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Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 4: The Simple Version

Being Samantha Masters
an homage-sequel to Being Christina Chase

(Content warning: there's a few t-slurs in the very last section of the chapter.)

Chapter 4: The Simple Version

Sammy followed Rowan inside, creeping after her as quietly as possible. She made no such allowance for the late hour (or, rather, the early hour) and clomped up the stairs to her room. She weaved slightly as she went, and Sammy wondered if it was alcohol or exhaustion; the girl had ample cause for both.

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

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Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Led Into It

Led Into It
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I don’t know how I let it get this far. I blame Abigail, but not in a nasty way. She is still my BFF.

She said that whole Lolita thing was a fashion statement. She said that is about expressing your femininity in an ageless way, although there are plenty who think that it is a bit creepy.

She said that the fashions are not “little girl outfits” but clothes that deny age. I have to say, that she looked great in those clothes. I told her so.

Bridesmaid Rehearsals: Part 4 - Dress Rehearsal.

I woke up to the sound of mum calling ‘come on, it’s time to go!’

It took me a minute…but I sat up in a start. Mum called out again.

In a moment it all came back, the events of the night before, and how I’d been so tired and defeated going to bed I didn’t stop to change, I just laid down and slept. I was still wearing the black satin maids dress, stockings and heels. I could sense the powders and creams on my face and my nails were still perfectly manicured with a generous spread of red gloss polish on each.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 4

Why did I know that? Don't panic. I had to figure this out. I had never been the same person twice and certainly not two days in a row.

My mind darted to her locker code. 14,22,7. I didn't just remember it from yesterday, I remembered it from the start of the school year.

My mind darted from one memory to another before being pulled to focus on the heavy footsteps rapidly approaching my door. A moment later, the door opened with her father peaking through. He looked worried for a moment but his expression slowly dissipated into a neutral one.

Wedding Day

Whatever You Desire - Chapter 1

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Chapter One – Day One

Transgender detective Julie Sanderson is teamed with detective Tommy Lomax to solve the murder of young trans prostitute Stephanie Carter and the investigation becomes complicated when the victim is identified as the daughter of a US senator. The case is a political time bomb full of intrigue, deception, lies and deceit but the clock is ticking to get it solved before the media gets hold of the story.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 3

"I don't want to talk about it" I sped up trying to get away from Murphy but he wasn't letting up.

He stepped in front of me, "Laura, what was that? What video was he talking about."

I don't know. That's what I wanted to scream but how could I explain to him why I didn't know what I clearly should know. I had never told anyone about me before, not like they would believe me anyway.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed right now" I said to him trying desperately to find a way out of the situation. "I'll tell you later okay? I promise"

(Rewritten) Doom Valley Prep School: Chapter 61

Doom Valley Prep School
Chapter 61

Everyone at the table was talking, while carefully leaving me out of it. I was happy about that and grateful. I'd already embarrassed myself enough by not knowing what to say, saying the wrong thing, having my RTS kick in making me look bustier and curvier, and knowing that the Stirling's knew what had happened earlier in the day. I didn't want to make it worse.

Surprise Offer - Part 6 of 10

Surprise Offer

Lance sees a makeover offer at a costume shop that he couldn't pass up. Unfortunately, he didn't have the money to pay for it, but the store owner was willing to make a deal.

Becky Reus

A Girl, a House and a Secret, part 1 of 7

Of course I wasn’t fired because I was trans. No, it was for completely unrelated reasons, as anyone at South Taine Elementary or the Taine County school board would tell you. Besides, Georgia is an at-will employment state, so even if they did fire me for being trans, it would be perfectly legal.

The Prisoner of Hender. Part 4 of 5

Chapter 4

I was another few days in that ward, moving better and finding my new balance. I ate well and began to feel good about myself. I felt a lot better after a visit by a ward hairdresser. I was now issued with a whole new outfit, plus a bag with two complete spares. The dress wasn’t just one altered from a jump suit. No, it was from the women’s prison and shaped to fit a woman with my attributes.

Girltime at the Hideaway 3

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Girltime at the Hideaway (Episode 3)
by Sabrina G. Langton


Author's Note: Here is the next Episode of 'Girltime' with Sabrina, Misty, and Chan. Sabrina gets ready for her new career, and tries to make the most of her sabbatical. But first, there is music, ha... there is always music... I hope YOU like it...


Episode 3


"Hmmm, nine and a half." Dusty Springfield was playing. She was always a nine and a half.

Phillipa Scoff Part 3

Phillip opened the door and immediately was thrusted with a tiny pair of what looked like red bikini bottoms. The rooms furniture had been moved around a small spray tan had been erected in the middle. Alisha stood next to the tent and appeared to be getting the spray tan ready, she smiled and waved him over.

“I am not wearing these” Phillip exclaimed. “These are women’s underwear”


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He woke up in hospital. He was puzzled at first. He had no idea why he should be there. The memory of the train crash only came later, after usual questions were asked. He remembered the girl who had been sitting beside him, and how she had fallen into his arms as the railcar left the tracks. They could feel that moment of weightlessness as gravity seemed to no longer apply, just before the impact. He had held her tight, and she had held him.

All I Need is a Miracle Lesson 12


Have you ever had that dream where you’re sailing through the air, simply admiring the sky and the wispy strands of the clouds as you pass through them? But then, you fall. You can flap your arms and kick your feet, but to no avail. You reach terminal velocity and your heart races as the Earth gets closer and closer until you strike something like a car, Then, everything goes black, and you wake up.

