Patriot Games - Chapter 34 - A Date with Ivan

Chapter 34 - A Date with Ivan

"It seems to me that the real clue to your sexual orientation lies in your romantic feelings rather than in your sexual feelings. If you are really gay, you are able to fall in love with a man, not just having sex with him."

Daisy reported to Linda that Ivan was spending a lot more time at the club since their return from Mexico. So she ensured that Daisy's perfume was spiked with extra strong doses of the HLS provided pheromones. Linda doused Daisy with an excessive amount before his leaving for work. To maximize its efficiency she also gave Daisy a refillable mini perfume atomizer to carry around in her purse and instructions to reapply it frequently during the day. Her goal was to get Ivan to fall for Daisy. Not appreciating its effect on the other men who would come into contact with Daisy.

Daisy was terrified of the monster Ivan, his mere presence sent tremors of fear coursing through her body. Nevertheless since their return from Mexico Ivan had become a different person, trying to win Daisy's trust and friendship. Ivan was being considerate and respectful at the bar. When he wasn't holding Daisy's hand, his arm was possessively on his shoulder or around his waist. He quietly put the word out that Daisy was his personal property and was due the same respect someone would show him. Of course the lewd innuendos never really stopped, they were now conveyed in a whisper or written on a napkin and handed to Daisy as she cleared a table.

Even most of the other girls at the club were treating her differently, with her new feminine dimensions Daisy noticed an eight fold increase in her tips. It took a while to come to terms with his prizewinning body. Initially Jack was really bummed by what had been done to him. Lugging the heavy bags of flesh around all day was a pain in the back. It was nights in bed after several glasses of his special booze Linda turned things around. Linda's mouth and hands where magical, he had never known such pure unadulterated pleasure. His love/hate relationship with his new heavy melons had slowly evolved into a heart throbbing love affair. At first he was also less than enamored with his other implants. Jack had always been a boob man, he was surprised at the amount of attention his shapely bubble butt was receiving. His panties were tight as a guitar string, his ass was so big it deserved its own zip code. When he walked his caboose was as hard to control as his head lights. It didn’t take long to ascertain his tips were in direct proportion to the tightness of his outfits. So much so that he took to wearing snug-fitting skirts to accentuate this characteristic, rather than try and hide it. With her angelic face, enormous ass and udder-sized boobs, Daisy became the club's main attraction. Daisy had one patron who just wouldn't leave her alone. He claimed to be a producer from the Adult Entertainment industry. She casually mentioned this to Ivan. The last Daisy saw of him was when one of Ivan's men escorted the movie producer out of the club by the scuff of his neck. To Jack's delight he never returned.

In an attempt to alleviate the resentment from the others girls at the club, Daisy instituted a new policy among the waitresses, all tips would be put in a communal pot and equally divided at the end of each shift. This proved to be popular among the other girls. In an effort to maximize her tips, Daisy stopped trying to hide her new assets and went out of the way to flaunt them. The club's clientele seemed fascinated with the way her breasts bounced. The way they seemed to have a life of their own drove Jack crazy. But the end results were worth the sacrifice. Low cut, snug fitting tops and short skintight skirts were all he wore at work.

The patrons were acting different too, the average Joe would leer at her chest endowments but after the initial shock of seeing a girl with a porn star figure serving drinks, they were for the most part respectful. To keep the customers happy Ivan made it clear they were allowed to ridicule everyone but Daisy. She was to be shown deference.

@ @ @ @

Meanwhile across town, Steve was trying to adapt to his status as a common secretary. After his first day as Fred's administrative assistant, there was a minor revolt by all the feminine office workers. The in-house psychologist held an impromptu meeting. He told the ladies that Steve was undergoing a psychiatric disorder brought on by the severe stress of clandestine work. Without violating doctor patient confidentiality he was allowed to say that the agent was suffering from excessive trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder of undercover work, amplified by the fact he was required to pretend to be a female. In colloquial terms, he is having a nervous breakdown manifesting itself by a severe dissociation of his masculine self. The doctor advised the gathering that it was imperative for them to treat Agent Garibaldi as a female, and never use his masculine first name. If the familiar use of a Christian name was used, always address him as Desiree, under no circumstances use Steve as it could have dire consequences on his recovery. That brought about a general murmur of discontent as the meeting broke up.

