Estrogen / Hormones

Nikki, part 18

“Mmm,” I moan as the image of Sarah in her wedding dress fades and my brain starts swimming back to reality. I blink my eyes twice, turning my sore head to shield my sensitive eyes from the bright light streaming through the window.

“Morning, beautiful,” Sarah says, giving me a quick kiss on my forehead.

Patriot Games - Chapter 40 - A Successful Mission

Chapter 40 - A Successful Mission

There was a rapid knocking on knocking at the door and Linda opened it to see a distraught and disheveled Daisy. Throwing the door open, she pulled Daisy into the apartment and looked quickly around the corridor outside to make sure that Daisy was alone.

After she closed and bolted the door securely, she turned to Daisy and asked, "Did you get what we need?"

Vanessa's Secret part 2

Vanessa’s Secret

Jason Morgan

Vanessa tells Michael her Secret as their romance starts to get real. He finds out her real history and what happened to her. He agrees to help her escape Antonio.

Part 2

Nikki, part 17

“Come on, hurry up!” Katie urges Sarah, Lauren and myself as we stand in front of her long mirror, fixing our make-up.

“Oh relax,” Sarah laughs. “It’s not like the night’s going anywhere…”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 5 - Lauren

Amie and Jamie
Chapter 5 - Lauren

Each student had been issued a name tag with her first name in large black lettering. We were told that the tags were to be worn as part of our school uniforms. On Friday, a dark-haired girl whose tag boldly proclaimed her name to be “Lauren” sat across the table from Amie and me. Lauren had an air of smugness about her. She seemed much more interested in the two of us than she was in eating lunch, and she kept staring at us … mostly at Amie. Finally, she asked, “Where ya’ll from?”

Mother's Child - Chapter 6

Liam knew where his life was going, or so he thought until an incident at football practice turns into his worst nightmare. And the fun is only beginning.

I want to thank Maggie Finson and all the other authors for creating the Whateley Universe. This story is Fan-fiction and may not conform to Canon rules or timelines. I am only playing in their sandbox. I also want to thank Connected and my wife for all the editing work put in to turn my scratchings into a readable story.

Please note that all of the categories checked do not apply to all chapters.

I apologize for the delay in posting. I decided to do a last minute rewrite of a couple of scenes.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 7

“Exhausted yet?” Jessica asked Abbey, smiling as the two women returned to the locker room at Charles De Gaulle airport.

“Almost,” Abbey replied, returning Jessica’s smile. “It’s harder work than I expected, though I suppose it would be harder on red, black or grey route…”

One Last Shot

Reposted from 2004-10-29.

Cassie and Brian are best friends, sharing just about everything, including a life-long love of basketball. But what they don't share is Brian's deepest secret.

Patriot Games - Chapter 39 - Daisy and Ivan Have an 'Interlude'

Chapter 39 - Daisy and Ivan Have an 'Interlude'

Linda helped Daisy pick out his dress and lingerie for the evening. Surprisingly, Linda insisted there were no need for a corset or waist cincher.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 4 - Girls' School

Two days before our scheduled departure for our new school, Dr. Adams removed my bandages. He left the catheter in and gave Amie and instructions on removal. It seemed simple enough. Everything seemed surreal but wonderful. My mom and Amie’s parents all warned us that the new curriculum would be much more challenging than that to which we had grown accustomed in public school. We both agreed that a more challenging curriculum would not be difficult since the public school seemed to be geared to the lowest common denominator.

Nikki, part 16

“Happy birthday!” Everybody in the packed ballroom yells at the top of their lungs. I can’t help but giggle at some of the bizarre costumes being worn by some of the party attendees, myself included- there are very few places you could get away with wearing a skin-tight green thong leotard, a pair of brown booty shorts and combat boots, but a videogame-themed birthday party is one of those occasions.

“Hey Miss Croft,” Sarah giggles as she gives me a tight cuddle. “Want to go and ‘raid’ me a drink?” I smile as Sarah adjusts her own tight white top and loose over shirt.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 6

Jessica took a deep breath as she tried to relax in the aeroplane’s plush, comfortable seats- though the discomfort her clothes were causing and the stares she was receiving from the other passengers weren’t making the task of relaxing any easier. Next to her, her Scottish lover was suffering from the same levels of discomfort as she fidgeted in her seat.

“Feel like everyone’s staring,” Paige whispered to Jessica as the aeroplane’s safety briefing continued in both English and French.

“Oh whatever, let them stare,” Jessica snorted. “There’s nothing any of them can do.”

