A Winter's Tale

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Prologue – The Flight North

As I relaxed in the business class seat in my Qantas flight to Singapore I reflected on the life, especially the last nine months. This trip was a break after clearing up my late wife of thirty five year’s estate. Her passing had been sudden; a driver high on Ice fleeing the police crossed to the wrong side of the road in an effort to evade capture and drove straight into my wife’s car at around one hundred and forty kilometres per hour. This added to my wife’s sixty in the opposite direction made for a destructive crash. The other driver had never had a licence, had been banned from driving for life and had stolen the car. Not a lot more he could have done wrong really but that did not help my wife. Now nine months later, I had obtained probate and distributed everything according to her wishes. Time to relax and enjoy a two week cruise, relaxing next to the pool and drinking beer as the ship sailed down to Fremantle, the port for Perth where I lived. It was winter in Perth and the prospect of warm weather in Singapore, Indonesia and the North West of Western Australia was very attractive.

One thing that had been a consequence of the unfortunate accident was that I had been able to indulge my fancies without the disapproval that had been a feature of the last few years of our marriage. We were both sixty years old and the spark had gone out of our sex life, partly my fault, but mostly as a result of her menopause. When I was a young pre-teen, I had wished that somehow magically I could be transformed into a girl so I could wear dresses. As I moved into my teens, I realised there was no magic, and in those days transitioning from male to female was not as common, not were people as aware of it, as it is these days. When I was fifteen I discovered I liked boys and despite it being illegal, I had a boyfriend for more than two years until we both moved to the country for work. I met my wife in the country town I was based in and life seemed normal at least until I discovered that I liked wearing her panties. I did not have a sister and my mother’s clothes were not available and much too large for me anyway as I grew up, so I had never had the experience of cross dressing as a youth. That changed as time passed and at some stage I had to tell my wife that I wanted to dress “en femme” and if that meant splitting, that was how it was. I can’t say it went down well but she accepted I would dress but it was obvious she neither like it nor really understood. She did ask if I was gay or wanted to be a woman and I said no to both, which was a lie. I was at least bi and I wanted to be a woman but not enough to go through the pain and isolation of changing my sex which she was aware of but did not approve of. Nevertheless, I managed to build up a wardrobe of clothes and was able to dress when I was alone. In the last few years, I had begun to work from home on short term consulting contracts for a major franchisor which meant that I was able to dress when home alone. It also gave me the chance to meet men either at home or elsewhere including the local steam baths. I was not really a nice man I suppose you could say, but felt driven to it.

In the first month after the crash, I was a bit numb. We had spent more than half my life together and it was a great shock. My children were very supportive and it was fortunate we had a good relationship and there were no arguments about the distribution of my wife’s estate. I did however cross dress whenever I was home, although not if the children visited, or I was looking after the grandchildren. But getting the mail and working in the garden was often done dressed and my shorts and jeans tended to come from ladies’ boutiques. Initially, once I was over the shock and the loss, I was a little promiscuous and enjoyed having men in my bed, and would go out to gay bars with them. I did not mind if they wanted me cross dressed or in male form, but so long as they were warm and affectionate, I could enjoy myself and it relieved the stress somewhat. Later, I slowed down and just had one or two men who I was intimate with, but did not want to form a permanent relationship; this could lead to all sorts of problems and the last thing I needed was more problems with the stress of work and of winding up my wife’s affairs. There was one who was more frequent in my bed than most. He was a little older than me, a widower and retired. What made him different and more fun was that when we first arranged to meet, it was not him coming to my home for a quick kiss and cuddle, and then taking my panties of for a quickie followed by a quick retreat out the door. I also had found that there tended to be an inverse relationship between the size of a man’s belly and the size of his cock, much to my frequent disappointment. Also such ill proportioned men tended to have problems getting and staying hard, which was a greater disappointment. None of these failings applied to Geoff.


Geoff told me he liked my pictures on BiAustralia with me dressed in various dresses and skirt and tip combinations and asked if he could take me to dinner. I said yes and asked him to call me June while I was skirted. He invited me to his home and from there would take me to dinner at a local restaurant that had the gay flag at its entrance and which was happy to welcome cross dressers like me as guests. When I arrived at his home he told me to put my Mini in his garage next to his Land Rover Discovery and come inside to meet and make sure we were happy with each other. He was quite well proportioned, not fat and certainly not carrying the result of too much beer in the gut. He offered me a glass of Shiraz which he had established that I preferred in our on line chats.

“I am going to order an Uber to take us to the restaurant so we needn’t worry about being caught drunk driving” he said, which I thought was very good of him but it also implied that since my car was in his garage and we were drinking, I would be staying the night. We would see.
Geoff had booked a table and we had a pleasant dinner with a cleansing beer while we waited for our order of three courses of slightly better than pub food with nice local red wine. It was a pleasant and relaxed way to meet with our discussions varying from our personal activities such as my tennis and gym, his love of fishing and caravanning. We had both travelled but his was more within Australia than out. He also expressed a preference for transgender male to female girls like me. When we finished we moved to the bar where we listened to the music but after one beer, decided that it was too loud and the doof doof did not sit well with our idea of music. We walked down the street to find a coffee shop and continued to chat. Geoff held my hand as we walked and this new experience of holding hand with a man made me feel just a little horny. The night was looking good. We took an Uber back to his home where we sat on a settee together. I had to go to the bathroom to freshen up first and touch up my makeup.

When I sat down, Geoff had poured me a small port and this seemed a great way to finish the evening.
“Did you have a good time June?” he asked as his hand rested on my leg.
“I had a wonderful evening Geoff, thank you.” I replied, “It was so much better than the usual meet ups I have had with people from the internet sites.” I turned on the seat for face him and his hand got further up my thigh heading for my crotch. I also opened my legs to give him better access.

Geoff leaned in to me and our lips met, his other hand going around my neck to pull me closer. His tongue was in my mouth and we began fencing with our tongues. My cock was trying to grow larger but was restricted by the padded control pants and pantihose I was using as a gaff to give me a more girlish look. I used my feet to slip my pumps off and said “Let me take my hose etc off”.
I raised my arse up and putting my hands under my skirt, tugged the offending items off leaving me in my silky nylon panties. Geoff’s hand immediately started to fondle me and pulled me back into his kiss. I started to undo his shirt and get access to his nipples. Things were getting hot.

“Why don’t we move this to the bedroom?” he said taking my hand and leading me through to his queen size bed. Taking care not to remove my wig, I took off my top and undid my skirt letting it fall to the floor. I was standing there in my camisole, bra and panties with my quite large cock poking towards my waist band. “Nice” he said as he took off his shoes and socks and his trousers hit the floor. His shirt followed and I moved over to run my hands through the hairs on his chest. He spun me around and pushed me back onto the bed. We lay back with our heads on the pillows and we began our tongue fight, one of my hands was in his briefs rubbing his cock the other rubbing his nipples between my fingers. He moved his head down and pulling my bra straps and cups down taking first one on my nipples into his mouth he sucked and nipped them, all the time rubbing my cock through my panties. I reached down to start taking his briefs off, using one foot to take them all the way off and kick them to the floor. I scooted around and started to suck his cock into my mouth as I felt my panties being pulled off and his warm mouth begin to fellate me. I could feel him start to tense up and he pulled out of my mouth and moved me around so we could kiss again. He rolled me onto my back and reached over to his bedside table and took up a condom, unwrapping it and rolling it down his cock. He had a bottle of lube and spread some on his cock, and then on my rosebud, putting his fingers in to make sure the lube was all the way in. Closing the bottle and replacing it on the table he lifted my legs up over his shoulders and started to ease himself into me. I love the feel of a hard cock in me and the slow rhythm of his gentle fucking was giving me a wonderful feeling. I reached up and began to roll his nipples in my fingers again as he leant down and started to kiss me again. I was in heaven, and I loved the feel of his cock on my prostate as he gradually sped up getting closer to his orgasm. With a shout he started to pulse inside me and collapsed on me. My hands went to his arse and I squeezed him forcing him into me as far as he could go.

He rolled off me and his hand went to my cock massaging it gently until I could hold back no longer and came in spurts on his hand and my stomach. We lay there for a while but it was getting a bit chilly as it was autumn and nights were not that warm. “Would you like a shower?” he asked.

“I think I had better” I replied. “Where and do you have towels?”
“The en-suite is through there” he said pointing to a door. “I will get you towels and something to wear to bed too.”
“Are you happy that when I shower and go to bed, I won’t have the wig and breast forms in? I will be male except for the clothing.”
“I am not concerned with that, I prefer you fully female in your June persona but have to accept you will be in drab as your alter ego. Not to worry.”
The shower was refreshing and I used it to remove my make-up. When I got out there were a fluffy towel, a cotton lace nightie and a new pair of panties waiting for me. I donned the clothes and they were good if a size or two big.
“They were my wife’s but the panties are new and the nightie is clean, and while they are a bit big for you, will be more comfortable to sleep in” said Geoff as he moved into the bathroom to shower.

I moved to the bed and pulled down the blankets, I called to Geoff, “what side do you want” and he replied “left as you look at the bed”. I climbed in and pulled the sheet over me. The exercise and the drinks must have had an effect as I fell asleep quickly and without noticing that I had been joined by Geoff until I woke in the morning with him spooning me. That he was awake was obvious as was the hard rod pressing into my backside.

“Hmmm, good morning Geoff. Did you want something?”

His reply was to pull the back of my panties down and rub his cock up my crack. “What do you think June?” With that he reached back to his bedside table for another condom and his lube bottle. What a wonderful way to wake up. This time he just pulled me up on top of him so I could slide down onto his cock. It takes a while for someone to cum when fucking in that way and I wanted to make it last as long as possible. His hands were on my nipples and inevitably he came and I felt the pulsation as he came into the rubber.
He spanked me lightly, “up you get, breakfast”.

After a light breakfast of cereal and coffee I dressed and said my goodbyes. I left the nightie for possible future use and drove home. We continued our relationship, meeting two of three times a week, either at his home or mine, and we had some exciting nights together. He normally took his caravan down south for a couple of weeks, for fishing and to visit wineries and asked me if I would like to come down for a week. Later, in early Winter, he would be taking the caravan up to Broome in the north west for three of four months to enjoy the tropics and suggested I come up for a couple of weeks too. For the south west trip, I rearranged my appointments and work so that I had a week free and drove down to join him. The sex in his double bed really rocked the caravan, and we enjoyed visiting the vineyards. What I didn’t enjoy was him getting up early each morning to go fishing and then expecting me to clean and scale his catch. I don’t even like fish that much. It was when I was hands deep in fish guts etc that I decided that this girl was not going to Broome but would look for another way to have a two week break. I didn’t break up with Geoff but just put him on hold while he was not in Perth. In the morning paper on my return home, there was an advert for a cruise from Singapore to Fremantle. Ideal. I called on my travel agent and we sorted out the trip there and then.

Singapore – Day 1

My flight would arrive in Singapore just before six in the evening and I was meeting up with a friend for a late dinner for what he promised would be top local food. This could mean either fine dining or the Bugis Street food market. I was looking forward to it, good food and cold Tiger beer and, afterwards, a visit to the gay clubs in Neil Street if the wowsers in the Singapore government had not closed them down. I had met Peter Wong when he visited Perth and had come to the gay tennis club with a friend and he promised the June me, a good time.
Going through arrivals in Singapore is a simple and quick process and I was out and into a taxi quickly. Then check in at the Grand Copthorne before sending a WhatsApp message to Peter that I had arrived and was having a shower. His response was that he would collect me at 8 o’clock which gave me around 90 minutes to get ready. I had a quick shower, washed my panties, and began the process of becoming June for an outing and not just for swanning around home. First came my panties then my control briefs to hide my manhood. Then my bra with the pockets for my breast forms. Hot and humid weather and silicon forms are not a good match but the cloth pockets of my pretty mastectomy bra solved that problem somewhat. Then I started my make-up. One of the advantages of travelling business was my luggage allowance which let me check in a small cabin bag as well as my suit case and in this I had my wig, make-up, breast forms and heels. First a concealer, then foundation and fixing powder, my eyes I did simply with a little mascara and a smudge of shadow, then lip liner and lipstick plus I put a coat of light pink nail polish on my manicured fingernails. I put my wig on its stand and started to brush it out and then positioned it on my head looking in the mirror to ensure it sat right. I was concerned that wearing a wig was a bit like wearing a balaclava but to look the part it was needed. I had brought a calf length lightweight lined floral skirt and a sleeveless cotton and lace top to wear and donned these; I finished with a nice pair of strappy sandals. I didn’t wear stockings in view of the weather but fortunately before I had left Perth I had a full body wax so I was basically hairless. It was a very casual look but hopefully comfortable and appropriate in the steamy heat of Singapore. I fixed my earrings in place, my seed pearl bracelet and matching necklace, and finally a nice watch and I was ready. I put all my documents and extra cash and credit cards in the safe; my purse with the minimum cash, my lipstick and powder compact I put in my shoulder bag and sat to wait for Peter to call from reception when he was ready to pick me up.

The call came on the house phone, making sure I had my room card and the Handy Phone in my bag I confidently left the room and took the lift down to reception. Time to enjoy what Singapore nights had to offer. While public transport is very good, we took a taxi to the restaurant on the east coast of the island. We ate al fresco and with just the two of us, we had only three courses plus steamed rice; BBQ and Roast Pork, Szechuan Chicken and Garlic Beef washed down with Tiger Beer. Wine would have been nice but very expensive and beer seems to go much better with meals al fresco on a steamy night. Peter said he had in mind to go to Dorothy’s bar for a drink afterwards. I didn’t want to stay too late as the flight up was tiring and I had all of the next day, as Saturday, to see Singapore and go shopping. Dorothy’s was quite relaxed for a Friday night but after one drink, we called it a night. As we took the taxi back to my hotel I asked Peter if he wanted to come up to my room for a night cap from the room fridge and he looked into my eyes and said “I’d love to”.

