Patriot Games - Chapter 42 - The Trial and Its Consequences

Chapter 42 - The Trial and Its Consequences

During the trial, Daisy was required to be in attendance every day. He didn't always sit in the gallery; but was available if called to testify. Linda was his constant companion and body guard. HLS had issued her a pistol in case one of Ivan’s mob felt the need to take Daisy out. The government used the data collected from Ivan's computer to build their case against the defendant. The entire courtroom was amazed at what they heard. Step by step, it was shown that Ivan's network was as intricate as a spider web. Not only was he involved in terrorism, he was a big time money launderer and was the largest loan shark in Florida. The real bombshell came with the revelation that from his days with the KGB, he had sleeper agents throughout the country.

Daisy missed going to the club and being with his friends. He tried several times to stop by for a visit but the federal marshals strongly suggested he stay clear. Ivan still had friends on the loose that would like nothing better than prevent Daisy from testifying. He was on standby to testify about the chain of custody of Ivan's computer data. Daisy had been deposed by both sides in the case. The defense tried to make it appear Jack had fabricated the entire thing. He was made to describe in excruciating detail, how he had acquired the data and smuggled it off the boat. Daisy left the room feeling like a total tramp. Thankfully, Linda was there for him and the two had spent the night drinking wine and cuddling on the couch.

After court adjourned, Linda took Jack/Daisy to a series of doctors for examinations where he received the horrendous news he had been chemically castrated. The doctor further informed Jack that the breast inserts could be removed but there was so much natural breast growth Jack would always remain well endowed. To such an extent he would be the envy of most biological females.

The only other option offered by the doctor would be a total mastectomy of both breasts. This all resulted in a need for professional counseling.

The plastic surgeon speculated that if he had the double mastectomy he could make Jack look more masculine. But at best, he would be rather androgynous. He recommended that Jack give some serious thought to going the other direction and undergo SRS. It took Jack several days to digest all the medical information. After considerable, thought he rejected those options. Jack had become addicted to the pleasures of living as a female; but had no desire to actually become a woman. With Linda's love and support, Jack decided to postpone all surgeries for now.

Mother Nature had given him this body, with the assistance of Rose, Linda and Ivan. He wanted time to decide on the direction of his future life. He was resigned to the fact he must live in it for now!

The only thing that Linda insisted upon was taking Jack in for total laser hair removal. Jack would never have to shave again. After only a few visits, Daisy was as smooth as a baby's behind. Despite the fact that it was painful, as a gift to Linda, he took his technicians aside and talked them into denuding his genitals and the surrounding terrain.

After weeks of testimony, Ivan's trial was almost over. Linda yanked the blanket off Daisy and said, "Come on my Lady of the Perky Nipples, it's a dazzling morning, get out of bed. We have a big day ahead of us. The case against Ivan should go to the jury today and we both need to be there for that. Use the bathroom and I will lay out an outfit for you."

Jack grumbled, "Linda, I hate the fact you are such a morning person."

As Jack returned to their bedroom, he glided with effortless ease. Out of habit, Jack always walked in a flowing rhythm with a slight sway and swing to his hips. Linda stood at her observation post and watched with a great deal of pride as her protégé sat at the vanity and methodically swept an ivory comb through his long hair. The tresses were so luscious and long now that they had become one of his best features. When Jack sat up straight, his hair draped down his back and reached past his shoulder blades. Jack stood and dropped his robe where it fell in a fluffy heap. Daisy pirouetted on his toes and posed for Linda.

"My Lord - Daisy you make one bodacious woman. Where have you been all my life?"

Spreading his arms, Jack said, "Linda, you know that this flower has been in hibernation, I was a mere seedling when you took me under your tutelage, and it took your stern and uncompromising cultivation to get it to bloom into the radiant flower you see before you now."

"Damn, I do good work! Daisy you are my girl and tonight if things go as planned, I am going to deflower that pretty little ass of yours!"

