Estrogen / Hormones

Mares Tales 6

Mare's Tales - by: Beverly Taff

Beverly is reintroduced to her old dormitary companions who learn of her bilateral hermaphrodism and are allowed to explore her ner equipment. One girl called Jennifer is particularly intrigued by Beverly's new arrangements for it helps her to come to terms with her own changed state.
A game of hockey, (Field Hockey, British Style, we dont have much Ice in Wales!)exposes Beverly's weaknesses and Jennifer takes advantage of Beverly's condition before realising what she has done. Eventually the become firm friends as Jenny apologises to Bev.

The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth.

In this 2002 sequel/finale to Winner Takes All:, an enslaved Earth seeks the cure to The Change & the will to fight back. Within her own fractured group, Colonel Trish Stevenson must fight a war on two fronts; against the Machiavellian First Lady, Madeline Bradley, & the ever present Norwin threat at their doorstep. Join the rebellion, in this gender bent Science Fiction adventure of Loyalty, Betrayal, and Love most unexpected.

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 9

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 8


“Are you going to do something stupid like hurt yourself?”
I turn to look at him and he lets me and I look in his eyes and he’s looking in mine and there’s this whole thing of he knows, he knows that I was in that place where there was a chance that I just might. I mean I’m a real coward when it comes to that stuff but still…it was there and he knew it and he stopped it.
He stopped me.
I nod and put my head on his chest right there on his solar plexus.
“Okay…let’s get out of here and warmed up.”
“Okay….and Ryan…”
“Yeah Josie?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I knew you were even as you were saying it…we’re good.”
He gets us out of the shower and I look at him and he’s looking at me and he’s shivering and he looks as close to being like seriously chilled as I’ve seen someone that wasn’t hypothermic.
I…I want…oh gods my want’s started this whole stupid thing!
And that’s when he tucks my soaked hair out of my face with his hands and cups my cheeks and he kisses me!

*And Now…

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Chapter 58


“C’mon Jenna Let’s go and actually have some fun with our daughter before my buzz wears off and my meds wipe me out. I didn’t haul my butt out of the couch and into this get up for nothing okay.”
I give her a hard squeeze and take a deep breath and nod and wipe at my eyes. (Sniff.) “Yeah, I really want to do this.”
I go with her and Hunter and Angie’s joining us with Giselle after she got her into her little one piece and we start with the wading pools with the other little kids and she scream-squeals and she’s waddle running into the water and splashing and slapping the water with that bouncy thing she does with that. “Yeeee-he-he-he!”
I’m smiling and laughing because she’s such an amazing little spaz and she is having that Omigod freak-out where she’s just blown away by the coolness of being in a pool and is hitting brain overload.
And there is no way that that can’t make you smile and have that blow all the bad stuff away.
I look at Iggy and I hug her around the shoulder.
“Thanks, thanks for her and making me a mom.”

*And Now…

A New Start in Life part 2

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The story continues with Susanna getting more into her new life, for those of you who are concerned this may turn into an X rated story let me put your mind at rest, it will continue to be a gentle sentimental journey.

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Sweet Dreams-58

Chapter 58


“Honestly girls I could give two shits about the schools popularity wars and stuff. I don’t care who owes who what or who’s sleeping with who and who looked better in what effing outfit that who and shit like that.”
Jen chuckles. “Yeah exactly why they hate you.”
Betty… “And like no offense but you’re poor Hunter they are really like offended you’re even in the school.” She then mimics someone she heard. “Effing crack whore isn’t there like rules for having people like her in our school.”
The girls are nodding and I turn around from the sink and the mirrors. “Okay…if Alex is in I’ll do it but can someone tell me what the actual point is? I mean other than the dance and stuff what does Homecoming Queen actually do?”

*And Now…

Chamomile Stars

Chamomile Stars.

My name is Steven or was but it’s now officially Stevie Hyatt…not my last name either and I’m married.

The thing here in fleet it’s not husband or wife not legally instead it’s just spouse or as my wedding bracelet says. “Loving spouse.”