My room at the hotel was a good size, Asian hotels tend to have bigger and more opulent rooms than their European counter parts and this was no exception. I let Peter enter first, then closed the door and set the security chain. I turned round to find Peter standing just in front of me and he pulled me closer and squeezing my arse started to kiss me on the lips. I parted them to let his tongue inside and wrapped my arms around his neck pushing my groin into his. “Hmm”, I thought, “this might be the fun I had only hoped for but not expected.” This was an hotel room so there was no separate bedroom just a nice queen size bed, and we moved towards I felt Peter undoing my skirt and it fell to the floor, then he pushed my control pants down and I slipped my sandals off with the pants. I was undoing his belt and unzipping him and his pants joined my skirt on the floor. We stepped back and I pulled my top off taking care that my wig did not join it. We stood there in our underwear, and resumed our embrace and still kissing and fondling each other a hand in each other’s underpants holding hard cocks. Peter pushed me down on my back, slipped my bra straps off my shoulders and moved his mouth down to my chest where he began sucking on first one then the other nipple, all the while softly rubbing my cock. I just lay back and enjoyed the feeling, and ran my hands through his hair. He scrambled down further and took my cock out of my panties and into his mouth, fondling my balls and then pulling my panties aside pushed a finger into my rosebud. I pushed back trying to get the finger further in. His hot mouth was bringing me closer to an orgasm and his finger was just making me so hot. With a squeal, I came in his mouth and he swallowed the white sauce as I pumped more out.

“Do you have lube?” he asked. I pointed to the bathroom.
“In the toilet bag”.

Peter stood and took of his briefs, then walked quickly into the bathroom his hard cock swinging as he walked. He was back in moments and knelt between my legs, removed my panties fully and threw them on the floor and then started to rub gel into my arse, fitting one then two finger sin and again I pushed back trying to get them further in. There was a tearing sound and I could see him roll a condom on and then spread some lube over it. He lifted my legs and pushed himself into me slowly, pumping in and out as he played with my cock. I started to flick his nipples and then dropped my legs so they were wrapped around his waist. He started to speed up as he came close to his peak and then with a groan started to pulsate inside me as he came and then collapsed on top of me, spent.

We lay there for a while and then he said, “I must go. What are you doing tomorrow?”
“I am going shopping, have a look around the city, maybe visit Little India and Mustafa’s, go to People’s Park complex. Just have a wander around. Why?”
“Can I meet again tomorrow; say I come here at 10am? I can come with you, make it easier for you to get around.”

So it was planned. For now it was see him out, with a kiss at the door and then get ready for bed. Before leaving Perth, I had visited Peter Alexander’s and bought two pair of satin pyjamas, one pale pink and the other light blue so I put my panties back on and then my blue pyjamas before going into the bathroom to remove my make-up and other things I needed to do before bed. I slept well and next day, I had a lazy morning after rising at 8:00, shaving, dressing and then grazing at the breakfast buffet in the hotel restaurant. Afterwards, I dressed in my shorts and top with sandals; the shorts and the polo top were ladies but androgynous unless you looked closely. I took the hotel supplied Handy Phone to use as a GPS and to make calls if needed and went down to the reception area to wait for Peter. There is not much to say about the morning, we went to Mustafa’s Department Store and then the Bugis Street markets where we had lunch at a Hawkers restaurant. I had been to Singapore a few times so I was not that interested in revisiting Sentosa or the Jurong Bird Park so after lunch I said good bye to Peter and browsed the market for cheap bling or leather but there was not much of interest. I then caught the MRT to the People’s Park and the surrounding shops in China Town for more browsing and window shopping. I did manage to pick up a skirt and a top that were on “promotion” using a tape measure to check the waist size of the skirt and getting the XL top hoping that it would fit (it did when I tried it later).

Overall the shopping was disappointing so I taxied back to the hotel for a jump in the pool and some liquid refreshment. I had told Peter that I was planning on going to the tourist restaurants at Boat Quay and Clarke Quay to sit beside the Singapore River and just relax so he offered to keep me company. On a whim I thought that June could go to dinner again as I would not get a chance to dress on the cruise. I wore the skirt and top I had bought that afternoon and joined Peter in reception when he called. These restaurants were within walking distance according to my handy phone so we walked. I was looking to an early night before boarding the cruise ship in the morning and Peter understood that we would not reprise our efforts of the previous night. The Chinese meal we had was nothing special but the restaurant and service was nice and the seat beside the water was everything I could want. We walked back to the hotel and I relented and asked him back to the room. Well a girl might as well have fun while she can. This time it was more of a quicky, a bit of kissing and then my panties down and him fucking me doggy fashion. I kissed him goodnight and thanked him for a wonderful time and invited him to visit if he came to Australia.

Cruise Ship Day 1 – Part 1

After another relaxing breakfast, back to the room to pack and use the bathroom to shave etc. Check out is midday and boarding time is 11 am so there was no rush so once everything was right, I popped down to the coffee shop for a flat white espresso and read more of my book on the kindle. Check out complete I took a taxi to the Singapore Cruise Centre near Sentosa Island to board the ship. I had booked a suite to myself so my boarding was expedited; suite passengers were essentially first class on these supposedly classless vessels. The cabins (the cruise lines insist on calling them staterooms but that is an affectation) are never available immediately after boarding so I went up to the top deck where a buffet meal was to be provided and sat by a window to watch the activity on the port. The steward brought me a Heineken beer and I brought out my kindle to read while I waited for my room to be available.

“Can I join you?”
I looked up and a well-proportioned man a bit younger than me stood there. His voice was a little soft, almost effeminate, and my gaydar was alerted. His hair was long and in a low pony tail a lot like hipsters and IT guys wear.
“Sure, go for it” I responded.
He sat opposite me and put out his right hand, “Derek”
I took it and shook it, “John”. Derek had a funny look on his face when he looked at my hands. Bugger, I had forgotten to clean off the nail polish and while not obvious, it was there if you looked closely.
“Lovely colour, what is it? I might get some myself,” he asked.
“Revlon Sheer Petal, I bought it on line” I said, a little surprised, “you are a cross dresser too?”
“Probably more transgender, it is a bit lucky meeting you here.”

We chatted amiably over a couple of beers as we waited for our cabins and agreed to explore the ship once we get settled in. We exchanged cabin numbers and we soon heard an announcement that our rooms were available. Just because your cabin is available does not mean your luggage is there so once I was in my suite, I checked the newsletter that had been left on the bed. There was also an invite from the Cruise Director for a meeting of all the singles aboard at 6pm. Since there was no point in hanging around, I rang Derek on the ship phone and suggested we go exploring. He said he would come by to pick me up soon. Sure enough a couple of minutes later there was a knock on the door and I opened it to let Derek in.

“So this is how the upper class lives?’ he said looking around my cabin. It is a bit bigger than mine and a lot nicer.
“A lot more expensive too, but it will do.”

Using the ship plan, we toured the ship locating the restaurant, the theatre and other facilities including the gym and the pool. Then we picked up a take away coffee at the coffee shop and took it up to the bar on the stern of the ship and watched to activity on the water. Singapore is a very busy harbour and there was a lot of activity. We could also watch the cable car across the harbour. We chatted for a while; Derek was also from Perth and worked for the government. This holiday had been planned for some time but when he was due to leave his employer asked him to report on the security aspects of the cruise. I mentioned that my consulting work involved checking CVs of prospective and current employees in government and private employment from a security perspective. Derek mentioned that on his return to Australia he was starting a twelve month trial living as a woman prior to hopefully travelling to Thailand for corrective surgery. He was already on the necessary blockers and estrogen doses and this was probably his last hurrah as a male traveller. Time had passed and we returned to our cabins agreeing to meet at the singles get together later. As I got to my cabin the door to the next one opened and a woman came out. She was around my age, slim and quite attractive. We waved at each other and said good afternoon. My cases were in the passage so I pulled them in and began unpacking. There was a butler service but I preferred to do my own unpacking. I stored my small case under the bed as it was unlikely I would need the wig and make-up on the trip. What I had not brought was nail polish remover so I hoped that the ship’s shop could supply when it opened once we left port. I hung my clothes up in the wardrobe or folded them into the drawers supplied, then a quick shower and a change of clothes. I called Derek again and since it was still a few hours before the 6 o’clock singles meeting, I asked him to drop by when he was finished and we could go for more coffee. Ten minutes later, a knock at the door and I let Derek in again. I had left my wardrobe door open, and he looked in as he passed by and saw my two skirts and tops I had hung to keep them from getting too wrinkled.

“Very nice, did you get them in Singapore?” he asked, feeling the fabric of the skirts.
“One was but the other I brought from Perth. I went out a couple of times for dinner in Singapore.”
“I would love to see you in one” he said pulling the floral skirt out.
“I can’t do my make-up and wig etc, but just the skirt and top. Is that OK?”
I went to the door and put the ‘do not disturb’ card on the handle outside and pulled the chain across so we would not be disturbed. Then I went into the bathroom and changed into the skirt and the matching top.
I came out and twirled. “Ta da”. I had put a bottle of lube and condom in the pocket of the skirt just in case. It pays to be prepared
Derek smiled and said, “Very nice. I would love to see you outfitted in full.”

I pulled out my iPhone and showed him a picture with Peter we had taken on our first night together. Derek came close to look at the picture and put his arm around my waist. I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he lost interest in the picture and began to fondle my arse and kiss my neck. I leant into him; I had hoped he might try something, and his attention was most welcome. This cruise might not be as boring as I had thought. Derek’s hand slipped around and under my skirt and started rubbing my cock through my panties. Then he slid down and getting his head under the skirt, pulled my cock out and sucked it into his mouth. I massaged his head through my skirt as he bobbed up and down and sucked me. One hand returned to my arse and he started to finger my crack. I slowly began fucking his mouth but stopped him when I felt close to cumming. I pulled him up and kissed him, putting my hands under his shirt and playing with the little breasts that came from his hormone regime and that had been hidden under his bulky shirt. Derek moaned a little, he liked that, and I pushed him back until his legs hit the bed and he fell down on his back. I pulled his shorts down revealing his pink lace panties.

“Nice panties Derek, love them” I said as I knelt down and took his cock into my mouth and gave back to him what he had just given me. My hands were back on his breasts, running the nipples under my fingers and massaging the breasts themselves. Derek’s moans were getting louder and he was writhing under my ministrations. I stood, pulled his shorts all the way off and took out the condom, rolling it on to my dick, then squeezing lube onto it and onto his anus. I put his legs on my shoulders, lifted my skirt out of the way, pulled his panties to one side and pressed into him. He was not that tight, obviously not a virgin, but it felt wonderful as I pumped slowly into him. He was pushing back and forward as we fucked and became more aggressive as I kept my attack on his tits. I leaned forward and started to kiss him, my tongue pushing into his mouth, still keeping up my cock moving back and forward inside him and speeding up as I started to get closer to cumming. With a squeal, Derek came onto his stomach and top as I started to fill the condom in his arse. I collapsed beside him, and kissed him as I rubbed the cum into his stomach. We lay there for 10 minutes recovering.

“Do you want a shower?” I asked.
“Not here, I will go back to my cabin and change my shirt too. Meet you in the coffee shop in 15 minutes?” he said. With that Derek put his shorts and sandals back on and left. I took the do not disturb card off the door and went in for another shower. Life was good.
We met for coffee and sat in the stern bar and watched the shipping again, gossiped about life and then when it came closer to the time for the singles meeting, we both went to get changed. We were going to dinner in the main dining room and the dress for that was smart casual; in my case chinos, a short sleeve button up shirt and sketchers shoes.

Cruise Ship Day 1 – Part 2

I got to the bar where the meeting was held a little after six; it was an intimate room and there were about twenty five people there, all at least fifty, most were older. There were only two other men, Derek and a fairly solid man in shorts, t shirt and sandal. He looked as though he had been fit and well-muscled, but also by the size of his gut, he enjoyed his food and beer and was going to seed a bit. I still wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley on a dark night. He was chatting amiably to Derek so I looked around the room. Most of the ladies there were nothing to look at, but the woman from I had met from the next cabin to mine was there and waved at me. She was with two other ladies who were matronly but I thought I should mix so I wandered over and said hello and we introduced ourselves. My neighbour’s name was Lucy and she mentioned to her friends that we were in adjacent cabins. A steward came over with a tray of wine and juice and I took a glass of red wine. The three ladies, all either widows or divorced, were also from Perth and this was their annual holiday together. There were normally four of them but one had taken ill at the last moment so Lucy had the suite next door to herself. The cruise director and his assistant came around to make certain we were happy and being properly watered and we spent a pleasant hour conversing and comparing notes on holidays we had taken in the past. As it came close to seven o’clock, I excused myself and, looked for Derek with whom I was going to have dinner.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we were asked if we minded sharing and we said no, we would love to share. It was always interesting and sometimes fun to meet different people at dinner. Passengers generally could be from anywhere around the world and we were shown to a table of six, and introduced ourselves to the four people already seated. They were Americans from the mid-west; mother and father and their son and daughter-in-law.

“So where are you from” he asked and that was the start of a reasonably comfortable meal. What was noticeable was that there was little love shown between the son and his wife but merely a polite friendship. It was an odd situation but none of my business. Our meal passed amicably enough but the older couple were obviously a little uncomfortable and suspicious of Derek and me perhaps thinking we were a couple. We did nothing to disabuse them of the notion and after we had finished our meal, rose and excused ourselves, there was a show in the theatre we wanted to see and we made our way there.
“That boy’s wife was a bit distant from him” said Derek, “I wouldn’t want to make bets on the marriage lasting.”
“Not our worry”, was my response and we entered the theatre. There are always shows on cruise ships, either with in house entertainers or visiting performers. It is a relaxed way to spend an evening, and as usual there were waiters there to bring drinks. When it finished I was ready for bed but Derek wanted to continue on so I bade him good night and was off to my cabin. As I opened my door, Lucy came by and said “Hi, off to bed?”
“Yes, do a bit of reading perhaps, but it has been a long day.”

