The Wager - Part 7

Chapter Thirty

Week thirty seven and we were down to less than sixteen weeks. I knew that Mike really cared about me and that it was now time to hook him and reel him in. Sam was so into the thought of being a mum, that all her concerns about the ethics of what we intended to do to Mike, seemed to be forgotten. Sam wanted her baby safe with two parents, whatever it took.

Mike asked if I wanted to go with him on Wednesday evening, to watch Harlequins play London Scottish in a pre season friendly. It would be the first game of rugby I had seen since all this started.

When the team had heard about my rape, it turned out that Megan had been sexually assaulted when she was at university. Lucy, one of the freelancers working with us at the studio, also told us that she had been raped four years ago. I wanted to try to make sure that nothing like that happened again, so I got pepper sprays and rape alarms for every one of our girls. I also arranged for a self defence instructor to run weekly sessions on self defence, for all the girls, including me, every Tuesday.

Martin got Sam and I together and said that he had been talking to some of his old contacts. Back in his old job, he had been involved in some investigations into corruption in the EU. The team that he had liaised with had links with the serious fraud office in the UK. He had contacted one of those links and told them about the information that we had discovered. The contact had said that it was an interesting case but that it was much smaller scale than they normally dealt with. Seeing the evidence this contact had said he was amazed that the police had not taken up the case. He was intrigued to find out why. He was going to ask a few questions himself, but he suggested that we contacted the IPCC, the police watch dogs.

What a great suggestion. We knew that we could not go directly to them because we had obtained the information illegally. We decided that Sam would ask our ex policeman friend.

On Wednesday Mike picked me up from home. It was the first time he had seen our set up and the first time he had met Sam. He was very charming with Sam, thinking Sam was my close friend and business partner. Sam was very wary of Mike and I was worried that she might say something that would cause difficulties.

When we set off for the game Mike commented that at least now he knew where the lady of mystery lived and worked. He was very concerned about how I was healing physically and mentally. I played down the damage that I felt. It was great watching a game of rugby with someone who knew what was going on. Being a pre season game, it was very fractured, with players being rotated as the coaches tried different combinations. We discussed the merits of the different players and continued our discussions in the bar after the game.

Mike ran me home and we lingered in the car outside the house. Without thinking about it, I turned and kissed him goodnight. What was intended to be a quick peck became a long passionate clinch. I suddenly needed his strength holding me. I wanted to be protected and looked after. I wanted to give myself to my protector. There was no vestige of Tom in that car, only a Jen that needed a man to hold her close. I felt his hand slide up under my blouse and my nipples were eager for his touch. Our lips parted as he started kissing my neck. My back arched as I wanted to feel his lips on my breast. Suddenly he stopped and I felt a quick emptiness. He apologized for losing control. I kissed him on the lips again and agreed to go out with him and Liam that Sunday.

When I got in the house Sam was waiting. She had watched me from the bedroom window.

“Well you seemed to be enjoying yourself with your hunk. I am surprised you didn’t give him a blow job there and then.”

“Sam please, you know why I am doing this. You know that I have to get close to him.”

“Yes, but you seemed to be enjoying it all too much. All I could see was Jen giving herself to her hunk of a man.”

“You are right, it was Jen and I did not dislike it. With all these female hormones racing round my system, I am finding that I can’t stop myself responding as a woman. This is getting so hard, I am finding it more and more difficult to think of myself as Tom.”

“I’m sorry but I am jealous. When I see you in the arms of a lovely big manly hunk of a man, getting your lips crushed and your tits felt, I am bloody jealous. I want a big man to hold me.”

“Sam, what are we going to do? This is all getting too confusing.”

“Well I know one thing I want us to do and that is to get dolled up on Saturday and go out to a club.”

I could not deny Sam her wish.

Sam and I had our first visit to the doctors. It was a very nice female doctor, who was a little confused why Sam had brought a woman with her as her partner. The doctor tried very hard to look as if everything was normal when we explained the situation. She kept giving me curios glances all through the examination.

