A New Cheerleader part 2

A New Cheerleader part 2- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

Chapter 2- The Bet
After arriving at school the rest of the school day was a bit uneventful, there was a few odd cases when a random boy would hold the door open for me, but that's normal. Until it got to lunch that is where I got smacked hard in the back with a metal tray I spun around on my heel to face my attacker. Of course it was non other than George Stubbs. My arch enemy.

Oh come on you have to expect a bully. I mean just look at me I am a petite boy who looks apparently like my sister and I'm in high school. How can I not attract a bully? But unfortunately I attracted the worst of the worst. He is not just a stud muffin but a senior and he plays centre on the senior football team.

George is very tall and very strong. Few people ever mess with him those who do usually get new teeth and facial reconstruction surgery, he is by far the most stupidest arsehole I have ever met within my entire life, girls used to want to go out with him until it was found that he date-rapes all the girls he goes out with and that he is as dumb as a rock.

So to get back at people who think that he is dumb he bully's people younger and smaller than him. But his favourite target is obviously me.

"Aww look who it is, little Miss Williams. I like your hair it looks so adorable on you. Did you do it for me?" He laughed in his smug voice.

"Oh fuck off George you arsehole." He stopped laughing and looked at me with hate in his eyes. He then proceeded to shove my tray into my face. At that point a teacher shouted at him and he left saying, " You should learn some respect or I will teach it to you, see you later she-male."

At that point I was on the precipice of wanting to ram a pole up his smug ass but I didn't. Instead I picked up my now ruined food and went to go see if I could get more. Once I got more food I started to head to my usual place in the corner of the room until I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I turned around to see who was calling my name. It was Sophie my sister, she ushered (more like dragged) me to where she and her friends were sitting, suddenly as I sat down Summer, one of my sisters friends asked who I was.

"That is my sister Cori." My sister answered for me. I looked at her with a 'what the fuck are you doing' expression. So she leant over whispering "It might be a bit embarrassing for us both if I introduced you as my brother as all my friends think that you are a girl anyway, you don't want to be mocked by them do you?" I sighed and nodded no.

It really pisses me off sometimes as I try to act masculine but it doesn't come across to some people and they think that I'am a girl even when I'm trying to be more of a boy. Summer carries on talking to me.

"Cori? That's a nice name. Anyway I was going to ask if you were going to try out for the cheerleading squad? You would definitely be able to do it with that body you just need to fill out a bit more and wear clothes which show off some curves and you will fit right in, plus I don't think that tomboy look will not get many looks from the boys." My sister started to giggle.

I sighed "No thanks cheerleading isn't really for me" I said in the nicest way I could, Summer looked disappointed.

"Oh that's a shame, you would do so well. I recommend you reconsider, and on a slightly different note I must say you have lovely hair so here have this." She handed me a business card. "That is the salon I go to, my mom owns it you should get your hair done there." just then the bell for the end of lunch went off and we all got up and headed to our last lessons of the day.

Me and Soph both got out of class and headed to the exit of the school. "Are you walking home with me today or are you going to a friends house?" I asked to Sophie.

"No I need to go pick up some vitamins and allergy pills for the both of us at the doctors."

"Wait when did I start needing vitamins?" I asked puzzled.

"Since your mum said so and plus they will help you 'develop' better." She said with a devilish smile on her face. I didn't notice.

"Fine see you at home sis."

"See you later Spence."

And so I started my 40 mins walk to home, alone. But it wasn't as boring as you might seem it to be as it was a nice day and it has cooled down slightly now, I got my headphones out and plugged it into my I pod and started listening to the Red Hot Chilli Peppers newest album The Getaway.

When I finally got home I went to my bedroom and started up my computer and gamed a bit that was until my sister got home it was Alice.

"Hi Al." I said enthusiastically to her.

"Hi Spencer how are you." she said quite plainly yet girly.

"I'm good but I am SOOOO bored." At this point I gave up gaming and went on my I pad watching YouTube vids.

"Well I would do something with you but I am off to my job in a min, I only came home for a cup of tea and a wash." At that point Sophie walked in said a quick hi to Alice grabbed my arm and dragged by upstairs to her room.

"Wait you want to do the girl thing now?" I said in shock.

Sophie looked at me like it was the most stupidest question ever. "What no. I just wanted to get some measurements and give you the game plan for tomorrow because I want it to be for a whole day." I sighed.

"Oh yay." I said with a disgusted and sarcastic tone.

"Oh don't be that way it will be fun, first we are getting up early at 6 o'clock in the morning..."

"6!!! Why do we need to get up that early!"