I went into my room, stripped and changed into my pale pink satin pyjamas, brushed my teeth and settle in to read a book on my Kindle. The bed had been turned down and I could hear the gentle swish of the ocean as the ship travelled on our way to Semarang in Indonesia. I had just started to read when there was a knock on the door. With a groan I went over to see who was there, looking through the peep hole in the door. It was Lucy and she seemed to have a bottle in her hand. With a sigh, I opened the door.

“Too early to go to bed” she said, waving the complimentary bottle of champagne we all received in our cabins, “let’s chat for a while and enjoy the bubbly.”

I bowed and waved her through. Lucy was in the robe from the wardrobe and in the ship provided slippers. The wine was chilled as it had been in ice all day and the ice had not all melted. I took the foil off and then the wire cage before easing the cork out. There were two glasses with my wine and I filled two of these giving one to Lucy.
“Take a seat” I said and she plumped herself down on the two seater couch. Lucy by this time had taken here robe off and she was in a silk chemise with tasteful lace trimmings. Lucy would be about my size, maybe a little heavier, but not fat by any means. She looked good for her age and the chemise set her looks off nicely. I had not been this close to a woman on my own since my wife died and I found it a quite pleasant experience.
“Cheers” as she lifted her glass to me and we clinked them together. “Love your PJs, where did you get them?”
“Peter Alexander’s shop in Garden City” I replied, “I bought two pair for the cruise since I thought wearing a nightie to bed was probably not a good idea. These are a little androgynous and could be mistaken for men’s night wear.” Following my wife’s passing, I resolved that with any connection I made I would be open about my cross dressing and transgender nature. Better to scare them off early and not have the need to compromise to keep a relationship sound.
“No they couldn’t be mistaken for men’s pyjamas”, she replied, “In fact I wouldn’t mind a pair like that myself. And the nail polish is a give-away too so I know that dressing like that is not a once off. Do you cross dress often,” she asked?”
“All the time at home, in fact probably eighty percent of the time I am in ladies clothes at home, including when I go out. Is that a problem because I am not going to change now, I am too old.”
“Not a problem, I actually like it, it makes a change from my late husband’s overbearing masculinity. I will help if you like.”

I sat next to her, our bodies touching at the hip and thighs and we talked about our history. Lucy’s husband had been a builder who had not looked after himself and who ignored the symptoms of angina and heart problems. He was quite macho, did not believe in doctors, had not had a sick day in his life, lived on fast food lunches and breakfasts, did no exercise and died from a massive heart attack. Fortunately for Lucy he had left her well of with properties around town, and a beach house in the south west. By this time we were on my bottle of champagne and feeling really good. We were touching more than our hips and thighs by this stage and our hands were roaming over each other with gay abandon. She was also a passionate kisser and her cunt was sopping wet. Inevitably we ended up naked on my bed and I had my second fuck of the day, this time in comfort with a warm woman. She was quite tight; it is a fallacy perpetuated in transgender porn, that someone like me, being a sissy if you like, will have a small penis. I don’t, it is not over large by any means but quite normal and if anything fatter than usual. It was certainly making Lucy feel good as I fucked her with one finger rubbing her clit and my mouth on her breasts. I held back as long as I could and as she came, I spent myself inside her. I loved the feel of her soft pussy on my cock. I lay back, tired and not a little worse for the weather after all the champagne. Lucy snuggled up to me and we kissed some more, holding each other until we both went to sleep.

Cruise Ship Day 2 – At Sea

I woke to sunlight streaming in my window and looked at the bedside clock to see it was 7:30. I realised that Lucy must have left during the night and looked around for my pyjamas to wear while I shaved. I found my panties, but the PJs were nowhere to be seen, but there was a nice silk chemise that I recognised as being Lucy’s. I realised where my nightwear had gone, so donned the chemise and went to shave and shower. I rang Derek to see if he wanted to go to breakfast, but there was no answer to his phone so I assumed he was up already. I dressed in shorts and t shirt with leather scuffs on my feet and off to the upstairs buffet. Cruise ships have unlimited breakfasts with your choice of a cooked meal, cereal and often Asian food. Coffee or tea was available but the coffee was pretty dire filtered soup and generally not fit for human consumption. I had my cereal, yoghurt, toast and orange juice and sat watching the passing parade of humanity feeding at the buffet troughs.

“Good morning” I heard and turned to see Derek. He sat down with his breakfast cereal and asked how my night was.
“Restful, I read a bit and got a good night’s sleep.” I didn’t think it polite to mention that Lucy had fucked my brains out. Today was a sea day, so there would be entertainment provided around the ship to keep the passengers occupied. My preference was to find a sun lounge in the shade around the pool and have an occasional dip in the pool and the hot spa. “I am going to get changed and go up to the pool to read and have a swim this morning.”
“Good idea, save me a seat I will be about twenty minutes.”

I was fortunate; I found two lounges in the shade next to each other and put towels on both. I dropped my kindle, room card, glasses and top on the towels and went over to the pool for a quick dip. I did a few lengths of the small pool and then climbed into the hot tub turning on the jets. It felt good on my muscles and I let the jet run on my back to give it a soft massage. I got out and went to the lounge and started to dry off. Derek came by and put his things down went for a dip while I lay down with my book to relax. Relaxing is not always possible as the crew put on Zumba lessons, aqua aerobics and other entertainment for the passengers with music that could be heard in Singapore and which made conversation difficult. Derek came back and lay down on the lounge and shortly after Chuck came by and took a vacant lounge next to Derek and started chatting to him, while I continued reading. Derek’s e-reader had a blue, peach and white cover, the colours of the transgender movement which I later realised that Chuck would have noticed. The two of them seemed to be getting on well considering the thirty or more years age difference so I was surprised when they said they had had enough and were going inside. I kept reading and occasionally jumping in the pool and generally relaxing. Life should not be this hard. I saw Lucy and her friends in the hot tub and pool and I waved to her. The clock on my kindle showed it to be midday so I had a last dip in the pool and joined the ladies in the tub. Someone’s foot was rubbing my crotch and I think it was Lucy, but I only stayed for a few minutes, before getting out and drying myself off. Lunch called and possibly a nanna nap in the afternoon before afternoon coffee and perhaps a beer. Saying goodbye to the ladies I took the stairs down to my room, showered and changed before going back up to the lunch buffet. Looking around I saw Derek and went over to join him.

“I just got here; get some lunch and we can gossip,” he said with a smile.
I took a walk around and got some pasta, a warm roll and a bowl of soup. I motioned to a drinks waiter to bring me a Heineken beer and went to join Derek.
“So what did you and Chuck get up to? You seemed to get on well together and deserted me.”

Over lunch, Derek told me the story of Chuck and his wife. Chuck had finished year 12 at his high school and was enjoying the summer break before starting college when his parents came home during the day unexpectedly and caught him balls deep in his best friend. The two of them had been inseparable and were top students through high school, frequently studying together and sleeping over at each other’s homes. They had been an item since their early teens. Both families were members of a Pentecostal church whose members tended to take the bible literally and selectively chose parts of both the New and Old Testaments to support conservative views. Understandably both sets of parents were horrified and sent the boys off for conversion therapy to cure them of their gayness. Fat chance of that happening of course but both successfully completed the programme as far as those running it were concerned but in truth, all it did was let the two boys meet other gay men from the church who were undergoing the same therapy.

Both boys went to the same college and stayed in the same dormitory run by southern Baptists where they were kept under surveillance to ensure no backsliding. It didn’t stop them though as they met outside the dorms and they also were able to meet up with two of the others from the therapy course. Alas Chuck’s friend could not handle the pressure from family and the church and on the first winter break, on Christmas Day, took his life with one of his father’s guns. Chuck’s parents made him an offer that if he completed his studies, including graduate school, and married, they would pay off his student loans. This was all the incentive Chuck needed to keep studying, while his parents had arranged with one of their friends to introduce Chuck to the girl who became his wife. She was offered a similar incentive in that on completion of her studies and marriage, her student loans would be paid. She was a worry to her parents because she never dated and did not appear interested in boys. She was very feminine, wore dresses and skirts almost exclusively so it did not cross their minds that she was anything other than shy or slightly asexual. She was very conflicted though as after a party in her college days, one of her girlfriends had made out with her, giving her her first orgasm. She had never felt that good and wanted more but it was so wrong in her mind for her to have sex with another woman contrary to her understanding of the bible. She mentally flagellated herself up to her marriage with Derek for being such a sinner. On the wedding night, Derek was attentive and able to get reasonably hard and took her heterosexual virginity, but neither enjoyed the experience and that was the last time they tried. Essentially they were both gay and marriage became one of convenience and to keep their families happy. Once both had had their debts cleared it, they planned on divorcing and going their own ways.

“So how was the sex with Chuck?” I asked.
“Bloody good for a youngster, but he was a bit energetic so I will need to show him how to make love tenderly. I think I will enjoy the rest of the trip. His wife does not mind what he does while we are cruising so long as he is discreet. He has a nice cock and knows how to use it.”
“I suppose I can’t compete with youth” I said sadly. “Hopefully you won’t forget your friends.”

I returned to my room for a nap. The room had been made up so I put the do not disturb sign on the door, undressed to my panties and lay down to rest. It seemed like I had just put my head down when I was woken by knocking at the door. Yawning, I stretched and padded over to the door, opening it to the length of the security chain. It was Lucy.
“Want to come for coffee? Have you been sleeping?” she asked me.
“What word don’t you understand in “do not disturb”? I asked. “I am not dressed. I will need a few minutes to get changed”
“Can I come in?”
I opened the door to let her in; she had already seen me naked so I wasn’t worried about my near nudity.
“Nice knickers. Better put some shorts and a shirt on before I rape you.” She teased.
In the coffee shop we sat with our flat white coffees and cake.
“What are your plans for tomorrow in Semarang?” she asked.
“I have booked to go on the day trip to Borobudur. I have always wanted to see it and see how it compares to Angkor Wat. I am not looking forward to the two hour bus trip there and back through the Indonesian traffic.”
“Good, I am going too so we can go together. My friends think it is too far and are not that interested. They are more interested in the local sights and the markets. Can we go together?”
I was getting a bit worried that we were becoming too close and the last thing I wanted was a new long term relationship to the exclusion of me having men visit. But maybe this was just a cruise ship fling and we would go our own ways back in Perth.
“Where is your friend Derek?”
“He seems to have met another friend and they are spending time together in Derek’s cabin. Keeps him occupied on 11these days at sea and it is more fun for him than Zumba lessons I think.”
“Do you want to go to dinner with me? We could meet for a drink beforehand.”
“What about your two friends? “
“They are a bit boring and not much fun at meals. They prefer to eat dinner at the buffet on the top deck rather than in the dining room. I like to dress up a bit while travelling.”

So it was set that we would meet at 6pm for drinks and then have dinner. Hopefully we would have better company at our table. It turned out we did, Lucy asked for a table for two. So much for meeting people! Anyway we did talk about ourselves and I made it clear that I was not changing and that anyone who wanted a relationship with me had to accept that. Lucy was happy as she wanted to be free to have other affairs, but was looking for someone she could rely on and that might be me. Lucy excused herself after dinner as she was going to the theatre to see a magician. I decided to give that a miss and dropped into the bar on the stern for a quiet beer and to watch the wake of the ship. In the corner talking to the fat man from the singles meet, who I later found out was called Kevin, was a tall brunette woman who I had not seen before. With seven hundred passengers this was not surprising. Kevin was fondling the brunette’s arse and talking softly in her ear. I saw her shake her head and wave him away and then get up and leave the bar. I thought nothing more of it and watched as Kevin retrieved his drink and took her seat at the bar. Time for bed, hopefully on my own and wearing the chemise that had been left for me. Lucy had said she thought it would look nice on me, but if I was honest, without my wig especially and my breast forms I looked like a man in a nightie and not how I liked to look. On the plus side, when I wore it I found it comfortable and nice to wear. When I got to the cabin, my bed had been turned down and my nightie folded in a fancy fashion on the bed. I wonder what the room steward thought, not that I really cared. I changed ready for bed, brushed my teeth and lay down with my kindle book to read. Tomorrow promised to be a long and not terribly comfortable day on the two hour drive to the temple on the other side of Java from the port. We would also be visiting museums and other places of interest on the way there and back.
A quiet night was not to be as there was a knock on the door and I opened it to admit Lucy, in the supplied robe but underneath were my pyjamas. I had to admit they looked good on her. No drinks tonight though, I wanted to be wide awake for our early departure in the morning. I turned the lights out and by the light of the moon through the balcony window we climbed into bed. After half an hour of vigorous exercise we both lay back exhausted, put our clothes back on and went to sleep. I had to admit I found it comfortable to have someone in bed with me and I did sleep better.

Cruise Ship Day 3 – Semarang and Borobodur

Morning came and Lucy rose, gave me a long probing kiss, put her robe on and moved next door to get ready for breakfast. I showered quickly, dressed ready for the tour and knocked on Lucy’s cabin door to have her join me in the buffet upstairs. After we ate it and had been back to our suites to clean up and to get our hats, water and tour tickets, we went to the theatre together to find out which bus we were on and make certain we were together for the tour. The bus was modern and as comfortable as these buses can be, although for someone my height, the distance between seats is always problematic. The traffic out of the dock and through the city was heavy and quite chaotic but once on the main road things did improve slightly but given that it takes two hours to go one hundred kilometres things do not move that quickly. Once there, the tour guide was professional and the temple was well worth the visit, in fact probably worth a couple of days. Soon enough we were on our way back with a stop at a local market and a tour through the city centre. The cruise port itself was nothing flash, and was really just a converted container port.