Blushing fiercely, Jack looked over his shoulder at his posterior and commented, "It's not so little anymore."

Linda laughed and said, "Girl, I admit you got some serious junk in that trunk. I just can't leave it alone."

She reached over and grabbed the bottle of Daisy's pheromone laced perfume and poured a copious amounts on her hands and rubbed the perfume into his plump rear end. Some flowed down his crack and puddled on the floor. Then Linda wiped up the spill and handed her roommate, today's outfit. Jack examined the dress Linda had selected.

"Linda, this sun dress is awfully low-cut in front; it exposes my 'girls' for the whole world to see."

Smiling, Linda replied, "I know sweetheart; it's the exhibitionist in me, I just love to show off your gorgeous figure. Please wear that outfit for me, pretty please!"

"OK, Linda, I'll wear it; but just for you."

"It better be just for me, remember I'm armed!"

Jack made a scrunchy face at Linda and said, "You only have that puny 38 in your purse." He made a dramatic gesture of hold up his boobs in his hands and said, "On the other hand I have these lovely set of 44 magnums. It's no contest."

Putting on his bra, Jack started to complain. "Linda, this is the last time I let you do my laundry. You shrunk my bra. Look I am spilling out of this damn thing."

Linda chortled out loud. "Silly, the fact that your bra can't contain your copious assets has nothing to do with the laundry. I am afraid you are still growing. The endocrinologists told me that "those estrogen implants from the doctor in Mexico are still flooding your system.

As Jack stuffed his jugs into the hopelessly overmatched cups he continued to bellyache, "Linda, this bra is so uncomfortable. Isn't there something else I can wear?"

"Stop whining Daisy. There's a sexy lingerie shop in the strip mall across from the courthouse. Here's $100. Go buy yourself something special after the trial, I want to celebrate with you tonight. We can both get dressed up. Then go find a lesbian club and get out and have some fun. What do you say?"

"All right Linda. But why must I wear these heels? Stilettos are hard enough but these 6 inch skyscraper needle heels were never made for walking."

"You will wear them because I say so, and besides they are the only ones you have that go with your outfit. Watching you from behind in those is pure poetry. Besides, you handle stilettos better than a Las Vegas showgirl. I just love the way you half mince and half prance in those shoes. It's so ladylike. Now stop complaining. Those needle heels are only a little more difficult than standard stilettos. You have been wearing heels like that for months."

Linda handed Daisy a present. It was brand new long strap shoulder purse. It was bright yellow with a large white Daisy for a clasp. Slinging it over his shoulder, the purse rested comfortably on Jack's hip. Linda checked her watched and noticed the time. "We have to get going."

The two hotly dressed ladies headed for the courtroom in a jovial mood. Twenty minutes later, the women had passed through the security check and taken their seats in the courtroom.

@ @ @ @

The entire courtroom sat in stunned silence. Minutes before the case was to be handed over to the jury, the defense came to a plea agreement. The bailiff announced Ivan had pleaded guilty and consented to fully cooperate with the government in rounding up all his deep cover people.

"Linda, does this mean the government is finished with me? I won't have to testify and I can come out of hiding."

Linda nodded. "Yeah, I believe so, Daisy."

At that point, Ivan's lawyer came over to Daisy and handed him a handwritten note. With trepidation Daisy opened it. After several minutes Daisy broke into a huge grin. Linda asked, "What is it?"

"It's a note from Ivan. He says part of his plea agreement allows for conjugal visits. As his fiancé, he's invited me to join him."

A concerned Linda looked at Daisy and asked, "What are you going to tell him?"

"I was thinking of saying no thank you. My sexuality is still a bit confusing, but right now I am leaning toward being a committed lesbian."

Just then, the courtroom doors flung open and a horde of reporters burst into the room. A news blackout had been in place for the duration of the trial. But now the trial was over and the judge's ruling was no longer in effect. TV and newspaper photographers were everywhere. Linda frantically attempted to conceal her face, but the two attractive women, one who was rumored to be a man, received more than their fair share of attention.