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Chapter 57


We are all talking and having a good time and eating from a bag of cotton candy dad got somewhere all the way to the water park.

I really, really needed this…I look at Dad who got to claim stuff he lost with me and Taylor who is still being daddy and he’s getting cotton candy little blue hand prints on his face from Giselle and that makes me fall in love with him just a little bit more and even Ingrid who’s recording it because it’s going everywhere but into his mouth.

*And Now…

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 6

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 6

Chapter 6


Palfrey Corner is six leagues past Dewbridge and it’s gotten dark and I’m actually walking ahead of everyone…I’m holding my hand up and I’m arcing lighting between my thumb and baby finger casting off blue white light. Hawk’s behind me where she’s keeping watch as we make our way to this place where the trail breaks into a clearing and there’s a small lake and a hamlet with a stacked stone wall and a decent defensive ditch in front of it.
There’s a horn sounded from a watch tower made of simple wood and I look at Nicole who runs up a colors flag. “Watch we come with the post!”
It takes a little longer but we get a response. “Be welcome Wisdom and Squire but be warned we’re under a yellow flag!”
I look at the others. “Yellow flag?”
Taylor’s frowning. “Sickness, they’ve sickness in the village.”

*And Now…

Stay a little bit longer

The smell of tea wakes me up.

Not good tea either but that orange pekoe that someone’s plopped in a teapot and think that you can keep it on the heat after the water’s been boiled.

I’m going to taste the teabags.

I can take this, I can take the canned milk in it, I can take anything really.

Except all of this…

Of losing them for good maybe...

Small Town Boy (Part 6 of 7)

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Christmas time can be stress filled for everyone but that is especially true for Steve as he spends his first holiday away from home. Emotions rise as the big day approaches as he tries to find his place in the world with the help of Sandy, Kristy, and Marjorie. Will he be able to handle it?

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Sweet Dreams-57

Chapter 57


Anika Christenson is glaring daggers at me as I take a seat and look at everyone.
Everyone does their “Hey’s” and I get a few hugs and a whole bunch of envelopes with what looks like cards for me and stuff.
I look at Jen. “What’s with Anika?”
Cindy holds up the school newspaper.
There’s the lists of people with their picture on there that are running for Homecoming Queen and King and there’s pictures of Alex there which…? I mean I didn’t think that he was into that but I guess he was maybe when he was with Jen.
And my picture is right beside his.

………………….. “Sonofabitch!”

*And Now…

The Parchment Chapter 19-20 The Finale

Heart of12379719-crop.pngthe Beholden.

One. I’m Chinese. Yes I’m one of those
adopted out of China babies.

Two. I’m a girl. Well I’m a girl on the inside.

Where nobody knows...

The Parchment

Chapter 19-20

By Bailey Summers
Copyright© 2014 Bailey Summers
All Rights Reserved.


Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from The model in this image in no way supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The models use within this work is solely for the representation of looks of the main character of this particular story. ~Sephrena


“I’m pretty, I’m young, I’m fucking real you little tranny slut you don’t thin k they’ll believe me? Believe us? You cause shit like this and Alex’s dad’ll have a relapse.”
(Sniffle-cough-small-voice…) “Relapse…?”

“He had a heart attack…you don’t think you’ll make it worse? I’ll make sure you do.”

………………………… “It’s not okay! Goddamn it! It’s not okay!”

“Take me to the airport.”
“Jade no…”
“TAKE ME TO THE AIRPORT!!!” I’m screaming, I don’t mean to be screaming but I am until she’s holding me tight.
“Okay, okay…We’ll go.”
I’m still shaking and crying as she leads me to the rental car parked nearby and my things are inside. She gets me inside and carefully closes the door and we start driving away from the hospital, away from Alex and my hopes.

*And Now….

