Estrogen / Hormones

Discovery, Chapter 3 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 3 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Maria tells Manny it’s time to go forward, that going nowhere is not the right solution. She gives him the name of a psychologist in Fort Smith.

Discovery, Chapter 2 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 2 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Manny takes four days to make the trip to his uncle’s ranch. He listens to Sirius-XM most of the way; however, it’s mostly background music. His mind wanders over many things including something Maria, the wife of his uncle’s foreman said to him years before. She had said he was “Two Spirited”. He had done some research and learned what it meant. It bothered him a bit, but then, it didn’t.

Discovery, Chapter 1 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 1 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Manfred Argerich grew up with a single mother. They had a great life, and as it would turn out his uncle helped his mother out quite a bit. There was a lot that Manfred didn’t really pick up on for quite a while. They never wanted for anything. Steve Chavez was Manny’s roommate at Humboldt State University for four years. Now the adventure was about to begin. Each was about to venture out into the cold, cruel world to conquer the unconquerable. Steve was joining Greenpeace to conquer the environmentally evil industrial world. Manny had a little less adventurous goal. He was going to work at a winery in central Arkansas. Each had something to discover.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 12

“You know,” Paige said as she settled into her plush airline seat, “I kinda wish more people were staring. I mean, come on, just look at us! We’re hot!”

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 7 - Conclusion

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 7 of 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Tommie is confused by the enormity of what she thinks might be happening. She returns to her room and cries herself to sleep. Cindy realizes that her whole approach had been wrong, and turns it over to The Wizard.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry (read Randi and the Professor), and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again. This story also takes place just a few months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight.

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 6 of 7

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 6 of 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Big things are happening at the Hotel, and Tommie is becoming a bit uneasy about things. Most of the special group that has been arriving since the day before is magic, and they seem to have an unusual interest in her. Cindy realizes she may have made a big mistake.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry (read Randi and the Professor), and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again. This story also takes place just a few months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight.

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 5 of 7

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 5 of 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Tommie has an appointment with her doctor. Things start out quite well. The doctor is a bit surprised by her development and then things get a bit strange. Tommie’s ability to converse with animals comes to the forefront.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry (read Randi and the Professor), and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again. This story also takes place just a few months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight.

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 4 of 7

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 4 of 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Randi fills Charli in on what has been going on. Needless to say she is beyond happy. Tommie has a very pleasant surprise.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry (read Randi and the Professor), and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again. This story also takes place just a few months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight.

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball - Chapter 3 of 7

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 3 of 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: Tommie tells her sister about meeting a real witch and The Wizard. Elaine’s not too sure what to believe. We also learn one other thing. Tommie can converse with his cat. Does this sound familiar?

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry (read Randi and the Professor), and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again. This story also takes place just a few months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight.

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 2 of 7

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 2 of 7

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: We have met Tommie who seems to be a very well-adjusted young boy going to be a girl. She has a great support group behind her as she starts her transition. Cindy realizes very quickly who Tommie is, and her full name, sister’s name, and picture confirms her suspicions. The Wizard seems to be a bit Laissez-faire about the whole thing, and that perplexes Cindy.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry (read Randi and the Professor), and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again. This story also takes place just a few months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight.

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 1 of 7

Cynthia and the Dropped Ball, Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: For this little bit of fluff we go back only a couple of months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight. Over the years that these tales about Cynthia Brewer (nee Lewis) have appeared there have been a number of loose ends. We have met people, many the victims of The Wizard’s magic, and then we hear nothing more about them. A prime example is Charli and the Girl Cave. Charlie Donizetti’s parents as well as his aunt and uncle were brutally murdered during a robbery, leaving Charlie an orphan. Also orphaned were his two cousins. Other than a brief mention that the cousins had been sent to an orphanage in western Connecticut, we know nothing about their fate. Now is the time to find out what their fate was. The Wizard is up to his usual tricks.

This story is another addition to The Cynthia Chronicles. Cynthia (Cindy) Brewer has graduated from medical school, and is well into her residency. The Wizard has difficulty remembering exactly where she is in her studies. Randi Lewis at age 18 is starting work on her Master of Science in Chemistry, and Charli Brewer will soon be a freshman in pre-med at UConn. Bobbie Anderson is setting the golf world on fire having now won tournaments on the PGA in addition to her many victories on the LPGA. This story takes place about two months before Cynthia and the Queen of the Knight and a year before Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling. If you are not familiar with the stories that make up the Cynthia Chronicles, you might want to go back to the beginning with An Incremental Journey. There are references to Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend and Charli and the Girl Cave. If you don’t remember what happened in those stories, you might want to go back and read them again.

