Danny Part 7 - Chapter 25


Chapter 25
by Roberta J. Cabot

This is a story about Daniel, a guy with a unique talent and an even more unique problem: A great singing voice and the looks of his gorgeous sister. And how he and his family deal with his having breasts. And how he deals with getting turned on by his girlfriend. But after telling his band about the upcoming concert, Janet goes crazy, and actually quits the band. There's one hope though - maybe Danny can get his friend Fallon to sub for Janet. But... That would mean three out of four girls in the band will now be redheads... Oh, no! lol. Never a dull moment with Batch Fourteen, and Dan & his gang.


Chapter Twenty-Five: An Audition For Fallon

***** (Danny) *****

So we got a mess of takeout food from the Italian place and started for Betsy's for an impromptu dinner thing. It was the best we could do on short notice and, after a quick call to her folks, Betsy said it was cool to have dinner at their house. Dale and Mongo took Dale's big F150 while the girls all rode with me in my Mustang.

I asked Danielle to fish out my phone from my pants pocket and to dial Fallon's number.

"No funny business!" I said when she giggled as she slid her hand into my pocket.

As I drove, I talked to Fallon via speakerphone.

"Hey, Red," I said.

"How's it hanging, Red," Fallon replied with a giggle.

"Oh, stop it already!" June said in mock exasperation.

"Who's that?"

"That's June Bright, our band's keyboardist," I said.

"From Unlimited Bandwidth? Cool."

"Speaking of which, I know it's super short notice, but can you meet us for dinner?"

"By 'us,' you mean…?"

"By 'us,' I mean me and the band."

This was greeted by silence.

"Danny?" she replied, "what's this about?"

"Just come over. I'll text you the address. We'll expect you there in about an hour? And bring your guitar."

"Guitar! What…?"

"Bye!" I grabbed the phone from Danielle and touched the button to hang up before anyone could embarrass me with Fallon. By anyone, I mean Danielle.

"Mwahahahahah," I laughed, like the bad guy in a 'B' movie. "Too late!"

"You're mean, bro," Danielle said, smiling.

"I am sure I do not know what you mean, young lady," I said in my best imitation of Mr. Wilson from homeroom. Danielle and Betsy, who were from my school, recognized the voice and giggled, and June smiled quizzically. Betsy explained while I drove up to the main gate of Betsy's house.

"I've forgotten how big your house is, Betsy," I said after we went through the gate. "Is Walter around?"

"He should be. My folks left this morning for a project in upstate New York. So Walter's in charge of the house."

"Huh? How come a butler's in charge?"

"You're right. Since mom and dad are away, then I guess I'm in charge since I'm Walter's boss. Temporarily his boss, that is. Ahhh! Power! Mwahahahahah! ... What... doesn't work?"

I shook my head, giggling. "I'm sorry, Bets, it doesn't. You still sound like a kid."

"Ahhh, shaddap!"

"Okay. Where do I pull up in this ginormous castle of yours?"

"Just around this bend, turn left, and then turn right at the next bend, and then another bend, and there are a bunch of open carports there. Take any empty one."

"Hmmm. So bend, left, right, bend and then bend again? You're kidding."

Danielle hit me on the shoulder. "Shut up, Danny," she said. "Just follow her directions."

"Okay, okay. Cool it, sis." I dutifully followed the directions and pulled into one of the open garages. There must have been fifteen of them. God, Betsy's folks are filthy rich!

Once we'd parked and I set the brake, people we didn't know opened our doors.

"Good evening, Master Daniel," the guy in a nice gray casual suit that opened my door said, and I saw it was Betsy's butler.

"Walter!" I said. "It's good to see you." I reached out and shook his hand.

"Good to see you as well, young sir. I see that you have brought the gang?"

"Yep!" And I grinned my best grin. And I could just glimpse a little smile flitting around his mouth.

He helped Betsy out of my car, as well as June, He then snapped his finger and another person relieved them of the containers of food they were carrying.

