The Wager - Part 8

Chapter Thirty Four

Week forty one and I was picking Liam up from school. Sam was giving him his tea on Monday and Tuesday while Tim, Mike and I went running. On the Tuesday evening we were nearing the end of the run when I sprinted ahead of the other two leaving them well behind. I turned to see how far behind they were and saw a familiar van pulling in along side me. The two huge goons jumped out and the first one grabbed me. Ever since the rape, I had always carried the pepper spray either in my bag or, when out running, on a strap around my wrist. Before the first goon could grab me, I gave him a full blast of pepper spray in the face. As he reeled back I put every bit of strength I had into kicking him in the balls. My anger at the rape put extra force into the kick. He dropped to his knees one hand to his eyes, the other to his balls.

The second goon grabbed me pinning my arms to my side and was about to throw me in the van when we both went flying. Mike had hit the goon with one of his best blind side forward tackles. I was winded and stayed down for a minute. The other two were up in a flash but the goon had a wicked looking knife with which he stabbed Mike in the stomach. Mike went down on one knee then came up and hit the goon with a powerful uppercut. The goon was about to cut Mike again when I managed to spray him. He clutched at his eyes and I launched another kick which just bounced off his leg. Mike was on the floor clutching his stomach but Tim had now arrived.

Fortunately for Tim, the guy in the van called his goons off and they staggered half blind into the van and it sped off. Mike was bleeding badly and I used Tim’s phone to call an ambulance and the police. I took my top off, folded it into a pad and pressed it on the wound. It seemed to take ages for the ambulance to arrive. They just beat the police. Both Mike and Tim were shaking with shock. It had all happened so fast.

I gave Tim instructions to tell Sam what had happened, but not to tell Liam yet. Off to the hospital and Mike was straight through A&E and on his way to the operating theatre. Two hours of anxious waiting and the doctor came to see me.

“He is going to be alright. The wound did not damage any organs and was more superficial than it looked. There was a lot of bleeding though and your swift action compressing the wound saved him from severe blood loss. He is going to have a scar across his stomach but he should be up and around in a couple of days. He will have to take it very easy until the wound heals. I think we will keep him in for a couple of days, then you can take him home.”

The police had already interviewed Tim and me and taken statements. A quick witted member of the public filmed the last bit of the attack, including the van driving away. The goons had picked a spot where there were no cameras, so the telephone film was all there was. The number plate had been checked already and the number belonged to a Nissan Micra. The police had already realized that there was a link between this and the rape case that I had refused to pursue. We alerted the police to the possible link with the alleged bribery case.

All this time I had been walking around with only my running gear less my top. The policeman’s eyes kept drifting down to my sports bra during the interview. Sometimes big nipples are a nuisance.

Sam had been keeping in touch over the phone and keeping Liam amused. I got home as quickly as I could and told Liam that his dad had been hurt whilst saving me from some bad men. He was going to be alright but he had to stay in hospital for one or two nights. Liam looked relieved when I told him that he was staying with me while his dad was in hospital.

As soon as had changed we took Liam in to see his dad. When we got there we found that Mike was coming round after being stitched back together. Liam was very worried but he calmed down when his dad started to perk up. I told Liam what a hero his father was and Mike blushed at my telling of the tale. He was very concerned about Liam but relaxed a little when we told him that Liam would stay with us. Mike looked tired but relieved.

We kept Liam off school the following day so that he could spend time with his dad. Liam spent a chunk of the day in the studio playing on our computers. One little self indulgence, in the studio, was our games set up. We had state of the art gaming kit so that we could play when we were not working. Well if your work is computers, then you might as well take the benefits.

I had been massively troubled by the attack, not for me, but for those around me. When we dropped Liam off to spend time with his dad, Sam and I had a talk.

“Sam, I can’t go on with this. I have a guy who loves me, lying in hospital, thinking that I love him. He has risked his life for me and saved me from being raped or worse. He has enough troubles with looking after his poor kid without me stringing both him and Liam along. I have to be straight with him. If it blows us out of the water, then so be it. I just can’t lie to Mike any more. He will probably want to kill me when he finds out.”

“It’s OK Jen. I thought that you would decide this way. I’m just surprised it took so long. I haven’t been happy with the deception from the start. Mike is a nice guy and he deserves better than to be the butt of a con. The fact that Justin sent his goons after you again, would mean to me that he is worried about the bribery case being opened again. Maybe we can win through that way.”

“How am I going to tell Mike though?”

“Just be absolutely straight. How do you really feel about Mike?”

“Well if I did not have you and if I really was a woman, I think I would have fallen in love with him very deeply.”

“That is not a real answer. Do you love him?”

“Yes. I wish I was two people. Yes I do love him, shit I can do without these complications. I wish that I had a separate me that I could send away with Mike. That me, would be a real woman and would look after him and become a mother to Liam. I could shag the pants off him given half a chance. What a mess. I am so looking forward to being a mum or a dad to our child. As soon as we get Justin off our backs, I want us to just be happy parents together. Why the hell did I agree to this wager? I should have just killed Justin and pleaded mitigation.”

“It is too late now. We are where we are. If you told Mike the truth and he still wanted you, I would understand if you wanted to go with him. I would hate it with all my being, but I would understand. You have become Jen. Tom is still there, but he is now hidden far underneath. This change has been a problem for us both to adapt to. I have found it difficult losing my man and finding him changed into a woman. I love that woman and the remaining vestiges of Tom. I would not have chosen to bear Tom’s child if I did not want to stay with Jen and Tom for the rest of my life. If I am being honest with myself and with you, I can not see Jen being able to return to being Tom. I suspect that this journey is one way.”

