Estrogen / Hormones

Guilty as charged!

Guilty as charged!

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

Part 1. My sentence.

Despite my pleas of innocence, I was found guilty of rape. It had always been regarded as a very serious crime and this was still true in the third decade of the 21st century. The mandatory sentence, however, had recently changed dramatically as more efforts were made to ensure that criminals did not re-offend. This is my version of what happened.



Chapter 15

I gasp a little happy gasp as Brandy does this thing to me. She spends time kissing and tonguing out my navel?

I’m still new at intimacy so I’ve never heard of this and there’s this sort of feeling it sort of not feeling it thing at first.

If you’re wondering…take a finger and trace your belly button. Then wet your finger, close you eyes and do it again.

Now picture nibbling teeth, warm lips, and a curious tongue.

And then her hands and nails sliding up my body and cupping my tiny breasts in her hands and kneading them gently.

Lead Shoes-14

Lead Shoes-14

Chapter 14

I almost don’t want to get into the van to drive home once we’re out of the school and he pushes me along with me in my chair. I have had I think the most amazing night of my life and part of me really doesn’t want it to end.

I take out my phone and text mom.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-21

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-21

Chapter 21

Mom drives and we’re quiet at first as we drive through the rain and pass buy a few places mostly chain food places. Some’s not bad I like Dairy Queen and Burger king if for burgers because a good burger should be flame broiled. A&W is good buy shy works there and so that’s out of the question. We actually settle for Fu-lamb’s Kitchen a mom and pop Chinese place.

I like Chinese and it’s one of those foods where you have the places around but you just don’t end up eating there often.

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

Betty Smith’s Transgender School

The court system has classified me as “Class 31”. Which means my mother has full control over me. I have been in courts many times -- I guess this is like throwing me in jail. The State will pay all costs to have me re-educated, they say. Not sure what that means.

My mother and I just left my doctor where the doctor gave me four shots. I was feeling very relaxed when my Mom told me of my new life because of the Court ruling me “Class 31”.

The New Girl in My Life - Part 3 - The Daughter and Girl Now Showing

Previously… Mom said thanks. I joked, “Don’t thank me yet, I’ve just started being your daughter. I still want to know more about those feelings and being a girl. You haven’t begun to tell me how to do it or about birth control.” … “Being a girl is what you should be about; you don’t ‘do it’.”

Mom and I had a long discussion. When we were done I went to my room and Dad and Mom got together. I heard Mom say, “This child better be a boy.” Mom, I learned preferred girls but I got her to question that.

Jem...Chapter 57

Jem…Chapter 57

Chapter 57

I step over to Rayne and take her into my arms and hug her gently. “Surprise?”

“This…I never thought…you guys…” she talk sniffles.

Dad smiles. “No, it’s not a big deal. The place needed some TLC that’s all and as for your room you’ve been busy and hurting. Stuff like this gets to be just one big thing you have to do that you don’t have the heart and energy for. Besides Angel’s cooking one of my favorite meals and it’s always been something we did….have a big feed and get together and have a whole lot of hands to get things done.”

The washroom (A Jaci and Dottie story)

Jacilynn entered the house and all but threw her purse on the sideboard. Mostly because she missed and the purse slid across the floor into the living room.

She was angry from being so embarrassed. Earlier today Dottie Mom had shown up and after the first few minutes of the visit Jacilynn was asked, politely of course, to maybe go to the mall and shop.

"It's not my fault! If that bitch had not tried to hurt my sister I would not have done that!" she mumbled to herself.


Images 42

Images 42

Chapter 42

As a girl…for me there is something as close to pure joy to just walk up and wrap your arms around you father and bury yourself into that man that will always love you. “Hey Daddy…” I love just being able to do this. Its gets so much better when he hugs me back in that Daddy strong way and it lifts my soul as he lifts me off my feet a little.