Jack and Jill by Trudy - 11 - The Baby Bump

Jack and Jill, by Trudy - 11
The Baby Bump

“Don’t do it Melanie, you’ll hurt the boy’s feelings.” I’m embarrassed, I know she’s right. The jerk bites Sara’s hook and we have a last game. I’m pissed as a nail breaks but I win easy enough. Sara wins a dollar and we leave quickly.
I’m expecting to leave, but Kathy and Sara have other plans. We’re quickly at L.A. Women’s World. Sixty dollars for cheerleading shoes …Kathy follows us back to Marti has us do a cheer and gets it on her smart phone, not good.

Small Town Boy (Part 1 of 7)

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Steve leaves the cocoon of his small town into a world that he's ill prepared to face as hidden feelings begin to emerge. Can he find the courage to accept that he might not be like everyone else?

Eleven days of the Jackal. Part 2

Eleven days of the Jackal. Part 2

By Judy Pittman

In 638 AD the Muslims captured Jerusalem after a long siege. Captured warriors and their sons and male relatives were castrated and sold into slavery.

In 2009 a terrorist cell is inspired by their ancestors and re-introduces the use of castration and forced feminization rather than killings in order to spread terror. The modern attack is on a military museum on Veterans’ day. Caught in the trap are middle school children.

Part 2: Days four to eight of the siege of the Military Museum. The poor boys lives are changing forever.

A new form of terror.

Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This is pure fiction.

Mystic Godfather

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Things didn't go as James expected at a school dance and he finds a mysterious visitor waiting in his bedroom claiming he can help. Is it possible the magic potion he's offering will make things better? Or are the man's hidden motives of a different sort?

Eleven days of the Jackal. Part 1

Eleven days of the Jackal.

By Judy Pittman

In 638 AD the Muslims captured Jerusalem after a long siege. Captured warriors and their sons and male relatives were castrated and sold into slavery.

In 2009 a terrorist cell is inspired by their ancestors and re-introduces the use of castration and forced feminization rather than killings in order to spread terror. The modern attack is on a military museum on Veterans’ day. Caught in the trap are middle school children.

The Fall of Condor Chapter 4

Former superhero Francisca Verdugo recalls how she was captured and transformed from a young man to a sexy woman, and how to the world the hero Condor disappeared and is presumed K.I.A.

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Chapter 56


Alex looks at me when he gets out. “You okay?”
“Yeah I’m just having that kind of hitting me again.”
“That actual feeling of home?”
“You are home.”
“But it’s still something that I never really got before Alex; everything else was kinda just a squat. I’m having that full on thing where I had no idea I missed our bed so much until I climbed in it tonight.”
He smiles that soft little secret smile of his…that one that’s only partway on his lips but all the way in his eyes and I sigh and tilt my head up to meet him as he leans down to kiss me and we do that for a while before we end up snuggling up together and actually sleeping.
I missed that too…curling up with him and spooning.
It actually takes me the better part of three quarters of an hour before sleep overtakes me.
The rest of that time I was just sort of soaking in that feeling.
Home, safe and loved.

*And Now…

Not Just a Fan

Not Just a Fan

A man with a wife and boring life meets his favorite rock star while hiking. After talking a while, she invites him and his wife to a concert and meal, and there she springs an offer that is quite unbelievable, and quiet irresistible to the couple. The man's life is about to change in ways he never expected.

The Fall of Condor Chapter 3

Former superhero Francisca Verdugo recalls how she was captured and transformed from a young man to a sexy woman, and how to the world the hero Condor disappeared and is presumed K.I.A.

The Fall of Condor Chapter 2

Former superhero Francisca Verdugo recalls how she was captured and transformed from a young man to a sexy woman, and how to the world the hero Condor disappeared and is presumed K.I.A.

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Chapter 55


I kiss him again. “A day off, a real day off.”

He’s actually grinning. “Yeah, and there’ll be more I promise. I’m not working my way away from my family not when I just got them.”

We head upstairs and I’ll admit it…I’m happy, I’m choked up because he really gets it…family, those you love they come first. This is the way that I want to live my life.
This is the way I’m going to live my life.

*And Now…


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