
The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 31 & 32

Positively Patsy Part 31

After we had all gone down to the dressing rooms and change back into normal clothes, Lucy took charge of the stage gear for cleaning and transporting to New York. I went to see each of our stars and told them that we would get together in a week Friday at their hotel in New York and to enjoy their break. I told them to watch the Seattle show on the weekend as it was a bit different.

The Bank Heist - Part 10 of 11



Part 10 of 11

Chapter 15
When we got home late, the other girls took one look at us and asked why we both looked like we'd gotten laid but hadn't been in the bedroom yet. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get used to girls asking questions like that, I was brought up to think girls didn't do stuff like that.

The Bank Heist - Part 9 of 11



Part 9 of 11

Chapter 14
It took us two days to read all the things I had been given. It looked like being a Court Reporter involved more that pushing buttons on a machine, you had to take stenography and legal vocabulary and quite a few other courses to qualify. For a seventeen year old high school dropout, it looked like a lot to do. I just had to tell myself I was a twenty-one year old A student - just like my transcript said.

A Mother's Love (fan-fiction)

A Mother's Love (fan-fiction)
Volume 3.03

by **Sigh**, with assistance from Angharad
Copyright© 2020 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.


In London, Steve and Mary are young lovers who meet and marry. Though their love is strong, there are complicating factors. Mary has HIV, contracted from a one night stand she had before she met Steve. She's also given birth to their daughter, who is free of HIV but did inherit the same severe intolerance to cow's milk that Steve has. The obvious answer is breastfeeding, but Mary's HIV+ status (not to mention all of the anti-HIV drugs she's on) makes her a poor candidate for that. So ... Steve volunteers for the duty. He takes hormones to grow his breasts and begin lactation.

All goes well, until ... complications!
**Steve's very prominent breasts and his breastfeeding his daughter produce uncomfortable public circumstances; he begins dressing as a woman for work, which eases the discomfort because he passes pretty well. TOO well ...
**Mary comes down with cancer; she leaves Steve and the children to stay with her mother because she feels she's a burden AND because she doesn't like to see her husband becoming more female; she stops HIV treatment and progresses to full-blown AIDS.
**Steve, who goes by Stephanie when dressed as a woman, meets a new Doctor who then talks to Mary and convinces her to restart treatment for both the AIDS and cancer; the AIDS holds in check and her cancer goes into remission!
**BUT on two or three occasions now, the new Dr. (Jonathan Brown) has kissed Stephanie - sending her into totally unexpected and unsettling throes of infatuation! (Mary is unaware of this)
**Despite all of this, Steve and Mary's life returns to some normalcy; in addition to daughter Bekka, the couple now have a young infant son, so Steve's breastfeeding (and time spent as Stephanie) must continue. Mary announces that Steve needs to wean baby Hugh off breast milk - and that Steve should get a bilateral mastectomy ASAP! Problem: the surgeon REFUSES.

Now - **whew** - without any further ado, here is the next part of the story. Stephanie is driving home from the plastic surgeon's office ...

The Bank Heist - Part 8 of 11



Part 8 of 11

Chapter 12
If my first - and last - date on Saturday was exciting, Sunday at the zoo was something else. Scary, exciting, thrilling, all mixed up. I now knew that Vito was no longer wanted as a murderer, although they would probably want me to do time for burglary and general mopary and dopary. I could still use that as an excuse to stay in my disguise as Eliza.

The Bank Heist - Part 7 of 11



Part 7 of 11

Chapter 10
Patty was right. It took three more days for Mike the Cop to ask me for a date. It was the first time I talked to a cop and he was the one being nervous. Go figure! We got off the bus and Mike the Cop just happened to be walking by the bus stop when we arrived.

The Loft ~ Chapter 4

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft 2 - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © - Dreamstime.com)

Chapter Four


The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 29 & 30

Positively Patsy Part 29

The next day we got the full band back in, staying in the studio. We set it up as it would be on stage and worked on the six solo acts, with the choir now standing back beside the band, half on each side. I must say that our stars were very good and looked good as well in their stage gear.

The Bank Heist - Part 6 of 11



Part 6 of 11

Chapter 9
The alarm goes off and Patty shags me outa bed again. I shouldn't complain, it's almost an hour later than I hadda get up for school. That makes me think. Looks like Vito ain't gonna graduate this year as he's hiding out from the cops. I bet the pigs have been swarmin' around the school hopin' I was stupid enough to come back.

I ain't that stupid.

The Bank Heist - Part 5 of 11



Part 5 of 11

Chapter 8
It took three more days for the storm to stop and the plows to clear the streets so cars could move once more. Other than sleepin' with Patty, I had a hard time learnin' to be Liza. The girls were determined that I would be the kind of girl that no one would think twice about bein' anythin' but what she looked like.

