A new blossom.

My name is Louis Parker. For years I have been struggling to make ends meet and keep my apartment. It is really not that bad.

1 bedroom with two closets, a bathroom with a tub and shower as one solid unit. The mirror in bathroom over the somewhat large counter has two ends that can fold. It is also well lighted with a light bar over the mirror and another below that gives a little light. I believe both are led as they have multiple light settings of dim, bright and blinding.

My bill is all in one for heating, internet which I choose over tv for a reason, I live on an upper floor with a balcony that has these sort of windows I can open for a breeze in summer.

It is not super expensive and the heating and cooling even here on the twelve floor is pretty good. Across the street is a police and fire station so crime is pretty minimal in the area. Not far from me is a couple of shops and stores. Hair dressers, which I haven't been to in a while, mini grocery/drug mart. Basically one of those places you can get a few things that you might run out of.

And, of course, a few restaurants.

Like I said I have been struggling for a few years to make ends meet. When I didn't have a job a former girlfriend talked me into being a test subject at a local cosmetology collage. I had thought they would play with hair or something.

Well they did, and more importantly I got paid for it, just not what I was expecting. I don't mind the complete lack of facial hair but the rest of my body still feels weird. How many guys have no arm, underarm, leg or chest hair?

The teacher assured me that since I was male and not on any suppressants or something that it would grow back eventually.

Honestly now that I have gotten used to not shaving it is not that bad. I have used the cycling excuse once or twice to explain the leg hair.

I haven't been able to afford to go get my hair cut as things are really tight. I mean my car is no longer insured cause I couldn't afford it. Not that a ten year old civic is all that desirable at the moment. I bought it during my first job, cash, as I was living at home with mom and dad. When they passed away due to a disease they caught on one of their vacations it kinda meant I had to leave.

Once the lawyers got everything straightened out I did get some money, which I used for down payment on this apartment, and lived on for a year. Probably the only reason I have a good computer and some furniture that doesn't look cheap. The one china cabinet and side table, called a beday or something, are from my parents. The lace doily thing under the plants, another save from my parents, is looking a little green though. I have washed it as I have a washer dryer in apartment,behind some fake doors. It is a one piece unit, washer ontop and dryer underneath.

The coffee table in the living room /office is another rescue. The beday started as three badly abused and painted old dresser or kitchen storage of some type. Dad, who used to hobby doing woodworking, pity I couldn't keep those tools. No room. Anyways like I was saying dad stripped off all the old paint, took apart the dressers, did a bunch of work I have no clue about and assembled the beday. From the leftovers he made the coffee table. It looks really old, but really ins't.

My couch came from a neighbour that moved out. When she moved out she offered me her old couch. I keep meaning to buy some die for it as a velvet white with pink flowers couch is not the kind of thing a guy should have. I also got her old bicycle after mine got stolen. Bike, post that was in concrete, chain and all. Somebody really wanted my old bike.

It is a good bike, fenders front and rear. Battery operated headlight and taillight that somehow charge off rear wheel. Rear rack for putting stuff. It is just that it is a girl's bike. Fuchsia is another one of those colours that I could do without. I was not going to turn down a twenty one speed road bike though. I keep hoping to one day find a mens frame that I can transfer the stuff too. I do like the wider softer seat though.

About a year and half ago I started my new and current job. It is telemarketing, the system dials people who actually want to know about our product, voucher booklets and lottery tickets in their area. My job is to actually get them to buy them. Tell them benefits and what not. Occasionally I do get some odd telemarketing to do.

By odd I mean somehow, and nobody seems to be able to explain why, I get slumped into a que, system that phones customers, and get to try to sell odd things. Well odd for a guy anyways. At first I was offended but , after some ribbon and a bunch of coaching by my manager, I do the que when it comes up. Which is not all that often.

Speaking in a slightly higher octave to sell womens various items is not as bad as you might think. Actually I get a bit of a thrill from it as I tend to mess myself up once and awhile. While I do know a lot about women's lingerie I have no desire to go out and buy some for myself.

