Estrogen / Hormones

Hate thy neighbor

"So would you like to explain what happened"? Detective Woods asked as he sat across from me.

He offered me a cigarette but even though I had been through hell for the past two years I wasn't a smoker before and I wasn't one now.

"Look you need to tell me something, anything that can be used to help you" he said looking at me almost pleading.

"Where should I start"? I asked.
"The beginning I guess" he said lighting his cigarette.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.7

Rebecca shivers as she hides in a group of bushes and watched one of the men she had been hired to investigate. The perp she had under surveillance was inside some woman’s house having sex. She glances at her watch to see what time it was and couldn’t believe he’s been in there for at least two hours now.

Weeping Willow - Part 13

Weeping Willow
Part 13


by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“Son, the next time you set foot in this building, I expect you to be wearing slacks, a jacket and a tie. How dare you flaunt what you’re doing in God’s face, in our faces! Dress right, or don’t come back!”

Willow looked right back at him plaintively. “And if I do come back like this … ?”

Weeping Willow - Part 12

Weeping Willow
Part 12

Self Realization

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“This is crazy,” Willow flustered. “I’ve been kidnapped, nearly mutilated, and had a breakup – all in the last 6 months. Survived them all. And yet tonight I can’t get calm; I’m tingling all over!”

Angie laughed. “It’s your first prom. You’re supposed to be nervous!”

Weeping Willow - Part 8

Weeping Willow
Part 8

Back Comes Bill

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“Bernard, I’m barely holding it together,” she quavered. “I … I need to get calmed down. I need something to take the edge off. I … I need … oh god ..”

“Willow – are you asking for … ?” Bernard was afraid to say what he was thinking.

“A couple of Lortabs would really help,” Willow whispered.

Weeping Willow - Part 7

Weeping Willow
Part 7

Suddenly Seeking Susan

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

"Honey – look at Willow. She looks like your Mother did back in the 60’s!”

“Oh my God,” Gwen whispered. “You’re right!”

“Susan! Why won’t you come here and kiss me?” cried Grandpa.

“Momma – what do I do?” urged Willow.

Weeping Willow - Part 6

Weeping Willow
Part 6

Valley of Fear

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

“This will kill any love they had for me … I’ll have to go back to being angry Bill! All the good things in my life – I’m going to lose them all! I’m so scared!”

Weeping Willow - Part 5

Weeping Willow
Part 5

Damn Breaks

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

He really, really loves you. As Willow, or as Bill; doesn’t matter. Now, LIKE? I think he LIKES Willow better, and I do too. Sorry, Bill, if you’re in there somewhere,” she smiled as she poked her daughter on the noggin. “But we LOVE you just as much, no matter which one you are.”

Weeping Willow - Part 4

Weeping Willow
Part 4

... When We First Practice to Deceive

by **Sigh**
Copyright© 2019 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

No problem. I’ll just flush the pills down the john daily. It’ll look like I’m taking them, and I’ll be one of those trannies that the estrogen just doesn’t seem to work on. There are trannies like that, right?

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.6

Raven stops a few blocks away from the garage to gather herself. She was still pissed after seeing one of the men responsible for sending her to jail. She tries the breathing exercises she recently learned from Barbara.

Barbara had found her crying and upset about a memory that resurface from her time in prison. She instructed Raven on how to center herself and let the emotion flow out of her, instead of letting it have power over her. She needed to get her emotions under control before she got back to the shop.

Reason for living Chapter 1 & 2

Chapter 1 — The Escape

I was as nervous as hell. My uncle sat behind his big desk in his home office, which was really his man cave, looking at me with a frown. The thing was, no matter how nervous I was, I was also determined.

I didn't consider my uncle as evil, just greedy and inconsiderate. My deal appealed to his greed as the carrot with the threat of court action as the stick.

“I don't know where you get this foolish notion that I am wasting your inheritance and you shouldn't threaten me.”

The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

A message from the author

((Fresh edit using Grammarly, also I have a bunch of stuff on Scribblehub, which may come here.))

Words of warning:

Because I’m a nerd: I like to world build

I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions on what I am, or how I should act

I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people’s opinions of me.

I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and honor.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 1

Christine watched as Nora, Ginger, Melody, and Kelly boarded the Lear Jet. She was going to miss them as she watches them lift off into the air. She wishes she was going with them, but Kelly and Nora were going to be busy to spend time with her while she was recovering.

Tizzy, her husband Ikaika, Krisha and Cheshire watch as her private Lear liftoff. Cheshire was proud how Nora’s life has turned out. She knew at one time because the nature of the assignments Nora was sent on had taken a toll on Nora.

“So, who’s hungry?” Tizzy was feeling hungry.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.4

Carol couldn’t believe she was given an important lawsuit to handle. She had been asked by one of the partners to take the lead on the case involving the abuse of inmates from the Rockingham Correctional Center. One of the inmates that had been incarcerated there had been killed.


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