The proper uniform.

Sorry about this yet another smut story. My brain, and muse, wont let me sleep so I have to get these out. I also think it is a short story despite the word limits Erin has made!

From about the age of five or maybe six Louis was having trouble. In school he was withdrawn and didn't play or seem to make any friends. This had concerned his parents as there was a number times he came home with a bruise or two from schoolyard bullies.

The last time was a few months ago. Frustrated they took him out of public school and looked around for a reputable private school.

Franklin's was a grade four to eight school. It was split between elementary and junior high. Junior high being kids twelve to fourteen. Like most schools it has a school uniform.

For the boys it was pretty much black school pants with a long sleeve shirt and tie in winter and jacket in school colour of purple. The school crest was in gold of course. In summer they could opt for short sleeve shirt and tie and knee length short pants.

None of that really interested Louis at all when he was told about it. He got dressed in the clothes his parents gave him and plodded off to school. His parents had only gotten him the one uniform, for the simple reason that the school store was out of his size. Small.

You see, unlike most boys his age of eleven, he wasn't developing, another concern for his parents, he voice wasn't changing at all. About the only thing that did seem to be changing was that his hips seemed a little bit wider than they should. He had not lost the soft fat over his body at all.

When the bully had hurt him last fall just after school started his parents had had some home schooling done for him. This was for two reason's. One his new school was ahead of what he had been in public school, and two Louis was scared when meeting new people.

Louis's parents were both business professionals, so money was never really much of an issue. Louis had never had any real reason to spend much of his weekly allowance. This left him with a healthy sum in his account. While he was home schooled they had been concerned of leaving him alone at home for a hour while they got back, usually his mom, from work. His dad worked long hours on cases at the lawyers office.

Since he had never given them any reason to doubt leaving him alone the time before they returned got longer and longer as work increased for them both. He was well behaved, never invited anyone, including strangers at the door, and there had been a few, so when, so soon after he started at his new school, a bonus reward trip for the two of them on a cruise for six months they were excited.

His mother had, of course tried to get someone to watch him. And she had until at the last minute the person had had to cancel as her sister in another province had fallen down and broken her leg and arm. Of course any other person she could have contacted was not home that evening.

His mother had told his dad that they should cancel but his father talked her out of it. They could call every other day to make sure he was alright. And Louis had demonstrated that he could be trusted to be safe by himself. That did not stop his mother that night from phoning people with no luck.

The early morning they left his mother had come into his room and woke him up as she was crying over leaving him alone for so long. He did his best to tell him he would be good and not get into trouble.

What neither his parents knew was that Louis had discovered something. When he had entered his classroom at Franklins for the first time he got exposed to his classmates, more specifically the girls.
Many of the girl's had hair as long as his, he had panic attacks the last two times his mother had brought him for a haircut. His was in a loose ponytail held by an elastic down his back. While a long it was not totally unkempt as his mother had used some scissors, while he cried in fear, to trim the ends even while it was wet.

What imediatly got his attention was all the different things the girls had done with their hair. Then there was their uniforms. The girls blouses had wide collars in a soft looking white material with a ruffled edge. The blouses seem to be held together with pearl buttons. Instead of the long ugly tie that he had they had a cute purple ribbon that was tied into a double bow.

They all seemed to wear the same dress that had two straps over the shoulders coming to a square in the front with a little jacket that came to thier waist, in purple with a white small ribbon a little from the edge on the cuffs of the jacket and the bottom edge. Around their waist was a purple satin bow that tied in the back into a bigger bow. The skirt of the dress came to thier knees but had plenty of movement without being too big. They all wore white tights that led to black shoes that had a rounded toe, a strap over the middle and a very small heel the back.

Almost all the girls had earrings, many of them pearl studs of different diameters. But more importantly they all seemed to smile and be happy in their uniforms. Something Louis was not.

They had also seemed to be excited about their breasts coming in. As if it was a wonderful thing happening. He tried not to stare but he did notice that they all seemed to have bumps on their chests of different sizes. These bumps were called breasts.

He didn't want to notice it but he found himself wondering what was so special about the dresses. The next day at school he had looked at the girls and their happiness and wanted that badly for himself. He also looked at the older girls in the junior high. They had blouses that were different no ruffled edge on the collar but a ribbon in a lighter purple. They didn't have dresses but pleated skirts with a ribbon on the lower edge that matched the jacket. The skirt was white and the jacket with it's long sleeves had white on the ends of the sleeves much like the girls in his year. Their jackets were longer covering more of the skirt, when closed, when open it seemed like the skirt went much higher on their waists.

