Patriot Games - Chapter 26 - Life Begins Again

Chapter 26 -Life Begins Again

"Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's a woman's job to stomp on them and keep'm in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with."

Steve took the opportunity to email Rose an update, "Rose, we are nearing the finish line. Your husband's conversion is complete."

Rose read the words on her computer screen and she felt something clench around her heart. She also felt a sting of salty tears in her eyes. In her soul she wailed 'Jack forgive me for what I have done'.

The email went on, "From what his trainer has said he is adapted to his new persona well. He is now a pretty, submissive transvestite. My plan is coming together. We need to get together and celebrate." The tone of Steve's email made it clear that he was proud of what Jack had become and he apparently assumed that Rose would be happy about it as well.

Rose's lip curled in an unconscious snarl of disgust and anger. She had been contacted by Doctor Meyer who had identified himself as being part of the same organization Steve Garibaldi was. He explained that he was part of the project that Jack had been dragooned into and he had observed that she was dealing with guilt related to what had been done to Jack. Because Rose's actions had been orchestrated by HLS, they wanted to help her deal with any problems that might have resulted.

She had met with the doctor several times now and was making some progress in understanding herself. She understood that she had a long way to go in managing the anger in her personality and admitted that she might have a difficulty with alcohol as well. But she still had a long way to go with dealing with her anger issues and it was obvious in how she reacted to Steve's message.

As a result, she was feeling a strong desire for payback and she wanted Steve to feel some of what he had dished out on Rose and Jack. A plan began to form as she considered her response. Perhaps it would be fitting that Jack should be joined by a friend, so they could tiptoe through the tulips together.

Against the established protocol, Rose responded with a short email, "I need to see you face to face, now! Rose suggested that they meet at the Institut De Beauté as a safe place to meet.

Steve agreed to her suggestion, obviously not realizing that it was a full service beauty spa. Or he did not see any problem with it. Upon seeing Steve's acknowledgement, Rose made a call to the spa, smiling in anticipation as she explained what she needed.

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Arriving at the address on his GPS, Steve paused at the door before entering; this was obviously an upscale woman's beauty spa. Rose must have thought that no one would think to find a macho he-man like him in a beauty parlor. He shrugged mentally he needed a haircut anyway so it might be a way to kill two birds with one stone. So he boldly went where no man had gone before."

Rose jumped up from her chair in the waiting room and greeted Steve like a long lost relative. Rose took Steve by the hand and led him to the receptionist introducing herself and saying, "We are here for that special makeover I talk to Francoise about."

The receptionist checked her book and buzzed for a girl named Connie.

"Connie, please take these two to the private room, the one reserved for 'special' customers."

Connie led them into the back of the salon to a room fully equipped with everything from sinks, to comfortable shampoo chairs, bonnet dryers and shelves filled with all sorts of beauty products.

A quizzical Steve looked at Rose. She responded to his unanswered question, "This is as private a spot as I could arrange. Besides it is sound proof and we can talk freely while we get our makeovers."

"Makeover, what the hell are you talking about Rose, I only need a trim."

"Steve you are going to have to trust me. I will ensure you get everything that you should." What she really wanted to say ' I will ensure you get everything coming to you.'

Connie knocked softly and entered caring two glasses of champagne. Steve looked at the glass in his hand and said, "What's this?"

"It's a mimosa silly, just champagne and chilled orange juice. It's to help you relax while Connie works."

What Rose wasn't saying was that Steve's drink was also laced with a strong sedative so he wouldn't fight what Rose had planned. Francoise had been very understanding about Rose's story about her brother wanting to take his transition to the next step but he was afraid to do so. She just knew that Steve would be happy that he had been forced to go forward.

She fully intended to have Steve experience some of what her husband had been going through. Starting with a full body waxing, his eyebrows thinned and shaped. Then there would be a change of hair color with a permanent wave, followed by the bridal special makeover. Steve was going to leave the spa looking like a platinum blonde Betty Boop.