The Thirteenth Witch - 3 The Whispering Inn


When a mountain downpour forces Lydia and Thomas Thompson into a cavern's shadowy embrace, Lydia's touch upon ancient runic inscriptions awakens her latent power and identity. As they emerge to find the enigmatic town of Sælicbrook—a nexus of realms and magic—Lydia is transformed into her destiny as its guardian. But as the cosmic entity Nyarlathotep stirs, intent on unraveling the threads of reality, will Lydia's newfound power be enough to stand against an eldritch horror bent on devouring all? The battle for existence looms, and only the guardians of Sælicbrook can safeguard the world from the impending darkness. Will they triumph, or will everything they know be consumed by the infinite appetite of the Crawling Chaos?

Underthings (2 of 6)

I had to admit. Robert was right. It was a good idea to experiment alone. I will not describe what I did. It was familiar and yet completely different from anything I had done as a guy in that same bed. Shelly had had the wherewithal to have me buy bath products while we were out and I made use of them afterward. It was my first shower in this body and it too was eye opening.

Mates 21

We washed up our empty mugs, and then Kul grinned at me.

“Sod it. Refill to take with us? I can do them both. People will gossip if we come back together”

“People already gossip in this place, especially Betty!”

“Yeah, mate, but I like to steer it a bit if I can. Let her make up her own shit, and well never hear the end of it. Given where you get off to, it would all be ovine”

“All be what?”

“Ovine. To do with sheep”

Orphan Petal 12


Orphan Petal

July 2023 - Part 4

Shirley has changed and is doing things he would never have done a few months ago

This is a spin-off to the story "The Teenage Years of Alexander Horten"

A Joke Can Go Too Far

Parker looks out towards the water from the pier he is standing on, thinking about jumping. He was cradling a heavy stone in his arms and standing close to the edge of the dock. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. He could not believe what had been done to him by people he trusted.

His life was now ruined, all thanks to what they did to him. Not only had they recorded what they did to him, but they had posted the footage on all the social media sites and the college site he attended as well. They sent footage of what happened to him to his parents.

Katie Ann - Chapter 40: Burnt Pancakes

Katie Ann

What do you do when you look 7 years old, but you're actually a college student in your late teens? For Kathleen's entire life, she had fought against people treating her much younger than her actual age. Feeling obligated to grow up fast to show people she wasn't the age of her size, Kathleen never let her inner child out. Tired of fighting against the world, she explores the adult submissive world. What she finds, however, is an enjoyment of regression. Had she made a mistake? Would life be better if she just let people treat her how she looks, 7 years old?

Becky Reus

Surprise Offer - Part 5 of 10

Surprise Offer

Lance sees a makeover offer at a costume shop that he couldn't pass up. Unfortunately, he didn't have the money to pay for it, but the store owner was willing to make a deal.

Becky Reus

The Initiation

Steven yearns for acceptance. His sister and friends want to put makeup on him. In exchange, his sister offers honorary sisterhood among her tight-knit group of friends. When they see how he looks, they want to dress him en femme and for this his sister promises full sisterhood if he accepts. However, another member of the group is more protective of this sisterhood than the others. Having justifiable concerns about allowing a boy to be part of that circle, she insists upon including an initiation to ensure that he is worthy of their sisterhood. What will Steven have to do?

All I Need is a Miracle Lesson 11


It was sundown around seven-thirty and the impromptu crowd formed on the outside of what would have been a Toys R Us. The store had been used as a vagabond village but even they cleared out due to the stench that would fill the air. It was the same that night when we arrived ahead of Tony, Matt and Riley, with foul odor which would require me to take a hot shower for hours in order to get it off. I wore Chris’ long jacket as we got out of his car.

Essentially Egg. Part 35 of 39

Chapter 35

Tony went back to the studio to prepare for a band that was booked for this afternoon and evening. Alan, Helen, and I hugged before they left. I invited them for Christmas lunch and Helen told me that if it was as good as lunch today, she would be happy to come.

That left Josie and me, so I sent Becky off, and made us a cup of coffee each. We discussed the farm business, and the Josie told me that she had picked up her guitar again and was re-learning how to play.


More DopplerPress

Eerie Saloon 4: Jessie Hanks, Outlaw Queen by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson - Now on Kindle


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Jessie Hanks is on the run from Eerie after the death of Toby Hess, but, as she discovers, there's some things a boy-turned-gal can't escape from. Most of all, from herself.



Eerie Saloon 3: Dance with Me by Ellie Dauber and Chris Leeson - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Life has a way of happening when you stop paying attention to your troubles. The transformed women of the Hanks Gang have served their sentences and now must build new lives for themselves.

There are restaurants to run, poker hands to deal, blacksmiths and ranchers to...consider?

Eerie Saloon 3

Taylor by Leslie Moore on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


From the time Taylor was five, all he could remember was wanting to be Emma’s younger sister.


He loved dressing up in her hand-me-downs. He admired his older sister and really wanted to be her. Halloween was his favorite holiday because he could let his fantasies run wild and be Cinderella or Wonder Woman. And playing make-believe was always fun when he could be the cute little girl.

But, something happened when he turned twelve. He put away the dresses and costumes. The doll house went up in the attic and Taylor’s fantasies were all in his mind.

Until one fateful Saturday that changed everything. This is that story.

by Leslie Moore
Buy on Kindle
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