Patriot Games - Chapter 38

Chapter 38

"I have never seen a situation so dismal that a policeman couldn't make it worse." Brendan Behan

After leaving the doctor's office, Desiree was an emotional wreck. He sat in the passenger seat and cried. Phyllis handed him tissues as he tried to compose himself. The mere thought his body was producing milk like a breed mare was devastating to his male ego. The ride home was the world's biggest pity party, all that was missing were party favors.

Atalanta at Whateley: School Days Chapters 20

Atalanta clears up a misunderstanding and answers some questions. Meanwhile Mrs. Carson reaches out to learn all she can about Atalanta and makes her plans. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Sooner than Laters Part 1

Sooners than Laters Part 1

I’m awake before the alarm clock goes off and it jars my dreams apart and I open my eyes and reality crashes in around me.

Today’s the day.

I literally can’t put this off anymore.

I roll out of bed and there’s the jiggle there, not really there, but definitely there.

Confused Yet?

Starter boobs.

Hey, there I’m Deidre.

Patriot Games - Chapter 37 - Linda makes her case

Chapter 37 - Linda makes her case

"Love is whatever you can betray. Betrayal can only happen if you love" John LeCarre

Daisy came home from her shift at the bar bubbling with important news.

Linda was on the phone with Phil and she shushed Daisy as she entered the room. He was making his weekly status report on her latest charge and he was not a happy camper.

Nikki, part 15

“I shall see you on Tuesday!” Hannah giggles as she drops me off outside my former college. “Give my love to the rest of the ‘Teen Angels’. Oh- and enjoy your long, loooong weekend!”

“Will do!” I laugh, straightening my short skirt and opaque black tights as I step out of the car and stride into the dining hall of the large building. I breathe a sigh of relief that my work is over for another week- not that I don’t still enjoy it, of course, but it IS hard work, and I’m REALLY looking forward to three free days to spend with my friends… Especially Sarah.

Patriot Games - Chapter 35 - A period of 'amore'

Chapter 35 - A period of 'amore'

The next day was Daisy's day off so she and Linda watched TV together, both wearing almost identical peignoir sets, Daisy's in bright pink, Linda's in stark black. They were shod in mid-heeled mules. Sometime in the afternoon, the phone rang and Linda took the call. After listening for a few minutes, she said, "She'll be there whether she wants to or not."

Daisy knew that he was the subject of the conversation, but he couldn't imagine who could be calling, certainly not Ivan.

Butterfly Moments

Butterfly Moments


By PersnicketyBitch

Author’s Note: The following stories were originally published in the “TG Mixed Tape” flash fiction anthologies. As readers of those collections know, many of my contributions detail incidents in the life of Nina, a young trans woman. If you haven’t read these stories, enjoy. If you have, I hope that you take the time to revisit and find re-reading them back-to-back a different, richer experience.

An Itsy Bitsy Vacation

ypdb.jpgAn Itsy Bitsy Vacation
By Anon Allsop

My stomach was in my throat, I had been building to this very moment for nearly three years. Standing before the mirror in the women's locker room, I trembled like a leaf. Draping a huge beach blanket over my shoulders, it surrounded me like a shroud.

I hesitatingly looked toward the door, "It's now or never, Kris." I whispered to myself, regretting the bet I had made with myself so long ago - to lose the weight and complete the transition. Hearing a tap on the door, I felt my heart racing - I knew it was my childhood friend.

The Accident

The Accident.

Fiction by Johnny Cumlately

Rachel had spent a quiet Sunday afternoon and evening with her friend, Gwen, who lived in town. At about 9 o'clock she made her excuses as she had a heavy work load the next day. She lived alone in a small cottage up in the hills about a half hour drive away and knew the road well as she commuted daily.

Patriot Games - Chapter 33 - Growth

Chapter 33 - Growth

Daisy was busy adjusting to life as a Dolly Parton-esque woman, fending off the predictable rude off-colored comments. This took place, all under the watchful eye of Ivan or, in his absence, one of his henchman. By late afternoon, Daisy's shoulders were hurting as his bra straps dug into his shoulders from carrying around his mammoth melons. The lunch hour crowd had been heavier than usual. He was bracing himself for the happy hour rush, counting the hours until closing.

Sweet Dreams-62

Alex takes the zipper of the jacket and he does it up and zips me all the way up as far as it would go and I’m teased in my body and inside too…I mean that was actually funny. And I’m laughing because it’s just awesome.

“I take it that’s a yes then?”

He gives me another kiss and then he walks to the Café where he has to work and I watch him go and it’s such a nice sight.

