Patriot Games - Chapter 14 - Rose Goes Dancing


This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist.

Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual encounter.

This story has been previously posted on other sites. It is being posted here with a strong rewrite; some new chapters have been added. I had my BFF Monica Rose edit the material so it should be more readable. Marina

Marina: [email protected]

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Chapter 14 - Rose Goes Dancing

Sex is the elixir of life. It is like air! It is not important unless you aren't getting any.

It had been a tempestuous tough few weeks for poor Jack; he started the next morning doing yoga exercises. Half way through his morning routine, an excited Jack called Rose over, "Watch this sweetheart. All the flexibility training has paid off!"

Rose untangled herself from the full lotus position and watched as Jack lowered himself to his mat and for the first time in his life he did the splits. Rose was astonished and leapt on her husband and covered him with congratulatory hugs and kisses. They rolled around on the smelly mats for a few minutes just enjoying the playfulness of the moment.

As Jack dressed for work; Rose introduced several new clothing items, a Maidenform Racerback Padded Bralette and matching panty.

Jack flatly refused to put them on for work.

"Damn it Rose, I am still a man! The panty is one thing but a bra is just too much."

Laughing, Rose responded, "My little turtle dove you're being a real ditz this morning. You may have male DNA but that is the only thing that is masculine about you. Look at it like the Y in your chromosomes is on vacation for this operation, you're a lot closer to XX than XY. Just look at yourself. Your toenails are polished a beautiful coral pink, your torso is hairless and your fingernails are manicured and lacquered. And to top it all off, your hair is long enough to put in a ponytail. My darling husband, you daily wear a corset and nylons to work in addition to pretty panties. You need to let go and accept the inevitable. You haven't lost that much weight, but your diet and herbs have done a marvelous job of redistributing your body fat. Why does a bra insult your manhood? With a little makeup, I bet you could easily pass as a woman. You need to become accustomed to wearing a bra so you won't fidget like you do all weekend."

Jack eventually gave in to his assertive wife and donned the aforementioned items. Being on a roll, Rose decided now was the time to switch out his clear chap stick, for a colored one, labeled as 'Cherry Lip balm', a very inconsequential change, or so thought Jack.

Rose informed Jack that the goal for this week was to have him cross the room, elegantly sit and nonchalantly cross his legs gracefully at the thigh. The target was to make it appear that he had been doing this his whole life. With a little effort Jack's found that thanks to his new flexibility he could cross his legs; curl the top leg around so he could tuck his foot behind the opposite calf. Jack painfully discovered the most comfortable way to accomplish this was to push his man marbles up inside his body cavity using his panties to hold them in place.

About noon, Rose headed to Jack's office with an important tidbit of news concerning her dinner plans. As Rose approached Jack's office, she stumbled on two of the secretaries with their ears pressed to his door. Rose reprimanded the girls for snooping.

In defense, they explained, "It sounds like Mr. Sokolov has a woman in there, we were just curious."

Rose chastised the woman for being busybodies and announced, "Now get back to your desks! I guess I'll just drop in and see what kind of mischief my husband is up to."

Standing at the door, Rose could hear the very distinctive clickety-clack of high heels. Opening the door without knocking, Rose found her husband pacing back and forth in front of his desk, totally engrossed in a glamour magazine. A close examination of his face resulted in a reprimand for not refreshing his lip balm, "We want to keep your lips soft and kissable don't we?"

As a punishment for this transgression, Rose reached into her purse and produced a pair of tweezers and went to work on Jack's brows.

Jack whined, "Oh, please not again!"

"Jack you know the rules, you broke them and must now accept the consequences."

Jack winced but refrained from further comment, and accepted his punishment.

Eventually, Jack spoke up, "Rose, stop that this instant. Tell me what's going on?"

"Oh, Mike has asked me out for dinner. He has a proposition he wants to discuss with me. I won't be home until late. Wait up for me. We possibly will need to have a talk."

"Oh, damn not Mike again!" cursed Jack.

"Jack, watch your language! After all, Mike is our boss; you should respect him as such."

Jack fumed inside but could only accept his rebuff and he expressed his regrets grudgingly.

That night, as Jack was leaving the office, he rode down in the elevator with Laurie, a secretary, whom Jack had known for years. Much to his uneasiness, she was closely scrutinized his face, and commented, "Mr. Sokolov, I don't want to be rude but your eyebrows are different almost pretty."

Jack recoiled at her choice of words and turned to face away from the young woman.

