The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 57)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

57 swearing ceromony and suprise Party

It is coming up to the last days of our honey moon I heard princess Charlotte and princess Taylor have arrived back at amazon city Myra has enjoyed her self here in London we went commander Skylar funeral will were on our break she has been replaced by the male Gordon who is now Commander Lacy of Amazon Great Britain military police force she has been doing her job very well since taking over the job as commander Governor Kailee is quite happy having a teen girl now and 7year old girl I got news that princess Charlotte is not doing the ceremony now it is Her Majesty Empress Catherine is doing and My sister Bailee and her fiancée are coming as well I have enjoyed my break here we look around London and suburbs was nice I love the fact we are in a female only Country now and soon one day the whole planet will be female only that day will be great I was told by governor Kailee that Britain is 90% female now we will be leaving tonight for Amazon city My wife and I will settle into our new life she wants see her mom I heard she will be getting new sister soon.

We had our slave Mark to pack our bags he said to Myra “my mistress your bags have been packed should I take to the car and then see if Mistress Alexis wants me to help her with her bags”. Myra said to him “yes slave make sure you have not left anything around or you will be punished”. he said to her “ yes my mistress”. and he made sure he done every thing he then came to me and said to me “my mistress I have taken mistress Myra bags to the car do you need help doing you bags”. I said to him “yes slave”. before he could start I kicked him to the ground and said to him” your evaluation is due soon slave we are not moving back to apartment we are moving to palace and there is few other slaves beside you”. he got up and said to me “ I will improve my act my mistress we are juts pathetic gender I was born the wrong gender my mistress I should have been a female like you”.

I said to him “ well you wont were you fucking male shit”. he said to me “yes my mistress” and went help with my bags and took them to the car I saw Governor Kailee and said to her “ good bye thank you for everything”. she said to her “it has been pleasure to have you here supreme commander-elect and colonel-elect”. I said to her “we are sorry about your loss”. she said to me “she is with the goddess now”. I said to her “yes she is”. I saw commander Lacy she said to me “ supreme commander-elect I have made sure the male Jonathan has been sent to Alcatraz for integration”. I said to her “ “thank you commander”. she said to me “ your welcome supreme commander-elect” Myra and I left the governor's Palace and got in the as the driver droves back to Heathrow spaceport for our trip back home to Amazon City
we arrived in amazon city.

I was really looking forward to seeing my mom and stuff and looking my new room at the Palace with my wife and stuff we arrived at the Palace and saw slave Henry at the door he said to me “ Mistress Alexis you and Mistress Myra are required in the conference room now”. I said to him “ ok Slave show me the way”. remember beside the Military Entrance I have not use the conference room area before so I followed the slave to the conference room and I heard Myra says to him “.slave as head slave Nathan where our room is and unpack our stuff I wanted finish by the time Mistress Alexis and I return”. he said to her “ yes My mistress I will get your slave Mark to do it for you and mistress Alexis”. she walks up to me says to me “being a woman gives you so much power men are just pets and property I love that”. I said to her “so do I babe”.

Myra and I followed Henry to this room when we go there I open the door we heard surprise I said to them “ fuck”. on the wall was congratulations Alexis and Myra on your Marriage to each other I said to mom “ wow” mom walked up and kissed My cheek and then kissed Myra said to her “ welcome to the Alexander Family”. Myra said to me “ thank you Katelynn”. Mom said to her “no you will call me mom or mother it is your choice” Myra said to her “Thank you Mother “.she said to her “ that is my girl then”. we saw Alisha with Phoebe kissing and she said to me “congrats sis and sister in law Alexis”. and then Phoebe said to us “yea congratulation sis and and sister in law Myra”. she said to me “ thank you both” and Myra said to me “mom over there with Melanie Babe can go and see my mom” I kissed her and said to her “sure babe I’ll see you soon and Myra you never have to ask me when we are as a family ok' she kissed me and said to me “ok sorry baby I was acting all military”.

Then mom come up and said to me “ we need decide if Nathan stay as head slave “.I said to mom “ what about Family slave Henry”. she said to me “ I want convert him to a woman”. I said to her “ok unless you want Mark to be Head slave”. mom said to me “no I want a new slave from prison I thought of Ryan and Jonathan then there was well that Randal from new York”. I said to her “what about Randal as the new head slave?'. she said to me “ perfect he will take over from Nathan he will be sent to Amazonia Terra and will be converted into a woman and will be there new captain I will tell her majesty”.