"I would say if you won't interrupt me. Anyway we are getting up at 6 so that we can get ready with showers, outfits and food, I will put a bit of makeup on you but not much as we will be going to Summers mum's Salon to get proper makeovers and give you a nice hairstyle, we will also get a manicure and a pedicure, and if you are lucky we will get your ears pierced as well!" She winked at me.

"No, no permanent stuff like piercings." I said with a commanding tone.

"Ok, ok I was only joking about the earrings, unless you do really want them." I sighed "Afterwards we will be going to Summer's house to go and get Summer and Abigail. Then we will all go to the mall and have a girls day out." She said in a very happy tone.

"Now for a few rules and instructions for now."

"Wait why are there rules? And what instructions I thought we were doing this tomorrow." I asked.

"There are rules to keep you safe from discovery and from making a fool of yourself, and also there are instructions because we won't have time to do them tomorrow. Unless you want to get up at 4 in the morning instead? I shook my head no. "Thought not. Right rules..."

"Rule number 1, you must always answer to Cori, never answer to Spencer obviously.

"Rule number 2, if you need the loo just ask me to come with you."

"Rule number 3, never act like a boy, try to act as girly as possible without mocking or over doing it."

"Rule number 4, always speak like a girl, fortunately puberty hasn't done much for you yet so you are still good just emphasis the feminine bit in your voice a bit more." I was sad when I heard her say that.

"And finally rule number 5 always and I mean always follow the gestures and movements that a girl does and don't worry I will teach you them but first you need to go an have a shower to wash your hair and we also have to do something about your body hair as well."

"Huh, what's wrong with my body hair?" I asked frightened.

"Girls don't have body hair. Duh! Just look at me do you see any body hair on me?" I looked at her flawless skin and looked very close at both her legs and arms there was no body hair anywhere to be seen.

"No there isn't" I said with a worrying expression on my face, I hope my skin wouldn't end up as baby smooth as hers.

"Thought not. Now you have a choice you can either use a razor which will take you about 20 mins since you are inexperienced, or you can use my hair remover lotion which is a lot quicker but it stings." It took me a moment to decide but in the end I went with the lotion because I don't want to cut myself and because it is quicker.

"Good now when you are ready strip and cover yourself from your nose to your toes in the lotion and wait for 11 mins before hoping into the shower to let the lotion soak in then once you washed it off take my shampoo and conditioner and wash your hair. I will be back in about 20 mins I just need to go do something.

I did what she asked first I went to the bathroom, then I striped down to my birthday suit, I grabbed a big pink bottle called hair-begone and opened it smothering everything in it's yellowish white liquid from my nose to my toes. I then grabbed my watch and set the timer for 11 mins, it seemed to take forever but eventually it was over and my whole body felt like it was burning on a hot-spite. I quickly hopped into the shower and washed off all of the now brownish goopy soap off of my body it was a massive relief until I saw all of my body hair wash down the drain.

Next once I got all the lotion off I grabbed my sisters shampoo and washed my hair throughly, then I grabbed her conditioner and looked at it suspiciously but I took a big dollop of the stuff and rubbed it onto my head making sure I got it everywhere except my scalp, which apparently I'm not meant to wash it on.

I grabbed her body lotion and washed my pits and bits while I was waiting for the conditioner to do its thing then I washed it out, finished up and jumped out of the shower. I dried myself off then looked at my body. I was completely shocked, my skin looked just as flawless and hairless as Sophie's I touched my legs and felt them, just as I dreaded, baby smooth.

"Spence? Have you finished? Come on out I want to see how you look but make yourself decent first." Reluctantly I rapped a towel around my tiny waist and stepped into Sophie's room. "OMG Spencer your skin looks just as good as mine and your hair is so silky and soft, I can't believe I'm saying this but I am jelly. Anyway moving on its time for girl training!"

"Wait what!" I said in disbelief.

"You heard me, girl training. Now for this to work you need to do everything I say, alright."

"Fine... Let's get this over with."

"Good now put this on." She throwed something at me and it took me a moment to figure out what it was.

"A skirt!!!" I was dumbfounded.

"You need to learn how to wear one."


"No, buts. Would you rather wear a dress?" She got me there, I nodded no and went quiet.

"Good girl." I shot her a look.

"I was only joking sheesh, anyways put that on and also put these shoes on while I go fetch something." I looked down with uncertainty at the skirt then decided that I had no other choice, so I grabbed my pants from my room then came back to Sophie's room and put on both my pants and the skirt, it was really weird. It was like I was more free which I liked and it felt really comfortable especially when it brushed against my smooth hairless legs but I felt awkward and I was kind of freaked out that I like it so much.