“Bugger, I hope you are not right, but I suspect you are. I don’t know how we can make sense of this but I am with you for the long haul. I think I will always have feelings for Mike as well. Bugger and damn. How the hell do we manage this?”

“Just tell Mike the truth and we will have to see how things unfold.”

Once the decision was made, the indecision started. How the hell do you tell someone you love, that you have conned them, that you are a man, that you have no intention of living with them and that you are really deeply in love with another person?
I went to the hospital with Sam. She picked up Liam and took him home and I stayed on to talk with Mike.

“Mike, I have a confession to make to you and I hope that you will not hate me too much when I have finished telling you the truth. I ask two things of you. The first is to believe the truth that I love both you and Liam very deeply. If that were not the case then I would not be telling you the truth. The second is to ask you to hear the whole story before you kill me or throw me out.”

I then went through the whole story, right from my schooldays to now. The look on his face changed from anger to sadness to anguish to concentration to anger to disappointment to determination and changed again and again. I had been crying for most of the telling. It was not till I told the whole story that I realized how much Justin had already wrecked my life. I had not accepted quite how much I had changed, physically and emotionally. I had not realized quite how much my life with Sam had changed and I had not realized quite how much I loved this man. The whole tale took nearly an hour and a half to tell and at the end there was so much that I had left out.

“So you see Mike, I am already married and I love my wife, my lifelong partner and the mother to be, of our child. The bastard of it all is that I also love you and that is why I had to tell you. If I had been a complete woman I would have consummated that love with you weeks ago and a multitude of times since.”

“Well, my mystery lady, that explains so much of the mystery around you. I thought that you might be a confused lesbian and that you could not decide whether to stay with Sam or come with me. I could tell that you loved Sam a lot but I was living in hope. I feared that I would not win. I knew that you were torn. I know that you love me but now I know that love may not be strong enough.”

“Mike you bastard, how can you be so nice when I have told you everything?”

“Because you are a wonderful person and I love you. By the way this does explain why you know so much about rugby and can perform a perfect scrum half pass. I should have recognized it from when I played against you.”

“But how can you be so forgiving, I am a man?”

“No you are not. I think you stopped being a man quite some time ago. Face it you are a lovely feminine woman now, even if all your plumbing has not changed.”

“Mike, would you mind terribly if I kissed you?”

“I would be rather delighted but mind my stitches.”

We clung together in a slow, wonderful soft kiss as the tears streamed down my face. I was now more sexually confused than I had ever been in my life.

“Jen, now I know the truth, will you agree to spend time with Liam and me. He loves you too and it would give him some stability. I promise that I won’t make any demands on you.”

“You big lump of a blind side, I would be delighted. I can’t help it if I love you as well as Sam. I am committed to her but I would like to stay in Liam and your life.”

“You do realise that if we don’t let on that you have told me, you can still win you the wager.”

“God I love you.”

“I do hope so. By the way, I thought that Liam had confirmed my confused lesbian theory when he told me that you and Sam shared a bedroom. Any way there are other more important things. I shall be here for another two days. Can you look after Liam?”

“Of course. You should stop with us for a few days, at least until you have healed enough to look after yourself.”

“Will Sam be OK with that?”

“You saved me from being raped and possibly worse, of course she will. I will be sleeping in Sam’s bed though.”


I gave Mike a warm loving kiss and cuddle before saying goodbye. I did love this man. When I got home Sam had put Liam to bed.


“The rotten sod broke me up by being horribly understanding and nice. He said that he still loves me despite my extra bits. He said that I am a woman despite them and despite my belief that I am still really male.”

“I’m kind of with him there.”

“I asked him back here to recuperate, when he gets out of hospital, are you ok with that.”

“Seeing as he could have lost his life saving my partner and lover, how could I complain. But while he is here you are sleeping with me, not him.”

“I already told him that.”


“He has suggested that we carry on as if he did not know about the wager. He is quite happy to go ahead with an engagement and to arrange a wedding.”

We got Mike back to our place on the Friday. He was still weak and needed to take things very steadily. On Friday evening we left Mike and Liam together and went to tell both sets of parents about the pregnancy. They were all absolutely overjoyed. There was concern over what would happen if we lost the wager but mostly there was complete joy.

On Sunday I took Liam to his mini rugby session. There was no game, so it was a coaching day. I ended up teaching the young boys and girls how to do a quick, long, scrum half pass and how to draw a man before passing. I had brought my old rugby boots and had worn a track suit. I had unconsciously taken Mike’s role with Liam. Liam was delighted with the skills and popularity of his Aunt Jen. It seemed that several of the dads were also delighted with the display his aunt Jen was giving. It was not until I overheard a lewd comment, that I realized that I had an audience. While Liam was being washed and changed, one of the senior coaches came and asked if I would be prepared to join the coaching team. He said that my presence would encourage the girls to join in. The idea was tempting, I was missing my rugby.

Chapter Thirty Five

Week forty two and Mike was starting to move about carefully. It was obvious that Sam was keeping a close eye on him when he was around me. Mike was also being on his best behaviour. It was rather exciting having two potential mates circling round me.