We were back in time for dinner, and after a quick shower and change I collected Lucy and we went to the usual bar for our pre-dinner drink. This time I told the concierge at the entrance to the dining room that we were happy to share and were led to a six seater table with two other couples. We introduced ourselves and I think they assumed that Lucy and I were a couple. Again we let it go and enjoyed the conversation. These were also from the United States and were most interested in Australia. The couples were travelling together and staying on the ship as it continued through the Great Australian Bight via Adelaide and Melbourne finishing in Sydney. When it was explained that Perth and Fremantle to Sydney was like LA to New York, they got a better grasp of Australia and the size. I had to tell them we did not keep kangaroos as pets and that most people lived in cities. After dinner we went to the theatre where there was a “Broadway Spectacular” show put on by the ship’s entertainers. It was quite good without being fantastic but a good way to spend an hour. Lucy and I then went to the stern bar for a bit of quiet time. I was really starting to enjoy her company. In the corner was the same tall brunette as the previous night. Kevin was not there but once the woman had finished her drink, she thanked the barman and left for the stairs down to the cabins. I still had not seen her around the ship but once we had a few more days at sea I am certain she would be around during the day.

Lucy and I both started to yawn and realised after a long day, bed was a very good option. Another day at sea tomorrow with Bali the next day so we could have a relaxing day with more time round the pool. We got to our suites and as I opened my door, Lucy turned and said, “See you soon” and went into her cabin. No rest for the wicked tonight apparently. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth then changed into my remaining pair of pyjamas, pulled the sheets down and waited for the knock on my door. Lucy did not disappoint and when I let her in, I saw she had a retro baby doll nighty over her panties. Not the unwearable ones you see in the sex shops but proper 1950 and 1960’s style. On her it looked good. She kissed me and went to lie on the bed while I secured the door and turned out the lights. It was worrying that we were starting to act like an old married couple except that the sex was amazing and fresh. I lost my pyjama pants and we both lost our panties and made out like teenagers. I attacked her nipples with glee and pulled her on top so she could slide down onto my cock. She was very receptive and my cock slipped in easily. She leant forward so we could kiss while I still played with her breasts. I moved one hand down to her clit so I would work her towards and orgasm or perhaps more than one. She bounced up and down and squealed as she came on my finger and then I could hold back no longer and filled her cunt again with my cum. I was going to need a rest tomorrow. We retrieved our panties and I cuddled her back as we went to sleep.

Cruise Ship Days 3 and 4– At Sea and Bali

As usual, I woke up to sunlight coming through the balcony door and rolled over to give Lucy a hug and a kiss.
“I have to go,” said Lucy, “Must meet up with the girls for breakfast.” With that she rolled out of bed, dressed and went out the door. I was going to suggest a shower together, but when I remembered how small the shower cubicle was I realised this was an impractical fantasy best left unsatisfied. Groaning, I rose and went to the bathroom for a shower and shave. Before dressing I rang Derek to see if he was going up for breakfast and arranged to meet in ten minutes in the buffet. This was another day at sea before we docked in Bali so there was no rush. The promise of a morning in the pool was a bit of an incentive but I planned on a long graze at the buffet. Breakfast and two cups of coffee later, Derek and I went to our cabins to get changed, go up to the pool deck, and find a sun lounge. We were lucky to find two together in the shade and put our gear down and went for a dip in the pool followed by ten minutes in the hot spa. Lying down next to each other we chatted about various things, and I invited to join me in my hire car in Bali for a drive round the island with a lunch planned in Ubud near the market. Having nothing better organised, Derek accepted. The rest of the morning was quite boring with various competitions around the pool with loud music and announcements. Lucy and her friends were there also and took part in the line dancing, Zumba and similar affairs. I joined them in the spa at one stage, but it was relaxing. Lunch was the usual at the buffet with a cold beer, followed by ice cream from the gelataria. I then had a nap in the afternoon before joining Derek for a pre-dinner drink, dinner and then watching the ship’s entertainers in the theatre. After a night cap I said good night to Derek who rather than napping in the afternoon had entertained Chuck for a more strenuous occupation of his bed than mine.

But I had my normal overnight visitor, this time in my pyjamas, and I had to accept that they were no longer mine, but at least I had the pretty chemise to wear. I wondered if we wouldn’t be better sharing the suite, but realised that would restrict who I had to visit in the event I wanted to be with a man for a change. Nevertheless, Lucy was eager, comfortable and affectionate. I hoped we could be friends when we returned to Australia. Sleep came and we had a restful night. We were to dock at Benoa in the morning and leave at close to midnight so we had a lot of time to enjoy ourselves. Lucy and her friends had booked a car from Perth and like most Western Australians had been to Bali a number of times.

As usual, we woke with the sunlight at around six thirty but unlike other days Lucy rolled on top of me and fed my morning hard on into her. I can’t think of a better way to start the day, and we bounced around with me finally on top in the missionary position as we both came and I filled her once again. I could get used to this, or it will kill me from over exertion. What a way to die! Lucy left to tidy up before breakfast with her friends and I did my morning shave and shower, dressed and when Derek called, said I would meet him upstairs and to save me a seat if he got there first. Because the ship was considerably smaller than the three thousand passenger ships that are now popular it was able to dock in the harbour rather than use tenders to transfer passengers to the shore at Padang Bay. It is a much more civilised and faster way to disembark. Being a suite passenger I had preference on departure and took Derek with me. Our driver was there holding a sign with my name. I had used him a couple of times in the past when there with my late wife so I recognised him and greeted him warmly. I introduced Derek and let him know there were just the two of us.

Our tour of the island was to the outlying parts, including the volcano on the island, a traditional village and then Ubud where we spent time in the markets. I took the opportunity to buy some new bling; earrings, necklaces, bangles rings and watches. It was necessary to bargain of course and that was half the fun. Derek and I both took the opportunity to buy cheap tops and some shorts and skirts with my handy tape measure making sure that we had a reasonable chance they would fit. But they were cheap and if they didn’t fit, the Good Samaritans could have them for their charity shop. For the final two stops we were taken to the Bali Collection Complex in Nusa Dua where there were souvenir shops and a Japanese department store and to Mata Hari’s in Kuta where we bought more clothes for our wardrobe. Derek in particular picked up a very pretty skirt and top to go with it. I was just a little jealous as it was not in my size but did get some things for myself. At Mata Hari’s we also picked up more bling. This was the last chance to collect lower cost items before our next stop in Australia. We arrived back at the port loaded up with bags and gratefully paid our driver an extra $25 for his patience. I might also come back to Bali at some stage so it was a good idea to keep on his good side. That night, there was a special event arranged by the ship for passengers to go to an undisclosed spot for a traditional meal and dancing which explained the late departure. So off for a quick shower and change; Derek was going to drop by and we would go up for quiet ale before catching the bus to the special event.

This special event was huge and there was a large amphitheatre with food tables outside for the passengers to sample the local food. There were the obligatory satay sticks and the nasi goreng noodle dishes but also some dishes that I had not seen. All this was eaten standing or sitting but with no table and trying to hold your drink while eating. Very difficult but the food was excellent and it was worth the inconvenience and once everyone had been fed and started to sit down, the Cruise Director called on us to be seated for the show. The show consisted of Balinese dancing and music, plus Javanese singers and dancers. Once finished, we piled back into the buses for the journey back to the boat. Everyone was on board in time and we left for Broome our next stop, two days away.

I hadn’t seen Lucy all day and wondered if she was going to join me but I needn’t have worried. I think she was waiting for me as I had no sooner entered my cabin than there was a knock on the door. My bed warmer was calling. I told her to take a seat and maybe get a drink out of the bar fridge and while she was at it, get one for me while I got changed. As usual, I dressed in the chemise as I was getting quite fond of it, then brushed my teeth. Then we sat out on the balcony as the coast of Bali disappeared and the ships bow wave washed past us.

“Did you have a good day Lucy?” I asked, “Mine was quite good, a bit of touring and a lot of shopping.”
“Yes, my day was OK but three ladies touring means a lot of shopping and not much sightseeing. My friends want to know where I disappear to as they rang my suite a couple of times at night and I wasn’t there.”
“What did you tell them?”
“I said that I was a heavy sleeper and turned the volume of the phone down.”
“Hmm, I don’t think that is possible on these phones. Do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow? I can book one of the speciality restaurants if you like; maybe Italian for 7pm.”
“Love to. Book it and let me know the details. What did you buy today anyway; show me!”
I brought out the shopping bags and Lucy went through everything giving her opinion for or against.
“I have to see you wearing some of these things” she said, “when we are back in Oz.”
It being late I led her over to the bed, turned off the lights and made tender love to her. This was proving to be a much better trip than I had expected.

Cruise Ship Day 5 – At Sea

What could be expected to be a quiet two days at sea on the way to Broome didn’t work out that way. It started normally enough, breakfast with Derek and then out to the pool and relax in the shade on the sun lounge. I noticed that Derek was wearing a tight top to hide his small breasts with floral speedos that looked a lot like bikini bottoms. Perhaps that is what they were but no one would notice unless they knew about his transgender nature. Lunch and a nap before pre-dinner drinks, the normal day at sea, except that I took Lucy to dinner at the Italian restaurant on board. Lucy looked a treat in a calf length dress with a pearl necklace, bracelet and earrings. It was a pleasant meal and I asked her if we could keep meeting once we returned home and she replied, “You had better believe it John, or I will be stalking you.” What made the night memorable was what happened when we went to the bar at the stern for a coffee and a nightcap.

In the corner of the bar where I had seen her before was the tall woman sitting on a stool. She was very nicely dressed and I thought I recognised the skirt and top as they were similar to the ones bought by Derek. Actually on closer inspection they were the skirt and top, but I didn’t say anything other than to comment to Lucy that the woman looked very nice. That got me a thump on the shoulder from Lucy and a comment that I should keep my eyes on her not on other women. As we sipped our coffee I noticed that Kevin was talking to the woman who shook her head, then Kevin put a hand on her arse and another on her leg, and started to push up towards her crotch. The woman pushed him away, stood up and gave him a good slap, shouting “Go away you disgusting shit.” She then walked away towards the entrance to the bar.
Kevin quickly went after her, spun her around and back handed and slapped her, pushing her over and giving her a kick for good measure. “No one hits me you slag”, he shouted, drawing his foot back to give another kick. The woman was curled up in a foetal position and in no way able to protect herself. By the time Kevin was ready to kick I had reached them and pulled him away. That got me a punch in the head, stunning me. Lucy had also moved over to protect the victim and Kevin turned to leave. I asked the barman to call security and the ship’s doctor and Lucy and I helped Derek, as it was now obvious that this was who the woman was, to her feet and onto a chair
“Are you OK?” Lucy asked.
“My ribs hurt and my face is stinging. I must look a mess; is my make-up OK?
“We have asked for the doctor to come and security.” I said, and I turned to see three people coming, two dressed in officers jackets with gold braid on the epaulets and one in a more basic uniform who I saw was a security officer from his name badge whose name was Jose Aquino from the Philippines.
“What’s happened”, he asked standing in front of Derek with his hands on his hips. He really looked threatening, not a good look. One of the jacketed men pushed him aside.
“Are you OK dear? Let me check you out.” Obviously this was the doctor. “I think I had better get you down to the surgery.” With that he helped Derek to his feet and took him out the door.
I turned to the security officer and said, “Derek was sexually assaulted by another passenger and when he slapped the man and told him to go, he hit him twice, pushed him over and kicked him in the ribs a couple of times until I got in between them. Then the passenger punched me in the face and knocked me down.”
“That is a man?” said the security officer, “Then he deserves it for dressing like that. Men should not dress like women, it is disgusting. Puta” With that he spat on the ground.
“He is a passenger and he was assaulted. Surely that is something that cannot be condoned.” I replied.
“He brought it on himself and I don’t intend doing anything for such a person,” was the response and he was going to say more when the other jacketed officer cut him short.
“He’s a passenger and your attitude is not how we treat passengers. Go back to your cabin and think on how you should be acting. If your attitude does not change I will be suspending you and returning you to the Philippines when we get to Fremantle.” He then turned to me and said “I am one of the senior officers on board and I will get someone to talk to you and to your lady in the morning. If you want to pursue the assault then the ship would take action. For the moment, I will get someone to find the other passenger, Kevin is it, and we will confine him to his cabin for the moment. If our crew confirm your statement, we will have him off the ship in Broome.” With that he walked over to the barman and waiters who were standing watching and started to talk to them. Meantime another security officer arrived and joined the crew and started to take notes.

Lucy and I walked back to my suite, our evening spoiled a bit by the excitement. I rang the surgery to find out how Derek was and was told he was OK, a bit sore and that they would keep him there overnight. They would x-ray his chest in the morning to see if his ribs were alright, but otherwise no problems. I put some ice in a towel and held it to my cheek. I didn’t feel like mad sex after all that had happened but rather just relax and rest. I asked Lucy if she wanted to have breakfast with me in the morning and after a bit of canoodling and kissing, she left me on my own to sleep.

Cruise Ship Day 6 – At Sea

I woke up in the morning with a bit of an ache in my jaw where I had been hit, but otherwise refreshed. I showered and shaved, put on my shorts and t-shirt and called Lucy’s suite. She said she would be ready in 10 minutes and would knock on the door on the way past. Breakfast at the buffet was pleasant but we were joined by Lucy’s friends who wanted to know who I was and why she had been so hard to find sometimes. I think the reason was obvious, and the ladies were just a little envious of Lucy which did wonders for my self-esteem. We went down to change for the pool and found a note on our doors to call the security office when we returned to our cabins. They wanted to interview us to get a statement as to what happened. I let Lucy go first and then she was to go up and reserve a sun lounge for me next to hers. I told them all that had happened, and also what had happened a few days earlier. Apparently there was CCTV and the crew more or less confirmed what had happened. Kevin was confined to his cabin and would be off the boat at Broome where it was possible charges would be laid. I went up to the pool deck and located Lucy. Next to her was another woman and on closer inspection, I could see that this was Derek, now out of the hospital bed. He was in a nice tankini, his hair in a nice pony tail and nice earring studs and necklace. My eyebrows went up; that was unexpected.