I should explain that. When you see a lot of the products on your screen again and again it loses it's appeal after awhile. I see the product come up on screen, speak slightly higher introducing myself as Louise, manager's idea, and try to convince a woman that the stuff is great and feels good. When they ask if I have some I tell them that while I have seen samples, which is true, they are never in my size, which is again true, and I couldn't afford them, which is far too close to the truth.

When I first started I was at the main office in a cubicle, with bad climate control, and noisy. I struggled to make the minimum sales that are required during a run. While I was there one of the top salesmen dropped by to give some pointers to a group of us low performers. While a lot of what he said was good info it was his whispered secret that helped me out a lot more.


He said by taking the stuff regularly it helped him relax, which came across to customers somehow, and boosted his sales.

I looked it up on the internet at home. It is basically a low dose female hormone that boosts your sex drive. How that was supposed to help I had no idea. It was also expensive. For the price of one small box of Viagra I could buy three bottles of generic brand estrogen tablets.

I bought my first bottle, read the label about max dosage, and took the maximum dose. A week later my sales started going up so I kept taking them. As a bonus two months later in my review I qualified for working from home.

Less bus fare or bike riding for me. I still take the hormones as I really need the sales. Yeah there is some fat deposits on my body now that I sit at home. Mostly it is less muscle definition and flab on my chest and butt. It will go away when I stop I am fairly sure. To combat it I have been dieting so most of my clothes are loose on me.

Every year we have to go for the awards ceremony and then the office Christmas party. For a guy it just means wearing a suit to both. The women tend to go a bit overboard. For the ceremony most wear either a nice professional style dress or shiny ladies suit, no pants. The office party, which is usually held in a rented room, they really dress up in nice dresses. I heard a rumour that this year the party is going to be held in a ballroom.

Since I qualify for both the men's and women's award, gee thanks stupid computer, I had to sit through both ceremonies. The men's was fine. The women's not so much. I did get to sit at the table with the top sales woman for the year. Hoping to get some tips I used my cell phone to record the entire conversation she had with all the ladies around the table. Much to my embarrassment.

Most of her advise about how this material blouse and skirt made her feel. How that sexy lingerie made her feel. It was rather descriptive. And since they referred to me as Louise, mostly to tease me, they all had fun I believe. Mostly it was how underwear and grooming made you feel more professional.

Most people who work from home do so in whatever they feel comfortable with. I am guilty of that. She said that dressing more professional put you in a better frame of mind or as she put it a professional frame of mind.

Once I was at home I replayed the recording a few times, mostly falling asleep to it at night. But I did try dressing better to do my que's. Instead of just making ends meet I started to get better sales, which meant better pay, and was putting some money aside. It wasn't much but I could afford to order out once and awhile.

I start at eight in the morning, have a break at ten, and hour lunch at noon, another break at three then log out at five.

The one morning I was getting frustrated. I had only gotten two sales that morning and made a mistake as well. I accidentally ordered a set of lingerie, bras, panties, slips, a nightgown, all in satin but put my address in. As a bonus to the order was a selection of pantyhose. When I say set I mean that there is one of each in different colors. This one was white, nude, black, claret, and rose. After I had logged the sale I realized my mistake and had to use my debit card to make a one time purchase to the customers address.

Another thing that was happening was that even in regular calls I was mistakenly using the Louise voice. It was annoying me but I couldn't seem to stop it. After a week I just gave up and started to introduce myself as Louise all the time. My sales started to increase a bit but not much. Not sure why.

I was nervous about the lingerie and wondered when it would arrive, and more importantly, what I would do with it. There was also the small annoyance that guys would regularly ask me what I was wearing. I was brushing it off but some of the women would ask to.

I talked to my manager over our monthly phone meeting, she was concerned about me using Louise all the time, but she also suggested that I should go on Amazon and do a selection of what "professional" Louise would most likely wear, put it all in my cart examine it all to memory then cancel it.

