Estrogen / Hormones

Elven Tales Book 1 Part 1

Elven Tales Book 1
How it happened to be

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2016 Branek. All rights reserved.

If you want to contact the author for any purposes feel free to use [email protected]

Everybody talks about how great elves are. They are faster, stronger, smarter more beautiful than any human. Yada yada you get what I mean. Sadly no one talks about the downsides of being and elv, especially not nowadays. Trust me, being a male elvin the 21th century I have experienced it first hand. You don’t believe me? Well take a seat and listen…

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 73)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

73 home in Amazon city

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 72)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

72 the return of Lady Clarissa and Lady Felicity

Reflections of the Heart 5

Alex spent his entire life working towards the goal of becoming a woman - from schooling to job.
And now, just before surgery, his family gets in the way!

Reflections of the Heart

By Sydney Moya

Copyright © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Sydney Moya
All Rights Reserved.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 69)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

69 Memories of Lieutenant Colonel Sapphire

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 67)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

67 the new Princess and Katelynn Decision

Nikki, part 24

“I, Nicola Christine Thomas,” I whisper as tears start to trickle from my eyes. “Take you, Sarah Jennifer Phillips…”

“Beep,” the minister says, derailing my train of thought. “Beep, beep, beep, beep….” I let out a long sigh as the pristine white veil of my wedding dress is replaced by the dark brown veil of my hair, which had flopped down in front of my face whilst I was sleeping.

“Morning,” I whisper to the beautiful girl whose face is the first thing I see every morning when I wake up- and whose own brown hair is, of course, tied back and away from her face.

Life in the shadows

Life in the shadows

Sydney Moya



Thando is a 27 year old woman. Everyone sees a man though and she can’t tell anyone otherwise. She feels trapped in a life she doesn’t want. What is she going to do?

Part one-Despondency

A New Cheerleader part 4

A New Cheerleader 4- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 63)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

63 Amazonia Prime the Home Planet of the Amazon Women

Ian, part 6

I yawn loudly as my alarm clock wakes me, and my yawns quickly turn to groans as I brush my growing blonde hair from my forehead and roll onto my sore, cramping stomach before grabbing my phone and switching off my alarm.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 61)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

61. Invasion Planet B in the Amazonia Terra prime zone

Demon Witch Cheerleaders (part 8)

my friend and I were at the wrong place at the wrong time when the cheerleaders come back then we were caught by them something was going to change me forever.

8 The State of Iowa falls to Evil Jade

The War of the Angels, part 5

"How- what- why-" Stephanie stammered as the flame-haired Scottish girl looked at her expectantly.

"I think you might need to sit down," Lauren giggled. "As I said, I've got a car waiting..."

"Umm, okay," Stephanie said, following Lauren to her car in a state of near-shock. "Why- why did you-"

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 57)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

57 swearing ceromony and suprise Party

The War of the Angels, part 4

"Uncle Joshua!?" Jonathan asked, his voice filled with panic. "Uncle Joshua! Get up! Please, please get up..."

"Oh my god," Viks gasped as she crouched down beside Joshua. "Steph, call 999! Now!"

"Uh, okay," Stephanie said, fumbling in her bag for her phone as Viks rolled Joshua onto his back and checked his neck.

"He's got a pulse but it's very weak," Viks said.

"What- what do we do?" Jonathan asked, unable to contain his sense of panic.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 56)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power

56 Scarlett Crackdown on upgrades at High schools

A New Cheerleader part 3

A New Cheerleader 3- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 55)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

55 England Holiday and Terrorist Trouble

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 54)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

54 Katelynn New Job and Alexis and Myra in England

The War of the Angels, part 3

“Stephanie…” Beverly whispered. “Even if I wrote you a prescription, it’d still only be dated from today. I can’t backdate them for the time you were supposed to have been taking hormones.”

“It’s still better than nothing,” Stephanie insisted. “Please, if I have to get down on my knees and beg, I will.”