Sam was given a thorough check up and the doc agreed that Sam definitely pregnant, probably five weeks gone. Everything looked healthy. We were told that Sam was to have her first full pre natal check in seven weeks time. In the meantime the doctor booked Sam in for a check in three weeks time. We were so pleased that the pregnancy had been confirmed. Sam’s smile was a delight to see.

With the aerobics and the yoga Sam and I were both sylph like and slim. Sam was more curvy than me, but with my additional height, I looked more willowy. I had lost so much weight now that I hovered below ten stone in weight. I had lost so much muscle power that I struggled with any heavy weights. I could lift more than Sam but not by a big margin. With my reduced weight and slimness I had found running to be easy and satisfying. Since the rape, I was nervous of being on my own, but Tim was a keen runner, so I went running in the evening with him. I had to wear a sports bra to hold me firm, otherwise the bouncing of my breasts was painful. When we were running I was very aware of the male population’s appraisals.

Saturday and Sam and I hit the beauty parlour. I could tell Sam was getting excited because she could not stop fidgeting and chatting the whole time. It was no longer a strange feeling, having my hair, nails, a facial and then my make up done. Now that my electrolysis was all but complete, my facial skin was soft and clear. Once we had finished at the parlour Sam dragged me off on a lingerie hunt. We both got the giggles as we looked at more and more outrageous wisps of material. It should have worried me that Sam was not buying for my entertainment, but to entice another male.
When we dressed for the evening Sam again went for a short skirt and a very sheer blouse. Her skimpy bra was on display as were her prize assets. With the thong that she was wearing and the length of her skirt, any bouncy dancing and the cheeks of her bum would be there for all to see. With her all over tan, the sight was certainly alluring.

Sam persuaded me to wear a sexy outfit. With my smaller firm bust I could still get away with going without a bra. My nipples were very much to the fore when I did. Sam’s nagging got me to go along with it and I wore the same dress as I had on the girl’s night out. I no longer needed the gaff as I had been glued up so I wore a thong that disappeared giving me a distinct wedgy.

We got to the club and Sam was bubbling with excitement. She was totally abstemious, not touching a drop of alchohol, but you would have thought she was on speed. We had not been there very long when she picked out a target and gave him a sultry look. In no time she was on the dance floor bouncing around with a happy grin on her face. I lost sight of her when I was dragged onto the floor by a large hunk of a guy myself.

The next time I caught sight of her she was dancing close with the same guy, grinding against him. When I saw her again, they were kissing and his hands were all over her. I was suffering the wandering hands from my partner but not enjoying it as much as Sam obviously was. I lost sight of Sam again until she grabbed me to go to the ladies. When I asked how she was getting on, she said that she had just been dumped by the guy she had been dancing with because she had made it clear that he was not going to shag her tonight or any time in the future. The guy was a sexy hunk but he was determined to get laid. She had been having fun snogging and indulging in a good grind. She might have even given him a blow job if he had played his cards right. I hated that Sam was being mauled by other guys. I hated it more that she seemed to be enjoying it.

I am not sure whether it was more worrying that Sam seemed a bit out of control or more reassuring that she was not totally out of control. After fixing up our make up we were back into the parade ring. In no time Sam had another partner. I kept losing sight of her as my current partner kept me distracted. He had a lovely lithe body and moved it against me in a sexy way. When he nibbled the base of my neck it gave me goose bumps. I was quite enjoying him gently rubbing my nipple before I came to my senses and cooled him down. His erection had been grinding against my stomach and artificial mound. He was the same height as me in my three inch heels and his bump rubbed me quite strategically.

I caught sight of Sam being groped and crushed in a kiss by another large hunk of humanity. Eventually I lost sight of her. I had lost my last partner through cooling him down. I was having a quiet drink by the bar when a large guy almost dragged me onto the dance floor and grabbed me close. He started to grope me and I had the most horrible flashback to being raped in the van.

I tore myself free and ran to the ladies. I was already sobbing when I locked myself in a cubicle. I was never going to come out. I was safe in there. I was there quite a while feeling sorry for myself when I heard Sam’s voice. She called my name and my sobs told her where I was. She persuaded me to unlock the door and hugged me tight. It took a while for me to calm down, before we left the club and went home. I must have looked an absolute sight, my make up was smeared over my face and my eyes were red and puffy from crying.

