Patriot Games - Chapter 44 - Aftermath for a Domme

Chapter 44 - Aftermath for a Domme

It had been a full week since Daisy had departed from Linda, leaving an agonizing, gaping hole in the dominatrix's life. She struggled to fill it with anything, but alas was currently in the depression stage of loss. Therefore, the knock on her door was both unexpected and welcome, and she hurried to answer it, sure that Daisy had come back.

The woman waiting outside was not one that Linda recognized, but was well dressed in a blue suit and skirt with a modest build and wearing sun glasses. She had rich ebony tresses that fell to the middle of her back and carried a black purse on her shoulder.

"Linda? Linda Boreman?" her voice was rich and thick, like caramel, yet controlled and professional. It held the confidence of a person accustomed to getting their way.

"Yes, I am Linda Boreman, and you are?" Linda could smell the money on the woman, it was in the way she moved, spoke and in the conservative suit. Enough to show professional confidence but not so conservative as to suggest that she was uncomfortable with her body.

"Alice will suffice. I have heard you run a business for punishing spouses."

Linda switched into business mode; this was just what she needed to get her mind off Daisy! Punishing some arrogant, macho male would do much to burn through her anger and despair.

"Not to put too fine a point on it but, yes. Though I prefer to think of it as rehabilitation" Linda gave a shark-like smile, "would you come in?"

Alice entered and glanced around the house.

"You've done well for yourself I see, this work pays well?"

Linda gave a cautious shrug, "Well enough: I don't worry about where my next meal is coming from if that's what you mean"

The pair entered into the dining room, where Alice took s seat.


"If you would, it may help my tale a little."

Linda gave a sympathetic nod and retrieved two glasses and filled them with white wine. She returned from the kitchen and set them upon table and her attractive new friend sipped away at the wine for a few minutes.

"Take your time," Linda urged, "Tell me everything you remember." Linda had also produced a pad of paper and a black ink pen from somewhere to take notes.

"It began a while ago, i was not the best spouse," Alice admitted, "Maybe I was a bit angry and selfish...but…" The dark haired woman looked at her wine glass intently.

"Go on" Linda urged, "There is nothing wrong with being angry, it's healthy. And everyone's a little selfish too."

"Maybe...but then I was...punished. They made me do such terrible things." Alice dabbed her eyes.

"They?" probed Linda,

"My spouse."

"And what is his name?" Linda scribbled furiously, "What did they make you do?"

"...I was forced to have sex with others and...and...then we went to Acapulco."

Linda's writing slowed.

"And...they left me there...without any money. Without my passport"

The dominatrix felt an icy cold ball in her gut and she looked back up at the beauty before her, who smiled and sipped her wine.

"Hello Linda."

"David," she hissed.

Her ex-husband smiled wider and took another sip of wine, showing the dominatrix just how unconcerned she was.

"It's Alice. As in Alice in Wonderland. Heard of it?" she chuckled while Linda felt herself terribly off balance, but tried to regain control of the situation.

"So I see that my training took with you! Are you still packing downstairs?" she taunted, but the words didn't seem to affect the other woman who simply laughed.

"Is that the best in your arsenal? I can't imagine how you have struck fear into so many men and ruined so many marriages with a repertoire like that." Then she took a final sip of the wine and pushed it away, "As for your question, I am as complete a woman as surgery can allow. It was my husband's gift to me last year."

Linda's retort didn't die as much as it was mangled and came out a squeaking: "Husband!?"

"Yes, husband. You know, a man who loves you? Oh sorry, of course you wouldn't know that. My apologies."

The dominatrix's face twisted into a snarl while Alice leaned back, smiling wickedly, "I'm sorry, did I touch a nerve?"

It took all her willpower not to lunge across the table at her ex-husband.

"Why are you here David." snarled Linda, "Revenge?"

"At first," Alice responded, "And the name is Alice, but...I see there is no need. You've done a good enough job for me"

Linda was taken back at the statement, and felt a burst of confidence.

"Oh?" she sneered, "You're the sissy faggot married to a real man and I have all your money. I have a successful job and the power to do and have whatever I want. That is your revenge?" she laughed and threw back her wine, a look of savage mirth filling her face.

"Admit it, you're just as fucking balless as you always were. You have nothing, I have everything and you can't accept that!"