Under specific orders from Mr. Hampton, the doctor did not convey that because Steve and his wife embarrassed him, Bob had ordered Steve to dress for work as a woman and to perform secretarial duties in addition to acting as a chief advisor for the Ivan operation.

Steve/Desiree was trying to ingratiate himself with the other ladies on his floor. When Fred sent him to fetch coffee, Steve stopped by each woman's desk and got their preference. He memorized their choices and now, whenever he made a coffee run, he served each of the ladies with their preference. His efforts were largely in vain. It was made perfectly clear the ladies didn’t believe his cover story of suffering from PTSD. Silvia, the head shrew, even went so far as to suggest Desiree be moved to the custodial department. The more he was rejected, the more despondent he became. Steve was accustomed to being the alpha male, giving orders and being in the middle of the action, bullets whizzing past, the smell of gunpowder and cordite filling the air. Now, as a quasi-woman, he was relegated to the back row. He felt like a ship that has had its mooring lines cut and was adrift on the ocean. The truth be told his requirements as Fred's admin assistant were rather mundane. If it weren't for his responsibilities with the Ivan Op he would have gone stir-crazy. His ideas and opinions were dismissed out of hand. He continued to orchestrate the Ivan operation but was more of a figurehead now.

Steve adjusted to these indignities by deciding to use his new assets. If he was going to be treated like an airheaded bimbo he would play the part. He made the monumental decision that on days of scheduled meetings he would dress as sexy and ultra-feminine as possible. Tight fitting tops and short skirts, with matching pointy stilettos, all accentuated with heavy makeup emphasizing his kissable, soft and full lips. On these days, he was sure to wear oodles of perfume. He used his womanly wiles to get his ideas out there as suggestions rather than commands. He learned to play the helpless damsel to perfection. On other days, Phyllis ensured he left for work portraying a more cosmopolitan appearance.

This worked on the men but the women felt Steve was being disingenuous and was mocking them. He was still treated as an impostor. Steve started spending his free time at home baking and would bring homemade cookies and muffins to the office, all gluten free of course.

At home, Phyllis was still perusing an agenda of her own. From the moment he entered their home, she treated him like a maid, she could be rather draconian when the mood struck her. He cooked, cleaned and did the laundry all under the watchful and demanding direction of his wife. He executed all his duties in as feminine manner as possible in an attempt to ingratiate himself with his mistress. It wasn't until they retired to the bedroom that Steve was once again the man of the house, albeit dressed in a series of sexy lace baby doll nighties. Because of the continued use of the male hormones the little blue pill was no longer needed. However, the hormones seemed to have no influence on his tits. Rather than shrink, they continued to swell. His nipples and auroras became large and puffy. Their sensitivity was a major source of pleasure for both partners. So much so that Steve surprised Phyllis by frequently wearing non-pierced nipple jewelry. Their love life had never been better.

Life was sublime for Phyllis, she no longer was faced with the tedious household duties. Rather she enjoyed her supervisory position of mentor and overseer for the household help. Her every wish was Steve's command. A chore he willingly performed because he knew at the end of the day, his little man would be allowed to come out and play. (Who said men weren't ruled by their little head?).

@ @ @ @

Daisy nightly sucked on her faux meat popsicle whilst Linda would play sweet music with her sweater stretchers, even occasionally paying attention to the cyclops between his legs. With all the positive reinforcement he was receiving at work, he became more confident and comfortable in his role as a stacked waitress. He learned to adjust his attitude and wardrobe to his enhanced his figure. He found that, rather than try and conceal his figure, letting them out and about had a positive effect. If nothing else her tips had quadrupled. He came to accept his awesome curves. Their sheer bulk were, at times, inconvenient. But as his comfort level grew, his attitude toward them changed.

Daisy stopped playing the vulgar sissy; rather he migrated back to the ladylike traits of the Rose era. Daisy conducted herself like a lady at all times and expected everyone else in the bar to treat her like one. Suddenly, work was no longer a four letter word; it became a joy, an escape from the harsh regiment of training at home. His metamorphose was noticed by his associates at work, and most envied Daisy.

A strange thing began to happen among his co-workers, it seems that self-respect is contagious. All of the girls were imitating Daisy's conduct. Even poor Donna changed. He became a new woman, he shaved his legs, arms, hands and his face. He no longer filled his bras with overflowing water balloons. With the new revenue sharing policy, he was able to save his tips and went out and bought a very realistic set of silicone breast forms and downsized his bra to a reasonable DD. One unfortunate side effect, Donna became such a narcissus he tended to hog the vanity mirror in the locker room. He also became the queen of flirtation, batting his heavily massacred eyelashes and coquettish smile at every client. He would spend hours primping if you let him.

