The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 82)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

82 the Australian resistance insurgence and War

Alisha and I arrived at the transformation room the guard in charge of the area said to us “ Colonel and My lady”. I said to her “ is the female almost completed?'. she said to me “ yes my lady”. I said to Alisha “good”. Curtis was captured in Seattle with some other slaves since then the commandant has been replaced by a new woman and thing on scheduled we walked into the new woman room she said to me “ hello my lady and hello colonel”. I said to her “ hello warrior how do you feel?”.

She said to me “liberated my lady I am free of my masculinity and I love being a woman”. and I said to her “what about males?”. she said to me “they are pathetic scum who need to be eliminated from the Galaxy women are the rightful rulers now we have suffered under men for too long”. I said to her “ good what your name Warrior?”. she said to me “acting-Capitan Michelle my lady”.

I said to her “ good Michelle we are heading for Australia soon”. she said to me “ over the the male terrorist plan to overthrow the governor and re program the slaves”. I said to her “ yes how do you know about it?'. she was getting dressed into her leather uniform and boots and said to me “most male resistance member know it the biggest resurgence against us”.

I said to her “ we have over 40 Battalions of shock troops there and the country under strict martial law”. Michelle said to me “ that most troops ever my lady we didn't use that many when we invaded New Zealand”. I said to her “ I know we have extra 20 Battalions in New Zealand and we have another 10 Battalions in PNG so we are prepared for this”.

she said to me “we should win this one with ease but we will be doing a lot house to house combat and that will affect female citizens of Australia”. Alisha said to her “we should be able be careful not to hurt the female population males if they are in our way they will be killed the less males the better”. .

We left the transformation area and head for the spaceport Alisha said to me “my lady why are you coming with us”. I said to her “you are in training and Capitan Michelle here has just pass her PTA and commander Anastasia is on her honeymoon so I am only one here and as representative of the empress I need to be there”. We arrived at the spaceport and prepare to leave Alisha and Michelle saw more shock troops boarding the shuttle with us Michelle said to me “how many troops are we taking there”. I said to her “ another 4 battalions and we are sending a mother ship there as well”.

We boarded the shuttle and headed for Australia Michelle said to me “what is our plan my lady”. I said to me “ Major Amelia is house hunting resistance fighters and looking for this male name Charlie our aim is to flush them out slowly or easy any male caught is to be assess that he has been reprogram to our needs”. Michelle said to me “ what about men who resist us?”. I said to her “ kill them we are not be easy on them this time”.

She said to me “ about time men are war munging idiots all they think about is wars and destroying the ECO system here on Amazonia Earth and other worlds I am glad I was liberated from being a male I love my new body and I love being a woman we are the strongest gender and the smartest and I love that a lot I was weak male I was forced to join the resistance by a guy name Grant”. I said to her “ he is now a woman” she said to me “ really Alisha giggled and said to me “ she is our supreme Commander of Amazon Galaxy forces she is the empress top military officer besides my lady here”. she said to her “ wow I am shock”. I said to her “ well get use to it cause. she is the one that will decide if you and Alisha keep your ranking”. .

Michelle said to me “ I will my lady and why is colonel Alisha an acting colonel”. Alisha said to her “ I have just come form school in stead of the academy for National service I was top grade at my school and I was head cheerleader and had some interrogation skills I learnt from Princess Alexis”. Michelle said to her “wow your very smart girl”. Alisha said to her “ only the last 12 months I was male like you in New York I was captured by princess Alexis and converted me to a female and I was given a great mom and I studied hard at school got to be a cheerleader and was happy I was shocked that I got 99.99 on my final exam I was told by princess Taylor that I will be trained as a colonel with the approval of my lady here and Supreme Commander Sapphire”. I said to her “she is one of smartest girls we have had”. She said to me “ but girls have always been smarter than boys”. I said to her “ Michelle but with nanotechnology it has made the difference”.

Michelle said to me “and you my lady have you always been a female?”. I said to her “ no I was the resistance leader Bernie I was captured the same time as you and the other slaves I was converted to a female and age regressed to 20yrs old woman”. she said to me “ you would have never known you were that male”. I said to her “thank you” head the shuttle commander say to me “ my lady there resurgence in forces in outer suburbs of Sydney”. I said to her “where the are saying near the Parramatta area I send in the Paratroopers”. she said to me “I have sent your orders to Central command centre”.

I said to her “ where is the main fighting now”. she said to me “ between the Area of Parramatta to Penrith area my lady”. I said to her “good land the shuttle at Olympic park Home bush”. she said to me “ yes my lady”. I went saw the head officer of the shock troopers I told her my order you are arrest any male you see if he want be aggressive with you than shoot him I want the area secured as soon as possible we landed at Olympic park the Mother ship was above us it was landing shock troops every 5 minutes we saw men being brought in I said to her “ once this operation is over this state of Australia will be come Female only country like England”..