He also noticed that many of the girls breasts were larger than his classmates. Even these girls seemed to be happy and animatedly chatting with other girls whenever they passed him.

Louis was unaware if anyone else normally came his way home when walking to and from school so when he left the southwest gate to go home he ran into a seemingly pissed off teenaged girl. He didn't know who she was as she never introduced herself. She had accosted him as soon as he left the gate wondering if he went to the school. He of course said yes.

She had had a large bag over her shoulder that she shoved into his arms. He didn't know what was in it but it was kinda heavy. She had said something about how he could do whatever he wanted with "that junk" as she wanted nothing to do with it, her mothers attempts to girly her up, or the sexist school before turning and walking away. He hadn't really paid that much attention because he was looking ahead at her larger breasts. He had no idea what size they were but he wanted them.

Louis walked home in a bit of a daze. Between the image in his mind of the girls at school in there dresses and skirts and blouses and hair and breasts and earrings he was more than occupied. It was only when he walked up to the door of the house and moved to unlock it, his parents were still at work, that he realized he had the bag from that girl still.

Wondering what was in the bag he unlocked the door to his house, locking it again after him even though it was a better neighboorhood than his last, he removed his shoes before going upstairs to look into the bag. Once in his room he removed the hated tie, shirt, pants first before putting on one of his pairs of jeans.

Once again his mind became overwhelmed with images of the girls at school as he hung up his suit in his rather empty closet. When they have moved much of his old clothing that no longer fit got bagged to the thrift store. He knew they had boxes of stuff to unpack yet. Much of it was from the old attic at the last house that had been hastily packed into boxes to be sorted later, but not his room. His dresser had one drawer with two pairs of jeans, another with some t shirts and the last with his three pair of underwear and eight pairs of matched socks.

The large bag that he had left on the floor he almost tripped over as he wanted to look up stuff on the internet. Grabbing the bag he put that into his closet without opening it first. Once online he looked up the school and its dress code. He found out that the girls also had a summer outfit to wear as well as a long coat for winter. The summer version for elementary girls was pretty much the same blouse as the winter for looks. Puffy sleeves that he had not seen yet but he loved online. Summer just had lighter blouses with short sleeves that required something called a camisole.

Louis spent the rest of the evening looking up what everything was. Camisoles, panties, bras, slips, tights , which seems to be mostly just thicker sturdier pantyhose. He also looked up what makeup, limited, that girls could use. Mascara, perfume, nail polish, and lipstick. Nothing too outrageous, pink nail polish and a more neutral lipstick was allowed. Mascara that was not extreme.

He spent a bit watching videos of how this stuff was used as well. He had finished with the videos of how to apply makeup, well some of them, there was others he would watch later, when his mom arrived home. When she called him he just said he was in his room.

His mother walked in after he had closed some of the other windows leaving just the school dress code up and the school uniform store. When she asked what he was doing he told her that he had noticed the girls in school and was looking up the dresscode for girls. His mother laughed and walked to their room muttering something about boys will be boys.

That night was when his mother got the call about the lady not being able to house sit him. The duffle bag had been forgotten.

The next morning he watched carefully as his mother ironed out his suit jacket, pants, and shirt magically removing the wrinkles. Like any young child he asked questions. Instead of just brushing him off with its too hot or dangerous his mother explained how to use an iron. It was heavier than it looked but he didn't burn himself, or drop it.

The rest of the day dragged on at school. He saw the girls in their nice uniforms while he sat in, what he referred to privately, as the ugly one. By the time he got home his mind was conflicted between wanting to look like the girls at school and wondering what breasts were. His mom was busying running up the stairs as she packed her and her fathers suitcase or alternately on the phone.

When he said goodbye to his parents before they got into the taxi he felt sad and missed them already. Being woken up a five a good two hours before he normally woke up, made him somewhat sleepy during the day. He had still noticed the girls being happy but was spending a lot of time just trying to concentrate on his schoolwork.

When Louis got home he dragged himself up the stairs to his room and took off the uniform, which he hung up in his closet. As he did so he noticed the bag. Curious he opened it up.

A smile appeared on his face as he removed a bunch of uniform from school. Proper uniforms, skirts, cute jackets, blouses. There was the shoes, that he now knew were called Mary janes, there was tights, panties, bras in two sizes, camisoles, even a white silk long nightie with matching white ballerina slippers. It was surprising how much was in the bag really.