Connie handed Steve his mimosa and gave Rose a big theatrical wink. As Steve was taking off his suit coat Connie whispered to Rose, "Everything is all prepare just as you asked, I promise he wouldn't feel a thing for hours."

Steve took a seat one of the shampoo chairs, wearing a plastic waterproof salon cape as a pretty young oriental woman proceeded to give him a scalp massage. He was sound asleep before the beauty treatment had even started.

When he woke up several hours later, groggy and weak, he was rather disoriented. As he became more coherent, he found himself wearing his cape but nothing on underneath but his underwear. He sat under a professional bonnet dryer blowing hot air on the tight curlers in his hair. As he tried to lever himself up, he found his arms and legs were firmly secured to the chair.

Seeing that he was awake, Connie yelled over the noise of the hair drier. "Relax sweetie, the restraints are standard when we do a full body wax, don't want our ladies jerking and hurting themselves. I'll let you up as soon as I'm done brushing out your new hairdo."

When he started demanding to be released, Rose stepped into his line of sight with a satisfied smile on her face. Steve was going to being leaving with a head full of piglet tight curls. His ears were triple pierced now and sported diamond, sapphire, and ruby studs now. The eyebrow over his right eye now sported a tasteful barbell piercing which really set off the smoky eye look that he had been given with the latest in semi-permanent makeup.

Steve was not aware of all that had done to him as yet but he did notice his new extra-long acrylic fingernails lacquered in bright pink. Seeing him stare at his nails Connie spoke up, "I hope you like the shade; Rose let me pick it. It is our most popular color with the young hip crowd, it's called Barbie hot pink."

When he was set free from the chair, Rose helped a wobbly Steve over to a full length mirror. He felt totally exposed dressed in his salon cape, but he forgot all about that when he was confronted with his hairdo, makeup, and piercings. He shivered as he examined himself. The reflection in the mirror looked like it belonged on the cover of teen magazine. There was no way he would be able to go back to work looking like this.

Rose stood behind him and said, "Come on Steve you wanted to party. I have lunch reservations at a trendy restaurant. Afterward we can go lingerie shopping, you really should get some support for your twin peaks before they start to droop. It'll be a real girl's day out. If we are really lucky we might find us a bootie call for the evening."

Steve pulled his smock tightly about his body, "F**k you Rose, Where are the clothes I wore in here?"

"In the goodwill box in the parking lot," she said with some satisfaction. She had no intention of allowing him to be able to leave with his dignity.

"I can't go out dressed like this!"

"I know that silly, I have a complete outfit for you hanging in the changing room."

Suspicious, Steve asked, "What kind of outfit?"

"You'll love it. It’s a one piece dress with a black bodice with built in shelf bra and back zipper. The part I love best is the embroidered sequin poodle on the red skirt. It had a black stretch belt that has a four button clasp, for shoes I have a pair of adult saddle shoes. I have accessorized it with the cutest, 'My little Pony' handbag. I have already transferred all your stuff into it. You'll be happy to know Connie also threw in a tube of lipstick and a bottle of nail polish for later touch ups.

"Oh don't give me that look; it also has your wallet, cell phone, and car keys."

Just the thought of what Rose was planning had Steve's 'Johnson' shriveled up to the size of his pinkie.

"Please Rose be reasonable, Image how I feel, going out in public looking like Lolita. I can't attract attention. It could be dangerous for me... and your husband if we are connected. I'm an undercover cop playacting as a normal soccer mom."

Rose glared at the hermaphroditic looking man before her and sarcastically retorted, "Steve, this is an outfit created for the woman who wants to stand out with show-stopping style. With your over the top makeup and this outfit you'll never blend in rather, you'll look more like arm candy, now get dressed. Perhaps now you have some idea of how my husband must be feeling."

Rose spun on her heels and walked over to the changing room and returned with his dress and handbag. She reached into her purse and retrieved a pair of nylons and a garter belt and handed everything to the trembling man.