When we got home I told Sam what had hit me. I had already been on edge seeing Sam dancing and snogging with other men. When that lump of a man hauled me around and groped me I felt the panic and terror of the rape. I had to run away. When I started crying I could not stop. I told Sam that we could not go on. The hormones were stopping. No more women’s clothes. I would have a double mastectomy. No more seeing Mike. No more Sam snogging other men. We would go back to where we were. I would either get a gun and shoot Justin, or run him down with the car. When Justin was dead I would serve my time and I would probably be released before our child was a teenager.

Sam listened to me and soothed me as I spoke. She told me that I was not going to kill anyone and that everything would turn out right in the end. I cried myself to sleep.

On Sunday Sam made me get out of bed and get ready to meet Mike and Liam. We were going to have lunch then go to the tower of London. The two of them had huge grins when we met. I don’t know who was more pleased to see me, Mike or Liam. It was a lovely gentle family day. Liam loved exploring the tower. He shivered with pleasure at the gruesome stories I told him about prisoners and dungeons and all things scary.

After tea we dropped Liam back with his mother and went for a drink. We talked the evening away and Mike dropped me home. I felt so safe with Mike. I wanted to thank him for making me feel safe and normal in this totally abnormal situation. I wanted him to kiss me and hold me but thoughts of being unfaithfull to Sam kept haunting me. In the end I put those thoughts away and melted into Mike’s arms. I am not gay but I loved being held and kissed by Mike. My nipples responded so strongly to his touch. I loved the way he played with them. As he kissed and caressed me, my hand strayed to his crotch. His erection was straining at his trousers and it was substantial. I had a strong urge to undo his fly and play with this lovely toy but a part of my mind was telling me no.

Sam had, again been watching from the bedroom window.

“A nice day Jen?”

“Yes, Liam is such fun. It is going to be great having our own child to treat and take places.”

“Are you feeling better after last night?”

“Yes, sorry I was such a wreck last night, but it all got too much.”

“I need to talk with Tom.”


“Tom, I know you were upset with me dancing and snogging with other men, but it was something I needed. I love you and if it is anything to do with me, we will be together forever. But and this is a big but there is a fundamental part of me that is very heterosexual. I need the touch of a man. You have been Jen almost all the time recently. Since you were attacked you have hardly spent any time unglued. It is almost as if Tom is hiding from what happened as Jen. I don’t blame you in any way and I love Jen deeply, but I get horny and I just want a man. Last night gave me some release. I know though, that at some stage I might need to go shag a man. I have to be honest with you, the need is getting stronger. If I can’t resist any more, I will tell you. I do not want to have a relationship with anyone, but I do need a man for sex.

I see Jen with Mike and I hurt to see my Jen comfortable in someone else’s arms. I hate it that you can enjoy intimate contact with Mike. I am also jealous that Jen has a male hunk to hold her, kiss her, fondle her breasts and for all I know, let her play with his lovely big cock.”

“I’m sorry Sam, I know this is horrible for you as well as me. I will try to be understanding, but it goes against everything I feel.”

Chapter Thirty One

Week thirty eight and the morning sickness started. I was being woken by the sound of Sam in the loo, throwing up.

“Well the pregnancy is starting to feel real now. Why can’t I be one of those that doesn’t suffer morning sickness.”

Over the last couple of weeks the two of us had read all about pregnancy. We were becoming experts on what was going to happen to Sam. One thing that was happening with a vengeance was Sam’s sex drive. She had become hungrier for sex and much more responsive. Her orgasms were more intense and quicker to come. Any time we were free, Sam was all over me. I started spending my time unglued and although, I needed a good deal of help from the blue pill, I was able to bring her to orgasm after orgasm. My cock however was noticeably reduced in size and stiffness. I had been proudly, above average in size, judging from the shower room after games. I was now definitely under average and each day my manhood seemed to become less manly. I was losing confidence in my ability to perform as a man.

