Hate thy neighbor

"So would you like to explain what happened"? Detective Woods asked as he sat across from me.

He offered me a cigarette but even though I had been through hell for the past two years I wasn't a smoker before and I wasn't one now.

"Look you need to tell me something, anything that can be used to help you" he said looking at me almost pleading.

"Where should I start"? I asked.
"The beginning I guess" he said lighting his cigarette.

Well there isn't much too it really, just a neighborhood feud that got way out of hand.
I wasn't a mean guy but I wasn't the nicest person either,I didn't look for trouble but trouble always seemed to look for me.

I lived in a two bedroom one bath 70s model trailer house, I kept the place looking clean never liked clutter or trash.

My trans am and my k-10 were paid for and I had a good job at the local lumberyard I also did shade tree mechanic work on the side along with some basic handy man stuff for cash.
Other then that I was a loaner and mostly kept to myself.

"No dating life"? Woods asked.
"Not really too many girls knocking down my door to be with a 5'4 shrimp like me" I laughed.

Everything was ok for a bit, most of the neighborhood was older folks who kept to themselves, every now and then I'd help them with the odd repair or mow their lawn that kind of stuff".

"Regular boy scout huh"?
"Not really just gave me something to do when I was board".

But then that jack ass moved across the street, ever met one of those people who just wants to start shit?

"Yes I've met a few" the Detective said.

Well this guy moved into the old house right across from me, I had been living where I was living for three years ever since I got out of the boys home.

"Boys home"?

"Yeah I was the product of a drug dealer and a prostitute heroin addict, spent most my life in foster care or children's homes, I was kind of a wild child who liked to fight and didnt take shit off no one, didnt take much to set me off when I was a kid so by the time I was eleven I ended up at shady pines boys ranch down in the delta.

But i got out when i turned eightteen found a good deal on an old fixer upper trailer and ever since I first bought the place I had flown the stars and bars from my porch, no particular reason, it was in the house and I thought it looked cool so I hung it up outside on the front porch.

So that sum bitch had to have seen it before he ever bought that damn house.

I was BBQ'n some ribs the day they moved in. Now I'm normally pretty easy to get along with respect me I'll do my best not to ruffle any feathers piss me off and I'll go out of my way to return the favor.

I'm a master at the whose the bigger asshole game.

But this fucker had the damn gall to come to my fence and tell me, "Excuse me sir but I'm afraid you need to please be more respectful of your neighbors and remove and or relocate that disgusting banner out of site of the viewing public or I will have to contact the city" he was very uppity about it and seemed like a white Earkle to me.

Now had he been a little nicer and asked like a normal person I might would have been a little more respectful in my explanation of my position on the matter at hand.

But he pissed me off.

"So what did you tell him"? The Detective was writing in his notes.

"I asked him polightly to go fuck himself".
He didn't like that but he kept his composer so I swigged some beer and flipped my ribs.

"Sir you may not know this but I have an African american wife and mix raced children, and I would really appreciate it if they didn't have to see that banner every day".

"Sounds like a personal problem to me" I said.
"Sir i am being nice......

"Look ya twinkle toed fuck boy I dont give two shits that you got a colored woman or gaggle of pickaninnies running around over yonder".

"I've been here for three years, I own this house I dont rent and I'll fly what ever the fuck I want to outside of it, now you may not like that but you should have thought about that before you moved in next door".

I could tell I had pissed him off, but again he was doing real good about keeping his cool.

"You do know I'm black right" Woods asked.
"And you do realize I ain't exactly been treated kindly by your people for the last two years right"? I asked as I pushed my size Bs up for emphasis.

"I understand, and I'm not here to judge" he said taking a sip of coffee.
"Look man it ain't nothing personal I was just trying to get a rise out of twinkle toes" I said sitting back in my seat. I can't stand smug assholes like that.

"Personally I didn't have any issues with the mans family, I was of the mindset leave me alone and we can get along.

But some people just don't want to accept the fact that not everyone thinks the same way they do.

"I know that's right" woods laughed.
I'll admit I didn't really trust black people back then still don't especially after all this, I said motioning to my body.

I grew up in a boys home in south Mississippi that was 90% black 8% everything else and out of two hundred kids 6-8 white boys.

We were the lowest on the totem pole So it was basically fight or be a doormat, I got to where i could hold my own and yeah my mouth had no problem getting them to throw the first punch.

I went through hell those years I lived there, but I didn't have any choice,I made up my mind at a young age to never let anyone push me around, and when someone fucked with me I always got them back.

"Sounds like you were a little bad ass" woods leaned back in his chair.

"Naw I was a little asshole only I had the guts and temper to back it up" I took a sip of my sweet tea I had asked for.

"I just wanted to be left alone man, do my thing but that son of.... I took a deep breath.

