2016-05 May Story Contest - Rebirth

Alone Together; A Tuneful Tale Chapter 2: Inside the Fire

Alone Together: A Tuneful Tale Chapter 2: Inside the Fire

In the fall Earl started preschool. The hoped for socialization with age-mates failed to materialize. He steadfastly refused to play with the girls or do anything that might earn him the much dreaded label of ‘sissy’. At the same time he didn’t enjoy typical boy activities and play. While he half-heartedly played with the boys, he did so angrily which usually degenerated into violence. The violence discouraged the boys from wanting to play with him and Earl wound up in time outs. As had become his normal, he never smiled or laughed and it seemed as if his face was frozen in a demi-frown. He would answer questions and even asked questions, but for the most part he was intensely quiet. By the end of the second week, he’d earned the enmity of the other boys and the frustrations of the teachers and aides. They did discover that he seemed happiest, at least relatively compared to his normal anger, if he was allowed to be alone. At least while alone he stayed out of trouble. With no one willing to play with him, when they went outside for free time play, Earl simply ran around the playground. As the weeks passed, he incorporated jumping and tumbling over the outdoor toys developing a style of kiddie-parkour. The teachers were concerned as he leapt and tumbled about the playground but he never cried or complained when he landed hard. They were more concerned some of the other boys would try to copy him but Earl’s dour demeanor kept others from following his lead.

Rebirth: The Swimsuit

IMG_2690.JPG“What are you doing in here!” I wet myself a wee bit in total fear as I heard her voice. She had caught me at my worst; holding her one piece shiny pink bathing suit in my delicate hands as I sat in the deserted girl’s locker room. I was frozen as I gazed at her; my deer like wide opened eyes bugging out with fright.

The Bright New Springtime of The soul

It was getting to be about that time. The time of year when the world froze over and the cold settled into my bones to rest.

This winter would be different though. I had finally decided that I could no longer continue as I had for so long, trying to be who and what I was supposed to be when even my life cycle differed from most around me. Oh sure, there were other magical creatures out there… more of them than there are of the mindblind in fact but I wasn’t like most of them either.

Call the Midwife: Rebirth


based on characters from Call the Midwife; a BBC period drama series about a group of nurse midwives and Anglican Sister Nurses working together in the East end of London in the late 1950s and early 1960s, The series is based on the Memoirs of Jennifer Worth

Rebirth: A New Way to Love

REBIRTH (bela).jpg"Rebirth: A New Way to Love"
a Short Story by TGTrinity
Cover by bela04

Gary and Andrea are on a trip with the intention of recapturing something from their relationship that has disappeared, only after an accident they find themselves looking at each other in a whole new light.

Author's Note:
This is an entry into the May contest, so if you enjoy it please let me know. This is also the first new story of mine that has a cover provided by bela04, and I think they nailed my idea perfectly.

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