Then during the lunch hour rush, Daisy was flirting with some customers and Donna came to Daisy.

"Donna is that a new wig, it is lovely, I adore the way it frames you face."

"Thanks for the compliment, I think it makes me look…authentic. Paula got a new one, she wasn't wearing this anymore and lent it to me." Donna paused for a moment, hesitant. "Daisy, can I ask a favor?"

"Sure Donna what is it?"

"Do you see that woman who is acting all hoity-toity and holding hands with that muscle bound gorilla? They just sat down in your section." Donna gestured in the general direction he meant. "Well that is, Mrs. Alicia Reed, my wife. She comes in every week to check up on me and rub my nose in it. After her grand entrance I'm required to present myself for her inspection and ridicule. She points me out to her companion they have a good laugh at me, then I try and hide out in the back until she leaves."

Giggling, Daisy said, "Really, your name is Donna Reed?"

Donna smiled to show that he wasn't annoyed and said, "Yes, damn you Daisy, why do you think Alicia picked that accursed fem name!'

Daisy nodded. "I understand Donna. I'll cover for you. Go ahead and take your break."

Donna shook his head. "No Daisy, you don't understand. She has never seen the new me. My request is to trade sections with you. I want to wait on her table."

After a brief pause to see if Mrs. Reed was looking in his direction, Donna continued, "Daisy, I intend to be the best waitress she has ever had. Don has served his penance and now it's time for Donna to shine. I am going to sashay over to their table and treat them both like they are royalty. I am going to do it with the biggest smile you have ever seen. I am going to show her how I have changed."

Donna approached Alicia's table and politely inquired how he may be of service.

In a cold authoritative tone, Alicia responded, "Go away honey, I want to see Donna!"

Just barely repressing a nervous laugh, Donna responded, "Well 'honey', I am Donna."

The surprise on Alicia's face was reflected in her voice as well. "OMG, Is that really you Donald? You look fantastic. What has come over you? Turn around let me get a good look at you!"

For the next hour Daisy hovered in the vicinity, just in case her friend needed help. Donna played super waitress, fluttering around them like a bee to pollen. It was almost comical as Donna rushed about, wiped the table a dozen times, and filled glasses after every sip. As the couple got up to leave, Donna escorted them to the door and Alicia pulled Donna aside for a private word. Then as the couple got to the door, Donna gave them a formal curtsey which produced a loud animated laugh from a smiling Alicia. After the couple left, Daisy rushed over to her friend to see how things worked out.

Donna faced Daisy with a smile that was like the sun peeking out from behind a cloud. Daisy returned his smile and said, "Donna based on that smile, I am going to make a quantum leap of deductive logic and guess it went well."

"Daisy, it was incredible. For the first time since this all started, Alicia didn't mock or ridicule me. In fact, she even me complimented me, saying I was the most attractive waitress in the club."

"She only got mad at me one time. She actually accused me of flirting with her escort. You are not going to believe this but as she was leaving she embraced me and asked Donna for a date!

"Girlfriend, I need a really big favor. Will you swap days off with me, oh, please say yes! We are going to spend the day at her spa. After a day of pampering, she promised to take me shopping for a new gown that would be suitable for dining at the supper club out on the point. Daisy, I am as giddy as a teenager, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful relationship. Daisy, 'Donald' really fucked things up with Alicia, now Donna is going to woo his wife back and start life all over!"

Daisy didn't have to even think about it. Helping his friends had become second nature for him. "Donna, I would be glad to swap shifts."

Donna's smile seemed to get even bigger. "Thank you, this is all your doing. I would kiss you but I have sworn a vow of celibacy so you will have to settle for a hug."

Daisy smiled back, tickled that he might have anything to do with helping Donna's relationship get back on track. "Donna, I think your corset is too tight, I haven't done anything."

"Oh, quite the contrary Daisy, you are my role model. Daisy you are prim and proper when required. Yet you can be forceful and rough around the edges when the clientele get raucous or obnoxious. You just ooze strength and confidence. When you want to, you have a seductive allure that the rest of us would kill for and you make it all look so easy. Daisy, you are the inspiration for my new persona. You've showed us all that self-respect is our right. Your self-confidence is contagious, why do you think the rest of us have been changing?"

