Estrogen / Hormones

X-Why-Me...Chapter 16

X-Why-Me…Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Emily just stared at Kira as they rode on the bus and she couldn’t help but to take it all in. She was so beautiful in that seriously stunning way. Her outfit screamed Hollywood sexy even with the country styling and the cute long and tall socks that screamed thigh high stockings.

Was she just…

Was she getting so into this now because she had come out? Was she this “Raging lesbian?” She just couldn’t stop staring and al of the stuff Kira was doing, wearing was just drawing her in.

It couldn’t be the XY thing right? She read and read and read on it and she was kind of disappointed…she wasn’t tall or as beautiful or even as girly as the things have said. She was short and skinny and sort of a tomboy at heart.

Or was the tomboy thing a lesbian thing?

Angel Season Two Episode 2 (Guardian Angel)

Angel Season Two,
Episode 2 (Guardian Angel)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2013 G.M. Shephard

The hunt is on for former Houston PD officer, Seth Broderick as he launches a one man war against his former department. To ease stress amongst overworked officers, Reid enlists Angel's help patrolling the city streets.


Jess Stone had breasts. He had been like this his entire teen life not quite fitting in anywhere that he had lived and at the same time he hadn’t really had the chance to. His folks moved around a lot with his dad being a hydrological engineer but they were slightly afraid of what might happen to Jess if he attended school. Some people just didn’t get it or wanted too. Jess was now attending a new school when he decided to change things...

Only it was everyone else that was getting changed!

Chapter 24
by Bailey Summers

Copyright © 2012 Bailey Summers
All rights reserved.

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 3 - Conclusion

Cynthia and the Solicitous Sisters-In-Law, Part 3

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Well, the die is cast. Randi and Charli are going to bring about some serious cosmetic changes to the wannabe girls. How well can they bring this off, and where are they going to go after the party's over?

This is another story in the Cynthia Chronicles series. Other stories in the series are An Incremental Journey, Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend, Cynthia and the Dumpster Diver, Cynthia and the Moment of Truth, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part I, Cynthia and the High School Years - Part II, Charli and the Girl Cave, Adam and the Three Wishes, Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling; and Randi and the College Professor,. The time frame of this story follows immediately after Adam and the Three Wishes.

Images 50

Images 50

Chapter 50

As much as going to see Hanna is on my mind the morning is a good morning by all of my standards. Nice waffles…I do like a good waffle, pancakes are awesome but I like the nooks and crannies thing.

I make a whole bunch and Taylor does a little scrambled eggs and a bit of bacon we don’t need much but I dig out the juice and the vitamins and take my meds and my vitamins and get Iggy hers and then Giselle’s Flintstone’s ones.

So trying to do the mommy thing.

Tay certainly makes it better with the kisses and nuzzles to my neck and places and him circling his arms around me.

I’m definitely more than blessed.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 15

X-Why-Me... Chapter 15

Chapter 15

It took awhile before things got interesting with things being pretty heated as the fat cop showed only he had with him two other cops and the Sheriff.

Okay Emily thought the Sheriff looked like he knew what was going on and he looked more capable than the other guys. He was younger too by at least between ten to twenty years too depending on what cop you compared him too and he didn’t look like a foot chase would be cause for him radioing 911.

He was taking pictures and then he was looking at something on a computer tablet before coming in.

He talked to her mom.

She called him Stone.

Okay Stone as a first name was…

Holy shit she thought he looked like her sister.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-10 The Start.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-10 The Start.


I’m still holding hands with Cody as he’s devouring the weird bacon and granola bar that this Sam girl gave him. I’m…I’m not sure how to think or react really since he’s nice and he’s sort of cute in a way that is so freaking me out and she’s friendly to him and he’s friendly back like they already sort of know each other and…

And dammit if she ain’t one of them pretty ones.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 5

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 5

I feel like shit.