Out of desperation, Linda dragged Daisy through the horde and out of the courtroom, seeking sanctuary in the ladies room. Linda pushed Daisy into the lavatory and braced her back against the door to ensure they would have some privacy.

"Daisy, we need to talk. All of these reporters have changed everything. I am a lesbian and proud of it. My customers are fully aware of it. It actually works to my advantage, when a woman turns her husband, boyfriend, boss, or son over to my control she feels at ease knowing my sexual preferences. If we openly lived together as lovers, there is a chance someone could put two and two together and realize you are one of my prior male students. That would destroy my reputation and my business.

"Daisy, you have just been outed by ever major newspaper in the country. I can explain my presence with you today, but that charade won't hold up for long. Daisy, I love you but I don't think it is fair for you to ask me to give up my career."

Jack's head spun, the shock of Linda's words bringing him close to fainting. He swallowed as a sudden lump formed in his throat. Stiffening his back, he looked to the side to prevent Linda from seeing the tears in his eyes.

Then he responded naively. "Linda, we can skip the formal commitment ceremony and still live together as a couple. I will support us by working at the bar. The girls are talking profit sharing and I can make enough for us to exist. I'll make you happy."

Linda totally missed the dedication that Daisy was putting forth and actually snickered at his offer.

"No honey, I don't want to just exist. I have become accustomed to a very lavish life style. People pay very good money for my services and I am not prepared to sacrifice all that just so that we can live together. I have to think about my career. We can never be together openly. It won't look right, me living with an ex-client. I will get you your own apartment. Then I can stop by at nights when I have no client responsibilities. We can have a great life, but we have to keep in on the down low."

"Holy crap, Linda. It sounds like what you want is a mistress. I'll not be anyone's concubine!"

Linda stepped forward and took Daisy in her arms as she said, "I guess you can look at like that, but I love you and that's the only way we can be together."

Just as quickly, Linda moved from being warm and friendly to being all business. "Daisy, you go do your shopping; I have to get to HLS office to finish up some paperwork and pickup my paycheck. We'll meet at our apartment at 5 PM and we can talk more about this then. Once we finish talking we both are going to get shitfaced. I will bring the booze home."

As Daisy snuck out the door looking for an avenue of escape. Linda softly mumbled under her breath, "Then my little flower I am going to fuck your brains out!"

Daisy turned and said, "Did you say something?"

"No Daisy, I just said pick something with flowers on it. Now get going."

Jack had a lot of thinking to do. He found an empty back staircase and found himself all alone on the courthouse steps. He headed to the one place where he was most at home, the Pink Pussycat club.

@ @ @ @

Daisy strolled towards the club, slowed by the fact his feet were killing him. Despite all the training he had been subject to, he was unsteady in the needle heels on the uneven pavement.

The announcement of Ivan’s plea deal had sent his feeling soaring. He had not felt that good in months. Then in one brief instant, the realization of his true status in life came crashing down on him. His aspirations, his dreams for the future, his self-respect were thrown into the dumpster by Linda's brusque demotion of their relationship. The euphoria he had felt at the end of the trial evaporated like the morning dew on a summer's morn. He was tired of being used by people and then thrown away.

He thought to himself, 'I've played the victim one too many times. Well things are going to be different this time. I'll give Linda a night of her dreams. That lesbian will be unable to resist my feminine charms. That's one promise I make. I'll have Linda begging for me, and then I'll be the one that says adios and walk away. That will be my revenge, let's see how she handles rejection.'

Entering the familiar confines of the club, Daisy gathered all the girls. After hugs and kisses were exchanged, they all sat down for a meeting, an explanation and a confession. Jack started the recitation off by apologizing to everyone and claiming that he was a pathetic person and not worthy of their friendship. He related how he had come to the club as an interloper, as a spy, an undercover agent.

