The Chosen Few

Chris pulled open the door and walked to the far end of the long bar to his usual stool. He could be found here a couple of nights a week right after work drinking his paycheck. His calloused, dirty fingers wrapped around the Budweiser just after it was put in front of him and he took a long pull before setting it gently down on the branded coaster the barman, Ray, had left.

With nothing much else to think about, he stared at the coaster and absently hummed the country song playing in the background.

He had never been one of the brightest guys. Just making it through high school, he was content to work with his hands the rest of his life if it meant he never had to sit in a classroom again. Occasionally a friend might pop in and have a drink with him, but most nights he had a drink or two by himself and drove his truck home to make dinner. He was never particularly popular with the ladies either, a point on which he tried not to dwell.

He was slender in a decidedly unmuscular way with “average” looks at best. He didn’t even really bother to chat up the women who came into the bar after years of striking out. It just seemed clear that anyone he was attracted to was out of his league, so he was more than a little surprised when she sat down next to him.

He watched her as she had come through the door, a little taller than most women, with a body all of them would kill for. The skintight jeans she wore tapered to her ankles, just above strappy heels, her painted toes on full display matching her red fingernails. Her red silk blouse was a little more sophisticated than most women wore in this joint, but it was casual enough not to be out of place.

She paused when she came in, undoubtedly letting her eyes adjust to the darker environs of the bar. As she stood there, she seemed to study the place and its two dozen or so patrons. Satisfied she was in the right place, she began walking down the length of the bar searching for a spot to sit. Her thick dark hair came down past her shoulders, bouncing slightly as she walked, and her red lips seem to frame her perfect white teeth as she smiled at Ray. There was something a bit wild about her, almost exotic and Chris could guess she wasn’t a local.

She kept walking all the way to where Chris sat, and put her pocketbook down on the bar. She slid onto the bar stool next to him and asked, “Is this seat taken?”

They talked for a long time, drinking long necks, Chris doing his best to flirt. She smelled wonderful, he thought, despite the bar’s stale beer odor trying it’s best to mask her scent. Some combination of flower and vanilla if he had to guess. In fact, he reckoned he’d never smelled anything so good. And the more he studied her, the more attractive she seemed to get. Her eyes were captivating and alluring and he allowed himself a thought of what it would be like to be in bed with her.

She did most of the talking at first, but slowly, as he drank, she teased more and more information out of him until she could get him to tell her anything. And it seemed she wanted to know it all. No woman had ever wanted to know anything about Chris and this creature wouldn’t change the subject. It flattered him.

Toward the end of that night, seemingly satisfied that she now truly understood him, she casually told him that he was one of the lucky chosen few. Chosen to bear the gift she would soon give him. He didn’t really know what she was talking about, and he was a little drunk, but she was hot, and she smelled so good, and she was talking to him.

She hadn’t stopped talking to him.

That alone made him more than interested.

They agreed to see each other again later that week.

By the second week he was hopelessly hooked on her. They had only gotten together for drinks a few times over those two weeks, but she was intoxicating to him like a drug. She haunted his thoughts. He woke thinking of her. He would see her reflection in passing windows and seemed to smell her scent wherever he went, stalking him, reeling him in.

And so, he jumped at the chance when she invited him to her place the following weekend.

He knocked on the large wooden door and felt his heart begin to race a little. He was nervous. She opened the door and bid him into her sanctum.

The house was well appointed, modern, but somehow with an old feel he thought. Dark tones and subdued colors dominated the room lit by candle and soft lamp light. She looked her incredible self, and her wonderful scent quickly found his nose.

One whiff of her and he was no longer nervous.

Her outfit was exceptionally sexy but decidedly sophisticated. The dress, black sequin and long-sleeved fell to just above her knee, showing off her long slim frame and smooth, silky legs. Her cleavage was just slightly visible through a long keyhole cut out that appeared from the collar that seemed to choke her at the throat. The shoulders squared on each side with some sort of hidden shoulder pad he guessed, and the sleeves tapered down to her slender wrists. The dress a perfect match to her dark complexion and dark eyes that almost seemed to glow at him.

He was comparably underdressed in jeans and buttoned-down red and white plaid shirt. It reminded him she was way out of his league.

“Wine?” she asked.

“Sure,” he said, taking in the scene.

He followed her into the large living room, and she went to the wet bar, deftly opened a bottle of red wine and he soon had a glass in hand.

