Estrogen / Hormones

Sweet Dreams-60

Sweet Dreams-60


Jen actually beats me too it and says. “Why does having something cool like this have to be a competition? I think the more people the better when we want to do something cool.”
I hold my palm out and Jen slaps it in a sort of low five and stuff.
I look over to Kathy and she’s giving us both the stink eye as are some of her friends who are just kind of looking at Queer Corner with all that snobby better than you disdain that I’m kind of used to seeing a lot of the time.

Life With Brian

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

An out of work 18 year old moves in with his college-student
best friend,and discovers a new side to his life.

But how did it happen?

Life With Brian

by Rebecca Anderson

Copyright © 05/07/1999 by Rebecca Anderson
All Rights Reserved.

Patriot Games - Chapter 31 - Changes

Chapter 31 – Changes

Steve felt foolish and humiliated. He followed two steps behind his wife trying to hide in her shadow, his movements forced and awkward. Phyllis turned and pulled him up even with her. She scanned the store before turning to her husband.

"Is she here?"

Steve quickly looked around and then took a deep breath to combat the pounding of his heart. In a voice that was boyishly high, he said, "Yes, that's her over by the baby strollers."

Nikki, part 9

“Come on, smile!” Katie urges me. Despite the cold, I beam a wide, toothy grin as Katie snaps photograph after photograph of me in my warm, snuggly outfit. I’m wearing a pair of tight, skinny jeans that show off my increasingly feminine curves, on top of which I have a pair of long, knee-high boots with a chunky 3” platform heel. My warm pink coat covers a tight red wool sweater, and my long brown hair is covered by a light grey woollen hat.

“Please tell me we’re done?” I beg as I try to warm my red-tipped fingers on my coat.

Images 61

Images 61

Chapter 61


And it’s helping too really even slipping into the bathroom to get ready for bed and being intimate. Sure there’s things that I wish were done and all but looking at it like this getting clean and getting ready and so it’s really just a thing that I have to do that only has some of what I’m about.
And after all of that it’s about me, completely non-standard me and all…naked and leaning in the doorway and Taylor looks at me and there’s that smile, that same sweet guy smile and he opens the bed sheets for me.
“Hey beautiful.”
It’s really nice to not feel like he’s talking about someone else and yeah I blush a little, bite my lower lip some and head over and slip into our bed.
“Hey Handsome…” and I kiss him really deeply.

Bridges 46

Chapter 46


It’s…it’s not a Cass thing it’s a me and the fixed real me taking some me time and slowly exploring myself and enjoying it.
Being my real self, exploring that part of myself and it’s amazing from start to my big finishes and after my second I’m panting and glowing and I clean things up and gather some of the blankets and slip them between my legs.
There’s more than a sort of finally feeling in the peace of things feeling right when I touch them or press into them without the wrong stuff in the way anymore.
It was easy to fall asleep smiling and think about my life and what’s coming ahead for me and actually looking forward to doing so much more than just surviving.

Psychic Sister

Psychic Sister

by MonicaS

This story was first posted in 1998 on Fictionmania. This version is edited in details only.

"Sorry that I disturbed your sleep, but I couldn't wait," my sister said when she came into my apartment. "I had a vision."

"About me?" I asked a little worried and she nodded.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 1

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.

by Angharad.
Part 1.

"Come on," I said to myself, trying to encourage my weary legs to go faster, but the hill was unrelenting and the sky looked ominous. It was mid afternoon but looked like late evening as the clouds darkened and thickened. Cars began to drive with headlights on and I began to wish I had lights on my bike. The first drops of rain began to fall, or so I thought.

Nikki, part 8


“Stop being so nervous!” Dad admonishes me as I nearly hyperventilate on the back seat of his car. “This is something you want to do, it’s something you know you’ll be good at, so the sooner you relax and start enjoying it, the better.”

“I know, I know,” I breathe, fanning myself with my hands. “It’s just- it’s just all so new!”

“Well get used to it, because that’s life for you,” dad states bluntly.

Magic of the Kingdom - 8 - Change on the Horizon


Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.

Turning 16 chapter 1

Turning 16


Hi, let me introduce myself, my name is Belle Pride. I am writing this story for Jenny, my daughter, on her 16th birthday. It also happens to be my 32nd birthday. It was 16 years ago to the day that she came into my life (seems like a life time ago). It is time for me (at last) to keep a promise I made on that day so long ago. This is to tell her how she came into this world and how she has changed my life before and after she was born. I know this will not be easy, but the tale must be told. It all started a few months into my fifteenth year.