I said to mom “ mom but I think mark can replace Darcy as the prison commandant”. mom said to me “ you know Darcy going to Amazonia Home to look after the national service troops”. I said to her “ yes and commander there is not suited for the job as Commandant of Tonga Prison and slave education camps”. mom said to me “you can advise her in 3 days time when she swears us in our new jobs”. I said to her “ I will mom I have had a lot of confidence since you gave me Miami and London problem”. Mom said o me “it was sad we lost commander Skylar”. I said to her “ it hurt Myra she met her sister for first time since she was a boy”. mom said to me “I heard she broke the sniper father neck”

I said to her “yea she was very pissed off “.I saw slave Henry come over and say to me “ Mistress Alexis slave Mark has completed his task”. I said to him “ok Henry”. he then said to mom “ anything else my Mistress Katelynn”. Mom said to him” I want you and slaves Mark Nathan and you be in mistress Alexis office in the Morning” I called a guard over and “ I want you go and get slave Randal from Alcatraz prison and send him to reprogramming room for re-education”. she said to me “yes Supreme Commander-elect”. so she left and went to the prison to pick up the slave there we were packing up when I saw Isabella and Bailee I walked up to My sister and said to her “ My lady and your highness welcome to Amazon city”. Savannah said to me “your welcome Commander-elect”. I went up and hugged my sister Mom walked up and said to them “ My Lady and your highness”. Lady Bailee said to her “ Mom it nice to see you”. Mom said to her “why are you here?”. Princess Isabella said to her “ we are here for you swearing in of Katelynn and Alexis”. lady Bailee said to her “I would have not missed My mom getting sweared in as the new governor general of Amazonia Earth especially when it done by mom too”.
Mom said to her “ I am doing the my own swearing in”.

Lady Bailee said “no my mom the empress”. Mom said to her “ aren't I consider your mom any more” Lady Bailee said to mum “ no your governor general-elect Katelynn” mom said to her “ why”. lady Bailee said to mom “I am her highness Lady Savannah Marie fiancée to her royal highness Princess Isabella Marie Jamison and daughter to our Mom her majesty Empress Catherine”. the left and was mingling with other at our Party Myra walked up and said to mom “ what wrong with Lady Bailee” mom said to her “she has been brainwashed on Amazonia Home she is now her highness Lady Savannah”. Myra said to us I heard the royal family do something to their females”. I said to her “ what babe?'. she says us “they are enhanced with the latest Nanotechnology while we are converting males with the Nanotechnology that we have the royal family get even more as we were talking her Majesty walked in we all bowed except princess Isabella and Lady Savannah they stood standing she said to mom “ Katelynn I like a word with you please in the throne room”. Mom said to her “ yes your Majesty they both left with lady Savannah and princess Isabella

( Katelynn P.O.V.)

I followed her majesty to the throne room and did Lady Savannah and princess Isabella her Majesty said to me “ I am here to tell you that your daughter is now My daughter now you only 4 daughters now”. I said to her “ why your majesty?”. she said to me “ Savannah has been upgraded to royal status she is my daughter fiancée so she has been upgraded like any woman on here or on any where in my realm”. I said to her “ so you are bit stronger than us”. she said to me “yes and we are because of our royal status I will give you permission to get a new daughter “.I said to her “I have already 4 now your majesty and I have my daughter in law as well now”. she said to me “ I am sorry Katelynn that I didn't tell you”.

I said to her “ it alright” she gave a card to read I look at and she said to me “now swear on this” I said to her “I Katelynn swear my allegiance to my empress and her royal family I will serve the royal as governor general of Amazonia Earth I will make sure the law is always in force and that all countries of Amazonia Earth will be female controlled and I will make sure my military force and police under control major colonel Myra will help with Extinction of the male gender”. she injected me with a needle the nanotechnology went through my system I was up graded to governor General Katelynn in charge of Amazonia Earth I will help with Female total control earth and the extinction of Males with in a generation time we will live in world of us females I am mother to My oldest Myra and her wife Lady Alexis my second daughter Phoebe and My twins Marley and Lara we will be have a new head slave known as Randal and my slave henry will be converted to a woman and become major colonel Myra new Capitan

(Alexis P.O.V.)

