The Blossoming of Ciri

The Blossoming of Ciri

Chapter 1- Unusual Pains

“Hi my full name is Alex Damion Marteau and I’m. Well currently I’am 18 but in this story I will be telling you about when my life got turned upside down and changed both me and my family forever...”

“Let’s first go way back to the beginning. My mother and father met when my dad came to America to develop a new building. He is an architect you see and made a small fortune designing and building some fancy houses and restaurants in England and France. He got offered a big fancy contract in New York, (which he got payed a few million dollars to do), so he packed up and quickly moved to America where he bumped into my mother. Literally. He wasn’t looking where he was walking because he was staring at some plans for the building. My mom at the time was doing her daily run, (she is a fitness nut), she turned the corner and bam they ran right into each other. Let’s just say it was ‘love at first sight’.”

“After they got married a year later my mom quit her job as a sales manager in a carpet and curtain company, took the name Marteau and moved down to the state of Maryland with dad and bought a really nice house in a friendly, low crime neighbourhood. Oh and I should probably mention that the name Marteau is French for hammer. My dad is half British, half French and comes from a long line of builders, carpenters, blacksmiths and architects.”

“Anyway, a few years later and my older sister Allison was born, to my parents’ great delight. Then three years after Allison was born, during the year of 1999 I came into the world. Hello! I had a fairly normal childhood, well if normal meant basically getting most things I wanted and making a habit of getting into trouble at school. Fortunately me and Allison didn’t grow up to be brats and we got along most of the time. I say most of the time because she can become quite sassy and overly dramatic sometimes but other than that we get along famously.”

“Then when I was eight something unexpected happened, my mom gave birth to twins to everyone’s surprise. A boy and a girl, whom were named Jack and Jasmine. Our lives just got more interesting.”

“The next five years were a little crazy, Jack and Jasmine became two very cute but very noisy five year olds. We had to deal with Allison becoming a teenager and with it her period cycle, (in which she got really bitchy during it), but she did get better at dealing with it by the time she hit sixteen. As for me I celebrated my thirteenth birthday almost a month ago, but unbeknownst to me within the next few days my life would soon change forever.”

“When I turned twelve I suddenly started puberty, to my great delight. I shot up in height and my voice, although it still sounded quite high and gentle, it definitely didn’t sound like a little kids voice anymore. That was the good part, the bad was that my penis didn’t get any bigger, in fact it seemed to actually get smaller. Although I still held hope that it might grow a bit as I get further along in puberty. Also another thing was that I had to get rid of all of my old shirts and get new soft ones as the old ones continuously rubbed against my nipples making them really red and sore.”

“For the year following up to my thirteenth birthday, I noticed that I was starting to look more like the girls at school instead of the boys. In which the guys also noticed and so there wasn’t usually a day gone by that some guy would call me a sissy or a faggot. Some guys beat me up occasionally. I’ve even been groped by a few boys a couple of times for a ‘laugh’. Most of it was stuff I could deal with though.”

“Except I did have one very scary moment during that year. An older kid, a big guy called Bill came up to me and cornered me in the locker room and after beating me up and winding me he shoved me down on my knees and told me to suck his cock or die. I shook my head no because I was to afraid to speak but he didn’t care and shoved his surprisingly big penis into my mouth and started to fuck me. It was horrible I was crying uncontrollably and it felt like I couldn’t breathe. Just as Bill started cumming in my mouth our PE teacher came into the locker room and seeing what Bill was doing ran over and tackled him and dragged him away from me, apparently our teacher used to be a cop and still carried handcuffs around.”

“Bill was arrested and then sent to prison later that year for assault and oral rape. As for me it took months for me to recover every time I thought of that moment I threw up, and had night terrors for a while. A bit before my assault I told my mom and dad what was going on at school and that I was being bullied because of my body. My mother reassured me that this happens to a lot of people during puberty and that my body will get bigger and tougher as it goes on so they dropped the subject. Although because I got raped, they saw the ‘light’ (meaning they totally freaked), as they truly saw what was happening to me at school and so I was soon moved to another school and slowly began to pick up my life again.”

“In my new school I didn’t really speak to anyone, I tried to remain as quiet and unnoticeable as possible in the hopes that I wouldn’t be bullied. It worked but I soon became a social outcast and in the months leading up to my thirteenth birthday, became quite lonely. But fortunately this all changed when I met Amber. She was sweet, funny, smart and really really attractive (like hottest girl in school/started puberty early attractive). In fact I would go as far and say that she is now my best and only friend, even though she is in the popular group, she treats me as an equal. We can’t always hang out at school but we come over to each other’s houses all of the time, in fact I can easily say she stopped me falling into a deep and lonely depression.”