"I have put your other friends in the main living room, Ms Elizabeth," Walter said. "Is that all right? Or should we move the venue to the dining hall?" He indicated the food.

"No need, Walter," Betsy said, and led the way. "The living rooom's fine."

Dale parked in the carport beside ours and he and Mongo joined us as we all followed Betsy.

We ended up in a big, fancy living room where the gang was already lounging around.

"Food!" Jerry and Mike screamed when they spotted us, and Nikki rushed over to give me a kiss. One of the butlers wheeled in a couple of large, wheeled tables, and all the food we brought was quickly transferred from their cardboard boxes into fine china.

Betsy didn't bat an eye - she seemed used to it - and waved us closer to the table.

"Well, dig in!" she said. She herself got a little plate and put a couple of pieces of cannelloni on it.

Hugs, high-fives and fistbumps all around, and we dished ourselves some food.

We then draped ourselves over the Haley's furniture and told everyone what happened.

Betsy broke away for a while, pulled Walter aside and had a whispered conversation, and Walter and one of his guys left the room.

"What was that," I said, with my arm draped over Nikki's shoulders.

"Oh, nothing," Betsy said, coming back to the couch. "I just told Walter to be ready for Fallon when she arrives."

So, after looking at the guys and getting a go signal, I told my gang everything. It was a big surprise to everyone, but what was most surprising to them was Janet's leaving. Joanne became silent for a while - we knew she had a little thing for her - but after a while, she shrugged.

June and Drew moved aside to a corner of the living room, and Morgan followed. Morgan put his arm over Drew's shoulders and I smiled. I'm happy that my best friend finally found someone.

By the buffet, as usual, Mike and Mel were arguing, but they weren't being too loud about it so I didn't bother to shush them. Besides, with Jerry there to ride herd on those two, it shouldn't be so bad. In fact, I think Mel and Jerry were starting to become an item. Who'da thunk?

Dale, Mongo and I, along with Danielle, Nikki and Betsy, sat on the extra-big couch and continued to speculate about Janet's meltdown.

I just rode the chat and munched on some of the food we brought. I took time to call Tracey, and told her what happened. As expected, she was shocked by Janet's sudden departure. More importantly, however, I told her about the commitments we made to the band. Tracey said she'd bounce it off her mom as soon as she can, but she said she was sure Mrs. P will help, especially if it would guarantee our being part of their kick-off slash launch party.

I also told her about Fallon being Janet's possible replacement and she said she'd get to work on it and let the Evolution Concert people about the substitution in the official members list of UB. I told her to wait for my text before she made it official, though - the decision about Fallon wasn't final yet, but we'll know one way or the other tonight.

I also invited her to Betsy's, but she begged off - her mom won't let her leave this late. It wasn't really that late but I didn't bother to argue. Best not get dragged into a mother-daughter thing.

After a while, Walter came back and announced Fallon.

I jumped up and gave Fallon a hug.

"How're you doin', Red," I said.

"Doing okay," she replied. She wasn't in her goth look, which was surprising. "So what's happening here?"

I introduced her to everyone. Nikki and those that were at Nikki's house during that thing with Tom Hennessy recognized her right away. As for the others, I gave some more details, explaining that Fallon and I were from the same glee club in school.

"Ohmigod!" Dale said. "The great Dannie Fairchild is in the glee club?" And he and my other bandmates dissolved in laughter.

I looked at Fallon and sighed.

"Well, Danny," Fallon said, with hands on hips, "I hope you have a good reason for dragging me over here."

"Well, Fallon…" I then explained about Janet's temporary departure from the band, and we suddenly found ourselves with an opening. "Would you consider being our sixth bandmate?"

After a few moments, she shrugged.

"This is a big surprise, to say the least," she said. "I don't know, Danny. Is this a…"

"Yes, this a real request, and no, it's not a permanent position," I said, cutting her off. "But if you and the band want it to be permanent, I'm sure we can do that."

"What do I…"

"Basically we need another rhythm guitar and vocalist."