Mike raised an issue that we had not thought through right at the start. If Mike and I were going to arrange a wedding, we had to apply for a marriage certificate. It was the terms of the wager that a marriage had to have been arranged. That included the certificate. Sam and I were now divorced so that was no problem. I had opened a bank account in the name of Jen with a credit card facility. We had been able to fake papers very easily for that. I had proof of residence and that I was single. What I did not have was a birth certificate or other proof that Jen existed. Panic ensued. How could I have missed this crucial element.

We were racking our brains when Sam finally suggested asking Kevin. As luck would have it Kevin was free. He had just finished another government request. He had not had time to start searching for the extra information that we needed about the bribe but he would get onto it straight away. He asked how permanently we wanted to change my details. When we told him why we wanted the proof of identity, he grinned and said that it was no problem., but could he have a date with me in return. The answer was a friendly no. With Kevin’s assurance that things would be in hand, we left that problem to him.

The Cambridge research team wanted to see me again and said that they had some findings for me and wanted to do further checks. We were on top of the work in the studio so I went up to see them. I was again X rayed, scanned and samples taken. The extra information that they had gleaned had confirmed their findings. I was only one of ten males known worldwide to have my exact make up of chromosomes. Of that ten I was the only one who had been placed on a feminizing hormone regime. As such I was unique. The findings, that they had, showed that my very rapid response to the hormone treatment, the speed with which my testicles atrophied and how the body started to reject them, appeared to be unique. There were clear indications that I had gone through a normal but highly accelerated female puberty. It was clear that my pelvis had changed shape over the nine and a half months on hormones. There was evidence that the change was still occurring at a slowing rate. I now had a noticeably female pelvic bone structure. My breasts were very mature for a person who had only been on hormones for a relatively short period of time. My hair, skin and body fat distribution were now female.

They said that it was clear that my penis had now shrunk more than would have been expected in the time. It was clear that my body wanted to be female. If I stopped taking female hormones the changes would probably cease to develop further, but somehow, my body was producing low level background estrogen. On its own it would probably maintain my feminine body. If I wanted to change back to male, they would advise against it, because it would require a level of testosterone which they believed my body would reject. What they wanted to do was to carry out further research and publish a paper on their results. In return they would monitor my health and ensure that my peculiarities did not endanger my health.

This came as a shock. What they were saying was that whatever happened, I could never successfully go back to being Tom. It made me extremely depressed. I needed to talk to Sam.

“What news from Cambridge?”

“Well they have confirmed that I am a freak. I have apparently started to grow a female pelvis, or, at least, very close to one. I wondered why my running stride had changed and why my hips had ached. They say that it has reached the stage where it is unlikely that I could ever be convincingly male again. They also suspect that my body may react against testosterone if I want to change back. I can’t produce my own any more. I think might I have lost Tom for good and I am worried that I will lose you as a result.”

“To be honest Jen, I think the macho, masculine, male bit of Tom has been gone some time. I think I knew that he was disappearing for good before I decided that I wanted our child. We are going to have to face the fact that our future is as two women. You are still my love and my partner.”

“But you have been getting horny and I know that you are missing a man and that I can no longer fulfill that function like I used to. I struggle to achieve any sort of erection now and what there is, fails to do its job properly.”

“I love the physical love that we have. Remember, when we were at the naturist camp, I taught you how to love me as a girl. I am very happy with that.”

“Sam, I know you need a real man and I have thought about it. I asked the other girls about men. They gave me funny looks, like I was wanting a bit on the side. Anyway, I thought of Danny. He is a woman’s dream in bed apparently and he is a lovely guy. He only ever wants to make a woman happy with uncomplicated sex. He never wants a relationship. I am sure that you could have uncomplicated sex with him with no strings and no ties. I would not like it, but I can live with it. I know you are horny and frustrated.”

“Oh Jen I love you. You are a beautiful person. You know I would never leave you for someone else. I must admit though, in my horniest moments, I have had a few fantasies about Danny. But let’s talk about you for now. You are now Jen far more than you are Tom. You have had conformation of what I have suspected for some time. It will be very difficult and probably impossible, physically, for you to get back to being Tom. Emotionally you are Jen much more than Tom. As Jen you are a lovely person. I think I might love Jen even more than Tom. Jen may not be able to rattle my bones like Tom, but she gives me so many lovely things that Tom could not match. I love Jen and I have tried to help her become a complete person. Do you realise that I have to bully Jen into being girly. Jen wears simple underwear, low heels, little make up, trousers or jeans whenever possible and gets flustered and embarrassed with male attention. I have tried to get Jen to just relax and enjoy being a woman, to enjoy dressing up, feeling sexy and turning men on. There is great fun in being a woman. If Jen would just accept it being Jen, then we could have fun together, being women. I think you would be happier if you accepted that Tom was gone and that your future, our future, is with you as Jen. Accept that you are a girl and enjoy it. Say the word and we will shop and sex up your wardrobe.”