Donna hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Daisy can I ask you another favor? I adore that perfume you wear, it's just so yummy. I don't have any extra money. I spent everything I had on my forms. Can I borrow some of your perfume? The dollar store is all out of my old brand. I would like to permanently retire it."

"Sure girlfriend, I will take your shift and I have an extra bottle of perfume in my locker it is all yours, I carry extra in my purse."

@ @ @ @

No matter how hard he tried, Steve was still treated as a pariah by both the men and the women in the office. The macho men seemed threatened by his feminine eccentricities, while the women felt he was conning everyone.

It all changed one day when George, an old redneck agent with a large potbelly, intentionally bumped into Desiree as she had her hands full of hot coffee. It spilled on his favorite lilac colored cotton blouse. An unspoken rule since day one was Desiree was to only use the men's restroom. Steve left the mess on the floor for George to deal with and rushed to wash out his blouse before the stain set in. He stuck his head in the door of the restroom and found a full house, all the stalls and urinals were occupied.

He took a chance and peaked into the ladies room and found it vacant. He went in knowing full well that pandemonium would break out if it was discovered he was in the women's private sanctuary. He immediately stripped off the blouse and stood at the sink in his skirt, waist cincher and white lace pushup bra. He ran cold water over the stain. He was holding it under the hot air hand drier when in walked Naomi, Mr. Hampton's dour personal assistant. Steve locked eyes with her in the mirror, he knew he was in for it now. Trying to be nonchalant he continued to dry his top and stole furtive glances to see her reaction. Eventually she coughed and said "Excuse me Garibaldi, what the hell are you doing in here!"

He turned to face her and kept his head down in a submissive gesture. He immediately apologized and explained he would be done in a minute, he was trying to save his blouse. Naomi, in a commanding voice, said, "Don't you dare move! Stand right there, I'll be right back, the girls will never believe this."

Steve was apoplectic with fear. He slipped his hands in the sleeves of the blouse even though it was still damp. His fingers were trembling so bad he couldn't get the tiny pearl buttons to fit in their slots.

In walked a posse of angry women. From his perspective, all they were missing was a noose. Seeing the interloper with his blouse on infuriated Naomi. The look Naomi gave him would have petrified Medusa, "Damn it, why didn't you listen! Get that shirt off right now, I want to show the girls what we have here."

With quivering hands, Steve removed his blouse and felt totally exposed. He stood shifting his weight back and forth waiting for the ax to fall. The woman quickly surrounded him and were amazed at what they saw. The cups of his bra barely contained his blossoming boobs that had continue to grow despite the testosterone treatments.

Sally reached out and poked one boob with her finger. Astounded, she asked, "Are those real?"

Steve stood up and assumed a position of attention which only underscored the fact he had a curvaceous silhouette.

"Damn right they are and home grown too!"

Sally reached over with her whole hand and cupped one breast. With a sense of joy, she announced, "Ladies have a feel, by golly they are real, not padding. The rumor of him transitioning must be true."

Steve was speechless, he was emotionally fragile at the moment. He was not transitioning, but agreeing to the invalid assumption appeared to be a way out of his current situation. So he let her comments go unchallenged.

Naomi put her Ben Franklin glasses on off the tip of her nose and actually looked down her nose at Steve's décolletage. "MR. Garibaldi I have to tell you that seeing a man with larger breasts than me is off-putting. It just isn't right. Why would any normal man want to grow a set of boobs unless he is gay? Are you gay?"

The muscles in his jaws tensed and his eyes narrowed to slits. Having his sexuality challenged was a bridge too far. In a show of bravado, he decided to explain his condition. He folded his arms under his breasts and told the gathering which had grown alarmingly, "These are not choice. I have a medical condition, resulting from the fact while I was in my feminine disguise I was raped."

Norma, a late comer to the group, asked, "Who knows about this?"

"My wife, my doctor, Fred, and Mr. Hampton. I hate to cast aspersions on our boss but we had a meeting at a bar, Bob mistook me for a real woman and hit on me. My wife got pissed at his cocky, domineering Machismo attitude, she snuck a bottle of her birth control pills into his drink and told him it was extra strength estrogen. She led him to believe he would be growing a set of tits too. I thought it was funny and laughed at him. In retribution, he ordered me to work in drag and made me be Fred's secretary. You have to believe me, none of this is my idea."

