Brianna’s journey.1

Most people who knew the old me would have told you I never would have amounted to anything other than a long time occupant of a federal hotel if you know what I mean.

But here I am on this stage fixing to receive my BIO chemical engineering degree, I would like to see the look on their faces, of coarse they would most likely never recognize me unless they knew what happened.

Ok let me tell you about myself, I am 24 years old five four, 115 pounds, long dark brown hair and blue eyes, I have been attending collage for five years after graduating from high school at the top of my class and a full ride scholarship which I didn’t waste.

And if you were to look at me you would see a very happy young woman with all the opportunities in life at her finger tips, but what you wouldn’t know is what it took for me to get here.

I was born in 1988 in a rather run down part of Memphis and was one of only five white kids in the entire fifteen story run down apartment building well projects were I lived.

My mom had married this guy named Todd and he was a great guy who treated me like I was his own kid even though he was black.

He was more like a real dad to me then my real dad ever was the last thing I remember about my real dad was him hitting mom with a beer bottle then walking out the door. Last I heard he was in prison for armed robbery but anyway.

I wasn’t the most lovable boy, oh yeah I wasn’t always a girl but we’ll get to that in a minute.

By the time I was eighteen I was the definition of a delinquent I was an absolute hell raiser heading down the same road as my father before me but then I met the Harrison’s.

Me and two of my gang friends were walking down the street one night when we saw this woman getting things out of a very nice SUV in front of the old church.

Paul said we were short on cash and she looked like she might have a few Bengermans on her.

So Paul pulled out his knife as did I and but Mac tried to talk us out of it, we snuck up behind her and I put my knife to her neck but as I was about to demand all her cash I was hit by something and everything went black, I still to this day don‘t know what it was but anyway.

As I came to me, Paul and Mac were sitting in a nice set of chairs with handcuffs on.

“It’s good to see you three are awake”! I looked up to see the woman smiling at us.

“What do you want, let us go bitch” Paul yelled.
“My what a foul mouth you have”! The woman said in a playful tone.

“I have you here because you fell into my trap” she said.

“Trap, what Trap”? Mac asked.
“What do you think a good looking gal like me would be doing all alone in a bad part of town at ten in the evening for”?

“Hooking” Paul laughed and she shook her head and smiled.

“What are you going to do to us”? I asked.
“Simple I’m going to let you go with a warning”.
“That’s it, just a warning”? I asked.
“Well and a deal” she smiled.
“What deal”? I asked.
“I and my husband john are very wealthy people who like helping young kids like you make a better life for themselves”.

“All you have to do is sign one of these documents and we will let you go without pressing charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted robbery“.

“This one” she said pointing to one of the papers sitting on the desk in front of us. “Is a fully paid scholarship to any collage you would like to go to”.

I tried to say something but she stopped me.
“If you choose this one“, “the staff at one of our county learning centers will help you finish your high school education then send you on your way to junior collage“. “If your grades are high enough and you wish to continue you can then attend a four year collage, the choice is yours”!!

“What’s the other one”? Paul asked.
“If you choose this one you are free to walk out that door, but if you commit anymore crimes or run afoul of the law” her expression scared me.

“The consequences will shock you” was all she said.

Well me and Paul could care less about this crazy bitch and her papers, we just wanted to leave. But Mac seemed to be very interested in the scholarship.

Me and Paul signed our papers without even reading them and left Mac to find his own way home. If we would have been smart and read those papers like Mac did then maybe things wouldn’t have turned out like they did.

Well part of Mac’s contract said he couldn’t hang out with us anymore. Mac was one of our best friends but I knew he really wanted out of the hood so I didn’t blame him for cutting off contact.

I mean he was the one who was always trying to get us to stop doing the things we did but we never listened to him.

The only thing he told me later over the phone was don’t screw up if you like your manhood. Me being somewhat stupid I didn’t get what he meant till it was to late.

Well we were taken back to our building in a nice car. When other guys asked who it was me and Paul told them we were offered a job to work for some big shot drug dealer. So that helped us build up our egos.

Well me and Paul were hanging out about a week later when our lives made a huge change. We were outside bens liquor and gun store J when we saw old Ben walking out with his large money pouch.

There had to be at least two grand in it and we couldn’t resist. I grabbed a pipe off the ground and Paul grabbed an old 2x4 and we made a dash on him.

