Estrogen / Hormones

Mourning Dew -- Chp. 2

Detective Bishop begins the hunt. Camille Jean Laignaux comes home to a strange new world. And Mr. Jack moves into town. The stage is being set for a showdown.

Mourning Dew


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Mother and Daughter, part 4

"See you tonight!" Janet said with a smile as Ellie, Kacey and Monique paid for their purchases and waved goodbye to her.

"Bye!" Ellie replied with a giggle that warmed Janet's heart.

It had been almost four months since Ellie had moved in with Janet, and in that time, a lot had changed for both women- mostly for the better.

Mourning Dew -- Chp. 1

Almost six years ago, Camille Jean Laignaux was kidnapped, ripped from her family, and taken into Mexico to be imprisoned and molded by a monster and a sociopath into a weapon the monster called Mr. Jack will gladly sacrifice and use in order to seek posthumous revenge on his parent’s having abandoned his sister and causing her untimely death. Will Camille’s triumphant return to her loving family be destroyed because her secret is revealed as she is sacrificed on the altar of a madman’s vengeance or will someone be able to stop him in time to save her from a fate worse than death?

Mourning Dew


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Mourning Dew


Audience Rating: 


Almost six years ago, Camille Jean Laignaux was kidnapped, ripped from her family, and taken into Mexico to be imprisoned and molded by a monster and a sociopath into a weapon. The monster called Mr. Jack will gladly sacrifice her and use her in order to seek posthumous revenge on his parent’s having abandoned his sister and causing her untimely death. Will Camille’s triumphant return to her loving family be destroyed because her secret is revealed as she is sacrificed on the altar of a madman’s vengeance or will someone be able to stop him in time to save her from a fate worse than death?

Mourning Dew


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Real Life 2

Liz sighed. She hadn’t seen her grandpa in years, and he really wasn’t in the best of health. She realized she should probably go see him, but she also just really didn’t feel like it. But she finally got around to it. At least one last time before he died. Honestly, she was incredibly selfish and really should have done this before now.

Jacinta, part 11

“God, I always feel so out of place every time I come here…” I moan as I step into the vast dance studio, surrounded by my friends.

“I really hope that’s NOT because you feel uncomfortable wearing THAT!” Lauren teases, making me giggle as I stare down at the short-sleeved black leotard and baby pink tights that are covering my body.

“Hell no!” I reply, making my friends giggle and cheer. “It’s just- you know? You girls are all so good at ballet, and I’m still just a beginner… Not to mention the fact that everyone here is, like, famous!”

Giving Thanks

So many things have changed over the last two years and a bit. The biggest change, to be honest, has been me, inside and out.

At that time, I was just about to graduate from high school. I did all right, I guess, mostly As and Bs. I got along with others for the most part, but I never really got close to anyone because I had a deep, dark secret I didn't want to tell anyone: I wished that I had been born female.

The Vengeance of Dr. Rhino

Originally posted 2005-02-08

Sometimes getting even just isn't enough for a supervillain

The Adventures of Dr. Rhino, Supervillain


by Lainie Lee and Erin Halfelven


Jacinta, part 10

“…Wow,” Lauren breathes as Ophelia and I step out of her bedroom, dressed in our elaborate costumes.

“Sure you’re wearing enough make-up?” Katie teases.

“Is it ever possible to wear too much make-up?” I ask as I preen and playfully flick my hair away from my face, which has been smeared in a bright white foundation and ‘enhanced’ with thick black eyeshadow, long (and heavy) fake eyelashes and thick black lipstick.

“Think you’re missing the words ‘at Halloween’ from the end of your question,” Katie asks.

“Does it change the answer?” I ask.

The Relic

Office of Joint Chiefs Of Staff
Washington D.C

Time: 0900

“Lt . Col. Jack Arnold reporting as ordered , Sir”

“At ease “ General Marcus Payne replied .

“I need a status report for “Project Golden Bird”.

Alexa Chapter 30: What Are You Doing Here?

The Winter Semester is coming to an end. The girls get ready to celebrate and also spend some time in their favourite pursuit, hopping. Unexpected shoppers lead to an interesting day.

The Babysitter - Part 5 - Conclusion

After the incidents with Tom and his friend Fred, I decided that I had to be careful. I had acquired a girlfriend and, other than babysitting jobs, I did not appear outside in feminine attire. This was protective camouflage; to the outside world I was just a regular teenage boy.

The Roommate - Chapter 2 - Slow TG/Hypnosis

Breakfast went smoothly. Rebecca had kept an eye on his coffee, but it hadn’t been needed. He’d drunk every drop of the coffee, obviously relishing each sip of the limited caffein he allowed himself. He’d eaten his food, as well, somehow finding joy in his healthy food. Rebecca would have liked to believe it was due to her own cooking skills, but her interaction with that grapefruit had been limited to a single swift knife cut. Most likely, he’d simply trained his tongue to actually enjoy those tastes.

