Vanessa's Secret part 2

Vanessa’s Secret

Jason Morgan

Vanessa tells Michael her Secret as their romance starts to get real. He finds out her real history and what happened to her. He agrees to help her escape Antonio.

Part 2

Vanessa was back at Antonio’s manor wearing the ultra-revealing maids outfit, serving him and his friends. Antonio was talking to his friends table and she had just brought them on their glasses of beer. The plates of food she had just made were on the counter cooling. They were just about ready to serve. She waited a few minutes and went back out, doing her curtsey as the obedient docile maid holding a large pitcher of beer. Some of their glasses of beer needed refilled and she began going around the table refilling their cold mugs of beer. Antonio called loudly as she was doing her rounds, “Vanessa dear, come over here.”

She approached Antonio, did a respectful curtsey, “Yes, sir. What is it you need” She stood at his side waiting.

“I need a good blowjob,” He replied. “I need you to get under the table and give me a quick blowjob. You did a good job for me this morning, can you do it like that. That was so hot. I am so hard and need your mouth right now.”

She backed away from the table, looking at Antonio with disbelief and horror. Tears flowed from her eyes. She said desperately, “You can’t be serious here. With everyone around, you want me to suck you now.” Her lower lip quivered.

The hard look in his eye, “Yes, right now. I need to cum in your hot mouth. Get under the table and get your sweet mouth around my cock now.”

She got on her knees with tears flowing from her eyes. She tried to suppress her crying as she crawled under the table to do what Antonio told her. Trying to avoid the looks of his friends as she did this humiliating demeaning task. He had never been this openly demeaning to her. He had been humiliating to her in private. He had made her wear this around his friends displaying her body for them to see. The sex was kept private between them. Antonio was now openly using Vanessa in front of his friends. She didn’t understand why, but she knew she had no choice in the matter.

She crawled in between his legs and unzipped his pants. She reached in and took his penis out of his pants, working it with her soft hands. She was overcome with shame as she saw her gleaming red fingernails wrapped around his slowly hardening cock. A sob escaped her mouth as she lowered her mouth to envelope the hardening organ. He groaned as the others just watched and he began to talk to them about how good she was. “Her blowjobs are awesome and she will give me one when ever I ask.”

“My girlfriend hates doing that and she usually refuses,” One of his friends said. “She cant stand doing it, she told me it is disgusting. How is Vanessa doing?”

Antonio smiled as he was receiving much pleasure from Vanessa, “She gives me a blowjob almost every day. She is very skilled with her mouth. She knows just how to do it right. I love making her do this.”

They kept discussing her technique while she stimulated his penis with her soft lips. Antonio eventually grunted and had a very satisfactory orgasm in Vanessa’s mouth. She cried out softly as Antonio unloaded several loads of semen into her warm mouth. Clutching her stomach and fighting the rising bile as she cried softly under the table. Vanessa spent several minutes calming herself until felt strong enough to crawl out of the table. Shame and disgust threatened to overwhelm her as she stood up facing the knowing smirks from the others around the table. Kimberly smiled the widest. She knew the deal Vanessa was in. “Sit with us Vanessa.” She motioned to a chair beside her.

Vanessa sat beside Kimberly. She knew Kimberly well and felt very comfortable around the other woman. Kimberly was very beautiful and just the type of woman Vanessa went for in another life. Kimberly’s only problem was the company she kept and the sheer power she wielded in the Sisterhood. Kimberly was a powerful dominatrix that seemed to get off on humiliating former males. “You did a good job for your man, Vanessa,” Kimberly said. “It is very good that you care for him that much. I am impressed.”

Vanessa just averted her eyes in shame and submission to the powerful woman. She knew how she was supposed to treat the other woman, and it didn’t really bother her. “Thank you MS. Kimberly.” She responded. She had always liked Kimberly and almost wished she was given to that woman instead of Antonio.

“You have done such a good job serving your man. We are very impressed. The good reports from Antonio will really help you. You keep doing everything he tells you to you and you will be just fine.”

She knew to look down and act submissive to her. “I will do anything he tells me to, Ms. Kimberly. Your praises touches my heart. May I ask how you are doing Ma’am?”

“I am doing great, thank you for asking,” Kimberly replied. “I have begun training another girl like you, except she appreciates the life much more than you did at first. She a woman to help her. I understand that stepmother pushed you into the life and you were very resentful at first. I hope you feel better about the life now.”

She never understood how a man can desire to wear such things and behave in this manner. Kimberly knew such things were just beyond Vanessa’s comprehension. Kimberly understood how Vanessa felt the way she did. From what was done to her, and the way they were done. Kimberly understood Vanessa’s point of view. The sheer cruelty and brutality that was used to force Vanessa into it all. Her stepmother wanted to rip Vanessa’s life apart and destroy her. There was still a hint of Vincent left in Vanessa. The way she looked at Kimberly, she knew that was attraction. That was Vincent attracted to her. “I am sure the other girl appreciates your efforts,” Vanessa said in a tone that showed that she didn’t believe anyone could desire it.

Kimberly attempted to explain. “We will proceed very slowly and we will make sure the new girl is happy with the process. She asked me to do this. She wanted to be pretty and submissive to a woman.”

“Because the Sister is so caring at what the submissives feel aren’t you,” Vanessa said sweetly. “All of you Sisters care so much about our feelings and wellbeing of the sissys and ladyboys like they cared about how I felt about the process. I only hope someday, I can repay all of their loving kindness they showed to me.” Vanessa smiled at her. It was a warm friendly loving smile that showed no malice at all. That made it all the more chilling to Kimberly. “Someday I will have the chance to thank them all. Every one of them.”

It ended after another hour of talking and watching TV. They all left and Antonio took Vanessa to his bedroom for the night. He knew she was extremely upset at him.


It had been two nights since that horrible experience under the table with Antonio’s friends and it was one of the most degrading things Antonio had ever done to her. The only good thing about that night was sitting beside Kimberly. She could not get Kimberly out of her mind. Her mind kept drifting to how beautiful she was. Kimberly was a dominatrix that worked with the secretive Sisterhood. For some reason, she desired to please Kimberly more than anything. She wished the woman would return. Vanessa was now sitting with Michael.

He had taken Vanessa to the same informal restraint. Vanessa wore a woman’s business suit with a tight miniskirt skirt and soft sexy blouse with a low cut neckline this time. A woman’s one button business jacket over her blouse finished her formal look. Michael thought she looked very sexy. She was more formal now. He didn’t like how she was dressed when they first went out. That must be what Antonio preferred for his woman. That was not what Michael’s preferred at all. Vanessa was silent though the entire dinner with Michael. She had not said a word nor responded much to what Michael said. They had finished their meal when Vanessa decided to ask bluntly, “Michael, I appreciate what you are doing for me, and I know you are taking a great risk here. I am beginning to feel comfortable with you. I need you to tell me what your intentions are toward me.”

