An Accidental Meeting, 1

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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Tommy was constantly being bullied in school by Randy on a daily basis.
Tommy's life completely changes when he meets a mysterious girl after school
while riding his bike. This accidental meeting... led to something more!

An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 1

by Kayla Don

Copyright © 2012, 2013 Kayla Don
All Rights Reserved.

Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Friday, March 09, 2012 - 4:09 pm, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers. ~Sephrena

Image Credits: Title Picture purchased and licensed for publishing from The model(s) in this image is in / and are no way connected with this story nor supports nor conveys the issues and situations brought up within the story. The model(s) use is solely used for the representation of looks of the main character(s) of this particular story. ~Sephrena

Divider licensed for use in publishing from ~Sephrena.

Author's Note: I’ve hit a rut with Kidnapped, so I’m taking a break from it and I came up with this. Hope you like! :D ~Kayla.

Legalities: Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that: 1) You must have contacted the author, Kayla, and have asked permission first and received said permission to host this particular work. 2) No fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") or any form of barter or monetary transfers in order to access viewing this work *and* (3) PROVIDED that this disclaimer, all author notes, legalities and attribution to the original author are contained unchanged within the work. 4) The author of this work, Kayla, must be provided free account access at all times the work is hosted in order to modify or remove this work at her sole discretion.

The characters, situations, and places within this work are fictional. Any resemblance between actual people (living or dead), places, or situations is entirely coincidental.

This work is the copyrighted material of the respective author. ~Kayla.



Chapter 1
“Give me all your money wimp!” Randy Bishop yelled as he slammed Tommy Jones into a set of lockers along the school hallway.

Randy was your average thirteen year old bully: short brown hair, mean blue eyes, a short temper, and liked to pick on anyone he didn’t like. Tommy was a good kid, but was having a rough go of it for the past year since he and his mom had moved into town. Ever since he started attending the local school, Randy has been bullying him. It's been like that ever since they met. Tommy was taller than Randy by about a good three inches, but he had his own reasons as to why he put up with Randy.

“I don’t have any, my mom packed my lunch!” Tommy hollered back.

“Well give me that then!” Randy irritatedly said as he grabbed the brown paper bag. “Oh Gross! Tuna fish,” he groaned as he dropped the bag onto the ground and promptly stepped on it.

“You better have some cash on Monday,” Randy snarled as he walked away.

Tommy bent down and picked what used to be his lunch bag. Letting out a heavy sigh, he walked on down the hallway until he heard a voice.

"Hey Tom, What’s up?” a short red headed boy asked as he started walking along beside him.

“Hey Joe,” Tommy nonchalantly replied.

“Was that jerk Randy messing with you again?” Joe asked.

“Yeah,” Tommy said as he held up and showed his stomped-on lunch bag to his friend.

“I tell ya what Tom, if I was about five inches taller and about thirty pounds heaver, I would beat the tar out of him!”

“Well it doesn’t matter now. My sandwich has been reduced in calories,” Tommy smiled, tilting the bag so that the noticeable shoe print on it was visible.

Both boys laughed.

“Don’t worry Tom, I’ll share some of mine with you.” Joe offered.

“Thanks Joe!”

They both walked on to class.
Tom walked home after school and sat down at the kitchen table and started on his homework. After awhile, he started cooking some supper and put some clothes on the wash.

When his mom came home, she smiled, “Hey sweetie how was school today?”

“It was fine.” Tom answered in a low voice as he finished the last of his homework.

“It doesn’t sound like it,” his mom said. “Did you have another run in with that Randy kid?”

“Yes ma’am” he shrugged.

“That’s it! I’m going to go and have a talk with that brat's parents!” his mom furiously stated as she took over stirring the pasta on the stove.

Tommy looked up from doing his homework and pleaded, “Mom please! Don’t! I can handle it. Really!”

His mom stopped stirring and placed the lid back over the pot. “Well if he keeps this up, he’ll have me to deal with!” She leaned over from behind and wrapped Tommy in a tight hug.

“Nobody picks on my baby and gets away with it!”

“Mom!! I’m not a baby!”

“Sweetie it doesn’t matter if you're fifty years old, you’ll always be my baby.” she said and gave him a smooch on his forehead before turning back to the stove.
After they ate, Tommy asked his mom if he could go to the park the next day since it was Saturday. She agreed as long as he could be back by supper.


The next day, Tommy woke up and dressed in his favorite blue jeans and a Seether t-shirt. He then grabbed his wallet with about sixty-five dollars in yard mowing money in it and his house key before he left.