I thought it silly but I spent the one night after work doing just that. I actually took me four days and a fairly full cart. I had jewellery, shoes, blouses, dresses, skirts, skirt suits. All professional and I whittled them down by following the recording on my phone to about different five sets of each. There was accesorries as well, purses, wallets that matched purses, belts, bracelets, a watch, some hair clips. etc. I also looked up makeup and hair videos on youtube to create, at least in my mind. The ideal Louise image.

I was taking a break during my lunch and was just about to click cancel on the amazon screen when my wall buzzer buzzed scaring the crap out of me. What I didn't notice was that I had clicked wrongly and the order, made out to Louise Parker, had been processed. I just closed the window before nervously going to get my parcel.

I carried my box of mistaken lingerie upstairs. I didn't really know what to do with it. I also did not want a possible cockroach infestation so after a fair amount of frustration I removed the tags and washed all of it.

You would have thought I would have noticed a drop of my bank account balance of well over a thousand dollars but since I got a bonus that made up most of the difference I had just thought I spent a little to much on the lingerie.

Two days later I got curious about the lingerie. When I had folded and put it away in a drawer it had invoked feelings in me. After another frustrating morning of slow sales during lunch I figured what the hell and tried on the stuff. I was going to just try the panties but I ended up liking it a little too much and put on the bra, which in this case was strapless and a pain but I got it. Then the pantyhose, which felt wonderful. Then finaly the satin full slip. It all felt so good but so wrong. I wanted to take it off but couldn't. I tried a few times but kept putting it back on. I also had to stuff some toilet paper in my panties to catch the mess I was making.

That after noon I made great sales. I was happy. And celebrated that night with some take out pizza, that I got while still wearing my lingerie underneath. I don't think anyone noticed.

The next day I tried to go back to normal but after making no sales at ten I rushed to get changed into my lingerie, purple this time, I quickly stuffed my panties and for the heck of it my bra a little. I was surprised how my flabby chest, with just a little padding seemed to fill the cups of my bra. Instead of nude pantyhose I wore shadow today. I just didn't bother putting back on my socks, mostly because my break was just about finished. I sucked in my belt a little bit much and quickly tucked in my white shirt into my pants.

By noon my sales were doing good. Once again I got scared when my phone buzzed letting me know I had a delivery. I was hungry and the delivery guy said it was a large package, so I buzzed him in forgetting about what I was wearing, and more importantly that it was visible as I had not done up my shirt that much. I admit I kept peeking down at this amazing cleavage I had.

When the delivery guy knocked on my door saying that he was Dave from Messenger Express for Louise I thought nothing of it and opened the door. What he brought in was huge! I thanked him and hastily scrawled a passable Louise on the pad. I was curious what the box was. My lunch forgotten I opened the box and pulled out sealed bag after sealed bag. First was a silk blouse in fushia. Then a brown skirt suit, a pair of two inch heels, in brown. Seemed that the box had been packed with the items in a order of sorts.

I looked at the clock I had and realized I didn't have much time before lunch would be over. It was not till I had taken a step that I realized I had put on the blouse, skirt and heels. I thought crap crap crap. I rummaged through the box and pulled out some jewerly a belt, and some hair clips. I carried these into my bedroom and quickly unpacked them. I put on a watch, belt, brushed out my hair as best I could before putting in the hair clip. I had to fool with my blouse as it tied into a bow around my neck. Then put on the blazer before making back to my chair. Why I did that I don't know but I felt so good and my panties were going to be wet.

While I was working on the phone I played with the studs that matched the blouse. Little button things really. I would bring them to my ear as if searching for a hole, catch myself and stop. But I kept doing it. I didn't even notice when I got the first one done and worked on the second. I was busy getting good sales so I was honestly distracted. At my break I took off my blazer and carefully ate my sandwich sitting with my legs one over the other because it just felt right.

Walking in two inch heels did not come easy for me. My feet were sore that first night as I spent most of it washing, drying and hanging up my new clothes. I was getting tired of going through lots of toilet paper just to protect my panties, and it usually left a little mess. Since I was washing the outfit I had worn that day I got dressed in my jeans and a short sleeve blouse that I had already washed grabbed one of my purses which I packed with my new wallet, keys put on another pair of pumps and was just about to leave when I realized what I was doing.