“I only want to help you feel safe from harm, if for only for the short time when you are with me. I want to provide you a safe space to feel comfortable. That is what I want for you more than anything else,” Michael replied. “You deserve it.”

“I hate being used to cement a deal like this for you,” She told him. “It is so wrong to use me this way.”

“I don’t care about the deal,” Michael said to her. “I care about making you safe, Vanessa. I want to permanently take you away from him. So you can have all of the joys life can provide. I can do that for you.” Michael said to her. “I want to bring you joy and happiness all women should have in their life. It is a woman’s right to feel safe and happy. Do you feel safe with me?”

“Yes, I am beginning to feel like I can trust you,” She admitted. “I still wish you would not take me out with you like this. There is something about me and my past that you would not like. I know you would be upset. I have many secrets that would bother you.”
“I know the secrets about you,” Michael smiled a knowing brilliant smile. “I know about a beautiful woman who is being treated cruelly by a monster. I know all about Vincent Hampton, son of Victor Hampton. He was a young man with a desire to transition to a woman, his family didn’t understand and betrayed him. He was rejected and treated heartlessly by his family who considered it an insult and a shame to the family. That young transsexual did not deserve this. You are a beautiful strong woman and you don’t deserve to be a slave for it. That is no way to treat a woman. Even if she was not born as female. I will protect you from anyone who will hurt you. You just have to give me your faith and trust, and I will make sure no one will hurt you ever again.”

They had finished their meal after their brief talk and Vanessa rode silently with Michael back to Antonio’s manor. She was deep in thought, wondering what to do. She just didn’t know how to respond to what Michael told her. He thought he was being kind and open minded, but he had got everything so wrong. He needed to know the truth, so Vanessa suddenly said in the darkness of the evening, “Michael, please don’t take me back to Antonio. I want to spend the evening with you alone. Let’s go to your place for the night.”

“He asked her. “You know I have to take you back.”

Vanessa smirked, “You are Michael Andolini, heir and most trusted son of a powerful Sicilian family. You can do anything you want to, what can Antonio do to you? If you take me overnight, what can he do about it? He needs your assistance.”

“There is nothing he can do about it, He can’t touch me at all,” Michael admitted. “But will be returning to him some time, and what will he do to you?”

“Nothing that he has not done to me before,” Vanessa replied. “But, we need to talk. If this relationship is going to go anywhere, there are things you must know. We need to have a long private talk. I will explain everything about my past, who I was and why. If you are going to be involved with me, there are things you need to know.”

“Okay, I accept,” Michael said as he instructed the driver to take them to his place private place in the woods. They rode for nearly another hour in silence as Vanessa went over what she was going to say to him. She watched as they went deep into a wooded area until they found the place. It was very private. She started to get a little worried and Michael sensed it. “Don’t worry my love. This is where I go when I want to be alone. I used to take my girlfriend here to be alone. Everything will be all right. No one will bother us here. It is my private place to contemplate things.

Michael’s house was nestled along the woods. His house didn’t look like something someone as powerful and wealthy as Michael would live in. If privacy and a cozy spot to gather his thoughts was the point then it was perfect. They went into Michaels small little place he lived. They walked into the darkened home together when Michael flipped on a switch and the place lit up. The place smelled musty like it has not been lived in for a while. Michael plopped himself on the overstuffed sofa and motioned for Vanessa to sit. She plopped herself beside him and draped one of her arms around his shoulder and nestled herself up next to him. She had begun to feel comfortable around him. She hoped that she had actually found someone who cared about her. She just hoped that he didn’t want to move too fast for her. Maybe she was moving this to fast now?

“No one will bother us here, Vanessa so you can tell me anything you want. You are safe,” Michael said into the silence. The air was stiff with his anticipation. Evening had settled in and the crickets were chirping loudly outside as she attempted to gather her thoughts. The house was still very dark. “We can deal with Antonio if he is unhappy about this.”

“What about him,” Vanessa asked.

“My family will reason with him. He will understand that I wanted you to spend the night with me. It wasn’t the rules we agreed on when I started taking you out with me, but, he will understand.” Vanessa heard the implied, ‘or else’ clause. “So you can tell me all about yourself.”

“Nothing I am about to tell you can get back to Antonio,” Vanessa said. “Understand,”

“Yes, I understand,” Antonio said. He suspected that what ever she was going to tell him was a huge secret that she was supposed to keep, or else.

“You must keep what I tell you a secret between us? I was sworn to secrecy and I am now breaking the oath I took to them. Them being the group of powerful women that did this to my life. The way that I am was never what I wanted, this life was forced on me, so I don’t feel bound by the oath that I took the sisterhood. I was tortured and abused until I agreed to take the oath to avoid more pain. I didn’t do it freely. Can you keep what I am about to tell you a secret?”

“Secrecy is one of the most important laws of our family and our society,” Michael said seriously to her. “Our society operates in secret, The Law of Secrecy is the foundation of our entire society and the family. We call it Omarta. The Law of Secrecy. Whatever we tell each other must stay secret. What ever a member of the family says or does, we keep it within our family. We never report it to the law or any other family. That is the law of Omerta. You are free to tell me anything you want. I will keep it to myself.”

“What have you found out about me so far,” Vanessa asked, so she would know where to start.

“I have found out that you are Vanessa Hampton. But your legal sex is male. You were born Vincent Hampton. You are the son of Victor Hampton and Paula Hampton.” Michael saw the look of distaste on Vanessa’s face when he mentioned his mother’s name. He continued, “For some reason, your father divorced Paula and married Nicole Roberts. She is now Nicole Hampton. Your transition occurred a few months after they married. You were twenty three when you began a transition to be a woman. A doctor diagnosed you with Gender Dysphoria. Six months after you started your feminine transition, you moved in with Antonio and you have been with him for about a year. I suspect, your father or someone in your family arranged that because they disagreed and was ashamed that you were transgender. Your family was ashamed that their son was actually a woman. I hope you can clear it all up for me.”

“It is simple. I was not a really a woman,” “Vanessa replied.

“You have no need to repress your feminine nature. Your family was cruel and didn’t accept their beautiful daughter. I can accept you and you were a woman no matter what they said.” Michael pointed out.

“I was not a woman and I never identified as a woman. I don’t identify myself as a woman even now. I hate looking like this. Let me restate that, I am really not a woman. Actually, womanhood wasn’t what the women who did this to me intended. It was what Antonio wanted. The women wanted me to be something less. Something they could demean and mock. The people who did this, want to keep people like me submissive and docile to the real women.”

“This does not make sense, Vanessa. Can you explain?” Michael insisted.

