The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 42)

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In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

42 Alexis first Mission the tour of Ireland and shock at home

I said to mom if alright with you can I go to that school and check it out". Mom said to me “ ok Alexis but you must take the tactical police squad with you as well”. I said to her “ok mom I will also take Capitan Janet with me as well”. she said to her “ ok colonel”. I giggled I had rest of my breakfast and put my boots on my feet zipped them up and left for the school

Captain Janet and I arrived at the old orphanage Captain Janet had the place surrounded by Tactical police and Military forces, I walked up to the door and knocked on the door a woman answered and she said to me “ yes may I help you?”. I said to her “ good morning I am Colonel Alexis of Amazonia Earth Military and police force this is Capitan Janet from English side of Amazonian forces we here to search you property for boys under 10yrs or any males of any age if refuse we will arrest you anyway”. she said to us “please come in”. we walked in and saw around 30 girls playing and stuff the woman said to them “girls we have a visitors with us from the amazon military and police force their names are colonel Alexis and Capitan Janet”. I said to them “hello girls”. they said to us “ hello Colonel”. I saw Joey right away you knew he was not a girl.

I pointed to him said to him “you little girl come here”. she says to me “yes colonel” she walked over to me I said to him “ wait why we scan you”. I said to him “ it wont hurt you”. I scanned him from top to bottom It said “male”. I said to him “ ok you can go with Capitan Janet”. he was taken away to the truck after we were finished we had 12 boys out the 30 girls there I said to her “ you will be summons to court over this” the woman said to me “ I am sorry colonel”. I said to her “ you know the law here boys under 10yrs must be upgraded to girls”. she said to me “ I know that now colonel”

We were about to leave when sergeant Amy from the police force said to me “colonel Alexis you better come around here”. I walked around the other side I told the police to hold the woman they cuffed her they said to her “your under arrest for holding males in a female country you will wait until colonel announces what your charge will be”. I think holding males which is very punishable offence to is gender reverse to male and then a slave life or Prison in Alcatraz Prison or Amazonia Terra mining prison planet the woman said to us “ I didn't know how bad it was the resistance leader Gavin need here as keep an eye on the Amazons”. sergeant Amy said to her “you have never been upgraded?'. the woman said to her “no sergeant I have no even heard of this upgrade I am a simply English woman who teaches girls here I did not now that there was boys acting like girls here”. she said to her “that might go in your favour I will request to the governor you get up graded to Amazon and your influence from males should disappear after that”.

I walked around the corner I saw the Amazon police had 5 men and 12 teen boys in cuffs and kneeling on the ground I looked at the teens and saw a old friend of mine he was a tight head for our rugby team I looked him said to him “ your name male?'. he said to me “ Mark” I said to him “ you have never had your selection”. he said to me “no” I said to him “you will call me mistress male”. he said to me “ yes mistress” I asked him “ so you been hiding here for how long?'. he said to me “only couple of days Mistress”. I replied to him “ so has this always been a resistance cell?'. he says to me “ I do not know Mistress”. he looks at me and says to me “Angelo they got you too”. I hit him hard and said to me “ I love being woman male”. he says to me “fuck you have got strong Mistress where is your dad?'. I said to him” you mean slave 09098 he Is being transported to Alcatraz prison”. he said to me “ ok mistress”.

I said to sergeant Amy “ I want all theses male transported to Edinburgh for processing except him (pointing to Mark). he is go to slave re-education in amazon city I want him as my pet”. the guards said to me “yes colonel”. they put the men and teens on a truck for Scotland I told mom by radio we have 12 boys with us including I told her I was sending one to amazon city for re-education I wanted him as my pet slave I charged the woman for holding men and she will sentence by Governor Kailee but she has not been upgraded to amazon the rest of girl their mothers have come and got them the other mother to other 11 boys have agreed to be upgraded and will pick their new daughters and no charges will be laid

I arrived back at the palace mom said to me “how did it feel Alexis”. I replied to her “ how did what feel mom”. she said to me “to go on your first Mission as a woman”. I said to her “ it felt great to have the power over me I love to dominate men and it felt wonderful”. she says to me “I know it felt great being on the right side of the law now”. I said to her “a soon as I saw those male I wanted kill them but I know we cant we have either convert them or Slave them”. she says to me “I know hard it can be Alexis but your better than them your a woman and I know your hate is for them so pure you want kill them you restraint on them make you who you are now A female”. I said to her “ thank you”. mom she said to me “your new slave where is he from?”. I told her he is an ex rugby player I knew him at school in Leicester she said to me “ ok good”. so I went down to the dungeon area and saw the guard the door of slave 09098 was open and slave was in there looking after slave 09098 back

