Estrogen / Hormones

Mother and Daughter, part 8

"Miracles do happen, then?" Janet asked, making Ellie roll her eyes as she walked into the kitchen, her fluffy pink dressing gown wrapped around her to shield her from the morning autumn air.

"So I'm excited about today," Ellie shrugged. "Sue me. And besides, it's not like I shouldn't be eager to get back to college- it's not like my summer holidays have been anything to write home about."

One a Day For Girls

One a Day for Girls
By Mel Huntington

The author welcomes feedback at [email protected]

This is the story of a mother and her child. She gave birth 18 years ago and was sure she was having a girl. But there were complications and this is the story of how that cosmic mistake got rectified.

I was studying my notes for my Chemistry final when I heard my Mother's voice as she came down the stairs.

"Happy birthday my darling boy! How does it feel to be 18 and only three days from graduation?"

Almost Fiance' Part 5 (Conclusion?)

Almost Fiancé

Part 5 (Conclusion?)

By Nina Adams

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This is part 5 and concluding section of the story. In these chapters Lyla has family and deep personal issues to sort out. Has the deception and changes been more than Lyla can handle or has the guidance been a blessing. What will become of Jessica and Lyla and where will the future point.


Jacinta, part 15

“Ahh!” I screech as my ‘seat’ slides across the ground, threatening to tip me on my backside with every movement it makes. “Jeez- how did I let you talk me into this again?”

“You said you wanted a Valentine’s date that was truly unique,” the young Welshman replies with an almost sadistic chuckle as he fiddles with his controls. “I guarantee you, this is something no one will have ever done before!”

“There’s a reason for that!” I complain, grimacing as I feel the cold February air blow up my extra-short skirt. “And I’m not really dressed for it either!”


A Staycation Contest Entry

Max Williams smiled when he saw it was his mom calling. It was always great to talk to her. Since she remarried, she’d never been happier.

“Hey, mom. What’s up?”

“Hi, sweetie. How are you doing?”

“I’m great. When are you coming up to visit again?”

“Honey, Henry and I are passing thru in the night. We’re headed up to New York City for the Spring and then we’re flying over to Greece for a cruise. I was hoping you’d do me a favor.”

“Sure. Just say the word.”

Almost Fiance' Part 4

Almost Fiancé

Part 4

By Nina Adams

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This is part 4 of a planned 5 part story. In this section the challenges go far beyond just the previous rollercoaster of emotions. Lyle/Lyla learns of the deception that has lead to all the changes. Lyle/Lyla is not sure how to cope with the growing mixed emotions and Fiance'.


I, Jennifer Ch. 03

I, Jennifer
Michele Nylons


Chapter Three: Love Your Suit

Jennifer is put to use by The Movement, sent into Cybertronics Inc HQ to gather evidence against the company to prove their illegal activities. Christina reveals to Jennifer why she hates Hominoids so much but they are forced into an uneasy alliance. Please take note of the Caution.

Star Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Star's POV

I could hear a clutter of feet going down the stairs and then shortly afterwards Janice was coming towards me, smiling after she recognised me through the window in the door. Kayla was standing behind me. I didn't place her there, she was just a bit nervous, so she stayed behind me and then popped her head around me occasionally to see what was going on. It was so cute.

She opened the door. “Star, what happened, I was getting worried.” Then she noticed Kayla. “Oh, hello sweetie.”



Audience Rating: 


Star is a big hearted 14 year old runaway with anger issues. Life for Star has been tough, but it has created a strength and resilience in character and a strong drive to protect family. With an incredible mind, Star shows that size and strength can be trumped by clever thinking.

Mother and Daughter, part 7

Janet fidgeted as she sat back down in her stiff, uncomfortable seat. She was immaculately dressed in a smart black skirt suit, a clean white blouse, wrinkle-free light-coloured tights and low heels that matched that her suit. Beside her, Ellie was also dressed smartly, far more smartly than she ever had been in her soft white blouse and knee-length black pencil skirt. With her toned down make-up and her blonde hair clipped back into a ponytail, she was every inch the smart young woman.

