How I Became A Female Biker Chapter 6

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Roman looks at his two traveling partners. Rachel was doing her normal past time of painting her toenails while they were driving in the passenger seat. Nina was sitting behind Rachel watching her and broadcasting music from her laptop to the Rv stereo system.

She brought her camera gear with her to take pictures of the race. They had left early in the morning and would be driving most of the night. Rachel and Roman wanted to get to the race track by noon tomorrow. That way they could get a nice place to pull the Rv into.

“So Roman, how long have you and Rachel been traveling together?” Nina was curious because she wanted to know more about her girlfriend.

“Since, we were 12 years old. We met at our very first race. She peed her jumpsuit the first time.” Roman glances towards Rachel with a smirk on his face.

“I did not. It was sweat. It was hot that day.” Rachel remembered that she was so nervous that day, that she lost control of her bladder.

“Keep telling that lie.” A playful appears on his face.

Nina just laughs at their antics. She saw Rachel blush from Roman telling her about her peeing her jumpsuit.

“How were your parents back then, Rachel?” Nina was curious.

“They still didn’t like that I would wear my sisters’ clothes. I was wearing a pair of her panties that day. My mother knew there was nothing she could do about, it since I was in the race.” Rachel had seen the angry look on her mother’s face when she saw that she was wearing a pair of her sister’s panties.

“I think her parents should have just let her be her. She’s never been like the other boy’s around her. Even when her parents made her dress and act like a boy. Her facial features and the way she walked gave away what she was.” Roman had watched Rachel walk and she walked and ran like a girl.

“What do you mean, by the way, I walked and ran?” Rachel looks over towards her friend.

“You walked, talked and ran like a girl. Even my sister spotted it about you. Most of the guys on our softball and baseball team thought you
were a girl. Even the coach, because he asked your parents if you were a girl, pretending to be a boy.” Roman overheard the conversation by accident.

“Well, he never let up on me. He kept pushing me and forcing me to be more like Harry and Johnathan. He said do I plan on being a sissy all my life.” Rachel hated coach Kinney’s.

She knew he was Darrel’s father and use to criticize how she played, talked and run. That was why she told him off the days she decided to quit the team. Besides, she never liked playing baseball or softball.

Nina looks at her girlfriend and just smile. Around two in the afternoon, they pull into a rest stop to pee and stretch their legs.

“There’s subs and salad in the refrigerator. I picked them up from Subway and Jimmy John’s.” Roman knew Rachel will repay him for them.

“Cool!” Rachel and Nina head towards the lady’s restroom.

Roman heads towards the men. When he comes out, he spots a flyer announcing some event. He grabs it and tucks it into his pants pocket. He’ll read it, while Rachel drives for a while.

“You ready to take over, Rachel?” Roman sits behind her.

Rachel looks over towards her girlfriend “are you ready for me to drive?”

“Should I worry?”

“Yes, you should be very worried.” Roman was teasing Rachel.

“I’m not that bad.” Rachel adjusts the mirrors and the driver seat before she starts the Rv up.

“I have trust in her skill.” Nina leans over and places a kiss on Rachel’s cheek.

Rachel starts the Rv up and pulls back onto the interstate. Once she reaches the proper speed, she sets the cruise control. Rachel turns the music up as she drives.

The next couple hours Rachel drives the Rv. Roman had laid down on one of the sofas in the back.

“So, how much longer is the ride?” Nina was curious.

“It’s a twenty-six-hour trip. Roman and I normally make it to the track by noon. I’ll pull over at Danny’s truck stop to refuel and grab a bite to eat.
The truckers there are nice people.” Rachel remembered the first time they had stopped to refuel.

She had gone into the place in a pair of shorts and wearing no bra. She didn’t have breasts back then. She got a few wolf whistles and some light teasing. The truckers were impressed when they learned she was into motocross.

Around seven o’clock Rachel pulls the Rv into the parking lot of Danny’s. She pulls up to a set of pumps.