And the kissing and The jacket thing and I’m actually happy again and I actually skip a little on my way to work and hopefully I can dish about Alex and me over a cuppa with the boss.

Sweet Dreams-61

I see a camera flash and I see one of the school paper people I think and they’re taking pictures of me and Katherine and Jenn and Cindy and Alex and I look at him when he turns my way a gain and do a little friendly hand wave and he snaps a picture and I do a few funny faces for him too which he seems to like.

He turns his attention to the others and I stop to watch Alex.

Yeah as much as he’s not into football he is too and he’s good at it, it’s just not all of what he’s about.

But yeah I love the way he looks doing this stuff even…especially when he’s doing that wet hair thing when his helmet comes off.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 12.

It was a really, really good day.
Even just driving home and with Sam falling all over me completely worn out and asleep and mumbling it was perfect.
We stop at my place and Rudy gets my things and dishes and he carries them for me and I can’t help but to look back at Sam still in the truck and part of me does this sigh.
Rudy sets the things on the counter and he looks me in the eyes and he kisses me.
“We have time right?”
I nod.
“It’s just I don’t want to rush this, not with how good this is and Sam.”
I nod and swallow. “I get that. I really do and I want to whole thing Rudy, even the waiting.”
He has this soft look on his face. “I know that this whole single dad thing’s not what you’re used to Morgan.”
“No, but the thing is Rudy you’re both worth it, you’re both worth the wait.”
It’s true, with the way that he wraps his arms around me and the crossing of them settling into the small of my back and then he’s kissing me long and slowly and sweetly.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 11

Dammit woman…just do it! I’m yelling mentally at myself and it’s still scary hard but almost like I can’t help it and I end up nodding yes.
Ryan smiles but y’know there’s something else there too, it’s in his eyes that he kind of gets it.
And that’s nice…it helps a lot as he comes around and gets my door and we head to the movie place and we start checking out what’s playing and where to go and there’s a lot of stuff playing and just for fun he takes me to go see “Muppets Most Wanted.”

Out and just for fun with a big thing of popcorn to share and a medium root beer and doing this.
Fun’s been a long time from now.
And when they’re opening almost right away with a musical I’m already smiling.
I missed fun.

Nikki, part 14

I straighten my short black pencil skirt and my clingy, translucent tights as I jump in the back of the pink London cab. I slip my stiletto heels off and stretch my tired toes, satisfied that a hard day’s work is complete.

“Don’t let those toes get too comfortable,” Viks teases as she gets in the driver’s seat. “Aren’t they going to be supporting your entire bodyweight later tonight?”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” I mock-groan. “I mean, it’s not that I DON’T like ballet, it’s just- haven’t I worked hard enough today?”

Summer Secrets

Summer Secrets
By Varian Milagro

Chapter 1

It should have been a great day. It was a beautiful June morning and the school year was ending in just a couple minutes. All of my classmates were excited; half of them were counting the exact number of seconds left until summer break officially began. I looked around the room knowing that it was probably the last time I’d be in this school. I was a middle school graduate now and would be a tenth grader in high school when school started up again in the fall. I should’ve have been as excited as everyone around me, but I wasn’t. I was not looking forward to summer vacation.

Patriot Games - Chapter 32 - A New Steve Emerges

Chapter 32 - A New Steve Emerges

It felt like his head was spinning and he had to put his hands on the car when he thought that he might faint. His thoughts were going 100 miles an hour and he tried shaking his head to clear it.

Steve and his analytical brain just couldn't figure out what was happening.

Nikki, part 13

“Ugh,” I moan as my alarm clock wakes me at 7am for what feels like the millionth consecutive day.

“Morning babe,” Sarah tiredly moans, wrapping her arms around my naked body and giving me a slow, soft kiss on my neck.

“Hey,” I reply, blinking the tiredness out of my eyes. “Looking forward to today?”

“Been looking forward to it since I left in June,” Sarah giggles. “Just wish you were coming with me…”

“I know,” I sigh. “Kinda wish I was coming too…”

“No you don’t,” Sarah says, giving me a playful push. “You know EVERYONE would kill to have your job!”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 3 - Getting serious about change

When I awoke, it was bright daylight. I took a few seconds figuring out where I was. Oh…I was in my girlfriend’s room…or should I say “my lover’s room”? So many things in my life had changed so quickly. The biggest, of course, was meeting Amie and discovering that I was actually a girl in every way except physically. The medication she stole from her dad’s clinic was quickly changing that. My breasts were nearly as large as some of the other girls my age. Down below, what had previously been growing had reversed course. It seemed it was getting smaller by the day.