Steve stood like a statue staring at what Rose had just handed him. Rose eventually broke the logjam with, "Alright I guess you're right, I wouldn't want to do anything that might endanger Jack. You, on the other hand, need to be brought down a peg or two and I intend to do so. You're wearing this, end of discussion. I spent a lot of time finding something appropriate for you. I want to see how it looks on the designated government sissy. Get dressed and we can go out the back door. I'll walk you to your car."

Steve was unable to find his clothes so he had no other choice and he dutifully dressed as he was told.

"Where will I go?"

Rose laughed like she hadn't in months, "You could try the corner of Third and Vine but it might be a bit early for that, most of the ladies don't show up until after dark. The girls that are normally out there might object to the competition too."

"I'm glad you think this is funny, but how will I explain this to my wife?" The thought of facing Phyllis looking like this made him want to cry. He had been able to hide his physical changes up to now, but she would leave him in disgust when she saw him.

"Not my problem," Rose said dismissively. "Let's go and don't forget your purse."

Rose took Steve by the arm and walked him out to his car. He climbed in his car with as much dignity as he could muster. He fumbled trying to fish the car keys out of his purse with his new long talons. Rose tapped on the drivers' side window, making Steve jump. He rolled it down to see what she wanted. "Stevie, make sure to lock your doors. Us girls can never be too careful." Steve really needed a cigarette but there were none in his purse and so he headed home, praying Phyllis wouldn't be there.

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At the same time, Daisy sat at the dining room table as per Linda's direction eating a late brunch of dry toast and grapefruit. Daisy ate but truthfully didn't taste it.

Suddenly Linda entered from the kitchen with a birthday cake bearing one candle and singing happy birthday. It was Déjà vu all over again as Linda handed Daisy a series of gaily wrapped packages. It was like Christmas morning.

Jack gleefully ripped open all the parcels. Unwrapping them, Jack unearthed a new birth certificate, a social security card, driver's license, credit card, high school transcripts, a college diploma from Ohio State, and a passport all made out to Daisy Belle Svensson. Then Linda handed the astonished, birthday girl a complete work history and work references.

"Just like the university diploma, all the job references are from very large organizations and the files show you worked there, the sheer number of employees provide excellent cover. The HR departments have been provided with a picture of you and are prepared to say they remember you.

"We even managed to get your picture in the college yearbook. Just so you know, your grades were only average, except for sex education. You aced that one! So Daisy, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life, happy birthday."

While Steve and Rose were receiving the full beauty treatment, Daisy was being pampered at a local day spa. Linda proudly took Daisy to the salon, after a mud bath, private shower, and steam bath, followed by a massage, and then to the inevitable trip to the beauty parlor for a shampoo, hair extensions and a new hairdo followed by permanent eyelash extensions, manicure and pedicure.

The one thing Jack wasn't fond of was the pink highlights that Linda insisted he get and keep from that moment on. She explained it gave Daisy a special sissy look. The pièce de résistance was a complete beauty makeover. A bedazzled Daisy skipped out of the spa feeling very pretty and elated at the thought he could permanently retire the wig.

Linda squealed with delight at the giddiness of her companion.

"Now Daisy, just one more stop before we go home. It's my treat. I am taking you to a photographer for a portrait. I am going to hang it in my hall of fame. Besides HLS wants undated pictures of the woman you have become."

"Ms. Linda, what do you mean updated, I have never had my picture taken as Daisy, other than a few by Rose with her cell phone."

"Oh, you poor naïve, fool, Rose told us you were really gullible. I never realized how true those words are until now. Haven't you ever heard of 'nanny cams?' Your home was fully wired the day after you agreed to this operation. The guys from HLS have watched your training 24/7 until the day Rose threw you out. I have watched most of the archived film. When this is over I may ask Rose to subcontract for me, she really has a flair for this kind of work."

After the standard High School graduation portraits, Linda had the action moved to the back room where Jack was posed through a series of glamour boudoir shots. Jack only objected to the suggestion of a full frontal nudity shot. Interestingly, Linda did not make an issue of his objections and settled for a rear and several side shots.

Watching Jack walk home from the photographers, Linda leeringly commented, "Daisy, that personal trainer has done wonders on your butt and legs. They look like they belong on a professional dancer. You have such a spectacular tush. It has developed into a perfect teardrop shape."

