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This is a fictional chronicle of a normal hardworking guy named Jack. The federal government made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All they asked was for Jack to go undercover to help the U.S. Government ensnare a terrorist.
Any resemblance of the characters depicted in the story to actual individuals is coincidental. All events are the sole responsibility of the author. None of the scenes in this story depict minors engaged in any sexual encounter.
This story has been previously posted on other sites. It is being posted here with a strong rewrite; some new chapters have been added. I had my BFF Monica Rose edit the material so it should be more readable. Marina
Marina: [email protected]
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Chapter 12 - Regrets
Rose decided to take a walk in a local park over lunch; she needed time alone to think. She immediately came to the realization that, due to her lack of opportunity/qualifications she was using Jack as her surrogate to be the hero that the rest of her family was. She loved him for that; he truly was her knight in shining armor. She chuckled to herself and became a bit aroused as she thought of his armor being made of layers of silk and lace, rather than metal chain-mail.
She thought about her actions of that evening, overwhelmed with regret. Her tears flowed freely and she thought that her heart would break. Changing the body and nature of someone she loved to fit her own desires, probably was a tad narcissist, but it was also for the greater good of the country. After all, the ends do justify the means. Her only hope was that Jack loved her enough to get through the next phase of his training, where there would be more carrot than stick.
There was no question she had crossed the line that night. Between her Irish temper, menstrual cramps and copious amounts of booze she had consumed; the results were predicable. She had simply lost it. She agonized over what she had done to Jack so far and what she must continue to do according to the government's plans. Her natural inclination was to be dominating, but now she realized she might have crossed over to the dark side and become a dominatrix toward her husband. A feminized Jack would be the culmination to all her fantasies; however she was beginning to grasp Jack did not share the same point of view. He is currently going along with her demands simply to get along. There was no real commitment on his part. She decided she would have to ease up on her treatment or risk losing her soulmate. God she hated that cliché, but there was no other word that described how she felt about Jack.
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During the morning, Jack stood next to his desk making cold calls trying to dig up new business. He still could not sit down comfortably. Between calls, he thought about his situation with Rose. He had always felt grateful that a woman like Rose would love a man like him. He wasn't rich or good-looking so having a powerful, smart, gorgeous woman as his wife made him feel he had won the lottery. For the first time, he found himself questioning her love. As a contingency plan, he took the time to examine his personal finances to see if he could live alone without Rose. He did an online search for cheap one-bedroom apartments near work. He didn't want to leave Rose. He wanted their marriage to work out, but he wasn't going to live where he wasn't appreciated and loved either.
During the lunch break, Jack wandered down to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. He had stopped asking the girls in the office to fetch him coffee, feeling if it wasn't in their job description, he wasn't going to demean them into being maids. He stood in line waiting to pay, when he watched Phil, one of his salesmen, casually pinch the ass of a woman standing in front of him.
He flinched and reached for his bruised derrière as the young woman jumped in surprise and turned to face her assailant, Jack expected a verbal encounter at the very least. But seeing who it was, she meekly turned her back on Phil and paid her bill. Jack had witnessed things of this nature before, but this time he wasn't going to just let it pass. He stepped out of line and said "Phil, may I have a word with you?"
"Sure boss what is it?"
"I saw what you did to Sally and I don't approve."
"It was nothing, she didn't say anything."
"I don't care; I won't stand for women being treated with disrespect."
"What are you going to do about it? You won't fire me; I have been your best salesman six months running."
"You're right, I can't fire you! The moment you put your hands on the woman you no longer had a job. You have 15 minutes to clear out your desk, now get out of my sight before I have security throw you out!"
On the way out of the cafeteria, Phil's best friend walked with him. "What got into Mr. Sokolov?"
"I don't know Jim maybe he was upset because I didn't pinch his sissy ass, but I'm out of here. Let the asshole explain my absence to Mr. Bixby, the big boss will be plenty pissed when he finds out I've been canned."
Sally sought out Jack and thanked him for what he did. "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Sokolov. I appreciate what you did; but that kind of thing goes on all the time it can't be the first time you have witnessed harassment like that. What's changed?"
Jack shuffled uncomfortably, "I don't know Sally. I guess I just have a new perspective on things now. I promise I will never let sexual harassment happen in my presence again."
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At quitting time, Rose walked through the lobby on her way to meet Jack, who was waiting for her at their car. On the way through the lobby, she was approached by a stranger, a husky woman reeking of cheap perfume. Rose tried to brush her off but she was insistent and stepped directly into her path, "Mrs. Sokolov I need to talk to you in private, right now, it's really important."
