Estrogen / Hormones

X-Why-Me?...Chapter 18

X-Why-Me…Chapter 18


She looked at her dad and he waited until the cops had left and offered his hand to the bus driver who shook it and the sheriff who just looked at him and his hand and then headed towards his car. “I have to get this to evidence and do up a report, good evening all.”

He left with a nod and got in his truck and drove off and the bus driver left after that saying he had to do the same after getting the bus back to the garage.

Emily looked at her sister and her Dad and her throat hurt and her mouth was dry.

“I’m so sorry you guys, I’m sorry.”

Both of them hugged her and she started crying and they hug walked her up the drive way to the house.

*And Now…

Christmas Twins ~ 5

This is the story of my twin and me; two siblings so closely bonded that we would do anything for each other. It all started a few months before Christmas…


Pop Pop and the Unexpected Bridesmaid – 9

Pop Pop and the Unexpected Bridesmaid - 9
Change with Growing Up

By Jessica C

Brice a young teen boy became Brianna to fill in as a Bridesmaid. Brice and others found Brianna to be someone within Brice. The change is now permanent but the change is still happening.

Thai Pie

Young Danny moves to Thailand with his mother after his father's death.
He meets a cute young girl that has a group of guys that is bullying her.
Danny decides to defend her and winds up on a strange journey that forces him to make decisions that will affect him for the rest of his life.

Thai Pie

Thai Pie


Tabloid TV: Sex Change for Success

Sex Change For Success
By Czolgolz
[email protected]

NEW YORK - Forget Adkins, Pilates, or even American Idol. The new road to success for today's young man is to become a woman!

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 10.

Can I have some Brown Sugar for my Damper? Chapter 10.

Chapter 10.


“Well I find you sexy in your glasses, I find you sexy in your scrubs when you’re at work, I adore you in those ratty old sweats with the holes in them you wear to do the washing and I find you sexy when your hair’s all messy and you haven’t had a cup of coffee yet.”

Oh dammit he made my jaw tremble…that was…just.


We pull into Sutton’s beach and my heart does this OH….This is one of those times that just drives home to me that I’m in a whole new place…and that it’s a really beautiful place.

*And now…

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 8

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 8



He still feels like a guy, he still act’s and sort of just moves….carries himself like that and holds me like one.

If my heart wasn’t feeling so messed up than I might just be aroused…more than I am…which yeah that means I am a little.

We just lie there together and he turns on one of those fireplace log burning DVD’s.
Being held and no judging and someone that gets it and is still talking to me….

It feels like.

It feels like I’ve been tossed off my boat that was my life and that finally someone has their hand out and holding onto mine and keeping the waves from swamping me and keeping the undertow from dragging me down.

And I can breathe.

*And Now…



Love hearts have just a bit of that soda in them so when they are eaten they fizz. I love that feeling, even the taste I still do. I like those little ‘Lotsa-fizz’ candies too and pop rocks are fun and I even like those paper candy discs called UFO’s that were filled with fizzy powder.

But nothing beats my Love hearts.


It’s the first candy that I ever had that was something meant for me.

The real me.

X-Why-Me?...Chapter 17

X-Why-Me… Chapter 17

Chapter 17


Emily grinned back. “My mom does want to get to know you more we could have supper and an in house date.”

“In house date?”

“I found out we can watch that Buffy show on Net flicks together.”

“It’s a date then.”

……………………The bell rang to get back to classes, and they all got up and left together as a loose sort of group but one that was trying to be there for each other.

Emily smiled a little and took Kira’s hand once they were clear of the crowd. “Walk you to class?”

Kira smiled at her. “Please that’d be really nice actually.”

*And Now…

Sweet Dreams-54 “It’s only a flesh wound.”

Sweet Dreams-54 “It’s only a flesh wound.”

Chapter 54


Ooooh ick.

I know surgery is gross and after surgery is gross but there’s red and there stains and there’s swelling and stitches and stuff. They’re checking all of that and the redress everything and I can’t help it as much as I’m grossed out and embarrassed I’m fascinated too.

