Working For A Living Chapter 7

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Back at the hotel:
Kassidy wakes up and stumbles towards the bathroom. She sits down on the toilet and relieves her bladder. While she is sitting on the toilet, an idea for a song pops into her mind. She finishes her morning business.

Kassidy walks back into the room she is sharing with Shawna grabs her notepad off the dresser and starts writing the lyrics down. She doesn’t want to wake Shawna, so she doesn’t use her guitar to play a tune as she writes.

She knew Shawna would sleep for a bit, because after they had finished their performance. Tony, Jerry, Cindy, and Shawna enjoyed a few drinks. Since she was the one who was still sober. She drove them back to the hotel. Cindy only had a few drinks, so she managed to escort Jerry and Tony up to their room.

After writing down the lyrics for two and a half songs. Kassidy puts her notepad down and gets dressed. She figures Shawna is going to sleep a little longer. Normally, when they play late like they do, and stay up till six in the morning. They would sleep until two or three in the afternoon.

Since the lounge allowed them to stay until four in the morning. She figures everyone will wake up around five or six, so they can get ready to head back to the lounge to play again tonight.

After Kassidy gets dressed, she heads down to the in-house restaurant and enjoys a nice ground steak burger with fries. She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten a nice burger. After Kassidy finishes eating her burger, she leaves the hotel and takes a walk down the street.

The last time she was in this area of California. She was helping NCIS to track down her mother’s Russian contacts. Who would have thought there would be a whole network of sleepers in California?

While Kassidy is exploring and downing some window shopping. She spots a street musician with a keyboard performing. She stops and listens to her as she plays. The thing is, when she looked closer at the young woman, she noticed that the person wasn’t a girl, but a guy dressed as a girl. A smile appears on Kassidy’s face.

She was dressed in a Pop-punk style. Kassidy listens to the young woman as she sets the synthesizer to play a preprogram tune and she reaches beside her to pick up a guitar. Kassidy didn’t recognize the song until the woman was a few notes into the song.

She records the woman and sends the video to Jerry to listen to. The way the young woman played she would make a great addition to their group. Especially, when they started playing more of the popular songs from Radiohead, Evanescence, Tina Turner, and a few others that are popular or were popular.

Kassidy tosses a hundred-dollar bill into the woman’s guitar case along with a ticket for the lounge they are playing at. She hopes the young woman comes to hear them and talk with her. She continues her exploration of nearby shops. She stops at a store that sells puck rock accessories and wonders if this is where the girl, she just saw bought her stuff.

She ends up buying some makeup for herself and Shawna. She knows the guys can get away with wearing the same outfits, but she and Shawna need to change up their outfits. So, instead of going back to Dusk’s shop to buy additional items. She stops at a BDSM shop and buys a few items she could get away with wearing on stage.

She’ll have to bring Shawna down to this shop tomorrow or before they leave. She ends up buying two outfits. The first one consisted of a leather miniskirt, knee-high four-inch leather boots, and a leather halter top. The second one was a crop top with their band’s name on it, a low-cut miniskirt, that showed off her butt cheeks, black lace thong panties, and four-inch ankle-high boots. The underwear for the second one was sheer lace panties. It covered her ass but had a spiderweb design to the panties that showed up against her skin.

Kassidy picks up some unique panties for Cindy and Shawna as well. She knew both women would enjoy wearing them. Kassidy leaves the store feeling horny after being around all the sexy exotic clothes. She stops at a bar to have a few drinks before heading back to her hotel.

When she entered her hotel room, Shawna was awake and looking like someone used her hard and put her away roughly. A playful smile appears on her face “Did we have a hangover?”

Shawna looks at Kassidy with a scowl on her face. She wasn’t fully awake and her head was pounding. She noticed Kassidy had a few bags in her hands.

“Give me an hour and I’ll be fine.” Shawna stands up slowly to keep the world from spinning.

“Okay, Oh! I bought some things for you to wear tonight. I’ll set the items on your bed while you’re in the shower.” Kassidy knew after Shawna did her morning routine. Shawna will take a shower afterward.

“Thanks.” As Shawna stumbles into the bathroom.

Kassidy sets the bag of items she bought for Shawna on her bed and deliver the other items she bought for Cindy. When she went to leave the bag, Tony answered the door. He had the same look Shawna had, but Kassidy knew Tony could recover faster than Jerry and Shawna. He was an old fashion cowboy and this was just another skill of his.

Kassidy takes her guitar out and start composing the cords and such for the first two songs she wrote. She still had a lot to do for the third one. She’ll play the new songs for the group so they can tweak them when they get back home.

Several Hours Later:
Shawna looks at Kassidy in her new outfit. She shakes her head at how much of Kassidy’s ass you could see if you were close to the stage.

“You’re going to be giving some young men and maybe some older ones some major wood tonight.”

“I hope, so.” Kassidy liked her new look.

“I’m glad I have a girlfriend. Because I don’t think I could keep my attention off you tonight, Kassidy.” Jerry was lucky Cindy didn’t join them in the band room tonight.

“I’m glad Cindy isn’t in here or she would be majorly jealous.” Kassidy checks herself out in the mirror.

“That’s two of us. Oh, I checked out that video you sent me. I wouldn’t mind talking with that performer you found.”

“Hopefully, she’ll be out in the audience watching us. I left a VIP ticket for her, so she doesn’t have to pay an entrance fee.”

“You found another member to join us?” Tony looks towards Kassidy for an answer.

“Yeah, with some of the cover songs we’ll be playing. We need someone who can use my synthesizer rig and play guitar as well.” Kassidy knew Jerry left it up to her to organize their song list for their gigs.

“Do you mind if I’m there during the tryouts?” Tony wanted to be there if they did tryouts with this person.

“All of us will be there. Especially you two. You are both our guitar experts and if a person can’t blend well with you two, then we’ll turn them away.” Jerry loved how each member of the band harmonized with each other.


“All right, let’s go out and have some fun.” Kassidy is the first out of the band room.

“She’s been hitting the sauce again.” Shawna follows behind Kassidy.

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