Estrogen / Hormones

The Judge made me do it

I could not believe what the judge was saying. She was sentencing me to “Class-A Sissy Incarnation”. I knew what this was, everyone knew. It is a State law saying that a guardian appointed by the judge could incarcerate a person to their control and mandate the troubled person to become a sissy. It was legal and happens way to often since there is no room in our jails. Society approves of this treatment.

A short story of revenge .

“Oh yeah your tight you little bitch", That’s all I can hear over my screams as this low life enters me.

As this is happing I have to think of how I ended up here, tied to this bed God knows where getting violated by some guy who paid for me.

(Four days earlier)

My Super Secret Life-15.

My Super Secret Life-15

Chapter 15


There’s this so strange happy goofy girly feeling that washes over me as Sunny backs up over the curb like a spazz in her car. It’s a feeling that I’ve never had before…not as Shane and remembering back though as Kai though I remember the feelings.

Being me in China as a Japanese beauty and of the famed geishas and being able to draw the heads of men with just these flirty looks and ways of just looking like lust flowing like walking sex but not being able to be touched.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-12

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-12.

Chapter 12

“Ugnn! Holy cow this is heavy!” And I’m talking to myself pretty much back to work out and Mr. Seger’s place. I’ve been clearing out the big garage sheds and then helping him hauling old engines and stuff like that he had for his boat that he had kept even though he had replaced the over the years.

The Ram 9

Here's chapter 9 of The Ram.

The Welsh Mountain Ram 9

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month--old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 23 & 24.

Absinthe, Honor and Opium…Chapters 23&24

Chapter 23

I take my drink upstairs with me sipping on the hard yet smooth scotch. I’m not that well versed in alcohols of any kind but I’m getting there. I’d actually love to know good stuff from bad even as far as maybe cigars and stuff like that too. Not that I’d smoke them, heck I don’t really smoke anything besides really smelly and not good for you. But I’d like to know it in case of conversations or to know what to buy as gifts

It’s be a nice skill set to have.

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 7, Conclusion

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Once again Charli wakes up to a world she is not familiar with. Rather quickly, she remembers that she had been adopted the previous day by some very nice people. She had been banged up a bit in an auto accident, but she was okay. She arrives at her new home, and meets her new sister. She also meets the younger sister of Cindy whom she had met the day before. She walks out of a previously empty closet, as does her talking cat. That's when she realizes that some of her memories aren't right, and that she has left her two best friends in Boston to fend for themselves.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story parallels Cynthia and the High School Years.

The Ram 7

Here's the next chapter of The Ram

The Welsh Mountain Ram 7.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’
Cledwyn. Farmer further down the valley (Neighbour.)
Blodwen Cledwyn’s daughter.
Rachel Daphne’s TV friend.

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 5

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The continuing need for money drives Charli to make some serious, potentially disastrous choices. She makes some significant changes in her appearance, but that's not the problem. She's going to work as an underage prostitute. She's found a pimp who seems to be pretty decent. At least the money's good.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story parallels Cynthia and the High School Years.

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 4

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 4

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Charli's physical development continues as does her sexuality. She meets a man at the laundromat who is willing to pay her for sex. The need for money pushes her into the next major step in her life. Unfortunately, the man figures out who she is.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story parallels Cynthia and the High School Years.

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 3

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 3

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Charli lucks out when she finds a large quantity of discarded birth control pills. After six months of use, she is not pleased with her lack of feminine development; however, things finally start to happen. She finds also that she is able to talk with another dog. Then, someone new shows up.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story parallels Cynthia and the High School Years.

The Ram 4

Here is the next chapter of the Ram.

Briony discovers Daves' transgenderism.

The Ram 4.