A lady from the rear of the pack spoke up. "That sounds like Hampton, he's a total pig."

Naomi smiled and, as the woman who worked the closest with Hampton, she added to the conversation, "He rules this fiefdom as if he was an enlightened monarch, it would do him good to be taken down a peg or two."

The word RAPE had galvanized the woman.

They swarmed Steve and critiqued everything from his hairstyle to the polish on his fingertips. Each woman made constructive suggestions on how he could present as believable woman. The decision was unanimous. Desiree was becoming a woman, albeit not a very pretty one, but beauty is way over-rated anyway. Lilly spoke for the group, took Steve in her arms, and gave him a hug as she said, "Relax Desiree. We're going to support you. After all, imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery, it's the sincerest form of learning."

It was a consensus that all the gals in the office would help any way they could. Steve felt like doing a happy dance, removing the pressure at work would make his life a lot easier. His bus ride home was pure joy. For once, he was not dreading his nightly chores. He couldn't wait to tell Phyllis about his day.

@ @ @ @

Daisy was also in a happy place. At the dinner break, the girls gathered for their nightly gab secession, at what had been previously referred to as the witches' coven, which often became quite catty. BD (Before Daisy), the girls would divide into their various cliques. With fangs and claws out, they would viscously attack each other. Now the nightly cluster of girls was known as Daisy's round table. They would gather for a little gossip and friendship.

Daisy's acceptance was not universal by all the waitresses. Sara stormed off one night; claiming Daisy was driving her crazy. "Daisy with the hair twirling and constantly redoing your lipstick I just want to scream. You can take all this 'lady' crap and stuff it. I am a sissy and all I want to do is suck cock. Now I am leaving this nuthouse and moving in with my boyfriend."

Several other girls quit but the majority stayed and melded into a tight knit group of friends. The girls would gather around every night and just bond. The hierarchal cast system of gays, ex-whores, Sissy's, TVs and TGs had completely disappeared. It was now just a group of equals exchanging thoughts, suggestions, gossip, philosophies, and even sexual preferences and techniques.

The girls' shifting self-image also impacted upon the patron's conduct. The bar was no longer a 'freak show'. It was slowly evolving into a normal sports bar. Sure, the customers still got rowdy but now it was over some game, not a reenactment of a scene from 'Animal House.'

In fact, the club was beginning to get the reputation as a mantrap as large groups of single woman would frequently descend on the club during nights of major sporting events.

Tuesday afternoon, Ivan intercepted Daisy entering the bar. Ivan told her they were going to spend the afternoon outside, after confirming the time off with Phil, Ivan dragged Daisy off to his waiting chauffeur-driven Beamer. To Daisy's utter surprise, Ivan had them driven to the city zoo.

Daisy was standing intently watching the antics at the penguin exhibit. Ivan came up behind Daisy and wrapped his arms around his 'girlfriends' waist and snuggled up against her, deeply inhaling her enchanting perfume. Jack had to pretend that he didn't mind being held that way. But the pretending was getting easier all the time. It was a fun day spent wandering around the zoo holding hands.

Two nights later, Daisy had the night off from work. He had just finished his drinking/memory treatment with Linda. Jack always felt so relaxed after these sessions, kind of like he was floating in a cloud. But the treadmill sessions always brought him back to earth. Surprising how pain will do that to you. On the way to the treadmill, there was a knock on the door and Linda signaled for Daisy to answer it. It was Ivan and while standing in the doorway asked Daisy to dinner.

Even though he had already had his meager dinner, the opportunity to miss the degrading and painful trip on the treadmill was more than Jack could stand. In a flash, he jumped with glee and said "YES, I would love to!" Realizing his protocol mistake, Jack looked to Linda for permission and received a Cheshire cat smile and a head nod. Jack rushed off to his room for his purse, touched up his lipstick, and liberally doused himself with perfume.

Some minutes later, the couple was standing in line waiting for their table at a swank nightclub, Ivan stood admiring the object of his fascination. He slid up behind Daisy and gently stroked her hair, breathing in that heavenly aroma and nuzzled the nape of her neck. Jack loved what Ivan was doing but had to say something before he lost control of the situation. He just had to be careful how he said it. "Oh, stop that Ivan, it tickles."