“But enough about my past let’s go to the days that changed my life forever...”

It was Sunday, I woke up late in the day and decided to take a shower. Getting up I noticed that my abdominal and groin areas were fairly painful and after stretching I went to the bathroom and investigated my pains, I took my shirt off and as usual noticed the slight puffiness in my chest area. I sighed and looked down at my slightly toned abdomen and pressed gently against it, it really hurt. Moving on I dropped my pants and looked at my pathetic excuse for a penis. It was really red, like almost blood red around my balls area and my penis looked almost blue. I was a bit concerned about it but I shrugged it off and decided to talk to my parents later about it. I proceeded to get completely undressed and stepped within the shower.

After washing my long wavy hair, oh yeah I was also bullied for that too, I loved wearing my hair long, mainly because I looked terrible with short haircuts. But after the rape incident happened I was going to cut it all off, especially after a few people mocked me for looking like a girl in the new school, but Amber convinced me not to. Something about letting the assholes win. Anyway after I finished up washing myself and stepped out of the shower, I slipped on my dressing gown while drying my hair with a towel and walked back into my bedroom.

I got dressed and brushed my hair. I put it in a simple style that Amber showed me, where I tie the long parts of my front hair and put it into a high ponytail in the back. I was a little unsure at first when she first showed me this style as people started to look at me weirdly, but after she explained that it really shapes my face and that people stare at her hair all the time too, well I decided to stick with it.

After I finished up doing my hair I got dressed quickly in a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple red t-shirt. I then pulled on my favourite jacket which Amber got me as a birthday gift, it was black leather and although a bit form fitting, it was unbelievably comfortable. After that I put on my Vans and left the house.

I walked to the next street over and knocked on the front door of Amber’s house. (One of the great things about mine and Amber’s friendship is that we live very close to each other.) Fortunately it was Amber who answered the door and not her bitch of a step-sister Nadine. Who has great delight in bullying both me and Amber, and even a couple of times called me a sissy slut and has even laughed at me for being raped by another guy.

Once I punched her in the face after she made fun of me, broke her nose and called her names that are so rude, that I’m not going to repeat it. Let’s just say that she got into huge trouble after both our parents found out about it. She literally got grounded for 2 months. I got mostly let off due to my horrible past and that she started it, but I did have to do all the chores in my house for a week for my violent response. Now Nadine hates me 10 times more than before, so again I’m thankful that she didn’t open the door.

“Hey Amber!” I said happily.

“Hiya Alex! You ready to do some shopping?” Amber said while hugging me.

“Sure. Provided we don’t just go in stores tailored for girls all day.”

“Oh stop it. Never know, you might find something you like!” Amber said while dragging me along like a dog on its leash.

“Yeah right. Like what am I going to want to get from somewhere like forever 21? I inquired sarcastically.

“Ooh you could get a cute dress! You would look soooo cute in a short dress! All of the boys would be chasing after you then!” Amber said overly excitedly.

“Haha yeah right. More like the boys will be chasing after me to beat me up!”

“No I’m being serious, I bet you would look really good in a dress. And with a bit of makeup and a little more work on your hair, you would look really hot, sure you lack a little up top but with a bit of work you could totally become one of the prettiest girls in school, not to mention really popular.” Amber said in a semi-serious manner.

“Ok Amber fun’s over, let’s get going already I want to go check out some of the new games in the old video game shop.” I replied in a tone that I was starting to get annoyed.

“Geez it was just a suggestion! At least promise to tell me if you see something you like! You never know, you might actually like wearing girls clothes.”

“Ok! Fine! I will tell you if I happen to see something that looks nice ok? Can we go now? God it’s like you want me to be an actual girl or something...” I said exasperatedly with sarcasm.

“Well honestly I think you are a little too pretty to be wasted as a guy, but yeah we should get going so we can hit every store I want to go to.”

“Finally!” I said while sighing in relief.

Amber might be my best friend but she is really stubborn and persistent when it comes to her opinions on things or people she likes. But honestly who doesn’t have an annoying quirk these days?

After walking about a mile, (it was a nice day so why not), we finally arrived at the mall. Amber started to head towards Victoria’s Secret so I excused myself and headed into the video game shop. I really loved it in here as there was everything any gamer would ever want, the owner Matt has a huge collection of games, consoles, computers, parts and even arcade machines. Anything related to gaming from retro to modern he was almost guaranteed to have. I tended to come in here quite a lot so Matt knew me as a regular.

“Hey Matt! What game are you playing now?” I asked while approaching the counter.