Briony Betrayed wife and mother.
Sion Her eight-year-old son.
Ellairy Her nine-month-old daughter.
Arfon Brionys’ unfaithful husband.
Dave. Welsh bachelor hill-farmer.
Jenny and Lassie Daves’ sheepdog bitches.
Laddie. Daves’ sheepdog.
Jessica and Pansy Daves’ sows.
Angel Daves’ mare.
Daphne Daves’ ‘girlfriend’

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 2

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 2

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Charli learns about life under the horizon. She has a lot of time on her hands, and she wants to maintain the fiction that she is dead. Her major effort continues to be survival.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story parallels Cynthia and the High School Years.

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 1

Charli and the Girl Cave, Part 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Nothing is simple. Charlie Donizetti has the misfortune to find his parents, aunt and uncle murdered by two small time hoodlums. He is discovered, but manages to get away. So begins a life hiding underground, and surviving by his wiles. It is not an easy or pleasant life; however, it does have some high points.

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story parallels Cynthia and the High School Years.

Covered Bridges-2.

Covered Bridges-2

Chapter 2

Oh I hate a comfortable bed and the one here at the Millstone Lodge was really comfortable with the memory foam stuff and comforters and really good cotton sheets and I longed for just a bit enjoying the feel of the sheets on my skin.

Then I force myself up and get dressed into my workout clothes and this being home and me not used to North American Chill any more I take a hoody and leave a note staying gone jogging.

Kidnapped. Part 1

Kidnapped 1
By kayla don
Edited by Red_MacDonald

You know, it’s weird to be standing here in this spot, outside the place that made me the person I am to day. As I look at the building that has haunted my dreams for the past fifteen years, I just have to think back on the events that took place all those years ago.
“Mom, I’ll see ya later.”
“Be careful and call me when you get there.”
I went to the garage, hopped on my hummer H1 golf cart, and took off towards my friend Cade’s house.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 19 & 20.

Absinthe Opium and Honor… Chapter’s 19 & 20

Chapter 19

It’s been awhile since things have gotten started with me on the hormones. I’ve actually slipped into this new state of things. I’ve been dating a little bit mostly Rick who seems to have a serious thing for me lately and I still haven’t been with yet and Tommy once in awhile but he’s been seeing other people too.

Shofteem - slightly revised

Shofteem - slightly revised

by shalimar


An Assistant District Attorney gives the final summation to the jury against the accused murderers of Susan Milano, a transsexual. Based on a true story.

WARNING: Rape is mentioned.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-11

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-11

Chapter 11

I’m standing there stunned at the sudden rush of the girls laughing and squeeing and running all over the place. Hillary’s laughing a bit too. But she’s pointing at various girls and shouting out orders.

“Bring all your clothes even the good stuff and the stuff that you’re not using that might fit Dylan!”


“You three get all the different make-up stuff we have and bathroom stuff!”


“You two junk food!”


“You two Movies!”

“Yo, Earth to Hill.”

“Deidre, mud masks and cucumbers!”


Are Those Yours? -3-

And so this little Ad Hoc tale continues. There won't be any more for at least two weeks, I'm afraid.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 3

The name tag said Shirley. Underneath that, in smaller type, it said Foundation Fitter and underneath that again it said Supervisor.

"Dave? Dave Shepherd? You remember me, don't you? Shirley Boothroyd from school, only I'm Shirley Parsons now. What are you doing in here?"

The man standing in front of her reddened and looked extremely embarrassed, as well he might, since they were standing in the Ladies Underwear department of Maddens, a top department store. They had decided to travel to a nearby city so that he wouldn't meet anyone he knew, and as luck would have it...

Shirley decided that it was more than simple embarrassment that had upset an old school chum. There had been nothing between the two of them to cause any problem so why..? She looked briefly at the two young women with him, and then back to Dave, raising an eyebrow.

"I, um, need to be fitted for a bra."

The Bus Stop

Inspired by the Hollies song, this story is about a young man who shares his umbrella with a beautiful girl during a rainstorm; his growing affection toward her is compromised when he discovers she has a secret!

Are Those Yours? -2-

My muse simply insists that I develop this tale. There will probably be five or so parts, and at extremely random intervals. But there's a solid tale there, and I have to write it. Enjoy.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 2

Pling Plong.