Patriot Games - Chapter 30 - Kidnapped

Chapter 30 - Kidnapped

Daisy wanted to make a good impression on whoever Ivan had invited to the party on his yacht. If she looked too shabby or slutty, it could mean that the work she had done to get close to Ivan could go down the drain.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 8

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 8 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: They arrive at St. George and everything seems to be going quite well; at least it does for the first couple of days.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 7

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 7 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Two people couldn’t be more in love. With Ashley’s help they form a plan and put it into effect. Ashley and Mike are finally alone together. Need we ask? Caitriona realizes they are only putting off the inevitable.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 6

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 6 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Mike Donatella has just gotten out of the Navy and is desperately searching for a way to get away from his father’s business. He blindsided by his father’s announcement that he is getting married. The shocker is that his father is going to marry Sean Finlayson’s daughter, Ashley. Mike almost outs Ashley but thinks better of it. Now he’s been tasked to bring Ashley back to his father. Could things get worse?

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 5

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 5 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley moves on in the world of medicine. She’s learning about real life. Her father is suddenly in serious financial trouble. The impact on her life is something she never could have expected.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Presto Chango Part 2: Twenty Years Later

Presto Chango 2, by Czolgolz
[email protected]

Twenty years after the events of 'Presto Chango,' Brian and Rhea are still happily married. But when they meet an abused young man looking for a home, they realize they've been missing something in their lives.


Mike and Ashley, Chapter 4

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 4 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: College is tough, especially in the medical fields. Physically, she’s doing great. She’s adjusting very well. The years pass quickly, and before she knows it she’s graduating. After four years, she sees Mike. It’s not the best of situations. Ashley gets her GCS.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 3

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 3 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley and her aunt run into some people we’ve met before. They find the perfect place to live.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 2 of 9

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Ashley (Aishling) comes out to her father. He does not seem to be too disturbed; however, he insists that her transition has to be done the right way. They know Ashley’s mother will not be very accepting or helpful. Sean Finlayson finds an appropriate mother substitute for her.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Patriot Games - Chapter 29 - Plans Are Hatched

Chapter 29 - Plans Are Hatched

Do your own thinking independently. Be the chess player, not the chess piece.

Daisy arrived back at the apartment and, as was normal, filled Linda in on everything she had observed during her shift. Today she was excited because a new player had shown up at the club: A dark-skinned bearded man, with long greasy hair who looked like he had just learned to walk upright. Ivan had greeted him like a long lost relative and even Ivan's bodyguards were deferential to this guy.

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 1

Mike and Ashley, Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Michele (Mike) Donatella and Asher (Ash) Finlayson meet the summer before their senior year in high School. Ash is spending the summer with his mother in Brooklyn, NY. His parents are divorced. Mike and Ash hit it off right away. There are some secrets to be learned over the next year. Some won’t be revealed for a long time after that. Some unless you figure it out will not be revealed until the very last paragraph of the last chapter – nine chapters from now.

The story is not mine. It is based on a very old tale that might have been part of English/Irish lore, it might be French or German. It might even be Persian in origin. I’ll leave it to you to try to figure out what tale it is. If you think you know, PM me. Don’t spoil it for others.

Although there are characters from other stories who make brief appearances, this is a stand-alone story.

Road Picture

This is another true story...

Road Picture

by Storytimer

While I was going thru transition, I had a friend named, well, call her Debbie. Debbie was going through transition, too, and we kind of were a support group for each other. Debbie was short, slender and blonde--blonde to the bone sometimes.


Originally posted 2005/05/03.

Summer of Love - Part 9

“Well, since you're here, let's get a look at you” I smiled and playfully shook the skin around Kesey's neck. He cocked his head and leaned into my hands and his stubby tail began to wag.

Colin regarded me while I gave Kesey the once over.

“He's usually extremely shy, I'd even say ...skittish... around strangers. I've never seen him take to anyone the way he's taken to you....”

I smiled and regarded him for a moment. “What about you?”

He shrugged sheepishly.

Charlotte, part 5

"Beautiful, Jamie," the photographer calls to me as I turn my head and look off into the middle distance, giving the photographer a perfect view of the necklace and earrings I'm wearing- not to mention the exquisite white wedding dress! The dress is strapless, but doesn't show off too much cleavage, and hugs my curves beautifully. I have incredibly long fake nails- extending over an inch from my fingertip- attached to each digit and my make-up is applied flawlessly.