Sam was still hungry for my ministrations. Her boobs and especially her nipples were more sensitive and she loved me playing with her. I caught her time and again idly stroking her own nipple. I was also aware that Sam had a large vibrating dildo that she masturbated with when I was not available. I was enjoying the ride but I was nervous how long this heightened libido would last and how long I could satisfy it.

I had another visit to the doctor. Who quizzed me about when I had started on female hormones. He said that he had been back over my file and everything that happened in the first six months, happened much faster than he would have expected. If I had started on hormones when I said I had, the testicular shrinkage should not have been as fast. My fat redistribution and breast growth should not have been so quick. My prostate had shrunk faster than it should. A further anomaly was that my pelvis appeared to have changed shape a little over the last nine months. I appeared to have gone through female puberty much faster than normal.

He had sent my blood samples for further tests and the research lab had come up with the analysis that I had 48 chromosomes instead of 46 and that my pattern was XYxx. The lab had rarely come across that pattern before. He had been contacted by a research group in Cambridge who wanted to use me as a lab rat. I was, as far as he knew a rare beast. It had occurred to me that everything had been going very fast, but I was so caught up in what was going on that it had not registered that it was unduly fast.

This was no time to become engaged in a lengthy involvement with a research lab. We were already coping with more than was humanly possible. I wondered whether it was the reason why I was so much shorter than my six foot two dad and only two inches taller than my mum. If it had not been for my hair and eye colour matching my dad’s and a facial similarity I would have thought he could not have been my dad.

Sam was intrigued when I told her of the news. She said that I should, at least, get checked out to see if there were any problems that we could anticipate and deal with.

I met with Mike again on Wednesday evening for a drink and a walk. Mike found out that I had started running in the evenings with Tim and asked if he could join us. He was running in the evenings as part of his fitness regime for the rugby. Now that he was thirty four, he was finding fitness harder to maintain. I said that I would check with Tim but Monday night was probably OK. I made sure that Mike dropped me off at the end of the street so that Sam would not see us in our goodnight clinch. As soon as I got home Sam produced the solvent and released me to give her what she needed. I was so aroused by my clinch with Mike that, for once, I did not need the blue pill. It was the first time for quite a while.

We checked with our ex policeman friend to see if there was any progress with his complaint to the IPCC. He had been interviewed at length by a chief inspector but all had gone quiet. Martin said that his contacts in the serious fraud office had also gone quiet, but that he would check with them the following week.

On Saturday I went with Liam and Mike to watch London Scottish play. It was a good afternoon. Liam asked if I would come and see him play on Sunday morning as it was his first session of the season. We had a drink in the bar after the game and then took Liam for a Pizza. After dropping Liam back with his mum Mike and I went for a walk and a drink. There was so little that I did not know now about Mike’s fears and dreams and so little that he knew about mine. I knew that Mike was desperate to take our relationship to another level and it was only his iron restraint that had held him back. He had suggested going back to his place on several occasions now, but I knew that if I went, I would probably weaken and all would be discovered. Mike now proposed a weekend away with him in Paris. I had to stall him. A straight no would be difficult to explain. I claimed the pressure of new contracts and that I would let him know how soon I could be free.

Sunday morning Mike picked me up and we went to watch Liam play. It was a wonderful example of happy, boisterous chaos. There were flashes of cohesion and moments of youthful joy when tackles were made and tries scored. There were tears when tackles hurt and pain came as a surprise. Tears never lasted and cheers echoed. There was as much joy in getting muddy as in making passes. After showers, hot dogs and lemonade we went for lunch at a burger bar. Liam was immensely proud of the three tries that he had scored and the tackles that he had made. He was fast and elusive unlike his dad. The afternoon sped by as we talked and walked in Richmond park.

A last tea and cakes and then I went home. Mike had pressed me about stopping over and again raised the issue about going away together. He must be getting so horny and frustrated.

Sam was eager for us to play and we spent a pleasant evening, cuddling caressing, kissing and making love, but only girl to girl.

Chapter Thirty Two

Week thirty nine and only three months left. We were frantically busy with work. Martin’s contacts had proved a rich seam of opportunities. We were being stretched to our limits with work. Sam and Megan were out visiting clients and researching system requirements, most of the time. Tim, Martin and several of the freelancers worked on keeping existing clients happy whilst Megan and I led a team of freelancers writing new systems. Our business had grown massively in the last year.

