2016-08 August Story Contest - Alternate August

The Sundering

Summer heat baked the ground into a cracked, desiccated mass, a thin crust over a briny substrate that helped to give this place its name. She had been to and through some strange and beautiful places but this one in particular spoke to her soul… to the part of her that felt so keenly the loss of everything she had once held dear. Years flew past in her mind’s eye as she waited for the sun to dip below the mountains, composed herself for what she must do.

Goodbye Themyscira

What happens when a transgender boy grows up in a world where there ARE no males?
From girl to boy, from Amazon to American, from Themyscira to Gotham City...
Kip Trevor's life has been one incredible journey!

(A sort of Wonder Woman/Justice League fanfic)
Laika Pupkino 2016

Move Over

The link for this tale is in purple at the top of the posting. Will Jess get her itch scratched? Will Andi help with the honors? Will Russ ever be forgiven? Will Russ's reeducation help? For the answer to these and any other questions, click on the purple link at the top of the posting below the word 'attachment'. :)

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