He went out the back door and over to their small shed in the backyard. As he rolled out his old bicycle, Tommy couldn't help but notice the old motorcycle that both he and his dad were working on.

He paused and let out a heavy sigh.

A few moments later, he hopped onto his bicycle and was pedaling his way towards the park.
It was unusually warm weather for this time of year in Mississippi. He made his way there riding on the sidewalk. Normally he doesn’t ride on the sidewalk, but today there was a lot of traffic on the street and for some reason he felt like he should. It made him feel safer.

Tommy could see the park up ahead and was coming up to the crosswalk to cross the street over to it when it happened. He saw a pretty young blond girl exiting a store in front of him. Tom was so enamored gazing at her that it distracted him. He suddenly realized he needed to brake now!! He slammed on his brakes so hard he flipped over the handle bars and flew into the girl he was trying to miss!

With a loud thud! they both hit the ground.

“Ouch!!” she yelled out.

Tommy quickly stood up and looked at her. Sitting on her butt, was the prettiest girl he had ever seen! She was blond with blue eyes and a pair of cute glasses. She was wearing a white tennis style pleated skirt like his mom wears and a pink t-shirt. Her long blond hair was pulled into a nice ponytail and her hoop ear rings glinted in the sunlight.

“Oh my god! I'm so sorry!” Tommy apologized as he put out his hand to help her up.

The girl looked up at him and froze. The blood drained from her face and it was as if she had seen a ghost.

She slowly took his hand and allowed him to help her up. She nervously chewed her lower lip as she dusted off the back of her skirt.

“It’s alright, just a minor bruise, but I'll live.” she said as she examined her legs for scrapes.

“I’m Tommy. And again, I am really sorry. I should have paid better attention to how I was riding.”

“Kelly,” the girl said, now averting her gaze. She wouldn’t look him in the eye. But, she was shyly looking around like she was very uncomfortable about something.

“She’s definitely cute,” Tommy thought. He stammered for a second, still trying to think of what to say next to her.

“I was really going too fast and I shouldn't have been on the sidewalk in this area. I didn’t see you until I was on top of you.” Tommy picked up his bike and nervously scratched the back of his head.

“It’s fine. I don’t think you broke anything, so I’ll be on my way,” she said, turning to walk away.

“Hey wait! Ummh... ah... I don’t think I should let you go without at least buying you some ice cream or something? Just to say I am really sorry.” Tommy slightly blushed.

“I really need to be goi..” she started, when Tommy cut her off by saying, “Please? Let me buy you an ice cream? I insist.”

Realizing that Tommy wasn't simply going to go away nor leave her alone until he "did the right thing," the girl gave in.

“Alright were do you want to go to?”

“Come on, there’s a little vendor right over here in the park.”
The two walked across the street towards the entrance of the town park. Tommy paused a moment lock his bike up in the rack by the gate. They both then made some small talk as they walked on over to the little ice cream vendor a ways into the park. Tommy found himself looking at this cute girl with an intense interest as they walked.

Kelly seemed a bit tense at first with all the attention Tommy was giving her, but soon, she visibly relaxed as they continued talking. Upon reaching the ice cream vendor, Tommy bought two chocolate ice cream cones and gently handed her one as he motioned over to a nearby bench to sit and talk.
They both sat down and were silent for a few minutes as they slurped and licked their cones. Tommy looked over at her as she was eating her ice cream. Her eyes lifted up and met his.

“So... are you like new here in this area?” Tommy asked.

“Why do you say that?” she said perplexed.

“Well, I’ve never seen you around here before.”

“I live in the other part of town, I don’t come out this way often.” She kept her eyes glued to his as she slowly licked her ice cream.

“Where do you go to school at?” Tommy asked.

“My mom home schools me. She doesn’t like public schools.” she frowned.

“Oh, that sounds cool!” Tom said.

“Not really... it gets kinda lonely after awhile.” Kelly closed her eyes and sighed. She then looked down at her cone.

Tommy could tell the girl was nervous but didn’t say anything for awhile.

“Would you like to hang out together?” he asked, hoping that she would agree.

That look of fear crossed her eyes again and she froze up.

“I... I don’t know,” she said.

“Please? I don’t bite.” Tommy softly begged while giving her the sad puppy dog eyes his mom says he is famous for.

Kelly broke out giggling. “How could anyone say no to a face like that?” she said as she popped the last bit of the ice cream cone into her mouth. “Alright, I’ve got a few hours.”