It took him awhile to remove everything as he hung up his uniforms, that came with hangers. The blue summer skirts with the white ribbon, there was three of them along with the matching white short sleeved jackets. The winter longer coat in purple and the white skirts. He placed his new shoes neatly on the floor. He made sure to fold his new lingerie before putting them in his dresser, keeping a pair out as he was already wearing a panty and camisole. The slips, both full and half slips went into a second drawer as the first one was for his panties and bras.

Back in the bag he removed a winter and supper blouse proper for his year and four others for next year, again he hung them up in his closet. The school dress he also hung up. Back in the bag was a few hair clips and a little cardboard with three sets of pearl earrings. Those he put onto of his dresser.

There was also some regular pantyhose along with three pairs of white tights. A pair of pink heels that matched his new dress that was pink with a full skirt, little lace puffy sleeves. Lace over the front of dress while the underdress in a soft satiny material looked really pretty. The dress felt wonderful as he zipped it up after putting on the satin slip that the dress seemed to call for. His bare legs felt good in his pantyhose and his shoes fit him fairly well with a bit of extra room. He had to play with his hair and put in the pink bowed hairclip before he went back to the bag and found some lace gloves that he put on as well.

Feeling really happy he continued to unpack his new clothes. The jean skirts, one in black and one in blue, got put into his drawer with regular jeans. The khaki pleated skirts in tan, black, and white he put in this closet. He also carefully placed the small pumps under them but was disappointed to only find one pink blouse to go with them. He wanted to put on his earrings but knew he shouldn't.

Carefully tucking his skirt under him like he saw the girls at school do he sat at his computer and did some searching. He knew that to wear his uniforms to school he would need breasts. There was tons of information on the internet as he looked at one after another of options. After awhile he was getting a little frustrated and very warm. Sighing he reluctantly took off his dress and hung it up. He put his gloves back into his dresser along with his slip.

He grabbed the one tan skirt and zipped that up after a half slip was put on along with a camisole. He checked the bag again and found a side pocket but all that was in there was two t shirts with an open v front. Not really special but he put the black one on.

Louis closed the closet doors on all his new clothes wearing his skirt,top and the ballerina slippers before going back to the computer. While he was disappointed he did see something that made him pause. It was a listing for enhancement creme. He had seen that before.

Descending the stairs carefully "as a proper young lady should", something his teachers had mentioned to the girls. He got to the kitchen then descended again to the basement where the unsorted boxes were. He went through a few boxes, opening, looking, then closing them back up before he saw what he was looking for. It was a still sealed package of what claimed to be enhancement for sagging breasts.

After closing the box and placing all the boxes back where he had found them he went upstairs. He was hungry by now. In the freezer was some prepackaged meals that his mother had ordered for him to have eat. Pull wrapper, pull up corner and put into oven to cook for whatever was called for. In this case forty five minutes. This gave him plenty of time to open the box and read the instructions.

There was two bottles of pills that he was supposed to take one pill a day as well as two tubes of enhancement creme and another tube of creme for if you had itchiness. The creme was to be massaged into his breasts after a bath.

While his dinner was cooking he placed these upstairs in his bathroom on the counter. Before he went downstairs. Smiling came easy as he waited for his dinner. It gave him time to do his homework before the buzzer went off on the stove letting him know his dinner was cooked.

He had just removed the dinner with the oven mitts when the phone rang. It was his mom checking up on him. Yes he did his homework. Yes he was about to have his meal. No everything was fine. Loves and kisses back have fun. It was a short phone call as they were boarding the ship.

Since the bottle said take with food he had his pill then started to eat. Sitting down he shifted his hips once or twice before he put on leg over the other. It just felt right. When he finished he put away his dishes, which was just a fork that he washed and tossed the dinner carton into the trash. He then spent the rest of the evening watching videos of how to apply makeup.

When it was time for a bath he took off his clothes and placed them into the laundry bin while the tub filled. He washed carefully including his long hair before getting out and drying off. When he was dry he used the creme on his chest where the picture showed and massaged it in. With his nightie on he looked up some hair care on the internet while it dried.

The next morning Louis woke up feeling wonderful in his bed. He smiled as he got out in his nightie before going downstairs to have some cereal. As usual he washed his bowl and spoon before going back upstairs to get ready for school. Since he did not have breasts yet he couldn't wear a proper uniform yet.

That day he noticed something by accident. One of the girls and slipped and fallen exposing her flat front in her panties for just a moment but he still saw it. Back at home he looked up how that was done. Apparently you needed medical adhesive to do it. There was two suppliers. One was a pharmacy that was a little pricy. The other was a prop shop. The prop shop also listed it as industrial medical grade, whatever that meant. And as a bonus was cheaper.