When I left my apartment I was wearing regular running shoes and a sweater in the hopes of hiding my lingerie. No purse. At the local store I picked up some maxi pads and thought about makeup but decided against it. Getting the pads was bad enough. I spent the rest of the night in my short sleeve blouse and a pencil skirt learning how to walk properly in heels.

The next morning I had gotten up early to get dressed. While I was standing in front of my mirror in just my lingerie trying to get my hair to look presentable getting more and more frustrated I just gave up with the best I could do. Got dressed in my red silk blouse, with short sleeves and simple flat lapel collar, white aline skirt, heels, and the matching short sleeve jacket. Since I had a bit of time before my first call I looked up the local hairdresser and made appointment to get my hair done. I would have to leave before at noon and possible take the after noon off.

I needed permission for that so I called up my manager and asked if it was possible to get the afternoon off as I had an appointment. I just didn't tell her what for. She did some checking and since If was ahead of schedule from sales that morning it would be fine but she would prefer if I put in an extra hour the rest of the week. I agreed. I did my best to get in sales that morning. Which I did really well. So much so I went a little over. When I looked at the clock after logging my last call I realized I would be late if I didn't get a move on.

I had originally planned to change but didn't have time. I just quickly packed up my white purse and left for the salon. I was really nervous leaving my building but I just put one heel in front of the other like I had practiced and made it to the salon. When I got in the door I said that I had called in an appointment this morning for a Louise Parker the lady behind the desk didn't bat an eye. She had me follow her to the back where I sat in a chair, making sure to cross my legs, before I started to talk to the cosmetician. I explained about being frustrated with my hair, she agreed, while long it had a number of split ends and was kind of frazzled. Not once did she mention or ask why a guy was in her chair.

It was warm in the salon so I took off my blazer and she complemented me on blouse. We chatted while she washed my hair trimmed it, talked me into colouring it from its dull brown to a light red that parted to the side with some waves in it. While my hair was being coloured first my hands then my feet got manicure and pedicure. We also talked about makeup. I got my first salon makeup job done that day, which unfortunately included an eyebrow waxing " just to clean them up".

When she was done I looked into the mirror and saw myself as Louise the professional for the first time. I was a little shocked to be honest. I had gone way to far and would have to find a way out of it. I put on my game face and did my best to listen as they described how they did my makeup, what to wear for night or day look. Since all the makeup was new unopened before used on me they sold me it all, along helping me pick out just the right perfume.

They had me go over hair care that I would have to watch out for a few days as well as noticed that my ears were a little red. They gave me some advise about that so on the walk home, after I almost tripped and had to concentrate on walking properly, stopped at the grocers with my jacket over my arm to get a few things. Namely a bathing cap and some peroxide.

Since it seemed I had trapped myself as Louise a woman now I followed their advise that night. Washed with a bathing cap and some fragrant oils. Cleaned my lobes with peroxide as well as all my earrings. I was in such I daze I didn't remember if I took my pills that morning so I took another dose before going to bed in my nightie. I slept fairly well but fitfully, waking up from various nightmares about getting caught as a guy in a dress.

The next morning I got up, did a horrible job with my makeup two times before the third was not terrible. Got dressed in yellow blazer and black skirt. I noticed that my slip was somewhat noticeable. My sales were pretty good, once I got into it, that day. I did some more shopping online line that day and bought a bunch more suits, dresses, shoes, different jewellery, lingerie that included a few different coloured camisoles, usually satin but some had lace at the top. I also bought some none professional dresses to wear when I wasn't working, as well as some skirts and tops. In one such case it looked like a two piece top and skirt with a back tie sash in satin but was really a dress.

Friday at lunch Dave showed up with another big box. I smiled and told him I had lost weight recently, which I had, and needed some new clothes. He complimented me saying that I now looked quite cute. I thanked him for bringing in my box. After working late that night I did wash all my new clothes and got to bed a little late. My closet was now pretty packed and I had to put my casual outfits into my other closet after shoving aside my old clothes. My poor dresser was getting a little too pack so I shifted some of my old clothes into a box to make room for my lingerie.