No really its semi nausea mixed with this spiking of a headache. I hate headaches, I don’t get them a lot but when I do it just really sucks. They’re not migraines thankfully but close to or one of those minor ones.

And right there in my face when I open my eyes is that red hair.

Oh just shoot me.


Jason had been walking down the hallway at work when he spotted a woman swaying from side to side in front of him. He ran to catch her, barely doing so as he did. She had opened the door, mostly, to a seldom used handicapped washroom. He finished pulling the woman inside as the door closed behind them.

Inside he maneuvered the woman onto the only seat in the washroom which was the toilet seat that he flipped down using one foot. His men's dress shoe fell off in the process.

"Lady? Are you alright?" He asked as he maneuvered her onto the toilet seat as best he could.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 41 & 42.

Absinthe, Opium & Honor…Chapters 41 & 42.


I get inside the house and close the door my pulse hammering in my ears and through the rest of me. I’m hot…and jeez…I ache, I’ve never been so wet before in my life. I see the girls have been waiting up but right now… right now I need.

“I..I’ll be down in a bit I need to get changed.”

I make my way to my room and get in and close the door and lean on the wall.

My shirt comes off and I shimmy out of my pants and let it all pool to the floor as I shrug out of my bra.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 8.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 8.


Well here I am at Morgan’s again with my young fella and we’re watching movies as Morgan is cooking up a storm.

Been truthfully ages since me and Sam had something like this other than the odd time that we go over to me mums place.

Oh don’t get me wrong I love my mum to death but she’s my mum and when I go over to her place it’s either me doing stuff for her and all her friends ‘cause she’s got herself a builder t beck an call or she’ll me asking me about me love life or she’ll be trying to set me up.

And I’m real particular now about the women that I like.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 39 & 40.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 39 & 40.

Chapter 39

The rest of my day ad my classes is pretty good. I actually spend a good deal of it thinking about my date with Emily though. Despite Neela the being with girls is still pretty new to me and it’s dating so it sort of doesn’t apply to Sasha or Alex times.

And I’m the one that asked her out and that to me at least makes it different.

I run into one of the girls from earlier at the coffee kiosk and she’s staring daggers at me.

I raise an eyebrow looking at her. “Problem?”

“Yeah, you think you’re hot shit don’t you?”

“Not really but honestly I don’t think I’m the problem.”

“No? You’re a fucking tranny, you’re nothing but fake…queer bullshit.”

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 4

Can Dreams Come True?... Part 4

Ryan is a complete geek and he’s likely seen these movies over and over and he’s still as excited as I am. I’m not ashamed to admit it that as soon as I saw the shire and Bag-End and Frodo and Bilbo they had me.

I read these as a kid and I played D&D a little as a teen and I’d seen the old cartoon version of both the Hobbit and Fellowship.

I enjoyed these so much more than I ever thought I’d actually enjoy a movie in a long, long time.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 7.


“Rudy, you shouldn’t have come over and woke him up and everything…I’d be…”

I’m stopped by him kissing me…he just walked up and tilted my chin up and kissed me with the most romantic, longest best kiss of my entire life.

“I wasn’t leaving you like the way you were, I’m a single dad Morgan... He’s used to it…see he’s already back to dreaming. Got anything to drink?”

The little guy’s conked out already and he’s snuggled into one of my sweatshirts that was left on the couch and my heart does this thing…and I feel this feeling in my insides that makes me want to smiley-cry.

“Sure I’ve some red in the fridge.”

It’s the first time I’ve had Chicken Treat…better than KFC, I like the pineapple fritters that came with the food and good fries. I’m not sure that red wine goes with take away chicken but…it’s all I had in the house.

I get some plates and he lit some of my scented candles and we sit on the floor in front of the coffee table.

I’ve never really had this before…I’m not sure what to do next.

And Now… Chapter 7.

Sweet Dreams-50...Tears Of My Childhood

Sweet Dreams-50…Tears Of My Childhood

Chapter 50


Again…it’s awhile but that doesn’t matter, I lean my head against his where it’s on my shoulder and just whisper to him.