Suzanne’s cousin Clare: 33


I have my second assessment
followed by other significant developments

Suzanne’s cousin Clare:

and how she changed my life

by Louise Anne Smithson

Chapter 33 - My second assessment interview

The New Girl in My Life - Part 2 (Revised)

Previously… It was 7:10 and I had a surprise visitor, Matt Petersen had come to see me with Brianna. He was taken back both by how Bri reacted to me and how much of a girl I was. He shared, “Where is the troublesome boy?”…
Jeff is here and neither he nor I are angels.” Bri gave me a hug saying “Angel.” I could not help but cry…

… if I went to stay with the Petersens it was to stay as Jessie and for now to be their foster child. I would need to visit with her regularly and they wanted me on a hormone blocker for one month.

Miss Perfect Part 4

Miss Perfect Part Four
The Serial: Part Four
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration
SynopsisI am now the girl that I am a girl .I always wanted to be

The New Girl in My Life (REVISED)

The New Girl in My Life (Revised)
By Jessica C

My name is Jeff but for years now and then I get these compulsions to see myself as a girl. It has become a growing ongoing tension between me and my parents that was supposed to be a thing of the past. It was two weeks before school let out for Christmas break, and I had an urge to be sick at school. I worked myself up to be sick so I could get sent home from school. I had weeks ago found some clothes a friend was throwing out and I had taken them, without anyone knowing but not yet had a chance to try them on.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 32 & 33.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 32 & 33.

Chapter 32

I can’t help but to just stare into those eyes for several long sweet minutes and then smile at him and I step in close to him and press myself to him and hang onto his arm…oooh…his rock hard solid arm and I lean in and take a careful long slow bite.


His eyes get that look, that I want you look. That’s totally alright because I want him too.

“On second thought since that was incredibly sexy how about I just feed the rest on this to you.”

“I wouldn’t mind.” I smile and he feeds me another bite.

It's Dorothy's fault...again.

Dorothy and I were once again chatting when a turn of phrase got my muse going.. Well this being Bigcloset and well you know...

We have the Technology.
We can rebuild him.

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press. I welcome you to our new facilty for the rebuilding of victims of accidents.

Today I am going to show you our first victim. Steve Ashton was a pilot who suffered a major crash. Over 20% of his body was burned from the fuel igniting. His arm and both legs were crushed and severed. His pelvis was also crushed at the same time.

Miss Perfect Part 1

Miss Perfect Part One
The Serial: Part One
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration
SynopsisI am now the girl that I am a girl .I always wanted to be



Chapter 14

A shiny black hair…

I had the distinct feeling that this was a somebody and not a something when I had seen her. But what does this mean? Was she able to break herself down into pure information?

Oh the implication of that have me there for likely an hour just staring at the thread.


Like Star-Trek?

But in wide, wide theory this could be plausible. We are all made of energy? Matter breaks down into energy, but can energy become matter? Not that we know of but…

Lead Shoes-13

Lead Shoes-13

Chapter 13

We were kissing and it was so good!

I mean it!

I’ve never felt before that kissing was so much like this. His lips are so…and he smells so good but I feel so…I feel like a girl. I am one…I’m going to be me but this was like every cell of my body was like…

Pink, frilly, butter cream icing on cupcakes, satin panties oh my god yay squee!!!

Change of Summer Camps - 5 - Going On as Patti

Change of Summer Camps — 5
“Going on as Patti”


By Jessica C

Sam and I went for a walk, we kissed and hugged but I knew he wanted more. I was getting excited but did not to go any further…
…I passed out just for a moment. And Sharon glibly said, “I think this southern belle swooned from overheating her engine... Sis what am I going to do, this shouldn’t happen to me,” I whispered to Susan. …Susan hugged me back and whispered in my ear, “Patti, it did happen and it happened because you’re becoming my little sis. Please talk to me, I never thought I would have a Sis I could hold and talk to.”

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 5


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cause him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose
Part 5

By Shinieris

"Yes! Thank you, thank you. I love you, Rina!" Mira cheered as she hugged Rina tightly. Then she got up and skipped to the door.

She opened the door and went out, but before she closed the door again, she poked her head and said, "You know, if you had said no, I would've had to ask your boyfriend."

Rina frowned. "Who's my boyfriend?"

"Mr. Iskandar," Mira giggled as she barely avoided a flying pillow. Mira then closed the door and laughed all the way to the room she shared with Nini.


Jaci and Dottie - an introduction

Dorothy is rather insistent that I publish this part right now even though WE, yes you too Dottie, are still working on the whole story and it will not be ready for quite some time.