“To your health, Christopher,” she said using his full name as she tapped her glass to his.

They each took a sip and the smooth crimson liquid descended to his stomach. They sat close to each other and talked, her scent again filling his nostrils with every breath. It made him more relaxed and somnolent.

Soon they had finished the bottle. He could feel the nice swimming sensation as the effects of the wine gradually took hold. Now fully relaxed he sank into the couch. She slid closer to him, reaching her arm over and around to his cheek on the opposite side.

“Mmm….” she hummed softly into his ear. “I’m so glad we met Christopher. I have such wonderful plans for you my darling,” she cooed softly.

Her words felt like lyrics to some lullaby he had forgotten, and the light touch of her fingers on his cheek felt wonderful.

“You are one of the few I have ever found that is worthy of the gift I will give you tonight,” she continued. “Not many have a soul that is compatible.”

“My soul?” he asked, sleepily.

Damn her eyes looked good.

“Mmm, yes,” she breathed at him.

She brought her hand up and ran her long fingers through his hair.

“I can see how perfectly it matches. You will be a wonderful addition to our numbers, my love.”

“Our numbers?” he asked softly, not fully following, concentrating on her sensual fingers moving over his scalp.

His groin began to stir.

“Yes,” she answered, as she turned his head kissing him softly. “You will be one of our finest I think.”

“Oh,” he mumbled, leaning in farther toward her to kiss her again.

Their lips locked into another soft full kiss. Her tongue danced across his and sent a lovely sensation down his back. He hadn’t kissed anyone since high school.

She broke away, still stroking his hair, and looked deep into his eyes.

“Her numbers?” What had she meant by that, he wondered? “Who cares, she looks so good. And that dress…Maybe she will let me stay tonight if I play my cards right,” he thought.

“What did you mean by “our numbers”?” he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

“Why the succubae numbers of course. What did you think I meant?”

“Oh,” he replied, as if he understood her words.

“She thinks I’ll make a good one though,” he thought.

That made him proud for some reason.

His mind stubbornly came back around somehow pushing aside his burgeoning lust.

“Wait, you mean like the women who feed off sex? Those succubae?”

He had watched “Jennifer’s Body” primarily because Meghan Fox was hot, but now he was happy he had.

“Yes exactly,” she said plainly.

Her hand came again down his cheek and he could feel the flat of her long nails, her fingers curled inward. As they reached his jawline, she extended her index finger and gave him a little scratch under the chin, slowly and seductively.

“oh…” he said, again, feeling a twinge in his pants.

She slowly rose off the couch, casually realigning the hem of her dress with a smart tug before reaching her two hands out to him.

“Come,” she beckoned, and he took her hands.

Effortlessly, she pulled him off the couch.

“Wow she’s strong,” he thought, as he steadied himself over his feet.

He felt so relaxed and was eager to see if he could get her out of her dress.

She let go one hand and pulled him with the other, leading him away from the couch. Soon it was clear they were heading to the bedroom.

A sly smile played across his face, anticipation building.

Her room was large, well-furnished and stylish, in the same darker tones as the rest of the house. Candles again lit the room, obviating the need any other lights.

A fleeting thought entered his mind, something about the candles suggested this had been planned.

He was going to get lucky.

His smile grew.

A king-sized bed sat in the center of the far wall, covered in a thick black satin duvet that looked as though it would engulf anyone who lay on it.

In his warm drowsy state, he wanted to lay down.

She pulled him gently to the foot of the bed then turned to face him. She stepped in close, again lightly holding both his hands in hers. In her heels, she was almost his height, but she reached up and kissed him fully and more passionately.

What had been a twinge in his groin was now full-blown growth operation and soon the front of his pants were full of his engorged manhood.

“It’s time,” she said softly to him.

“Finally,” part of him thought.

“You’re not ready for this,” still another part of him chirped.

Though they had spent a few nights together deep into the evenings, they had never consummated their short relationship. Those nights she had looked at him hungrily, ravenously even, like she wanted to devour him, but for some reason she had not taken it to that level. He had not pushed, afraid to ruin whatever blossoming relationship they had. He could wait, even if the last time he had gone home in the early morning hours with a staggering case of blue balls.