“Keep you eyes closed and just breathe okay hon…….just feel us…me holding you and you holding me and the smell of the trees, the lawns…feel the sunshine?”

He nods into my shoulder.

“Good…now just sort of picture all of that and she’s in there too…right there Alex…right there in the sunshine only she’s really smiling at you…like she used to and not because she’s bombed or high but she’s just good…she’s watching you and seeing the great guy she’s got and she’s just smiling hon…she’s just good…cause you’re good…it’s all she needs babe…it’s all she needs.”

He’s sobbing again into my shoulder but in there…muffled in there I can hear this faint little.

“I…I can see her.”


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Images 49

Chapter 49

There’s some times when you’re just so clearly blessed it takes nothing to see it. I’m kind of having one of those moments here as the day just goes by. We’re busy like we usually are but with a run on the tarts and the sales of the cinnamon rolls and I can’t help but do a bunch of bread batches too for the diner, some for sale, some for the kids here and some for our own house.

But it’s talking and telling stories, letter the kids eat their fill from the two pots and the smells of baking and clean clothes. Full bellies and full hearts no pressure, no drama, no bullshit…and safety.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 3

Can Dreams Come True?... Part 3

It was really an unexpected night for me. Ryan is friendly and kind and he likes Dr. Who. I’m not saying that’s a huge thing for me but really I don’t go to Con’s or stuff like that so people that kind of know about stuff like that are extremely rare to me outside of the internet.

Just leftovers and some more than healthy snacks and a friend that has no problem geeking out over things was really nice.

More than nice actually since it felt for the first time in awhile I was in a place where I could actually breathe. And it’s sort of strange too that I’m spending time with a guy that knows the deal with me and he’s good with it and he’s not some perv or tranny chaser.

You would not believe the things that some people are into when they’re “Good” with you being transgendered.

Lead Shoes-17

Lead Shoes-17

Chapter 17

I put the van into drive and well pull out of the single lane alley going slow and keeping and eye out. Will’s little sister was put into foster care since he couldn’t take care of her and Mom’s been trying to get her in with us instead of the place that she was in but with Will’s problems and Mine and my record with stuff that happened to me back home and Mom’s records there’s been several snags.

There’s apparently some cow in CPS that doesn’t think Mom should be my guardian or Will’s since she must be at fault for supporting me or some bullshit like that. Truth is we only heard that from a friend of a friend of Mom’s and CPS is being all tight lipped and just saying that Mom’s request in still under review.

If it is true it must really gall the cow that I’m of an age here in Canada that she doesn’t have a whole lot to say on the matter.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 2

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 2

I helped Ryan do the dishes and we had coffee together and just sort of relaxed a little. It was starting to sort of get to that whole awkward stage where you sort of have no idea what to say or what to do next and it was making me fidgety.

Twins Part 2


Part Two

Chapter Seven

Ted and I had just turned eleven when our FBI handlers came calling. They had some bad news and we had some life-altering decisions to make. Agent Groves and agent Martinez called and explained they would be coming by to talk to us Wednesday evening.

After dinner there was a knock on our front door.

“That must be the FBI,” Dad said.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor...Chapters 37 & 38.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor… Chapters 37 & 38.

Chapter 37

It was too long after Alex joined us at Sasha’s that I knew she was the person Jeff was seeing instead of Dina. I actually liked Alex the first time I met her we talked.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 1

Can Dreams Come True?… Part 1

I flick my smoke out the window my first since graduating high school three years ago and I drain what’s left of my Pepsi before getting out of my car.

Yes my car it’s one of the things that I made sure of before coming here and doing this. I got my own car. It’s a piece of crap older Saturn but it’s mine. Mine being the Very key word here. I likely could’ve had dad’s old car but with my folks there were always strings. A prime example is my brother and sister. Jordan my sister got the car and its title and the insurance are still in dad’s name.