I went to the command centre and saw governor Kailee and her commander there she said to me “ welcome Australia my lady”. I said to her “thank you governor”. she said to me “ My lady we didn't know the male insurgence was going get this bad here”. I said to her “ I know that governor when supreme commander was last here she though she had settled it down in at the opera house where your commander was fired”. she said to me “ yes she was I was sorry to see her go”. I said to her “well you can join her you been dismissed of your duties a governor effectively immediately you are to return to Amazonia Prime”.

she said to me “why am I fired?'. I said to her “we think you are not doing you job as good as you should be”. she said to me “I was a commander I was promoted by her highness princess Isabella”. I said to her “ I know you were the first governor of Great Britain since before they lost the royalty there”. she said to me “yes then I was sent here”. I said to her “ I have my orders from the Empress my mother in law to be”. she said to me “ I will accept my dismissal”. I said to her “ when you get home to Amazonia don't argue with her Majesty about your job sacking or she will execute you believe me I saw it happen”. she said to me “ok my lady I will take that into consideration”.

she went back to the governor house on Sydney Harbour and packed her stuff and was escorted to the shuttle back to Amazonia home the war between us and resistance was continually we were getting the upper hand we had control of west of Blacktown again we sent troops down from the blue mountains and surprised the resistance I heard a message we have capture a leader of area I said I her “ good get him brought down here for interrogation”. she said to me “ we also have to other with him”.

I said to him” bring them as well separate them on voyage here”. she said to me “yes my lady”. I looked at Alisha she said to me “ my lady we need find out if one them could be his son”. I said to her “if he is then we can use him a leverage”. she said to me “ yes and maybe convert him to a woman”. I said to her “ smart idea colonel”. I have been busy with the sacking and winning this war I heard Amelia say to her “we have control of the area again we are now loading up males and taking to Olympic park Processing centre”. .

I said to Amelia “when she arrives here I wanted to speak to her”. she said to me “ she will be there in a few hours”. I saw the head leader being brought in but he was nothing compared to our strength over males they are so weak compared to us now he was ushered into the room I saw him look at a young male with concerned eyes I decide we would integrate him first if Alisha is right this male could be a good bargaining chip against the male leader here we walked in the interrogation room he was very up set I sat back and watch Alisha do her first interrogation as female colonel in Amazonia Earth Military

Alisha walked in and said to him ”hello male”. he said to her “hello”. she said to him “ you will call all women Mistress”. he said to me “yes mistress”. she said to him “what is your rank?”. he said to her “ I am only a fighter mistress”. she said to her “ why is that your leader seem to be concerned about you well being”. he said to me “ he is my uncle mistress”. she said to him “ your uncle”. he said to her “yes mistress I am only one left from our family was born a male he did have a son and wife but she became a Amazon like you and his son was changed into a girl she is now 12 living in Brisbane her mum is the commander of Queensland Amazon forces so I was closes to a son to him”. she said to him “then why was this insurgence cause here”.

he said to her” the aim was to overthrow the governor of Australia and try get control of the country back”. I step in and said to him “what about the main leader”. he said to me “he controlled everything from Bangkok mistress”. I thought fuck we control the Asian Countries China is our number helper for military and stuff when we invaded here We had a lot opposition to our invasion from China once we had the Chinese women on our side they help with conquering of the Asian countries in the area including Japan Thailand Malaysia Indonesia India Burma Vietnam Laos Cambodia Korea we install a one governor for the whole area she runs it from Shanghai we respect her and she respect us in the elimination of male and use of them as slaves .

I said to him” your leader here was taking order from man in Bangkok”. he said to me “ yes mistress”. I said to him “if you are telling the truth we will need to talk to the Asian governor she will be very helpful in the capture of this male”. Alisha said to me “ my lady she keep her slaves under very tight keep”. I said to her “ I know she was given a big area to run she does it very good”. I said to the male “your name slave”.

he said to me “ Lenny mistress”. I said to him “ well Lenny your uncle is going get even big surprise soon you going to be converted into a woman you will be there at your uncles interrogation as a Amazon woman guards take him down drain him and prepare him for conversion”. the guard said to me “ yes my lady”.

She grab Lenny and took him down to be converted I knew I would be stuck in Australia for a few days I got on the phone and spoke to the empress she said to me “ how was every thing going Nicole”. I said to her “ we have Australia back under our control again and we found out the leader is in Asia your majesty”. she said to me “ well I will call the governor there and tell her I will be send Lady Nicole and Colonel-elect Alisha”. I said to her” yes your majesty is she is hard as they say”. she said to me “no Shauna but her discipline to males is very good”. I said to me “ok your Majesty”.

She said to her “ swear in Amelia as governor and interrogate those males and then after you can go straight to Shanghai in China I said to her “ yes your highness so we both hung up I said Capitan-elect Michelle and commander Acadia will take over the processing of the slaves and Colonel-elect Alisha and I will interrogate the 2 males Alisha said to me “we are waiting for them”. I said to her “ yes after I swear your mom in and new girl is finish we will interrogate the slaves”. she said to me “yes my lady”. .

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