She pulled at his shirt, untucking it from his pants and then slid her hands under it, pushing it up and over his head. She kissed him again as her hands went down to his belt buckle, deftly pulling the leather back through the buckle and releasing it. As she did, he stepped first on the back of his right shoe with his left foot, stepping out of his shoe, and then reversed the processes stepping out of his left shoe. By then his button fly jeans were wide apart and ready to be brought down so he could step out of them. His boxers couldn’t contain his aroused manhood and the length of his penis stood at attention through the fly of his underwear, exposed and ready.

She grabbed the waist of his pants and pulled them down, bending at the knees and keeping her weight on the balls of her feet as she descended down his legs with his pants. When she got them to his knees she paused, now face to face with his erection. Her eyes locked on the phallus but this time she could not take her prize. She reached one hand down to the hem of his pant leg and pulled as he stepped first out of one side and then out of the other.

Now in only his underwear, she stood again and smiled a wicked smile at him.

“Come,” she said and again took his hand, pulling him around to the side of the bed.

She pulled aside the duvet cover, exposing the bed beneath. She stood too her full height, her back to him, and told him to unzip her dress. As she held her hair to one side, he carefully pulled the zipper down until it met its end. She tugged at her long sleeves and soon had her arms free and let the dress drop to the floor. He watched the dress fall, covering some line on the floor he hadn’t yet noticed.

Had he been in any condition to observe, he could have noted the lines made up a star shaped pattern inside a circle, but he had so many other things on his mind.

She wore no bra, and as he suspected her breasts were as pert and perky as he had imagined when she turned back to face him. Besides her heels, she had on only a black silk thong who’s strap dove and disappeared between her delicious buttocks in the back, and which only scarcely covered her shaved and bare womanhood.

She leaned in against him, allowing her ample bosoms to press against his chest and kissed him again, this time deeply, wantonly. He could feel his rod push against the small of her tummy.

“Are you ready?” she asked. “It’s time.”

“Un-huh…” was all he could manage in reply, his mind a whirl in desire and anticipation.

She pulled his boxers down, careful to free his cock from the fly as she pulled the waist band past it. Her touch sent a shiver through him as her warm hand held on to his penis to protect it as the fabric moved past. It was only the second time a woman had ever touched him there.

He stepped out of the underwear and she climbed onto the bed moving to the center, pushing back the massive satin duvet further as she did. He stood at the side of the bed as she positioned herself facing him, lying on her side. She propped her head on her hand and patted the bed, beckoning him to lay down.

He slid across the cool black satin sheets until he lay next to her. Taking the initiative, he kissed her deeply and put his arm around her hip trying to pull her toward him to start the love making.

“No, no, love,” she said pulling his hand off her hip. “I can’t take it. You have to give it to me,” she said sweetly, a faint red glow in her dark eyes.

“Oh,” he replied, clearly confused.

“Lay back,” she said, pushing his shoulder back so that he lay flat on his back.

She brought herself up close so that her breast lay against his upper arm and her hand slid across his chest to his nipple, tickling it ever so.

“Don’t you want to give yourself to me, darling?” she cooed at him, sliding her hand up from his nipple to his cheek, softly caressing it. She leaned close to his ear, breathing heavily and whispering again, “I can’t take it from you, you have to give it to me, my love.”

“Mmm,” he said, closing his eyes taking in her scent yet again, anticipating the love making he was certain was to come. “Give you what?” he breathed out, smiling.

“Why your manhood of course,” she whispered back, sending her hand again down his bare chest. “Only women can be succubae.”

“Mmm, oh…” he half moaned as her scintillating fingers again played with his nipple.

She slid her hand down toward his waist and found his left wrist. She guessed it was his favored hand. She pulled it up and position his hand next to his full cock. She let it go and slowly returned her hand to his nipple and softly nibbled on his earlobe.

“Stroke it darling,” she commanded sweetly. “Give yourself to me.”

His hand found its favorite position and he gave his cock a few quick strokes and exhaled audibly.

“Give myself to her?” he thought, slowly stroking himself, savoring the feeling.

He was not a smart man, but he was beginning to understand more and more what she was after. His wine clouded thoughts worked their way through his sex addled mind. She wanted him to join their ranks as a succubae?

“I don’t know if I should do this,” he sort of moaned at her as he stroked himself, eyes closed.

“It’s ok, Christopher. I will give you such a better life than this sad one you leave. I picked you. You’re special. You can be one of us. You will be one of us…” she whispered in his ear.