“It doesn’t make sense to you, because you have jumped to the wrong conclusion. I am not transgender and I don’t have Gender Dysphoria. I was forced into this transition against my will. My stepmother Nicole and her friends did this to me. It was a plot to put her son in charge, instead of me. She wanted to disgrace me in front to my father, so her stronger son have my father’s support and become his heir. Nicole’s son and my Father were more like than I was anyway. My father got along with him much better anyway. They hung out together more. I was soft spoken, gentle and really had no interest in my father’s business. I was more into music and wanted to be a musician. I enjoyed the softer things in life. My father was very disappointed. Nicole came up with a plan regarding me and gave it to my father. He liked it and gave her full authority to carry the plan out. My life was ripped apart. Brent, my step brother took everything from me.”

Michael started to understand it all now. Horror gripped him as he comprehended what had happened to Vanessa. He asked in a horrified voice of disbelief, “Are you saying that your step mother made you become a girl, by force? You didn’t want to be a woman?”

“That is exactly what I am saying. I am a man regardless of this stunningly beautiful feminine exterior I have. My masculinity was stolen from me along with everything else.”

“How is that possible?” Michael asked. He was very reluctant to believe this was possible. It seemed to be true, and Michael always suspected that there was a large piece of the puzzle he was missing. That must be it. Nothing else made sense and it never did when he tried to piece the puzzle together and understand Vanessa. The transition was forced against her will. Such things were possible and they did happen. People with power and money tend to abuse it.

“I am about to explain that. Have you ever heard of an organization called the Sisterhood?”

“Like a Sorority?” Michael inquired. “No I haven’t but I don’t keep up much with college fraternities and sororities.”

“No, they are a very powerful secret organization, much like your Sicilian families” Vanessa explained. “They are a group of very powerful wealthy women who believe their sex is superior, and conspire to subjugate men to them.”

Michael was doubtful that this really existed. He suspected that Vanessa was being duped, but it was possible. He needed more and he would use his family to find the truth. He didn’t see how such an organization of women could be real. With enough money, it was possible. “Go on,” Michael encouraged.

“My Step Mother has become a very powerful member of this secret Sisterhood. They have members almost everywhere. Their members are CEOs of large companies, judges, high ranking officers and members in state and federal departments and agencies, they work together to hide their activities, so they can do anything they want. The Sisterhood originated in the UK at the England’s first all-female college. Its Founder was Cassandra who was a wealthy socialite who was jilted at the altar by her cheating fiancé. That unfortunate young man was their first victim. He was forced by a court order to dress as a woman for almost a year. His punishment was so effective in bringing about his demise that they started experimenting on other wayward males, or other male members of their family.” Vanessa gestured to herself.

She went on, “With the immense wealth at their disposal, they purchased a safe house to do their transformations. They used the safe house to do the transformations on the males into obedient docile sissy slaves. The Sisterhood grew and they purchased more safe houses across the United Kingdom. They agreed to allow the reasonably wealthy business women in if they had an interest or the skills to promote the transformations when their society expanded into the United States.

My stepmother and her Maid explained all of this to me one day after they began my transformation. Even her maid Virginia was really a member of this group and she was responsible for much pain that was inflicted on me. I had trusted her for years. She had helped me a lot over the years. They are really sadists who get pleasure by inflicting pain on others, but they fool themselves into thinking they are helping women and doing good services. I was told never to tell anyone else this information. That is their biggest secret.”

Michael needed to find out more about this group. Even if it was real. He had heard some rumors. He needed to find out more and asked Vanessa to explain more of it to him. She gave him a few more names and the area in England where it all started. He had contacts there.

“Why did your father allow this to happen to you?” Michael asked.

“He allowed this to happen because of my soft gentle nature. I didn’t want to follow my father in the business world. I had other interests like being a musician. While he was strong and dominant. He had a strong commanding presence, I was soft, submissive and very affectionate. I was quite and gentle. I didn’t want that sort of life he led. I wanted another life, with peace, raising a family, having a woman to love me. The first strike against me was when I took no interest in my father’s life. I wanted to make my own. The second strike was my trusting nature and my choice in friends. I started hanging out with a very bad group and I had no idea what they really were. I was very naïve back then. My friend was dealing in illegal narcotics. He got busted, and he blamed me. He made me fall guy. My friend had me holding the narcotics when he was busted. I had also agreed to have them in my room at father’s estate. I had no idea what they were when he had me holding them for them. The estate was raided by DEA and swat. Father used his power to make it go away, but I was busted again. And my father really started getting nasty toward me. He warned me to stop and I tried to cut if off from that friend.” Vanessa stopped for a few seconds recovering her thoughts on how it all progressed to her father turning against her.

Vanessa began again, “I tried to make it all up to my father and explain. He was so mad and disappointed. Then there was another problem, my girlfriend. I loved her, but she had a sister who really hated me. She leveled accusations against me, and her friend was that dealer. All of that together really made my father totally lose faith in me. He was so ashamed of me. I sensed it in how he started treating me and I tried everything. But it really looked bad, and I had done nothing.”

Vanessa walked away for a second then returned with a glass. “It was about that time that my father married Nicole. It was months before my feminization began. Brent was everything that I wasn’t. He was sort of like my father. He had a dominant presence and strong. He was in college for business getting a masters. He took a strong interest in my father’s business, he hung out with my father and loved sports. They played golf together. Nicole proposed to make an exchange, my father give his support to Brent to be his heir. Personally, I wouldn’t have cared. I was happy that father found someone to give the business too. I didn’t want it and I would have been happy that my father found someone he could be with. But, I didn’t know that deal would involve making me vanish. I didn’t know the deal was destroying me. Brent stole everything.”

“Can you explain how they started feminizing you and what made you accept it,” Michael was peering at her in the darkness of the room.

Vanessa shifted in the sofa uncomfortably as the vivid painful memories were reawakened. Memories of sorrow and suffering that she had tried to suppress. Memories of events that shattered her entire life. Michael heard her sobbing. “It is difficult, these very painful events, Michael. They destroyed my entire life. I will never be able to recover.”

“It is okay, you have told me enough for tonight. Let’s go rest and do something else,” Michael said. He was very troubled. If this was true, and he had a very strong suspicion it was all true, it changed everything. Especially his intentions toward Vanessa and his perception of her. She was actually male? Well, doctors could reverse what was done to her. He knew some of the best. It could all be fixed.

“No, I must go on,” Vanessa replied. “I will get a hold of myself. You must hear all of this. You need to know it all, and these secrets must be revealed. The silence gives them power. The secrecy must be shattered. Just give me a few minutes.”

She sobbed for a few long minutes while Michael wrapped his arm around her for comfort. Vanessa looked like she needed comfort. She was a very distressed woman and that was used to thinking about Vanessa. Vanessa was an abused mistreated woman and that was what prompted him to get himself involved in her life. Everything he thought he knew about her was wrong. Vanessa didn’t think of herself as a woman. She was a man, forced into this. She wasn’t even sexually attracted to men. Michael thought of how disgusted and painful it must be to be forced to allow Antonio to have sex with her. Michael wasn’t sorry he got involved in this. This was a situation someone needed to address. That someone would be Michael. He would help Vanessa get justice.