"Thank you Ms. Linda. You can really be suave and debonair when you try."

"Daisy, I think we have progressed far enough along, you can drop the Ms. just call me Linda. Now strut for me girl, rotate those hips, and shake your booty.

"Your job starts tomorrow. Remember, you are trying to visually seduce every customer, not just Ivan. An air of self-confidence is very sexy. Prance like you are the Queen of England, and always show lots of cleavage. I am confident you will do great at your new job.

"Just be careful, that bar also attracts some loathsome Neanderthals. The bar's normal customers are mostly the scum of the earth, loud mouthed louts. They are likely to take greet glee in disparaging all of you sissies."

Jack continued strolling towards their apartment, concentrating on his walk and feeling like a beautiful butterfly released from its cocoon.

Returning home, Jack found that birthday or not, he was put through his nightly exercises on the treadmill. After finishing up and getting ready for bed, Jack was standing in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Staring into the mirror, he saw only a woman, there was no vestige of Jack left, only Daisy. The image hidden deep inside his eyes was different from the one reflecting back at him. It was a terrifying realization; a once happily married man was gone forever. Now what remained was it a transvestite, a transsexual, a sissy, or was it a woman. Jack was no longer sure which of the above occupied his soul.

Linda was in bed with her own doubts. Having spent the day with a totally convincing young woman, Linda was concerned that she might have overdone Daisy's training. Daisy had become more sophisticated and feminine than most housewives. Linda had one more opportunity to remind Daisy that he was still a man in a dress, a sissy, not a woman. She got up and disrobed and headed into Daisy's bathroom.

As Jack walked into the shower, he was shocked to find Linda a pace behind him. She stepped into the shower with him, naked. Linda then proceeded to wash Jack's body, covering him in soap and the vigorously scrubbing his body. It was all fun and games until Linda lowered the second spray nozzle. Adjusting the water temperature she proceeded to insert it in Jack's male pussy. Pumping it in and out an inordinate number of times, Jack felt violated, but very clean.

That dual shower did more than clean Jack and Linda. It also washed away the cruel vindictive dominatrix Linda.

Drying Jack off with a fluffy towel, the new loving Linda led Jack to bed and still naked climbed in with him. She spent a great deal of time and effort trying to seduce the male in the bed with her. She did everything she could to stroke his male ego including stroking his male parts. Her efforts were mostly in vain, Daisy no longer felt like a man, no longer wanted to be a man. In addition, Jack was still terrified that this was some new training step that Linda was starting. All Linda managed to do was create a great deal of sexual tension between them. In the end the couple spent the night blissfully cuddling.

Jack arose early to get ready for his interview. He looked toward his first day at work with horror and trepidation. Donning his favorite skirt and cashmere sweater, Jack sat down and spent the next several hours dutifully applying makeup, trying to recreate the look from yesterday.

When he finished with his cosmetics, Jack decided to accessorize by wearing a ton of cheap jewelry, including his showgirl rhinestone earrings with a full 6 inch drop. Jack loved the way the earrings would brush his neck when he walked. It made him feel so feminine. Finally a squirt of perfume and Daisy was now complete.

Linda held a formal inspection of her pupil, checking for any imperfection. Fully satisfied, Linda proclaimed, "Daisy, you are the perfect sissy." Further confusing Jack's self-image, Linda reminded Daisy to never tuck; she insisted there constantly be a small bulge showing in front. Daisy must always proudly show his man parts, not try and pass as a real woman. Reluctantly, Jack reached into his panties and rearranged things to meet Linda's requirements.

Linda escorted Daisy to the sidewalk like a nervous mother to watch her protégée venture out into the world. A parting pep talk completed the sendoff.