Jack recounted his entire story, from HLS recruitment, Rose's feminine lessons, Rose's hateful outing in the bar, Linda's harsh training, his kidnapping and surgery in Mexico, Ivan and his marriage proposal, Linda's proposal, and retraction. Jack reluctantly talked about falling in love with Ivan, only to be betrayed. How Ivan offered to sell him to his business partner. He discussed his escape, and Ivan's arrest and trial.

By the time Jack was finished, the girls had gone through two boxes of tissues. Jack related how terrified he had been on his first day on the job, "I felt like an impostor, I wasn't like the rest of you. I was better, I wasn't a freak. I was out of place, I was miserable. I was parallel parking in a diagonal universe. Friends, we all came here for different reasons, for some it was a fetish, some a lifestyle and", smiling at Donna, "some of us as punishment for past transgressions. Most of us felt a shame at what we are. But today I believe we have all forged an alliance of proud, dignified, and strong individuals. I had heard every stereotype out there about the TG community. I brought my prejudices and preconceived notions with me into this bar. But what I found was anything but the prototypical gay cross dressers. You girls showed me true strength does not come from physical capacity. Rather it comes from an indomitable spirit."

Jack became lost in his own mind remembering a book he once read about "There is a line written over the Oracle of Delphi that best translates into 'Know thyself.' By the time the maxim made its way to the likes of Socrates and Plato, it came to mean 'Learning how to be who you are.' I had to overcome the personal demons that were foisted on me by an evil and vial wife. The canker of my bitterness and hate was slowly replaced with hope, love, and happiness thanks to the friendship and support of you lovely people. I owe you all my life."

Using a tissue to wipe his nose, Daisy went on, "I found at this club nothing but cordiality and companionship. I was welcomed by you girls almost immediately. Your acceptance made my life worth living, before coming here my life was nothing more than survival. But thanks to you all, I am now living and not just existing." Staring directly at Candy he said, "I haven't stopped smiling for weeks thanks to y'alls."

With deep anguish Jack continued, "Our lifestyle makes a lot of men more than a little uncomfortable. I witnessed and was subjected to reprehensible conduct by most of the customers, but I was able to persevere because of you girls. I saw you ridiculed, debased and humiliated daily. You were knocked down day after day yet everyone just kept getting up. It renewed my faith in the human race. Donna once said I was her idol, well girls you were all my inspiration. I quickly learned to respect you all, and eventually came to cherish your friendship.

"I actually feel that I flourished here and evolved into a better person. I have not only changed my view of girls like you, but more importantly I changed how I viewed myself. Over the weeks I have been here, my self-image has morphed so often I don't know who I am most of the time. Hell, I changed my self-image more often than I changed my underwear. For a while I was a man in disguise, but over time that disguise was absorbed into my personality. Depending on the day and my emotional mindset I was either a drag queen, or sissy, or a fairy, or a fagot. Those were the times I wanted to die. Then thanks to your love and understanding, I moved up fluctuating between being a transvestite, a woman wannabe, a trans-woman, a transsexual, hell at times I felt like a royal Queen. As Homer pointed out, it's not the destination; it's the journey that makes life. I am still not positive I have reached my final goal. I do know that I may be genetically a male, but I am no longer a man, nor do I ever want to be one again. I can't say this lifestyle is for everyone. What I do know is that I would have missed out on more happiness than I could have imagined had I listened to the skeptic in my soul."

Smiling at his posse he continued, "I can in all honesty say that I love every one of you. I hate putting labels on people but without hesitation I know I can label all of you as 'Ladies.' You are the only family I have left. I feel like we are all sisters and just as close as any blood relative could ever be. I know I loved my job here in the club. I freely proclaim my love for you ladies to the highest mountain. I may not be able to define it, but I take great pride in what I am and what I have become. Now let's plan for the future!"