“Since I had all those problems last night and since I am now ‘out’ so to speak on board, I saw no reason to hide what I am. They have kindly given me another ship card with the name Diane so I should not have problems with my identity with stewards and waiters.” He said with a smile. “I like your friend Lucy. She and I have been having a nice chat and I think your ears should have been burning”
I grunted and putting my books on the lounge, took off my t-shirt, walked to the pool and dived in followed closely by Diane as I suppose I must call her now. We swam a few desultory laps, dived under water and chatted as we cooled off. The hot tub was full as it was a sea day, so we left the pool and dried off at our lounges.
“Look at the time,” Diane said, “I must fly, I have an appointment at the hair salon. It’s 10:30 now and my appointment is at 10:45. See you at lunch around 1 o’clock? I must tell you all that has been happening since last night.” And with that she bounced off and in to the pool lobby and the stairs.
“Well that’s a different person. I think I like her”, said Lucy. “How is your face now? It looks a lot better than first thing this morning.”
“My face is good, thank you. Maybe you need to kiss it better,” I replied with a smile. “I love her tankini, I love floral ones, and he was wearing the bottoms the other day as speedos.”
“Maybe I should get you one to wear here,” was the response. “What are you up to in Broome tomorrow? I am off to the pearl farm in the morning. Then lunch in Broome town with a wander around the shops before returning to the ship.”
“Too late with the tankini, I already have one at home. Tomorrow I was meeting up with a friend who is a grey nomad and is up here with his caravan, but he has made friends with a new fishing buddy and is going to be out of town. I think I might see if I can get on the pearl farm tour too. It could be interesting.”
“I am curious to know what Diane will look like after a couple of hours in the salon. I am also curious about what she has to tell us about last night that she mentioned before she left.”

With that Lucy picked up her book and started to read. I went over to the self-serve drink dispenser for two glasses of lemon squash with some ice for Lucy and me. Then lay down to read until getting ready for lunch. Just after mid-day, Lucy and I returned to our suites for a shower and to change before lunch. One thing about traveling, you don’t have a lot of choice in what to wear since you only have what is packed so choosing what to wear is simple. Mind you the skirts I wore in Singapore and the clothes I bought in Semarang and Bali would stay in the case or hanging up as I was not ready to go out in daylight on the ship. Not that I would have looked any worse than some of the ladies aboard, but I lacked the confidence that is necessary to carry it off at my age. While waiting, I logged into the ship’s booking system on the television in the suite and was able to join the pearl farm tour that Lucy was on. Then I left my cabin, knocked on Lucy’s door and waited while she put on the finishing touches to her make-up before going up to the buffet. We looked around and saw Diane at a table on her own so we joined her after picking up soup from the tureen as an entrée. When the drink waiter went by I ordered two beers for Lucy and me. Diane looked fantastic, her hair was very feminine resting on her shoulders and her skin looked marvellous. I was envious of her being able to get ‘the works’ at the salon and put it on my bucket list when I got home although I did not have the hair that Diane had.

“So Diane, what’s the gossip?” I asked as I started on the soup.

Diane’s story lasted for a two beer and a three scoop ice cream lunch. When she had seen Kevin first, she thought she had seen him somewhere before so took a picture with her mobile phone and sent it off to her office with a query to see if facial recognition could make a match. Bingo; it came up with the name Salvatore Marcelliano, wanted in Victoria for skipping bail and allegedly one of the bosses of a local crime group that controlled a lot of the fruit and vegetable markets as well as selling various illicit substances and he was facing charges regarding his involvement in crime. He was trying to sneak back in to Australia apparently because there were ongoing problems with his gang and competition with Vietnamese and Chinese gangs. The police in that state and the federal police were trying manfully to keep this under control. Border Force were interested because there was supposed to be a drug shipment coming in on a cruise liner which was why Diane was asked to monitor the security on board although she worked in a different department and not as a field worker. When we got to Broome, Salvatore would be removed from the ship and forensic police and detectives would join for the next one or two stages of the cruise to Exmouth and Fremantle. A full search of his cabin would be undertaken and all his effects bagged for forensic examination. While there was some uncertainty about jurisdiction, the detectives would interview us and the crew present when we were assaulted and there was a possibility that Salvatore would be charged in Western Australia but given all the charges outstanding in Victoria, it was not likely that these charges would be brought to court anytime soon. Just as we finished lunch, a security guard came up to Diane and asked if he would come with him as there had been a breach of security at Salvatore’s cabin. Diane excused herself and left saying he would see us both later for dinner at 7:00 and would ring me to confirm.

Most exciting, but just a little tired, Lucy and I retired for a rest together in my suite. “Tonight,” she said, “You are going to dress for me after dinner and we will go up to our bar at the stern for drinks together. I want to see what you look like all dressed nicely.”
I demurred and objected but she was adamant and eventually I gave in. That might have had something to do with us both being down to our panties and Lucy giving me a solid tickling. I am so weak. We had a short nap, and Lucy asked where my make-up, wigs and other items I used for cross dressing were. She made a point of putting my nail polish on my finger and toe nails so it would dry in good time, and once done left for her suite to get ready for dinner. I showered and shaved again making certain my chest, legs and arms were hair free and my face moisturised. I wore nice satin panties, a matching camisole and pantyhose under my drab trousers and shirt. I left my bra, breast forms, wig on its stand and make-up bag on my desk figuring that it did not matter if the room steward saw them; I only had 4 or 5 more days on the ship. Around 6:30 I went to Lucy’s suite and while there I rang Diane to tell her we were going up for a drink now before dinner and to meet us there. When she joined us, she told us why she was summoned from our lunch table.

Apparently there was a watch put on Salvatore’s room and an alarm was raised in the security office. The room had been secured so that no unauthorised access would be allowed pending the arrival of the forensic officers from the local police force. When security got to the cabin and entry authorised by the staff captain, our friend Jose was inside searching for something although he would not say what. Curiouser and curiouser as Alice in Lewis Carroll’s book said. Jose was promptly marched off to join Kevin in the cells. This prompted a search of his accommodation and areas he had access to. Some interesting parcels were found which were thought to be the drug shipment that Border Force were expecting.

“I think this will spoil Border Force’s plans for a sting to catch the local connection, but that is not my concern. For now it is dinner” said Diane, finishing her drink. We rose and adjourned to the dining room for a celebratory dinner for Diane now she no longer had any duties to perform. The local and federal police, and Border Force would take responsibility although Diane would spend the day in Broome filling in the various entities on what had transpired. Unfortunately he would likely miss out on any tours but we promised to let him know where we were lunching in case he finished early. Dinner as usual, was an excellent five courses and we shared with Lucy’s two friends. They would also be on the tour to the Pearl Farm in the morning. After dinner Lucy, Diane and I excused ourselves, while Lucy’s friends went to the show in the theatre and we went to my suite to effect my transformation.

I noticed that my bed had been turned down while we were at dinner and my nightie was folded nicely on my pillow. My cosmetic bag, wig and other personal items had been moved around so I thought that I hoped my room steward was suitably surprised. I took my shirt, trousers and shoes off and stood in my panties, stockings and camisole. I slipped the straps of the camisole off so that I could put the bra on and slip the breast forms into the pockets then pulled the camisole straps back up. Then I brought out the make-up bag and began the process of converting my drab male features into my female alter ego June. I honestly believe in less is best but needed foundation and concealer with fixing powder to make me look reasonable. A little eye shadow and mascara but no eye liner as I always end up poking myself in the eye with the pencil. One day I will get it right. Lip liner and lipstick finished the face off and looking in the mirror I could see a man in make-up. I got a wide tooth comb and gave my wig a once over before fixing it on my head, straightening it up in the mirror. Out of the wardrobe I took the calf length lightweight lined floral skirt and sleeveless cotton and lace top that I had worn in Singapore with Peter and carefully put them on. Then I donned my watch, earrings, necklace and Pandora bracelet making sure everything was straight, slipped my feet into the low heeled pumps and stood up.

“Ta Da,” I said, twirling around, “will I pass muster?”
“Very good,” from Lucy and “Excellent,” from Diane.
With that we were off to the bar where later we were joined by Lucy’s friends after their show had finished. Tonight in the bar were an organist and singer performing jazz and torch songs. They were quiet and were just a bit louder than background music. Very relaxing.
“Who’s your new friend?” asked Grace one of Lucy’s friends.
“My neighbour from the next suite,” said Lucy.
Grace and May, Lucy’s other friend looked at me quizzically, “I thought your neighbour was a man,” said May.
Lucy smiled, “He is.”

The ladies shook their heads but did not comment further and we settled down to a quiet evening of music as the duet played two sets and kept us entertained. Not wanting to waste all that effort in dressing I asked Lucy to come for a walk on the upper deck and we spent an hour or so walking and just sitting together like two old ladies having a gossip. Too soon however the night was over and we returned to our suites for a night’s rest and for me to remove my make-up. Life is good sometimes and this was one of those times.

Cruise Ship Day 7 – Broome, Western Australia

After an early breakfast it was off to the theatre with Lucy, Grace and May to collect our tickets to the pearl farm. The ship was berthed at the 900 metre long jetty and guests walked from the ship to the waiting buses. Going in to collect the tickets together meant we would be on the same twelve seat mini bus. On arrival at the pearl farm we were taken to a small jetty on an inlet where we were shown pearl oysters which were opened by the guide and which had a pearl inside. The actual farm was in a secret location as it was not unknown for oysters to be removed and unless there was a permanent watch, a large quantity of shellfish could vanish overnight. A demonstration of the method of inserting the irritant into the pearl was also made. The pearl oyster not only provides cultured pearls but the meat is sought after and quite valuable. The shell is also used in jewellery so very little is wasted. We were then bused back to Broome in time for lunch. On the way back I called Diane on her mobile phone and we arranged to meet for lunch.

After a ‘pub’ lunch that was enjoyable but nowhere near the quality of the food on the cruise ship, Grace and May returned to the ship while Diane, Lucy and I wandered around the town seeing all the heritage sites and looking at the clothes and jewellery stores. Lucy was very happy when she bought a nice pearl pendant and gold chain and wore it back to the ship. I thought about getting something but I could not justify the cost for the infrequent times I was able to go out as June. Diane was saving her money for operations to come to complete her transition. So it was back to the ship for a shower and a rest before dinner. We now formed a group of five for dinner with Grace and May now joining us. We all met for a pre-dinner drink and then up to the restaurant where we had a table to ourselves. I asked Diane how Chuck was and got a smile.

“Good but with all that had been happening we have not had a chance to get together. I am not sure how he will take the new me though, a lot of gay men do not like transgender or cross dressing men.”
“That’s his problem. I doubt he is getting much joy from his wife. Hopefully he does not let the parents know he is playing around. He is taking a risk.” I replied.

Conversation then revolved around what we were doing in Exmouth our next port of call and what we had planned once we got back home. At Exmouth, I had arranged to go snorkelling on Ningaloo Reef and with luck swim with the whale sharks. The guide had been recommended by my gay friend Geoff as one of the best around so I was very hopeful of a successful tour. Lucy and her friends were on a ship tour to the reef in a glass bottom boat while Diane was just going to wander around the town as she had been to Exmouth a few times in the past and it was not new to her. After dinner, Lucy and I took in the show while Diane went off to see if he could find Chuck. We, Lucy and I, had a night cap in the bar before going to our suites for the night. Well actually Lucy just came to mine as she had moved a night dress and some toiletries into my room to save time. We made the eight limbed beast for a while before going to sleep exhausted. One more day at sea in prospect before Exmouth so we could graze at breakfast and relax for the day. For me, snorkelling on the reef would be quite tiring and I would need the rest.

Cruise Ship Day 8 and 9 –At sea and Exmouth, Western Australia

It was restful the next day while on the way down the coast to Exmouth. Lucy, Diane and I had breakfast and took well over an hour and a half as we ate slowly and talked about nothing of much importance. We spoke of what we were going to do at home and plans for the future. As we travelled south in winter, the weather cooled and the indoor pool was not really an option while the heated indoor pool and spa were just too highly chlorinated and warm to be comfortable. Once we had enough to eat we returned to our cabins to prepare for a day resting and reading. Lucy was off with her friends for whatever the ship was arranging to keep the passengers happy including a passenger versus ships officers volley ball match in the pool. Since it was a bit cool to swim, I just relaxed on a sun lounge and read. I must have been relaxed because I was woken by Diane who asked if I wanted to go to lunch. I must have had a couple of hours sleep and missed whatever morning’s entertainment had been on. In the afternoon there was a lecture in the theatre by a marine biologist from one of the local universities on the diversity of life on the Ningaloo Reef and I wanted to listen to that as it promised to be interesting. Lunch was the usual buffet with an accompanying beer and we were joined by Lucy who had broken free from her friends. After a couple of scoops of ice cream for dessert, followed by coffee, we all went to the theatre for the lecture. Really not much to say about the day really and it was followed by a pleasant dinner with Lucy, Diane, Grace and May.

Lucy and I excused ourselves after dinner and retreated to my suite. I locked the door, affixed the security chain and put the do not disturb sign on the handle. I turned to Lucy who was starting to undo her skirt and reached out to lift her top over her shoulders. Lucy then reached down and pulled the zip of her skirt fully down and it fell to the floor. She stood there in a camisole, slip, bra and panties. I pulled her towards me and kissed her forcefully fondling her arse as we ground our crotches together. Lucy then started to feverishly unbuttoning my shirt as I pushed her slip down over her hips and it slipped to the floor to join her skirt. My shirt was pulled off and she started to undo my belt and unzip my pants.
“My shoes,” I said, “I need to get them off.” I bent down to undo my laces and pull my shoes off and found my head was level with her satin lace panties. “Nice” was my comment as I knelt and started licking at the crotch. I reached down to remove my socks and then her sandals, then I stood, naked except for my matching panties that we have bought in Broome together. I lifted her camisole off and undid her bra then pulled her back towards me.