"What kind of…"

"Basically an all-around one, but mostly in the alto range. Which is exactly in your wheelhouse."

"Is there a…"

"No, there isn't a contract," I said, "or rather no 'real contract,' but because of the contest, and the possibility of getting a recording deal, all the members of the band needed to sign something." I raised a hand to forestall any follow-up question. "Danielle made up a simple agreement, and all of us have signed one. Basically, it just says you can't join another band or sign any recording deal without the consent of the other bandmembers."

"Sounds very…"

"…boilerplate? Yes, it is. So I assume you're okay with that?"

"Stop it, Danny!" Danielle giggled. "You need to…"

"That's such a trite old phrase." I said - "'I need to let you get a word in edgewise?' And, no, I'm not doing anything."

"You gotta…"

"I'm totally calm, Danielle," I said. "I'm just excited that Fallon's here. Besides, I'm not..."

"Doing it deliberately?" Betsy interjected. "Yes, you are, Danny."

"Stop it!" Danielle said.

"Must be a redhead thing," June said to Drew as they looked at the four of us.

"Yeah," Drew answered. "Most probably."

"Yep," Morgan chuckled. "Most definitely."

"Jeeze," Nikki said. "It's hard enough with Danny and Danielle and Betsy. Now, there's another one." She shook her head, giggled and hugged us around the neck.

"If I didn't love you…" I said, turned in her arms and just kissed her on the nose, and everyone went, "awww…"

"Ahem!" Fallon said. "What about this?" She held up her guitar and shook it.

- - - - -

***** (Dale) *****

At first, the new girl, Fallon, couldn't believe that she still had to audition. I mean, who wouldn't be mad? I knew I would. But Danny explained that she, I mean he, knew that Fallon had the stuff, but the rest of the band didn't. It was just a formality as far as he was concerned.

It sounded reasonable, I guess, but more because it was Danny saying it that made it sound reasonable.

So Betsy had Walter set Fallon up with one of the heavy straight-back chairs from the dining room, and he put it in front of their massive 110-inch TV, as well as two microphones on stands hooked up to the Haley's sound system, one set low enough for her guitar.

And with all fourteen of us on the sofa, couches, recliners and other chairs facing her, she sat and started plucking on her acoustic guitar her version of "The Power of Two."

"Now the parking lot is empty," Fallon sang, "everyone's gone someplace. I pick you up and, in the trunk, I've packed a cooler and a two-day suitcase."

Fallon had a pretty voice, and a pitch and tone that was right on key. It felt like she had a classically-trained voice, which went against her look - despite not having a painted face, overly-done eyes, contacts or black-dyed hair, she still looked somewhat like a goth girl with the straight hair and black-on-black long-sleeved attire.

"'Coz there's a place we like to drive way out in the country," she sang, "five miles out of the city limits, we're singing and your hands upon my knee…"

She sang in a spare but sweet way, and I can just imagine her harmonizing with Danny. I gestured for Danny to get in there but she was shaking her head. So I took her hand, pulled her next to Fallon and stepped back. I gestured for her to go on, and she shrugged as if saying, "whatever…"

She put her face right beside Fallon's to be near the mic, and they started to sing in harmony.

"So we're okay," they both sang, "we're fine. Baby, I'm here to stop your crying, chase all the ghosts from your head. I'm stronger than the monster beneath your bed, smarter than the tricks played on your heart. We'll look at them together and then we'll take 'em apart - adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two…"

Their voices meshed in a way that Danny's and Janet's never did, and I just bet the band will be better than ever.

Fallon then started her solo again, and the contrast between the duet chorus and just her was very pronounced, emphasizing the qualities of both kinds of singing. And then their switching back from Fallon's solo to their harmonizing duet was more than either could have managed alone. And the counterpointing, where in a certain part of the song, the two sort of took turns singing, only made the quality of their voices when separate and together more obvious.

Then, I had another brainstorm.