That was one hell of a message to hear from Sam. I had wanted reassurance that I could get back to being Tom and Sam was telling me to go for being Jen fully and happily. I went to our room to think and have a really good look at myself. I stripped naked and looked at myself in the mirror. Facially I was a good looking woman, it was a strong face but definitely feminine. My hair was glossy, full and in a cheeky female style. My shoulders were like a female swimmer’s. I was a little broad, but the shoulders were smooth rather than heavily muscled. My rib cage was short and did not flair out like some men’s did. My boobs were rounded and firm, possibly a little small for my height. I now had a full B cup that needed no padding. My stomach was flat and I had a waist. My hips were noticeably wider now that my attention had been drawn to them and my thighs and bum were trim, but cute and feminine. The cheeks of my bum were no longer concave at the side but beautifully rounded and running in a lovely curve into my thighs. My crutch looked strange with no balls and although my penis was still there, it was very much reduced from its previous size. My legs were shapely and my ankles slim. My hands and feet were a little on the large side, but with the manicured toes and nails, they looked feminine. I was looking at a tall, athletic woman who had a strange looking willy instead of a fanny. I could see no sign of Tom, other than his reduced dick.

Could I just forget being Tom and grasp being a woman with both hands. I had no trouble being a woman for Mike, or being an aunty for Liam. Did I want to be fully a woman?

Kevin rolled up later in the week clutching some paperwork and with a big grin on his face. He asked if I had changed my mind about a date with him now that he had proved himself a genius. He then produced a birth certificate for Jennifer Mary Young born to the same parents on the same day as Thomas George Young. I was now my twin. Kevin said that he had added Jen and not removed Tom. The certificate would be fine as long as I did not break the law. Once I no longer needed the birth certificate he could remove me from the data base.

More good news, Kevin had been able to find emails and texts on King-Smyth’s records that indicated, that the money that had appeared in his account, had been in some way related to the award of the contract. Unfortunately, Kevin had not been able to trace who the emails or texts had come from. We knew who had sent them, but had no proof. I gave Kevin a huge thank you but still no date.

Our new information was passed on to our retired police friend. He informed us that, in the light of his complaint, a superintendant and a chief inspector were under investigation. The alleged bribery case was progressing but very slowly. The investigating officers were still gathering information before interviewing King-Smyth.

By the end of the week, Mike was starting to feel much better and moved back home with Liam. Liam made me promise to go to rugby with him on Sunday, because they had a game against the local rivals.

Friday night and Sam and I went out for a meal. It was a lovely evening and I had worn a dress that was cut low off the shoulder, had spaghetti straps and a fitted bodice that allowed me to dispense with a bra. I wore very girly, sexy, high cut knickers and stockings. I even wore three inch heels and evening sexy make up. I was trying to let Tom go and just enjoy being Jen. We had a lovely evening and, when we returned home, Sam persuaded me not to unglue and we made lesbian love with a passion.

Saturday and Sam took me shopping. More ear rings, dresses, skirts, lingerie, rings, necklaces, jackets, scarves and all things girly. Sam suggested that I go for a week without wearing Jeans, sweats or trousers. I blanched at the money that we had spent

As a result on Sunday I supported Liam wearing a knee length skirt, boots, a silky blouse and a short pea jacket. I wore double drop ear rings and had much more jewelry than usual. The level of attention from the dads was scarily higher. I wondered if I actually liked the attention of the men. I had to admit it did give me a buzz.

Liam was a star, he scored and tackled like a demon. He even passed the ball using a spin pass. He kind of spoilt it a little by turning round to me with a big grin, after the pass, instead of following the play. He was almost as proud as his dad when he was awarded man of the match.

We had a happy lunch and went back to Mike’s place in the afternoon. I spent the afternoon and evening with Liam and Mike. After Liam had gone to bed Mike took me in his arms.

“I know that this can not lead anywhere in the long term but would you mind if I kissed you. I have been very good, whilst I was stopping with you, but I really would like a kiss. Would that be OK?”

I did not answer, but reached up and pulled his face to mine. I owed so much to Mike. I could not deny the stirrings that I felt when I was close to him. He made me feel like Jen. When I was with him, there was no Tom. I could not stop myself kissing him with a passion. There was no artifice, there was no con, this was just pure need. We embraced and Mike’s hands strayed to my girls. I loved his touch and wanted this to go on and on. I think if I had been all woman I could not have stopped myself. I was surprised when I orgasmed, just from him playing with my nipples. I had to come up for air before things got totally out of control. I was in a difficult position. I loved Sam totally, but I lusted after Mike.

When we separated Mike presented me with an exquisite diamond ring. The setting was simple but beautiful. It looked Victorian and Mike confirmed its age when he told me that it was his grandmother’s. I could not help myself, I just burst into happy tears.

Chapter Thirty Six

Week forty three and thankfully Sam’s morning sickness had stopped. Her horniness remained. It was fun, but it was exhausting. I was going to take Sam up on her suggestion that I go for becoming more feminine and wear skirts, dresses and sexier underwear. I was a bit puzzled on Monday morning. What do I choose? I chose a bra that allowed my girls to have their shape, rather than encasing them. My overactive nipples were likely to show everything that I was thinking. My knickers were lacy and high cut. It was still a warm September so I wore a sleeveless green wrap around dress that was just low enough to give a glimpse of my lacy bra. The hem line was a few inches above the knee, so it showed off my tanned legs. I decided to wear two inch strappy sandals instead of my usual trainers. My toe and finger nails were a bold red and my make up had taken much longer than my normal bit of lippy and mascara. It felt good to look good.