It took him nearly a week to build up the courage to walk to the store after school. While he was walking there he spotted a store that sold makeup for girls. Interested he walked in. Five minutes later he walked out with a small bag of makeup that he put into his schoolbag. The medical adhesive was a little more than he wanted to spend but since he needed it he got it.

His parents had left at the end of March. It was mid April when he got the adhesive and makeup. Weather was warming up slowly this year. None of the girls were wearing their coats in the afternoon, only the morning it seemed. Still not having a coat seemed wrong as it was the same coat for the upper years. He had been taking his pills and massaging his breast but not much seemed to be happening as of yet.

While he skin felt a little softer and his hips were making putting on his pants a little problematic it was not that big a deal. He did stop at another store to purchase a purse much like one of the girls had that he thought was perfect for him.

At the beginning of the last week of April things started to happen a bit at a time. He woke to find his chest a little puffy around the nipples that looked a little larger. When he did not have gym class that week he wore a camisole to school as it helped to keep his nipples from getting irritated. Wednesday he woke to itching around the puffiness of his chest he used the cream and it felt better. Towards the end of the day they started to get a little sore. When he got home, instead of his usual routine of play with makeup, or try on different combinations or his pink dress he got in the door, took off his clothes and made it to the bathroom to rub some cream around his sore small breasts then took a bath.

After the bath he took the medical adhesive, and the directions, then using gloves formed his privates to give an imitation labia while the end of his penis was glued down towards the bottom of the labia. He felt both better and sore. Thursday there was no reason to not wear his panties or camisole so he did. He was a little tender for part of the day but since his panties had a flat front he didn't mind. By midday his breasts were getting sore again. It was just luck that the school alarm went off.

Apparently a water main had broken and did some damage to the school systems in the basement. They were told that although they would have the day off tomorrow and possibly next week they would still attend school in a different fashion. They were given instructions to sign in using the vr headsets that they were given that afternoon. Eager to get home to get some cream on his breasts Louis signed for the bag and left as quickly as he could. It hurt to walk home and he had to switch to swinging his hips just to not hurt his breasts.

Still by the time he got home he was ready to tear off the hated wrong uniform and started to unbutton his shirt and removed his tir coming up the walk to his house. Once inside he finished removing the wrong uniform till he was just in his panties and camisole. Hold both breasts with one arm he put the vr case on the kitchen table before going upstairs to his room. Once inside he used the scissors that he had brought from the kitchen to remove the tag from one of his bra's that said thirty B they worked at putting on the bra. He had to adjust the straps to loose before he could hook the hooks up in the back. His sore breasts he carefully pulled into the cups of the bra. While he didn't fill the bra completely they were not that far from it either.

Smiling that he now had proper breasts, even if they were small yet, he decided to do two things he had longed to do since he saw Carly the other week with her hair done up in a french braid around the front tapering to nothing with curly bangs. The braid he had practiced already so that was no issue. Getting his hair to do bangs was more difficult. When he felt that he had brushed enough off the front of his head he used the scissors to cut across his nose. Then used the brush and some hairspray to get the proper girly bang.

He next took tweezers to his eyebrows till they too looked correct. He also grabbed the small studs from the cardboard, washed them with hydrogen peroxide and worked them back and forth on his ears till first one popped through and then the next. At his computer he quickly put on two coats of pink nail polish, pausing between coats to dry them quickly with his hair dryer. He didn't have to do his toes as they were still fine.

Back in the bathroom he went to do his makeup and saw a drop of blood from each ear lobe that he quickly cleaned up then watched to make sure no more was going to drop before deftly putting on his mascara and lipstick. A dab on each side of his neck of his favourite perfume sample he rushed into his bedroom to grab his tights and a full slip. He did his best not to snag his tights as he pulled them up and over his panties. Then he pulled on his full slip and put back on his camisole, which had a lace top. A quick run to the closet he first put on his mary jane shoes and buckled them then put on his only long sleeve blouse doing up the buttons as quickly as he could. The tie was part of the blouse and all he had to do was tie it in mirror of the bathroom, which took a few tries but he got it.

Back in his bedroom he finally put on the proper uniform dress, zipped it up in back, tied the sash around his waist into a bow and grabbed the small long sleeve jacket before hurring down stairs but still taking the time to do so as a proper young lady. At the bottom he started to setup the vr per instructions. Plug in headset boot up computer, while he waited he buttoned the cuffs of his pretty blouse and put on the jacket before sitting down.