Nikki, part 22

“Smile!” The cameraman urges me. Naturally, I obey, curling my scarlet lips upward while maintaining my trademark model’s pout. “Show us the side stitching.” Again, I obey, lifting my arm above my head to show off the stitching on the side panel of the tight under bust corset I’m wearing.

“Beautiful, Nikki,” the cameraman says. “Okay, just one more to go, then you can finally go home!”

My dreams coming true

I'm finally getting my own place. I've been waiting for this moment it feels like forever. Since i made the decision to finally live my life as a woman. I will be taking my hormones and getting my huge breast implants what is gonna take a while longer is getting srs. I'm tired of looking at my small cock., i want a beautiful tight wet pussy i can play with all day and night. I cant wait to have my first cock fuck my pussy, everywhere i go im gonna fuck everyone. Always wearing short dresses and skirts with no panties for easy access.

Xdresser to transexual

I've been crossdressing since i was 12 yrs old. Im 46 now, so it's been a crazy journey. But now I'm ready to take it to the next level. I have no family left no tires to where I'm at now. I'm just waiting on a big settlement check, this is going to change my life forever. Once i get paid, im gonna get laser hair removal, see my doctor for hrt, get huge beat implants and a little minor surgery. I'm gonna buy all brand new panties and lingerie, dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes, makeup,jewelery, wigs, once i start to look good in gonna turn into the biggest slut.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 11

“Thank you, please fly with us again!” Jessica said, a wide smile on her scarlet lips as she waved the hundred-plus passengers off the aeroplane. Most of the men and women simply ignored the American girl, tired as they were from their flight, but a few acknowledged her with a smile, making Jessica giggle happily. Once all the passengers has disembarked, Jessica returned to the aeroplane, straightening her tight red skirt and elegant pillbox hat before performing her post-flight checks.

“Ugh, I am sweating like a pig,” Abbey complained as she adjusted her own skirt.

Patriot Games - Epilogue

An Epilogue

With the end of Ivan's trial came a level of relaxation at the office. Steve took a week’s well-earned vacation allowing he and Phyllis to use the time to come to terms with their new lives. Desiree found housework chores to be a relaxing experience compared to his normal high pressure job.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 10

“Everyone’s staring at me again,” Jessica moaned, relaxing back into her chair.

“Staring at US,” Paige said. “And let them stare. Nothing they can do about it, they can hardly throw us off the plane now, can they?”

“God knows there are people who’d want to,” Jessica replied. “America may have legalized gay marriage, but that doesn’t mean everyone in America agrees with the Supreme Court.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 18 - Breakfast of Champions

We flew first class from San Antonio to Hobby Airport where my mom picked us up for the half-hour trip home. We took Amie to home and helped her get her bags in. As we left Amie’s house, my mom said, “Jamie, I have a surprise for you.”

“Mom, there is nothing I need … really.”

“It’s not actually something for you. I will tell you this much … I’ve been dating someone.”

“Really? Cool! What’s he like? What does he do? Does he …”

“Slow down! You’ll meet this person when we get home.”

“So what’s he like?”

“Well … totally different from your dad.”

Real Life

She was living in her parents' house. Not earning nearly enough money. She sometimes felt that the pronoun was undeserved, she hadn't done enough to earn it. Hormones for a year and her appearance basically hadn't changed. People in stories always changed extremely. Transformed beyond recognition. They got desirable female figures, dyed their hair blonde, wore makeup and dresses. Even the nonfiction stories the press seemed to pick up, the people they seemed to be interested in, were like that. Look at these before and after pictures, it's amazing how much the person changed.

Nikki, part 21

“Don’t see why you’re moaning,” dad laughs as I pass him yet another handful of pink and silver streamers. “You’re the one who insists on hanging out with these celebrities, attending their parties… There’s no ducking out of it now just because it’s your turn to organise one!”

“Give me a break,” I sigh. “I’ve been at work every day this week…”

“Ooh, poor you, having to work for a living,” Beverly laughs, making me sigh. “Thanks for helping out today, Chris.”

“My pleasure,” dad says. “She’s my future daughter-in-law, that makes her family, right?”

Little Boy-Girl 2

This story looks at the other Trans-Girls and brings their new life to light. Riley and Mackenzie start things and we'll look back at some of the others in the story. Then look at how they get along with the other Trans-Girls. Then we show what happens to a new bully that has to go to the new school and has to wear the girls uniform.