I had been thinking about Sam’s needs and, although I hated the idea, I could not deny that my services as a stud were very much diminished. Sam loved the extra dimensions that I could bring to our love making, but I could sense the feeling of frustration with my diminished manhood. I had nothing to complain about because, with my increased sensitivity in my dick and the increase in the areas of pleasure that I possessed, I was getting easily as much pleasure as before. If we indulged in pure lesbian sex, Sam was happy. When the sex became heterosexual, then Sam was clearly less satisfied.

I had to face up to the fact that sooner or later Sam needed sex with a man. I hated the idea but I could not ignore it. I tried to think of a way that Sam could scratch her itch without it endangering our relationship. The idea of Sam picking up a stranger was far too dangerous. Using one of the internet dating sites would expose Sam to needing to share too much information with someone who could then become a problem. I needed to let the problem float in my mind for a while.

Monday evening and Mike joined Tim and I for a run. We covered about five miles through the park and along the street. It was fun. Even though I was the shortest I was the fastest. If I wanted to I could leave the other two trailing behind. I teased them by speeding up and slowing down as we ran. I was glowing at the end and the other two panting away. The weight that I had lost had increased my speed and endurance. The change in my body shape had not slowed me at all.

Mike asked me if I wanted to watch him play the following Saturday. He also passed on a request from Liam to watch him play. I agreed to both. Sam was getting moody about being left on her own so I arranged for us to go to the theatre on Friday evening and out for a meal on the Saturday.

Towards the end of the week we heard from our ex policeman friend. He had been interviewed by the IPCC again. They had been very interested in the source and reliability of the information that we had provided. They had said that the information appeared to be real. They added that there looked as though there was definitely a case that at least should have been investigated. They were going to look to see if there was any good reason why the case had not been investigated. The IPCC team also let slip that they had been contacted by a senior member of the serious fraud investigation team, asking about the same case.

We were delighted that there was hope again that we could escape Justin. We had to wait and that waiting would be difficult.

On the Wednesday I had a call from Cambridge. It was the research lab. Would I be prepared to spend a day with them so that they could do a thorough investigation. I was such a rare case that they had only ever heard of two other cases in the UK. The existence of triple xy cases was not that unusual. My case was strange in that I had developed normally, though I was very late through puberty, I had a high IQ, I had not been infertile, my facial development had been normal. I had not shown any of the symptoms of being xxxy. It would appear that XYxx was a very different syndrome. They pressed very hard for me to come to their lab.

I stalled and discussed it with Sam. She suggested that I spend the day with them. The speed of my changes had surprised and disappointed both Sam and I. We had expected the changes to be much, much slower and easily reversible at the end of the year. We knew we were facing bigger problems and any one who could shed more light was welcome.

I phoned back and agreed to spend a day with them the following week.

Friday night and Sam and I dolled ourselves up. We had the best seats in the stalls and afterwards went for a late supper in the west end. It was a good evening and after we got a taxi home our love making was loving and tender and girl to girl. I was becoming adept at bringing Sam to climax with my tongue and hands. My male equipment was becoming an increasing disappointment to both of us.

Saturday afternoon and there I was on the touchline in my tight jeans, knee length boots, silky blouse and short warm jacket. I had my hair up in a braid and wore my favourite dangly ear rings. I had been nervous that there would be players who would recognise me. No chance, being typical rugby types they talked to my boobs and studied my arse. The game was fun. The quality was not up with the professionals but the enthusiasm was. Mike was a destroyer of a blindside. He relished the tackling and had a wicked grin on his face every time he flattened a member of the opposition. He was big and brutal on the rugby field, a total contrast to the gentle, thoughtful Mike that I knew. He was a champion in turning over opposition ball. He was a human wrecking ball. It was a close game and the lead changed hands several times. As the game was drawing to a close Mike found himself ball in hand going flat out for the line. He went through the opposition full back and centre rather than go round them and scored under the posts. There was only time for the conversion before the final whistle. He was ecstatic when he came off the field.