He huffed back across the street and his wife was in the front yard looking at me with her eyebrow raised and the most hateful smirk on her face.

I toasted her with my beer and went back to cooking.
Well about fifteen minutes later I had the city ordnance officer pulling into my driveway.

"So he called the city on you"?

"Yeah, she was a bitch in a half too".
"No if and or buts about it I was in violation of city ordnance "304-15 sub section C" that stipulated all flags or banners must have a permit to be displayed on a residence if it is visible from a public street".

I was pissed but I held my head in check and complied with the take down order much to that jack ass and his witch of a wife's amusement.

"That was what caused the lawsuit wasn't it "? Woods asked.
Yeah, I was able to find a pro bono attorney and she took the city to court for violating my first amendment rights.

Well the city realized It was gonna be a loosing battle if it was taken to the supreme court cause my lawyer was pretty good for someone who had only been bar certified for two months and basically convince them I wasn't worth the headache.

So I got to keep my flag up and the city paid my court fees and cost.
I still tried to pay my lawyer what I could.

"But didn't she do it for free" woods asked.
"Yeah her firm requires their lawyers take on at least one free case per year but she did me a solid so I felt I should pay her.

She refused but I tried.
"Probably would have conflicted with something" woods said.

"I guess but either way I won so I was happy".

"So how did the petersons take that"?
Yeah twinkle toes was pretty pissed off about that but there wasn't much he could do but stand in his yard and give me the icy stare.

"So what happened with Michael"?

Well It was a few weeks after my court win, I was working on my trans am one afternoon when I heard my front gate open.

I looked up to see the Petersons oldest boy, I think he was ten at the time walking up still wearing his school backpack.

"What you doing mister"?
"Tryin get this carburetor off, its jammed up" I said.

"What kind of car is this"? He asked.
"76 tran am".

"Is it fast"?
"Not one ats stock but thisun ain't stock no more and she'll be a hell raiser when I'm done with her".

"Hey hand me that socket wrench right there" I asked pointing at the wrench laying on the work table.

He handed it to me and watched as I positioned the new holly 4 barrel on the intake.

I noticed him looking at my flag and the other southern related symbols scattered around my shed.

"Do you hate us"? He asked.
"Naw, I think your dads an asshole but I dont hate y'all" I said tightening a bolt.

"Sooo.... why do you fly that flag"?

"Cause I like it, not much more to it then that and well it puts yer daddies panties in a twist so that's a bonus" I placed another bolt in a hole.

"My dad doesn't wear panties" he said.
"Are you sure"? I asked giving him a sideways look.

He thought about it for a second so I went back to working on the car.

"So you dont hate black people"? He asked.

"Just the ones that give me a reason too" I said trying to make sure the rubber seal was still in place.
I could tell he was just curious, he seemed alright but kids are like that.

"You like cars"? I asked him.
He nodded and from there on out the conversation stayed in the realm of classic American muscle.

For the next few weeks he would come over after school and chat while I worked on the car or cleaned up around the place.

I even payed him to mow my yard a couple times when I didn't have time.
I also met his little brother and sister.

Their folks never seemed to be around, Twinkle toes was always working and his women was always drunk on wine by lunch or off with her girlfriends doing who knows what.

"So you were nice to the kids"?
"Didnt have any reason to be mean, kids cant help it when their folks are asshats" I looked up towards the camera in the corner.

"So tell me about the day the petersons were arrested" woods asked me.

Michael and Jalen were watching me swap out the rear differential in the trans am, the kids liked learning about that kind of stuff and they weren't a hand full so I didn't mind showing them, anyway they had come over after school like they did most times.

Next thing I know I hear Mrs twinkle yelling and and cussing as she was fast walking towards us from across the street.

She didn't want her kids hanging around the as she put it, "Dirty white trash redneck"!

Twinkle toes was right behind her, they both came into my yard and didn't say a word.

That jack ass ran up and threw a punch at me, I was able to dodge it pretty easily even though he was bigger then me.

I never laid a hand on him he lost his balance and hit the deck smacking his head on a cinderblock knocking himself out, I laughed then felt a thunk.

I woke up with with a splitting headache just in time to see two police officers wrestling Karen to the ground.

They were driving by about the time they saw dipshit throw a punch and then saw that bitch hit me in the back of the head with one of my shovels i had leaning against the fence.

They were both arrested and I watched the kids till their aunt Shaniya could come and get them.

"Damn girl hit you with a shovel"?
"Yeah I had a knot for a good bit".
"So what about Shaniya"?

"She was ah'ight, lot younger then her sister but a hell of a lot friendlier".

"Told me her sister had always been a troublemaker, liked drama and was a bit of an attention whore".