My brother Jack, dad’s on with him in almost everything from his bank accounts to his lease.

And that’s why my apartment is mine, everything I have including all my student loan debt it‘s all mine. I knew long before I graduated that this was where I’d be going in life, who I had to be because not being me. It was killing me inside so I knew as soon as I was going to be legal I was going to be Josie.

Bridges 37

Bridges 37

Chapter 37

While I’ve been busying myself with studying and catching up on a whole lot of the stuff that I’ve missed since I’ve been off. I’ve still been missing Cass even though we talk nights on the phone and we do other things it’s me just feeling…we just got together I mean really together and it’s like it’s so not been enough really.

I want my girl with me at nights to cuddle up with and do all the newly-wed couple stuff together.

Images 48

Images 48

Chapter 48

I’m getting some of the tarts out of the oven and out as fast as I can. I can’t keep the Beer tarts ahead at all with all the working guys in right now. I’m actually getting orders for pick up for suppertime tonight.

There’s a lot of working class guys down here and apparently he concept of the beer tart is something they like and the guys with wives and girlfriends are ordering some of the other stuff on the menu.

I head outside for a breather looking around until I can see some of the street kids that we sometimes have hanging around here. We actually have a few more than we used to ever since we’ve been seen as LGBTQ friendly and Taylor’s given them odd jobs and let the use our laundry room and stuff.

I wave one of the girls over. “Gypsy how goes it?”

Transitioning To College 4

In this concluding chapter in the story of Taylor’s
unusual strategy to get into Northwestern University,
the pretending becomes so much more.

Saturday night, as a guest at a wedding,
becomes a date with fate!

Transitioning to College
Part 4

by Nina Adams

Copyright © 2013 Nina Adams
All Rights Reserved.

Auntie owned a Dress-shop

NOTE - The SisterDom is a group of wonderful women who know that it is important to help their men to access and, when they are comfortable with the concept, to release their inner girlhood. These women are willing to train and transition their new-girls using a variety of simple techniques, sometimes with a touch of ‘domination’ and strong encouragement.

Several of the stories in the group involve overlapping characters.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 12

X-Why-Me…Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Emily ran and ran and ran trying to get her racket under the ball before it was passed to the guy in the other team. She jumped up a little and she snagged the ball out of the air and with a tennis grunt she whipped in back towards her team mates.

Yes she had joined the boy’s lacrosse team.

That had been as much a shock to her mother as her coming out to her had been and she wasn’t exactly "for" her doing something that was so “butch.”

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 4

The nurse took the CNA’s hand. “It’s basically a big, strong magnet,” she said. “It will stop the defibrillator from shocking him and restarting his heart.”
Aubrey felt her chest grow numb, and her arms and legs suddenly chilled. “Why the hell does he need something like that?” she whispered almost inaudibly.

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 4

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 3

"Fish! God, no! Not that, not again! Please don't! What will your wife think?"
"Hell, Honey. I'm filming this. This gets my own rocks off," laughed Mamie.

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 3

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 2

"Bambi, why would you say that? You're 'living the dream', so to speak."
She looked up at him with tear-striped cheeks. "I'm living a nightmare!

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 2

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

X-Why-Me...Chapter 11

X-Why-Me…Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Kira bit her lower lip. “I like you Emily, I do I like you a lot…and I’m…I’m attracted to you…I know that this is maybe a shock to you or maybe not but I want to get to know you better….if that’s just as friends great but…you deserve to know that I’ve been kind of crushing on you a little since we met…”

The attack had really messed Emily up and she had a few bruises and they were pretty bad but that night when she’d gotten home it just kept popping up. How pissed they were and how much Jack and Trent wanted to really hurt her.

And then there was Matt showing up and being so darned great…and saved her.

But Kira too, she dropped everything she was doing and rushed to her and then she’d pretty much admitted she liked Emily.


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