Jack didn't expect what Ivan did next. Ivan spun Daisy around; his eyes were filled with lust and desire as he slowly closed the distance between their lips. In a reflexive move, Jack smiled at his date and reached up and put both hands behind Ivan's head. Ivan leaned in for a kiss. Jack met him with closed eyes and quivering lips and kissed him full on the mouth. Their tongues met passionately and then danced together, reminiscent of two experienced lovers. Jack playfully sucked on Ivan's tongue. Sighing, Jack broke the kiss. He felt his whole body tingle like it had been hit with lightning. He thought 'OMG, I kissed a man and I liked it'. Ivan continued to gently run his hands through his hair. Jack kept his hands firmly locked behind Ivan's head. Their eyes remained locked in a loving gaze.

Their name was called for seating and Jack reluctantly released Ivan's head but firmly grasped his hand. Jack was conflicted, he felt his emotions aroused like seldom before. He was losing control and it scared him. He didn't know what to do next. 'Act as if it was nothing out of the ordinary', he told himself. Stay calm, it was just a kiss between a couple out on a date.'

Jack remained attentive, before, during and after they ate. The rest of the evening Ivan was a little touchy-feely, dancing a couple of slow numbers. It was the little things he did, like sneaking up behind Jack and grabbing him around the waist, nuzzling his neck like he'd done earlier. It drove Jack crazy, but gave Daisy warm fuzzes all over. When Ivan dropped Daisy off after dinner, he grabbed her in a hug. Jack felt his body soften and molded itself to Ivan's masculine form. Jack anticipated another toe curling kiss but was disappointed when Ivan merely gave him a gentlemanly peck on the lips and said goodnight. A dejected Jack stood in his doorway; every emotion in his body called at him to run after Ivan and throw himself at him and play suck face. But Jack had too much pride to make a spectacle of himself. He reluctantly returned to his apartment.

Several nights later at the bar, Monday night football was on and Ivan invited Daisy to sit with him to watch the game. Jack took his usual spot on the couch, assuming that Ivan would sit at the far end, away from him. Ivan stood and dropped down on the couch right next to Daisy. The big Russian sat there for the next three hours. Sometimes he had his arm around Daisy, once he put his hand on Daisy's leg and stroked it absentmindedly as they watched the game. It should have made Jack's flesh crawl, but instead Daisy's tingled. Towards the end of the game, Ivan formally asked Daisy on another date. Jack knew he was to play hard to get, but Daisy simply squealed in delight and promptly said, "Yes, what do I wear and where are we going?"

Selection of just the right dress was difficult. It took Jack several days to settle on an elegant light lilac dress, provocatively short, backless and low cut. Jack took extra care on his nails, they were all glitzy. Jack had them painted in a gunmetal gray shade imbedded with sparkles that made his nails look like little disco balls. His hair was now long enough where it flowed gently over his bare shoulders and ended in a gentle upsweep.

As Jack was getting ready for his first formal date with Ivan, he still felt clumsy with his long acrylic nails. Jack's heart beat in anticipation as he selected a lacy little bra that supported well but concealed very little and then a pair of silk thong panties. He then slid them up and settled them over his smooth little cock. The best part was the way they teased his tight little rosebud. Next, Jack sat and applied purple eye shadow just past the wrong side of too much. Then came extra thick black eyeliner. Jack brushed his mascara up…up and up again onto his lashes. Even after all this time, Jack still had a tendency to flinch when the wand was next to his eye. But when he was fished he was delighted with the results. Fluttering his eyelashes Jack was reminded of a small bird flapping its wings. Finishing with a heavy coat of the very reddest lipstick in his arsenal then capping it all with a heavy coat of gloss.

Jack looked at himself in the mirror and literally drooled over the tantalizingly breathtaking woman staring back at him. He could scarcely believe it was him in the mirror. Embarrassingly, his little man tool reacted sufficiently so that the tip of its head sneaked a peak out the top of the panties. Readjusting his boy parts, Jack concealed the fleshy intruder. Jack then pushed a lose strand of blond hair behind his ear and moved his head slowly from side to side. The sparkling diamonds in his ear lobes glittered in the light. Very pretty, he thought to himself and smiled. The necklace was next and it lay in the valley between his oversized breasts. The addition of bangles on his wrists was just the right touch. Jack wanted more than ever to finish dressing. But realized he had another hour before his Russian teddy bear arrived. 'At least I can put on my perfume', thought Jack. Putting a little behind his ears, on his wrists and, as he smiled, then he put a generous amount between his breasts. The fragrance wafted up and had a strange effect on him. He enjoyed the wave of emotion and nostalgia that swept over him – 'that's the same brand Rose gotten him so many months before' thought Jack. Wrapping himself in his silk robe he settled down in the loveseat to wait. Within seconds Jack had dosed off for a quick catnap.