Before he could react and grab his gun we were on top of him. We beat him real bad and took off with the money bag.
I was running and we were about two blocks away when I ran into someone coming out of Jamie’s donut and coffee shop.

I was on the ground and I looked up and staring back at me was a rather big cop. He helped me up and picked up the bag.

It didn’t take him long to figure out that the bag wasn’t ours. The call on his radio about a robbery didn’t help any either.
Well me and Paul were sitting in a cell with about thirty other people later that day when a guard came to get us.

We were taken to a room at the back of the building. When we walked in my mom was there along with Todd.

My mom looked as if she had been crying and Todd looked very disappointed and he also looked scared.
Paul’s mom was there too. But she looked rather happy like she knew something we didn’t.

A minute later the woman from before came in the room. With a judge. “Miss Harrison can you tell me why you’ve called this meeting”? the old judge asked.

“Well your honor, I have already explained to these boy’s parents about the contract the boy’s signed a little over a week ago to keep me from pressing charges after they tried to rob me”. she said as she opened a brief case and pulled out the papers we had signed.

“It’s all legal Sir” she said as she handed the judge the paper’s.

It took the judge a minute or two to read what was on the paper’s, but I was getting scared because the more he read the bigger his eyes got.

“You mean to tell me this is actually possible”? he said with a look of disbelief on his face.
“Oh yes sir we have done this many times and all those cases have been successful” she said in a cheery tone.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to see this to believe it” the judge said.

“Do you have it with you”? the judge asked.
“Yes right here” she said while pulling a small locked plastic box from her case.

“How long will it take for the changes to start”? the judge asked.
“About a minute sir” she said.

“And how come I haven’t heard about this before”? he said.
“We plan on going public one day but we have decided to wait a while until we have one that does the opposite”.

“Well then lets get started” the judge said as two police officers came in the room and stood by us.
“Hold them the woman said as she opened the little box and pulled out two syringes with a pink liquid in them.

I struggled as did Paul but the large cops were too strong.
While holding me with one hand the cop jerked my shirt up with the other.

She walked up behind Paul and just stuck the needle in his back, he yelped and she pulled it out.

“It’s burning”!! Paul yelled as the cop stepped back and watched.
I was terrified when he started sweating buckets of water.

He fell to his knees screaming and yelling, as he yelled his scream became higher until he sounded like a young girl.

Then he started changing, I could see him become smaller his face started to change and his hair seemed to grow longer.

He fell to the floor and I couldn’t tell much more because his clothes were way too big now.

“WHAT THE Hell”!! I yelled, I was kicking and screaming trying to get away but the other cop helped keep me in place.

Miss Harrison walked behind me and I felt a prick then it felt like she injected pure fire into me.
The burning quickly moved through out my body.

I couldn’t help the screaming I was doing, I fell to the floor and felt wet and weak, finally after about three eternal minutes I lost consciences.

It was dark outside and I could tell I was in my bed at home. “Oh thank God” I thought as I climbed out of bed.

When I moved I felt very wired. Mainly it was the pajamas I was in, one thing Is I never wear pajamas I just sleep in my boxers.

But these pajamas felt almost like silk.
I made my way into the apartment and saw my mom and Todd asleep on the couch in the dim light coming off the TV.

But I also noticed that something was off, I mean everything seemed bigger.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the light.
“What the hell” I said out load as I saw I was wearing a pink hello kitty sleep shirt with black sleeves and matching black sleep pants.

that’s when I noticed I looked different, as I looked at my hands and body I was a lot smaller then I used to be.

that’s when the dream came back to me. I turned around and grabbed the edge of the door. I closed my eyes slowly and closed the door.

The only mirror in the apartment was on the back of the door. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes.

When I saw what I saw I was so shocked I couldn’t breath. In the mirror was a young girl maybe twelve years old would have been pushing it.

She looked like I did when I was younger but she had much longer hair and a cuter face. I was scared and I couldn’t breath right I think they call it hyper ventilating.

I needed to know if I was still me. I didn’t look I slowly pulled the shirt up a little and slightly pulled the waist band of the pants out.

I slowly reached in and promptly fainted when I didn’t feel anything that should be there.

When I woke up the sun was starting to rise and I felt something. I looked to see I was back in my bed and my mom was sitting beside me running her fingers through my hair.

“Mom am I really a little girl” I asked with my voice trembling.
She smiled sadly and nodded. I started to do something I hadn’t done since I was four.