Dave groaned and forced one eye open. He had fallen asleep on the couch again, his head at a painful angle to the rest of his body. In the corner the television flickered and danced with some daytime quiz program he'd never seen before. He was lying at a low angle, obviously having fallen over as he drifted off. He attempted to straighten up, wincing as his neck assumed its proper orientation. The weights on his chest moved alarmingly, travelling around of their own accord as he sat up, finally assuming their normal hanging position. He yawned.

Healing Both Mind and Body

Healing Both Mind and Body

by Torrey Grover

Our heroine tells a story of violent abuse, recovery, and reconciliation, and finally looks forward to her future. This story combines real events, ideas, and people (names altered) with imagination to create a work of transgender fiction. If the abuse seems unrealistic to you, google 'John Daniel Kingston' plus beating, and read the newspaper accounts.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 17 & 18

Absinthe, Opium and Honor… Chapters 17 & 18.

Chapter 17.

The girls and I go through classes together having such a good time. There’s a lot of just girl talk about hair and make-up, clothes and I’m actually able to hold my own. But as much as I can relate and hold my own there’s this great feeling of getting immersed in the world of girl in a way outside of the things Sasha was teaching me.

Oh and they really enjoyed the coffee’s that Tommy bought us.

Images 31

Images 31

Chapter 31

The movie was well… (Big grin.)

I haven’t the foggiest.

Back when I was Jaime I was so out of the whole actual emotional connection that I went to a date to the movies and I watched the movie. It was good in a way because it did let me turn my brain off. But the whole make out thing in the movie theatres. I never did that.



Chapter 2

I’m so not used to this; it’s so unreal running on all fours in wolf state and having part of my conscious mind trying to process that. Then there’s the smells too and then there’s the fact that well…I’m a wolf running through the streets of London.

I love the speed that I can go though and I have the advantage of being able to run through and around things that are slowing the Vicar and his three biker goons down. Honestly the traffic in this city is the shits.

And the place smells funny.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-9

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian…9

Chapter 9

We’re all full of adrenaline as we’re racing up Old beach road to a lonely stretch of sand dunes the locals usually end up partying at. We just call it The Dunes or some call it Desert Sands but that’s like the name from back in Dad’s era and stuff.

Van Halen’s “Mine all Mine.” Is blaring out of the front of the truck and there a lot of wild yells and screams and stuff. I’m getting increasingly sore and in pain as the ride is going so when someone passes me a beer I take it. And when someone passes me the Jack Daniels I take that too.

The beer is beer but the whisky just burns it’s way down my throat and sets my whole mouth into searing pain as there’s all these cuts on the inside of my cheeks and lips and my gums from getting beat on by “Dick.” I might not have felt it then but I’m feeling it now.

Forbidden Planet


Forbidden Planet
By Stanman63
Edited By NoraAdrienne
Synopsis: In the future, Explorer Marshall Dupree lands on a planet for repairs, to find a dark secret that grants him his wish at the cost of who he is.

The General’s Daughter Part 1

Christopher Weaver was a young urban professional of the least professional sort. A consulting detective, what he didn’t know, he could find out. Now what he didn’t know was small secret his parents had neglected to inform him about his birth, the joys and hardships of leaving the city and how dangerous a cup of coffee could really be.

My Super Secret Life-10.

My Super Secret life -10

Chapter 10


It’s so strange…I’m getting into this little red sports car having the door opened for me to go shopping of all things by this drop dead gorgeous blonde with these incredibly blue eyes and this warm sexy killer smile.

And I’m just a bit taller than her boobs.

Open Your Heart - Chapter 3

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew

Chapter Three

Janet set her burden down on the floor next to the tub and walked back out of the bathroom to the sounds of a rap remix of Canon in D using a keyboard and percussion. “We’re lookin’ on the sunny side,” incongruously sang the female vocalist doing melodic counterpoint. The song couldn’t be more inappropriate.

