?” I look at the bags of…stuff….

She nods and waves. “Yep! See you later, Hon!”

I pick up the bags and follow Ronni out. When we get back out to the parking lot, I unceremoniously dump the stuff in my trunk and look at Ronni. “What the fuck just happened in there, Ronni? Do you really think I raped you?”

She shakes her head. “No…Hon. But Lissa will…take advantage of anything she can. That’s just…her. She saw an opportunity…and took it. But staying on her good side can bring a lot of benefits. I just warn you about getting on her bad side…. Anyway, let’s not talk about that…I haven’t made my bed yet….” She winks and furiously chews on her gum.

My heart leaps…and I goofily follow along behind her, in my car…back to her apartment.


* * * * *


* * * * *


I’ve never known Jimmy to be late for a practice…and today was too close! He waltzed in with thirty seconds to spare! He barely had time to get suited up before Coach Reynolds blew the whistle to start practice.

I catch him on the way out. “What the fuck, Dude? You were almost late! We can’t afford for you to get benched!”

He grins and waggles his eyebrows. “I just scored…twice. Last night…and just now…and the extra points were good!”

It hits me what he means. “You mean…Ronni? Seriously? Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”

He just shakes his head and grins. “Fred’s tonight…at seven. Bring Alice!” He runs off to talk to coach while I go to start warming up.


* * * * *


* * * * *


I vehemently blow my smoke out in frustration. “We have to do what, now? Because of what, now?” I must have misheard Jules.

She nervously lights a cigarette…which is not a good sign. If she’s nervous…it can’t spell anything good. She’s always rock steady. “We need to go to Oakwood tomorrow and speak with Mrs…Ms…Dr. Henderson. She’s the headmistress…to finish Samantha’s enrollment.”

Sam is sitting there…with a mixture of dread and…curiosity…on his…her face.

“I don’t understand. Does this have something to do with the mysterious Country Club membership?” I am completely lost…and I don’t like losing control of my situation…like with Sam….

Jules shrugs… “According to Claire, the membership likely came from Adam Ansel…the very person that insisted on Samantha getting the scholarship. I don’t pretend to understand it all…but the membership is in good standing…Claire checked. She wants us all to go there and celebrate on Sunday. She said something about Adam needing a new golf partner…and wondered if you would be interested. I told her that I assumed you would be.”

I nod. “Sure…that would be great…but I still don’t understand!”

Jules shrugs again…as she blows out her smoke…then deflects as she stares at Sam. “What? I’ve seen you staring at me…and the others in the Corner. Don’t be so quick to judge, Love. You’re curious…aren’t you? Do you want to try it?” She pulls out an unlit cigarette and holds it out to him…her….

My heart nearly stops.

Sam just blushes and shakes his…her head. “No, Momma. Ewwww!”

“OK, then. Anytime you’re ready…you just let me know. But don’t you ever judge me, young lady!” Jules puts the cigarette away.

I’m blown away. I’ve never seen Jules react this way. It’s like a mother-daughter thing…. She really does see Sam as her daughter. I shake my head. “Can we get back to the matter-at-hand? Oakwood?”

Jules sighs. “Like I was saying…Samantha has won the prestigious ‘Adams Award.’ It’s a full ride to Oakwood…started by Adam Ansel…hence the name. The thing is…she will be enrolled as a girl…in the traditional girls’ track.”

My head hurts. “Wait! Sam won an award for a girl? How…? Aren’t there some kind of rules…?”

Sam looks smug…as she grins at Jules.

“Well…yes…. You see Samantha is transgender. I have the paperwork in my purse to prove it. She’s really a girl….” She sucks on her cigarette.

“Bullshit! That takes a shrink! And Sam’s never said anything about it…ever!” I feel like my head is going to explode!

She just gets up and pulls out a sheath of papers from her purse…and hands them to me.

I read through them and almost drop them to the ground in defeat. “So…Sam is a girl…. But when did she see a shrink?”

Sam…antha turns bright red.

Jules shrugs. “It was a…virtual…thing…you know…like tele-madicine. Lissa set it up.” She gives Sam…antha another pointed look.

Sam…antha gets an angry look on her face.

I’m completely lost…maybe it’s another mother-daughter thing?

“You know what, Momma? I think I will take that cigarette!” She glares at her.

Jules smiles…dangerously.

I know that smile. Poor Sam…antha!

She hands her a cigarette…and lights it for her. “Now…young lady. You will smoke the whole thing. I want to see you inhale it…deeply…hold it in for a count of ten…and slowly exhale it through your nose. That way I know you’re actually getting the full effect…and not faking it.”

I want to protest…but know better. Our parents did the same thing to both of us…to discourage us.

Samantha inhales…deeply…and nearly chokes. But she holds it together…she exhales through her nose.

Jules makes her keep on.

She gets greener with each drag. Finally, she puts out the butt…and runs to the bathroom…likely to throw up. She returns after a minute…with a defiant look on her face.

I don’t think she actually vomited…but I doubt that she’ll want another, anytime soon.

It worked on Jules and me, too…for a couple of days…. But we had a whole lot more peer pressure than Sam…antha…smoking was “cool” back then. Anyway…if this didn’t work…then…she…can meet one of my cigars. If it goes beyond that…well…then we warned…her….

I shrug. “OK. Now that that drama is over…whatever it was…what is this about tomorrow?” I take a drink of whiskey. This is just too weird!

Samantha looks defiant. “Oh…it’s nothing, Daddy. I’m supposed to go sign up to be ‘finished’ as a ‘young lady’…and be prepared to take on my role in life ‘as a woman.’ It’s demeaning…and it’s wrong! And I don’t want it!”

Jules loudly slaps the patio table in front of her…rattling the glass.

We all jump!

“Enough!” She shakes her head. “Samantha…you can’t turn down the award…you will go…at least for this coming year. Now get over yourself. Us women have been dealing with sexism for centuries…you’ll live!”

Samantha turns beet-red…and makes a big show of taking a cigarette from Jules’ pack. She looks Jules defiantly in the eye…lights it…inhales deeply…and slowly exhales through her nose.

So much for that plan…!

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