Then I saw the shoes and just died inside, she doesn't really want me to wear these does she? They were very high heeled shoes and looked very girly. Well I am wearing a skirt so it can't get to much worse so I stepped carefully into the shoes and tried to find my balance on the very high heels. I then realised that the shoes fit me like a glove, remembering embarrassingly that I have the same shoe size as Soph.

At that moment Sophie walked back in and looked puzzled for a sec then she opened her mouth in disbelief. "OMG Spencer or should I say Cori you look stunning and so adorable and you are only wearing a skirt and some shoes!" She took a moment to gather herself then started talking again.

"While you were in the shower I went to your friend Amber at her house next door and asked if I could borrow these she chucked me some blobby things that looked like sacks covered in human skin, I then realised they were fake breasts but they looked very realistic.

"Why does Amber have these?" I asked

"She doesn't its her older sister's"


"Yeah. You may not know this but Rebecca is transgender and used to go by the name of Tom before she had sex reassignment surgery and became a girl." I was completely shocked and was surprised why Amber never mentioned this to me before.

"So what am I meant do do with these?" Sophie slapped herself on the head.

"You put them on idiot, here use this bra the fake boobs are the same size as mine, E cups. You use this glue to put them on but don't worry it soluble so it comes off."

"Hold your horses I can't put this on!!"

"Just put them on Cori!"

I looked at her in anger, then defeat, sighing I fiddled with the bra putting it on, then Sophie glued the breasts on, moved the bra around the bit until she was satisfied then stood back. Before she could usher a single word I walked quickly into my bedroom with a bit of difficulty due to the heels and grabbed one of my tee-shirts, put it on and walked back into Sophie's room, she looked slightly disappointed but only for a fracture of a second before saying.

"Cori. You might want to look at yourself in my mirror."

Ignoring that she said Cori, I walked over to her big mirror that shows your whole body and saw what she saw a moment ago. I looked amazing I saw my face and although it was my face that was not me, the person I saw in the mirror was a very cute petite teenage girl with an astonishing figure, I had massive boobs and the skirt made it seem like I had girlish curves down below with my long flawless/hairless legs I looked like Sophie but with a different head.

Sophie walked up to me and embraced me from behind saying,

"Cori you are so beautiful, you are only wearing a few female items and you look stunning even without makeup. In truth if you did wear makeup I think you would actually look more like a girl than me, but enough admiring you have plenty of time to do that later, after girl training.

And so for the next few hours Sophie taught me how to act, walk, sit, talk and even eat like a girl, to put my hands on my hips, to flick my hand back and forth when expressing myself, how to tuck my skirt under me when I sit down so I don't sit on my 'panties', how to cross my legs/my ankles when I am siting down how to walk in heels by putting one foot in front of the other and taking small steps, and when it came to eating, all it was, was just eat a little slower and take smaller bites.

After all of the girl training we were both exhausted but me the most and now my feet hurt from the heels, "You have done well Cori you have truly become a girl in almost every way except for obviously the attraction to boys and having a vagina. All you need now is a bit more practice and a cute butt and you will be complete!" Sophie said with a giggle.

Suddenly we both got twitchy noses and we got distracted from all the girl stuff.

"Ohhhhahhhh. I think we both 'sniff' need our 'sniff' allergy pills." Said Sophie.

"Uhhhhhhowow. Yeah I agree."

We both headed to the kitchen, subconsciously I started to walk like a girl I didn't realise what I was doing until Sophie giggled at me, blushing I tried to move past that embarrassing moment and went to get the packet of allergy pills. After both me and Sophie took the pills Soph suggested I take my vitamins as well, I agreed.

Looking at the pink tub I picked it up to see what vitamins were in it the front said 'these pills will insure perfect growth for teens who are undeveloped and provide them with a number of different vitamins which will help growth.' I turned it around to see the ingredients and saw that it contained vitamin A a number of B's C D and even E then below I saw 'warning these pills also contain a high dosage of Estrogen, Osestrogen, and Testosterone blockers.'

When I saw this I recognised that they were hormones, remembering back to my science class I think I remember Estrogen is boy hormones and Testosterone is girl hormones, I am not that great at science but I think that's correct so I am guessing it will help me develop more a guy, it says to take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening for the first 2 weeks then switch to just 2 per day.

As it was already the evening I took all 4 to start off. It was then I remembered that my parents were meant to be home soon so I asked Soph about it.

"Sophie when does mum and dad get home?" She looked at me with confusion and then it clicked in her head that I did not know.

"Your mum went to go look after your grandma because she is sick and won't be back most likely until she is better. And your dad went to go on a business trip for an important and very rich customer in Washington D.C and won't back for a week or 2, and Alice is working late as well at that fashion shop."