She sobbed in Michael’s arms for around five more minutes, sensing Michael’s feelings and real affection toward her. For some odd reason, she didn’t seem to mind his arm draped comfortingly and protectively around her.

Michael asked her once she got control over herself, “Vanessa, are you a woman?”

“That is difficult question to me. I am not sure. I don’t think of myself as a woman. It seems so natural now after many years of training as a woman. I have been taught to accept myself as a woman, I look like a woman. The people around me accept me as a woman. Inside, I am not a woman. It doesn’t matter.”

He figured he knew the answer to this, but just to make certain. “How do you feel about looking like a woman?”

“I hate it, but I have lived so long as a woman now that I am used to it.” Vanessa replied.

“Do you have a total female body in all areas,” Michael asked. He had to know.

“No, but I am mostly female now,” Vanessa’s eyes looked down to the floor in frustration. “I have been on female hormones for almost two full years. I have had breast implants and can totally pass as a woman. People who see me can accept me as a natural female. It is humiliating and frustrating. I still have male parts under my panties. It isn’t much, and it does not function as a males should, anymore. It can’t even ejaculate. I can no longer live life as a man even if I was free to live as I want. It has been taken from me.”

Michael understood. “How should I refer to you? It’s your choice and I will call you Vincent and treat you as a man if you want. Or do you prefer if I refer to you as a woman?”

She shook her head. “As a woman, call me Vanessa. I can’t be a man anymore. I don’t look like a man. It would look silly and out of place to call me Vincent and treat me as a man. I am a woman whether I like it or not.”

“Do you want to change into a man once you are free,” He asked.

“That is not possible,” Vanessa said.

“Sure it is,” Michael said. “Your body was feminized by estrogen pills and hormone boosters. It can be masculized the way they do for male transsexuals. Everything can be reversed.” Michael assured Vanessa.

“To a point, you are correct. Everything that was done to me can be reversed to a point. But only to a point. I had a very late puberty. I don’t think it hit until my late teens. I wasn’t finished by my early 20s when it was rudely interrupted by my step mother’s feminization. So, my entire skeletal structure had been feminized. My body is thin, pretty and extremely femininity. I cant even get a hardon or ejaculate anymore. It’s very tiny. I can never be a man again. Testosterone boosters would only go so far now. Even as a man, I wouldn’t really look very manly. I’d probably never look more than a teenaged boy. Never respected in the male world. I would look like a pretty sissish man. The type real men mock. I will stay this way, or I will go all the way. I found out they can do that. Having full female reproductive organs where I won’t have to take estrogen to maintain a female form. When the time comes.”

“They can do that for male transsexuals. They can implant fully functioning testicles and you will get natural hardons like any man does. You can be a fully functioning male,” Michael explained.

Vanessa said to him, “Yes, but just like female to male transsexuals. Unless they started their transiting early, people can tell and they always look like sissish effeminate males. Just like female transsexuals who transited late have a very large male body structure that those who know what their looking at, can always tell. I don’t want to stand out like that. I don’t want to look like a small pretty sissy male for other men to look down on. This was done to me so I will live it, and make the most of it. I will be a woman on my own terms. I will show the sisterhood they can’t destroy me. Their own sissy will show them they can’t do anything they want to people and get away with it.”

“That is a good plan and I would be happy to help you do it,” Michael said. “If you can, I would like you to tell me how it all started. How did your step mother do this to you? If it is too hard to tell, we can wait for later.”

Vanessa looked down, bracing herself. Her body tensed in frustration as passed memories of pain went through her mind. She looked at Michael with a fierce expression on her face. She said with confidence, “It is ok, I need to get this out and you deserve to know everything. The actual feminization and suffering for me started about three to four months after my father married Nicole. It really started almost as soon as my father married her, but they were plotting behind my back. I didn’t know what was going on and I was too naïve and innocent to figure it out. I thought my father loved me, but I was wrong.” Vanessa looked down, her body tensed up again as she let out a little sob and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “I loved my father so much and I thought I was good enough for him to love as a son. I thought he could accept me, but I was wrong.” She was silent for a few long minutes as she regathered her strength and decided how to proceed. She stood up and paced the room.

Michael saw the pain and anguish and anger she was experiencing. Michael said, “If this is too painful, we can do this later.”

She sat down beside Michael and said to him, ”We need to get this out now. Just give it time, these are very painful experiences for me. Everything changed when my Father married Nicole. . She was very different, more dominant and controlling. She was almost condescending to me. She seemed to take over everything, even my father seem to accept her being in charge of the house. She was very distant to me, and I tried my best with her. I tried to get close to her as a son to a mother. My real mother was ran out by him and I was trying to recover from that messy divorce. I was trying to regain control over myself so I could support myself as a man. I still lived with my father but I wanted to live with my mother. The thing was that my father and his power prevented that. He told my mother that he would make sure my mother would be unable to support me. He could have done it with his power and influence. She could have been fired and unable to find other employment to support me if I chose to live with her. I had no choice but to live with my father and his new wife Nicole.” Vanessa wiped his eyes again and he thought of how unfair it was. Michael held her and she was reassured by the comfort he provided her. He inspired her to go on.

Vanessa continued, “I was very lonely at that time. Without my mother’s support and love, and Nicole’s heartlessness and fathers distance. I was very sad and desperate. I needed a parents love and support and I wasn’t getting any. I hoped if I showed Nicole enough love as a son, she may become the mother that I was desperate for. Nicole never become a mother to me. She never accepted me as her son. She was hateful toward me.” She let out a sob and took a drink. Reengaging herself on the sofa and tightly embracing Michael. She laid her head on Michaels shoulder for a bit enjoying the comfort of his embrace.

“It is going to get darker now. Suddenly, events got very weird. A section of the Manor was made off limits to me and anyone else she didn’t approve. They blocked off part of the house for remodeling. That suddenly happened weeks after father married her. I had no idea what was going on and honestly, I didn’t care. It wasn’t my business. I was forbidden to enter into that part of the house. Nicole had other people going in and out all the time. There was Natasha, she was the architect and designer, she was friendly to me. Natasha was very involved in the remodeling process. I saw her going in and out of the place many times a day. There was Anne, she owned a special clothing store and I was never sure what her job in the remodeling was. She had a horrible attitude and looked down her nose at me. She called me Vinny, and other childish names. She once even called me Veronica. She was involved in the remodeling and went in and out of the place often. Even Virginia went in and out of the forbidden part of the Manor and she was the places maid. She worked for Nicole and did all of the cleaning and cooking. I liked her a lot and I did everything I could to help her. I loved cooking with her and learning how to do it. I helped her clean the rooms and wash the clothes. She looked like she needed it and I liked her. She was young like me so it may have been flirting and attraction too. I was always friendly everyone. Natasha, Anna and Nicole were very busy with their secret remodeling of a wing of the manor for a large part of the day. That meant I was alone. I was alone and very sad. I had connected with Virginia as a sort of surrogate mother. I did everything I could to help her. She was very warm and friendly to me, but, she was the worst. She had an incredible sadistic and cruel streak.” Vanessa had enough memories for a while and needed a break. The glass needed refilled anyway so she went to the kitchen. Her stomach growled so she got a snack.