I spent the weekend practising my walking and makeup. For some reason all of my shoes all had two inch heels. I never gave it a thought.

The days flew by with me being professional dressed as Louise day in day out. I got really good at makeup and my feet, and more importantly calves, didn't get sore from wearing my shoes. I was getting constant good sales everyday so money was coming in. My savings...not so much. I became an online shopaholic. Before long my closets were packet with all manner of skirts and dresses, my dresser top had a fairly full jewellery box. My dresser didn't contain anything but lingerie and night gowns of various types.

All my old clothes got packed up in one of the old boxes. I didn't notice at first but I was no longer stuffing my bras, in fact they were getting a little tight. My hips were filling out my skirts a little too well so I went on a diet again. I knew it would take time and I didn't want to wait for a new bra to come in. I figured I had shrunk them in the wash or this was just one of those things that happened to bras over time. There was a lingerie store nearby though. One quick trip during lunch I got measured and bought a bunch of new bras in different colours. These were all strapped though so I had to get used to straps digging into my shoulders.

My monthly phone meetings with my manager went as normal except after the second she just called me Louise all the time.

With my closets full I curbed my shopping to getting things for my apartment. I got a new dresser and vanity for my bedroom, along with some satin sheets and nice comforter in a fuchsia colour. I had grown to like the colour. My bathroom got some new softer towels. I got a little more makeup. I put up curtains in place of my blinds. Little things really. Like always I wore nothing but two inch pumps.

Calling them pumps is a little wrong as that brings to mind closed toe. Actually a few were open toe, such as the ones I wore with my spaghetti strap summer dress when i went to get my car licensed. that was a bit of disaster. The lady behind the counter wouldn't accept my id, which said Louis Albert Parker with a really old picture of me. Honestly I was surprised just how much I had changed I no longer looked like a boy. After a frustrating walk home I logged on to a site she had told me about and, in hindsight, anger I quickly changed my name to Louise Anne Parker just to make things easier.

I worked day after day, getting good sales which told me what I was doing was right. And the little voice in the back of my head that screamed I was doing things wrong just got a little more quieter. Six weeks later in the mail I got my new birth certificate, social insurance number and medical card. Armed with that I went to the insurance place, got a new drivers license after showing my "change of name document" as well as my car licensed. I think the guy doing the pictures liked me a little too much as he took quite a few photos and my license photo was made me look very pretty.

I also went to my bank and had that taken care off. I was no surprise a week later I got a new debit card in the mail with Louise Parker on it. All that went into my purse. Time moved on I built up a nice savings and found a good deal on some above the knee leather skirts. As winter approached I realized I need a few more things and bought a nice fur coat that came to my knees as well as a nice pair of winter boots with a two inch heel.

I also fantazied about wearing a skirt suit to the ceremony and spent hours online till I found just the right one, in an off white satin with half sleeves a flared waist but tight skirt. It has a little bow in the back brass buttons up the front and a leaf pattern that is just there if you look. I bought it, along with some cream shoes with a little bow on them.

For the party I bought two dresses as I couldn't make up my mind. One is a strapless evening gown with a satin skirt that goes to floor in fuchsia with a satin ribbon bow that ties on the side and a red cocktail dress that goes to my knees off the shoulder. Matching shoes for both of course. I figured why not treat myself to my fantasy.

Since I had learned that some can shrink in wash I usually bought a size larger. Which turned out to be a good thing on all three as they did. They fit me like a glove and I had an orgasm just putting them on.

The next time I went to Sherry, my stylist at the salon, she talked me into coming over the day of the ceremony to get my hair and makeup done. I was reluctant since I would have to ruin it to get dressed as Louis to do so but I did.

That...was my first mistake. When I got home I admired how good I looked in my suit and really didn't want to get changed. When I tried to change I kept ending up back in my suit. Time moved on, as it always does, that day. I knew I would have to leave at six to get there for seven and about five I tried to take a bath. I had filled and overflowed my pad twice fighting with myself. My breasts were hurting pretty good too.

