Iggy's Ex.

Images 48

Images 48

Chapter 48

I’m getting some of the tarts out of the oven and out as fast as I can. I can’t keep the Beer tarts ahead at all with all the working guys in right now. I’m actually getting orders for pick up for suppertime tonight.

There’s a lot of working class guys down here and apparently he concept of the beer tart is something they like and the guys with wives and girlfriends are ordering some of the other stuff on the menu.

I head outside for a breather looking around until I can see some of the street kids that we sometimes have hanging around here. We actually have a few more than we used to ever since we’ve been seen as LGBTQ friendly and Taylor’s given them odd jobs and let the use our laundry room and stuff.

I wave one of the girls over. “Gypsy how goes it?”

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