She returned about twenty minutes later and restarted, ”They started feminizing me about four months later. My father had become very distant toward me, after my troubles. He was leaving on a trip that day and he was taking Brent with him, instead of me. He had already done that a few times in the last few months, it really hurt me.” Vanessa began tearing up and getting emotional. She wiped her eyes as she sobbed slightly.

Michael sat close to Vanessa. “Take your time. You can stop if you need to. You don’t even have to do this. You can tell me later if you want. You are safe.” Vanessa wrapped her arms around Michael, lying her head on his shoulder.

“Thank you,” Vanessa said between sobs. “You are so kind to me, but I need to tell you everything.” She wiped her eyes and regained control. Then she continued. “My father was taking Brent on a vacation with him. That really hurt because he used to take me out with him. I was his son and he loved me. He would take me on trips to the beach and play together. It was fun and we bonded as father and son. Then he withdrew his affection and started coldly ignoring me. He refused to even see or give me any affection. That was devastating. He was rejecting me as his son, and taking Brent instead. That was cruel. He had adopted Brent as his son and It wouldn’t had bothered me, if he kept me in his life. I would have welcomed a brother in my life. This was like replacing me in my father’s eyes. He was disowning me. That was cruel. I remember Nicole telling my father to explain everything to Brent, every detail if possible about their decision.”

“I remember my father’s reply that he was sure Brent would not only understand, but agree with their decision. Then they left together. Events became more frantic that week. They took on a feverish pace. They were all ready within three to four days after Brent left with my father. I was still very down. I was in my room suffering from a major depression when Nicole came in. She had told me that everything was ready and she wanted to show me the new wing to the house. I showed a little excitement and happily followed her. The door rang as we were going to the new wing and I went over to answer the door for Virginia. I told her to wait and I would do it. I remember Nicole telling her jokingly that I had already became the houses little maid. They had a laugh, I thought they were joking. I answered the door and Natasha and Anna were there waiting. They were wearing very tight intimidating leather outfits. Their faces were done in some overdone garish manor. They thought they looked strong or intimidating. Nicole, Virginia, Natasha and Nicole escorted me to the new section of the house. Anne kept shoving me toward the area and when tried I told her to stop pushing me. Her response was a vicious backhand slap that sent me sprawling on the floor in pain. All of the women jumped in to restrain me. They forced me to new part of the house and tightly strapped me to the chair. Then they injected me with something and everything went fuzzy and I was unable to move or concentrate. They talked to eachother and had drinks while the toxin slowly wore off.” Vanessa went back to refill her drink and recover her wits. It was getting much more difficult to tell. Michael followed her into the kitchen and held her as she stood there. Vanessa held on to Michael as they tighly embraced eachother. He told her, “I love you Vanessa.”

“I know,” Vanessa replied. “I don’t know how I feel about you, but I am sure I don’t mind you holding me like this. I may love you too.” They held each other closely. “The story isn’t over. It had really just started. Then Nicole approached me once the toxin wore off and she carefully explained what was going on. She explained that my father fed up with my court appearances and he that was seriously disappointed in me. He was tired of the money wasted on defending and supporting me. He was very extremely disappointed he was in my goofing off and my life was going no where. I wasn’t goofing on, but I was ina rough spot at the time. My friends had betrayed me and blamed me for everything. I had plans for my life and I was going to make them happen. I was just young then and serious things had stalled my progress toward my goals. I had not given up. They didn’t understand and my step mother wanted to destroy me so her son could rise in my place. My Father’s life didn’t appeal to me, I had other goals. My father was very disappointed in me, he connected with Nicole’s son more. So the idea came to Nicole when my father told her how much he adored Brent. My father had told her that Brent was the son he wished he had. Brent was everything that I wasn’t. I didn’t think that was such a bad thing. Brent was going to grad school and he was interested in the business. He enjoyed going to games with my father when I wasn’t. They enjoyed playing sports together. Brent was strong and dominant like my father. I was happy that my father had found someone that he could have fun with. I just didn’t know that person was going to replace me. I didn’t understand that it meant destroying me in the process. I thought my father understood our differences. He didn’t understand and he was ashamed of me. He valued Brent more.” Michael noticed that this was getting very difficult for Vanessa talking about her own fathers abject betrayal of his own son, in favor of another. Vanessa’s body was tense, her face was an angry frightening shade of red. He sense the hatred rolling off of her in pliable waves. He just needed to teach her to control and use it the right way.

Vanessa stopped speaking for a minute and took a drink. She wiped her eyes again and then continued, “Sorry, this is very difficult Michael.”

“It is okay, Vanessa,” Michael said comfortingly with his arm wrapped around her. “Go at your own pace. I am listening. Your father betrayed you, and agreed with your step mother to replace you, and make you her daughter.”

“Yes, but actually a daughter, more like a sissy son. Nicole was very thrilled when father told her that. She always wanted a daughter, so she came up with the idea to make Brent and I switch places. Brent would become his favored son and chosen heir while I would be forced to become her loving submissive and docile daughter that they could be proud of. I was told that my father gave her his full support and authority to transform me into an obedient sweet daughter. Nicole told me that she promised not to hurt me as long as I was docile and obedient to her. She said that if I got too out of hand and she would have one of my balls removed. Making us switch places and feminizing me was what they were preparing for all along. Natasha was really a dominatrix and trained other women how to control males. Anna was to dress me. The gag was removed from my mouth and I was given a choice to submit to them, or fight. I chose to do it the hard way and I cussed them all out. I was punished for that.” Nicole stopped for a second to recover. She dried her eyes again and just sat in Michaels strong arms. She began to enjoy the comfort of his love.

Then she continued, “The remodeling of that part of the house was really transforming that wing into my prison. I saw there was a styling salon, and I saw a medical gurney with devices attached. At the other side of the room. The entire place had been turned into a prison. Electronic locks were put in all of the doors and windows were barred. Electronic devices were installed to control where I could go, and to watch me all the time. Codes had to be imputed to open the doors. It was a prison that that I would be unable to escape from.”

Vanessa eyes flooded again as she remembered that traumatic day. She had to explain this part to him to know how and why she was defeated. “I realized after my rant that they all has electric stun guns. Nicole used hers to stun me and they drug my limp body to the gurney. Natasha brought another machine over that looked sort of like an EKG. They attached devices to my ears, nipples and to the head of my penis. Then they turned the device on and I found out that those things they attached to me were electronic stimulators. It didn’t hurt very much at first. It was just ticklish and irritating, but I was thrashing and screaming in pain once they took turns turning the voltage up. They told me as I was thrashing in pain that I had to tell Nicole that I wanted to be her ladyboy. The pain was too great, I had no choice.” Vanessa said to him, tears streaming down her face.