“Sup Alex, just trying out a game that I needed to at least play a bit of.” He said while continually playing his game.

“Aw no way! Isn’t that Arena?” I asked surprised.

“Yep been meaning to play the first Elder Scrolls game for a while now, only just got round to it.” He said while pausing the game and turning around to talk with me.

“You alone today Alex?”

“No I came with Amber, I just thought I’d pop in here while she is browsing through lingerie.”

“Ah right, no wonder you ran in here as quick as possible. So do you want to see the games I just brought in?”

“Sure.” We then went on to talk about games for the next twenty mins or so until Amber popped her head around the door.

“You ready Al?” She asked while eagerly guiding me towards the exit.

“Yeah sure let’s go. See you Matt!”

“Cool, later dude.” He said while turning back towards his game.

“So where are we going now?” I asked Amber.

“In here...” She said while pulling me into Forever 21.

“You know I’m really starting to regret mentioning this store earlier...” I said sighing.

“Oh hush I know you love helping me shop for clothes! Plus I need your opinion on some stuff.” She said while continuing to pull me towards some dresses.

“Ugh... Can I just ask, why is it that every time we go shopping you always drag me into clothing stores?” I said while she continued dragging me towards the dress racks.

“Uh because you are my best friend? Duh!”

“That’s not what I meant...” I said starting to get slightly annoyed.

Amber stopped in her tracks and spun around to face me.

“Ok fine... Honestly? The reason I always pull you into clothing shops is that you are really good at picking out fashionable clothes. You actually have a really good taste in clothing especially for a boy. Most guys at school look either exactly the same or like complete slobs who just throw on whatever’s available. At least you put a bit of effort into it, with my help I may add...” she said nonchalantly.

“Wait really? You think I have good fashion sense?” I asked surprised.

“Well yeah. It’s one of the reasons I like you so much. Do you remember a few months ago when you helped me pick out a new dress for one of my friends birthday party?”

“Um yeah I think so. Was that Sara’s birthday party?”

“Yeah that’s right. Well you know how I was panicking because I had no idea what to wear, so you went shopping with me and helped me pick out a new dress in which I didn’t really think would look good on me but you insisted and I turned out to love it?”

“Yes I remember it vividly...”

“Well when I got to the party everyone loved the dress that you picked out for me. Some of the girls actually asked me if they could borrow you from me so that you can help them pick stuff out too.” She said enthusiastically.

“Wait what?! Seriously? Why didn’t you ever mention this before?” I asked shocked.

“Sorry. It’s just I didn’t want you to get too big for your britches. Also I didn’t want you to be embarrassed around the other girls. Especially since they now think that you are my GBF...”

“GBF?” I asked confused.

“Gay best friend.” Amber clarified.

“Oh that explains a lot. I always wondered why all the girls thought I was gay.” I said with realisation.

“Yeah sorry that was sort of my fault... I for one know that you aren’t gay though. I think? I’m pretty sure you’re not gay... are you?” Amber asked confused.

“What! No! I’m not gay! Well at least I don’t think so... um honestly I’m not sure. I don’t think I am. I know that I’m definitely attracted to girls, but when I think about guys I don’t really feel anything.

Hmm? Oh well this should be a topic for another time, onto dresses! Amber practically shouted out.

We spent the next hour or so going through almost all of the clothes in Forever 21 Amber bought a few items and occasionally pointed out a few things that would look good on me to my great embarrassment until we finally left and she decided to drag me into another store. We browsed around for a few minutes until...

“Oh My God!!! Look at that dress! It’s so cute!” Amber squealed with excitement.

“Yeah it looks really nice. I like how it makes the legs look.” I said with slight interest.

The dress in question was a slightly frilly short white dress displayed on a mannequin which looked to come to just above the knees and had cute little short sleeves which if worn by someone like Amber would make the arms look beautiful and delicate. And would look even better if someone paired it with a jacket.

“Yeah it would totally make your legs look great, not to mention those short frilly sleeves would make your arms to die for.” Amber said looking at me to the side.

“Yeah it would look really good on... wait what?” I snapped my head towards her.

“I totally agree it would look so good on you.” She said while holding one of the dresses up to me.

“Oh no! No,no,no,no,no! You are not getting me anywhere near that dress!” I said while backing up.

“Aw come on please for me? You never try on anything I suggest!” She said exasperatedly.

“That’s because 99% of the time the things you suggest I try on are girl’s clothes.” I said annoyed.

“Aw come on! Tell you what if you come into the woman’s changing room with me and try on the dress I promise to never ask you to try on anything else ever again. Unless you actually want to that is...” she pleaded.

“No! Even if I was to take you up on that offer I can’t just waltz into the woman’s changing room. Isn’t that illegal?”