Jack went over improvements for the club that had occurred to him. Georgette piped in that his brother 'would' agree to profit sharing or else he would get his peepee wacked. "Ladies, if my brother insists that this continue to be a freak show, I promise you he will become our star attraction. Donna, do you still have your old outfits, keep them handy we may find a use for them."

The girls all had a good laugh picturing Phil, or should we say the new Philomena, prancing around in a tight miniskirt, 5 inch heels, heavy garish makeup and gigantic water balloon tits.

Then they got down to business. They discussed a number of ideas to make the club more profitable and classy. It was unanimous that no one would ever again be forced to work in the club. The goal of every girl would be to create an illusion of femininity that was a compliment to all women. Anything that demeans woman would not be tolerated. Customers would respect each other and all the help. Anything else would be unacceptable.

Jack, with his computer expertise, volunteered to set up a web site and an electronic reservation system for the club.

Sue an admitted TV, suggested they have an armature night. The club could keep a set of costumes, wigs, shoes, etc. and one night a week men could agree to experience a night of being a classy cocktail waitress. Each volunteer would be paired with a regular waitress. She would help with the dressing and makeup… (A mini transformation service). The ground rules would be clearly spelled out. It would not be acceptable to ridicule anyone. There would be no caricatures, no drag queens; everyone would attempt to create illusions, the most realistic as possible. The club would simply provide the local community excuses to dress up and have fun without being judged. If we do this right, the volunteers might even feel comfortable in bring in their female companions.

Paula, another TV, suggested 'Bunny' night, ears, tails the whole thing. There wasn't a great deal of interest shown by the girls so the idea was tabled for now.

Candy wanted a 'Southern Bell' night, with hooped skirts, fans and parasols. Everyone thought that had a lot of potential.

Sophie suggested a western night. All the regulars could get all gussied up and become Kitty's saloon girls. The only argument was over who would have be Matt Dillon.

Donna proposed a 50's night. She had located a source for bullet bras and poodle skirts.

Bubbles wanted a Marilyn Monroe night. Libby wanted a 'Prom night'. The ideas flowed like water. Eventually, everyone had to return to work.

A giddy Jack headed off to the strip mall, convinced his plan was going to work. He was already envisioning franchising the club. Jack found himself skipping along, humming the Helen Reddy tune, 'I Am Woman Hear Me Roar', and thinking glorious thoughts about making mad passionate love. It had been months since he had been muff diving, but cunnilingus was like riding a bike, you never forget how. The only disconcerting thing was the face of his partner was always bleary, he would focus on Linda, but the face kept morphing into a woman with long red hair, freckles and green eyes.

On the way to the strip mall, Jack passed a flower shop and then a beauty salon. 'What the hell' he thought. 'I may not have an appointment but maybe they can squeeze me in. If I can't win Linda with logic, I will seduce her with my beauty. If that fails I will use oral arguments to convince her she can't live without me. I need to look my very best.'

Jack entered the beauty shop without an appointment and gave the receptionist his sob story and begged her for an appointment. The receptionist called the owner over and explained the situation to her. The story about trying to win a lover back who had threatened to leave resonated with the twice divorced woman.

"Tonight was her one chance to win 'him' back," toned Jack.

Once that explanation was out, the bond of womanhood took over. The owner promised Daisy 'the works' and she even called in girls from their day off to help. Jack was immediately ushered to a chair still warm from its previous occupant who had relinquished her appointment to help this total stranger. Jack sat on his throne like a queen bee with half a dozen workers swarming around him, tinting, curling, painting, and primping. Two hours passed quickly, filled with feminine chatter.

Standing and looking into the mirror, Jack was overwhelmed with emotion, he didn't think he had ever looked this good. His hair glistened it was so shiny. It was styled in the most feminine fashion with large flowing curls. Daisy just stared at the breathtakingly beautiful woman he had become, and wondered what had ever become of Jack.