"Remember, you need to be Miss Congeniality. But let Ivan come to you; don't ever initiate contact with him. Be very careful around his friends, most are former Spetsnaz commandos recently disenfranchised with mother Russia. They are a tight-knit and tight-lipped group of slime balls. They are like most military types, thinking a quick grope is foreplay. I think you'll find they are all stone faced hard men. You don't want to get the reputation for being easy. But be as friendly as you can to his body guards. If someone gives you a really hard time, don't get mad, pout, stick your lip out, stare at the floor, and cry if you are able. They will crumble I guarantee you.

"Daisy, remember the biggest part of your job will be to get to know Ivan. But play it cool for now, we have time on our side."

"But Linda, I want to get this over with to get my old life back."

"You silly girl, if you rush this, the only thing you are going to get is a funeral. Which brings up the issue of what outfit you want to get buried in? Personally I like the gown you had on the first day we met, but it's your choice of course."

Jack shrugged off Linda's last comment as more of her unkind teasing. Summoning all his courage, he walked the two blocks to his new job. It seemed to take an eternity. Jack felt cold in his corseted covered belly and he was unable to shake the premonition of dread.

He briefly thought of fleeing but stiffened his resolve, stood straight and checked himself in the window reflection before going into the bar. It was now 'ShowTime'. Jack thought, 'I need to be at my best. The first hurdle was coming up. The game was afoot.'

Jack was as nervous as a virgin on her honeymoon. He knew he was about to get fucked. He just wasn't sure how. He walked in the front door and was greeted by an employee, a 'woman' with perfect makeup and prom hair. She introduced herself as Georgette and spoke with a sickeningly sweet southern drawl, albeit in a husky voice. She moved without a trace of self-consciousness despite the fact she was dressed in an outfit that was so tight Jack could read the size tag on her thong panties. The outfit was rather flamboyant and just short of being sleazy.

With his stomach doing flip flops, Jack announced in a soft voice, "Hi I'm Daisy; I'm here for the waitress job."

Jack felt like he was going to an audition. Little did he realize it already was already a done deal.

"Yes, I was told to expect you." Georgette replied as she looked Jack up and down. "Please sign in Miss Daisy." Making idle conversation Georgette said, "Phil, the boss, is going to like you but be warned he is a total lech. Believe me, I know all about Phil, I was his brother. That is until he decided he needed a receptionist. There wasn't money to hire one so he forced me to convert into the goddess you see before you. Good luck and follow me. I will take you to his office.

Reaching a grubby office, Georgette announced, "Please take a seat, Phil will be with you in a while."

Jack sat waiting nervously for an audience. Eventually, Phil made a grand entrance and stared at Daisy expressionlessly for a couple of minutes. Jack crossed his legs to give the lecherous man a good look at his best feature. Finally, Phil waved Daisy up. Daisy demurely stood feet together and hands crossed in front ready for his interview.

In a very derisive tone Phil said, "Young lady," with a sarcastic emphasis on the word lady, " you come with some impressive recommendations, but if you want this job you will answer my questions succinctly. No funny business is tolerated with the customers. You can look but no touchy. This is a class joint here. Lewdness is never allowed in my house. You can show your melons all you want, in fact we encourage it. But under no circumstance are you to display the coconuts understand? We tiptoe around vulgarity but I do not tolerate any debauchery on club premises, just keep it in your panties. Your makeup should always be dramatic, think Los Vegas show girl. Do I need to elaborate?"

Jack naughtily licked his lips and responded, "No sir, I understand perfectly."

"All right, let's get a look atcha", he signaled with his finger to do a twirl. Daisy did as he asked.

"Nice, average body, your ass is small by most standards, but it is round and soft, and I love your hair and your submissive, demure attitude. You'll do. Go see Libby for your work assignment. You start immediately."

Walking out of the office Daisy was shocked to find Linda standing just outside the door. Linda gave Daisy a quick once over. She laughed a predatory laugh and then without a word she passed around Daisy and walked into the office and closed the door.

A 'girl' named Libby, with a loud commanding voice like a Saint Bernard, but just as harmless and the figure of a fashion model and an effeminate swagger showed Daisy the locker room, allocated her a locker and introduced her to the bartender, a few other waitresses and then assigned Daisy her tables.