Laura, part 20

“This one’s for table six,” my colleague Saffron says to me as she places two hot cups of coffee on my tray. I take the opportunity to stealthily straighten my tight miniskirt before grabbing my tray and taking it over to the young couple at the corner table.

“Ah, thank you!” The young man says with genuine gratitude as I hand him and his girlfriend their drinks. “Can we also order a plate of chips to share, please?”

“Sure!” I enthuse. “What flavour would you like?”

“Let’s try the chilli and cheese,” the young woman says with a devilish grin.

Better Than The Alternative? : Chapter 5

Jordan had been given a second chance to live after overcoming a very unique medical condition. While the procedure saves his life, the side effects that he faces are the last things a 14 year old boy would want. Convinced with what he knows lies ahead, is it better than the alternative?

Better Than The Alternative?
Chapter 5

By Rebecca Jane
Copyright© 2018 Rebecca Jane
All Rights Reserved.

Ian, part 13

“Mmph,” I hear a familiar soft, feminine voice moan as my eyes slowly open. It’s a voice that brings back both good and bad memories- bad memories as it’s a voice that I had for the first sixteen years of my life, a voice that made me cringe every time it passed my lips. But it also brings good memories as in this case, it’s not coming from my mouth, but from the mouth of the beautiful redhead that’s snuggled up against me.

“Morning babe,” I say, waking Chloe up with a gentle kiss. “We should probably get ready- big day today, heh.”

Miss Anne Thrope


Miss Anne Thrope

© 2004
by Nom de Plume

As I write this tale of woe, the sight of manicured fingers flitting over my keyboard evokes the utter misery of my situation. Not long ago, I was vice president of a major pharmaceutical firm, with a six figure salary and a corner office. Now I am sitting in a secretary’s cubicle, trying to keep from snagging my pantyhose each time I escape from my pathetic little desk. How did this ever happen to me?

Originally posted 2004/11/17

Girl’s Night Out - 7 New Sense of Family and Friends

Girl’s Night Out - 7
New Sense of Family and Friends

By Jessica C

Nera took Heath for his second time to their Girls Night out…
Somewhere that night Heath became Dara and free to be…

Step By Step: Chapter 4

I awoke and found myself lying on one of the two gurneys in the nurse's office in school. It took a moment before I remembered what had happened that caused me to be here. Let's just say that my face was fire engine red and that is when the nurse entered!

She smiled at me, then asked me to lie down again, saying, "You hit your head when you fell from your seat. You've only been here for a few minutes, child. I had to call your foster parent to inform them of your injury, she'll be here in about twenty minutes."

Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie- Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie

(This story is ADULT fiction. Comments would be appreciated. Thank you.)


“Adjourn to breakfast and meet back here in an hour. Take note that from this point forward any time you need to pee you MUST sit down. To not do so could put you on ward C. As you noticed there will be NO excuses. Enjoy your breakfast and special vitamins. Report back here in 60 minutes for a late breakfast. We have many things that you need to know.”

Day 16 - Breakfast

Breast is not necessarily best

Synopsis: When Daniel gets offered a temporary job in the mail room, he little realises just where it will quickly lead him. Nor does he realise the consequences.

Author Notes: This story does have extensive breast feeeding content, along with some sexual content.

Indeterminate sentence - Jenny & Stacie (Chapter 1)

(Chapter 1) - Caught, convicted and waiting. There was no jury, only a panel of three women to determine your fate here; an indeterminate fate. One day you have a life and the next day you just disappear… for an indeterminate period of time. No hope of rescue. No recourse. The only ‘course’ you could expect was intercourse we were told.

(This story is ADULT fiction. There will be four chapters. Comments are appreciated.)

Prelude – Caught, convicted and waiting: "My name is Jenny"

Days 1 – 14

Jacinta, part 14

“Ow…” I moan as my eyes slowly open and my body shivers in the cold December air. I glance over at my phone, which reveals that the time is 8:05am and today is Monday- which causes me a moment of panic before I remember that today’s date is the 18th of December and we broke up from college a week ago, meaning I’m under no obligation to get up early today- or at all, if I don’t want to. As I lay in bed, memories of exactly why I’m this hungover on a Monday morning come flooding back to me- and put very conflicted feelings in my heart.


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