“I am going to ravish you tonight,” I whispered, “I am so hungry for your body.” Lucy by then had her hand on the front of my pants and was rubbing my hard cock.
“I hope you don’t expect much sleep tonight,” she replied and dragged me back to the bed. The back of her knees hit the bed and she fell on her back with her feet dangling towards the floor. I got back on my knees and started to bite the crotch of her panties, moving it aside so my tongue could find her warm cunt. I thrust my tongue as deep as I could and started to dart it in and out. My free hand was up and pinching her nipples softly between my fingers. Lucy started to moan and bucked up against my face. I slowly pulled her panties down and left them on one ankle. I used both of my hands on her breasts, teasing them, pulling the nipples and rolling them between my fingers. My tongue was licking at her clit and she was lunging at my face. With a cry Lucy had the first orgasm of the night. Moving up off my knees, I lifted her around so she had her head on the pillow and climbed on top of her on my elbows and knees. I leaned down and kissed her, my tongue coated in her pussy juice thrusting into her mouth and she sucked on my tongue. I pulled my cock out of my panties and slowly inserted it into her waiting cunt, wet from my tongue and from her cum. My cock slipped in and I fucked her slowly at first, kissing her all the while and then moving my mouth down to suckle at her breasts. I must have been very horny because it did not take long for me to feel my cock start to cum and fill her with my seed. I stayed inside her for as long as I could before my softening cock slipped out. I rolled over off Lucy and lay there exhausted.

“I don’t know if I will survive this cruise,” I said, turning to face Lucy and putting an arm over her and kissing her cheek, “but it will be a wonderful way to die.”
“I hope we have a few years before that happens,” she replied, turning to kiss me on the lips.

We lay there for a while before we started to fondle each other again. We repeated our romping in the bed a few times over the next couple of hours before falling asleep, ready for an early morning.

At Exmouth, the pier is not suitable for cruise ship docking so you go ashore by tender. Since I was in a suite I had priority access to the tender boats and was ashore early to meet the tour guide who introduced himself as Tim, that I had hired to take me snorkelling. On the trip out to the designated area, the guide gave me the instructions and rules regarding the swim; how close you could go, what you were not allowed to do and such matters. After I took off my shorts and shirt leaving my swimming trunks on, he also helped me into a wet suit and fitted a mask and snorkel. We reached the area where snorkelling was permitted over the reef and, together with the guide, I slipped into the water and had a marvellous 60 minutes just looking at all the diverse fish, coral and other marine life in this pristine environment.

“Now we look for the whale sharks,” said Tim after we boarded the boat and the skipper of the boat took us off to the area most commonly frequented by the sharks. Unlike their brethren the white, tiger and bull sharks, the enormous whale shark feeds exclusively on plankton so it is safe to get up reasonably close. After a short trip the skipper indicated that the sharks were in sight and he matched the boats speed with them as we prepared to dive over board. This was an experience that is difficult to describe, needless to say it was awesome. Too soon we were on our way back to the jetty where my tender boat would collect me and take me back to the ship.

This was going to take about an hour so Tim asked me to join him in the cabin of the boat to remove my wet suit in private. As I entered the cabin, I felt Tim’s hand on my bum giving it a squeeze so I pushed back into his hand. My friend in Perth had said Tim was cute and I did not object to his attention. Tim unzipped my suit and I reciprocated with his zip. As we peeled them off I could appreciate his athletic build. He was in his late twenties or early thirties so was a bit younger than my normal male partners but I was willing to make an exception in his case. I sat to remove the suit completely and Tim knelt between my legs to help. Then he pulled my trunks off revealing my hard cock which he immediately sucked into his mouth. Tim was much more used to removing the wet suit and he was down to a pair of tight speedos which showed what looked to be an impressing cock. I rubbed my hands through his hair as he bobbed up and down, his tongue licking at the tip of my cock as he pulled my foreskin down. I pulled him up so that I could kiss him and fondle his cock through his speedos. We stood and pulled each other together so our crotches ground and our cocks were rubbing each other. His masculine chest was marvellous and I wanted to rub my hands on it so we parted slightly to give me access. Tim separated and went to a desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a tube and foil packet. I went over to the desk and bent over with my arms flat on the desk and my rear high ready for him. Ripping the foil packet open he took out a condom which he fitted over his impressive cock, squeezing lube from the tube onto it before drizzling some on my crack. He massaged the lube into my arse pushing two fingers into me.

“Geoff said you were a good root,” he said as he slowly pushed his cock into me. He started slowly pumping his cock in as far as he could and then out almost until it was fully out. He continued this gradually picking up speed; one hand began wanking me and the other squeezing a nipple firmly. His cock was massaging my prostate and I started to moan in pleasure. Suddenly he pulled out and turning me over lifted me so I was lying back on the desk.

“I like to look at my partners while fucking them,” he panted as his cock pushed back into me. I reached forward and rubbed my hands on his beautiful pecs then flicked his nipples. He went back to massaging my cock and playing with one nipple and I bucked up and down on his cock. I was going wild with passion as he went ever faster into me, finally with a loud cry he came and I felt him pulse as he filled the condom. His ministrations on me finally brought me to a climax and I came onto my chest. Wow, what a way to finish a tour. Over the speakers in the cabin, the captains announced that we were approaching the jetty and we should get ready to leave. I put my clothes on and gave Tim a kiss telling him that it was the best tour I had been on and telling him to come and see me when he was next in the city.

I could scratch one thing off my bucket list; and the sex with Tim was a bonus. While I had been to Exmouth before, this was a unique experience one I would love to repeat. The tender trip back to the ship was a quick and I made my way to my cabin for a shower and to get changed for dinner. Musing on the day, in particular the trip back from the whale watching with Tim, I thought about how my life was going to be in the future. Would I be with Lucy long term, Diane or single and fancy free? Life with Lucy would give me certainty, love perhaps as well as sex, and I would be able to continue to cross dress and enjoy occasional one night stands with men. This would be if we did not live together. Having sex with men on a casual basis, even with someone like Geoff my regular back in Perth, just fulfilled the need I had for sex. Diane was a different kettle of fish; I could see her being a long term friend with some benefits, but not as stable as someone like Lucy, nor as committed to me as she would be having multiple partners. Life was meant to be simpler than this at my age.

I dressed for dinner, putting a camisole on under my shirt and wearing different panties but quite feminine ones nonetheless. Lucy had returned and we went to dinner together where we discussed the day’s outings. I left out the wonderful sex with Tim of course but raved on about the snorkelling and swimming with the sharks. Lucy had a wonderful time and like me was awe struck about the beauty of the reef. After dinner we adjourned to the bar but inside as the weather cooled on our journey south. Diane joined us and told us of her day. As we sailed out of Exmouth Gulf and turned South, the seas began to get rougher as we moved closer to what was known as the Roaring Forties where the winter gales and cold fronts frequently swept across the South West of Western Australia. I told Lucy that I needed to talk to her alone and thought the ideal place was in bed so we made our way to the suite. To be honest we did not get much time to talk but that was fine, we could do it in the morning when we were refreshed.

Cruise Ship Day 10 and 11 –At sea and Fremantle, Western Australia

In the morning Lucy and I were relaxed in bed before getting up; “I would like to think this is more than a holiday fling and that we can keep being this close in Perth.” I said to her.
“I’d like that” was her response
“I think we should still live separately for the moment until we were more certain of our long term suitability. I would love to have you stay with me and have some of your clothes in the wardrobe there to allow her to spend days with me. Mind you, it is always possible you might want to borrow some of mine if they fit.”
“That sounds fair; I do think we will be good for each other long term. I do think that you are a sensitive man and not likely to hurt me. Do you see any problems?”
“I will be honest up front in that I am bi and enjoy being with men as well as women. If we were to live together that would end though. I really enjoyed myself and have become really fond you so I am a bit confused in my own mind. I think though we both need to have our own lives and not become totally dependent upon one another.”
Lucy rolled over on top of me, “Let’s go have breakfast. Tonight I want June to come to dinner on our final night at sea.”
I considered it for a moment but it was the last night so what could go wrong. “OK.” What am I thinking?

Lucy and I showered and dressed and sat together at breakfast to start another day at sea before we reached Fremantle. The seas had started to pick up and for the first time since leaving Singapore the movement of the ship was quite noticeable. I had become very comfortable with Lucy and after breakfast we walked together around the top deck of the ship, with a bit of spray from the waves. We could look over the pool and outdoor spas and they had been closed because of the weather. It was a bit cold to swim anyway. On one of our circuits of the deck, we were joined by Diane who was alone since Chuck was living up to his name in his cabin. Not a good sailor. We sat together at a table with a hot chocolate from the self-serve machine which was the best thing on a cool day.

“I have booked in with my surgeon in Phuket for breast enhancement next month,” Diane said, “Would you like to come with me to give me support?”
Lucy and I looked at each other to see each other’s reaction. Lucy spoke first.
“I am off to Sydney soon after we get back for 3 or 4 weeks to help my daughter while she has her next baby. I couldn’t come to Thailand. How about you John?”
“If you are away, I can’t see why I can’t take another break. I can work at the hotel using their Wi-Fi to access my business server. Email me the details when you are back in Perth and I will make arrangements. I might speak to the surgeon myself about possibilities.”
“You’re not thinking of Gender Reassignment Surgery are you,” said Lucy, with a worried look on her face.
“No, maybe a small boob job. We can have a chat to see what you think but I am not going to rush into it without looking at all the consequences and I would not be getting a pair of double Ds, more a basic A cup or A+ that I could pass off as man boobs if I was asked. It is something I had thought of but done nothing about as I am a great prevaricator.”
“I think you and I need to have a serious chat about this,” said Lucy, “I might want to have a say in what you do if we are in any sort of a long term relationship. I might want you to get double Ds,” she finished smiling.

Had I opened a Pandora’s Box? Time would tell, but it did look like I might be off to Phuket soon for a week or two’s holiday. The rest of the day was pretty quiet, I read a little, had a coffee in the middle of the afternoon and a short nap. Around 5:30, I showered and shaved carefully, moisturising my face and neck. I put on my bra and panties and sat at the desk in front of the mirror to put on my make-up. This normally took about thirty to forty minutes but tonight I was going to be out with all the other seven or eight hundred passengers in the dining room so I had to make it as perfect as possible. Concealer, foundation, a little blush, fixing powder, eye shadow, mascara, lip liner and lip stick. Done! There was a knock at the door and when I looked through the eye hole it was Lucy so I let her in.

“Let me look at your make-up,” she said pulling me over to the seat I had just vacated. “Hmm, not bad for an amateur, but no eye liner and maybe just a touch up here and there.” She pulled a stool over to sit in front of me and produced an eye liner pencil. “Close your eyes,” she said and proceeded to fix my eyes up. She did more work on the eye shadow to make it more subtle as typical of cross dressers I had gone a bit heavy on it. “There, perfect. Now what are you going to wear?”
I showed her the skirt and top I had purchased in Singapore and the sandals I had to match. I pulled out a pair of pantihose, my slip and camisole.
“Let’s see how it looks.”

After fixing my breast forms in my bra, I pulled the camisole over my head carefully so as not to get make-up on it then pulled the half-slip up to my waist. Next I slipped the skirt up backwards so I could pull the zip up and fix the hook and eye, then spun it around the right way. The blouse was eased over my head, again to avoid make-up and I allowed it to hang over the waist of the skirt. I gave my wig another brush quickly although I had styled it earlier and pulled that on to my head, straightening it up in the mirror. I changed my spectacles for a ladies pair of multifocals and then put my jewellery on; pearl necklace, earrings and bracelet but not unfortunately the real thing, but seed pearls from an earlier trip to Indonesia. The final touch was a silver and diamante watch. I stood and let Lucy see so I could get her opinion.

“Very nice, I will be honoured to be with you for dinner. Now come next door so I can get ready too and we can have a pre-dinner drink in my suite. I will get room service to bring drinks down.”

I picked up my handbag and purse; put lipstick, mascara and a powder compact from my make-up case into the bag, plus my room key into the purse and I was ready. Nervous and a little scared, but ready to rock and roll or at least have dinner. In Lucy’s suite we rang Diane and told her to meet us there before going up for dinner, we then rang room service for three pre-dinner drinks. I watched Lucy get ready and I could see why she called me an amateur. It was so natural how she did her face and then dressed. I wish I had her hair; maybe I should grow mine a bit longer, and I certainly wanted to have my own breasts rather than have breast forms which were sweaty in summer and not very comfortable.
We had our drinks and then toasted, ‘to the cruise’ before making our way to the dining room for dinner. If the maître d’ thought anything of Diane and me being dressed oddly, he said nothing and gave no indication he had noticed. We indicated that we were willing to share a table and were shown to the table with the same couple as we had met on the first night with their son, Chuck, and daughter-in-law. Chuck was still indisposed and his name brought memories of a character on radio in my youth, Chuck Chunder, and I had a little chuckle to myself as I thought ‘how appropriate’.
I am not certain if mum and dad twigged that we were the same two they had share a table with on the first night but we did not tell them. The daughter-in-law worked it out and had a lively conversation with Diane who sat next to her. She was very pleased that Diane had taken Chuck’s interest and left her on her own to see if there were any ladies on board for fun. It proved an interesting meal with discussions ranging from the man with the extreme comb over in the White House to trade relations and agricultural matters. Having little knowledge of most of these topics we were happy to let him talk and to offer our ill-informed views to stir the pot. Really quite refreshing, especially since he didn’t seem to notice we had no idea what we were talking about. I got the impression he was not that clued up either.

I mentioned to Diane and Lucy that I received my account for things I had purchased on board, in my case the Pearl Farm Tour as I had a drinks package covering my alcohol and espresso coffees. I wanted to pay this tonight before the rush and finish packing my case and put it out for collection before the 11 pm time limit. Since we were going to our home port, Fremantle, I was going to take my back pack and cabin case with me when we disembark, but I wanted to put the bulk of my things out in the main case. I had some boy clothes to wear in the morning since going through customs might be a problem since my passport photo and how I looked now did not match. What I was wearing would fit in the cabin case and I would wheel that off in the morning. I suggested that we go to our cabins and put our cases out for collection and then meet in the bar in 45 minutes to continue our evening’s farewell to the ship. Lucy and Diane thought that was a brilliant idea and agreed.
It was a sad trio that met back at the bar, the jazz duet was playing soft music as the ship rocked and rolled and we did as much damage to our drinks package as was sensible. We didn’t have to drive home that night but there was no point in making ourselves ill, just slightly merry and slightly incoherent. Around midnight we said our goodnights, thanked the bar staff for their attention during the trip and for taking the obligatory photos with our smart phones for us to remember the night and the cruise. Given our condition, Lucy and my performance in bed was not that great, but we slept well and rose up in time to shower, get dressed and have everything ready for departure.