He stood there glowing in his femininity. The makeup was a bite more dramatic than was his normal preference. The sequined eye shadow was a bit over the top. Nevertheless, it was perfect for his planned seduction. His lips were like two plump pillows. They were colored in a bold red that would make Lady Gaga do a double take. His thin high arching eyebrows were accentuated by white highlights that were blended right into the brow. His nails have been extended and colored perfectly to match is lips. Jack hugged each girl as a thank you, not a one would take even a tip for their services. A guilty Jack bought a shopping bag of cosmetics, more as an act of gratitude than of need. A choked up Jack became misty eyed and on the verge of tears. Seeing the potential for disaster, the entourage of beauticians threatened Daisy if she screwed up all their hard work. Jack sashayed to the door, feeling like he was floating rather than walking.

With the cheers of "Good Luck, go get him" ringing in his ears, Jack exited the store, feeling like Cinderella and struggling with his new purse and a shopping bag overflowing with beauty products. He immediately encountered the flower shop, where he stopped and gaped at his refection in the window, his breasts were predominantly displayed in the open low cut dress. Jack loved the way they swayed when he walked. 'My goodness, I am being aroused by my own refection', thought Jack. 'Linda selected this exhibitionist outfit now she will have to deal with consequences. There is no way that luscious lesbian can resist me now.'

Jack ducked into the florist and purchased two box loads of flowers. One box containing a dozen long-stemmed roses - red for passion and the other box containing white Daisies wrapped in a sprig of baby's breath. An invigorated Jack headed for the strip mall burdened with his packages.

The jubilation he had enjoyed at the end of the trial had been destroyed with Linda's possible abandonment. However, the camaraderie he found in the club followed by the beauty salon rejuvenated Jack. He was again confident that his planned seduction would succeed. Walking, he felt his large breasts struggling to escape the snug confines of his undersized bra. Glancing down at his cleavage Jack smiled at the ponderous amounts of flesh on display. Jack spoke softly to no one in general and said, "God is in his heaven and all's right with the world."

@ @ @ @

Following the trail Bob had signed out at work and hurried home to be with his wife Margret. After a delicious dinner of golden beer-battered cod with chips, he poured them each a strong drink and they sat in the lounge enjoying the evening sunset through their large plate glass window. Bob stood and took off his suit coat, put his hands at the small of his back, and arched his spine which accentuated his new feminine charms.

He started off, “Honey, look at me and tell me how to you see me?”

"Why whatever do you mean?"

"I mean do you see your husband standing here, or do you only see a hermaphrodite?"

Margret was flustered at the bluntness of the question. After an intentionally long pregnant pause, Bob continued, "Margret, I've never had any desire to wear woman's clothes. I'm not a fool, I have known from the beginning what you and the ladies at work have been doing to me. The reasons behind why the ladies at work did this are easy to understand. My question is what your motivation was?"

Margret braced herself for a massive fight. She decided to unleash her pent up anger and let the chips fall where they may.

"Alright you asked for it. For the past 18 years, you have been a real asshole. You treated me more like a servant than a wife. After I had a talk with your secretary, I saw an opportunity for some payback. That was even more diabolical because it knocked you off your high horse and humiliated you. Watching you squirm set my heart fluttering. I had hoped you wouldn't recognize I was causing your feminine development until it was too late."

Bob laughed, "Like I believed your sudden interest in health foods. A simple google inquiry told me the herbal supplements you have been feeding me have but one purpose, increased breast tissue growth. I was angry at first. I even contacted a divorce lawyer."

Margret became pale. Bob went over to her and held her hands. "I couldn't go through with it. I know our marriage hasn't been perfect. But I still love you and consider you my best friend. Hell, you’re probably my only friend! Anyway, I did a lot of soul searching. My shingles were a direct result of the stress this has produced. I also went to see our in house psychologist. It took several long sessions but he helped me to see I've been a real sexist. My curiosity about crossdressing prompted him to administer a series of standard tests to ascertain my true gender identity.