Properly dress, and smiling for the first time, he entered the text from the paper that had been given too him being careful not to chip his pretty nails. He didn't notice that he had entered the extra letter to his name as his nail had caught the E key when he his S. When the system told him to put on headset he did. When he verified that it worked and he could put the gloves onto his hands he when from the square cube loading screen to his classroom where a few of the girls from school had already logged in.

"Well hello Louise. You didn't pay attention like I warned you about typing your name." his teacher said.

"Uh hi?" he didn't get it at first till the girls started to giggle at him and also call him Louise.

"Look down" his teacher said. Sure enough there was his proper uniform. When he looked up she explained that upon entering a female name the system flagged him as a girl. She also said that he would have to live with it for a week as this was logged to the backup system that was not available to change.

While most of the girls teased him saying that maybe he, or more correctly, she liked being a girl. She just looked down, which was all that the system would recognize. Blushing did not come through the system. Being surrounded by only girls, as the boys were in a seperate room with another teacher. The teacher had Louise and all the girls practice moving around, grabbing things, switching to a laptop view for exercising. This view did not give much feedback as the camera on the laptop did not work with the experimental system.

She was told that in the view screen mode the system could register if there was movement verifying that the girls were doing the exercises in their shorts and workout top, which Louise did not yet have. They would be given time to change then they would have to register in front of system before following the teacher on screen as they did exercises.

The system had been developed, or was still being developed, to help in situations where the student was unable to attend school. After a bad local weather a year ago they had been working on remote classrooming with vr. While the system was not perfect it was better than nothing. The teacher also noted that the boys had a different use system as they were not as susceptible to motion sickness as the girls were.

By the time the girls were dismissed for the day Louise was no longer an issue. As she got off and shut down the system, Louise went to the freezer and pulled out another meal that she popped into the oven. While it was cooking Louise picked up the old uniform from the floor and returned to her room with it. Since she no longer needed it she put it, along with the pants and underwear that didn't fit her, into the duffle bag.

She went online to the school store and looked at the required girls gym outfit. It wasn't exactly shorts but a one piece that fit under a school sweater, ankle warmers above ballerina type shoes. She put those into a shopping cart that she logged under her name of Louise Balwin. Since her name was in the system at the backup site as a register girl of the school it allowed it. She also looked at getting one more dress and two more blouses for the warmer weather.

While she was doing this her mother called. They talked about the usual. Yes she was being good. No she had not gotten into any trouble. But she did tell her mother about using the remote system from school. She also told her she was logged into the school store website and was thinking of getting some more uniform stuff. Her mother asked her if her size was available. After a quick check of her other blouse for size and her dress that she had to pull out collar for, yes they did. Her mother asked her to try to use the virtual card that she had been given to see if she could purchase them that way otherwise her mother would have to give her real credit card information to use.

It took her a moment to find her old wallet, transfer her id, keys, and cards to new wallet in her purse but she got the card info entered while her mother patiently waited. At times the connection was a little static, which is probably the only reason her mother did not hear her say that yes she had been a good girl. When it accepted her card she also purchased a girls coat from the site. It logged on the system as a purchase from the store onto her account. Which her mother noticed at her laptop on the cruise ship. Her mother said good *static*, which she assumed was girl, and beamed even though her mother could not see it.

She actually surprised her mother when she asked if she could go shopping tomorrow for a few things to wear. When her mother asked she just said underwear, tops, a few other things. Her mother paused to think it over. On one hand she didn't want Louis to get hurt but on the other he was asking to go shopping for clothes. She replied ok but only if you get your hair done as well. She agreed and did the usual hugs and kisses goodbye with her mother.

Feeling loved Louise went to her closet to decide what to wear tomorrow to go shopping. Going with her summer dress wasn't a good idea as she didn't want to go out without a bra and her favorite dress wouldn't do for shopping. That left either her khaki skirts or jean skirts and the black or pink top or the one blouse. She decided on the black top with its 3/4 sleeves and v neck and the beige khaki pleated skirt. Her black heels would have to do.

Her dinner buzzer went off. She took out her dinner and while it cooled took off her uniform, hung it up for tomorrow before changing into her blouse and jean skirt to have dinner in. She realized that she had not had lunch so having her supper felt good. Cleaned up as usual. Had her pill, took a bath used the cream on her breasts before changing into nightie. She removed her studs, washed them and her ears with peroxide before putting them back in.