"Ok, you're new at this! What great fun! I've been here for like two and a half years and I love being a waitress because I know what to do. Can you believe I'm just 16? Ha ha.

Departing, she left Daisy with a dire warning about poaching other girls tables and/or their clients.

"Stick to your tables and be friendly, show lots of cleavage and flirt. You'll make a lot of money. Just make sure you get the orders correct, smile, but not too much! Your sex appeal has to be obvious yet understated. Make eye contact as you give the patrons their drinks and always ask 'Is there anything else you can do for them'. The sleaze balls that come in here love the sexual double entendre. Daisy, let me remind you there is no need to go off the reservation. You will get all the action a girl like you can handle. Just make sure if you arrange any 'private rendezvous' the action is done elsewhere."

"Oh, Libby, you don't have to worry about that with me I am not that kind of girl." Jack had no desire to arrange any kind of a rendezvous.

A laughing Libby responded, "Sweetie that is what everyone says at first. An innocent, adorable thing like you will find a sugar daddy in no time. That I guarantee."

After their brief encounter at the club and some final instructions to Phil, Linda returned home and eagerly awaited Daisy's return home from his fist day at work.

"So Daisy how was your first day at work?"

"OK", Jack answered curtly.

That wasn't good enough for Linda. She wanted a play-by-play of Jack's first day at work and she intended to get it.

"You will answer my questions fully. I don't tolerate crap. Let me warn you Daisy if you fuck with me, I will get my Ginsu knives out and do a sushi chef on your sausage."

A repentant Daisy responded, "I'm sorry Ms. Linda, please give me another chance. It's just I never realized there was so much involved in just standing. My posture was reprimanded several times. Apparently, I am to make like a fashion model, while I stand and wait for orders. A whole day doing the stripper strut is exhausting. Despite all your nightly treadmill training, a whole shift doing the 4 inch cross over step is arduous. The constant undulating of the hips makes my back hurt. Even my ass aches from the exaggerated hip swing."

"Exactly, you have finally realized our objective. If Ivan wanted a woman, he could rent one by the hour. What he likes are feminized men. Not some hot tempered hooker. We have dozens of female agents we could have put on this case, but that is not what Ivan wants. So camp it up, exaggerate everything, show a hint of innocence and flaunt your sexuality. Now, most important of all, you've got to smile! Keep your eyebrows up and your eyes fully open at all times. Smile big and bright and be happy all the time! Be peppy and chipper! Feel good about yourself! Enjoy the company of your new friends! Feel good about everything! Smile, laugh and giggle! You need to get people to forget all those depressing things like politics, money, death n' stuff! Just like you do! You don't worry about that stuff anymore, do you?"

"No Miss Linda. I am only concerned about the important things in life, like lipstick shades, and the latest shoe fashions."

"Now tell me about your new acquaintances at work. You have been isolated from normal companionship for a while. It's important you develop new friendships."

"Well Ms. Linda, at first the girls were a bit standoffish, and seemed very cliquey. I introduced myself to the other waitresses, but was careful not to say too much. The other girls bought my act, not one giving as much as an inquisitive look. Sophie, a sultry brunette is the only one to offer me a hand of friendship and showed me the ropes. This one girl who calls herself Bubbles was a real pain, on my case all day. I think she is jealous because I am so much prettier than her.

"I had no idea how much ass grabbing, pinching, and propositioning there would be. Eww! I had at least 10 guys and one woman ask me for my phone number, for a date, or outright asked for sex. I also felt a hand on my ass about every fifteen minutes or so. I tried to handle it all gracefully as the other girls did, with a smile and a hand smack, I made an effort to never piss the customers off. I found if you wink at them after rejecting them they keep coming back.

"The first guy to order had to play wise guy, he ordered pizza, when I asked how many pieces do you want your pie cut? He responded, 'Four. I don't think I could eat eight.' I giggled like I had been taught and everyone laughed. The next guy was a real ass as I stood to take his order; he reached up my skirt and tried to explore for my little member. I squealed with delight. Then I hit him over the head with my serving tray. Phil, called me aside and told me that was my only warning, one more and I was gone."