Hiring of Elaine Hall – 8

It was just over five years ago I turned thirty and to keep my job I began to use my sister’s name; actually it’s not fully my sister’s name. A comedy of errors and my warped attitude necessitated a change if I were to stay employed. It was late summer of 2008 and the downswing turned into a recession; for those losing houses, jobs or both it was depressing. … Julie and I were expecting our second child before the end of the year, not be a good time to lose my job.
=^. .^=


By Anon Allsop

I sat upon a little bench and watched shadows race across the open expanse of the lawn. Deep were my thoughts as my mind filtered out and processed, what had gotten me to this exact place in my life.

Glancing at my watch, I saw the dial reflect the sun as it broke through the cloud that raced overhead. I squinted at the sudden glare, angling the face so I could see the dial. Ten minutes till two. I had forty minutes until I would be forever alone.

You Don't Have To.

You Don’t Have To…

My name is Shane and I actually don’t mind my name at all it’s just the rest of me that has extraordinarily been off kilter. I guess it sort of started when I was little but that’s actually kind of hazy and repressed stuff. By repressed I mean there’s stuff that just sometimes that kind of just pops into my head that comes up when I see something that would have been like normal and stuff.

Patriot Games - Chapter 26 - Life Begins Again


This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist.

Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual encounter.

This story has been previously posted on other sites. It is being posted here with a strong rewrite; some new chapters have been added. I had my BFF Monica Rose edit the material so it should be more readable. Marina

Marina: [email protected]

@ @ @ @

Happily Seduced into Girlhood

Happily Seduced into Girlhood

by Jennifer Sue

This IS a work of fiction from my sometimes all too vivid imagination. It’s also more than a bit racy. It may not be for everyone and I most certainly do not condone the activity depicted. But sometimes it’s nice to dream that I had been Ash.

ps: I had back surgery on Nov 20 and the medications allowed me to lower my normally G ratings.

For Friends and Family Part 26

For Friends and Family 26 – The Norns Intervene

Nicky and Amy.jpg

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.


Bridges 45


We’re pulling down our road and I can see the ranch. “Well it’s not burned down so I guess we’re having pasta tonight.”

He smiles and he pulls up my lane and into my yard. “I told you so.”

I look at him and then at his place and my place and just sort of everything. “I love you y’know right?”

He just smiles as he reaches over and pulls me in and gives me this really tender kiss on the forehead. “Yeah, I know.”

*And Now…

Needs and Surprises

It’s a need not a want.

Built in, born in and yeah the jury’s still out with the hows and the whys of being this way but I’ll never see things that way, the way that some see it as a choice, like this was something that we decide to do.

You don’t choose.

Not one person that I know in life or online chooses to be trans or gay or lesbian or bisexual or anything else other that the “Normal.”


Sorry but these were the thoughts of a newly released woman living in an empty house.

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape

If You Were a Woman (And I was a Man): A TG Mixed Tape


Edited by PersnicketyBitch

On thanksgiving a trans girl prepares to come out to her family. A mysterious entity wreaks havoc on a porn set. While experimenting with each other’s sexual fantasies, a man learns more about his partner than he bargained for. These are just some of the stories on offer in this collection of short, short fiction by twelve different voices in TG Fiction. [Includes an interview with Dorothy Colleen.]

Don't You Remember?

Don't You Remember?
by Stephanie Rose

Mark Jacobson was running late. He was meeting his best friend, Jake Schneider at their old hunting grounds, Blake's Tavern. They had barely seen each other in the four years since high school. Now, both of them college graduates, they were finally back home. It was time to re- connect.

Mark flashed his ID at the bouncer at the door. The burly man waved him through without a second look. Mark smiled. It was the first time he had gone in there without having to pull one of his tricks. Those days were behind him now.

For Friends and Family Part 18

For Friends and Family Part 18 – Laughter and Tears
Nicky and Amy.jpg

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike. This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.


Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 26-30

Hopscotch…A Jump in Life 26


And we’re both like looking at each other and the feeling of remembering or like déjà vu is like so super strong.

We’re both totally doing the mouth drop stare at each other.

And we both do the Jinx thing…twice.

And we both do. “You owe me a Tim’s.”

And my…my heart is breaking in a good way from the familiarity thing.

My heart is breaking in this amazing way because…because she and I we just did this…it wasn’t a fluke.

This is something that we did!

I…Sarah have like real history with someone and she’s doing the same kind of freaking out in a good way as we’re looking at each other and she’s getting it…and tearing up over it and my hand’s coming up to my mouth in that happy sobby thing and Kaitlyn’s doing that happy waving crying arm flapping thing.

“Oh holy crap Sarah it’s there! You’re there!”