Laurie affectionately touched his arm. "I'm sorry Mr. Sokolov I wasn't trying to offend you. It was intended as a compliment, pretty was the wrong word, they do give you a very smart GQ unisex kind of look."

"Thanks Laurie. I'm trying to clean up my act and dress nicer and take care of myself a little. You really like the look?"

"Yes Sir. I think it works for you, no offense; but I never thought the Brook Shield unibrow look was good for anyone."

A mortified Jack drove home. Jack spent the time thinking about his marriage. He felt the warmth between them slipping through his fingers like a handful of sand. Jack drove somberly trying to decide what to do. He decided to impress Rose by embellishing his dress and makeup. Maybe that would rejuvenate some of the old romance between them. What would it cost, a little more masculine dignity? No real loss.

Jack made a conscious decision to go all out and be glamorous for his wife. Jack stopped at a local strip mall and eventually garnered his nerve to enter the intimates section of a bridal store. He purchased a pair of seamed, Cuban heeled nylons, a virgin white baby doll nightgown covered in bows and lace, two flamboyant crystal cocktail rings, with matching clip-on earrings.

At home, he robotically went through his nightly routine. Then he spent an inordinate amount of effort getting all gussied up for his wife's return. After struggling to get his white waist cincher corset as tight as he could, Jack moved to the vanity to apply his makeup. He started with the pesky false eyelashes, then the damn liquid eyeliner. He managed to get a thin line under each eye. On the upper eyes he applied it a little thicker and extended it a hint past the end of his eyes in an upward sweep. For the eyelids, he decided to go with cool blues and silver blending them together. Next were numerous layers of vibrant metallic blue mascara. Then to finish, Jack selected a long lasting frosty pink lipstick with shades of gold, followed by several applications of shimmering lip gloss.

Jack slid his new nylons up his freshly shaved legs and attached them to his corset. It was after 10 PM when Rose arrived home. Hearing her arrival, Jack dimmed the lights and took his position, posing as seductively as he could and waited next to the bed in his decked out in his new tease-to-please virgin white baby doll teddy, ruffled rumba panties and accessorized with his glamorous Cuban heeled nylons, mules, finger rings and long crystal earrings dangling gracefully from his ears. Wearing a generous amount of perfume, Jack watched intently as Rose started doffing her clothes to see if she was wearing underwear. A very drunk Rose staggered toward the bed.

Once down to the bare necessities she turned toward the bed and spotted her glamorous husband. Her eyes became round saucers in surprise, "Wow what have you done with my husband? You wanton hussy, your legs look magnificent in those stockings. You are stunning in that outfit." Jack did a little twirl wiggling his panty covered butt for effect. He then fluttered his heavily massacred eyelashes at Rose. Putting on his best cute little innocent look he flirtatiously asked, "Oh Rose, do you really think so?"

Rose stood there with a lecherous smile on her face and a gleam in her eyes. With no hint of sarcasm or insincerity she explained, "Yes sweetheart, your sultry ass makes my heart flutter and causes my pussy to leak." Rose staggered forward and tried to grab her husband, but she tripped and fell onto the bed.

Jack was pissed that her drunken state had potentially ruined a romantic opportunity. He started to chastise his wife about her drinking.

Rose stopped him with, "Shut up! Stop with the melodramatics and don't be such an Old Maid. You have always known I enjoying pulling a cork every now and then. If you are done with the hissy fit, let me give you the big news. Mike took me to a romantic supper club. We drank and danced all night. Boy he is a great dancer; he swept me off my feet."

A somber Jack brooded and listened intently to her every word trying to read between the lines.

Finally Rose dropped a real bomb; "Honey, Mike propositioned me tonight!"

Pausing for dramatic effect she went on, "He offered me a big promotion. He hinted at a vice-presidency but didn't come right out and say it. It will mean more money but will require a great deal of overtime, meaning late evenings and occasional overnights."

Jack's emotions were in turmoil, "Is that the only proposition he made?"

"Oh, heavens no, this is Mike. He again asked if I wanted to share his bed."

Jack knitted his brows in uneasiness and began to perspire profusely. His stomach revolted and he could feel the bile begin to erupt. He was suddenly weak in the knees and asked, "What did you tell him Rose?"

Grinning mischievously, Rose related, "I told him I will have to think it over. Daisy's feminine allure is quite strong; you've come a long way in a short time."