When I arrived late in the studio, I was met with whistles and applause. I wasn’t sure whether they were taking the mick. We had a new client who wanted a quote for a system. Sam suggested that I go with Megan to do the research instead of her, so later that morning we were on our client’s premises. It was fun, I made the most of my assets without being too blatant. I did a fair bit of bending over shoulders to see screens. There were a few men walking into partitions and desks while they were studying my butt. If I leant forward when talking to the men, their eyes were drawn to the cleavage and the swell of my breasts. I was even aware of the uncomfortable swelling in the front of a couple of men’s trousers. The power was fun. I did get a few disapproving glances from the women and Megan was having difficulty keeping a straight face.

When we got back to base Megan had great fun telling the tale about my vamping. It wasn’t such a drag being a girl. It could be fun.

The girls in the studio admired my new ring, even though several knew it was a sham engagement. I was still not used to wearing rings on my fingers. For the rest of the week Sam and I competed as to who could look the hottest. I was even forced to shop in order to keep in the game.

Liam spent a couple of evenings with us whilst Mike travelled to auctions. Liam loved spending time with his aunt Sam and his aunt Jen. It meant that he did not have to survive his dad’s cooking and he could play on our state of the art computer games. We heard nothing new on the bribery case but there was news on our latest attack by the goons. The police had checked the footage that the witness provided and then checked the CCTV footage. They had tracked the van over a couple of streets leading in to the attack and a couple of streets on the escape. After that the van had disappeared off the CCTV that they had checked. Either the van remained somewhere close to the attack or they had picked a route that avoided all cameras. That was difficult but not impossible. All likely hiding places for the van had been checked with no success.

Mike, Tim and I had looked at pictures of known villains who were considered to be potential suspects but none of us spotted any of the goons. The police regretfully said that the chances of catching anyone were slim. They did say that they would keep checking known associates of Justin. We were still wary of what Justin might do, but it was unlikely that he would send in the goons again.

Saturday was a lovely sunny autumn day. Sam and I went for a long walk and just nattered away happily. We walked hand in hand and occasionally stopped for a cuddle and a kiss. We were simply happy and enjoying each others company. We had a few stares from men when they saw two hot chicks snogging. When one man, watching us, walked into a tree we burst into fits of giggles.

We ended up sitting in the sun outside a riverside pub, watching the world go by. Sam had me rating all the hunkier men that passed by. We had played this game before but this time I let myself go and really tried to look at them as potential sexual partners. I tried to look at them as if I was a woman and that it was feasible for me to have sex with them. Once I started thinking that way, it became much easier to evaluate the men. It soon became clear that our taste in men differed. It all depended on the question. We decided on four categories and a person could be in up to three categories. The categories were shag, marry, friend or no way.

The ones that tended to get rated shag by Sam tended to be very obviously alpha. They were confident, tended to be muscular and often looked well packaged. My shag choice tended to be more athletic, less pushy, more considerate of others and with nice smiles. Our marry and friend lined up well, but some of my shags were Sam’s no ways and quite a few of Sam’s shags were my no ways. Sam said a thing that brought me up short. It shocked me, but I don’t think I let Sam see my surprise. She said that when I had a fanny and had felt a big strong cock inside me, I might rethink my shags. I had never thought of going anywhere near having the chop and getting my own fanny. Why had Sam thought it was a likelyhood?

Sunday morning we took Liam to play a match. His team got beaten for the first time. The looks of surprise on the faces of his team were comical. They had never considered the possibility of defeat before, it was a good lesson that you can never take victories for granted. I signed up to take the mini rugby coaching course after the game. Mike and I found some time to have a snog while Liam played with his friends. It was nice. My only worry was that Liam had started to tell his friends that I was going to be his new mum. I didn’t want him hurt again after his mother’s rejection.

Chapter Thirty Seven

Week forty four and Sam is going to have her first big check up. When it came it was so thorough. The staggering news was that it was twins. Sam was delighted and I was in shock. The doctor gave her an absolute clean bill of health, saying that she was in as good shape as she had seen. We told our parents the news straight away and they were all as excited as us.

What amused Sam most was that when she was measured, her height was 1.66 metres, a bit over five foot five. When I was measured in Cambridge my height was 1.72 metres. I was less than two and a half inches taller than her, not the three inches that I had claimed. For the next hour, she called me shorty.

We decided that it was time to apply for a marriage licence. Mike put in the application after I had passed over my Jenifer birth certificate and my proof of residence. I did not have to provide proof that I was single because there would be no record of Jen ever marrying. The application was for a marriage to take place in twelve weeks time. All we had to do now was arrange the wedding and invite guests. We had to make it look as if it was a real wedding, where Mike really believed he was getting married. Mike’s father left home when Mike was only six years old and his mother had died ten years ago with breast cancer. Mike had an older brother with a wife and three kids. He was also close to two cousins and their families. There were six from the rugby club that he felt that he had to invite with their partners and he asked an antiques dealer who was an old friend to be the best man. For a small wedding it was getting out of hand, we were up to twenty six guests before my lot was invited.

To make it all seem real I was going to invite my parents and the core team from the studio, plus Sam. Including Mike, Liam and myself we were getting close to forty people. We booked the registrar for eleven weeks the following Saturday. Mike’s friends and family were delighted with the news and Liam was the most excited, that he was going to get a new mum.

In order to keep up the illusion we had to send out formal invites and book a reception. In a couple of days I had got the invites printed and a reception venue booked. When the booking was complete Sam sat me down. She had a sad and serious look on her face.

“I want to talk to both Tom and Jen.”