The Bank Heist - Part 4 of 11



Part 4 of 11

Chapter 6
Now we get to the interestin' part that I've been making you wait for. We writers need to put in some suspense so you good folks will keep on readin'. We gets back to the bedroom and it dawns on me I ain't got no clothes to wear. This little fact had dawned on Patty last night, and that wicked sense of humor I told ya's about cut in again as she hands me a pair of her panties.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 27 & 28

Positively Patsy Part 27

I now had time to sit down and write ‘One Night in June’ for the band, Greg, five stars and two choirs. This would be the biggest hurdle to overcome. After about a week at getting a basic idea sorted, I rang Sarah and asked if she knew of a local composer who could help me with it and she gave me a name to contact.

A Wedding with a Difference

A Wedding With a Difference

Ben Norwood 2020
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Here's a light-hearted bit of fluff I came up with the other day. Descriptions have deliberately been kept vague, both to keep it nice and short (so I had more chance of finishing it, rather than leaving it abandoned!) and to allow your imaginations to fill in the gaps.

The Bank Heist - Part 3 of 11



Part 3 of 11

Chapter 5
The girls went off to their bedrooms and I was left on the couch. I tried to figure out just what I was goin' to do, that talk of body bags had me scared. It all sounded cool and great fun when Uncle Jimmy got me inta the heist, but someone gettin' killed was a shit show I wasn't ready for. I fell asleep before I could do much more thinkin'. It had been a long, strange day.

The Bank Heist - Part 2 of 11



Part 2 of 11

Chapter 3
I was havin' this really strange dream. Like, I sometimes have sexy dreams, ones that make me change the sheets before my mother can do the job, but they're usually not all that vivid and I don't remember much when I wake up.

The Bank Heist


Audience Rating: 



I blame it all on my Uncle Jimmy. It's his fault I ended up this way. It certainly wasn't my fault, I mean c'mon, I was just a kid, what did I know? If ya's in a hurry to read somethin' that will get your rocks off yer outta luck, this here's a sensitive true-life story of how I got to be the dame I am today.

Smiles Everyone! Smiles!: A Fantasy Island Story

Fantasy Island and all associated characters are owned by Spelling-Goldberg Productions, Columbia Pictures Television, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Copyright infringement is not intended.
Smiles Everyone cover_0.png
Graphic created by Patricia Marie Allen from pictures found on Pixabay.com

Smiles Everyone. Smiles!

A short story by Rosemary

Special thanks to Malady for his help editing.

Brad Tyler.

He had just turned eleven years old, and he hadn’t gotten much in the way of presents for his birthday. In fact, all he had gotten was a twenty-five dollar check from both sets of grandparents.

His dad, Bill, was being laid off from his job as a groundskeeper from the local hospital, so his parents weren’t able to get him anything really. He understood, and was grateful for the fifty dollars he’d received.

The Magnificent Seven, Part 7 of 7



Part 7 of 7

Chapter 14
How did four years go by so fast? Seems like just Yesterday Rose was starting high school and in a few minutes she would be walking across the stage to receive her diploma. Travis and Ruth smiled to think the entire family was there to watch, and not incidentally keep track of the active four-year-old and frenetic two-year-old grandchildren who were bored with the whole affair.

The Loft ~ Chapter 3

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft 2 - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © - Dreamstime.com)

Chapter Three


The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 25 & 26

Positively Patsy Part 25

In New York we had a conference with Simon and his CEO about the TV show. One of the networks was interested and we made an appointment to go and see them. When we got to their office it was almost filled with suited types with lots of gold jewellery. I immediately asked how many TV executives it needs to change a light bulb.

The Magnificent Seven, Part 6 of 7



Part 6 of 7

Chapter 12
Luke and Rose rode for some time across the grassland until a copse of trees came into sight. Rose changed course slightly to head for the trees and they soon arrived at the watering station.

"Now that shoots that old saw all to blazes, don't it?"

The Magnificent Seven, Part 4 of 7


Image by creative2afault from Pixabay


Part 4 of 7

Chapter 9
"Well, you seem to have a rosy glow about you this morning"

"You bet, Doc! My sisters clubbed together again and got me a new pair of breast forms for my fifteenth birthday. They tell me I have to keep up with the way my body is growing, but if they keep at it I may end up with the biggest boobs in Texas by the time I'm in college."

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 23 & 24

Positively Patsy Part 23

Mary had been busy while we had been away and had organised a cooking school which was already under way. Greg and Peggy had been back a while and everything was under control. There was to be another one coming in for two months when this one finished; then a riding school, followed by a music school towards the end of the year.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I used to say that I could wrap Daddy around my little finger. I suppose that is what most daughters say. He basically gave me everything I asked for, but really it was just because he could afford it. Some things he would never let me have. A sex life seemed like one of those.