My Super Secret Life...Villain-9

My Super Secret Life…Villain-9

Chapter 9

I’m not sure if I’m punchy from the pain or the adrenaline but I am bizarrely having a good time sort of hiding slumped in the back seat of Jeff’s car while he drives us to him condo and he’s muttering the whole way.

I would have been perturbed by him doing this before but since my latest mutation shift and my body sort of catching up to my age it’s actually kind of cute. It does make me wonder though if it’s like hormones and brain chemistry or the fact that we’ve had sex together.

Sweet Dreams-39 The first cut is the Deepest.

Sweet Dreams-39 The first cut is the Deepest.

Chapter 39

I’m nervous as heck as April and I go into the hospital. I’m also a little impressed April has pull or maybe her money does as we’re semi ushered into the area for my tests and honestly I never thought that they had places where they took you aside and get you ready.

And not one but two nurses hanging around for stuff. I don’t even get the paper dress thing but patient scrubs?

“I guess it’s different with money right?” I’m not being snitty about it I’m too out of my element for that.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 4


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cause him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose
Part 4

By Shinieris

"Promise me, never show anyone your body," her aunt demanded.

"But what if the teacher told me to change in front of everyone?" Rina asked again.

"Tell her you're not allowed to change in front of others. If she insists, you tell the school to call me!" then her voice became gentler, "Do you understand, sweetie?"

"Yes," Rina pushed herself up and kissed her aunt's forehead, "Rina understand. I won't change in front of anyone, mama."


First Bodysuit

First Bodysuit
By Stanman63
Thanks To Nora Adrienne for editing!
Synopsis:Many people have been Blessed with a totally new body that is free of any cancer and genetic defects as well as replacing lost limbs and healing any nerve damage. What you do not know is that I made the first bodysuit for myself and that if not for the help of my Beloved husband, it would have never been made.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 30 & 31.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 30 & 31

Chapter 30...

I wake and resist the urge to stretch it’s been awhile almost three weeks actually it’s not my arm or my bruises but it’s my ribs. I had no idea that bruised ribs would suck this much. I can breathe now, well I could but it doesn’t hurt and twinge me with pain like they did.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose Part 3


Hazrin, born Azrina, was born a boy and was genetically a boy. Then his mother registered him as a baby girl. When he was 2, his mother sent him away to live with his aunt, deep inside the vineyards of France. Without knowing anything, he lived almost twenty years of his life as a girl. Now he has returned home, to his home country, and decided to care for his little brother and sisters, as a man.

Can he untrain himself of all feminine gestures and become a real man?

Enter Iskandar, the nephew of one of the wealthiest tycoons in Southeast Asia. He had a plan, of becoming independent from his uncle, but that would cause him to betray the only one he holds dear. Will he sacrifice all for Azrina's love? Or will he sacrifice Azrina instead?

Then comes Max, a german man from an impoverished noble household. For the past fifteen years, Rina Sofiana de Havensall, has always been in his mind. Now that he had fulfilled his promise, he came to find Rina, to ask her to honour her part of the promise.

Bliss Behind A Stalk of Rose
Part 3

By Shinieris

"When I grow up, I'm going to be your bride," the seven year old girl said to the older boy.

The boy smiled, "Then I will give you the best life you can possibly wish for, or I am not worthy of marrying you."

"Really?" the girl giggled, "You promise?"

The boy raised his right hand, with the other placed close to his heart, "I swear on my father's memory, I will regain my family's fortune and you will never want for another husband. But how about you?"

"What about me?" the girl smiled innocently.

"Will you wait for me, until the time when I can fulfill my promise, my dear Sophiana?"

"Hehe, of course. I will wait for you forever," the girl then kissed the boy's temple, and with a wave, ran home for dinner.

That was the last time they met each other. Two days later, the boy and his mother left the vineyards. For the harvest season is over, and there was not much work left for casual labourers to make ends meet.


Magdalena: The Palm of Your Hand 1/?

Magdalena: The Palm of Your Hand 1/?
Lilith Langtree

Patience de la Croix has been on the run from the Catholic Church for years. Now that it has come time to fulfill her destiny, they've found her again.