Jack waited for the BUT. It came in a much sweeter way than he expected. "I'm not sure I can abandon your training right now. We're at a critical stage, there is so much more we need to accomplish. Don't you agree?"

"Oh, there is so much more I need to learn. Please don't leave me!"

"Don't be silly darling. I'm not going anywhere." Rose dragged Jack onto bed and once she got up close marveled at his makeup. "My Lord you are gorgeous this evening. I'm so proud of you! I do believe Daisy is becoming comfortable in her femininity!"

Rose felt something unclench around her heart, she so loved this beautiful man, but the mission required her to forgo any sexual gratification for the moment.

Jack reached for his wife. Feigning fatigue, she rejected his overtures of sex. Rolling away from him, she sadly thought about what she was doing to her husband and her marriage.

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Some nights in bed, Rose was ravenous and insatiable concerning Jack's oral ministrations to her pussy. Jack drank and slurped her nectar, night after night with not a single thank you. At least he had the satisfaction of a job well done in a satiated wife. On those nights Jack almost could understand his plight. On other nights, Rose projected an air of total indifference despite Jack's best efforts. At those times, Jack was at a lost to interpret what was going on in her head.

Jack was overwhelmed with a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. Unable to discern a predictable pattern to her mood swings, Jack was left with no alternative but to accept things as they are. Jack discovered he was taking nothing but cold showers. His own sexual frustrations grew to monstrous levels. Jack would often sneak off to the bathroom at work to relieve his pent up tensions. This was becoming so common Jack was developing carpal tunnel syndrome in his right hand.

Jack was reluctant to relieve himself at home on the off chance Rose might want him to perform. If he was unable, the consequences could be disastrous. He found that at home the only way to release steam was through physical activity. So Jack's solution was exercising, in his free time he did extra aerobics followed by practicing his housewife walk focusing on his posture, and most difficult of all, how to gracefully navigate stairs in a skirt and heels.

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Saturday afternoon, Rose was off with some of her cronies, handing Jack his laundry list of housekeeping chores. Surprisingly enough, laundry dominated the list. Jack soon became bored. Rose had planned to be gone all afternoon with who she said were her girlfriends. Jack took the opportunity to sneak into their bathroom and use Rose's moisturizing cream to masturbate, visualizing making love to Rose.

Feeling guilty and still bored, Jack decided to do something constructive. He borrowed Rose's tight grey pencil skirt, light white blouse, and a black shoulder bag for his exercise routine. He started in the laundry room to check on the washing, went through the living room, down the stairs to the basement, a lap around the family room and up to the kitchen, to the laundry room and then back again. Jack found that after 30 round trips, his legs were near exhaustion, which explained why he failed to hear Rose's car pull into the driveway.

Rose had left the front door unlocked so she silently opened it catching Jack at his impromptu session. Rose stood at the front door with a smirk on her face and watched Jack swinging his hips, one hand holding his purse strap the other hand resting on his hip with the fingers spread. He was gliding across the room in a manor suggestive of a streetwalker plying her trade.

Rose watched as he paused in front of a mirror, took out his lipstick ran another coat over his lips and patted a stray hair back into place. Then to Rose's utter amazement Jack puckered his lips and blew a kiss to his refection in the mirror. Unable to contain herself any longer, Rose let out an ecstatic "Whoops, I must be in the wrong house. OMG, Daisy you are such a tart!" Pulling a bill from her purse, Rose waved it at Jack and said, "Come here bitch and give me a kiss."

Jack strolled across the room swinging his hips in an exaggerated fashion, paused, run his hand through his hair. He whipped his long mane across his shoulder then turned and faced Rose with an oh-so-sexy lip bite. Rose almost swooned at Daisy's stripper impersonation. After pocketing the money, Jack puckered up and laid a big wet sloppy kiss on his wife.

In her merriment, Rose failed to comprehend the purpose behind the extra physical activity, mistaking it for enthusiasm and not for the desperation it actually was. A thoroughly mortified Jack spent the next 10 minutes stammering incoherent apologies and explanations.

An amused Rose merely chastised Jack for his choice in wardrobe. "Jack, you can use our clothes all you want. Even a working girl, needs to learn to be careful in selecting a wardrobe. I can see your bra through your blouse. Never wear black lingerie under white. Now go change your skivvies, while I pour us a drink. I will watch the floor show until it's time for you to cook dinner."

As the couple got into bed that night, Rose uncharacteristically hugged her husband and whispered into his ear, "Daisy, you do realize what a fantastic 'symbiotic relationship' we share? You give me what I need to be happy and I think I am providing your soul the feminine nourishment it has always needed."