It’s gone…like completely gone and everything else too.

It’s a lot to process right now but at the same time past the sort of shock to all of it is this little feeling of yay?

Of yes…finally.

*And Now…

It all started back in 1985

It all started back in 1985. I was an average 13-year-old boy. Who live in a loving home with his Mother, Father and 12-year-old kid sister. Well I had played dress up and dolls with my sister when we were younger. With that said, I never knew that our mom had taken pictures of me dressed in a dress.

Images 53

Images 53

Chapter 53


(Sniffle.) “But you didn’t choose me…I just showed up.”

“Can I choose you now?”

They’re staring at each other and she goes from crying to shaking and crying and nodding and then…. “Y..yes…” and she buries her face into daddy’s chest and starts to sob.

I’m crying too…everything he said is the stuff I’ve been talking about and I’m hugging myself until I feel Taylor come up behind me and he wraps me up in his arms and squeezes me tight and I lean back into it with a happy sigh.

“Thanks honey.”

Can Dreams Come True?...Part 7

Can Dreams Come True?…Part 7

I’m still trying to figure things out.

How he is, how that must feel.

I sort of get it but.

He’s a girl that’s never been a girl but she…he’s not transgendered?

Okay one thing’s pretty clear and that Ryan seems way, way more together than me.

It’s actually kind of nice in that way.

I lean back in the chair I’m in and sort of hug myself and think and I’m still doing that when he comes back and he looks at me.

“Josie? You okay?”

Covered Bridges-10.

Covered Bridges-10.

I like Frank’s old Crown Vic, back when I was a kid we had a coupe of police officers are neighbors and all the cop cars were the big old Crown Victoria’s. It’s as clean inside as out and the there’s this smell of one of those coconut air fresheners lingering there.

He spends a good deal of time in his car too. I see a small double picture frame of Robyn and Frank and his late wife Mary on the dash. The one concession is a newish stereo in the car with the satellite radio in it.

We drive down to the canal and it’s absolutely pleasant. I love these big old cars they have this feeling when you ride in them like you’re just kind of floating and honestly they’re just nicer.

Lead Shoes-18

Lead Shoes-18

Chapter 18

It’s good that he’s in a better mood after all of that as we head to the Bowl ‘N Wash and I go around the back way. There’s lots of room and stuff and while like I said it’s not a bad area out front there’s usually a bunch of kids out there to smoke and smoke up or drink.

It’s the “rebel” teenager stuff kind of place but I park the van out back and we head to out front from there.

I slow down well I can’t really go fast in my crutches anyways but I wait and see if I can see her out front and she’s there.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor... Chapters 43 & 44.

Absinthe, Opium and Honor…Chapters 43 & 44.

Chapter 43


I never, ever really though about myself as a lesbian before. I’m not really sure that I am either but after the long session of girl talk with the rest of the girls in the house about my night with Jamie and there was a lot to talk about like.

How great looking she is…actually most of us agreed on that even if there was a few of the girls that were kind of jealous.

Yeah jealous…I even admitted to it too. I’m a big girl; I’ve never been the skinny girl ever. Not even in like back as far as the first grade. I’ve done the diets and the binges and tried working out.

Okay going to the gym and stuff helped a lot but there is always these girls there that are the gym rats that make you feel like crap and that you’re some fatty invading your space. Hell even Curves back home was like that. It’s not supposed to be but it too was invaded as a women’s only gym they could go there without getting hit on.

Alonely...Part one?

Alonely…Part one?

It’s my own little made up word for this, for the way that I feel so much of the time. I can be around people and I’m still alone.

And it hurts.

And it’s lonely.


Alonely sucks.

I mean there’s stuff that people always tell me that is just…

Get out there, go places if you don’t go places how are you going to meet anyone?