Andi and Allie - 18

Andi and Allie Chapter 18

So much for the New Year…!!!

018-01a IMG_1706.png"ANDI…!”

I was on the very edge of sleep when I heard me name being…shrieked? The damp cloth still covered my tear stained eyes. I lifted one corner to see what time it was; two-thirty in the morning?

“ANDI…! Get out here! Now…!!!”

The Roommate - Chapter 1 - Slow TG/Hypnosis

Rebecca pushed her shoulder into the gap between door and doorway, watching Daniel unpack. She watched as Daniel lifted a heavy box, the muscles in his back tensing and rippling as she watched. He’d removed the white t-shirt he’d worn in, on the pretense of it being a hot day - and the shirt had clung to his skin with sweat, barely able to come off. Slender arms stretching the material tight, in front of his chest. It would have been…. Delicious. If she’d been watching a girl.

Stephanie, part 16

I let out several shrieks of laughter as the loud music pulses inside my head, mixing with the alcohol and the hot, sweaty atmosphere of the nightclub to create a strong sense of euphoria. This euphoria is, of course, helped by the short, tight black dress I’ve squeezed my fledgling curves into, the thick make-up on my face and the extra-high heeled shoes attached to my feet!

Summer Intern - 6 Her New Image

Summer Intern - 6
Her New Image

Marty’s identity was found out by Sandy on Spring Break...
Sandy and Hannah helped the Marti inside to Blossom...
She’s living 24/7 during her Summer Internship…
Relationships becoming complicated
The Martina is surfacing is here to stay...

Interesting Summer Vacation Part 7

"Lily!" Katie yells I can barely hear her, the boat's motor is very loud, I scoot closer to her.

"What?" I ask at a normal volume.

"What were you and Bob talking about?" She asks, eager for the nonexistent juicy details.

"Nothing, I think I overreacted, we both acted normally I think we're friends," I say, hopefully JUST friends.

I look over to Bob. He is standing up, fighting the wind, next to Dad pointing him in the right direction. They look like a father and a son, a much better son than I ever was, or am.

Anita, Chapter 16 & Epilogue

Chapter 16 and Epilogue

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: In a sense there is a connection to this story and several other non-magic stories I’ve written. Two characters from Mike and Ashley show up briefly. They would be Mike and Ashley. This story, Like “Mike and Ashley”, “Discovery”, and “Cynthia and the Queen of Knight” takes its storyline from the work of someone else. In this case, a production by an Italian fellow named Joseph Green. The story is 16 chapters in length plus an epilogue. I’ve done as much tweaking as I can. Any errors are mine and I will gladly accept constructive criticism; as long as you’re nice.

Costa has Anita, Alexa, and Robelia in a very difficult position. His anger towards Anita rises to the top. Anita will be the first to die.

Anita, Chapter 15

Chapter 15

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: In a sense there is a connection to this story and several other non-magic stories I’ve written. Two characters from Mike and Ashley show up briefly. They would be Mike and Ashley. This story, Like “Mike and Ashley”, “Discovery”, and “Cynthia and the Queen of Knight” takes its storyline from the work of someone else. In this case, a production by an Italian fellow named Joseph Green. The story is 16 chapters in length plus an epilogue. I’ve done as much tweaking as I can. Any errors are mine and I will gladly accept constructive criticism; as long as you’re nice.

Anita and Alexa have moved into their new home just off Fox Mill Rd. Things are going very well; however, there is this guy named Tommaso Costa, and he is not a happy camper. He has located Anita and her companion whom he has no idea about. Costa wants all of them dead, and the sooner the better. Someone else is watching costa and they seem to have as much interest in taking him down as the agency does. Costa is on the move, and the Agency may have found out too late.


“Mmph…” Jamie moaned as she forced her tired eyes open. A quick glance at the clock made her sigh- it was 5:45am, a time that up until recently, the 26 year old woman would have balked at, especially on a cold, wet Sunday morning in December. However, Jamie didn’t hesitate to swing her smooth, slender legs out of her bed, wrap a warm dressing gown around her shivering body and pad the short distance down the landing towards the reason for her being awake so early.

Andi and Allie - 10


Andi and Allie

Chapter 10 – So… What’s nude?

Bob Preston didn’t look anything like I would have expected and yet I knew him the moment I saw him. He arrived with Jill on Friday in the early evening. They were on their way to dinner, Jill’s treat, and stopped off to view what work I had assembled.


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