“Stephanie,” Beverly sighed. “We’ve been over this time and time again, you know that oestrogen isn’t a magical cure to all your problems-“

“Not all of them, but this one, it is-“ Stephanie interrupted.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 51)

In year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . At age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this my story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else who I am now a woman with power.

51 life on Amazonia Terra

A New Cheerleader part 2

A New Cheerleader part 2- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

Unlikely Quarterback – 7 Family Matters

Unlikely Quarterback – 7
Family Matters

By Jessica C

Bryce Royce, raised a boy, was eleven before being told he was androgynous…
A short time later began the feelings and strange belief that indicated he’s more Elaine than boy Bryce. …That should have been okay, except Mr. Mike Royce was so set on Bryce being his boy and a football player…
Bryce trying to please Dad’s dream, kind of made it come true…
Elaine/Bryce became the unlikely Quarterback.

The War of the Angels, part 2

"Oh shit," Krystie gasped as she gently lowered Mary onto the floor. "Someone get me some hot water! Joshua, do you have any towels?"

"There are some in the dressing rooms, I'll get them now," Joshua said, hurrying out of the studio.

"I am NOT giving birth on this damned floor," Mary said between gasped breaths. "And I am most definitely NOT giving birth without painkillers!"

"Jamie, call 999," Krystie ordered. "Charlotte, call Dan, get him here now."

"Will do," Charlotte said, dialling the number for Mary's husband's workplace.

A New Cheerleader

A New Cheerleader- by Spencer1x

"Hi my name is Spencer, or at least it was before this mess. This is the story on how my life changed for the better (or worse depending on your point of view). And how I got to become one of the cheerleaders in my school."

Braintree Academy -- Part 2

Mel prepares for her first semester at Braintree. After graduating from middle school she is not as protected as she was. A near escape. Once at Braintree, things start taking on a momentum of their own.

The War of the Angels, part 1

Jamie-Lee Burke yawned as the alarm on her phone woke her from a dreamless slumber. It had been a long week, but it was now Friday- a chance to relax and let her hair down, which she had every intention of doing that night, surrounded by all her friends.

"Morning, sexy," Jamie whispered in the ear of her still-sleeping fiancé, who mumbled incoherently as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Does it have to be morning?" Stuart moaned, eliciting a small giggle from Jamie.

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 20 - Moving Day

Mom and Hannah’s wedding was a small affair with just a few friends. The judge was a friend of Mom’s. The honeymoon consisted of going home and going to bed. They put off a real honeymoon for when they had more time to plan.

Soixante-Trois Airlines: Jessica, part 13

“Now this is showing confidence in your series,” Natalie sighed as she poured out tall glasses of sparkling wine for her seven friends. “Broadcasting the premiere episode at half past ten on a Monday evening.”

“They couldn’t even have put it on last Monday, when it was a bank holiday,” Rachel sighed.

The Amazons: The future has changed now Amazon women rule Earth and the Galaxy ( part 31)

By the year 2232, the Earth is now ruled by Amazon women after around 40yrs ago an alien female Amazon force invaded our planet and made females superior , stronger and smarter . Now at the age of 16yrs. Boys will be told of a selection process my friends and I am due to for selection .
this our story how my friends and I lives were changed forever and the people around us and how I went from pleasant boy to someone else woman with power

31 new Governor general-elect

Laura, part 14

“Laura…” Mum sighs as I head toward the front door.

“What?” I ask with mock-innocence, before sighing as mum simply stares at me.

“You know what…” Mum says, and I can’t help but roll my eyes as I tug down the hem of my short, straight grey skirt. “ALL the way.”

“Oh- come on,” I moan. “What am I, a nun?”

“No,” mum replies. “You’re a fourteen year old girl.”