@ @ @ @

Knocking gently, Ivan entered, looking very sporty in his suit; Jack was spellbound and surprised at the words coming out of his mouth. "Ivan I want you. I've wanted you for a long time... Come to me now!" Ivan crossed the room and gently laid his hand on her cheeks as Jack put his hand over Ivan's lips. "No words are necessary." He whispered as he reached up to Ivan with warm moist lips. They were helpless as the passion swept over them. Jack pushed Ivan's jacket off his shoulders and it dropped to the floor. Jack stood there looking at Ivan with desire. He slowly unbuttoned his crisp white shirt. It landed with his coat and tie at their feet. Again their lips met. Ivan's touch ignited every nerve in Jack's body, he thought he would go off like a roman candle. He longed for Ivan's soft caresses. Without their lips parting Ivan bent down, slid the robe off Jack's shoulders and effortlessly took Jack in his arms and carried him to the bed. After what seemed like an eternity to both of them, he lay down beside her. Neither spoke, no words were necessary.

Their lips were seemingly permanently attached as Ivan's hands roamed over Daisy's entire body, lingering briefly between Daisy's legs. Jack shivered with anticipation as Ivan's hand touched his sensitive man clit. Jack quivered with excitement as Ivan lightly stroked him down there with his fingertips.

Jack was completely receptive to the stirrings inside him. Jack found his hand moving on its own, to Ivan's ridged member grasping it through his shorts. Jack in an almost unconscious action slowly stoked the ridged member. Jack could feel Ivan's passion as if he were connected by an electrical cord. "Ahhh" a gentle moan escaped. It seemed to encourage Ivan. He shifted his position so he could reach Jack's breast with his warm hot lips. He covered one sensitive nipple and gently pulled on it with his lips, caressing it with his tongue. Jack's heart raced and his desire built until he thought he would scream. Jack felt something building inside him. Jack's excitement grew and grew, just as he was about to reach the level of release.

Jack's head slipped off the back of the chair. With a sigh of relief, Jack realized he had fallen asleep and had a bad dream, well 'bad' is probably not the right word. He was beginning to question his resolve to bring down Ivan. This Russian is not the evil person the government said he was. Can I go through with this wondered Jack? Would a lecherous life of feminine luxury really be that bad?

A thoroughly confused and disheartened Jack sat there. A depression settled in so severe that not even chocolate could help it. Then, noticing the time, Jack stood and finished dressing. He wore a black strapless tutu dress with a silver top, a pair if outrageous 6 inch black heels decorated with rhinestones. A pair of nylon opera gloves topped with a black satin choker. Jack spent several moments primping in front of the mirror.

Linda smiled at her roommate standing at the mirror adjusting her hair for the tenth time and said, "My, my we have become quite the narcissist haven't we? A penny for your thoughts."

Blushing, Jack turned to Linda and said, "Ivan is taking me back to his boat for a dinner party. I am scared and a little nervous. I just wanted to make sure I looked good."

Linda what do you think of the new diamond earrings and the delicate gold serpentine necklace? Am I gilding the lily and going overboard? Please Linda, as a professional woman, tell me what you think?"

"Daisy, I am not sure that I like being called a professional woman, that could be interpreted a number of ways. But putting that issue aside where did the diamonds and necklace come from?"

"Oh, they are a present from Ivan as are these rings he proudly displayed on his slender fingers. They were delivered by courier earlier today. He can really be considerate at times."

"Daisy, are you developing a 'man crush on Ivan? Girlfriend, do not allow your emotions to cloud your judgment. You can't be looking at him through 'Rose colored glasses'! Daisy it is all right to fall in love with the concept of love but never with a man. That allows him to have power over you."

Jack slung his purse over his shoulder and said goodnight to Linda with a series of small butterfly kisses on the cheek.

As he got to the door Linda said, "Daisy, please be careful, remember what happened last time you got on that yacht."

Suddenly apprehensive, Daisy stopped and said, "Linda, I am not sure I can do this again so soon."