“You wanna check out some of the rides?” Tommy offered.

“Sure, lets go.” she said as they both got up and started walking.
The two walked over to the part of the park with the small theme park. Thanks to the five dollar Saturday special held on every third Saturday of the month, five dollars could get you unlimited access for the whole day.

Tommy paid the ten dollars and they both got a paper bracelet; his was blue and hers was pink. He suggested the bumper cars first, and she agreed. They each got in one and had a blast ramming into each other! Then they went over to the small tilt a whirl and rode that.

They rode a few more rides and then went on to the game booths where they paid the dollar fee to play the games. Tommy really wanted to impress Kelly, so he paid to knock over some weighted bottles. With one toss all three bottles hit the ground! He got to pick out a rather large stuffed white teddy bear that had a pink belly and nose as his prize.

Kelly did some major blushing when he handed the bear to her, shyly thanking him.
The indoor paintball range was their next fanfare. They each put on a pair of coveralls, face mask, and goggles that were given to the them before they went inside. Now it was Kelly’s turn to impress Tommy. She was a pure master with the paintball gun! Both her and Tommy went up against eight other kids and won! As a prize they were given a gift card to pizza hut and thirty dollars worth of game tokens for the indoor arcade.

They had a blast today! Tommy was having so much fun with this cute funny girl he had just met.

As they started to walk back towards the main gate, Tommy decided to try his luck and slowly reached down and gently gripped her hand as they walked. To his utter relief, she didn’t try to pull away. But instead, she gripped his hand back.

They walked hand and hand until they made it to the gate.
“I really had a lot of fun today,” Kelly admitted.

“Would you like to hang out again sometime?” Tommy asked.

“Sure! I’ll be back here next Saturday if you want to meet up then?”

“Okay, Deal! I would like that.” Tommy agreed.

As Tommy unlocked his bike and began riding away, he thought to himself, “I think I’m in love!”
Kelly had all sorts of funny feelings in her stomach as she made her way to the bus stop. She boarded her bus and sat down in her seat with her heart still pounding. She looked down at the paper bracelet on her wrist and smiled. But, at the same time, she felt really bad. She did have a wonderful time with Tommy and she was very grateful for the experience after her accidentally meeting him.

But she was angry because of something else.

She has known and liked Tommy for quite a long time. She has never been able to express her feelings for him, until today. It's because she was scared; scared... because of how she felt for him. Because of that, she tried to suppress her feelings for him. But every time she sees him, she has to fight herself to not just go grab him and kiss him. And just like tonight... it took every ounce of her being to not break down and tell him who she was and how she felt about him! She closed her eyes as she felt the butterflies in her stomach again. She kept thinking about the best part of today, and that was when Tommy had held her hand.

It was like a dream come true.


When she got home, later than usual, Kelly found that her mom was working late again. She proceeded right on upstairs to her sister's old room and got to work. First, she slowly pulled off her wig. Then she took off the blouse, the starter bra, and her skirt. She then pulled off the panties and put them in along with the other clothes in the closet basket to wash when her mom wasn’t home.

Kelly put on her regular underwear, jeans, and a plain white t-shirt and then sat at her vanity table to remove her makeup. She made sure to get all of it off.

She sighed at the sight in the mirror.
Kelly then picked up favorite picture of her and her sister from the vanity table and took it with her to her room.
You see, Kelly isn’t like most girls, because she is really a boy. The only one who ever knew about Kelly was her twin sister Katie. And Katie was the only one who knew about and accepted her sister. When Katie died of leukemia awhile back, Kelly almost died as well. The hole left in Kelly’s heart made it hard for her boy self to allow Kelly to come out.

She went into her room and held the picture to her heart and let the tears out.

This day had been the first time Kelly had left her house since Katie died two years earlier. She felt happy for the first time in a very long time. Kelly also knew her sister was sending both her and her boy self a message... that maybe it’s time to change a little.

She felt very bad about some of the things she had done in her past. But after today, she had a lot of confusing feelings going through her head.

“I'll have to figure them out later,” she thought.

As Kelly climbed off her bed and made her way downstairs to the doorway of the den, the front door opened.

“Randy, honey, could you help me with the groceries?” his mom asked.

“Sure mom.”

To Be Continued...

Please leave me a comment or kudo. :) And feel free to PM me as well. I appreciate the chance to answer any questions and look over any constructive criticism as it will help to make me a better writer. Thank you for taking the time to read my story! ~Kayla


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