"The good news is I am firmly in the heterosexual camp. He also had me take a complete physical to see if what I had been digesting had done any harm. Luckily, there is no damage. Feeding birth control pills to an adult male has little to no affect. Aside from a tendency for water retention and nipple sensitivity. Which I find rather enjoyable.

"He also gave me a number of self-help books to read. The doctor is a behaviorist. His conclusions were I have always been a self-centered individual, concerned primarily with my professional successes. My relationships with women in general revealed that deep down I felt women were put on earth for my gratification. I have spent a life time disrespecting not only you but woman in general. I had never given any thought to what my actions meant to the women around me.

"Through his help I came to understand if there is to be absolution, I needed to be punished. My feminization is really a kind of karma payback, it is a justified penance for past indiscretions. The doctor pointed out that whether you knew it or not the punishment you selected fit my crime.

"Understanding that, I sort of went with the flow to see how far you would go and where it would lead."

Bob knelt at his wife's feet so that he was eye level with his wife. "Now here is the shocking news. I don't think I want to go back to the old me. Don't misunderstand me being a women is not my desired end state.

"However, I realize that if a pair of embryonic boobs can alter my life outlook drastically. I'm prepared to keep them, if that makes you happy. With these there is no way I could ever be contemptful to any woman again. Any ridicule should rightfully be heaped on my head. It's a well-deserved feminist vengeance."

Margret had a confused expression on her face. She had expected an angry outburst and instead found the man she fell in love with kneeing at her feet. "Excuse me dear, are you saying you're not upset with me?"

"Yes dear, that is exactly what I am saying. I would like to experiment a bit more to see if my new found enlightenment is permanent or a temporary thing."

An excited Margret inquired, "How are you planning on doing that?"

"I will keep my boobs as a badge of honor. Then with your help and advice, I am plan on taking a few days off and live as Bobbie, your helpmate. I want to ascertain how my life could be improved if I spend the time in full feminine mode."

Margret sat there with her mouth agape as Bob went on, "Will you take me shopping, I can't wear your clothes so I guess I will need a little of everything. Could you also give me pointers in makeup and feminine deportment? I guess what I am asking is could you by my teacher in the school of womanhood?"

Margret fell into his arms and they shared a tender moment.

Bob, pushed her back his eyes got dark and mean and he and went on. "However, my subordinates need to be punished, even if their motives were well intentioned. The fact that the women did this to me is a serious breach of security and put my mental health at risk. An entry will have to go into their personnel file.

"It is my intention to return to work next week in full swishy drag, maybe even a little flamboyant."

Bob pushed his wife's mouth shut. "My goal is to shock the hell out of them. I will tell them their efforts have persuaded me to fully transition."

"But couldn't that cost you your job?"

"I have talked this all through with our psychologist. He'll cover for me and he agrees this could be a great teaching point for the busybodies in my office.

"If they thought I was a terror before, wait until they meet the new Bobbie, the aggressive lesbian. Workplace relationships between men and woman are frowned upon. But ladies going out shopping, long lunches and drinks after work will now be required in the name of team building."

Bob ran one hand gently across his wife's face. "You are the love of my life, I won't do this unless you are with me 100%. If you agree to this plan I promise you that my behavior will change here in the house, we will become a team. I'll never put my needs ahead of yours. The housework will become my responsibility, starting with all the cleaning and laundry. I have 18 years of transgressions to make up for. One more thing, I've always wanted to learn to cook and bake. Will you teach me how?"

Margret grabbed her husband by the ears and forced their faces together where they shared a passionate tongue wrestling kiss. When they broke she breathlessly said. "Yes dear, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"I want Bobbie to take lessons in love making. Bob has always been the aggressor in the boudoir. I was there to satisfy his need. For instance he insisted I go down on him. I think it's time Bobbie return the favor."

"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free."

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