“You’ll like the food here. The cook is amazing and the food he prepares is unbelievable.” As she hops out of the Rv.

Nina notices how excited Rachel got while they were traveling. This was the first time she has seen her this excited, outside the bedroom.

“You really love motocross, don’t you?”

“Yep, it doesn’t matter if you are a boy or a girl. All that matters is how good of a rider you are.” Rachel smiles at her girlfriend.

She had left the driver side door open to talk with Nina. She was happy Nina had agreed to come with her. She watches as the pump kept pumping fuel into the tanks. She had saved every penny she had to help pay for fuel and food.

Once the tanks were full. Rachel hops back in and drives over towards the restaurant area and park. She looks behind her and notices Roman was out of it.

“Roman, food.” As she continues to watch Roman.

Roman wakes up and rubs his eyes. It was his turn to drive after they ate. Rachel and he felt that Nina shouldn’t have to drive.

The three of them head inside the place. Rachel informed Nina that it was safe to leave her purse in the Rv. They had outside cameras that watched the parking lot and truckers around the place would watch the Rv.

As they walked in, Nina was amazed at how big the place was. She could smell the scent of food drifting in the air. As she followed Roman and Rachel towards the restaurant portion of the place. She saw that the place had a lot to offer the truckers. They could get clothes, accessories for their truck, electronics, movies, and personal hygiene items.

They could also get basic groceries to take with them. They had a fair selection of items that she might be tempted to buy herself. Rachel leads them over to table her and Roman like to sit at.

“You guys stop here on your way to New York?”

“Yep, we stop here all the time.” Roman liked one waitress that use to work here.

He was devastated when he found out that she married a trucker. He thought he had a shot with her.

“It’s one of our favorite places.” Rachel waits for their waitress to show up.

Jenny saw three people sitting at her table. She grabs three glasses of cold water and walks over towards them.

“Sorry for making you wait.” As she places the glasses in front of them.

She also places the menus before them. Once that was done, she looks at them “so, do you know what you would like to drink?”

“I’ll have a sweet Iced Tea.” Rachel either got iced tea or soda.

“Same for me.” Roman already knew what he wanted to order.

“Same for me.” Nina was looking at the menu and saw that they had a nice selection of steaks.

“Alright, I’ll be right back.” Jenny heads off to get three iced teas.

“What are the two of you getting?” Nina looks towards Roman and Rachel.

“Roman will get his normal. The Philly cheese steak with a large order of onions rings.” Rachel looks at Roman with a smug look on her face.

“She normally gets the tex mex tacos and a salad.” He looks at her with the same smug look on his face.

“Not always, I sometimes get the California Burrito.”

“The last time you got that. You had gas all night long.” Roman remembered Rachel suffering from gas all night.

Rachel’s face turns beet red from embarrassment. She didn’t need Nina to know that.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Nina looks at Rachel with a smile.

Jenny comes back with their drink orders. She places them in front of the trio.

“Have you decided what you are going to order?” As she takes her pad and pen out.

“I’ll have the number four, well done with a large order of onion rings.” Roman closes his menu.

“I’ll have number six, and a chef salad.” Rachel closes her menu up and hands it to Jenny.

Jenny looks towards Nina “and for you ma’am?”

“I’ll have the Tex steak, medium well, and a baked potato. I’ll also like a chef salad. As well.” Nina closes her menu and hands it to Jenny.

Jenny accepts the menus and heads to place their order. She spots one of her other tables flagging her down. She places the order and heads over to tend to the other table.

Once their dinner is ready, Jenny brings it to them. Nina had to admit, that the food was all Rachel said it was. Whoever the chef is, would make a killing back home.

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I figure their wil be

Wendy Jean's picture

a brokenWindow and a missing purse when they are finished.

Good food on the road

Samantha Heart's picture

Is ALWAYS a good thing. Especially on long trips.

Love Samantha Renée Heart.