After breakfasting we returned to our suites and cleaned up before making our way to one of the bars to wait for our set departure time. Since we were not flying out but staying in Western Australia, our departure from the ship was held up so those needing to get to Perth airport or go on tours could do so. The day before I had called my daughter Mary on WhatsApp so she was picking us up and taking Lucy and me to my house and I would take Lucy home from there. We were called to depart at the appointed time and made our way through the Fremantle Passenger Terminal, picking up our cases, moving past the customs with our nothing to declare status and out the exit to the large parking area. It was chaos there and there was a large queue for taxis, but my daughter was waiting thankfully. After a big hug from Mary, I introduced her to Lucy and we made our way to her car which had room for our cases. The child seats that normally filled the rear seats had been removed and everything was cosy.

“I bought you some milk and bread so you can have some coffee when you get home and your mail is on the kitchen counter. The kids miss you, so you need to come by over the next few days to say hello.” My daughter was thoughtful, it had not occurred to me that I would need milk and bread, but she was right of course. My first chore would be to go shopping and to order food for the week. Domesticity awaits the returning traveller. Lucy sat up front and a long conversation with Mary, that revolved around children, grandchildren, what my daughter did and enough other things that Lucy probably knew more about my family than I did. It was a relief to get to my house before all my secrets were divulged. Mary had to go to collect her kids so she dropped us off and I took Lucy into my home.


“Would you like a coffee? Or would you prefer to go home first?” I asked.
Lucy came closer and gave me a hug, “Show me your house then take me home.”

I let her see my house, and she was very interested in the contents of my wardrobe. I told her I needed to change before taking her home so she sat on my bed while I undressed and then donned a bra and my spare breast forms, a floral skirt and plain top. I put on a wig off the wig stands in my wardrobe, a little bit of jewellery, some lip stick and low heeled strappy sandals.

I put my purse in a handbag, got my car keys and said “Ready.”
Lucy rose, came over to me and gave me a big kiss. “You look more comfortable like that,” she said.

I took her hand and we went out to the garage with her case which went into the boot of my Mini, but only just with one back seat down. The garage door slowly opened and I asked, “Where to Madam?” Her address went into the GPS in the car and we set off for her home which was conveniently only 10 minutes away in the next suburb. Her home was a typical suburban home, like mine, and when I pulled up into her driveway. While Lucy opened her front door, I took her case out of the boot and wheeled inside.

“I think we both need to catch up with our mail, email and laundry. Did you want to meet for dinner tonight or leave it until tomorrow maybe?” I asked giving her a hug and squeezing her bum.
“Tomorrow might be best, maybe if I come over at lunch time and we can take it from there.”

With that I gave her a deep kiss and returned to my car and then returned home. Once there it was back to the domestic grindstone but first letting my agent know I was back and free for consulting jobs. I emptied my suitcase and emptied most of the contents into my washing machine. I took the make-up bag, wig and jewellery out and put it all away. Once I had my back pack and cabin bag emptied and put away with my suitcase in the store room, I checked my mail box and then started to sort through the mail left on the counter by Mary. Most snail mail these days was from charities begging for more donations and they went straight to the shredder for recycling. There was some business mail, but most of my contact with businesses was by email so I sat at the computer and started working my way through the over 200 emails waiting for me. I logged into the BiAustralia web site and so friends and contacts would know I was back.

There was a ping and a notification that a new email had been received. It was Geoff saying he was back in town for a couple of days and could he come over and I replied please don’t because I had had a tiring day. I did thank him properly for referring me to Tim but I wasn’t certain whether I wanted to continue our regular meetings and sex but felt the best way to work it out was to see him later when I had time to think. I really did not want to spoil it with Lucy, but I also wanted to enjoy my gay side, especially as a bottom. It was a conundrum. So back to work with a toasted cheese sandwich for lunch while answering emails. I got a text message from my friend Pamela, a strongly heterosexual CD, who wanted to drop in for coffee and a gossip. I told her to come by and I would heat up the Nespresso machine since I could not get that excited about what I was doing. Pamela’s wife encouraged him/her to dress and they shared clothes. I think it would be nice for the couple to have dinner with Lucy and me to firm our relationship. I didn’t want Lucy to feel she was the only woman whose husband was a crossdresser. But coffee with Pamela meant I would need more milk and since I had time, I made sure my make-up and wig were OK and drove down to the supermarket for another two litres and while did some shopping for necessaries like meet, butter, fruit and vegetables.

I had just returned and put everything away when the doorbell rang. I looked at the camera image of the porch and saw it was Pamela and I went to the front door to let her in. As always she was well dressed as a woman her age would be. We had talked about how we felt and how long we had been dressing like this and came to the conclusion that we both may have taken a different path if gender reassignment had been as freely available and acceptable when we were teens as it was now, but there was no point in regretting what could not be changed. It was a sunny afternoon so I made us each a coffee and we adjourned to the patio with a tin of biscuits.

“So how was the cruise?” she asked, “Did you meet any nice ladies?”

I gave her a quick synopsis of the trip, including the exciting bit with the fugitive and the drugs. Pamela mentioned that the drug find had been on the news but also that the local dealers waiting to receive the drugs had been caught in a sting near Exmouth. That had not been on the news sheet on the ship. I told her about Diane and Lucy, and how I felt Lucy and I could be a long term prospect. I also mentioned that I might go up to Phuket with Diane when she had her breast enlarged and maybe ask the surgeon about having a breast job myself. Pamela thought this was a good idea and thought she might talk to her wife about it. Cost for her was the main concern but I promised to let her know the details after I had talked to the surgeon. I showed Pamela the new skirt and top I had bought in Singapore and the various bits of bling I had picked up. I asked her if she and her wife would like to go to dinner or lunch with Lucy and me and to email me with dates that suited. The weather was cooling down and it was getting late and traffic would be getting heavy so Pamela said goodbye and after the obligatory hugs she drove off home.

I had a quick shower and although it was only late afternoon dressed in a warm satin night dress with a matching peignoir and satin panties. Since I was at home alone, I didn’t put on a wig, my bra and breast forms or my wig, just my male persona in a nightie. I got all the food ready for dinner; I steamed the rice in the rice cooker, took the steak out of the fridge to allow it to get closer to room temperature, cut up the Chinese cabbage I had bought, pulled out one egg and then the frozen peas. Finally I went into my wine store for a bottle of local Shiraz to drink with my meal. It was still early so I returned to my computer to work for a little while. Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang again and when I looked at the video, it was Lucy. I can’t say I was disappointed, and I went to the door to let her in. It was cold outside so Lucy had a long coat on but inside was warm and toasty with the air conditioning working to a comfortable 24 degrees Celsius. So I took Lucy’s coat as she doffed it and was a little surprised that she was wearing my Peter Alexander pyjamas. She was also holding a bottle of white wine which was chilled.

“Would you like a drink,” I asked.
“How did you know?” she said, “I would like one, yes.”
We walked into the kitchen where I took out two wine glasses, unscrewed the seal on the bottle and poured us both a generous helping of Sauvignon Blanc. Not my favourite wine, but one has to be social.
“I was bored at home and I missed you. I didn’t like the idea of sleeping alone tonight; I have become addicted to your warm body. I have to go off to Sydney in a week, so I wanted to get as much time with you as I could.”
“I don’t mind, I find it comforting sharing a bed with someone and you are definitely my favourite someone at the moment. Have you had dinner? I was about to make mine and I have enough for two.”
“I’ll help,” she said, “but I would like an apron.”

I went to a cupboard and pulled out two retro aprons I had bought on line; full bodice, a bit of pretty embroidery and lace. Very June Cleaverish (where is the Beaver?) if we had been wearing full house dresses swinging skirts we would have looked the part as 1950s housewives. I took out another steak from the meat keeper in the fridge plus another egg. It was still early so we adjourned to the sofa to enjoy each other’s company and to enjoy the wine. Since Lucy was staying for dinner I poured myself a Shiraz while she stayed with the white wine.
Lucy explained that her daughter wanted her over the following week and she would stay for four weeks at least with an open return ticket. I had not booked the fare to Phuket to accompany Diane when she visited her plastic surgeon but the dates I would be away coincided with Lucy’s dates although Lucy would be away longer than the two weeks Diane and I had planned. We discussed the option of my getting a small breast implant; just a small A or AA cup but enough to give me some cleavage especially with a push up bra and “chicken fillets’. Lucy thought that was a brilliant idea and was looking forward to having something solid to play with. Now I was excited.

“I will miss your warm body in bed with me while you are away. I will need to get an electric blanket or a heavier doona,” I lamented.
“Not to worry,” said Lucy with a big grin, “I have a solution in mind but I am not telling you what it is.”

Of course I didn’t really need any extra blankets, the coldest it has ever got to in Perth was a smidgeon under zero Celsius and that was only twice on record and snow is unknown. I did wonder what the solution was but dinner beckoned so Lucy and I tag teamed preparing the dinner and sat to a quiet meal followed by some ice cream for dessert. We put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and went into the theatre room for the 7 o’clock news on the ABC. Lucy and I cuddled up on the reclining lounge and drowsed our way through the evening’s television. Around 9 o’clock with Lucy almost asleep, I suggested bed might be a good place to be, and it was. I think going to bed woke us up because we were still awake at eleven, with Lucy riding me for our second of the night.

Home before Phuket.

We awoke early the next morning and I went out to get the newspaper in wearing my satin nightie, chenille dressing gown and fluffy slippers. Lucy had a quick shower and then hunted through my chest of drawers and wardrobe for something to wear. We are close in size so she was able to pick some of my nicest casual clothes to wear before sitting down to breakfast on cereals with me. Over coffee, she told me she had to go home and sort things out but might be back later. I had work to do with the contracts I had taken on so that suited me. After she left I showered, put on a house dress and a cardigan and started work. My work was mainly cerebral and all using computers. Occasionally I would need to go out on site, but that was not going to happen until I had resolved the problem and worked out a solution. I emailed Diane to see how he was on his first day back at work and suggested we might go out for dinner later in the week or early in the following one. After a bit of fruit for lunch I beavered on and was about to break for an afternoon coffee when there was a knock on the front door and then the doorbell rang. I looked at the CCTV image on the front door and, no surprise, it was Lucy so I rose and let her into the house. Lucy was carrying two garment bags and pulling a small case.

“Are you moving in?” I asked.
“No, but if I am spending the night here I need clothes to wear to change into when I come to visit. I will put these away and hang up my dresses, tops and skirts and then make a selection of your things to keep at my place.”
Interesting, I thought, I seem to have acquired a mistress. I liked the idea.
“I was just going to make a coffee, do you want one?”
“Love one. I will just finish off in your bedroom and see you in the kitchen.”
I wasn’t sure whether I had room in my cupboards and wardrobe but left her to it and went into the kitchen and started heating the milk for the café au lait out of my pod coffee maker. Lucy joined me and we sat on the lounge and relaxed.
“So are we a couple now?” I asked.
“I would like to think we are at least intimate friends. Your spare to accompany you when you get invited out, and mine when I get invites to parties. I have also made arrangement with Grace and May for when I am away to make certain you are fed properly and are not lonely.”
“You realise I will be off to Phuket two weeks after you leave and will be there for a bit over two weeks? I will send you my flight details. I haven’t booked yet as I needed to make an appointment with the surgeon. Now I have done that, I will book Thai Airways business class return”
“You won’t go overboard if you decide to get yourself little titties will you? I don’t want you to have bigger breasts than me” she laughed.
“I will let you know, but I don’t intend to have more than and A or A+ inserts. Now what have you done to my wardrobe and chest of drawers?”

With that we adjourned to my bedroom where I went through what she had selected and changed a few things to make sure my favourite working clothes were left behind and to select suitable lingerie. Lucy confirmed that she had a good internet connection at home and I could work from there if I needed. I stored all my files in the “cloud” and my software was also cloud based so I could work anywhere. I told Lucy that I had emailed the surgeon that Diane was using and we had discussed by email what I was seeking. I needed to bring a few clearances from my doctor with me and the surgeon would meet me the day before his appointment with Diane to discuss and schedule the operation. He thought it was possible he could do it the same day as Diane’s, which was the day after Diane’s appointment, but while Diane was having some facial feminisation work as well as her “boob” job, mine was relatively simple. I would need at the most two nights in hospital, with eight or nine days in an adjacent hotel for recovery and supervision by his nurses. This involved the changing of bandages etc but was done in a four star hotel with all the conveniences and once ready to walk, being able to look at the local sights and eat at local restaurants. Swimming was out for a few months but otherwise so long as I took it easy I was encouraged to be active. I would continue to work after a few days recovery, but Diane with her facial surgery was going to take a bit longer so I might need to make my stay three weeks.

After spending a bit of time getting to know each other better, I rang the local Chinese restaurant and booked a table for two. After a quick shower, I put some beer in a cooler bag with a freezer block and we drove off to the restaurant. For the next two weeks, life went on a bit like that although we didn’t spend every night together. We did enjoy each other’s company and both of us preferred to have someone to sleep with. It was a very domesticated situation. We had dinner with my daughters and I looked after the grandchildren. Lucy enjoyed that since her daughter had moved to Sydney and it was a bit far to go very often. It was good that my children were happy with my new friend. I also had dinner a couple of nights with Diane as we planned our Phuket trip. Diane had found a new love but it was early days for them and it was no certainty that the new man would like her when she fully transitioned. I told Di that I was going up a day early and would stay three weeks instead of two to look after her and to keep her company. I took Lucy to the domestic terminal for her flight to Sydney and returned to my cold home; well it was warm because I ran the reverse cycle air conditioner, but there was no one to share my meals and bed with.