The Magnificent Seven, Part 3 of 7

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Part 3 of 7

Chapter 7
Rite of Passage, is a term used by anthropologists to mark a significant change in a person's place in society. Almost all societies mark marriage - the creation of a new family unit - with a formal ceremony. Becoming a member of a group, such as the military calls for a ceremony, and of course the passage from child to adult is the most obvious passage in our contemporary society.

This To Keep Me Quiet - Chapter 2


Chapter Two - I Am Yours With The Following Caveats

Drag performer Michelle Tanner has been clocked by her boss Alan Wright performing at The Horseshoe Club. Alan is infatuated with Michelle even though he knows she's really his subordinate Michael Tanner. He tries to blackmail Michelle but she turns the tables on him.

The Magnificent Seven, Part 1 of 7

Mag 1.jpg

Part 1 of 7

Chapter 1
Texas. Y'all know that everything's bigger in Texas even if we hardly ever say y'all around here any more; too sophisticated, I guess. One thing for sure: Texas is big. It takes two long days to cross it from east to west without gathering a speeding ticket or two. Hell, the King ranch at 825,000 acres is bigger than the State of Rhode Island at 775,900 acres.

The Magnificent Seven


Audience Rating: 


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When you live in the middle of nowhere, you hunker down and make your own entertainment. There is one age-old entertainment that never palls, thus Ruth and Travis Jordan produced a new family member with some regularity after entertaining themselves quite enthusiastically. For the first six productions they had to come up with a female name to use for the Christening at the local little white church house. Thus we have Ramona, Raina, Roslyn, Roxy, Rhoda and Rita.

The Loft ~ Chapter 2

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © - Dreamstime.com)

Chapter Two


The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 21 & 22

Positively Patsy Part 21

We went back to the house Monday morning and Jake and the band showed up for lunch. We were sitting down eating, and Greg told them why he wanted to see them. “Guys, I walked off the stage in London thinking that I would be dead in a few weeks and intended never to again grace a stage.”

My Obsession, Part 29 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 29 of 29

Epilogue, October 9, 2020
The whole Covid-19 mess has left me with a great deal of time on my hands. One of the things I have done is re-read my diaries from the beginning of my transition. I've decided that sharing them might be a help to someone else who is thinking that living as a woman is a desirable thing to do, so I've excerpted those parts about transitioning.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Ours had always been a very religious household. I guess Mom was really the key to that. Dad always said the strength of faith comes from the women. But he was the elder in our church, and he seemed fully committed.

My Obsession, Part 28 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 28 of 29

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Even though he officially retired some years ago, Grandpa is still a force to be reckoned with at the library. If he needs the community room on New Year's Eve then naturally he gets the community room on New Year's Eve even if the place is shuttered tight. He says he knows just where all the bodies are buried and there's no budget for re-interring them so they just have to let him do what he wants.

The Patsy Project. Book 3. Positively Patsy Parts 19 & 20

Positively Patsy Part 19

August, September and October we had the music school. This time we had ten very talented late teens that knew all about ‘Amazon’ and Greg’s work and were very attentive from the word go. These were all from foster homes and had shown their talents through high school bands.

My Obsession, Part 27 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 27 of 29

Thursday, December 26, 2013
I have a decision to make, and I've been putting it off. Mary Ann and I have been tossing around our options and her family has been able to offer some pretty good advice, but the decision is mine in the end. No, that's not completely true. Mary Ann and I have to make the decision together as it affects the both of us.

My Obsession, Part 26 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 26 of 29

Monday, December 16
Oddly, I got the answer to finding Mary Ann's gift in the psychology exam this morning. There were questions about family relations and - of course! - dysfunction. Which made me realize I should call her brother Dale and ask him if he has any bright ideas. I had to slap myself and put my mind back on the exam after getting another bright idea.

My Obsession, Part 25 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 25 of 29

Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Turkey day. No, not the day we eat the turkey but the day we get the turkey. Seems like a lot of fuss to get a turkey when the supermarket had piles of them in the freezer, but Eve swears it's worth the effort for a fresh organic turkey.

The Loft ~ Chapter 1

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


The Loft - LR.jpg

The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © - Dreamstime.com)

Chapter One


My Obsession, Part 24 of 29


Photo by Wilson Vitorino from Pexels

Part 24 of 29

Saturday, October 26, 2013
Dress shopping with Eve and Mary Ann. I'm getting a real kick out of being a bridesmaid, something I never aspired to in my wildest dreams. Some of the girls I know on campus are addicted to something called Say Yes To The Dress and can go on for hours about finding the perfect wedding gown. Hey - I love wearing dresses and enjoy shopping on my rather limited budget, but really! I just can't get into gushing about this neckline or that train or who knows what else.


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