Crawling into bed, she cuddled her husband and said, "This lesbian love thing can become habit forming. What do you think?"

"Rose, I am not a lesbian! I'm your husband playing dress up. Having your husband in a nightgown and makeup, is that all you really need to make you happy?"

"No dear, that is not all I need but it is a good start."

Then without another word she merely spread her legs, and pushed his head down to her crotch.

Sunday, Rose tiptoed into the bedroom only to find her husband lost in thought, staring at his reflection mirror. Jack felt sheepish at getting caught two days in a row doing such feminism acts and managed to produce a blush so deep he turned red from his toes to his ears. He stuttered out an explanation.

Rose didn't believe a human could turn that dark a shade of red. She displayed a devious smile, said nothing and simply retreated to the kitchen.

Chasing after Rose, Jack found her at the liquor cabinet pouring two stiff drinks. Handing one to a flustered Jack, she leaned back into the cabinet and waited.

"Please understand sweetheart, I am doing this because you want me to. It's not like I enjoy it or anything."

An amused Rose stared at her husband for several tension filled minutes, and then shrugged her shoulders as if Jack's sophomoric argument had won her over. The gesture said nothing and everything.

Rose took her glass and tapped Jack's and said proudly, "My dear husband, stand up straight and be proud of what you have accomplished. Do you realize that in four short weeks your appearance and mannerisms have become those of an attractive alluring woman? As to the issue of you enjoying it, say what you will. Just remember that denial is not a river in Egypt. That very unladylike bulge in your panties tells me all there is to know. I don't understand why you refuse to admit that you are enjoying the soft side of your personality. I know I love it. Now drink up, refresh your lipstick, put on some more mascara and eye shadow, and meet me in the bedroom. I am feeling a need for some of your sweet loving. I think it's about time we rewarded your little man for all his sacrifices."

Monday started off with the ritual aerobics exercises, followed by a breakfast that wouldn't keep a bird alive. As Jack dressed for work, he found Rose had replaced all his undershirts with white lace camisoles. He started to complain, but had learned the futility of such arguments by now. It was easier to go with the flow.

Wearing his padded bra and camisole, the two entered the elevator at work. Rose smiled as the lacy top to his new underwear was apparent through his white shirt as were the ever so small two bulges in the front of his shirt. On the ride up, Rose rested her hand on Jack's shoulder. She absentmindedly played with his bra strap, much to the amusement of the two secretaries sharing the elevator. Who exchanged knowing smiles with each other.

As the door opened on their floor Rose leaned in and kissed his ear and pinched Jack's ass and softly exclaimed, "Sweetie, you are looking particularly alluring this morning. Still you really should think about getting those cute little ears of yours pierced. We could stop on the way home. Drop by my office later and let me know what you decide." The comment from Rose earned her a bright red blush from her husband and muffled giggles from the two secretaries.

As Rose exited the elevator one of the ladies asked, "Excuse me Ms. Sokolov. Can I ask you a question? It's a bit personal so please don't get upset with me."

An exasperated Rose turned and faced the young lady who she recognized as working in the marketing department. "It's Florence isn't it? You may ask me anything. I'm not promising to answer it, but you're free to ask."

Florence blushed and shuffled her feet, "Ma'am when did your husband decide to come out of the closet? He is all we talk about around the break area."

Rose stepped almost nose to nose with the gossiping woman. Looking down she saw the woman was wearing a wedding ring. "Florence, for your information Jack did not come out of the proverbial closet, quite the opposite he has recently discovered my closet. We have a marriage where we share everything. If Jack wants to wear my clothes he is more than welcome. He is just tired of suppressing his feminine tendencies. Do you have a problem with that?"

Turning on the offensive, Rose asked, "Let me ask you; is your husband man enough to wear a bra to work?"

"No, of course not! He's not gay!"

"Jack's not gay either. He is merely secure enough in his manhood to express his girlie side. I'm secure enough in our marriage to let him. If I ever hear another homophobic comment from you, you'll be fired for cause. Am I making myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it. All of us girls think your husband is a stand up guy and I was only asking; thinking maybe we could help him. My brother is gay...well never mind."

Rose headed for her office smug in the thought things were working out perfectly, she knew the news that Jack liked to wear her clothes would be spread throughout the office by lunch.

"Nobody dies from lack of sex...Rather we perish from a lack of love."

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