Estrogen / Hormones

The Boy on the milk carton

.The boy on the Milk Carton

Written by Dauphin
Who was the boy on the milk carton?
"Once in a while we get a gem, and this one had my hankies out and emotions flowing" Diana
"I did not want a story about MtF, but turning the story upside down and was a bit original. I really had fun doing this and it was like I was living in the story! " Dauphin

Mother and Daughter, part 6

"Hey," Monique whispered as she poked her head around Ellie's bedroom door. "Me and Kace are here, we was wondering, you know, how you were feeling today?"

"I'm fine," Ellie mumbled into her pillow, not even opening her eyes to look at her friend.

"Okay," Monique replied, nodding her head as she realised that her presence in the room was not welcome. "We- we'll be outside if you, you know, wanna get up..." The dark-skinned girl sighed as she led Kacey back into the flat's living room, where Janet waited with a look of anticipation on her face.

A Legal Trap - Chapter 7


Janet remains an odd piece of the puzzle Elizabeth can't figure out, but continues to go along with deceiving her. Have they found Amber's 'Daddy'? And what happened last night with Paul that made Elizabeth question everything she thought she knew and felt about them getting closer?

Stephanie, part 18

I let out a happy sigh as I wake up in my warm, cozy bed to discover that during the night, Kayla’s arms have wrapped themselves around my body- and mine have wrapped themselves around hers.

Not A Girl

This story very briefly uses the characters Katie, Liam, Pat, Brendan, Niall and Jimmy from my story Some Gave All which I posted here last summer:

This story is related to that one, as it tells about things that happened at the orphanage after those six kids ran away in May of 2006.

Most of the story is told from one boy's viewpoint, i. e., memories of what happened to himself and some other boys there.

Danny's Other Stories


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Danny's OTHER Stories
by Roberta J Cabot

These are other stories about Danny Fairchild from the story "Danny," by Bobbie Cabot. Know that these stories, though connected to Danny and his friends, have no material bearing on the narrative of the main story, and should be treated as stand-alone stories.

Still, i think they're fun stories. The fun never stops with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang.


A Game Of Cards Chapter 3

A Game Of Cards

Chapter 3

" You got me a BIKINI?"

Jake looked at the red string bikini in utter disgust as Jen chuckled. He was now annoyed at Jen.

" This is too much Jen! First you cheat and paint my nails but I don't utter a word. You make me wear heels but I don't complain much. Now a bikini? What are you trying to do?"

" Okay. I agree to cheating in poker. I only did that because I wanted to paint your nails since three years and I could never make you agree to it."

" So that is why every bet we make involves you painting my nails?"

Fem Bug Virus

Janice who used to be John rambles a bit of the last twenty years on how she finally became the woman she always wanted to be.

My midnight muse hit after reading a few of Morpheus's "Bug" stories.

Spring Hill Academy: Prologue

I am a reserve warden at the Spring Hill Academy about two hours southwest of London. The academy is on the border of Dorset and Somerset, less than fifteen miles from where those counties meet the eastern tip of Devon. The academy is about five miles from my home.

By reserve warden, I mean I am an extra person on a roving watch at the academy. There have been some nasty things going on there over the last six to nine months, and after I took in Penny and Jane who were students there, the headmistress roped me into helping her.

Jacinta, part 13

“This is DEFINITELY one of my favourite times of year, hehe!” I giggle as I paint a thin horizontal red stripe onto my friend’s cheek.

“What, autumn?” Sarah replies with a snort of laughter. “Everything getting colder, it raining constantly, going through, like, fifty pairs of tights every week?”

“…Okay, THAT isn’t much fun,” I concede as I carefully paint an orange stripe underneath Sarah’s red stripe. “I am, as you damn well know, referring to Freshers’ Week!”

Step By Step Chapter 3

Things quietened down quite a bit after dad pulled that stupid stunt in the Skate Park and was beaten so easily by Melissa.

I found it hard to believe she had once been a boy, but she had no reason to lie to me, I suppose. Damn, she is one fine woman!

Only time would tell if she remembered the emails I had given her. It would be nice to talk with someone who understands.

Little Girl Sitting

“But mom do I really have to take the twins to cheerleading practice again? All I do is drive them around. Ever since when I was in sixth grade until now; I am a high school freshmen now, I had to save all my baby-sitting money to buy this car.” 

I look at mom, she puts her hands on her hips and gives me that look which means if I say another word I am dead. “Now enough of that young man, I know you are 13-years-old now. I also know you think you are so grown up!” I watch as mom is staring eye to eye with me, which is never a good thing.



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Hi everyone! I'm new here, and getting used to the system. I want to expose my writing to a wider audience, but I have to admit I like the system at TGStorytime so much better. If I get a lot of comments I may post them all here as well, otherwise please have look at my work. You can download in a epub format there or just casually read on the site! Please let me know how you like or dislike my writing!

Mouikkai Musume


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Kozuke gently runs the washcloth through the basin of scented soapy water, and begins to gently sponge the sweat off of her body. For some reason, she is always very sweaty in the morning. He suspects her dreams aren’t pleasant.

Laura, part 19

"My power flurries through the air into the ground," I sing as I dramatically glide across the stage, my ice blue dress flowing around me with every step I take.

"My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past..."

"Let it go, let it go," I sing, my lungs feeling like they're going to break under the strain.
"And I'll rise like the break of dawn,
Let it go, let it go,
That perfect girl is gone.
Here I stand,
In the light of day,

Ships (A Prequel?)

Ships (...A Prequel?)
by Amalia Solara

Sabina is a cynical, homeless young trans woman who prioritizes hormones even over such necessities as food and shelter. Deborah is an anxious workaholic with social issues and an apparent softer side, a responsible up-and-coming professional who has just had surgery. A serendipitous encounter on the subway system brings these two women briefly into each other's orbit, where they leave powerful impressions on each other and reveal vulnerable aspects of themselves through their differences, without fully realizing all that they have in common.

The Belles of Christmas

I was on my way to my second period, English class when I saw the crowd gathering around the bulletin board outside, our guidance counselor’s office , Ms. Brumfeld . Curiosity got the better of me so I pushed my way through the throng until I saw what the fuss was about . A big notice announcing “Contestants wanted for the 2nd annual “The Belles of Christmas Pageant” . What might you ask , is that? I will tell you.

This year, for sure!

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


This year, for sure!

Last year was a failure,
Summer was a bust,
Fall fell apart.
One last go!

He'll notice me this time or else!

December 2017 Christmas Dreams Story Contest Entry


Mourning Dew -- Chp. 3

Camille Jean Laignaux comes home to a strange new world. And Mr. Jack starts a new job. Camille meets the girls from school.

Mourning Dew


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Stephanie, part 17

“Cheese!” I yell, pulling my widest grin as I and my other bandmates pose for a selfie with the excited young woman.

“Oh my god, thank you so much!” The girl- who I am told is barely eighteen years old- squeaks, before heading into the crowd to find other famous faces to photograph.

“You know, I like the idea, yeah?” Adeola says. “Giving, like, fans the chance to come to these parties…”

“Especially as, if memory serves, that’s how someone became part of this ‘family’ in the first place?” I tease Becca, who rolls her eyes and sighs over-dramatically.


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