Louise never slept better. The next morning she got dressed for school happy and smiling before logging back in to the system. During the mid morning break Louise had to unbutton the top of her blouse to carefully massage some cream into her breasts as they were sore. Which she repeated at lunch and mid afternoon break.

She was tired and sore that night as well so elected to stay home using a hot pack to ease her breasts.

Saturday she got up later took a long bath before she massaged the creme into her breasts. Getting dressed she noticed that her bras felt a little better. She didn't quite fill them up yet but she was getting there. She grabbed the duffle, her and her purse after getting dressed, doing her hair and makeup before she left the house in the outfit she had chosen. The walk to the local thrift store she had passed was uneventful.

Inside after dropping the duffle into the bin she entered the store. Entering the store proper Louise met the owner of the store who took an immediate liking to the young girl and showed her the washed and cleaned new arrivals in the back. A store had recently gone out of business and donated it's non sold stock to the store. Louise was in heaven as she had been afraid of spending too much to buy a few things.

In the end Louise paid close to fifty dollars for all her new dresses, blouses, skirts, shoes, lingerie in its unopened packages, even some more jewellery. She also was given, as a bonus, some makeup as well as accessories that she had not thought to buy, such as belts, bangle bracelets, hair combs and purses.

She hauled the bags back home before going out to the hair dressers. She even stopped off for lunch after where she ended up chatting with a few girls that joined her at her table. Back at home she spent most of the rest of the day arranging and rearranging her closet and dresser. All her mother saw when she logged was that Louis had spent a relatively small amount at a store. The thirty dollar bill for the hairdresser concerned her as she had hoped he would have found a cheaper store. Otherwise it seemed fine. Had she known the store in question that Louise had shopped at she would have freaked.

Sunday Louise got dressed up in her pink satin and lace dress, along with proper accesories to go over to her new neighbour that she had met the day before after coming home from hairdressers. The older lady had invited her for tea, then explained what that meant. Louise was hesitant at first but when her mother called her that night she had asked if it was alright if she went to see the neighbour lady with the friendly dog. Her mother was actually happy to see Louis out of the house and the neighbour sounded alright. But she left instructions for her to call as soon as she got home. Hugs and kisses.

Louise learned a lot from Aubury about "proper" English tea. She nibbled on the scones, being very careful to not get crumbs on her dress while she chatted or more accurately described how she had gotten some nice dresses at the store yesterday. Much like her school dress, which she had to describe, finding that Aubury was one of the headmistresses for the junior high. Aubury found it a delight to take the delightful young flower Louise and give her a few pointers on her behaviour. She was already a good girl but she would slip and cross her knees instead of keeping her knees together and planted under her dress.

When Louise got home she called her mother and almost gushed about the fun she had had having proper English tea with the lady who was a headmistress at the school she would attend next summer. Unused to having such a talkative and happy child her mother did her best not to interrupt as she really only heard every couple words. But since it sounded like there was someone close by that could watch over her child it gave her mother some relief. Unknown to Louise her mother actually started to enjoy the cruise.

Monday and Tuesday passed almost uneventful for Louise as she wore her uniform faithfully to classes even though it was vr. More of the girls in class started to treat her as a girl for real and mostly forgot who Louise used to be.

Wednesday the delivery man, or more precise delivery woman, came buy with her coat and uniform blouses and dress. Louise did introduce herself after being asked if she was Louise Balwin. But Louise made it clear that she was not allowed to let strangers into the house. After promising not to enter the house Louise opened the door enough to let the woman push the box into the house and then told Louise what a good girl she was. Louise smiled prettily for the woman and signed the pad with the handwriting she had been practising that morning.

By Friday Louise's breasts were completely filling her bras and the red marks, that had really concerned her till she found out they were stretch marks online, were starting to disappear. Louise had also made a few friends in class who wanted to go out to a movie on Saturday, along with shopping. They invited Louise along but Louise said she would have to ask her mother first.

At lunch Louise called her mother, who had happened to be sleeping, to get permission. Her mother was too sleepy to notice that her son completely sounded like a girl but said that yes he could go to the movies with some classmates before going back to sleep alongside her husband.

Saturday Louise wore her blue flower dress that had straps and a little jacket. Since she had gotten a strapless bra earlier that week it was fine to wear the spaghetti strapped dress to meet up with her girlfriends. The girls all had fun trying on different outfits, and doing surprise door curtain popping, with many giggles, before going to the movies.