When I got out and patted myself dry from the chest down, as I didn't sink down into tub, I powdered myself with some of my powder before running into my room. Once again I left my room in my suit. Frantic I took off the suit and left it on the top of my fur coat and purse, already packed, before running to my old clothes box. I hurriedly dug out my old suit jacket, shirt, tie and pants. I put them on over my lingerie, though getting my heels through the pants was a little tricky.

Near the door I found it a struggle to pull up the zipper on my pants and that my breasts, already sore, were being squished by my shirt whose buttons were close to popping off. I grabbed my fur coat, which had my suit in it, my purse and zipped out the door as fast as my normal walk would allow. I didn't meet anyone in the elevator and got to my car without seeing anyone. I put my coat and suit carefully on the passenger seat before going round to the drivers side.

I had just sat down when I coughed. When I did my shirt ripped along the button line and my pants ripped down beside the zipper. Both were totally ruined. I was ready to cry. When I looked at the time and saw it was almost a quarter after six I knew I didn't have time. I just hurried ripped off the rest of the junk and got dressed as quickly as I could in my suit. I then gathered up the shredded remains and dumped them in the passenger seat. I started my car then, while it warmed up, I used the mirror of the glass to make sure my suit sat straight and my slip didn't show.

While sitting in my car I looked down and saw my cleavage on partial display due to the lace of the satin camisole. I gave a thought to maybe going upstairs to change but knew none of my old clothes would ever fit me. That and the clock in my car decided me. I buckled up and drove quickly, but carefully to where the ceremony was being held.

I thought I would have to park outside in the cold, no snow yet, and walk but it had an underground parking. I knew it would save me time as I was already a little late. I parked downstairs, tried not to successfully not to panic and had to pull up my skirt, wipe myself off with the rags of my old clothes before putting in a new pad. Since I didn't need my coat I locked that into the trunk of my car then walked as quickly as my swaying hip walk would allow to the elevators.

I was breathing pretty fast and my pulse was up quick a bit when I got to the floor. I saw all my coworkers and had to make a mad dash for the women's rest room as the mens was no longer a place for me now. I was Louise.

After checking myself over front to back, making a small adjustment to my half slip that had moved down a little. I was in front of the mirrors telling myself again and again. "I am Louise".

That was when my manager walked in. At first she wondered who I was, I could see it on her face. I said hi boss. That did it. Her mouth went open for a moment before she had me twirl and walk back and forth once. Then she came over and looked me over carefully before gushing about how good I looked in my dress.

I don't know why but it relaxed me and I complimented her on her dress which was a blue velvet and satin skirt, much shorter than my own strapless. Hers had shoulders. Once she was sure I was relaxed she led me to the name tag area. Normally only at work do we wear name tags. At home we didn't. To my surprise there was my name Louise Parker.

My manager pinned it on me and accidentally touched one breast. I couldn't help it I flinched.

She asked if I was okay and I so no not really. But I had my game face. She smiled and said good enough. I followed her to our table. Nobody really recognized me. But since so many of my old team had been replaced over the year that wasn't a surprise. But they all seemed to know my name for some reason.

The men were on one side while we women were on the other. When they asked what I was going to wear to the Christmas party I showed them my two dresses. After much oohing and awwing we got into the details. For the gown I didn't really have the right necklace and earrings, since I was logged into my Amazon account we found and ordered some on the spot. For the dress they all insisted that a red open toe strap heel would be best. Both also need a smaller clutch purse. I finished my order then we went around the table helping each of the other girls out the same way.

Dinner was a nice event and we made small talk through it. The guys talked about sport teams. We talked about fashion and I had to admit to not watching any new movies or television in quite awhile. We all made plans to meet up soon to see a new movie, after a nice dinner with dates. I got asked who my man was and stumbled not thinking about what to say. The thought of actually dating a man never occurred to me but as I looked around at the guys I noticed that I was find more than a few attractive.