X-Why-Me...Chapter 2

X-Why-Me…Chapter 2

Chapter 2

She had fainted and was slowly woken up with her mother shaking her gently. “Emily? Emily wake up you fainted.”

“I did?”

“Yes, you did.”

“I had the worst dream Mom.”

“It wasn’t a dream.” Her mother had this strange almost foreboding finality there in her voice.


“You eavesdropped on me and the doctor and then you looked what we were talking about on Google.”

“But it’s not true right?”

“We haven’t got the DNA tests back those will take awhile but everything else says yes.”

“But it’s still not true, c’mon!”

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-20

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-20

Chapter 20


Okay I’m seeing Kaylee and I don’t really know Shy at all and I’m just…well you ever meet one of those people that just impacts with you. Shy is so doing that with me. I’m not even sure what it is about her other than the fact I really want to say Him when I’m thinking of them.

Schoolgirl Mixup - Mom

I should note I didn't really want to post another chapter and may or may not continue this story as I really want to work on my other stories. However my muse seems to have other ideas.

Then again so do some people reading this story.

Schoolgirl Mixup

"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that young lady?" My grandmother asked me. I was poised outside of her house door dressed like most boys my age for school at the Smithsonian Private School. White short-sleeve dress shirt, school tie, blue pants that matched the darker blue blazer, dark socks in black dress shoes. I was caught poised with one foot in the air. I didn't have my new pink schoolbag either with the Hello Kitty on it.

Covered Bridges-7.

Covered Bridges-7.

Chapter 7

John hasn’t showed me the sketches yet that he did of me this morning and we had packed up my things and he had left to rent a car because like a lot of people in places like Montreal, Toronto and yes even Quebec it’s not day to day practical to own and keep a car. It’s like that in a lot of cities actually.

Lead Shoes-12

Lead Shoes-12

Chapter 12

Have you ever had one of those so romantic moments that it’s like some angel had come along and hand stitched the entire thing onto your heart?

I would have told you a few hours ago that I didn’t really believe in God or Angels or a lot of those things but right now…the so unbelievable has happened for me I’m not sure that if I stepped outside and seen a unicorn out on the front lawn that I’d be as surprised, shocked and just moved as I am right now.



Chapter 13

Three hours later.

We had somehow gone through traffic and to the police department all the while being very amorous….and we were touching and kissing each other even through me “Binging.” through the elevators.

I think Brandy is in her higher functioning happy mode.

That was a joke.

I like that she Bings with me.

It’s odd that such a small thing means so much to me emotionally.

The Ballet Dancer

The Ballet Dancer

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately.

This brief biography is based on a diary discovered in the archives of the Russian National Ballet.

Boris was born on 30th April 1958 in Moscow in Soviet Russia and even when very young, his parents took him to see the Bolshoi Ballet. It was not surprising, therefore, that he soon declared that when he grew up, he wanted to be a ballet dancer. He did well at school and later won himself a place in the prestigious Bolshoi Academy.

My Super Secret Life-27.

My Super Secret Life-27.

Chapter 27

I’d been awake awhile and still pretty achy and sore after mom had left. I was in one of those snazzy private hospital styled rooms and stuff. I’m watching TV trying to sort of zone in on the whole being a guy thing.

“This is harder than I thought.”



Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

I've always been a risk taker and this has sometimes got me into trouble and for many years I have been an active transvestite. I am also something of a loner and in view of what has happened, perhaps that was just as well.



Chapter 12

I lean into Brandy and she’s leaning into me and this is where my brain really understands that I’m a transgendered woman. It’s this.

It’s where we have this soft way of melting into each other’s care where I don’t have to pretend to be strong when I’m just not equipment to be. It’s lying in a way and I’ve never been good at lying. Yes I didn’t know and that sort of makes it okay but it was a lie of omission to me at least which is why I didn’t know.

Change of Summer Camps - 4 Being Patti

Change of Summer Camps - 4

By Jessica C

I had on lipstick but had I learned how girls greet one another without smearing it on the other. I jumped up from my chair and ran to my mother entering the room. I jumped into her arms as a much younger girl might do…

“…Showing you panties to your friends is not becoming for your age.” …After I regained my composure, I introduce my mom, Karen Landis …


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