a tale of joy and sorrow

PART 1 OF 3 this just came to me
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I still think about my high school years, every day I think of all the pain and joy that I went through, and all the friends I had.

Out of all the people I knew there is only one I think about all the time, how can I forget I am reminded of that person when I pull on my adult disposable diaper every morning.

The year was 1997, I was fifteen years old and in my last year of junior high school at the time and life was great, well better then most transgender girls had at that time.

That’s right I was a girl who was trapped in a boys body, but unlike most trans persons out there I was actually popular and well accepted at the school I went to.

I had a ton of friends and a boyfriend, the best part is they all knew who and what I was.

But there was one person that every school has and every tranny knows, and that is the school bully.

And mine was Brandon Leroy cane, or butch as everyone called him. Unlike most bully’s butch wasn’t a ten foot tall eight hundred pound gorilla that most people seem to think of when they hear the word bully.

No butch was very short, how short you ask.
Try four feet ten and skinny as a stick, yeah that short, but don’t let his size fool you he was fierce and brutal when it came to fighting.

And the one thing you never did was point out the fact that if he dropped the buzz cut and grew his hair longer he would look like an eight year old girl.

Every time I walked past him it was always comments like, freak alert or don’t drop the soap.
And I had been at the receiving end of plenty of his punches in the past.

Well the school year was going great except for you know who. One day me and my best friend Stacy were walking through the gym to get to our music class, when we heard a conversation between the gym teacher and butch as we came close to the teacher’s office.

“I know it would be very embarrassing if someone found out and you seem to have enough problems as it is“, “so I will let you shower in the privet shower that the teachers use when they exercise in the schools weight room”.

“Thanks teach it would kill my social life if anyone found out”.

“Your welcome, now head on back to class”.
“yes sir”.

Me and Stacy high tailed it out of there before we were spotted.

“What could be so embarrassing that he would want to take his showers away from everybody else”.

“I don’t know, but if we find out we can use it to get him real good”.

“Or black mail him”.
“Sure why not”.

I knew exactly how to do it too, the staff showers where actually just two shower stalls in a room next to the weight room the school had built two years before.
Before that it was the old girls locker room, and if you remember I was at one point in time a curious little boy, so I knew where to find the peep hole that one of my good friends Johnny Goodman made in the fourth grade.

To get to it, you had to crawl under the gym and into an old closed off and bricked up room right above the shower stalls in the gyms lower basement, if we were lucky it would still be there.

That afternoon the two of us crawled to the old room, thank goodness I had blue jeans on.

When we got to the room it was dark but I had grabbed a flash light from a utility closet before we went in, I saw the mark Johnny had made all those years ago, it was quite faded of Corse but it was still there.

I moved the small piece of metal with the false shower tile on the bottom and we had a pervs eye view of the shower stall.

We left the way we came and went to the room, I hand wrote an out of order sign and stuck it on the door to the stall without the peep hole then we went home.

The next day when gym let out we broke off from the rest of the class and made or way to the old room and waited.

Two teachers later or target walked in, we had or heads together so we could both see, what we saw we never expected, he had to small mounds on his chest.

We both stood up and covered or mouths and bust out laughing, he had tits sure they were small but they were there.
I went to bed that night wondering when I could use my new found knowledge and ruin the person that has been tormenting me for the past several years.

Well that time didn’t come till I was sixteen.
Butch was one of the few kids who got there drivers license the day they turned sixteen and was not afraid to flaunt the fact.

Every morning he would cut a donut in the gravel parking space in his old jacked up ford f-100 custom step side, it was four wheel drive with the big brush guard and winch on the front and roll bars in the truck bed.

It was black and chromed out, but the thing that caught most peoples eye was the back window witch was nothing but one large rebel flag.

It was actually pretty funny to see someone so small in size driving something so big.

Well the first few weeks of school went alright but then it happened, I don’t know why he was pissed off at everybody.

It might have had something to do with the big black eye he had, but he was pissed.

I was also in a bad mood myself when he bumped into me and said watch it fag.

I started yelling at him, I called him a closed minded bigot with a height problem.

He got pissed and let the remarks fly.

I smiled because we had a good crowed built up and watching us when I let it slip.

Now butch wasn’t popular but he wasn’t unpopular either, he did have a good number of friends mostly they were the ones who were like him.

He called me a stupid fag.
I yelled out “At least I’m not so pissed about having breast that I take it out on others”.

He went as white as snow.
“What dose that mean” his friend Billy asked.

“Your friend here has boobs like a girl”.
“I DO NOT!!!! Butch yelled out, obviously freaking out.

“well lets see them” someone in the crowed yelled out, witch was followed by the crowd yelling and chanting for him to take off his shirt.