Just a few more strokes. It felt so good, and her warm breast and hard nipple felt electric against him.

“You just need to accept and give yourself to me. I can take you away from all of this. The sisterhood awaits you. Come to us…” she cooed again, stroking his face gently.

He couldn’t see her eyes glowing, nor the large pentagram symbol on the floor under the bed as is softly began to glow.

At some level he now understood the bargain as it was presented. He had only to continue to stroke himself to climax, to give his manhood to her to join them, to become succubae. The fog in his mind was now thick but he understood and did the simple calculus. He had nothing here in this town, in his life. His family was gone, and friends were few. His nothing blue collar job had no future and he had many times wondered just what he would do with his life.

This was his future, his brain seemed to decide. This was a better life. She was the answer, and he would give what she asked to get it.

She sensed his decision and smiled wickedly. She always got what she came for. It wasn’t a fair fight.

“Mmmm…yes, darling. Now finish for me and start on your new path,” she hissed sweetly, her demon tongue licking his ear sensually, her elongating black claws softly raking his chest.

His mind let go and his hand pumped his cock vigorously. He was so fully aroused it took only a few moments for what he thought would be his hot ejaculated to spew forth.

Instead, unseen to him, his eyes still closed in concentration, what burst forth was not his seed, but his essence and it floated out of the tip of his phallus and was sucked in greedily by the succubus next to him. His body glowed brightly and as the last of his essence came forth it morphed into its new shape.

All his features softened. What was previously angular, his brow, his jawline, his nose and Adam’s apple, rounded and soften. His skin too softened and any hair he had on him seemed to recede into his body or lighten significantly. The hair on his head sprang forth and fell, full, thick and dark, around her head. Breasts sprang forth, plumping onto her chest, held back only by gravity from achieving their full perk and heft. Her waist tapered in and the small amount of belly fat disappeared leaving traces of abdominal muscles. Her hips widened some and her thighs, quite lean to begin with, slimmed further still. Her hand and feet shrunk slightly, and her fingers grew leaner, her nails arching out, solidifying and curving into sharp black talons.

The change was complete rather quickly and she lay there now fully sober, aware of not only the change but the implications of her choice. Her first thought was that she must have gained 50 IQ points. She smiled, delighted in the thought and opened her eyes.

“Hello Darling,” her lover cooed, leaning over her and kissing her. She leaned back again and looked at the new woman, eyes still faintly glowing. “How do you feel?”

“Wonderful,” she growled back in a sultry sexy voice. She pushed her head back against the pillow and let her hands slide up her new body, stopping on her breasts. She kneaded and handled them, mouth agape at the sheer ecstasy her new orbs brought her. She left one hand there and sent the other quickly between her legs, feeling the moistening lips of her new sex.

“Oh…” she whined, and her lover moved her hand out of the way and sank her finger into the new woman’s sex.

The two kissed as the demon brought her new protegee to climax for the first time as woman. The succubus formerly known as Christopher screamed out as her body was swept by its first female orgasm. Two more quickly followed.

“Now, my darling, the night is still young, and we have things to do. To start, I think your name should now be Christina. Would you like that?”

Christina nodded her head in agreement.

“Excellent. Now, come with me to the closet, we need you to be more presentable for your prey.”

She slid to the edge of the bed, reached down, and grabbed her sequin dress from the ground, before heading to the large walk-in closet. She donned a red silk kimono robe as she clicked on the closet lights. Christina, nude, followed her, stepping on the outer edge of the pentagram design on the floor as she did. The claws on her fingers gently morphed back to fingernails as she crossed past the symbol on her way across the room.

Once together, she brushed out Christina’s new hair and sat her down to do her makeup. Black satin panties and matching bra were put into place. She then had Christina step into a body hugging long white pencil skirt whose hem fell just below her knee and zipped her in from the back all the way up the high waist. She then selected a black draped duchess satin crop top from a well-known designer. The shiny black material seemed to sculp her new female body. Christina put her arms through the long sleeve and buttoned up the blouse. The gold button at the top was the perfect touch between the sharp collar points now framing her neck. She loved the feel of the material against her skin, and eagerly stepped into the long black patent leather heels she was given next.

She turned Christina to the mirror and stood close behind her so they could both look at her.

“How do you feel my darling,” she asked Christina.

“Hungry,” she replied.

“Let’s go hunting then, shall we?”

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