My heart sunk. Had Sam got tired of the weird she male that I had become? Was she going to leave me?

“Don’t look so scared. I love you and I will never leave you.”

Relief swept over me but Sam still had the same sad serious face.

“Tom, Jen, were you serious when you suggested that I relieve my frustrations with Danny? I can’t stop this feeling of needing a bloody good rodgering by a full blown man. I know it is not fair and I know it is not right, but these bloody hormones are driving me crazy. They should return to normal in a few weeks, but at the moment they are driving me sex mad. If you are unhappy, at all I will grin and bear it. I know it is unfair but I have been getting more and more jealous of Mike.”

Sam sat there clearly unhappy and nervous. I felt a cold dread in my stomach. Was this the beginning of the end for us? I think I understood how Sam felt, but how could I really know? I had to trust Sam and hope. I knew that I could not be a proper Tom for her any more. I had to let go and trust. Sam was studying my face for a reaction.

“I can’t say that I am eager for this to happen, but I think I understand and I trust you.”

Sam burst into tears and we hugged and held each other tight for an age. We had decided to cross a frontier that put our relationship into a scary place.

Later that afternoon I sat and had a quiet time to myself in the garden. The autumn sun still had some warmth. Because of the stupid wager, that we had entered into a year before, I had lost so much. A year ago I was the rough tough husband of a beautiful and sexy wife who loved me to bits. We had a sex life that was intense and lusty. I was a star rugby player in the club. I had a host of friends and a successful business. I was one very happy, very male, man.

Now where was I? I was much more a woman than a man. I had got used to being female. I even found myself thinking like a woman almost all the time. I was emotional and prone to bursting into tears. I was actually comfortable as a woman. I had lost my happy sex life with my wife and it had been replaced by something lovely, more tender, less lusty, but differently satisfying. I missed the raw heterosexual sex. I had got used to this body and the pleasure I could get from my boobs. I enjoyed the power that I had over men. I had lost something precious with Sam and now I was risking losing Sam altogether. What if having sex with Danny gave her a taste for new pastures?

I had a very confusing relationship with a man who I felt deeply about. I reacted like a woman around him. With him I was a heterosexual woman. With Sam I was a heterosexual male and a homosexual woman. God, was I screwed up? I wondered whether I would ever be able to go back to being good old Tom. I knew that it would be difficult physically now and the end result would be a shadow of Tom. I was not sure whether I could go back fully to being Tom mentally now. Jen was a real person and I knew that she would never disappear fully now.

I had lost friends, or people who I had thought of as friends. I had lost my games of rugby. I had lost my reputation as an OK guy. I had lost my belief in myself as a man. I knew that I was still a strong person, despite the rape, but I did not see myself as a strong man any more.

A further problem was Mike and Liam. A small boy, who had suffered too much already, was going to get his hopes for a new mum dashed. I had no idea what to do about Mike. I had led him on and conned him into falling for me. I had also fallen for him even though I am really a heterosexual male. What do I do about him when this whole wager is over?

Let’s face it, win or lose, Justin had screwed my life and Sam’s life. Sam and I had lost something precious, whatever happened. There was also going to be collateral damage to other innocent people, especially Liam. So much had happened over the last year that had wrecked that lovely, safe, cosy life that we had had. I could feel tears of sadness welling up. God I hated being so girly.

I knew that I had to support Sam, because I knew that she was very nervous about what she was going to do.

The following day Sam told me that she had contacted Danny and discussed her proposition to him. She had told him that she wanted a night of no holds barred sex with him as a once off event. There was to be no inference that Sam wanted a relationship, she just wanted a night of sex. Danny had taken it all in his stride and had seen nothing strange in the request. My heart sunk when I knew it was really going to happen. I felt another piece of Tom slip away.

Better news from the police front. They had called King-Smyth in to be interviewed. The outcome was, that he claimed the payments into his secret account were for advice that he had given a major international company about their tender for a large NHS contract. Because of a confidentiality agreement he could not disclose who the company was. He admitted that he had not declared the income, but that he fully intended to declare it in his on line self assessment for the tax year ending last April. His explanation of the money and the communications was clearly a load of rubbish, but the police felt that they needed more evidence before they felt that they would have a good chance of a conviction. They were fairly confident that the evidence could be obtained, though it would take time. King-Smyth had been suspended by the trust pending a disciplinary hearing, which, we understood, would not take place until the police investigation was complete. It was a shame that Kevin had been unable to tie Justin to the payments.

Sam and I were less worried now because we felt that we had met the terms of the wager in full. All we had to do was to keep up the illusion for another seven and a half weeks.

On Friday we contacted our lawyers to talk about the possibility of raising a civil case against King-Smyth. Our case would be to sue him for damages arising from the loss of a contract as a result of him accepting a bribe. The case would be judged on the much less rigorous standard of the balance of probabilities, rather than it having to be proven beyond all reasonable doubt. Our lawyers wanted a couple of days to think it through. Since Sam’s announcement that she was going to spend a night with Danny, I knew that I had been very clingy. I kept needing hugs and kisses from Sam and I wanted to be close to her all the time. Saturday was spent with Sam making love as two women. I knew that Sam was shortly going to be with Danny and I did not want to become a basis for comparison. My confidence in my ability to make love as a man was almost non existant.