This disturbed me and I had to excuse myself to use the ladies. I think my manager noticed as she followed me. When we got in the room we waited for another lady to leave before we talked. First off she asked me how I walked so well like that. I just said it was my normal walk. Then she asked me what the problem was. When I said I had just realized I found men attractive.

Then she told me something that shocked me. She told me of how she had first seen my trying to be a boy and not doing a good job of it. When I tried to correct her she tutted me and told me to let her finish. She then saw me start to come out of my cocoon, her words not mine, and during our meetings she heard me blossom. When she saw me she had reservations at first but during the meal I had proved to her that this was my true form.

I again tried to object but she again shushed me. She said, and I quote, " Louise this is who you are, a pretty confident women without question. Welcome to the club." I hate to say but I started to cry. So as not to dirty my suit I took off the blazer portion while I cried and she held me. Her comment of "such a girl" made me giggle a little. I cried for a bit before she helped me fix my makeup. Since I was in the washroom and my blazer was off I sat down to pee, another habit I had developed after long months of wearing nothing but skirts or dresses.

When I was done and washed up she helped me make sure my suit was all neat before we returned to the table. Along the way she said she knew of someone that I should talk too.

The desert was a wonderful strawberry, blueberry, graham cracker whip cream that was do die for. We all happily chatted till, around nine, the CEO of the company took to the floor podium to make the announcements. Bill from last year won again for the men's no surprise there. For the women's he announced the runners up and I was surprised that Beth had not won again.

Imagine my utter shock when he announced that not only had this find woman gotten the most sales but was also the most improved as well. I started clapping along with everyone else wondering who it was. When he called out my name of Louise Anne Parker. It didn't sink in at first. My manager who was grinning from ear to ear had to nudge me. I, of course, mouthed you knew, which she nodded before I went up to the stage amongst clapping.

He mentioned a few things but honestly I wasn't listening as I was in shock. I found out later that I would have to come into work to give a presentation on how to best improve. The rest of the night was much talking around my table about how to get good sales. There was no way I was going to tell them to take hormones to become a woman. I just told them about how the way one dresses affects their voice and bearing while working. Much like what Beth had told me a year ago but much much less details on how to dress for success.

When I got home I spent most of the night in my tub crying and not doing that well. It was a Saturday and my manager dropped by. She helped me tape up my former life before bringing it downstairs to the salvation army bin outside. I had to take the next week off from work as I spent nearly everyday at the psychiatrist's office that she had recommended coming to terms with myself. I wont say I was a hundred percent better, actually I got in a lot of trouble for taking my meds, but at the end of the week I didn't feel crippled by the fact I was now a woman. That would take a few months of therapy.

When my new accessories arrived on Thursday they were again delivered by Dave. Just before he was about to turn to leave I hesitantly asked him if he was doing anything next Wednesday. When he asked why I sort of maybe flirted with him and said I kinda needed a plus one for a company party. I was fully expecting him to say he was married or had a girlfriend or even a boyfriend.

He didn't he just hemmed and hawwed before asking what the dress code was. I told him it was formal. Instead of that turning him off he just smiled at me and said I can't very well give up the chance to see my dream girl in all dressed up, not that I wasn't usually. Actually he kinda sputtered a bit.

I wore my ball gown, which I won the best dressed with at the party. Dave was a gentlemen throughout that night. And as luck would have it a number of others. We didn't become girlfriend boyfriend, though we did try. We are still friends and he, along with my former manager, have helped me through my crisis. I no longer see myself as anything but a woman, and very soon after a bit of surgery, one proper.

At work, which I go to everyday in one of my professional skirt suits or dresses, I started a bit of a trend as more and more women in the office come to work in blouses and skirts or dresses. As for myself. Well I have a nice little house with a garden. I have dated a few guys but none of them is Mr right yet.

I go to my parents graves and talk to them about how their daughter is doing. I see my psychiatrist every couple of months, and when I feel down at all, my therapist. It is not the easiest life to live but this is mine.

For I am proud, very proud to be a woman by the true name of Louise Anne Parker.

The end.

Comments are appreciated.

P.S. Maybe after my corrective surgery I'll get some pants. But honestly I just enjoy skirts way too much.

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