She gripped Michael tighter and said, her voice trembling now, “Nicole and Natasha unstrapped me unstrapped me from the gurney and made me promise to be their obedient ladyboy. They took turns spanking me after I was unstrapped. I received intensive training on how to conduct myself as a sissy and address them that day. I was also turned into their servant, or maid and I worked under Virginia. I realized she was in on it, and she was the most sadistic one of all. She was incredibly cruel to me, and I know she loved seeing my pain and humiliation I suffered. She loved hitting me any time I displeased her in the slightest. I was brutally punished any time I talked back to her. She was so much stronger than me, she enjoyed proving it. I had no choice but to submissively accept all of her cruel brutality she inflicted on me.”

“Virginia was the young maid you loved helping and flirted with, wasn’t she?” Michael asked as he lovingly caressed her face.

“Yes,” Vanessa replied. “She was very strong, and cruel.”

“How did the maid get to do all of this to you,” Michael asked her.

“Because she was a member of the sisterhood,” Vanessa explained. “I guess she wasn’t a maid for the time I was there to take her place. I was the maid then, and I was placed under her and she made me the houses maid.”

“Now I understand,” Michael replied. He looked as angry as Vanessa was.

Their first major challenge came up and I was totally defeated and sorry that I ever tried to fight it. I learned a little about this mysterious Sisterhood when I issued my first refusal. It was about two days after the horror started and I was getting more and more frustrated and angry at everything they were doing to me. I stupidly tried to stand up to them and paid for it big time. I told Nicole that I refused to dress as a woman anymore or let her do my hair as a woman’s. Their reaction to that was that Nanette laughed and told me that I was not only defying three women, I was defying the entire Sisterhood and that couldn’t be permitted. I was seized and taken to Virginia’s bedroom and strapped face down on her bed by my feet and arms. They put a pillow under my pelvis and took turns ruthlessly spanking me. Not spanking, it was more like a violent thrashing. Virginia was first, she used a simple hair brush. It was soft at first, then she was thrashing me and I was screaming. Nicole went second with the paddle and that was much more painful, but she was cruel and loved seeing me in pain. Natasha was last and she used a heavy strap on me. I was begging them to stop by the time Nanette came up. Nicole said my pleas and promises of submission wasn’t convincing enough, but it would be much more convincing in a few days when I was able to sit down without pain. Nanette lashed me with a thick black strap. I was forced to take a solemn oath as a slave to the sisterhood when the lashings were over. I was taken off the bed, sobbing and in pain, I was forced to kneel and kissed each of their shoes. I was forced to take an oath of submission to each woman and proclaim myself a slave to the Sisterhood.

“Was that the oath you were talking about earler,” Michael asked her as they clung together. Rage was filling Michael.

“Yes, I took that humiliating oath as a slave to them. It had just been savagely beaten. I took it to avoid no pain, but I meant nothing by it.” Vanessa said, tears flowing.

“We also have a serious oath our members take to the family. That oath binds the person to us for life. It’s always voluntary, we never force anyone. We want willing and committed members to work for the family. Can I hear what oath you took,” Michael asked.

Vanessa was a little teary, she bowed her head in shame and said, “My name is Vanessa, and I am a slave to the Sisterhood. I will obey each and every one of the Sisters, assuredly and unequivocally. This I vow, under pain of absolute retribution. That was my oath that I took to each of the women that day. I don’t feel bound by it at all. They had to torture and beat me to get it out. That isn’t binding, is it?"

“No,” Michael assured her. “Not in any way. An oath taken out of fear and beatings isnt voluntary. Involuntary oaths aren’t binding. You didn’t want to do it, it wasn’t your free will so it isnt binding. You are not bound by it.”

Vanessa sighed and continued, “I didn’t think so. I never felt bound by it at all. They considered it binding, but it took fear and beatings to force me to continue to honor it. I welcome your help in any way you can. Let me continue. After that savage beatings, Nanette styled my hair and died it blonde. I let her restrain me to the styling char and she did it. I was too afraid to resist her. I was pretty much a docile slave from then on. I let them do anything they wanted to me. I was exposed to many aspects of the sisterhood once my will was beaten down enough by their cruelty. When they thought that I was docile and obedient enough, they began to take me out to other places the sisterhood controlled. Nanette or Virginia began to visit me at night to abuse me. Virginia would force me lick her almost every night. Usually, I was rewarded by her jerking me off, but not all the time. She was brutal. Eventually, Started using the strapon Dildo on me every night and giving me any satisfaction ceased.” Vanessa stood up and walked away seething with anger and rage. She turned to Michael who had a loving affection look on his face.

“Vanesa, my sweetheart. I know this is painful. Just remember you are safe and you can stop if you want. I don’t have to hear it all at once.” Michael said in a loving tone.

Vanessa was seething, breathing though her nose. Her chest was heaving from the deep angry breaths she was taking. Her body was tense and she went into the kitchen to refill her drink. He didn’t follow her.

She stayed in the kitchen for almost an hour

She returned to Michael after nearly an hour alone. She wasn’t quite as tense. Vanessa continued, “I want to get this all out to you. It is important that you fully know how much I have suffered and what they all did to me. The sheer cruelty and injustice. It has to repaid in full. One of the incidents that I remember the most, when I had upset Nanette. She told Anna and Natasha and they took retribution on me. They came to me in my bedroom one morning to lace my corset. I had been wearing one of those since the horror began. They wanted to get my waist down to twenty six inches. Anna told me that Nicole gave them permission to use strapon dildos to punish me. Both women tied me down and took turns penetrating me with a strapon dildo. It hurt and was one of the most degrading and violating things that had ever been done to me. I was shaking and sobbing by the time both of them had raped me. I was sobbing uncontrollably and then they started teaching me to act like a very wanton slut. I had got the hang of it and was doing that walk and acting like a wanting hot slut when Nicole said something about it. She told me that my father wanted a docile submissive girl, not a wanton slut. I protested and told her what Natasha and Anna was doing to me. I was punished for accusing her fellow sisters of forcing themselves on me. I received another violent spanking for that. That was when Virginia began visiting me every night. She pretty much violated me in any way she desired and I couldn’t do a thing about it. She threatened that if I didn’t submit, she would tell Nicole that I had attempted to force myself on her. I became very docile. As my reward for becoming the perfect docile young lady, Nicole took me to one of her friends’ houses. Many of the women around there were members of this sisterhood.”

Vanessa saw that Michael was becoming angrier and he told her, “I will help you in any way I can. We need to find out everything we can about this sisterhood.