Patriot Games - Chapter 44 - Aftermath for a Domme

This chapter was contributed by Licorice, with very few changes, as we had neglected to show how Linda was dealt with as a result of her notoriety in being associated with the HLS mission.

I think that it is a good chapter - Monica Rose.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 9

Jessica smiled for the passengers as they disembarked the plane, stretching their tired muscles after the long flight from Madrid.

“Thank you for flying with Soixante-Trois Airlines,” Jessica gushed in her practised overly-saccharine ‘stewardess’s voice’. “Enjoy your stay in London!”

“I live here, you dumb valley girl,” one of the passengers snorted as he passed Jessica with a backward glance.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 15 - Back to School

Back to school day is here. We decided to fly even though we had just barely escaped disaster. We didn’t figure lightning would take a second shot at us, and neither of us wanted to endure the long drive in the Corvette again. I was happy not to have the specter of surgery hanging over my head. My new parts were still tender, but could hardly wait to take them out into the world.

Jenny’s Story – 6 Becoming Jenny

Brian, wanted to get in touch with his feminine side, and hopefully get some help in doing so. Most of all he wanted to see himself look like a convincing girl in his own way of thinking. He never imagined or planned what happened. Brian likes being Jenny too much to stop. He is now justifying in his own what he’s doing. He still tries at times to persuade himself he’s not really Jenny.

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 20

*Before… Elizabetha

And then I can see the shorelines and then just out about a mile from the shore and the beaches is…
The White Spire… out on the coast… City Island…that’s actually the name of this place the only city that is on an island here and not just bordering the water.
Home of mother’s house…House Petrel.
The keep is all of pale sandstone blocks as in the wall for the city but The White Spire as well…it’s is actually a beacon within a tower an ancient marvel and responsibility called a lighthouse.
The whole city as I’m coming down is both more lovely than I remember with there being the same sort of colors around so much here and stone homes great and small to weather all manner of storms and clay interlocking tiled roofs.
People are pointing, bells are being wrung and men at arms are running out of barracks into the courtyard armed with spears and crossbows and cutlasses.
The bubble breaks and I fall as soon as I try to stand and my legs are too numb.
I yell though. “Fetch Grandfather! Please now!”

*And Now…

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 14 - Meeting Amie’s “friend”

Our flight continued. We were told to divert to New York for debriefing, but when the pilot made the plane’s billionaire owner aware of it, that order was quickly rescinded and we were able to go straight home. Score: one for the people, zero for the bureaucrats. I loved it. It helps when the people have lots of money and connections. What about my confrontation? Didn’t happen. I pictured myself sitting down for debriefing with an old man with a clipboard. It turned out to be an intelligent, attractive young woman named “Laura”.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 13 - Plane crash

It turned out that the person lending the private jet to Dr. Adams was not from Texas. He was a billionaire from Utah. The pilot, co-pilot and flight attendants were family and friends of the owner of the jet. It was obvious from their actions that the man put a high value on poise and character. Any airline would be glad to have these crew members as employees. They all worked for the billionaire but volunteered for this flight. When one of us asked for something, it seemed as though they knew the request was coming and were merely waiting for it to be verbalized.

Nikki, part 19

“Three cheers for the college girls!” Charlotte announces. “Hip hip-“

“Hooray!” The modest number of partygoers cheer.

“Hip hip-“ Charlotte repeats.

“Hooray!” The partygoers again reply.

“Hip hip-“ Charlotte yells at the top of her voice.

“Hooray!” The party goers again cheer as Sarah, Katie and Lauren stand at the front of the room, their cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 12 - Strange Conversations in the Nether Region

I was alone…staring at the clean, white ceiling. I thought about getting on the web, but felt relaxed and content to just lie there and let my eyes close and think about was would be happening in the next few days…the next few weeks. Suddenly, I thought of my dad. He didn’t know that he no longer had a son. I wanted him to know. I wanted him to realize that I would not be stumbling in his footsteps. The bad memories dissipated and I remembered the few times my dad smiled at me or held me. He was not soft like my mom, but hard and strong.

Patriot Games - Chapter 42 - The Trial and Its Consequences

Ivan's trial is winding down now. Jack / Daisy is preparing to move on with his life and is faced with heartbreaking news and a decision. In other news, the local HLS office has been seeing some changes. Some folks more than others.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 11 - 'It's over?"