I walked in and said hello slave he said to me “hello Mistress” other slave said to us “I will come back after Mistress has spoken to you”.I said to him “how have you been slave?'. he said to me “ I have just had my punishment deployed to me for my role as a resistance leader to the Amazons and I am recovering from that slowly and I will be getting ready to leave for Alcatraz prison”. I said to him “ your burn mark on your face is healing good”. he said to me “ that is my reminder Mistress for the way I treated my son I was a very nasty male to him I never let mourn his mum of anything I used to hit him and that I was born the wrong gender to him I am a pathetic male”. I said to him “ what happen to your son”. he said to me “Mistress he was turned into one of you a amazon Woman”. I said to him “ ok slave I will return in a minute”. he said to me “yes mistress”.

I left the cell and ask the guard “what has happen to him?'. she said to me “ we are trialling a new experimental drug on him we seeing if will save re- educating them this way”. I said ok she said to me “go and ask him his name “.so I did I went back in and said to him “ what is your name slave” he said to me “ slave 09098 mistress”. I said to him “ok thank you”. and left I went back up the stairs and saw mom.

I told mom about the new experimental drug she said to me “I knew it about Alexis”. I said to her “why him mom”.she said to me “ he is our property Alexis men can be use for anything we want and he is our experimental bunny for this drug he will still sent to Alcatraz prison but if he stay the same way then we will sending him to Tonga slave camps and prison camp and he will get a mistress”.

I said to mom “ I cant get over his attitude change I always thought of him as a fighter”. mom said to me “ Alexis Slave 09098 is not your problem any more you are beautiful woman and you seem more happy now as a woman”. I said to her “ I am mom I love being a woman”. she said to me “ the forget it he is only a slave and we own men they are nobody to us”. we went to governor and commander and said our good byes we went down to the car and headed for Heathrow spaceport so we left the Palace to Heathrow spaceport to fly out by shuttle to Ireland

we arrived at Dublin space port the commander was there her name was Heather she said to us “ welcome to Ireland supreme commander Katelynn and Colonel Alexis” Mom and I said to her “ thank you” then mom said to her “ we are only here for a few hours”. she said to us “that's ok we knew that”. mom said to her “we here to see how you are going very well and how the males are going under our laws?'.she said to mom “very well we have half the boys under 10ys upgraded to girls and teen boys are going re-education camps and the other boys are now banned from school”. I said to her “you had any trouble with this process”. she said to me “ all the women here have been upgraded since her royal highness visit I was a male only 2 weeks ago I was converted to a woman ,I love being a woman now “.

I said to her “ you sound like your loving it”. she said to us “ believe me I do love it we toured Dublin we saw men bowing to women saw a 7yr old boy go in to medical centre and come out as a girl with her mom the male looked disappointed he was once head of the household now he is a slave I saw the other son go in and come out as a girl too very young family mom said to her “well everything is going well now we will leave you and head home but if you need us call any time”. we boarded the shuttle for home to amazon city mom was looking forward to seeing Bailee before she goes to Amazonia prime for 2 months learning royal protocol

we arrived in Amazon city we boarded the limo for home mom said to me “welcome to amazon city Alexis”. I said to her “ thank mom”. I never though it would be so beautiful you have meet her highness princess Charlotte tonight then we will see your sister tomorrow and her fiancée we arrived home first and saw royal security there mom said to them “ can I ask what the problem” and Marley says to mom “Cassie has been arrested mommy”. mom said to them “ it that true security”. they said to her “yes she attacked her royal Ladyship Bailee with verbal abuse which is against the law under law 39 of the royal Amazonian empire laws”.

Mom said to them “ fuck I knew she would get into trouble”. so mom said to her “ Marley can go and stay next door with your friend Alyssa”. she said to mom “ ok mommy” mom said to me “ Alexis you come with me I can see if her highness princes Charlotte can get her off but I was warned by the empress if she did his she would be arrested in second thoughts Alexis go and seethe princess I need time to cool down “. I waited couple of minutes and said to her “ Mom where is the Palace?'. she said to Marley “ I forgot your new here Marley can show your sister to the Palace”. she said to mom “ok mommy”.

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