“I am about to tell you something more. Nicole took me to this woman’s house. The woman had her own sissy. The sissy guy was her nephew. She was his aunt, his name was Simone and I seriously thought he was a woman at first. He was that convincing and lovely. He seemed to prefer the feminine lifestyle. We met eachother, I was inspected and appraised by his aunt Hanna who approved. I acted docile and submissive as a sissy around them and she told me to go play with Simone so we went to his bedroom. I broke my sissy act when I asked her how he could enjoy being a pansy. He teared up like a sissy and he was so offended that he lashed out in anger. He called me a fact and he couldn’t comprehend that it was forced on me though pain. He didn’t understand that the women were hurting me. He was offended and he humiliated me. He threatened to lie to Nicole. He said he would accuse me attacking him. He forced me to sexually submit and get him off. “ Vanessa wiped her eyes and went to get a drink. “Let’s stop for a while, I need to relax. I am almost ready to get to the part where Antonio enters the scene.”

She went into the kitchen and decided to make a full meal for herself and Michael. She looked around to decide what to make for them. It had to be fast to make and be good. Looking around and going through Michael’s cabinets, she decided what to make. Nicole gathered the ingredients and started making it. It was wonderful to finally have someone genuinely care for her enough to do this. Michael had been so loving and patient with her during this story of horror she had gone though. It was wonderful to have someone listen to her whole story.

No one really gave a damn about how she felt about it all, or what was happening to her. It was miserable and so difficult. All she could do was suffer in silence with the knowledge no one cared about how she felt about this life. This wonderful caring man came into her life and wanted to hear it. He seemed to care about her. The anger was visible in his eyes. It was a good thing. She calmed herself. Her story was almost over.

The meal she was making was almost done. Michael smelled the strong fragrance and he came in to see what was going on. It had been almost a half hour. “Michael, I was very hungry and figured we both needed something to eat. Here.”

“Vanessa, you aren’t the maid here, you don’t have do this for me.” He almost looked upset that she was doing this.

“I know, but you have been so kind. I wanted to repay you for your loving kindness.” She put the plate in front of him and they ate.

“Vanessa, I understand how you feel. I would like to ask you to tell me honestly, what do you want to do once you are free, have you given that much thought?”

“Yes, I want vengeance and retribution against those that did this to me.” Vanessa replied with rage burning in her eyes. He saw the intense hatred, and the calm icy tone she used. He knew she meant every word. It was not a statement shouted from white hot rage. It wasn’t a statement from fanatism. All Vanessa had an icy calm determination to carry it out. That was as dangerous as one could get.

“Who do you want revenge on,” Michael asked.

“My step Mother Nicole, my father, Natasha and Nanette, and Brent my stepbrother.” Vanessa replied.

“Have you given any thought as to how to do it?”

“Yes,” Vanessa replied. “I have given much thought on how to get revenge. Best way to take Natasha down is go after her beloved son Brent. The sadistic thug who stole everything from me. Father and Nicole love him so much. Make them watch him lose everything. He is corrupt. He is the vice president of Hampton Enterprises. He takes bribes, defrauds the unions. He is cheating on his wife Phyllis. He sexually harasses some of the women and extorts sex with the promise of better possessions for the women. They stay silent from fear. He even defrauds the company, selling secrets and securities from the company. We can expose all of that and watch his ass get taken to prison. You can make sure he doesn’t survive the first year. I’d love to go to his funeral smirking at Nicole, her knowing full well I did it all. I arranged her son’s destruction and death.”

He looked troubled. His face clouded. “Vanessa, Wasn’t Brent mostly innocent. He just replaced you, but he didn’t do anything to you. He was just used by his mother. She made the decisions. He didn’t do it. Isn’t Brent Innocent.”

“No,” Vanessa. “I was innocent too. No one cared about that. But Brent took part in humiliating me. He enjoyed it, confronting me, mocking me. He even had fun stealing my girlfriend Phyllis and flaunting it in my face. He mocked me for my feminine lifestyle, mocking me for submitting in record time. When he didn’t think it would work. He told me how my father explained it all to him on their trip of Europe together. He didn’t think it would work and it did. He called me all sorts of names. He deserves to pay for it all,” Vanessa told Michael. “And anyway. The best way to hurt a woman is destroy her children, her future. Make her watch me take her beloved son down. Her heart will break for ever standing over his grave. I also have plans for Virginia’s young sister. Virginia loved brutalizing me, I’d love for her to watch as the same cruelty she inflicted on me is done to someone she loves. Her knowing full well her cruelty caused it all. I know some Russians who need a pretty girl like her sister. A little slave to molest and abuse like she did to me. If you love me, you will help me out with this, Michael.”

“I will help you,” Michael replied. He meant it even if he didn’t entirely agree with what Vanessa had planned for the Maids sister.

“I need to be free of Antonio first, before any of this happens. I need to tell you how Antonio got into the scene in the first place so let’s continue this tale of horror. I was telling you about my visit to Hanna’s place and my encounter with Simone. She was another slave of the Sisterhood, but he seemed happier in her place than I was. I think that she enjoyed being a sissy slave to a dominant woman. It is okay if that’s what a man wants. It can be fun if the woman is loving and treats her sissy right. That wasn’t how it was done to me. I was brutalized and forced into the life by pain and threats. None of the women were kind or loving to me, but Simone seemed unable to comprehend that. That bitch Simone lied all about me. Our day together was ending and Simone told my mother I was happy and wanted more pretty clothes to wear. Nicole knew it was a lie, but she didn’t care.”

Michael snorted, “Why would she. Nicole was cruel and loved humiliating you. I will free you, what ever it takes.”

“I was becoming a very pretty and docile sissy,” Vanessa continued her story. “So to reward me, I was to go into town on my own. I was told to go to the Salon Demur. Nicole took me part of the way and we stopped in front of a clothing store called Cassandra’s. Nicole smirked as I shivered at the name and she confirmed to me that the store was owned by the Sisterhood. She dropped me off in front of the store and stand in front of the store for a while. Window shop and admire the dresses in the window and then I was to walk down the street on my own. I was told to walk down the street to Nanette’s Salon where Antonio worked as a hairdresser. So I did, I walked down the street as everyone saw that I was a crossdressed guy. I went into Nanette’s salon and met Antonio. He did my hair and flirted with me. He was attracted to me and flirted with me the whole time. I went home and he called me the next day. Nicole was intrigued and forced me to play along. I had to talk to him and pretend that I was totally interested in him. This is all where things get very messy and I made a major mistake with him.” Vanessa told Michael as she tightly squeezed his hand. His tight grip was reassuring.

“It is okay, Vanessa. I am here for you.”

Vanessa continued, “I started talking to him and then I got an idea. I would play along with him and maybe he would agree to help me escape. That was only my last ditch effort. I wanted to talk to my father and get him to end this hell. So I went on a date with Antonio and spent some time with eachother at the Manor. We made out a little and I asked him if he would be interested in helping me escape my feminine slavery. I told him that if he helped me escape and get to my real mothers, that I would share part of my trust fund with him. He acted weird at first but then said he would agree only if I totally submitted to him in a sexual way. I held off on that.”

Vanessa took another drink and waited for a second. They were getting to the end of the story. She just relaxed in Michaels comfort. She clung to his bicep and Michael was really starting to wonder if there was much male left in Vanessa. She acted so feminine.