Amie and Jamie - Chapter 19 - More Changes

During summer vacation, Hanna and I became close. She invited me to go to her house when something was bothering me, and I took her up on the offer. At times, we had long talks and found that we saw eye to eye on a number of things.

One evening my mom came home from work and began showering and getting dressed up nice. She and Hanna were going to dinner. She explained that Hannah wanted to discuss something. It sounded kind of serious.

Discovery, Chapter 15 & Epilogue

Discovery, Chapter 15 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Steve is safe and the murderers are in jail. Certainly this is not the end of the story. There is the matter of the disposition of Ben Martindale’s estate. Also, what are Mannie and Steve going to do with the rest of their lives? You gotta do what you gotta do.

Discovery, Chapter 14 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 14 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

The weather takes a major shift and Mannie decides to catch up at the local beauty parlor. Once home she finds she just missed Steve who was going to meet with his friends in town. A series of phone calls makes her realize Andy Bennett has kidnapped him and probably intends to kill him. It’s not going to be easy, but Mannie is going to do her best to rescue him.

Discovery, Chapter 13 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 13 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Mannie decides to take their love to the next level. There is another blizzard, and Mannie, her Mother, and Steve work on what’s to be done with the estate.

Discovery, Chapter 12 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 12 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Fortunately, Steve’s injury is not too severe. The group is snowed in for a couple of days. Steve’s friend, Gary Smith reveals to Mannie he is aware of what she’s been through. He also confirms Steve is very much in love with her. It’s not a problem. It’s time to get Mannie’s mother.

Discovery, Chapter 11 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 11 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Someone sabotaged a bunch of Andy Bennett’s trucks and frack water trailers. They also stole one of his trucks. Andy got a shot or two off at the saboteurs. Steve and his friends show up at the ranch. Steve’s been shot.

Discovery, Chapter 10 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 10 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

In spite of a previous comment, the story continues.

It was the bike. He saw it and recognized it immediately. What he discovers after that wasn’t quite the surprise some would have thought. Mannie tells Steve about her uncle and what she suspects. Sheriff John is not happy at all about this tree hugger cutting in on the woman he fancies.

Discovery, Chapter 9 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 9 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Mannie does some investigating at the place where Uncle Ben was murdered. It suddenly becomes very obvious who the murderers are. She is also learning about the operation of the Antelope Bar & Grill. She feels she might be able to bring some good ideas back to the winery. The roustabouts are a group unto their own. The local government looks the other way when it comes to some of their activities – such as poker. The opera continues.

Discovery, Chapter 8 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 8 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Now the opera begins. Mannie meets with Sheriff John Craig. He is smitten immediately. He is nice but his heart is not in the same place hers is. He’s also about 20 years older than she is.

Discovery, Chapter 7 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 7 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Mannie does not hesitate one bit. Each step just makes her that much surer that she is doing the right thing. Of course she is going to transition, and the details aren’t that important in this story. Let’s just say it was a wonderful three years, and then tragedy.

Discovery, Chapter 6 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 6 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

It didn’t take much to get Manny to seek out the psychologist Maria recommended. Manny is very impressed and opens up with her. She explains his options. Doing nothing is always an option, but that is not his choice. He will go forward, but when?

Discovery, Chapter 5 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 5 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

It doesn’t take much to get Manny to seek out the psychologist Maria recommended. Manny is very impressed and opens up with her. She explains his options. Doing nothing is always an option.

Discovery, Chapter 4 of 15

Discovery, Chapter 4 of 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: What is discovery? Perhaps it’s finding something that you didn’t know existed. Maybe it’s finding a hidden treasure. Maybe it’s finding out something about yourself that many were aware of but you just didn’t know it.

Manny heads south to San Antonio on what is basically a long and boring ride. His mother greets him with the news that she will be going in the hospital. She has to have gall bladder surgery. They have a long discussion about his gender issues. It seems everyone knew all about it but Manny. He learns a bit more about his uncle. It’s a bit surprising. Then it’s off to Arkansas


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