Yet...the smug smirk that her feminized ex-husband wore didn't decrease in the slightest, in fact grew and grew with each bold claim.

"Oh? Is that so? Well, I’ll certainly admit: you have a job, and power and my money...oh yes," she leaned forward, knit her fingers and rested her chin on them, staring into the eyes of her ex.

"But I have one thing you'll never. Ever. Have. Love."

Linda's smile melted from her face.

"Oh yes. My husband is quite taken with me. Love and lust are a wonderful combination; the kind of thing no amount of money can buy. The emotional security that follows you when the freshness of youth is gone."

Linda's face was sour, "And how do you know? I just so happen to have a sexy, feminized creature waiting for me!" A lie, but Linda still held out hope that she could get Daisy back.

"Oh? Oh!" recognition swept over Alice, "You mean Daisy."

Linda's heart nearly stopped.

"How did you-" the dominatrix sputtered in shock.

"Oh come now!" mocked Alice with a jubilant laugh, "You truly believe that you are the only one that HLS has on retainer? Such arrogance. How do you think I found you in the first place? You over stepped your boundaries and they quickly realized you're a loose cannon; unstable and dangerous. That's how I found you...they're probably hoping that I would be overcome with rage and remove this embarrassment from their side. You needn't worry though...I’m past that."

The feminizing dominatrix didn't know whether to be relieved or insulted.

"Well see you Cinderella, my man is waiting for me," she turned and walked towards the door, but Linda refused to have her have the last word.

"CINDERELLA!?" spat an insulted Linda,

"Oh yes. Cinderella indeed," Alice gave the woman a once over with a critical eye, "Because it only makes sense. I'm the Alice you sent to wonderland, a scary but exciting place. But you? You have been living your dream world, your fantasy ever since."

Alice's look turned twisted and dark,

"But news flash princess, midnight is coming but fast and your princess charming just left you and your glass slipper. That's why I won't kill you...I’m going to let you see how your life plays out: alone and angry at the world. With all your money, all your victims...but not one solitary person who loves you."

Linda lashed out with her ace.

"Fuck you, you sadistic piece of shit! How dare you stand there sermonizing, when you beat me, hospitalized me and fucking raped me! You're no better than me you rapist slime!"

Alice, for her part frowned slightly and Linda felt a grim satisfaction at wiping that smug, self-superior smirk off her face.

"You're right. I did...but we are nothing alike. I was a terrible person, yes...but i never lied about why i was doing what I did. I was satisfying myself, nothing more. You have deluded yourself into thinking you're somehow doing the world a favor...All so you don't have to face the ugly truth."

She stepped over to Linda, her eyes burning with an intensity.

"You're a sadist. You enjoy hurting people, torturing them, mutilating their minds, bodies and spirits. You get off on causing pain and misery around you and use me as your justification why. But the cold truth is that you were always ugly inside, I just let the beast out."

Alice stepped back, her expression turning pitying and Linda found that she hated the feeling of being under that gaze.

"But I changed; I suffered for my crimes and I learned how to be someone better. Someone took my broken spirit and soul and mended me, taught me to be a better person," the feminized male shook her head.

"But you? You never will. You enjoy hurting people too much, torturing them, twisting them. You enjoy all the suffering you inflict too much to dare to allow yourself to be put into a position to be hurt. You're a classic sociopath; you don't even realize other people have emotions or goals or dreams. All you see is how people can better you, not how you can better them."

Linda's blood boiled as her gorgeous ex stepped away and opened the door to let herself out.

"Thank you for the wine, Linda and you enjoy yourself." the woman shot a glance over her shoulder, "But remember...midnight is coming and when it does, your stagecoach will turn right back into a pumpkin."

She turned and walked out the door, calling behind her; "If you need me, I'll be in Wonderland."

Linda screamed and slammed the door behind the infuriating transsexual, cracking the frame slightly.

That horrid bitch! That abusive...piece of shit! She, no IT was wrong! Daisy would come back; she had to! Linda MADE Daisy into what she was, no one else! Daisy loved her and would definitely come back! She had to! That wife of hers threw her away like so much trash, Daisy would definitely come back when she saw what a mistake she made.

Linda heard the sound of a car door opening and closing, and her ex-husband, her first victim, pulled away.

Daisy had to come back...she just had to...she would certainly come back.



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