I started crying. My mom pulled me into a hug and started cooing at me like you would a crying baby.
“It’s ok sweetie mommas here” she said as she comforted me.

After about an hour of this I finally calmed down enough to talk.
“Mom is Paul like me”? I asked.
“Yes Pala is just like you except she’s blond, and I think a little shorter” she said.

“Paula”? I asked.
“ That’s her new name” my mom said.
“One because she’s no longer an eighteen year old boy and two because we have a court order that says for the next year we are to completely treat you two as girls”.

“That includes giving you both proper female names”.

“What did you mean by completely treat us two as girls for the next year”? I asked in my new sounding voice.

“It means you and Paula are to be referred to in only feminine pronouns such as she, her, daughter and so on“.

“And for the next year the only things you can wear in public are skirts and dresses” she said.

“But I don’t wan..”
“You may not want to but you have to because you are now considered a criminal miner under our care and we will get fined or you could get taken away if you don’t follow the court order”.

I started to sob again.
“My life is over”! I sobbed into my moms shoulder as she hugged me.
“Sweetie your life isn’t over, you may be a ten year old girl now but at least you have your freedom”.

“I could’ve done a few years”! I said as my tears fell.

“Try fifty” my mom said bluntly.
“Sweetie they were going to try to get you for attempted murder, and you would have been sentenced to fifty years”.

“But our neighbors son only got fifteen” I said.
It was true. My neighbors oldest son killed a guy in a gang fight and received fifteen years.
Sad right.

“I know sweetie but you signed those papers and knew what would happen if you did something wrong again”

“No I didn’t we never read those papers” I sobbed.
“Well then you should have” my mom stated.
“Look I am very mad at you for what you did but unlike Pala’s mom I know you need love and support more then punishment, punishment and more punishment.”.

“But don’t go thinking I’m going to go easy on you” she said in a stern voice.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes .
“What’s going to happen to me”?
“Well tomorrow you start school”.

“What“!!, but I already finished school”!
“No you dropped out” my mom stated flatly.

“Your not going back to your old school” she said.
“Then where”? I asked.

“For the next six months you’ll be staying at a private school in George” she said as she run her fingers through my hair.

“But I cant go to school like this people will laugh at me” I said while dry sobbing.
“Sweet heart, no one will laugh at you” my mom said.

“Ok that’s enough of this pity party so let’s go and get something to eat, I know you must be starving” my mom said as she stood up and pulled me off the bed.

She told me to strip down and wait while she reached into my dresser drawers.

I pulled off the sleep shirt and saw that other then I had no hair on my chest and it was smaller it still looked like a boy’s chest.

I slowly pulled off the pants and got my first look at my new underwear. I cringed when I saw that the pink underwear I was wearing had a large picture of hello kitty on the front.

“MOM”!! I said while pointing at the underwear.
“I’m sorry sweetie but these use to be your cousins from back when she was ten”.

“And you remember how crazy she was about Barbie and hello kitty”.

“But they look so little girlish” I said.
“Well it kinda fits since your now a little one yourself”.

I looked down and tried to keep from tearing up.
My mom knelt down and hugged me.
“Sweetie when we get the money and by the time you get home from school we’ll have you some nicer more grownup clothes for you ok” she said as I hugged her back.

Mom stood up and pulled out some clothes.
There was a pair of white tennis shoes and a plain pink t-shirt along with a denim skirt that flared out below the waist band.

“Really mom, pink” I said as I held up the shirt.
“It and a purple one are the only plain one’s she had, now if you’d rather wear Barbie or hello kitty I have plenty of those”.

“That’s ok mom I’ll wear this one” I said as I put it on. It actually felt nice and smooth.
Then I put on the skirt and shoes.
My mom then grabbed a brush and brushed my now very long hair and put it into a pony tail.

“There how do you feel”? my mom asked.
I spun slightly and the skirt moved a little and my ponytail rubbed against my back.

“I feel like a little girl” I said.
“Well little girl let’s go get something to eat” she said as she took my hand and started walking.

I thought we were going to the kitchen. Boy was I freaking out when she grabbed her purse and key’s.
“We’re not going out are we” I asked as I pulled my hand away.

“Yes we are, you need to experience that no one is going to laugh at you” my mom said as she grabbed my hand again”.

“But mom I…
“No buts, your coming with me and that’s that” she said in a tone that said she wasn’t kidding.
I knew better then to argue.