Vanessa took another drink and dried her eyes again, “Father and Brent returned about a week after my date with Antonio. They returned and I had to put on a totally humiliating display for Father and he seemed pleased. Brent just mocked me. I told you how he relished in my feminine slavery. He loved how we switched places. He approached me and told me how he loved it and how he didn’t believe it would work when Father told him their plan. He explained his amazement when father told him it was working and I was submitting in record time. Then he told me about dating Phyllis. That did it and I angrily confronted father and pleaded with him to end this. He said I had hurt too many people and disgraced the family. I got angrier and began yelling about what they had done to me. My yelling brought in Nicole and Virginia. He told them to punish me. He had no interest in helping me. I was violently punished as Brent and my Father watched and then left. Things got more humiliating. My Stepmother introduced me to my ex girlfriend, as a girl and she was a makeup artist. She enjoyed doing my makeup. She had hooked up with Brent and they loved shoving it in my face. They are now married.”

“Are you saying that Phylis actually married Brent, and Brent is corrupted and cheating on her with other girls he extorts for sex at work,” Michael asked.

“Yes that is what I am saying.” Vanessa said with a frown. “Wonder if Father will be so proud of him now.

“So how did you become a slave to Antonio? I remember you saying you were his reward for his loyalty,” Michael observed.

“Yes I was Antonio’s reward. Everything progressed after that. My father turned me down and simply told me that I had to stay a girl until I was twenty six when I could get my trust fund. I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to be free and I would give it all up. It wasn’t an option. I was trapped and enslaved. I thought that my chance had come when I was told everyone was leaving for a week. Virginia was going to spend time with her family that week. Father and Nicole was leaving to spend romantic time with each other. Brent and Phyllis were going to spend some time alone. The thing was that I wouldn’t be left alone. They didn’t want me getting free, those sadistic swine. Nicole had called another woman from the Sisterhood, Kimberly to watch over me while they were all gone. It was my chance so I pleaded with Nicole to allow Antonio to spend time alone with me. She agreed and got Antonio to come and spend time with me.

He used me as a sex toy. He had all kinds of fun abusing and humiliating me during the week. I went along with it hoping that he would help me escape. That finally came, he took me out and said he was helping me escape. The week was nearing the end and he did take me out of the estate. I was hoping that it was finally to my freedom. We made it to another place and I went in. There was Nicole, Virginia, Anna, Natasha, and my real Mother Paula waiting for me. They seazed me and strapped me to a gurney in preparation for my surgery. They had applied anesthetic and she told me that they were going to castrate me. Just as it was about to begin, Nicole told everyone to leave and then she explained that Antonio had good sense to know he would lose much more than the Salon if he betrayed the Sisterhood. He warned Nicole in time to foil me. My offer paled in comparison to his reward for his loyalty. My father pleaded my case and the Sisterhood agreed to forgo the castration if Nicole could find another suitable punishment for my betrayal. I was given three choices to avoid being castrated. “

Vanessa explained, “The first was that I could live with my mother and be her sissy. She needed a sissy to suck off her new guy friend. “

“Second was that that I could be a prostitute at a brothel. For a Mistress who needed another sissy.

“The Third was that I could be Antonio’s reward for his loyalty and be his slave for two years. I would be free after the two years. Because of my promise and my betrayal, he was given my entire trust. I agreed to be his. So. That is what I have been doing for the past year. I have another year then I will be free. Unless you can arrange something for me.” She wiped her eyes again as she bowed her head softly and sobbed.

“What all do you do for Antonio?” Michael inquired softly.

“I do everything that he tells me to do,” Vanessa replied. “I clean his house, wash his clothes. I cook his meals. I serve his guests when he has company over and I serve his various lovers when he brings another man home. I sleep with him when he wants me to. I even go out on dates with people he arranges. Like a prostitute. I am his complete slave.”

“Have you ever try to escape on your own? Have you considered trying to overpower women Nicole put in charge of you? You were probably larger and stronger than the women when this horror began. You could have tried?”

“I considered trying to leave on my own multiple times,” Vanessa admitted. “But, they made sure there always was more than one woman with me at all times. I was also locked in high heels and they wore tennis shoes which made fighting them difficult. The women also were usually armed with stunners if it ever came to that. Those women, like the Virginia, Natasha and Anna were stronger than me. I wasn’t stronger than them. They were professional dominatrix’s and trained fighters. They would easily overpower me when they had to. It only took one of them to handle me, and there always were two with me. Fighting them was not an option. also I was warned that any attempt at physical violence against them would result in castration. So I never even considered fighting them fought them. They over powered and hurt me at will. Even the slightest bit of resistance resulted in punishment.”

Vanessa then added, “I was given the chance to challenge them once, and there would had been no punishment for trying. That was the very first day when I was scrubbing Nicole’s toilette. Virginia and Natasha walked in while I did that and they mocked me for it. Virginia liked me taking her more disgusting jobs. Natasha said that I would also clean my brother’s toilette and I got mad and clenched my fist. They laughed and said if I wanted to fight them, I could meet them in the aerobics area and it would be free. She promised me that any of them could beat me, but I was free to try and there would be no punishments. I didn’t because I knew they could beat me.”

That explained why she never tried to fight her way out when she had a males strength. Michael should had known she was not a very strong male. Michael figured that was why they chose to do this to her. Michael decided to ask, “Was there any of it that you liked?”

“Some of it. Working out with the women. Doing aerobics with them to keep my body thin and trim. We did women style workouts to strengthen my thighs and other areas. It was fun, especially watching the women. Bathing and doing their hair. I enjoyed that, rubbing their feet was fun. The intimate contact with the beautiful women even if it was totally to subjugate me. I doubt few men ever got to have such contact with so many beautiful women. And one of my favorites was washing their lingerie. I did all of their panties and bras, and all of their clothes.”

“They made you their total slave girl,” Michael was seething. “Can you tell me the names of everyone involved, their full name and where all of these places are so I can find them? I want to research this myself and find the answers. Then I will see if I can help you.”

“Nicole Hampton. She was my step mother. Victor Hampton, he is the CEO of Hampton Enterprises. Natasha Ivanov. She is a dominatrix and member of the Sisterhood. She runs Natasha Designs. There is Anna Moore. She is a leading designer and runs a boutique. Brent Hampton, Nicole’s Son and is about to become the CEO if the board votes him in. Father is considering stepping down and retiring. Brent is the VP. Nanette, she owns the Salon Demur.” Vanessa gave him all of their addresses and locations.

“Does it bother you that I am deeply attracted to you, as a woman?” Michael asked.

“No, Not at all. I think that I like it. You seem very nice and the only man who actually cares about me. I don’t mind it at all.” Vanessa said as she held his hand tightly and gazed into his eyes. Then Vanessa kissed him.

“Lets eat and we can go to bed. There is a guest bedroom for you.”

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