Rose glared at the annoying person, with long blonde hair who was wearing way too much makeup and a ruffled chiffon skirt, and thought, 'There's something familiar about her, I just can't place it at the moment.' Sad she had forgotten a past acquaintance, so Rose was forced to inquire, "I'm sorry, I can't place you, have we met before?"
The woman chuckled, sadly it seemed, and said, "We have met previously, several times actually. I'm not surprised you don't recognize me. Last time, I didn't look anything like I do now. I've been going through some unplanned changes."
Rose stared at her oversized breasts and assumed she must have had some kind of cosmetic surgery to alter her appearance.
The strange woman looked around at the throngs of people passing within earshot and said, "It's probably best for now if you just call me Stephanie. We do need to talk, it's confidential and urgent."
Intrigued, Rose looked for a private corner. Being quitting time, the lobby was packed with people. Rose took Stephanie's hand and pulled her into the lady's restroom. Once inside, Steffi opened all the stall doors to ensure they were alone, and then locked the entry door, ensuring no one else could get in. Rose was fascinated by the cat and mouse game and waited for an explanation.
It wasn't long in coming, the woman reached up and pulled off a wig, to reveal agent Steve Garibaldi. Rose laughed, "And just why are you in drag mister government agent man? I'll admit you had me fooled, you almost make a convincing looking woman. Obviously this isn't your first time in a dress and heels. One word of advice, if your goal is to blend in I'd cut back about two cups sizes on the breast forms."
"Rose, I didn't come here to discuss my disguise or my cup size. I didn't have time to set up one of our normal meetings."
"I had to talk to you today before you went home. Coming here in person is high risk but had to been done." Waving his hands from his head to his toes he said, "For now, this was the best way to ensure that Steve Garibaldi isn't seen by your colleagues. It wasn't my first choice, these shoes are killing me. I've been cooling my heels in the lobby for almost thirty minutes to ensure I didn't miss you.
"I can't keep getting into costume every time I need to talk to you. So we are going to use email as a way to pass information and set up meetings."
Rose gave Steffi a funny look, and thought, 'Did the government just discover email? No wonder we're in so much trouble'. Rose waited anxiously as her new girlfriend fished in his bra and produced a slip of paper hidden there. He handed it to Rose.
"Here take this and memorize the Gmail account and password. Then flush the paper. Mrs. Sokolov, I don't know if you are aware of it, but any email sent can be read and traced. I can't send you mail nor can you send any to me. We will communicate by using this account. I'll type in a message and rather then send it I'll save it as a draft. You logon on using the password and read the draft then delete it. It's simple, clean and untraceable. Any questions?"
Steve moved next to Rose, he was so close he invaded Rose's personal intimidation technique taught to all agents. "After what you did to your husband, the entire office is concerned. The last thing this operation needs is for Jack to end up in an emergency room and you get arrested for spousal abuse. Your husband is vital asset and we cannot afford to lose him, especially to some amateur homegrown dominatrix. The head doctors all agree he is at a breaking point. You need to make amends to Jack as soon as possible."
"And just how do you purpose I do that?" inquired a pissed off Rose.
Stephanie searched through his purse and cursed the long fingernails he had decided to wear. Eventually, he brought out a small vile of a cloudy liquid and handed it to Rose.
"With this. It's a variation of what is called 'twilight anesthesia' doctors use it to cause their patients to forget the pain and trauma of a procedure. The drug completely blocks memory of the incident. The act of blocking memory while allowing the pain sensation to be felt by the patient seems quite barbaric. But the government has found it useful when we have to extract information. After ingestion of this wonder drug, Jack, will remember bits and pieces of what went on, but only as a vivid dream."
Actually, the drug could be used up to several days following a traumatic event. It allowed interrogators to actually torture an enemy suspect and then inhibit the memory of the torture once they had what they wanted. They still had a couple of days left before the memory of the spanking Rose had subjected her husband to could not be eradicated. She needed to use it before it was too late.
Rose took the bottle and held it up to the light. "As long as he remembers what he was punished for, I can live with that. How do I administer it to him?"
"Just put a few drops in his drink. We mixed in a little mood stabilizer so he should become rather mellow as well. Rose, this comes from the very top. There can be no repeats of this type of behavior. Am I clear on that?"
Looking around, Rose turned a facet on high to drown out the sound of what she was about to say. She exploded and grabbed the front of the drag queen government agent's dress and pulled her/him so they were almost nose to nose. "Listen to me Stephanie! You know nothing about the real me. I am a total control freak; no one tells me how to behave!