(Happy double sobs.)

*And Now…

Patriot Games - Chapter 23 - One Last Trip Home


This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist.

Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual encounter.

This story has been previously posted on other sites. It is being posted here with a strong rewrite; some new chapters have been added. I had my BFF Monica Rose edit the material so it should be more readable. -- Marina

We know that some of the characters presented here are unlikeable or appear to be unbelievable. That is the point though. People grow and learn through their experiences. And there is always hope for justice and punishment.

Marina: [email protected]

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 11.



It’s my first time for that kind of kiss from someone that means it as a kiss.
So it’s a good thing when the feelings in your heart are stronger than the feelings in your body right?
We break the kiss and I’m catching my breath and Rudy looks at Sam. “Let’s go get cookin and we can let Morgan finally get to use her tanning chair and get some rest and Sun.”
“I kin grill?”
“Yeah, let’s.”
They leave and Rudy smiles at me and he walks out of the water backwards and his grin gets all teasing and devilish as he’d definitely sporting some serious arousal going on down there and I blush because he’s doing that and it’s pretty obvious if someone looks.
I sink down in the water some more to hide the goofy grin that’s there too because yeah, he’s showing off and stuff but he’s with me and he’s kind of showing off for me.
And that feels just.
Yeah I’m so happy hugging myself right now.

*And Now…

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 10

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 10


“Josie, you want to go out?”
“Huh?” Blink, blink… “Like…?”
“Out, out of here, go for a drive, see some things…go on a date.”
“A date…with me?”
“Yes please.”
Oh…that, that yes please…Never, no one has ever…it.
Just two words said with real earnest just…I had no idea that two words could actually feel that good…

*And Now...

Images 59


Chapter 59


Taylor’s with one of the guys that’s teaching the surfing and I sip my coffee and watch and then I set it down and see him actually get up on the board and ride it out for like fifty feet or sixty feet before there’s no room. It’s way cool he stayed up the entire time and I’m not sure that I could do that and I clap and cheer whistle at him when he’s done.
“Way to go honey, do it again!”
I see the smile on his face and the happy guy wave he gives me and him and the instructor paddle back talking and stuff. I see the guy look at me and it’s that checking me out look and something else and they do the guy thing hand shake once their sitting on the boards and riding the wave thing where they really aren’t going anywhere.
It’s so that guy giving the other guy props for his girl thing.
I actually don’t mind, he’s my guy and guys have their esteem things too….and Tay’s been knocked around just as much as me and I watch and cheer as he takes another wave and gets up on his board and I cheer him on and it’s good to see him just smile, doing something just for him and just smiling.

*And Now…

Sweet Dreams-59

Sweet Dreams-59

Chapter 59


I look around the caf and it’s just a sort of morbid kind of curious look and I’m looking not at the kids around me in the whole popular side of things but over to what would have been me…you ‘know the loners and the geeks and the sort of like unpopular kids that don’t really fit the popular and semi popular high school tribes and I’m kind of looking for.
Yeah…it’s there.
I see them and they see me and some of them sort of do the don’t look right at it thing with me but some of them are doing the glare and don’t like me because I’m one of “Them” looks.
I knew it was bound to happen and yeah if I was a shitty person and all self-absorbed and shit I’d trot out the they’re just jealous crap but I’ve been there and they’re coming at this from places of being likely treated like dogshit by some of these popular people and stuff.
So…I’m going to need to change that.

*And Now…

Snakes and Ladders-34

Snakes and Ladders-34

Chapter 34

*** Shaya…

Things are coming together here in the fortress and it’s taking time doing so but it is happening. It’s slow going and we’re set to get more troops and people in here to take this place apart and to claim things back for the crown and to go over everything.

Wren’s plan is amazing but it’s a lot of work here on our end right now because we have to catalog and count everything here and that’s a task that is going to take a lot of time.

And then there’s the fact that I’m here in command alone and without Bhlaze with me and without my partner here, without the presence of my dragon there’s still the thing that I am still me.

As much as I’m Shaya…as much as I’ve changed and fought to live through the guilt over the things that I did…it’s still there.

For Friends and Family Part 7

For Friends and Family Part 7 – Work and Boys

For Friends and Family. Andy is looking for a new challenge, his current girlfriends sister has suffered a nervous break down, Andy is very similar in both size and looks, agrees to be changed into a Nichola look alike.
This is a dream for Andy who has a secret desire to live and work as a woman.
In this chapter Nichola is now ready to face the world and goes on her first date with the hunks they met at the hotel


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