I still had three weeks until I left for Phuket and in that time I managed to complete four contracts. Completion involved going on site to the offices of franchisees in the metropolitan area and country. Flying out to Karratha I discovered the effect of fifo work (fly in fly out) in the north west mine sites. Sitting in the Qantas lounge at the domestic airport, I seemed to be the sole traveller not wearing high visibility safety clothing. The contracts were quite lucrative in respect of the payment for time taken to complete and the money was basically covering my domestic needs and travel costs. I have more than enough invested to cover my expected future life and also any plastic surgery I needed. All too soon it was time to fly out and I said good bye to Diane, telling I would see her the next day and called an Uber to take me to the airport.

Phuket – Days 1 and 2

Travelling Business Class has the advantage of being first off although it does not always mean your luggage gets to the carousel any quicker. But immigration and customs were quick and I was soon in a taxi on my way to the hotel where after check in I unpacked and made my way to the hotel swimming pool. Phuket is always warm and steamy and the pool is a welcoming place. Since I would not be able to swim once I have my new breasts, I thought I would take every opportunity to use it before going under the knife. A quick shower and change in my room and it was off out to have dinner at one of the hotel restaurants along the water front. As is normal in South-East Asia, wine is prohibitively expensive so it was a Singha beer with my dinner. Al fresco dining in the balmy evenings is something to look forward to. Since my wife passed away, I have been letting my hair grow longer and on the day before leaving I went to a hair salon in the city run by a transgender woman to get an androgynous cut, slightly more feminine than masculine, for my stay in Thailand. I was not certain I would keep the cut once I returned to Perth, but no one knows me where I was going and they probably couldn’t care less about a man with a girly haircut. I put it in a geeky pony tail while travelling, but let it out once I dressed for dinner and combed it to look feminine. It did get me a few odd looks, but in the morning when I was going to the hospital next door I was going as June and not as John so it was necessary.

I had a quiet night, getting rested before my morning appointment with the surgeon. I was seeing him at nine o’clock in the morning so needed to be up, dressed and have breakfast. I wore a nice sun dress and strappy sandals and looked very passable I thought as I went down to the dining room. Not that I really cared but it is all about confidence and not scaring the children so to speak. There would be a number of transitioning ladies in the hotel so I would not be the only transgender person and the staff here would be rather blasé about it all. I thought that a few of the wait staff might have been “lady boys” and in Thailand, that was common and acceptable. I returned to my room to freshen up and then walked next door for my appointment. Even the short distance in the humidity and morning warmth made me perspire under my silicon breast forms and I felt the fabric of the pockets holding the forms get damper. I couldn’t wait for my own breasts so this problem that always exists on hot days would be behind me.

Once at the hospital I was escorted to a comfortable waiting room where another three or four “girls” were waiting. I was the only Caucasian in the room and the remainder of those waiting were Asian, probably Thai. I had my Kindle with me and began to read while my turn came around. Experience in waiting rooms is that the doctor is always late and the magazines are always old enough to feature on Antiques Roadshow. The wait was not that long as it transpired and I was called in before the others in the room. The surgeon introduced himself and we talked about what I wanted. Basically I was seeking small breasts that could be hidden easily when I needed to present as male, but big enough that they would be noticeable if I wore either a mildly padded or push up bra. Also so that I could wear a bikini, tankini or maillot without looking too much like a man dressed up. I might want larger breasts at a later date so we discussed the possibilities of increasing the size later but the surgeon recommended that I would need to have fresh implants and the old ones removed. We spent some time measuring and setting things out and in the end I was comfortable with what he proposed and went for a size in between and A and B that would suit my slender frame and give me the look that I wanted. Surgery would be in two days on the same day as Diane but I would only need one night in the hospital and 8 or nine days in the hotel next door with a visiting nurse. Diane was also having his Adam’s apple shaved and some other minor facial alterations so would spend 2 or 3 days more before being released to the hotel. I had already arranged the transfer of the payment for the surgery and related after care so returned to my hotel feeling excited and just a little scared. Diane was due in the hotel around midday so I got myself a take away coffee and sat in reception to read and wait for her arrival. We had arranged adjoining rooms with a connection door so that we could look after each other and provide ourselves with support during the recovery.

“Hi June,” I heard and turned to see Diane coming through the door, her case following with a bell boy. “Been waiting long?”
I stood up and we air kissed and hugged. “No, just a little while. I will wait while you check in. We have adjoining rooms and there is a door between them. Once we get upstairs we can open it up.”

I sat and waited while Diane completed check in and got her room card. We then took the lift up to our floor. We opened the doors between the rooms; there were two so that one could get privacy if needed. Get sorted and we can go down for lunch and then a swim.” Since I was not going in to the hospital I changed back into boy mode but Di put on a nice pair of floral shorts and a lace tank top. Her vestigial breasts were noticeable if not that large but all this would change for her over the next few weeks. Lucky girl to be able to pass like she did. We walked down the street to some street food stalls and seeing what was cooking in front of us, had noodles and pork washed down with a cold tin of beer.

“How did your meeting with the surgeon go this morning John, or should I say June? Are you getting the procedure done?
“It was good, he has a very good bedside manner and I am comfortable with what he proposed. I will only be in overnight but you are in for a few days. I should be able to look after you when you come out.”

We walked around the shops and stalls in the area, looking for bargains. I saw a nice handbag but it was emblazoned with Gucci badges and I did not really want a knock off bag, but one the same without the false badges. We found our way to a mall at the top of Bangla Road, the Jungceylon Shopping Centre, and found things much more to our liking so we window shopped and relaxed with a coffee before returning to our hotel and having an afternoon swim followed by a nap to rest up for dinner. Dinner in Phuket was difficult because the range of restaurants along the front at Patong Beach made it so hard to choose. We had to be very careful because we did not want to get food poisoning or any gastro that would interfere with our operations so we ate conservatively.

We went to breakfast later in the morning and browsed around the buffet. Di was dressed for her interview with the surgeon so I put on a skirt and top with my sandals, a push up bra with no inserts, a bit of make-up and some bling, and accompanied her to the hospital. As yesterday, there were others in the waiting room but Di was called in soon after arriving so I sat and read while she discussed matters with the surgeon. We were both admonished not to do anything too physical after the operation for a short period of time and that included going swimming. With all the bruising, I did not think we would be all that willing to show off our new bodies for a while. Meeting over, we wandered around the streets again enjoying the hustle and bustle of this tropical town. We had lunch at a food stall that was cooking noodles and then went back to the pool for a swim and to our rooms to rest before packing what we needed to take with us to the hospital in an overnight bag. Both of us confirmed with reception that our rooms would be kept for us while we were next door in the hospital and were admitted to a comfortable suite that was at least as good as our hotel room. Our operation was early the next day, Di first because her recovery time was longer and then me and this was there way of making certain we did not eat before the general anaesthetic. I took my iPad and spent some time working on a contract job and replying to business emails. I had one from Lucy that she was finished with her daughter as she didn’t need or want Lucy’s help so was returning to Perth. Now that was an interesting state of affairs. At least it meant I would have company when I got home in three weeks.


Later in the evening following a visit from the anaesthetist and some tests, we were both given medicine and slipped into sleep or at least I must have since I just remember being woken in the morning. The nurse told me that Di had already gone and she was preparing me. That involved shaving my armpits and chest to ensure nothing interfered with the surgeon’s work. I was given my Kindle and I read for a while. It was difficult concentrating because such a major change was happening. Then a nurse and orderly came in, took my book from me and started to wheel me out to the theatre where everyone was waiting, the anaesthetist and surgeon, sundry nurses and I suppose any other hangers on needed for the procedure. I had a drip put into my arm and something was squirted into the hose and I honestly remember nothing more before waking up later in the day with a bit of pain in the chest. When I say a bit, quite a lot really but I was given pain killers to alleviate this. I was drowsy and really just slept and dozed, but was given water a few times. I had visits from nurses and others that I really was not that aware of, but I suppose they would be changing dressings and such. I was in much better form the next day and had a small breakfast and was able to sit up a little and read. I enquired after Diane and was told she was good and I could see her later before I went back to my hotel. I had to show I was able to walk and go to the toilet and once that was done, I would be released to my hotel room with a visiting nurse and a direct phone to call for help. Sounded good, so I went back to sleep.

I was woken up for lunch and to see if I could use the bathroom. Lunch was bland and very western, scrambled egg on toast, some fruit, orange juice and tea. I went to the bathroom and satisfied the nurse’s curiosity passing matter and fluids sufficiently to pass her test. I took the opportunity to survey my new puppies. Not large but there was a bit of swelling so I couldn’t be sure how large they would be when the settled down. My clothes were in the wardrobe in the room, so donned them, first putting on the special pressure bra provided by the hospital. I had three of these that looked a bit like what would have been high fashion in East Germany before the wall came down; rather Stalinist. I slipped on my sandals and packed my overnight bag with my toiletries. The nurse was waiting for me to take me to my hotel and settle me in with medicine and such, but I wanted to say hi to Diane who would be here for another two nights so she took me to her room first.
“Hi Di, looking good,” I said, which was a blatant lie as she looked like she had done five rounds with Cassius Clay with the bruising from the facial surgery. I couldn’t see her breasts of course, they were under her night dress, but the way they pushed it out I could tell she should be happy with their size. Certainly a bit bigger than my little ones.

“I am off to the hotel now, but I will come and visit later tonight or in the morning. Depends on how I feel.”
“OK, I am not really feeling like visitors just now, I hurt all over and my face is a mess.” She replied.
“It will be worth it once all the swelling and bruising go down. All the boys will be after you then.”

With that I waved gave her a peck on the cheek and left with my escort. My top fitted better now with my small breasts and I was feeling pretty good as went back to the hotel. My nurse accompanied me to my room and set up her supplies. She gave me a mobile phone with a direct link to the phone that she and her night relief would carry for me to use in case of emergency. She also gave me a timetable of when she would be visiting to change dressings. If I was going to be out I was to call her to arrange an alternative time, but it was stressed that it was best if I did not do this. I would have the nurse for the next two days and after that I would need to call at the hospital as an outpatient. Very organised. When she left, I stripped down to my bra and pants and lay down to nap on the bed as I was still a little tired from the operation yesterday. I must have dozed off for a few hours when I was woken by a knock on the door. The nurse was not due back until tomorrow and Di was hors de combat in the hospital next door so I wondered who could be calling. Not thinking I slipped across to the door, still in my underwear and opened the door. Oops, not a good idea I thought when I stood there looking at the passage where a little woman was standing.

“Aren’t you going to invite me in?” asked Lucy, for it was my woman friend standing there. “I told you I had a solution on how you could keep warm. I bet you thought I meant in Perth.”
I let her in to my room and showed her the door to the adjoining suite that Diane had been occupying. “Where are you staying?” I asked.
“I have a room here for the night but was hoping we could share.”
“Let’s go down to reception and arrange it. Let me get dressed first.”

Reception were very helpful, they issued Lucy a door card for my room and cancelled her room and arranged for a bell boy to move her cases which she had not unpacked anticipating that she would be joining me. It was good that she was there as it is always better to have someone with you after this type of surgery and Diane was not going to be much help for a few days. We returned to the room and I would like to say we had mad sex for 2 hours but there is a strict regime for recovery that precludes vigorous exercise and our efforts in bed do tend to be physically demanding despite our aging bodies. Lucy had a shower and I washed myself keeping the dressings dry and we walked out for dinner. It is nice to have company and Lucy was very good to be with especially as we had a quick tour of the street side market stalls. Lucy pointed out a little shop that sold inexpensive underwear with bras that were padded and were popular with Thai ladies to give the appearance of bigger breasts.

“We will visit here before we go and get you some cheap bras, if they have them big enough for you.”

Nothing much happened for the next day or two until Diane arrived back in her room. She was accompanied by a nurse and went through the same rigmarole as me and would have supervision for the next three or four days before becoming an outpatient like me. She did not seem surprised to see Lucy so I think this had been planned by them to give my support and to surprise me. We had dinner at the hotel in the al fresco restaurant since Di was not that keen on walking too far and we needed to give her time to recover. The next few days were spent around the pool, with Lucy swimming and Di and me just lazing in the shade on sun lounges. Enjoying cool beverages and relaxing. At least Di was, I had work to do using the hotel Wi-Fi. Lucy and I took the opportunity to go shopping and we both had skirt suits made at a local tailor. While we were at it, we also had some dresses and skirts made. Given the price and the fact they were made to fit, this was one of our better ideas. We also went shopping in the little shops around the town and in the Jungceylon centre. We did the normal tourist things once Di was up and about and went on a Phi Phi Island tour on a junk, went to Fantasea, the Wat Chalon and Phuket Temple and the night markets. I took Lucy down Bangla Road and we sat in a lady boy bar and watched the passing parade. I was in one of the floral summer skirts and a plain top that I had bought while shopping with Lucy and the lady boys in the bar were fascinated by the farang lady boy with his lady friend.

We were getting to our time to return to Perth and we visited the underwear shop and I tried on their bras. They did not have that many big enough but those they did expanded my A cup nicely to make my chest endowment much more prominent. I bought six they were so cheap. I had bought so much clothing and bling in my stay that my case was over full so I bought another at the market. This was filled with my excess as well as Lucy and Di’s. I also upgraded Lucy to business but Di was still in economy with the general herd. The hotel ordered a maxi taxi that carried all three of us and our luggage and we were off home.

Winter ends and spring begins:

This is a winter’s tale and as spring approaches in September in Australia I reviewed the last three months of winter. I had travelled and revitalised my life, I had made new friends, I have acquired my breasts, I have acquired a mistress and my work continues. Those are the positives. The negative is a restriction to my sexual freedom with the acquisition of a mistress who is almost a live in lover and concerns I have about being unfaithful to her while getting good sex with men as I find I need. I think that Spring and Summer will be a time for decisions. Will I break with Lucy or will I confess to her a need to have gay sex with strong men and see what her reaction is. Will I go further with my transition to woman hood as Diane has done and really do I want to enough? I think the future will be interesting as I struggle with my future.

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