Butch went to leave but was stopped when Billy who was a lot bigger grabbed him and locked his arms behind him while someone proceeded to rip his shirt.

He was kicking and yelling for them to let him go when Garry the boy ripping his shirt punched him in the gut.

The shirt was removed as well as the bandages around his chest to revile two almost B-cup breast.

Everyone bust out laughing including the people who five minutes ago called themselves his friends.

Butch covered his chest and ran as fast as he could trough the crowd with tears running down his face.

It didn’t help when Billy yelled out” look at the little freak he’s crying like a little bitch.
I actually felt bad for him and thought I had gone to far.

I didn’t seen him for two weeks although I did see his sister who was a senior, she would give me the most chilling looks ever when she looked at me.

I was walking back from my dance class on that day when I came around a corner to see butch standing there about thirty feet away with a hunting knife in his hand and a determined look on his face.

I ran back to the dance room as fast as I could but the door was locked so I ran up the nearby stairs that led to the roof.

I made it to the door and it was unlocked, I ran to the middle of the roof and grabbed a piece of wood that was on the ground.

When butch found me he started chasing me, he was yelling on how I had ruined his life and all his friends and some of his kin folk had turned on him.

He was pissed, as I ran I tripped and fell on the part of the roof over the gym witch had old glass sky lights on it.

I tried to get up but I soon felt a huge pain in the back of my stomach, it was the knife,
I turned with all my might and used the board to hit him in the head.

He stumbled back and fell, I heard a crash as he went through one of the skylights.

I heard a scream from below, I painfully crawled over and looked down to see he had a bunch of people around him, and that he had landed in the gymnastics foam pit.
But I could still see blood on his legs as I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in a hospital and my mom was sitting beside me.

When I was stabbed the knife cut my bladder and I almost died when the contents were released into my body, the doctors were able to save what little of it they could but it was now smaller.

So I was confined to wearing diapers for the rest of my life they were better then the other choices I had, I had refused at first but too many accidents later I gave in.

Butch survived the fall and was taken to the hospital, after he was released he just disappeared.

I hated him for what he did, I was always scared he would try again, and I was really pissed when we were told by a judge that his injuries were punishment enough for what he did.

Of course they never would tell us what they were.

I took up karate with some of my friends to prepare for when he would attack again, I was determined to beat him to a pulp.

I didn’t care if he was in a wheel chair, blind, def or all three, I would still kick his ass.

It was the first day of my senior year I still burned with anger when I put on my diaper that morning. I met up with Stacy and we walked to school.

It was going alright till we got to the parking lot, there it was in the middle of the lot for everybody to see in the same spot it was always in.

That fucking ford, I was on fire with anger. In the girls room me and all my girl friends were in a full blown outrage.

He was back and there was no doubt he wanted revenge.

We were all on the look out for the rest of the day, my friends were always close at hand just in case.
But we never saw him.

It was almost time for school to let out and I made my way to my locker, I was about sixty feet away when a friend stopped me to chat.

I looked over her shoulder at my locker to see this short little girl, you could tell she was a teenager but she was just short.

She was pretty cute with her short spunky blond almost white hair with pink highlights and tips, she was wearing an almost knee length black pleated skirt with a white t-shirt and a black denim vest as well as a pair of knee high black moccasin boots.

She was about five feet tall and maybe 100lbs would be pushing it.

She stood on her tip toes and slid a letter into my locker and walked away, after my friend left I walked over to my locker opened it and read the letter.
“Dear Becky.

I know you have dance class this afternoon so I know you will be busy, but I would like you to meet me on the elementary playground tomorrow after school alone if possible.


I put the note in my backpack and went to meet Stacy who was posted near the parking lot watching the truck.

When I got there we both started watching for the most hated person in world, well the most hated person to me.

We waited almost thirty minutes before we saw a guy heading toward the truck, that girl with the note was walking next to him.

We guessed the little white car next to the truck was hers, boy the word shocked won’t come close to covering what we felt when the girl reached up and unlocked Butch’es truck climbed in then drive off.

“It cant be” I said to Stacy.
“Well she could just be kin to him, she does look some what like him”.

“Yeah but why dose she want to meet in a secluded place like the play ground”.

“I don’t know but I don’t like it”.

“I’ll bet she wants to get me out there so she can finish the job, he probably thinks my guard will be down if I think it’s just some little girl“.

The next day dragged by, the whole time I was coming up with all types of crazy thoughts as to why this kid wanted to meet me all the way out there on the playground.

I saw the girl at her locker and I remembered something about butch, you see another thing that would set him off was the birth mark on the back of his neck.