"I was a pretty wild kid once. My friends said that I was had powerful sadistic tendencies. Maybe they were right. But this is the package you bought. There's no buyer's remorse is there?"
"No up until now you have handled the situation perfectly. I...We're concerned you might be a little hard on Jack."
Using her best Domme voice, she spat, "My first real sexual partner was a girl who called herself Stanley. She was a tough street dyke who seduced me back when I was in high school. She was a broad, muscular girl with a crew cut hairdo and a load of self-confidence. Physically, she was more man than woman; but she was a vivacious individual who lived for the moment. She totally swept me off of my feet. I was totally infatuated with her. She took me under her wing and taught a bi-curious young girl what sex was all about. She was actually the first girl to flog me, and she was my first real mentor in the gentle and subtle arts of BDSM. For spending money, she did dominatrix work on the side and was my inspiration.
"We broke up over the sophomore year. I continued to see her at dyke parties and get-togethers, we remained friendly and she continued to mentor me."
Rose pushed Stephanie, so he was backed up against the row of sinks and had nowhere to go. She kept pushing until his ass was in one of the sinks. Steve realized he needed a better antiperspirant as sweat poured out of his pits and stained his favorite blouse.
"Now that you have a clearer picture of who I am, let's talk about my husband. You see, sexually, I am possessive, dominant, bisexual, and very kinky. I never worried overmuch about the consequences of my actions on my partners. That all changed when Jack and I got together. Jack gives a lot people the first impression of being a pasty-white Clark Kent type. I wasn't exactly a blushing virgin when we met though he was. I never thought it odd. In fact, it was one of the things that attracted me to him. I was able to train him in how to please me in bed; I didn't have to deal with any previous learned traits. He has a lean, wiry body that most of woman don't find attractive, I on the other hand find it perfect for my purposes. Jack is a clever guy, though a bit of a nerd perhaps. He is awfully smart about some things, but he has always had a tin ear for nuances. You know after all he is only a Programmer!
"He has a bit of an attention deficit so his mind wanders easily. He is bored to tears with corporate work. It just doesn't excite him, but he keeps his nose to the grindstone because of his responsibilities to me and hopefully our family. He is not motivated by a need for success.
"From the first moment I spotted him, I knew he was going to be mine. Did I abuse him? Most certainly I did! My Irish temper and the booze got the best of me. Don't underestimate his resilience; he has an iron core that is not as malleable as you believe. I know him; he'll accept that and come back to me, because he loves me more than he fears my temper and its consequences."
"When I met Jack, I made a real choice to settle down and put my energy into making our relationship work. When I married Jack, I made a promise to myself that I would keep us together one way or another. I admit I lost it. But stay out of this, you gave me a job to do and I'm doing it my way!"
Rose calmed down once she had had a chance to vent and let the poor scared man up from his seat in the sink, "Yes. I regret some of what I did to him. It was caused by the confluences of several things. I realize it can be counterproductive to our current plans. I'll take care of it."
Steve took as deep a breath as his corset would allow and said, "Good. Now help me get this wig back in place so I can get out of here."
Rose spent several minutes adjusting the hair piece, and helped Stephanie with his makeup. Steve studied his reflection in the mirror and was pleased with the improvements. He picked up his purse and faced Rose. "Have you given any thought to the affair idea? My offer is still there."
Rose abruptly, inexplicably found herself laughing out loud. She ran her fingers over Steve's smooth cheek. "It's never happening with Steve, but Steffi intrigues me. You bring the handcuffs; I'll bring the strap-on."
At that Rose turned and left Steve with his jaw open, he gathered his senses enough to follow Rose out of the lavatory.
Rose came to an abrupt halt two steps out the door. There stood Mike. "I saw you go in there and wanted to remind you I'll be late in the morning. I have a doctor's appointment."
Rose thought, 'I bet he does. It's probably time for his penicillin shot. I hear gonorrhea is a bitch to get rid of.'
Mike showing his usual savoir faire stared at Rose's companion's chest and inquired, "Rose, who is this lovely creature with you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, where are my manners? This is Stephanie."
Steve stuck his out to shake hands and said in a perfectly feminine voice, "I'm a consultant. I dropped by to give Rose some advice on a personal issue."
"A consultant, what exactly is your area of expertise?"
Steve tried to back pedal and replied, "I'm actually an expert on getting around government bureaucracy."
Mike's face brightened, he put his arm around Stephanie and started ushering her towards the bank of elevators. "That's wonderful. I could use some help there. Let's go to my office and talk about it."