"Said her and mark were a perfect match for each other".
"I know plenty of women like that who seem to feed off of drama" woods said lighting another cigarette.

"I could have pushed the assault charges, but I felt bad for the kids so I settled for a restraining order".

It was about a week after all was said and done I couldn't sleep one night so I got up and sat on my porch.

It was around eleven at night when I looked over and saw movement at the petersons house, looked like some one spray painting so I grabbed my phone and walked across the street.

I saw it was mark and this son of a bitch was spraying black swastikas on his garage door.

I hit record on my phone and the camera light lit his ass up like the fourth of july, caught his ass red handed with the spray paint can in his hand and a look of oh shit on his face.

"What ya doing good buddy"? I asked.
"Nothing you need to be concerned with" he stammered out.

"Well if you say so, I'm not gonna tell another man what he can and can't put on his own personal property, although I'm not a fan of nazis hey to each his own right"? I knew I had him.

I stopped recording him and basically told him I knew exactly what he had planned and he might want to rethink his plans.

"Sounds like you got him good" woods seemed impressed.
"Naw right place right time, this guy was the prick with the coexist bumper sticker above a #Resistance sticker and used his black wife and kids as some type of token trophy like it made him some type of virtuous white knight or something" I laughed at the irony of it all, guy was a fucking douchebag of the worse kind.

And to top it all off he was a professor at the local college, that's what's wrong with this generation, you got assholes like that teaching them.
"Basically the, "I got black friends" guy on steroids" Woods laughed.

"Yeah you ain't kidding brother" It felt good to laugh about all that now.

Things were ok for a few days but then I came home from work one day and found my flag had been replaced with a rainbow pride flag.

I knew who did it but I didn't have any proof so I just grabbed an extra I had folded in the shed and put it back up.

This was a war and I was determined to win.

"So is this what led up to the incident"?
"Yeah, that weekend I let a friend of mine from work Barrow my truck to go get a bass boat he had bought on craigslist".

"Only thing I can figure is Twinkle toes thought I had left".

"And that's when he came over with the bat"? Woods asked.
"Yeah, I was in the kitchen cooking some beef stew when I heard glass smashing".

I looked out and saw that ass hole had slashed my tires valve stems, and was busting out my windshield.

"I almost grabbed my pistol, but I didn't trust myself not to shoot him".

"I just didn't want the drama, so I ran out about the time he smashed one of my head lights out".

"What the fuck man"!! I yelled and caught him off guard , so he swung the bat at me and caught my left shoulder".

"And after that"? Woods looked at me closely.
"I dont know, all I remember was feeling the pain in my arm, seeing red and then nothing" I felt myself shiver at the memory.

"All i Remember was coming too with my fist burning and my arms sore with blood dripping from my knuckles".

"And Mr Peterson"?

"He was on the ground, with his face bashed into a pulp".

"I saw the pictures, you beat him so bad they had to remove the top of his skull and sew it into his stomach so his brain could swell".

"Not my proudest moment, honestly I scared myself I had never lost it like that".

"Well he attacked you" woods stood up and stretched out.
"You want something to eat"?

"I could deal with a burger or something" I said.
Woods popped out for a moment and left me in the room with my thoughts.

I just sat there in the silence till the door opened up again.
He came in with a Wendy's bag and a drink.

"Gosh I ain't had one of these in two years" I said with my mouth watering.

"Man I dont get how your holding it together so well, if it had been me I don't.... never mind" woods said sitting down in his seat.

"Its alright man, I'm pretty use to it by now and I turned out cute so I guess I cant
Complain too much" I said before biting into my burger.

"So what happened next"? He asked.

"I remember hearing someone crying, I looked over and saw that Michael and Jalen were standing there crying and their mother was begging me to stop even though I had already stopped".

Then I heard the sirens, and saw the police cars coming down the street.

I just kneeled and placed my bloody hands behind my head, It wasn't long after I felt handcuffs being applied and I was being placed in the back of a car.

"I remember that trial" woods said before biting into his own burger.

"Yeah, that bitch Karen went and told the news I had beaten her husband cause I didnt like that he had married a black woman, said I was in the Klan and did stuff like throw rocks at her kids and do nazi salutes outside their house".

"I remember watching all that too, I'll admit I was pretty pissed at you till I saw the videos" wood said looking at me with a "my bad" expression.

"Yeah I'm glad I bought those arlo cameras after my flag had been stolen, had it not been for that and the video I had on my phone of him spray painting his house that jury would have hung my ass out to dry" I personally wish they would have sometimes maybe then.....

The prosecution tried to get me on excessive use of force but in the end I was able to convince the jury I did black out and didn't remember anything of the fight.

I may have gotten to walk out of that courthouse but I walked into a hellstorm.
BLM and the Black Panthers were protesting, the media was painting me as a white supremacist and a KKK member, people were offering money for my death.