"Daisy, this chance might never come again. We have an opportunity to get at this guy; let's not blow this just because you are getting the hots for Ivan."

"That's true, I guess." Jack said. After a few moments of acquired silence, he looked over at Linda. He could see tears welling up in her eyes.

"Linda is everything okay? Tell me what's wrong?"

Linda shook her head. "No. No, it's okay. Sometime I will need to talk about it, but not now. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such a downer. I can't imagine what you must be going through. But I have trained you well. If a problem develops, don't over think it just rely on your conditioning. Now go or you will be late. Goodnight Daisy, I'll wait up for you, my perfumed princess."

Linda followed Daisy to the door and, as Daisy stood in the hallway, Linda said, "I love you" and then pulled the door closed. An amazed Jack climbed into the limo and slid in next to Ivan. He sat looking at himself in the hand mirror as his hand smoothed the soft knit material at his thigh. He was beginning to feel so comfortable dressing this way; he liked the way he looked. If only he knew what Ivan's plans for him were? 'Be careful,' he told himself, 'you're getting in deep.'

"A ruble for your thoughts?" Ivan said smiling at his small joke.

Jack giggled at the similarity between Ivan's and Linda's comments. "I was just daydreaming. It's so nice to be outside, on such a beautiful night."

"You seem so much more relaxed and happy lately, it's nice." Ivan said softly.

"Well my Russian bear, it has taken me some time to adjust to your last surprise. Now tell me again, tonight is just a dinner party, no more unannounced trips to Mexico. Please."

Her uncharacteristic kindness caught him off guard. Ivan turned and studied her face as they drove.

"As I stated before, it's only going to be my old partner and his wife, plus a few of our business associates and their wives and girlfriends. So there's nothing to worry about."

They were bringing wives and girlfriends? Jack decided maybe that wouldn't be so bad. At least there wouldn't be anyone there trying to hit on him, not with their wives there.

"I guess that doesn't sound so bad. Just a little dinner party, no boat ride this time, you promise!"

Upon reaching the yacht Jack again went through the rigorous security inspection. This time he had nothing to hide. Jack did note that again his rectum appeared to escape scrutiny. During the cocktail hour Jack attempted to mingle with the guests. He found the women to be antagonistic and ill-mannered. The men stared obscenely at his chest and never even looked Daisy in the eye. Several of the women were openly rude; one even had the audacity to ask how much an hour Daisy charged.

Jack returned the question with a long stony stare.

The woman boorishly asked again, "Well how much?"

Jack responded, "Are you asking as a competitor or a customer?"

Turning his back Jack wiggled his ass at the offensive women, looking over his shoulder, Jack licked his lips and seductively said "I will be conducting auditions in the bathroom for the next few minutes if you are truly interested."

Looking at the women's companions Jack loudly pronounced, "Group rates are available for a limited time only." Then Jack blew them all a mocking kiss.

Jack wandered through the ship, but was stopped by a crewman every time he tried to get below decks to Ivan's bedroom.

During the evening's events, Ivan was very affectionate and the couple danced a few times. Jack felt very secure wrapped in his big strong arms as Ivan snuggled into the nape of his neck and incessantly nibbled on Daisy's neck and earlobes.

On the ride home, Jack held Ivan's hand. Before exiting the car, Daisy took the initiative and kissed Ivan, this time aggressively using his tongue. The couple sat there and necked for a good 10 minutes before Ivan said he had to get back to his guests.

A flushed Jack, with smeared lipstick entered the apartment. Linda fully debriefed Daisy on everything that happened.

Jack's comment was "I barely escaped with my virtue intact."

Then he recalled every detail of his experience on the boat but neglected to discuss the car ride home or the goodnight kiss. Describing the dancing, Jack explained how he felt magical swaying in Ivan's arms, with tingles running down his spine from Ivan's nibbling kisses.

It was now that Linda began to view Ivan not only as a suspect but also as a rival for Daisy's emotions.

As the two cuddled in bed waiting for sleep, Jack happily sucked on his Vodka dipped dildo. Linda again grilled Daisy on her memories. Linda, introduced a new memory, 'How Jack had always dreamt of being married wearing a tight fitting leather gown.' Jack scoffed at the idea. "Leather my ass," said Jack; "If Daisy gets married it will be in satin and lace."

A satisfied Linda let that comment go and the two slept in a cocoon of soft silk and wrapped in each other's arms.

@ @ @ @

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