“What don’t be ridiculous, there is like no one even here. And even if there were, all anyone would see would be two teen girls trying outfits on. Even you have to admit that you do look naturally feminine.” Amber said seriously.

“What! I don’t look that feminine...” I said defensively.

“Yeah you do especially with that jacket that I got you for your birthday.” Amber pointed out.

“Wait what do you mean? How does my favourite jacket make me look feminine?” I asked confused.

“It’s a girl’s black leather jacket duh. I thought you would look really cute in it and I was right. I don’t know what the deal is with you about not wanting to wear the dress. You’ve been wearing woman’s clothing for months, it’s not like it’s a huge step...” she explained.

“Wha... what! Are you kidding me Amber I’ve been wearing a girl’s jacket the entire time!!! What the hell! Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked furiously.

“Sorry! I thought you knew! It’s one of the reasons I keep pressing you to try stuff on because you never know if you will like something or not if you don’t try anything.” Amber said apologetically.

I slapped my hand onto my forehead with annoyance, stupidity and shame.

Amber continued. “Please just try the dress on, I promise not to make fun of you or to ever try to get you to wear girl’s clothes again. Please? You never know you may actually like it. Amber pleaded again.

I growled before responding. “Ugh! Fine! I will try on the stupid dress at least so you won’t keep nagging me from now on...” I exclaimed in defeat.

“Yay!!! Finally! Come on...” Amber said while dragging me towards the women’s changing room dress in one hand and me in the other.

She shoved me into one of the stalls and placed the accursed dress in my hands. Sighing I turned and locked the door. Slowly I got undressed carefully folding my clothes up and placing them on the small wooden bench until I wore only my pants and socks. Carefully and methodically I took the dress in hand and after unzipping the back stepped into the dress and slowly pulled it up feeling as the silky soft skirt tickled against my legs giving me slight chills in both excitement and terror until I completely had it on. The dress felt alien yet strangely familiar to me as if I was somehow made to wear it. Reaching around my back I struggled to pull the zipper up but in the end managed it. I nervously gathered myself and unlocked the door and stepped out.

Amber who was tapping her foot impatiently while looking at her phone heard me open the stall door and turned around to face me.

“OMG! You look hot girl!” She exclaimed happily.

“Really?” I asked nervously.

“Ya! You look totally cute right now. Hmm? Hold on a mo. Let me just grab this, here put this on and take a look in the mirror.” She said excitedly while giving me my jacket.

After taking my jacket from her I put it on, pulled my trapped hair out from under the jacket and took a long look in the nearby mirror. What I saw was, well amazing. I looked like a hot teen girl, with legs for days, especially since I had literally no body hair. I was correct about earlier wearing a jacket definitely makes me look cuter. I just couldn’t believe that the girl in the mirror was me, if I actually had breasts and wore a bit of makeup I would look like the girl of my dreams.

“So... what do you think?” Amber asked excitedly.

“Ok, even I have to admit, I look really good...” I confessed.

“I knew it! I knew that you would love it! If you had bigger breasts and wore some makeup to slightly enhance your face you would totally be a knockout!” Amber said with pride.

“That’s exactly what I was thinking about like 20 seconds ago! To be honest I’m amazed that I look this good, I thought that I would look odd and that the dress would be uncomfortable but in fact the dress is really comfortable, and this might sound weird but for some reason wearing this dress feels strangely familiar, like I’m meant to wear it... ha listen to me I sound like a madman...” I said unsure of the feelings going through me.

“See you’re more girl than you think, and you don’t sound mad at all, tons of girls love wearing dresses and skirts because they love the feeling of it against their legs, especially during the summer. Also girls love wearing them because of how feminine it can make them feel too.” Amber explained.

We continued to look in the mirror for another minute until a young woman who looked like she was in her early twenties walked in. She looked at the the two of us and smiled, I started to panic slightly because I thought that she would see that I was a guy, until she started speaking to us.

“Morning girls! Trying on some clothes are you? *gasp* oh my god that dress looks so cute on you, especially with that jacket! You should get some open toed heeled sandals with that outfit! I saw the perfect pair out front hold on I will get them for you!” The young woman exclaimed with excitement and then ran off towards the front of the store.

The whole time the young woman was talking I was blushing beet red and Amber was struggling to hold in a giggle. A minute later the young woman returned with the shoes that she mentioned, she placed them by my feet and I nervously took my socks off and slipped them on.

“Wow that was a good guess the sandals fit you perfectly, wow I’ve got to say I’m quite jealous you have a killer body, I bet the boys at school just love you huh? Anyway I hope you girls enjoy your shopping, I have to get back to the register I need to take care of a customer.” The young woman waved goodbye and quickly ran off back to the register.