Mom walked out of the throne room by herself she came over to me and said “lady Savannah is a royal family member now she is not part of our family we have only 5 of us now including Myra”. my mother in law came over and said to Myra “ we are going now Myra she said to her “sure mom”. then I saw a royal guard come up and say to her “ Colonel-elect Myra can you go and see her Majesty in the throne room”. she said to her “ ok”.

Myra followed the royal guard into the throne I was wondering what was going on and mom said to me “she is being sweared in as your major colonel”. I said to her “ ok” mom said to me “I am now the governor general of Amazonia Earth” I said to her “ congratulations mom” she look at me with a strange look and said “thank you Alexis”. and Sandra said the same thing we were talking when Myra came back she kissed me and said to them “Mom and Sandra I am now major Colonel Myra Alexander of Amazonia Military and Police forces under the command of her Governor general ship of my mother Katelynn Alexander”.

Sandra said and who are am I she said to her “ your amazon women with 2 daughters Name Alisha and Melanie and soon Samantha once she arrives home from Amazonia Home”. Sandra was shocked and so was I she had become like Savannah and then I saw mom talking to her like she was her daughter now then a royal Guard came up to me and said supreme Commander-elect can you follow me to the royal throne room so I followed her there

I followed the guard into the room I bow and her Majesty said to me “Alexis I have been waiting along time to see you young lady”. I said to her “ same here your Majesty”. she said to me “you have done a lot since becoming a female”. I said to her : in all service to Amazonia Empire I have been happy as woman now I am married and serve the governor general here”. she said to me “good Alexis I have decide abolish the supreme Commander of Amazonia Earth”. I said to her “your majesty I am not getting my promotion?”. she said to me “ you are Alexis you wife will be under Governor General but I am promoting you to royal family I need a woman who does what she is told your are being upgrade to like your ex sister you are now going to be her Royal Highness Lady Alexis of Amazonia Earth and you can become a princess if required your wife will dame Myra she is will major colonel in the army”.

I said to her “ we are going to turn our family slave to a female” she said to me “ I know Alexis she will be Amazonia Earth Capitan”. I said to her “yes your Majesty”. she said to me “ walk up to me”. I walked up and she gave me a needle in my neck I was getting upgraded to royal status my body felt different then her Majesty said to me “ welcome to the family Lady Alexis of Amazonia Earth”. I said to her “thank you auntie”. I was no longer daughter of Katelynn Alexander my wife was called back in

She walked back in and said to us “ your Majesty your Highness Princess Isabella your Highness Lady Savannah and My wife Lady Alexis”. her majesty said to me “you will be Dame Myra Jamison from now on wife of her royal highness Lady Alexis Jamison Myra said to her “thank you majesty and My Military Ranking”. her Majesty said to her “ your ranking is major colonel as before your mother is Katelynn Alexander but since you are married to my Niece you have decided to take on her last name”. Myra said to he “ yes your Majesty”. the her Majesty said to the Guards “ Bring in the governor General”.

the royal guards she look at Myra and said to her “ I need 4 royal guards to be selected to be My nieces body guards down here “.Myra said to her “ can they be form males as well”. she said to her “ yes but not slaves Henry and Mark they will be gong be a Capitan and my new commandant of Tonga prison and slaves camps”. governor general Katelynn walked and her Majesty said to her “ I was talking to your daughter Major Colonel Dame Myra about the security for my niece here since she will here all the time since she will have final say over any thing”. governor General said to Auntie” yes your majesty” then I said to her “you will convey any decision by me now before doing them”. she said to me “yes your Ladyship”.

I said to her “ I want slaves Ryan and Jonathan brought to torture Area tomorrow and we are promoting Major Amelia to Amazonia Earth Military she will be under colonel Myra command” Myra said to me “ what about making her lieutenant Colonel” Katelynn said to her “ that good Idea my daughter”. Auntie Catherine said to her “ok she will lieutenant colonel Amelia of Amazonian Earth”. a guard walk in said to Auntie “ excuse me your Majesty but a female by the name of Keira is here for her swearing in”. Auntie Catherine said to her “ bring her in” and she said to me “Alexis go and sit with your cousins and Myra stand behind your wife and Katelynn stand there”.

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