Scott Free, Part 5 of 5

Scott Free, Part 5 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry, Wren, that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Jake Adams is dead, and he won’t be missed by anyone. This tale is not over by a long shot. Finally, Scott is free to be who she really is. It isn’t quite that easy. There are many loose ends that must be tied up and hurdles that must be cleared before that can start. What happened to her mother?

Scott Free, Part 4 of 5

Scott Free, Part 4 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry Wren that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Phil and Joe Esterházy take charge. More and more evidence points to Elaine’s murder; however, the police are reluctant to do anything due to the evidence being only circumstantial. Then, Joe takes Scott to the school nurse.

Scott Free, Part 3 of 5

Scott Free, Part 3 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry, Wren, that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Scott meets Mr. Joe, and Joe Esterházy becomes very concerned very quickly. He knows who Scott’s parents are, and he doesn’t think much of Jake. There is a major family get together that weekend and they come up with a solution to put a stop to Scott’s hitchhiking. The oldest of his three sisters, Persi, suggests that Jake Adams probably killed Scott’s mother. He had a history of beating up prostitutes.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 2

“All good things must come to an end.” I guess that’s a cliché, but it fit my situation. Summer vacation was soon to be ending. With that, I assumed that my life as a girl was also drawing to a close. The happy days and cozy nights became almost overshadowed by the dread of what was to follow at home.

One morning, Amie was up early and waiting for me. “Jamie, I have something to tell you.”

Scott Free, Part 2 of 5

Scott Free, Part 2 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry, Wren, that it took so damn long to get around to it.

Scott’s mother disappears when Scott enters seventh grade. He no longer has the buffer of his mother to protect him from his father. He also discovers the comfort of dressing in his mother’s clothing. That does not turn out well when he is discovered. Scott has figured out how to get away from his father for most of the day, Monday through Friday, during the summer. Still, he has to deal with him on the weekends.

Scott Free, Part 1 of 5

Scott Free, Part 1 of 5

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: The year is 2076, not that is extremely important. The story takes place at the same time as Five Love Stories en Brochette; much of it at the same time as the last chapter of that story. It has been almost six years since that story was published here. In that story, Scott Adams is briefly mentioned in a couple of sentences near the beginning, and once again in the epilogue. Wren Phoenix thought it might be nice to know a bit more about Scotty Adams. I’m sorry Wren that it took so damn long to get around to it.

This starts out as a very dark tale. There is physical abuse, and there is a murder. That won’t be any secret when it happens. The murderer is pretty obvious. Scotty Adams is a resourceful child caught in a very nasty situation. If you read Five Love Stories en Brochette you know that things work out, so that’s not a big secret. However, how did things work out? That’s where this little tale in five parts takes us.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 1 - I make a new friend

I met Amie in 10th grade. She was beautiful. She was tall with brown hair and big brown eyes…and smart. She was in all advanced classes, like me. I was short, skinny and my looks were only average. Also, I was still prepubescent. So I had no reason to think she would have much to do with me. But, thanks to detention one Thursday, we became friends.

She was there ahead of me, so I walked in and sat across the table from her. I couldn’t help but notice her earrings.
So, I spoke up. “Nice earrings”.

“Yeah,” She said, “want to borrow them sometime.

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 52

The Girl Most Likely To ... - Part 52
by StarPrincess a/k/a Barbara Lynn Terry

Chapter 1. At Reneé's house.

Naomi and Reneé stopped the car in their driveway. After getting out of the car, they ran the ten feet to the house, because the windchill was only sixteen below zero. After getting inside the house, they took their boots and coats off, and settled down to tell the others in the house what had happened while they were visiting the "Home".
Ruth Watkins was in the living rooom when they entered the house.



I have never been in a public setting like this for that long in my life before, it’s completely blown any other times that I’ve done this out of the water as it were.
I feel happy and I feel actually like I’ve grown a lot just by getting past something like this.
We get settled in and we hug our driver and he even helps carry our bags with the porter to our rooms and say our goodbyes for the night as he leaves us his personal card for us to call him if we need him again.
That could be a definite thing.
I have a shower and get everything off of me from being out there…no I’m not a germiphobe but it just feels good to wash the day off.
I think that I might have stress sweated slightly.
Brandy’s looking at room service and I’m going over the things that I bought her from The Apple Store.

*And Now…

Twinkling Star

.Twinkling Star

Written by Dauphin
how far would you go to be famous or please your mother?
"So cute and a special way to find out who you are." Diana
"I wanted people to ask... should he tell the truth" Dauphin


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