The media loves a white devil and I guess I might as well have been satan himself as far as they were all concerned.

I got home and my house had been broken into, my tools were gone, my TV had been smashed computer gone windows broken dog shit ( I think) and piss had been smeared and dumped everywhere, my car had been pretty much totaled even had a pick ax through the hood and logged into the engine.

The only reason I even still had my truck was because my buddy had kept it at his house along with my guns and ammo which I had asked him to get and hold onto.

I honestly didn't know what I had done to deserve all this, I mean my whole life I grew up with nothing, I worked my ass off to have a few nice things I could call my own only to loose it all over this bullshit.

I had decided to just take what little I had left and disappear somewhere.
I walked down the street to the waffle house, a place I usually frequented only to be asked to leave by my buddy sam.

"Look man your bad press right now and you know how these people are, I know your an ok guy but the twitter mafia will put us out of business if I serve you right now" he had told me.

So I headed towards my friend Paul's place to get my truck, all I remember is feeling a sharp pain in my back, like I had been stung by a big ass bee.

Next thing I knew I woke up hog tied in a make shift court room, the Democratic socialist society of justice, empowerment and social progress or the punishment bureau as they liked to call themselves.

They viewed my court verdict as a grave injustice, and figured they knew better then the jury.

They harped on some bullshit about my white privilege and how the system was only fair to straight white men, what ever the fuck that ment and then they decided to punish me for my "crime of racist wrong think" they sentanced me to be force fed female hormones and then said I would spend the rest of my life as a sex worker serving in a majority non white community.

"Damn, that's fucked up" woods looked like he was in pain for a second imagining the hell I must of endured.

"Funny thing is none of it made sense, I guess it was just a bunch of man hating harpies who had some fantasy about forcing an evil white man into being a woman I dont know".

"I was defiant at first, I could take the beatings, the physical pain, the rape and just laugh and mock them, I wasn't the type to bow down and personally I hoped they would just kill me.

But it was the hunger, starvation and sleep deprivation have a way of garnering reluctant compliance.
But what really did me in, was the cold.

"What do you mean"?

"I was once locked naked in a deep freezer for an hour".
"When I was jerked out it felt like I was constantly being electrocuted, my body couldn't stop shivering and I felt like my bones were on fire.

It was the worst pain. I've ever experienced, your body feels like its burning, every nerve ending is fried and you just want to die.

I was broken, after a year of "training" I was put to work at a whore house with other guys in a similar situation, victims of this vigilante court.

I was used and abused, I lost count of the times I had been fucked or been the subject of some fucked up fetish game.

I was force fed hormones and now I'm what you see here.

"So what happened last night"? Woods asked looking like he was just as sick as I was starting to feel.

"I don't know" I said putting my head in my hands.
"I really dont know".

"What do you remember" woods asked.
"All I remember is being tied to a fuck bench at the clubhouse, it wasn't my first time and I didn't think anything about it, just hoping for the night to be over as quickly as possible so I could go back to sleep and pretend I wasn't in hell.

But then I saw him, the bastard who had started all this shit.

"Mark Peterson"? Woods stated.
"Yes and his wife Karen".

These fuckers had been invited to see what had become of the "Monster" who had ruined their lives.

I Remember them laughing, and I remember him fucking me while I screamed and cried, I was.....i had... i had put up with so much pain and humiliation over the last two years, but to have this smug son of a whore, fu... doi..doing what he....

I remember crying and screaming, I remember pulling so hard on the leg of the wooden bench i heard a snap and then....I blacked out.

"You dont remember anything"?

"All I Remember is waking up naked in a ditch covered in blood and looking at the police officer who had woke me up".

"Detective, what did I do"?
Woods stood up and gathered his notes.
"I need to step out for a moment" he said.

Detective Woods walked out of the interrogation room and was met by an older woman wearing a pantsuit and holding a briefcase.

"Holy fuck" was all she said.
She had watched the entire interview over the camera in the adjacent room.

"Well his story matches most of the evidence we could find after investigating the owners and patrons we found at club samurai".

"Your the district attorney what do we do"?
"I'm glad you called me Kevin, I honestly dont know what to do, I mean he basically butchered eighty seven people".

"You should see the club security footage, it was like something out of kill bill" woods said looking through the two way mirror at what looked like young girl in the interview room.

"How did he do it"?
"He was able to break out of that contraption they had him strapped to and they had this long ass samurai sword on display and well you can guess what happened after that" keven shuttered remembering the blood bath he had seen earlier that morning.

"We're still trying to find the few people who escaped the club but so far none have come forward yet, this is going to be international news for sure" she said as she looked at the girl in the room.

Keven looks out towards the reader......
"So what should we do with him"?

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