Someone turned on the hall light and opened the door. Today was the day and everyone seemed ready to get started. After a couple of injections, I was numb enough below the waist for anyone with a task to perform there to perform that task with no discomfort for me. After the initial prepping, it was time for the general anesthetic. A nurse held a clear plastic mask on my face and told me to breathe deeply. I took a deep breath. Then I heard Amie whisper, “Jamie”, as she gently kissed my face.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 10 - Crossing the Atlantic

I watched the graphic depiction of our flight path on the screen. The plane crept slowly toward the northeast. I assumed the pilot knew the way, but it looked like we were headed for New York. We had been in the air less than a couple of hours, but it seemed longer. The total trip was almost 20 hours. The hormones I was taking provided some extra padding and made prolonged sitting less uncomfortable. I wished I could sleep, but I was never one who could fall asleep just anywhere. I certainly couldn’t sleep in a pressurized cabin miles in the air with dozens of strangers.

Alex & Chris Chapter 8

Alex & Chris
Chapter 8 Tilly & Aunt Christobell go to a show.
By Sharp

Back in Scarborough Aunt & Niece had quickly got all the shopping required. Rose had also mentioned.

Christobell, “I could do with going for some special outfits. I need a complete wardrobe & rather fast most of my other stuff can be dumped.”

Tilly, “Shopping with you is almost like shopping with Aunt but more fun.”

Alex & Chris Chapter 7

Alex & Chris
Chapter 7 Tilly goes to the theatre
By Sharp
Christobell handed her niece a parking pass. “I use this when anybody take me out.”

15.00 Back at the airport the plane was just landing.” Rose, “Miss Chris they turned up unexpectedly, and Miss Alex spotted them straight away they look like three clones of her & the youngest one has been calling Alex & Miss Angela big sisters all day. Miss you are a big sister as well.”

Construction Diva um Re-Constructed, edited, fixed

So, I didn’t like the old version of this story very well, so I reworked it, adding substantial content. A large part of this story is true. The bit about the E-coli happened to me. I spent 32 years working in industry and construction here in America. The way the construction guys treated me is authentic, and yes, some of them thought I was a woman and some thought I was gay. I hope that you enjoy this. Can you guess which feature of the story has become my de-facto “trademark”?

Bridges 47


I do this for a reason, you lay down the law and they know what’s going on. Every shift you get people tired of waiting wanting to know where they are in the queue. They almost always cause trouble or get loud or upset the staff it happened a lot in Afghanistan and the same ones were the complainers and that’s the ones with the self-important sort of looks on their faces.
If you give then the how it works then you can actually run things smoother, and the staff doesn’t get hassled or intimidated and also…also the message of they don’t mess around will spread after a couple of weeks or so.
I call out the first name from the first sheet I have and they actually sort of do a bit of civilian hustle getting to me.
I give her a smile. “Alright you’re my first number and that’s a fourteen.”
I give her a Post –it and I start to triage her and write down my notes.

*And Now…

Charlotte, part 17

“Remember when these lessons used to be just for the two of us?” I ask Charlotte as we tie our shiny satin pointe shoes to our feet.

“Barely,” My BFF giggles. “Then again, who is it who’s always saying ‘you can never have too many friends’?”

The Chrysalis Project Book 1: Ghost Moth- book 1


GM cover.PNG
The Chrysalis Project: Ghost Moth
  Training is over. Now her
  mission is to move within the shadows
  of agencies. The Ghost Moth flies on her own

WARNING: The Chrysalis Project may be hyper-violent for some readers!


Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 8

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief as she peeled her clingy blue skirt from her glistering, nylon-covered legs and carefully placed it in the locker to be washed ahead of the following day’s flight. After stripping off the rest of her uniform and changing back into her tight, chic pencil dress, Jessica elegantly lowered herself onto the bench in front of her locker and took her smartphone from her handbag, switching it on to check her messages.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 6 - Volleyball!

Amie and Jamie
Chapter 6 – Volleyball!

The sunrise brought our first weekend at our new school. The faculty left it mostly to the students to organize activities. Students who had car were prohibited from using them without specific instructions from the parents when and where they were allowed to travel. Still, such permission was discouraged by the school due to the many things that could go wrong.

Sissy Girl Forever part 2 and 3

Sissy Girl Forever Part two.

No going back now.

Mistress was going to be certain that there would be no turning back for me. Over the next few weeks she made certain that I used my hormone cream daily. No my breasts haven't started to grow yet but I could notice some slow down in hair growth. My male wardrobe seemed to be dwindling, with more camis, blouses, soft pullovers and ladies pants taking their place. Of course I have only had pretty panties and tight girdles for underwear for many years already.


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