Summer Night

The metal of the drink cooler was cold against my back. Reflections of flashing police lights flashed all around me. I laid my head back and closed my eyes for a moment, listening to the rush of police officers out in the parking lot.
I took a drag from my cigarette. I could feel a trickle of blood running down my chest and into my cleavage.
The weight of the .44 magnum Ruger Super Blackhawk was familiar in my hand, but heavier somehow than it had been before. I pulled back the hammer. The click of the cylinders turning seemed loud as thunder.
I risked a glance over the top of the cooler, the glass crunching under my feet as loud as an avalanche.
Only four; I have to hurry.
I took a final drag from my cigarette, then flicked it away, trying to center myself for what I knew was coming.
How did I get here?
That made me smile a little.
How did I get here?

Images 51

Images 51

Chapter 51

I’m driving with Daddy for awhile and he’s not going right home/back to the diner instead he takes us first to Tim Horton’s and I look ay him. “Daddy?”

“You need a break honey, just some time to relax.”

I look at him and he knows, he’s worried and he knows.

(Sniffle.) “I.. I guess. My plate’s piled a little high huh?”

“Yeah, come on let’s take some father daughter time.”

(Sniffle.) “’Kay…I…I could use that.”

My Super Secret Life...Villain-15.

My Super Secret Life…Villain-15.

Chapter 15

It’s a good way to wake up.

Arms all entwined around bodies and legs…my…well my sex is pressed just sort of naturally into the curve of her hip. I’d been thinking and imagining girl on girl a little and even without our abilities involve it was good. I loved it and even now I’m finding just curled up and snuggled like this pretty damned decent.

Will I give up men? No, definitely not but girl on girl is definitely an option now.

Part of my brain though is kind of still in this sitting back and watching the rest of me do stuff and say stuff that wasn’t in the plan. Yeah sleeping with Link was in the plan but telling her my name, getting this close. That really wasn’t part of the plan.

My Super Secret Life...Potentials-11 The Start.

My Super Secret Life…Potentials-11 The Start.

*Sam Chase…………

It’s all sort of busy after we’re done talking to Victory. Avery and I get the other kids to call out to their folks and stuff and which doesn’t take too long really since Drew’s not really that talkative to their folks and there seems to be something going on there with like tension and stuff and Cody well he’s pretty much just telling his dad that he’ll tell him later and stuff since his dad works here and for Halo.

Then it’s me sending all the computer files and videos off to get looked at by the Ark Angels and I’m done for the day and I’m pretty wiped out myself so I can only imagine how the others have to be feeling.

Sweet Dreams-52

Sweet Dreams-52

Chapter 52

I’m all for it y’know that so sort of sexy girl thing of giving her guy a BJ when reality gets in the way. I’m not a snake like I’ve said before…Alex is a big guy and he’s pretty much proportional?

I don’t really know actually, it’s not like I’ve paid attention to that kind of stuff before. But I know he’s above the national average. Huh if father like son there’s another reason April puts up with Adam.

And I’m almost laughing because of where this thought just took me.

“Okay…just give me a minute.”

I kiss it…yeah, kind of weird. Kiss his ab’s…oh…mmm…I could keep doing that. I slip really quick to the stereo and put in a burner cd I made and I walk slowly back to him as *Never Tear us Apart* by INXS starts playing.

You ever really listen to that?

Lights down low…touching and kissing a lover.

Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-30

Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-30




“Thank you…that was so…”

She kisses me sleepily but still lovingly and long and deeply before settling in breasts together just off set and she puts her head on my shoulder.

“Yeah, it so was Dylan.”

It’d have been a bit jarring to feel that she didn’t say that she loved me but she sort of does and at the same time she’s not ready either…and there was still something sort of missing to her no matter how amazing this was and she’s not going to voice that she wishes that she could…that I had…

What we just had was good and I knew the score before we got that close…she still wants a real girl, she loves me in that deeply cares for me friends with benefits way but yeah.

My girlfriend is a lesbian.

And sometimes having alien powers can suck.

And Now…………..


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