I went to where June, Drew and Morgan were and dragged June to Fallon as well, just in time for the final chorus. I stepped back.

"So we're okay," the three of them now sang, "we're fine. Baby, I'm here to stop your crying, chase all the ghosts from your head. I'm stronger than the monster beneath your bed, smarter than the tricks played on your heart. We'll look at them together and then we'll take 'em apart - adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two…"

And as Fallon played them out, my jaw literally dropped. The combination of the three was something else. I would have pulled in Betsy as well, but the song had already wound down.

For me, Fallon had passed her audition with more than flying colors. Looking at Danny and June, and then at Mongo and Betsy, I knew they felt the same. I sighed a small sigh of relief, that Janet's leaving won't mess up the band. In fact, it might have ended up being a good thing

In the silence that followed, I cleared my throat.

"I guess there's no question, right?" I asked. And the roar of approval was unanimous.

- - - - -

***** (Dale) *****

The rest of the night was more upbeat and, though there was a touch of melancholy, especially with us bandmembers, we didn't feel like the band was over anymore. I guess I had a touch of Janet's suspicion, thinking that Danielle and Danny sort of engineered this, but listening to Fallon and the others talk, it was clear this was a surprise for Fallon as well, plus the fact that Fallon clearly wasn't part of Danny's original gang. But, like we were, Fallon was game to join our growing band of friends. Danny just had that thing about her that made you want to be part of her gang. I mean his!

Over the rest of the evening, the band, plus Morgan and Danielle, planned out the things that we needed to do.

First off, we asked Betsy to get her "contract," copy it and print one out for Fallon. Betsy had Walter do it. It was just another reminder of how rich the Haleys were.

Fallon looked over the one-page agreement. All it said was that Fallon agreed that she was now part of the band until a majority of the band, or she, wants her out, and that she was not to join any other band nor participate in any other "music-related event, activity, agreement or contract" without the unanimous consent of the other members.

The only difference between Fallon's contract and ours was that her contract was only in effect until the Evolution Concert contest was over, with an option to continue to renew the contract with everyone's consent and agreement.

After a quick read, Fallon signed it right away.

As was expected, Fallon asked about the money and the band's schedule. Mongo took it upon himself to explain, and in his patented monotone, he explained that any income the band makes is split equally seven ways.

"But there are only six of us," Fallon said.

"The seventh is deposited in a bank account, and the band uses it for expenses and bills."

"Ahhh! Smart thinking. Now, what about the schedule?"

"Well, the band has only one steady gig at the moment - a once-a-week thing at Mario's. You know that fancy Italian bar-and-restaurant at the south side of town?"

"I've heard of it, but haven't been."

"That's where we play on Fridays, so that means your Friday nights are pretty much shot."

"But doesn't Danny have a Saturday morning show at the station?"

"Well, she… I mean he basically just gets a short nap after the gig and goes straight to the station early in the morning. And we usually meet up with him after his show and have a late breakfast, and then we practice in Mongo's garage for the rest of the afternoon."

"That's a very full Saturday."

"Well, we knock off at around four or five, which leaves Saturday night, and the whole of Sunday all to ourselves."

She then asked about the music we played and Mongo explained things. I couldn't participate much 'coz Danielle pulled me aside.

"What's up, Danielle?" I asked.

"Dale, When Fallon asked about the money, I just realized - what about that seventh bank account?"

"Danielle," I said, "you can't be serious. Janet wouldn't screw with…"

"And she wouldn't have done what she did this afternoon either, right?"

That made me pause.

"You have a point. Let's find a computer."

Betsy brought us to her room, and her desktop computer. Her room was so big, it was five times the size of mine. But I ignored all that and went directly to her study table and her computer.

I immediately logged onto the bank's system and checked out our band's bank account. And I found that the account had been emptied out.

Looking at the account details, there used to be close to twenty thousand in that account. Now, it's all gone.

"Danielle!" I called, and she rushed over.

I pointed to the screen.

"That bitch," she said.

to be continued...


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