We walked out side our apartment and she turned to lock the dead bolt.
I felt very weird standing there dressed like I was.

“Hello miss Collins” I heard a very familiar voice say behind me.
I turned to see my friend Mac standing there looking at my mom.

“Is Bryan around, I have some things of his I’ve been meaning to bring back for a while” he said.
“Your standing right next to him” my mom said as I stood there blushing.

Mac looked at me and his jaw fell.
“I guess you couldn’t stay out of trouble huh Bryan”? he said as he shook his head.

“It’s Brianna now” my mom said as she took the box he had and sat it inside the front door before locking it back.

“If you want you can come with us to Wendy’s for lunch”. my mom said.
“That would be nice, let me just text my mom real quick” he said as he pulled out his phone.

After he was done we walked to the elevator.
“Lady’s first” he said as the door opened.
Boy was my face red.

We hit the first button and started going down, we came to the next floor and we stopped and the door opened.

In stepped Paul’s mom Miss Edwards and her two daughters Susan and marry.
But then this young blond girl stepped in wearing a very lacy very puffy pink little girl dress.

She looked at my mom and then to me.
“Paul, is that you”? I asked.
“Her name is Paula not Paul and if you don’t call her by her name I’ll bend you over my knee and tan your hide” his mother snapped.

“If you even think about touching her I’ll beat you to a bloody mess”!! My mom yelled as she stepped right up in her face and glared at her till she backed down.

“What your doing to your daughter is an abomination, you should be giving her love and support right now” my mom said In a calmer voice.

“I gave her all the love and support I could when she was my son, and you see what happened”!
“No I’ve tried that once and raised a no good brat of a son, maybe if I would have punished him more then this wouldn’t be happening” she said.

“So no this time I’m doing this the right way” she said as the door opened and she grabbed pau… I mean Paula so hard she yelped as she was dragged off the elevator.

We got off and walked outside.
“Poor kid” Mac said as we walked.
“That woman’s gonna drive that kid crazy if she doesn’t stop” my mom said.

“I mean the kid probably hasn’t even had time morn her loss of manhood”.

“When she told me what she was planning I was appalled and told her to stay away from you when she said I should do the same with you” my mom said

“Couldn’t you report it to the cops” I said as we walked by some of the guy’s I use to hang out with.

Normally you would think that a white woman and her, well daughter walking down this street would be an easy target.

Not my mom, my mom had been into marital arts and kick boxing ever since my dad beat her and left that night, she said it would never happen again.

Todd was my mom’s muay tai instructor.
Todd had been kick boxing for a very long time.
My mom was the only woman he has ever taught but hey that’s also how they met.

My mom was well known around our neighbor hood and very well respected.

“No I’m sure there’s nothing they would do” my mom said.
We walked down to the bus stop and waited.

It felt weird but no one was staring at me. This older woman looked at me and smiled.
Mac and my mom were talking about something when I heard.
“Oh that’s great so she’ll have someone she knows at the school” she said.
“What; you mean your going to that school to”? I asked.

“Yep, I’m going there to finish out my senior year” Mac said.
“When the bus stopped we got off the bus and walked to the Wendy’s.

We went in and I ordered my normal half pound cheese burger and Dr. pepper.
“Are you sure about that” my mom said.

“It’s what I always get” I said.
“Ok then” my mom said as she ordered her a salad.

As we sat down I was starting to relax and was thinking that mom was right. So far no one has even taken a second glance at me.

I noticed another change when Mac brought us our food. He sat my burger down and I went to get it.
that’s when I saw that my new little hands were dwarfed by this huge burger.

Well I ended up finding out that it was now way to big for me. I ate about half of it and half the fry’s before I was stuffed.

My mom laughed at me and said that I needed to eat something a little smaller since I wasn’t as big as I use to be.

I agreed and we got up and left.
“Since this is the last time I’m going to see you for six months then why don’t we go to the park and hang out“ my mom said.

“I’ve got time”! Mac said.
We walked to the bus and got on. When we got to the park it was packed full of people enjoying their last day of summer.

We went in and I saw that some rides had been set up, it turn’s out that there was a full blown end of summer fair going on.

We walked around a little and by this time I had actually kinda of forgotten my situation and was having a lot of fun with my mom and Mac.

I started watching Mac and realized something. He was like a totally different person. I mean Mac had always been a nice guy the only reason he even joined our little gang was because he was one of the only white kids in our area.