Immediately after the young woman left Amber burst out laughing. “Oh my god that was perfect you completely fooled her, she totally thought that you were a girl! I told you that people would only see two girls shopping.”

I still looked like a beetroot when I turned back around to the mirror to see how I looked in the shoes the young woman brought me.

“Well she was definitely right those shoes look great with the rest of the outfit. What do you think Alex?” Amber asked happily.

“Yeah I have to agree the shoes definitely complete the outfit although I think I’ve had enough of shopping for now, I’m starting to get hungry.” I said slightly fatigued from shopping.

“Yeah I’m starting to get hungry too. Let’s go get some food.” Amber agreed.

I started to head back inside the stall when Amber stopped me.

“Hey Alex you know what you should do? You should buy the dress and shoes and wear them out to lunch. I could put a bit of makeup on you and I bet no one would recognise you. I will even buy the clothes for you. Please do it! It will be so much fun! Pretty please! For me?” Amber practically begged.

“Oh no,no,no! I did this for you and this is all you are getting, no way am I leaving like this. Doing it in private is one thing but there is no way I’m going out of this changing room let alone lunch like this, nope not happening, you aren’t going to change my mind on this. End of discussion.” I said adamantly.

“But...” Amber started.

“End of discussion.” I repeated sternly.

“Fine...” Amber said crestfallen. “Take off the clothes and give them to me I will put them back while you change.”

I walked back into the stall and locked the door. I then proceeded to take everything off, with me requiring help with the zipper on the dress from Amber who giggled slightly when I asked her to help. Then when everything was off I handed the clothes back to Amber and she wandered off while I started putting everything back on, when I came out Amber was at the front waiting for me, I quickly wandered over to her and prepared to leave.

“Finally! You take forever to get changed.” Amber exclaimed impatiently.

“What’s in the bag?” I asked curiously.

“Well you took so long that I decided to buy some stuff for me too, I mean really! Are you sure you’re not a girl? You definitely take your time like one.” Amber said jokingly.

“Ha ha very funny...” I said sarcastically.

On the way out the young woman by the register waved at us. “Goodbye girls!” She said loudly.

We waved goodbye and left. We soon found our way over to a small restaurant when suddenly...

“Ugh oh ow ow ow ow ow!” I shouted painfully.

“Woah what’s wrong?” Amber asked worriedly.

“Agh, my stomach! It feels as if someone just whacked me in the balls with a balling ball.” I winced painfully.

“Here come sit down...” Amber said leading me to a nearby table.

A few minutes of pain rolled by until it finally fades away.

“Ah, I think the pain is going... ow that really hurt it felt like the worst cramp ever!” I said with pained relief.

“Jeez what in the world was that? Were you on your period or something?” Amber joked half-heartedly.

“I have no idea what that was, for the past few days my lower abdomen has been really sore. I just thought it might have been something I ate, but that was by far the worst stomach ache I have ever felt. I’m actually surprised that I didn’t throw up.” I said slightly shocked.

“Maybe you should eat something, that might help.” Amber suggested.

“Yeah maybe you’re right. Although I think I’m only going to have a small salad, so that just in case I do throw up it will only be salad and not meats.” I explained.

“That’s a good idea... wow you really are like a girl, you take forever getting dressed, you are experiencing random stomach cramps like you’re on your period or something and now you are ordering a small salad. Next thing you know we will be gossiping about boys.” Amber joked in an attempt to cheer me up. “Hey do you want a tampon or something? Or some hot cocoa?” We both laughed at that.

We continued to talk about school and our parents and the bitchy step-sister and a whole lot of other stuff throughout lunch. Until we both finished eating and decided to head back home. Once we gathered all of the shopping bags together we started heading towards the entrance of the mall that we were at, getting a few different cat calls from some stupid guys that we laughed off, we nearly reached the exit when all of a sudden...

“Ugh uh... oh no. Oh fuck! Ow ow ow ow!” I exclaimed suddenly.

Amber seeing that the pains were back grabbed ahold of me and guided me towards the bathrooms. I must have looked like I was going to be sick, I started to head into the boy’s bathroom when Amber grabbed me and instead shoved me into the girl’s bathroom, I had no time to complain because as soon as I entered the girl’s bathroom I ran towards the toilets and immediately threw up. I saw that Amber was calling someone, probably my parents. Once I finished throwing up I slowly got up which was a mistake because as soon as I got up my cramps came back tenfold. The last thing I remember was seeing Amber’s face over mine with tears in her eyes as everything turned to black.

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