"Oh cool, thanks." I don't think I have mentioned yet what my mother does for a living. She is an accountant and works in a lot of trust, so she is quite busy a lot of time and it has only increased since moving to the U.S.

"I guess that means that I am cooking tonight." I said

"Yeah but I will give you some help Cori."

"Oh shit I'am still dressed as a girl."

"Oh come on you are only wearing a skirt, shoes and a bra. Plus you need the training so you can change back later after supper."

"Oh don't look so down it was your idea to do the bet I am just trying to help you so that you don't by some chance get recognised as a boy or worse as Spencer."

"Hey newsflash I am Spencer and I am a boy."

"I know that dumb dumb. I am trying to make sure you don't get recognised for your own safety. Imagine if you were recognised by someone like George Stubbs?"

"Oh god he would be so happy, he would be able to mock me until he leaves and then the school will find out and I would have to move school from all the mocking." I shuddered at the thought.

"And that's why Spence I need to make you seem like Cori as much as possible. Fortunately that should not be hard at all, as you can see.

I sighed "Fine I will do what ever it takes not to be recognised."

"Good. Don't worry Spence it will be all right."

"I hope so... Anyway on to supper."

I prepared then made a homemade lasagna for dinner.

"Oh my god Spencer this is so good, I don't think I have ever been happier that you took Catering as your main GCSE... yum!"

"Thank you me lover." I said in my best Cornish accent, which was still good even after a year away from Cornwall. Oh yeah my family originates from Cornwall forgot to mention that earlier.

"Alright my darlin." Sophie said in her accent. We both giggled a bit after that... Wait I giggled uh oh that girly shit is starting to get to my head.

Anyway moving on... After supper we cleared up then headed into the sitting room for a movie, we watched 'Mean Girls' because Sophie thought it might be good for girl training and it is also a good movie according to her. At first I was like ohhhhhh noooooo not another chick flick, but it actually turned out really good and I was sad when it ended which kind of shocked me but what the hay.

After the movie it was 11:45 so me and Sophie decided to call it early and go to bed. she helped me take the clothes off god it was nice to get out of those heels I don't know how girls stand them sometimes, but when she unhooked the bra I forgot that she glued the breasts on and she asked me a very strange question.

"Cori can you keep them on for the night please?" What she wanted now I wasn't too sure.


"It would help with the girl training."

"What by sleeping with them overnight?"

"Well yeah obviously. But actually the real reason is that I wanted to waste time on you."

"Umm ok why are you trying to deliberately waste time? As I said that my watch beeped twice announcing that it was the next hour.

"Cori can you please tell me what time it is." I don't know what she was up to but I played along.

"It's 12 o'clock?"

"Yep it is, can you now please tell me what day it is today."

"Ok, it's Sater...shit."

"Exactly so my request is now an order, you will wear your new boobs to bed with you and you will also wear this." Sophie quickly ran back to her bedroom to pick up something, she ran back with a type of garment in her hands and handed it to me.

"This cute thing is a baby doll nighty and it is pink, your favourite colour Cori!"

"Oh great."

"Oh there is just one more thing about your boobs that I neglected to tell you earlier..."


"This!" She stepped forwards and put a finger on one side of the breast and pushed hard until there was a clicking sound then she did it with the other one.

"What did you even do?"

"I turned your boobs on so now you can feel every bounce, every movement, everything that touches it you will feel just like any other girl. Observe." She massaged one of the breasts and I could feel her hand moving on it, but not just that but it gave me sexual pleasure as my little man jumped to attention as soon as she began massaging them, I also to my dismay let out a little girlish moan of pleasure.

"Ooooh Cori do you like that?"

I tried to resist but it just felt so good, and my dick was growing huge, it was now straining against my pants.

"Wow Cori your dick its so huge." Then Sophie, my step-sister Sophie did the unthinkable. She grabbed it. My little happy man and began massaging it through my pants. I gasped as she began kissing my boobs. I couldn't do anything because of the pleasure jolting through my little body. I physically couldn't move, this carried on for about another 2 mins until I came in my pants.

Sophie then stopped and then told me to put the nighty on. It had a built in bra and built in panties as well so she turned around while I took my now spoiled pants off and put the nighty on, she then turned around lent in to me and did a subtle soft kiss on my lips for a few seconds then parted saying.

"Night Cori, see you in the morning. Maybe we can do this again some other time." She winked at me then left.

I lied in bed thinking about what just happened, and only three words came to my head


So all I could do was listen to some Red Hot Chilli Peppers and fall to sleep.

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