Are Those Yours? -1-

Sometimes my muse ambushes me with odd little things like this. I hope you'll like it.

Are Those Yours?

by Penny Lane

Chapter 1

"Here's your tea, love," the girl said, putting the mug down on the table.

The man carried on eating his Full English breakfast, only nodding briefly to thank her. After a short while he became aware that she was still standing beside him and he paused, knife and fork in mid-air.

"Do you mind if I ask you," she said softly, "are those yours?"

He knew exactly to what she was referring and nodded again, keeping his head low.

Open Your Heart - Chapter 2

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew

Chapter Two

“Bicycle bicycle bicycle, I want to ride my bicycle!” Drew sang as he rode along, taking his daily ten. “Bicycle —” just then the singing was interrupted — though the music he was singing to could still be faintly heard from the multimedia phone clipped inside his shirt to his bra — by the screech of tires as a car rapidly slowed, and then honked at him. The passenger window rolled down, and the universal signal of disrespect appeared before Drew’s face. “Get over yourself! I’m right where I’m supposed to be, you gotta problem, take it up with the government!” Drew yelled back as the car squealed its tires when it accelerated too fast whilst departing. “Friggen morons,” he muttered as he cranked his small gears up another sprocket.

Open Your Heart - Chapter 1

Open Your Heart
by Abigail Drew

Chapter One

“Open your heart!” Rang out from a tenor voice that was well off-key but enthusiastic just as lightning flashed nearby. “Open your heart!” it rang again as the peal of thunder roared loud enough as to, almost, drown out the singers voice. “Open your heart! To eternal dimension!” It sang again, and then grunted as, synchronously, the soft metallic thud of a shovel hitting dirt could be heard. “Open your heart! For love and affection,” the distinctive sound of dirt being thrown into a trash can. “Open your heart! Your every emotion,” and a flash of lightning. “Open your heart! For tears and rejection!” Thunder crashed as the “n” could be heard.

My Super Secret Life-8.

My Super Secret Life-8

Chapter 8


Withdraw completely sucks. Especially getting off of smack. There’s these shooting pains that come out of your guts like a thunder storm and then the pain spreads through your limbs and makes you want to curl up and die.

Then there’s the dreams and the nightmares.

…………….Japan, 1642 A.D…………

New Girl in the Band Chapter 4 - Final Chapter

New Girl in the Band Final Chapter
By Princess

Thanks To Stanman63 For Editing!!

Synopsis:David submits to the bands demand that he be a girl for them and some interesting and uncomfortable situations develop.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-6

Don’t Blame Me I’m a Martian-6

Chapter 6

Okay she might look different somehow but yeah, that was just completely Amy.

“Uhm Yeah…It’s kind of a long story. Are you okay?”

She blinks still staring at my chest. “Yeah…I’m good…” She’s still staring.

“Uhm…Amy, I’m up here.” I can’t believe I actually had to say that.

She yanks her head up and looks at me and gives me this sheepish grin and moves some of her hair out of her face. “Whoa, sorry Dylan, their nice?”

Summer Sun and a few sweet chords.

Summer Sun and a few sweet chords.

It actually wasn’t Summer time or anything close to it. It was late fall actually and she was tired…just so tired from everything that happened in her life. She was in her late forties now and while her life hadn’t exactly been a train wreck it hurt.

The Song

The Song
By Stanman63
Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge
Thanks To Melanie Ezell's Big Closet Ultimate Writer's Challenge For Inspiration!
SynopsisA Transgirl talks about a gift that helped her to transition, her transition and the song that gave her the courage to transition.

Evanescence 16

Evanescence 16

Chapter 16

There’s a funny buzzy feel of majik in the room as Alecia and I get out of the bathroom after fixing our make up. It’s only a little strange now doing that. My old self seems so far away at times and yet coming in from the bathroom I’m smiling at Shaun, My Shaun sweet and handsome and before we became an item he was my best friend.


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