On Sunday morning it was mini rugby as usual and an afternoon spent pleasantly with Mike and Liam. When I got back home Sam was getting herself ready for her night with Danny. She had taken care in her preparations and looked sexy as hell in her hottest lingerie. Her clothes and make up left no doubt about what her intentions were. At eight in the evening I said goodbye to a Sam. It was clear that just the very idea of what she was going to do made her both excited and aroused. I tried not to let my feelings show as I said my goodbyes. As soon as the door closed I just sat and wept. I was no longer a man who could satisfy my Sam in every way. I was a cuckold.

That night was hell in my lonely bed thinking of Sam and Danny. Eventually, well gone midnight, I cried myself to sleep.

Chapter Thirty Eight

The start of week forty five and I awoke with Sam snuggling up close to me. It was so normal that it took me a moment to remember where Sam had been the night before. Sam had a lovely smile on her face and cuddled so closely. I knew that if Sam and I did not appear in the studio, Megan would open up and get things going without us.

When Sam finally woke she gave me a long loving kiss.

“Thank you Tom, thank you Jen, if I did not know before, I know now, that I love you more than anything or anyone in the world.”

“I did not expect to find you in bed with me this morning. I thought you were spending the night with Danny. What happened?”

“I went to Danny’s place and when I got there I was so hungry for sex with him. I almost attacked him and we were soon naked in bed. The feel of his strong body, the smell of him and his lovely cock were all that I wanted at that moment. It was wonderful, feeling the strength of him entering me and that first bout of love making was extremely physical and satisfying. I felt so alive and my orgasms came and came. We were both exhausted at the end. We had not kissed or cuddled before our sex and we did not kiss or cuddle afterwards. I just lay there waiting for Danny to be ready to go again. I gave his dick every encouragement to go again. As soon as he was ready I mounted him and rode him with a vengeance. I came again several times and the silly thing was that I was thinking of you all the time. When we had exhausted ourselves a second time I still avoided kissing Danny. The most ridiculous thing was that I had an overwhelming desire for a cup of tea. I went and made one for each of us and the two of us sat naked with me fondling Danny’s cock in the hope that I could get it to perform again. Eventually he started to rise again and the moment that he was ready I pulled him into me. The third time was a bit of a let down after the first two. I even started to feel a little bored by the time Danny came for the third time.

As soon as we started the third time I knew that I just wanted to get home to you. When Danny had finished I got up and had a shower. Danny was somewhat confused by the whole thing. He said that he had thoroughly enjoyed the sex with me and that the sex had been awesome. Any time I wanted a rerun he was ready. He added that it was the strangest sexual experience that he had ever had. It was the first time that he felt that he had been used purely as a sex object. If that was how women felt after a man had gone wham bam thank you mam, they had all his sympathy. Despite feeling used he was happy to repeat the experience.

When I got home you were sound asleep. I could tell you had been crying. I managed to snuggle up to you without waking you. I was so glad to be back in our own bed with you.
I make no bones that I really did need a good fucking and thank Danny for that, but this is where I belong. I just hope that you can live with what I have done. I love you more than I can possibly describe, but I did need that. I feel that the itch has well and truly gone. Can you forgive me and let us be lovers?”

I had tears in my eyes again as we kissed. The rest of the morning was spent in each others arms as we made lesbian love to each other. Sam made me come time and again. At lunch time we crawled out of bed showered and got dressed. I hated that I had not been man enough for Sam but I knew that she loved me.

We started to get responses to the wedding invitations and, so far, we had not had a refusal. Less than half the prospective guests knew that the wedding would not take place. Just over six weeks and they would know the truth.

Mike had healed enough to start doing a little jogging. He was a fair way away from being ready to play rugby again, but it was a start and he was much happier. When I was close to Mike I still felt a buzz and when he held me my heart rate went up. I could not deny to myself that there was a sexual attraction. I avoided giving him opportunities to get too heavy but I found that I easily responded when he kissed me. What the hell was I thinking about? I was a married man and I loved my wife. In no way was I gay, except maybe with Sam.

Our lawyers came back to us with the opinion that we had a winnable case against King-Smyth but unless we could show that Justin had been the person who paid the bribe, we were still hung out to dry on the wager. We could, probably, successfully sue King-Smyth for our losses, but there is no way he would have sufficient funds to cover our loss. We would still be in Justin’s grip. We would have to show that Justin illegally influenced the awarding of the contract if we were going to invalidate the wager. We weren’t too worried by the lawyer’s verdict because we were confident that we could now demonstrate that I had met the terms of the wager.

We heard from our ex policeman friend that after more interviews, King-Smyth had been charged with accepting bribes under the 2010 Bribery Act and also with Tax Fraud. Both offences could result in a maximum ten year sentence. He had gone before a magistrate and been released on bail. The case was scheduled to be heard in nine weeks time. It was good to know that he was going to trial. The trial would be too late to invalidate the wager, but that was no longer a problem.

Sam and I were much more relaxed now than at any time in the last eleven months. We were confident that we were out from under Justin.

Come the weekend I spent a happy Saturday with Sam and Sunday with Mike and Liam.

Chapter Thirty Nine

Week forty six and we decided to confront Justin and show that we had met the terms of the wager. He agreed to meet us on the Tuesday. When we got to his offices he met us, flanked by two large goons and attended by two lawyers. When we arrived he was worryingly cheerful. We were searched for any recording equipment or mikes while Justin looked on smiling. The insults and the baiting started straight away.