I got a little closer as I noticed her taking out a hair band, her hair was just long enough to put into a short pony tail.

That’s when I saw it, the perfectly shaped heart birth mark in the middle of her neck, so I knew right then it was defiantly him, the basterd who sentenced me to a life of incontinence.

My blood was on fire the rest of the day, I met a bunch of my friends about twenty of them including a few of the football jocks.

The last bell rang and I was out the door, and me and my friends made our way to the playground.

As we got closer I could see her she was wearing a pair of denim jeans and a simple pink t-shirt.

She was sitting in a swing with her back turned to us, I got three feet from her and yelled,”Hey ass hole”.

He jumped up from the swing and faced us, he had a shocked look on his cute little face that I realized that if you took away the long hair was definitely his.

“You brought your friends” he said in a calm voice.

“Hell yeah I brought my friends, what did you think I would come alone and give you the chance to get the upper hand on me”.

“What oh no I just called you hear t“…BAMM…… I cut him off with a quick jab to the face witch knocked him to the ground.

The next thing I knew I was on top of him beating him to a pulp, I kicked him in the rib cage and heard a scream and a pop, then I heard a crack when I kicked him in the shin. Then he wet his self when I kicked him in the gut, I took a quick breath and looked at his purse on the ground.

There was the handle of a knife sticking out of it, I reached down and grabbed it.

“So you thought you were going to use this on me again well now your going to see what it feels like”.

I bent down about to stab him when someone grabbed me, it was Kent my boyfriend.

“Look that’s enough“, he said as he pointed at the bloodied thing laying on the ground whimpering and sobbing. As we were walking away I heard a huge scream.

I turned to see butch pulling himself to his feet, he started limping toward the parking lot holding his side. I smiled.

That night I was getting ready for bed, I had already taken my hormone pills and had just put on my special underwear when there was a knock at the front door.

I put on some pajama bottoms and walked down stairs to see. My mom made it to the door first and opened it.

Standing there were two uniformed police officers, they asked for me and my mom to come to the station so we followed them in my moms car.

I was in trouble I thought but they didn’t handcuff me to bring me here, so what’s going on.

We were sitting in a small room, it didn’t have a big mirror like you see in the movies, after a few minutes a woman came in.

She had a detective badge and a gun holster without the gun, she looked familiar.

“ there was an attack out on the playground at your school this afternoon, would you like to tell me about it”.

I was silent until she told me about talking to some of my friends already so she knew I was the who attacked first.

My mom looked at me funny.

“Well I was afraid if I didn’t attack first that the person in question would try and finish what he started a few years ago.

that’s when I told about the events on the gym roof.

“Your friends say you hated this person pretty bad right“,

“Yes mam”
“and from what you just told me you jumped to conclusions and let your fear take over your actions”.

“I guess”.
“well my sister was not there to kill you or take revenge”.

“What,!! you mean that was your sister”.
“Yes she is”.,

Now I remember her, this woman was butch’es big sister.

“Then what did she want” I asked.

“To say sorry for how she treated you and for what she did to you on the roof“.

“Then why did she have the knife”.

“Because I was a stupid big sister and talked her into keeping it in her truck until she met with you, I was worried what happened would happen so it was my fault she had it”.

“She has gone through enough in the past few years”.

“Well thanks to her I have to wear a diaper the rest of my life”.

“So what thanks to you hitting her she has to sit to pee the rest of her life”.

“When Bree fell through the skylight the glass from it fell too, a large shard landed before he did and at just the right angle in the foam pit to take off his dick”.

“He almost bleed to death in that pit”.

“She has been through hell in there past few years, from the forced sex change surgery to the hormones and the suicide attempts“.

“We just got to where we could stop worrying about her. She begged and begged our mom to let her quit home schooling and go to high school”.

I was silent as she went on.

“This whole summer she has been working as a waitress so she could buy you these” she said as she laid an envelope on the table.

I opened it up to find two tickets to a smash mouth concert witch is the greatest band of all time. that was the next weekend complete with back stage passes, they had to be at least $400 a piece.

The note said they were for me and Kent. I sat back in my seat actually feeling bad for what I did.

“Why did she forgive me”

“You’ll have to ask her that your self”.
“After what I did she probably want’s to kill me now”.
“I doubt that seeing she’s the reason your not in a sell right now”.
“What do you mean”.

“I don’t know how someone who is in the hospital with two broken ribs and a fractured shin, not to mention all the bruises and lacerations”.

“Can forgive the one who did it without batting an eyelash”.

“But she begged me not to arrest you”.
Now I really felt like shit I don’t know how I was going to say sorry for this, but from what I can tell butch was a completely changed person.

To be continued.

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