"I learned quickly to use my wit to keep the creeps in place. The next guy propositioned me and I responded, 'I was shocked I didn't think he was up to it as I had been told the delivery of magical blue pills had been delayed'

"Linda, most of the girls there don't have a great deal of education, with one exception Donna, who taught English composition until she started working at the club. They all were quite ready to talk about themselves. It seems that after a lifetime of hiding their true nature, any chance to open up to someone who will not judge them is eagerly taken. Some had spent time on the streets, making a living with their mouth or ass. Not to be a snob, but developing friendships is going to be a challenge; we have nothing in common, other than trying to impersonate a woman.

"They covered the whole spectrum. Some of the 'gurls' freely identified themselves as just Sissies who love to wear dresses and lipstick. They freely admit it gives them some kind of satisfaction. I learned the hard way just don't call them a queer for it. Donna is somewhere between pathetic and whimsical. He told me he was a college professor. He quit that job and is now serving out a 6 month sentence, his wife is making him work there as punishment for cheating on her with a student. His wife devised this as a way of saving himself and maybe their marriage. He goes out of his way to humiliate himself. He told me, he feels it is a fitting punishment, and he deserves the abuse. My lord, he stuffs his bra with two over inflated water balloons, and eschews every rule in applying makeup, he follows the antithesis of the prime directive where more is better. In a parody of a drag queen he was wearing bright red sissy colored lipstick with garish blue eye shadow outlined in heavy black eyeliner, I think he puts his makeup on with a trawl, his beard showed despite a foundation layer that was so thick it had fissures in it. But Linda, that all pales in comparison to how he dressed, in the most outlandish fashion, wearing a hip hugging red mini-dress and a diaphanous lace blouse and 4 inch stilettos. It is like he enjoys the ridiculed. He was walking with her legs wide open and knees bent it looked like he was stomping down ants.

"We have the most eclectic mix, ex whores and prostitutes, some of the girls are just transvestites living out their dreams, it is obvious they are dressing to 'pass', while others appear to be fully fledged transsexuals. Most were very stand-offish of me at first. They were constantly gossiping about girly things, like makeup, hairstyles and the latest fashions. They don't have the advantages of a profession training staff like I do. After I contributed my thoughts and expertise, most welcomed me into their fraternity. By the end of the day, I felt a real camaraderie among them.

"Some of the customers were absolutely vile, human beings! They show no respect for any of us, the room would frequently erupt in derisive laughter when some obscene comment was made about one of us girls. We are treated like freaks at a Carney sideshow. It is the most dehumanizing thing I have ever seen. The men were rude and crass but predictable, mostly they just gawked at us girls. Most of their comments were sexual innuendos intended to impress their friends and embarrass us girls. A couple of guys were even flirtatious and courteous. But as vile as the men were, the actions of the wives and girlfriends were loathsome. They were intentionally cruel; their comments were venomous and calculatedly hurtful. Linda, I don't understand women."

Linda laughed and said, "Well Daisy welcome to the club."

"I made the mistake of walking past the men's room and found myself trapped by a real asshole who tried to force me into the men's room. Luckily, Paula saw what was happening and got the bouncer involved.

"The girls at work do try to look out for each other. In fact, this one girl I really like, named Candy, she is a real Georgia peach, and possessed the sweetest southern drawl I have ever heard. It was y'alls all over the place. She was especially helpful. One customer was really harassing me and trying to wrestle me into his lap. Candy snuck up behind him and stuck her tongue in his ear, then started sucking on his earlobe. The bastard never had a chance Candy just took charge of the situation and had him eating out of her hand.

"Later back in our dressing room I gave her a huge hug in appreciation, we squished blossoms, my hug was a little too enthusiastic I am afraid, as we booth ended up soaked by her leaking water push-up bra enhancements.

"Linda, those buffoons were laughing at me all day long. I tried pouting like you said and even cried once. That helped some."

With her voice dripping in derision, Linda blithely responded, "Oh, how precious, I wish I had seen that."

Ridicule is the first and last argument of a fool.

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