“Ah, Tom and Sam, so nice to see you. Oh silly me, of course it is Jenifer and Sam now. What is it like being married to a girly eunuch Sam? It must be frustrating being married to someone who used to be a man. How is he now his balls have gone? Is it fun seeing him with tits and frilly knickers? How do you feel about him being groped by a hunky man? I know he was loving it, I could tell from the videos. I suppose that was why you had to go and be shagged by your lovely Danny. You have finally seen what a girly wimp he is and found fun with a proper man. How does it feel knowing that your husband loves having his tits felt by a man and snogging with tongues? I could tell he was enjoying it, his girly nipples stood out like organ stops. He certainly loves getting his tits out for the boys. You know I always had my suspicions that he was a secret cock sucker, now I have it all on tape. It certainly sounded as though you were enjoying it. How many cocks have you sucked now Tom? It certainly is going to make your training in Thailand easier. I can see that you are going to be a hit as a ladyboy tart, especially as you seem to enjoy it so much. Did you enjoy being fucked by those men in the van? You are going to have lots more of that when I ship you off to Thailand. Well Sam, now you have seen what a slut your Tom is, you can come to me to find what a real man is like.”

“OK Justin you have had your fun. You know that we have met the criteria of the wager. I am engaged to a heterosexual male who has a substantial net worth and the wedding is already arranged. The licence has been obtained, the registrar booked and the reception arranged. I have spent three nights in the same bed as my fiancé. The terms have been met.”

“Oh my dear sweet little girly boy, you are forgetting one fundamental term of the wager. Your husband to be must be in ignorance of the wager. I’m afraid you have blown it, unless you can come up with a new fiancé in the next five weeks. Isn’t it fun, in under forty days I will be sending you to enjoy having the arse shagged off you in my brothel. The lovely Sam will stay with me. She can have her babies and then, I think, that whilst she becomes mine, I can get the brats trained up to work in one of my establishments as soon as they are not quite old enough. You stupid people, I know you kept checking that your home wasn’t bugged but you did not check your cars or Mike’s car. You did not check Mike’s home for listening devices and cameras. I have had the pair of you under surveillance ever since the wager started. I have recordings of you talking about the terms of the wager to Mike in the car and in the hospital room. I have film of you and Mike in your garden talking about your plans. The directional mike picked up everything clearly. Let me show you some selected footage and hear some of the recordings. Now you stupid children, you have a few weeks of freedom left before your fates are sealed. Enjoy them.”

We were in severe shock when we left. We had forty one days to find a way out. What were our options? We needed to talk with our lawyers as soon as we could.

When we met with them we ran through the possible routes we could take. The first was to challenge the basis of the wager in court. We would need to do that quickly, but the legal advice was that we would lose very quickly. The second option was to put the company in receivership. The legal advice there was that Justin would very easily be able to retrieve it from the receivers. A third option would be to tell HMRC that we had breached tax laws and that our company and assets should be seized until a full investigation was made. This was ruled out because we were too clearly not in breach. The lawyers asked for time to think up some answer to our problem.

Unless we could tie Justin in to the case against King-Smyth, that was a dead end. We were running out of options.

I had the unenviable task of telling Mike that the last months had been in vain. Justin had proof that he was aware of the wager. We had no option but to get in touch with everyone to say that there would be no wedding. Mike had to explain to a lot of bemused people what had been going on. The biggest casualty was one broken hearted little boy who had been looking forward to his aunt Jen becoming his new mum. There was no way, that I could explain it, that made sense to him. He just knew that he had been betrayed and let down again by a woman. His world was one unhappy mess yet again. It was not surprising that he did not want me to go to rugby with him.

I got hold of Kevin to see if there was any way he could find proof of Justin affecting the awarding of the trust contract. He said that he would dig further, but he was not optimistic. The other task that he undertook was to remove the fictitious record of Jenifer Mary Young. There was no point in risking prosecution over that now.

We were desperate. I thought that the idea of killing Justin was looking like being the only answer. If the police could get King-Smyth to admit that he had accepted a bribe in order to award the contract, then we would be in the clear. From what we had heard so far it was extremely unlikely to happen. The man was out on bail, so, in theory, we could get some heavies to scare him into a confession. Sam vetoed that option. On Saturday the lawyers came back with a suggestion. Sam and I could sue each other for damages over entering into a stupid wager. We could then ask the court to hold our assets until such time as the case was decided. It would only be a delaying tactic but it could give enough time for the case against King-Smyth to be decided.

I mulled over the options and kept coming back to the idea of murder. When I was at school I was a member of the cadet corps, for a while. I had been on the cadets shooting team and I knew how to fire a pistol and a rifle. I had also used a shot gun several times, shooting clays. I knew that I was an accurate shot. I needed to find out Justin’s movements, so that I could plan an opportunity. I also needed to get some kind of firearm. The first part was relatively easy. I had no idea how to achieve the second part.

At the weekend I told Sam that I was going to try and map Justin’s movements to see if I could find some leverage. I had no plans to let her know about my idea of murdering Justin. I knew where Justin lived, so on the Sunday, I started my stake out of his home. I parked some distance from his house, using our little run about. The windows are tinted so it is not too easy to see in. I sat in the back and hunkered down. I watched the comings and goings all day. Justin never left his home but there were visits by various people. Some were tarty looking females, some were heavies and I wished that I had brought a camera, because one was King-Smyth.

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