He actually tried talking me and Paul out of attacking miss Harrison that night.
But as you know we didn’t listen.

But today instead of how he normaly treated me he was acting like a big brother.

As we were walking through my mom and Mac said they had to use the bathroom.
I had been holding my pee for a while but it wasn’t to bad.

I was actually scared to go to the bathroom now.
Well my mom and Mac left for the toilets and I kept walking around.

I came to a booth selling baked goods.
But what attracted me was the little blond girl holding a sign and getting laughed at by some other girls.

It was Paul.
He was wearing the same outfit as before other then now I see that as it was being blown around by the wind I think I could tell that his bottom was a little puffier then it should be.

He was crying as these girl’s laughed at him.
“Aw look at the little baby girl” one of the girl’s said as she lifted Paul’s dress hem.

“Isn’t she so cute”!! Another girl said.
“Hey get away from him’!! I yelled as I walked over to them.

“Oh my gosh you’re a boy”!! one of the girl’s exclaimed.
“No I’m not” Paul yelled trying to save himself some embarrassment.

that’s when I realized that I had yelled “him” instead of her.
“Get away from her”! I said.
The girls who looked to be about fifteen glared at me but I stood my ground.

“Come on girl’s this is getting boring” this blond said as she and her friends walked away.

“Are you ok bud”?
“What do you think”? she said wiping the tear’s out of her eyes.

“I just woke up this morning and my mom has only been mean to me and treating me like a baby and dressing me like this” he was crying really hard.

“I do have to ask, are you wearing a diaper”?
Paul blushed and nodded.
“Why is your mom doing this”? I asked.

“I don’t know but I hate it”! she said as tear’s started to fall.
“It’s ok” I said as I hugged her.

I really surprised myself by doing that, I mean I’ve never been this mushy and caring about someone else. But then again Paul was like a bro.. well a sister to me.

“Hey, what do you think your’ doing”? I heard Paul’s mom yell.
She got up from her chair behind the bake goods table and started walking toward us.
“I was just saying hi” I said as I started to back up.
“Well if I ever see you near my little girl again I’ll ring your jaw”!! She yelled as she grabbed me by both shoulder’s and shook me.

“Let go of my daughter You Senile bitch”! My mom had just come out of a porta potty and was charging Miss Edward’s with Mac chasing after her.

My mom was about twenty feet away from tearing Miss Edwards a new butt hole when two Cop’s came running out of no where.

“Hold off People, What’s going on here”?
“That bitch is assaulting my daughter and abusing her own” My mom yelled.

One of the cops looked at Paul and then at me and miss Edward.
“I got it all on camera” some guy yelled out.
A man in tan short’s and a white t-shirt came over with a camera.

“I’m john Whitfield with child services, some one called us earlier to day and reported what they said seemed like child abuse here at the fair so I was sent to video tape what was going on” he said as he showed the video to the cops.

He skipped through different parts showing a bunch of teasing by other kids and then he got to when I arrived and then it showed me being grabbed by miss Edwards.

The cop looked very pissed at miss Edwards.
“Well she’s being punished, that’s why she’s dressed like that” miss Edwards said.

“’Well unfortunately the state of Tennessee doesn’t see this kind of punishment as child abuse” Mister john said with a frown and miss Edward’s smirked toward my mom.

“But, it does consider the fact that she laid hand’s on another person’s child assault on a minor” he said with a smile.

“Of course if the child’s mother dropped the charges” he said looking toward my mom.

“My mom looked at me then at Paul and then at miss Edwards who was no longer grinning.
My mom looked at her and said.

“You told Miss Harrison that you wouldn’t let Paula go to her school opting to handle her on your own right”? my mom said.

“Um yes I did say that” Miss Edwards said.
“You allow her to go and let her stay with us tonight and I’ll drop the charges” my mom said.

She glared at me and then Paul before agreeing.
Paul run over and hugged me before sticking hi.. Well her tong out at her mom.

Mac walked over and asked if we were all right.
“I am now” Paul said as we started walking home.

When we got home it was getting dark out so mom took Paul to the bathroom to help her get cleaned up.
“Well that was fun” Mac said as he sat on our couch.

“Hey Mac, did you know this was going to happen to us”? I asked.
“It was in the paper’s if you guy’s would have read them you would have known”.
“To be honest I didn’t think it was possible but then she showed me some proof videos so yeah I knew”.