He went for a shower and I met him later in the club house. He was the hero of the hour. Much ribbing was taking place because it was his first try in three seasons. They were all saying that he had finally recognized what the ball was and what it was for. He normally just concentrated on inflicting pain on the opposition. We ate the obligatory after game meal and Mike started on the beer. His heroics had ensured that he had several beers lined up waiting for him. I had said that I would drive so that he could have a few beers. Over the next few hours there was beer and song and the telling of unlikely tales of derring do on the rugby field. I enjoyed the atmosphere and was jealous of those who had played. I had been twitchy on the touch line seeing opportunities and openings much faster than the home scrum half.

I was amazed by Mike’s capacity to drink beer. He seemed a lot more sober than he should. It was not until we left the club that his state of inebriation became more clear. He was extremely affectionate telling me how much he loved me, how beautiful I was and how much he wanted to marry me and make love to me, not necessarily in that order. We stopped in a quiet spot where we could do some necking on the way home. Mike was all over me. I could tell that his self control was being stretched to the limits. He was pleading for me to go home with him and spend the night.

I could not think how to handle the situation when I realized that I had been undoing his belt. I thought oh what the hell and undid his flies. His large, extremely hard member was standing in all its glory. It was pretty and it was magnificent. I bent down and touched it with my lips as I held it in my hand. The skin was soft and velvety over the iron hardness. I opened my mouth and licked the end pulling the foreskin back to expose his large glans. I soon had my lips around him as he groaned with pleasure I could feel his pressure building quickly and I wanted him to have as much pleasure as possible so I slowed down.

I played with his large balls with my hands as I teased his lovely dick with my mouth. I could taste his pre cum on my tongue as he groaned and moaned with need. I could feel the power that I had over this man as I held his dick in my mouth. I loved the feeling of his urgency. He was holding my head and trying to fuck my mouth. I concentrated on my tongue playing on the under part of the glans. I felt his pressure building in an unstoppable rush and soon he was coming in my mouth . I tried to swallow as fast as my mouth was filling but it overwhelmed me. I swallowed and swallowed but some escaped and dribbled down my chin. I had sucked a cock and enjoyed the power it had given me. I had loved the pleasure that someone that I cared for had got from my actions. I did not care, I was triumphant. Mike just kept saying thank you and I love you. I cleaned myself up and we kissed less urgently and more gently as Mike played with my breasts. I dropped him home and declined his urgent appeals to come in for a very dangerous coffee.

I confessed to Sam what I had done and why. She was eager to know how I found Mike’s dick, how it had felt in my hand and in my mouth. How had I felt when he came in my mouth? How big was it? How was it shaped? Was he circumcised? How did he taste? How did he react when I took him in my mouth? I wondered from her questions whether she wished it had been her.

On Sunday morning I went to watch Liam play. Mike was subdued and full of apologies for his behaviour the previous day. I told him that I had done nothing more than I had wanted to. Liam had started calling me aunt Jen and was determined to show me how good he was at kicking the ball. He kicked it to me and when I tried to catch it, I found that my changed anatomy meant that when I went to pull the ball in to my chest, it hit flesh a moment before I was expecting it. It took several attempts before I could confidently compensate for my changed body shape. Mike looked at me in a strange way when I taught Liam how to do a proper spin pass. Liam played like a demented hare running flat out everywhere. After the game we went and enjoyed a pizza lunch, Liam’s favourite. Mike pressed me again about going for a weekend away. The afternoon was spent with Liam and I returned to Sam in time for dinner.

Chapter Thirty Three

Week forty and time was running out. Sam and I had a review of our situation. I had twelve weeks left to spend three nights with Mike, get engaged and arrange a wedding. I knew that Mike was smitten with me and it would not be hard to egg him on to propose. How I was going to spend three nights with him, without discovery, I had no idea. The old chestnut of claiming that it was my period would never work. Why would I choose that time to finally go to bed with Mike? It would make no sense.