During one of the door popping they had noticed that Louise, whose panties and slipped off and she was in the process of reaching to pull them up, had the same front as they did. They didn't think any more of Louise not being a girl at all.

Monday the girls gathered at Louise's house and walked to school with her in their school coats but with the summer short blouses and no jackets. When she entered class, along with the rest of the girls, the teacher didn't really notice after seeing Louise in class for a week of vr.

When it came time for gym class Louise changed into her outfit right along with the other girls in the changeroom, so any that were suspicious, no longer were. The gym teacher when she found out was but since all the girls in her class verified that Louise really was a girl she just made a note and had them all do their exercises and play badminton.

Word eventually reached the principal who called in Louise. Nervous Louise sat there being a good girl as the principal told her how trying to pass as a boy when she first arrived was a bad president or something and that he would contact her mother. When she was dismissed Louise was still in tears over getting in trouble.

Aubury was contacted about Louise by the principal after he could not get a hold of her mother directly. When Aubury explained that her parents were on a cruise the principal was not as upset and decided to let Aubury handle the matter.

It took Aubury a few evenings before she got a hold of Louise's parents. She told them of what their daughter had done at the beginning of the year and the importance of how the girls uniforms removed peer pressure. She also told them that their daughter had been good otherwise, and seemed to be doing better in school now that she was wearing the correct uniform.

Louise's parents did not get to say much over the speaker phone connection as they were both at a dinner with others, and in shock. After dinner they were left to explain about how their daughter Louise had come to be alone.

The next morning for her parents, but was night for her, Louise received a phone call from her mother. She didn't get the sarcasam when her mother called her by her name but she did understand that she had somehow been a bad girl and started to ball over the phone about how she had felt with the wrong uniform and how much better she was now. Regardless of how pissed off her mother was hearing a sobbing young girl, one that was apparently her daughter, just deflated her anger.

That is not to say that her parents did not try to get off the cruise early. The fine they were willing to pay but the captain would not allow a helicopter, unless it was a medical emergency that could not be handled on board, in turbulent weather.

By the time they made port they had spent a number early mornings with Louise on the phone. They realized that their child was actually happy and outgoing. So they decided that this Louise thing might be a blessing in disguise. Finding out their daughter also loved to take pictures, which they decided showed a beautiful girl they couldn't but help fall in love with, even though the obvious breasts concerned them as their had to be a medical issue at fault. With breasts that obvious it didn't take much to add how their child became so girly.

By the time school ended for the year Louise had run out of creme and pills. So she didn't think much of it. Her breasts now fit her almost C cup bras just fine. Aubury was coming round her house, with her parent's permission, to keep an eye on their daughter, who seemed such a happy girl, so having her friends over on occasion was allowed.

Louise spent her happy summer talking with her parents over her many happy adventures on the phone, sometimes with her girlfriends present. She went to a sleepover, even attended a camp for two weeks. Something she had never done as Louis. All in all she seemed to be a healthy young girl.

When school started up in late August Louise happily got dressed in her lighter blouse, with a satin mini full slip. The slightly short blue skirt with the white ribbon on the bottom of pleat and the small jacket before heading off to school with her girlfriends. The school uniform put her curves on full display.

While she was at school her parents had finally arrived home from their trip. Exhausted but they both still ran up to Louise's room. They had expected to find some remnant of their son but it was a girl's room without question. It seemed that their daughter did not own a single pair of pants. A phone call to Aubury explained the new pink and white ruffled bed spread. It had been a gift by her girlfriends.

They spent most of the rest of the day making various appointments for their child. Even in their heads they silently called her Louise their daughter, even if they didn't want to admit it.

They watched as a gaggle of giggling happy girls came up the walk to the house. Seeing that Louise, ,and there was no doubt, was perhaps the most developed of the girls gave them both a surprise.

Upon seeing her mother Louise squeed with excitement almost ran to her mother before remembering that she had to be a lady. While she did walk fast enough to cause a bouncing of her breasts, something her father could not look away from, she did so in as ladylike as she could before hugging her mother. Then her father. Louise introduced her girlfriends by name before they sat in the living room.

Louise was told of the appointments with the doctors the next day and she cried as she didn't want to miss school. Her girlfriends all hugged her while assuring her that any homework she might miss they would all help her to catch up. Her parents got to watch as their daughter sat very ladylike with her friends in the living room doing their homework with each other.

That night they hugged their daughter in her rather grown up satin nightie that exposed a little too much breast for their liking before she went to bed all smiling. They talked in private out in the car hating that they felt the need to do something awful to their smiling happy daughter.

