Estrogen / Hormones

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 25 A Shoe Drops

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Abandoned Child Chapter 15 Final Chapter

Jessie was still recovering from her wounds. However, the doctor wasn’t ready to release her yet. She was still sharing the same room with her aunt. Her Aunt Mary was making progress with her recovery. Her doctor was thinking about releasing her in a few days. She was watching the news with her Aunt Mary yesterday afternoon, when the news caster spoke about the death of the President and Vice President of an MC under investigation in West Virginia were found dead.

Illusion of Being Maternal

It's time for a new Mercynaries illustrated story, The Illusion of Being Maternal. The story of a not-so-bright employee that just wants to help his company out, fashion, unnecessary puns, and sandwiches. I don't understand how the fashion industry works, so clearly it's controlled by a sinister cabal.

Our Patreon members get story plus the images as stand-alone files at full size.

Summer Intern - 3 Make It to the Weekend

Summer Intern - 3
Make It to the Weekend

Marty’s identity was found out traveling on his Spring Break...
Sandy and Hannah enjoyed helping Miss Marti to Blossom...
And now she living 24/7 during her Summer Internship

How Romeo and Juliet Changed My Life - Part I

Steve and Dave have jobs at an amusement park for the summer, which go up in smoke when the park is destroyed by fire. Instead, they end up going to the Laughton Academic Achievement Camp for the summer. Both sign up for drama class not having the faintest idea what it was about, except that it wasn’t PE.

Stephanie, part 14

As the bars of the final song of the night play, my bandmates and I take a step back from the edge of the stage and dip into a long curtsey. The entire crowd- all twenty thousand plus of them- all leap to their feet, screaming their approval of our concert just as they’ve done for every concert we’ve played over the last two and a half years. And just like all those previous concerts, I feel my skin tingling with goosebumps at the reaction of the people who’ve come to see us today.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 23 Fleet of Foot

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Tales Of A New Town: Pre-founding

The only violence in this chapter is in the description of Quinn's war wound and Will's on duty injury.

I apologize for not posting anything for so long, I was dealing with bad migraines for about three weeks from late April to mid-May, and my muse apparently decided to take a hike, leaving me with four pieces partially written. This is the first of those I've managed to finish.


The Waitress : Chapter 13 : The price of hormones


The Waitress


Copyright© 2017 Anna Hurley (BrokenFox)
All Rights Reserved.


Synopsis: Alex gets to know Jen a little better, and finds out she knows a lot more than she lets on. She also learns whether or not Jen will help her get hormones.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 22 My Love Sonnet

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

VentureRealm Amusement Park


Audience Rating: 


Other Keywords: 


The Park Sign.png

What if one day an opportunity hit, that allowed you to make a childhood dream come true? Would you do that, or something even better? Terry Frost finally has a chance to not only make his dream of being Tessa come true, she has the chance to go further than any dream she ever had as a child.

The Waitress : Chapter 11 : A pleasant school morning


The Waitress


Copyright© 2017 Anna Hurley (BrokenFox)
All Rights Reserved.


Synopsis: Alex goes to school with a plan, but some run-ins with some a few people throw her off course

Authors note:
I'm eating pizza! :D
Thanks for all of the support on the past chapters! It's the fuel that keeps my writing engine running!
I hope you all enjoy this one! Comments and kudos are appreciated!


Lady in Waiting Book 2 Part 2

lady in waiting 2.jpg

Book Two

Lady in Waiting Part 2

Charlotte and Anna board the ship that is taking her brother to Portugal. Anna catches the eye of a young midshipman and romance blossoms at the same time Charlotte starts to teach Anna her letters and numbers as to be a Ladies Companion Anna needs some education.

Road Phantoms - Chapter 03


  At anytime over a million trucks are professionally driven on the highways and by-ways of America. Carrying everything from acid to yachts. Not all loads are so innocuous. Some are precious and some are out-right lethal. For loads that are deemed dangerous or valuable to be referred to as High-Security, special trucks are used. Trucks that look so normal, one would never guess it from any other. Trucks that run in secret, apart from their company, called Ghost Fleets. Others have no markings at all, and are specially modified. One such company that specializes in High-Security Loads; Phantom Lines....


A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed -- Chp. 20 Last Dance?

I got to know Doug so quickly in fact that it felt like I knew him my whole life. Nothing seemed out of bounds, except my dark secret. And even there Doug got to know me better than I know myself. The real me.

A Friend in Need is a Friend in Deed


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

The Waitress : Chapter 5 : Anya


The Waitress


Copyright© 2017 Anna Hurley (BrokenFox)
All Rights Reserved.


Synopsis: Alex is a young boy who wants to be a girl, but has hidden this from everyone around him. That is, until he is saved from a bully by an older girl, Jen, who makes him an amazing offer: Work with her as a waitress at her sister’s themed café!

The Waitress : Chapter 4 : Her heroine


The Waitress


Copyright© 2017 Anna Hurley (BrokenFox)
All Rights Reserved.


Synopsis: Alex is a young boy who wants to be a girl, but has hidden this from everyone around him. That is, until he is saved from a bully by an older girl, Jen, who makes him an amazing offer: Work with her as a waitress at her sister’s themed café!


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