“But to actually see you guy’s like this is amazing” he said while scratching the back of his head.

“By the way, you seem to be taking this pretty well” he said.
“Well I got all my crying out of the way earlier this morning, And well there’s no since in dwelling on it”. I said while looking down at my new body.

“So I guess I’m stuck like this” I said as I plopped back in my seat.
At that moment I thought I heard Mac say lucky under his breath.

“What did you say”? I asked.
“Nothing, nothing at all” he said a little to quick.
I was about to ask when I heard the bathroom door open.

“Go on out no one’s going to laugh” I heard my mom say.
Paul stepped out of the room wearing a knee length Barbie nightgown with long sleeves.

“Um hey guy’s can I sit there” she said pointing to the spot between Mac and me.
“Sure go ahead” I said as I scooted over.

She sat down and looked at the floor and started sniffling then she went into an all out cry.
“Wa…..wh…why is th…this happening”? she sobbed into her hands.

“Um because you two beat up and robbed a guy” Paul said.
“He’s right, you know” I said.
“Maybe if we’d read those paper’s then this wouldn’t have happened” I said as I hugged her from the side.

I was surprised that I was acting like this, I mean normally I would be being a total jerk wad right now.

I guess it was because she was in the same boat I was in, and well I needed a friend just like she did, so I was being nice.

After about thirty minutes or so she finally calmed down and fell asleep with me holding her.
I looked at Paul and looked back to her.

He got the message and picked her up off the couch, then he took her to my room and laid her on my bed.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I was scared and I had to go really, really bad.
I had been holding it all day and no telling how long before.

I’m sure I had broken some type of record but I couldn’t hold it any longer.
I quickly sat down on the toilet while looking straight ahead.

After that I closed my eye’s and grabbed some toilet paper. I quickly wiped and flushed after pulling my under wear up and leaving the skirt on the floor.
I was about to leave when I looked in the garbage can and saw the diaper that Paul had been wearing.

I noticed that it was more then a little yellow.
I walked out of the bathroom and my mom ran over to me.

“What do you think your doing”? she asked as she quietly dragged me into my room.
“What, did I do something wrong”? I asked.

“You need some pants on, good gosh your showing your kitty” my mom said as I looked down and was greeted with the hello kitty face right on the front of the under wear.

I was blushing big time as she fished for something.
She handed me a pair of purple Scooby Doo pajama pants.

I put them on quickly.
We walked back out as Mac was about to leave.
“We’ll meet you at the bus station tomorrow ok” my mom said as he was leaving.

“Don’t worry I’ll keep the two of them in line” he said as he walked out.

“So he’ll be riding with us tomorrow”? I asked.
“Yep, he’s going to be keeping an eye on the two of you and calling me if their’s an emergency” my mom said.

My mom had always trusted Mac more then she trusted me. I didn’t blame her I mean Mac was the most mature of us even if he was easy to influence.

I went to my room after I said good night.
Todd was working on the tug boat and wouldn’t be home for a few day’s so he wouldn’t be there to see us off.

I slowly climbed into the bed and got comfortable
As I lay there I felt something poking me.
“Hey are awake” Paul asked.

“Yeah what”?
“How are you taking this” She asked.
“Well to be honest I really don’t know” I said.
“I mean this morning I thought my life was over and then I had the time of my life at the fair”.

“How about you”? I asked.
“I’m scared out of my mind” he said.
“Yeah but now that you think about it, maybe we are better off like this instead of spending fifty years in jail” I said as I was thinking about what my mom had told me earlier.

“Maybe your right but I still say we didn’t deserve this” Paul said.

“Man how could this day get any weirder”? I asked out loud.
“Don’t say that and go to sleep, before something else doe’s happen“.

We went quite for a moment before I asked.
“Hey did you pee in that diaper”?
“You try holding it all day not being allowed to go anywhere to relive yourself”! she sounded mad.

“I did hold it all day” I said.
“Was your mom giving you an eight oz. bottle of water every twenty minutes”?

“Then there you go, now please go to sleep”.
I closed my eyes and drifted off wondering what the future held.
But I had to ask myself “Did we kinda deserve this”?


End of part one.
Ok folks this story kind of of just came to me, I hope you like. Kayla ;)

And again no talking about the spelling. i ment to get someone to help me with it but i just don't want people getting mad because i didnt choose them. believe me i've had a lot of offer's.

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