When she came down in a black top dress with a pink belt over the full skirt that went to her knees and heels the next morning they told her how pretty she looked but it might be a little much for the doctors. Sighing she went upstairs and came back down wearing a pink embroidered blouse and jean skirt. Not much better but they were running out of time.

The first stop was their family doctor. He was more than a little surprised to see Louise for the first time. He had expected to see a boy in a dress not a very pretty young woman. It took them a bit to get Louise to admit that she had fixed her front with some medical adhesive months ago. The doctor did some tests and told her parents that maybe something could have been done in a month but by now thier daughter's body had absorbed any excess skin as everything was fully healed. While it was possible to reconstruct a penis it would never function as one.

More tests and scary machines were used that day as well as visiting some other doctors. One who asked her parents why they wanted to change their very feminine daughter to a boy.

By Christmas that year Louise had missed a few days of school but had managed to still be at the top of her class for the semester. Getting Louise to even wear pants of any type was a bit of a challenge. Her parents just accepted that Louise was now their daughter. At the beginning of Christmas break some exploratory surgery was performed. The fat deposits that had been thought to be testicles were removed.

Louise did not have a uterus or hidden vagina but she did have two functioning ovaries giving her a higher than usual, but not unexpected for a teenaged girl, level of hormones. It had seemed that their child was an xxxy whose body didn't react to testosterone. They believed that this was the source of the rapid development of female characteristics.

Her parents fought tooth and nail the next spring to get their daughter some surgery to have proper female genitals at the beginning of next summer. The first two weeks after surgery Louise was miserable but her loving mother gently helped her daughter with her exercises on her new vagina.

The family spent the rest of the summer on a small cruiser they bought, the sea bug had bit both of her parents bad, It had an engine and a small cabin that they all shared. Her father made himself scarce whenever Louise, helped by her mother did her exercises.

By the end of junior high Louise had developed a little more and had enjoyed shopping for new better bras with her mother. Both of her parents were very proud to see their daughter, in her pretty new dress, getting the awards at he ceremony.

Franklins did not have a highschool, however the public highschool was available. Louise did not like that she was not to be given a new school uniform. So after much shopping with her girlfriends she made her own. A tartan pleated skirt, white short sleeve blouse with pearl buttons. A wider double tied bow in red and a black small jacket with white edging on the lapel, cuffs and hem. The gold school crest Louise sewed on herself.

At first none of her girlfriends wanted to wear yet another school uniform but after two days of public highschool peer pressure they soon followed suit. Louise continued to wear her hair with the partial french braid with a small bow in red that matched her blouse tie. Her girlfriends choose braids or long hair but also with the bow in red.

At first many of the other girls at school were mean to them but they just ignored them and got better grades. Not having to bow to peer pressure began to appeal to some of the other girls as well. Soon more and more girls began to wear the school uniform and found it much easier to get grades. While not adopted officially as a uniform, many of girls began to not dress as fancy, or slutty depending on your point of view, as they had.

When Louise graduated at the top of her school in grade twelve almost every girl at school wore the uniform or a blouse and tartan skirt to school. The girls were neater as a whole, got better grades, and were generally all ladylike while at school. The boys had also begun to wear shirts with ties and dress pants at school. Since the school produced record grades they started to work on making the uniform an official requirement.

Louise made it a point every summer to go out sailing with her parents on their cruiser. Often helping get the boat ready in a bikini top and jean short skirt. It seemed that no matter what, unlike many girls, Louise remained a girly girl would would rather wear skirts or dresses than pants.

University Louise spent a fair amount of time choosing but ended up following her father into law. She choose family law over business. At school she wore a white blouse and tie much like her highschool days but with a skirt, knee length and pumps. She would vary the colour but was always dressed much the same. Again many of the girls laughed at first but soon changed their tune when it was Louise who attracted the most boys, some of which she dated, and got better grades.

It was no surprise that Louise was hired to her fathers law firm after university but making the bar exam on her first try was. Louise continued well in the business as a lawyer, often working beside her father before he retired.

Louise also managed to date and marry one of the associate's sons. They adopted a young girl who Louise mothered over. Her daughter attended Franklin's and soon followed after her mother in being a girly girl.

Her parents retired to their boat leaving the house to Louise and her husband, the family would go out sailing every summer, her husband caught the bug and they purchased a schooner.

The one thing her husband did not understand is why Louise had kept her first uniform from school framed in glass. All she told him was that that uniform had changed her life for the better.

The end.

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