Sam could not come up with any good ideas. Sam’s morning sickness continued much to her annoyance. She was not at all used to feeling unwell, however briefly. Her randiness did not abate in the slightest and I knew that I was not satisfying her, heterosexually. I thought more and more about what she had said about her needs. There had to be some way that we could create a situation that we could both live with until I returned to being Tom, or as near to Tom as I could get. When Mike, Tim and I went running on the Monday, I used the time to mull over the problem and had the seeds of an idea.

On Tuesday I went to meet the Cambridge research team. They measured me, scanned me, tested me, took half my blood for samples, they interviewed me, they got me to do a range of aptitude and intelligence tests. The day was packed. At the end I received some feedback. They were interested in the fact that I had not started puberty until much later than my friends. In primary school, I had been tall for my age. In secondary school I was still one of the tallest until the third form when the other boys shot past me. I was five foot seven by then, about the same height as my mother. I could still sing treble until my fifteenth birthday.

Well after my fifteenth birthday my voice broke and, thankfully, my male appendages grew to a very satisfactory size. I only grew another inch taller and went from being the one of the tallest to being one of the shortest. My muscles and strength developed but I remained wiry rather than a brick shit house. It was unusual to be only one inch taller than mum and six inches shorter than dad.

The only similarity that I had with xxxy people was the late development. Everything else was the reverse. It appeared that my additional two chromosomes were incomplete so that might explain the differences. Whatever the cause, it seemed that my body loved estrogen and responded to it very quickly. It appeared that I had gone through a second puberty, my pelvis had even changed. It was not by a large amount, but it was noticeable. The research team wanted more access to me later.

Back at the studio I took Jackie aside. I knew that during one of her off periods during her on off relationship with Tim she had a short fling with Danny. She had joined a large group of women including Megan, to sample the delights of Danny.

“Jackie, I know this sounds like an intrusive question but I wanted to ask you about Danny.”

Jackie gave me a very suspicious look.

“Ah, the lovely Danny, what do you want to know?”

“Didn’t you have a relationship with him at one time?”

“Well if you could call it that. Danny never has a relationship with any woman. He loves women in general. He has no intention of loving a woman. Many women have tried to hook the sexy Danny, but none have succeeded. Why do you want to know?”

“Just curious.”

“Well if you want to get laid by Danny, you will need to get your plumbing fixed, he is the most heterosexual person that I know.”

“I was only curious.”

“Yeah, a likely story. Well I can tell you that sexually he is the dream man. He is a thoughtful and exciting lover. He enjoys every moment and he makes sure you do. He is a sexy hunk of a man and his equipment is in scale with the rest of him. I only went with him because I was hellish horny and frustrated. I have no regrets. If you want any further references, ask Megan. But remember, he has no intention of committing to anyone.”

Much as I hated the idea, maybe I had the solutions to Sam’s needs.

Although I had by now got totally used to being Jen, there must still be some Tom around. I tended to wear jeans or trousers rather than skirts and dresses. I wore minimal make up unless we were going out. My underwear was selected more for comfort than sexiness, unless I was with Mike. I wore my hair in a plait or a pony tail now that it was longer. I only wore high heels when we were out and possessed only a tiny fraction of the number of dresses and skirts that Sam did. I wore little jewelry and my only silliness was my liking for dangly ear rings.

When we were out Sam was always being hit on by guys. She must exude a special femininity. I got hit on by guys, but nowhere near as often as Sam. What surprised me was that I got hit on by women. I had been hit on by women often enough that I had developed a reliable gaydar. I was much less aware of dishy men than Sam. I suppose I must come across as a lesbian. I was neither fish nor fowl.

We had good news from our policeman friend. In response to questions by the IPCC, the case was being opened again by a different team. An investigation was being started as to why the original case was not pursued. He had also been asked, by the investigation team, if his mysterious contact could get any evidence that would link the money to the award of the contract. We got straight on to Kevin who said he would trawl through King-Smyth’s phone and email records. Things were looking up. In the light of what happened, the last time the case was opened, I tried to make sure that Sam never went anywhere alone.