The last Rose saw of the two was when Mike forced Steffi into his private express elevator. Rose hurried to her car to wait for her husband. Jack found her there ten minutes later, Rose leaning on her car and twirled her car keys.
"Hello Jack. Is my little dandy of a husband ready for another night of fun?" Jack couldn't respond his stomach was in knots. He sat speechless on the ride home. Jack didn't feel loved at that moment. He felt something that he never felt from his wife before. He felt rejected.
Rose used the quiet time to reevaluate her recent actions and formulate a plan to resurrect their relationship. As painful as it might be, Rose felt certain this was the only way to demonstrate her sincerity. She directed Jack directly into his bath. Rose went to the kitchen and turned on the oven and fixed each of them a strong cocktail. Into Jack's drink she placed several drops from the vial to help him forget and relax. As Jack was luxuriating in his warm bath, Rose entered the bathroom wearing only a robe and carried a tray of fresh baked cookies and their drinks. Rose casually slipped off the robe and knelt lovingly next to the tub. She fed Jack his favorite, warm chocolate chip cookies. He washed it down with the drug laced alcohol.
Uncharacteristically, Rose joined him in the tub. Giving the drug time to take effect, Rose tenderly washed Jack with lavender body wash and a soft luffa sponge. Jack stood for his customary shaving. This time after she finished shaving Jack's privates, Rose stood legs spread wide apart exposing herself to him. She handed Jack the oil and shaver and said "Jack, please do me bald."
A confused Jack did as asked; he took his time so as not to nick his wife's treasure.
Leaving the bath, the hairless couple headed into the bedroom. Rose walked toward the bed, stopped and downed a glass of Scotch that she had positioned on the nightstand. Jack's heart stopped; sweat poured down his arm pits as he saw lying on the bed a brand new ping pong paddle. The fear and anxiety that now coursed through his veins caused his dick to shrivel, almost retreating entirely into his body.
Rose turned her head and could see the fear and anguish in Jack's face and said, "Relax lover. Tonight no one is going to hurt you." She moved to the end of the bed, leaned over it with her plump ass sticking up. She reached for the paddle and Jack started to hyperventilate. Then over her shoulder, Rose handed the paddle to Jack. Rose knew if she didn't do this now she would lose her nerve and her whole plan would collapse. Through a beguiling smile Rose said, "Honey, I screwed up big time and am sorry. You take your time and do to me whatever you want."
Rose, fortified with the stiff drink, grabbed two handfuls of sheets and bit down on a pillow in trepidation and awaited her husband's retribution. Jack took the paddle and moved behind his panicky wife. He reached out and with a feathery touch ran his manicured hand over her buttocks. Rose jerked at the first light touch. Her back went ramrod straight, waiting for the first biting sting. Jack removed his hand allowing Rose to turn her head just enough to pick up Jack in her peripheral vision. She saw Jack draw the paddle fully back and held it well over his right shoulder and braced herself in preparation for his first blow. Rose's eyes widened, her heart raced. She wanted to scream, "STOP' however instead felt herself quivering in anticipation, then unexpectedly she found herself fiercely aroused and her nipples tingling. Jack took two practice swings that only produced a nerve racking whoosh. Her pussy felt like it was on fire. An adrenaline fueled panic set in as Rose awaited her fate.
To the utter astonishment of Rose, without saying a word Jack took the paddle and broke it over his knee and casually discarded the pieces. He knelt behind her and spent the next 20 minutes licking and sucking her pleasure garden providing her several adrenalin filled, earth shattering orgasms.
As Jack is climbed into bed, Rose knew she was the luckiest woman alive to have a man like this love her. She felt her husband was truly one of a kind; she wanted to wrap her arms around him and never let him get away.
She commented, "Jack you wow me, you are too perfect."
Jack humbly replied, "Oh Rose, you know I'm not perfect."
Then she glanced up to the camera that she now knew was partially hidden in the corner and knew her duty had to come before her immediate happiness. Rose's bliss was overcome by the siren call of revenge for her brother. So Rose coldheartedly added, "Yes dear you're right! However you will do until Mr. Perfect comes along. Now let's go to sleep."
To his credit Jack never again spoke of the spanking incident; he also never again plopped down in a chair.
You don't appreciate a lot of stuff in school until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a middle aged woman: Stuff you pay good money for later in life.
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It's a relief to see.....
Rose showing genuine remorse for her actions! Her following acts of contrition show her deep seated love for Jack,! I have to say I was moved by how Jack handled his opportunity for retribution on Rose. Maybe there's still hope for these two to survive this ill conceived Government mission. Thank you Monica for posting this! Still looking forward to how it all turns out hon. Loving Hugs Talia