Thursday was a day of high trauma. I had a desperate call from Mike. His ex wife had walked out on her partner, leaving him a note that she was off to the states with a guy that she had been seeing on the side for some while. Liam was left with her partner. She did not even say goodbye to him. Liam had been dumped with four bin bags of clothes and toys on Mike’s doorstep. There was one extremely distraught child and a very desperate Mike. I agreed to go over and help him. I packed a small bag and set off. When I arrived Liam was in a daze, weeping and Mike was trying to comfort him. When I arrived Liam clung to me. We could not get him to eat or even let go of either of us. He was a destroyed little boy whose world had been ripped apart. He had survived the divorce, but this was a much more bitter blow. His mother had just abandoned him.

I cradled Liam until it was time for bed and then I sat with him until he fell asleep. As soon as I knew he was safely asleep, I then had to cuddle a very upset Mike. I needed to stop over so that I was there when Liam awoke in the morning. Mike only had two bedrooms, so I said that I would sleep on the sofa, Mike said the same. It looked very uncomfortable. In the end we agreed to share the bed on the strict proviso that he did not attempt to have sex with me. I was quite happy with kissing or even letting him play with my breasts, but nothing down below. When we finally went to bed Mike wore pyjama bottoms and I wore a nightdress. It was so strange wearing something in bed for the first time in my adult life. We kissed and cuddled and Mike played with my breasts. I was so turned on. I wished that I had a vagina so that I could satisfy the large erection sticking out of his pyjamas. I even thought about suggesting anal sex to him but just about came to my senses.

We eventually fell asleep with Mike spooning round me. In the morning it took me a moment to realise where I was. It felt snug and warm with Mike’s arms around me, his hand on my breast and his morning bone sticking into my back. This could be dangerous. He might start to try to have sex before he is fully awake. My reaction was to roll round to face Mike and take that solid piece of flesh in my hands. I could feel him waking as I slipped under the bedclothes and started to pull back his foreskin and lick his glans. I was rewarded with a moan of pleasure as I worked on the silkiness of his skin. There was I, Tom, sucking a man’s cock and enjoying the power that I had and the pleasure that I was giving. Eventually I felt him stiffen as he came in a rush into my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could but there was too much and it flowed out of the corner of my mouth. I got out of bed and cleaned myself up before returning to find Mike in bed with a huge smile on his face.

“Morning lover, would you like to come back in here so that I can give you some pleasure in return?”

“Mike, remember your promise.”

“Sorry, but it would be fun.”

“We have Liam to sort out.”

Mike immediately got serious again. We decided that if he was up for it, it would be better to keep Liam’s life as normal as possible. We would see how he was and, if we thought he was OK, we would take him in to school. Liam must have exhausted himself the previous night because he was slow to wake. We asked him if he wanted to go to school. Friday included maths, art and games. They were his three favorite subjects.

We took him in late and after dropping him in class, we had a word with the head teacher. Liam had asked if his aunt Jen would pick him up after school. When we had finished with the head teacher I headed back home. Sam wanted to know every detail. First she wanted to know all about what had happened to Liam. Then she wanted to know where I had slept, what had Mike and I done. Had I had sex with him? Had I been found out? What was he like in bed? She was curious and she was jealous. She was jealous of me with Mike because he was a hunk and she was jealous of Mike because she loved me.

I picked up Liam from school and although he was subdued and clingy, he was better than I expected, tough kid. I cooked him tea and sat with him while he played computer games and watched TV. After putting him to bed I sat and canoodled with Mike until we went to bed, same rules. When I woke in the morning we were cupped together the same and the insistant hardness was digging in again. I used the same solution as the morning before, much to Mike’s delight. The day was spent keeping things as normal as possible for Liam and I spent the night again with Mike with the same outcome. After Rugby on Sunday morning I went back home to Sam. She was one moody cow. She had hated the fact that I had slept with Mike.

I calmed Sam down as much as possible, saying that Liam was a bit more settled and Mike could cope on his own for now. Bad choice of words, “for now”. Sam’s immediate response was to ask me if I was intending to move in with Mike. It took a lot of talking, reminding Sam of the wager, the fact that I was still a man and Mike knew nothing about that. I had to remind Sam that I was the father of our coming child and that I loved her and that I was going nowhere. By the end of Sunday a truce had broken out. It occurred to me that I had satisfied part of the wager. I had spent three nights in Mike’s bed with him.

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