
MTU - Hard To Look At (part 10 of 10)

Chapter 20

“Medusa?” Jenny said as I stood outside her front door. “Why are you here?”

“Can I come in? I’d like to talk to you,” I said.

“Where are my manners? You can move into my room if you need to. Come in.” She lived in a larger than normal home in the wealthy part of town.

We sat down in a breakfast nook of the kitchen.

“To what do I owe the honor of my savior visiting me.”

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10)

Chapter 18

I thought the prior Monday had been unusual. The atmosphere at school was unreal. Everyone already knew that Jenny had dumped Tommy. Neither of them would tell anyone why and the number of often conflicting rumors were unreal.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 8 of 10)

Chapter 16

Monday started out weird and just got weirder. First, I was up early and spent most of the morning before school trying to decide what to wear for my second date with Ross. It had to be something that would also be good to wear all day in school. It took forever to decide on an outfit that, last week, I probably would have chosen without a second thought. The worst part was my assumption that Ross probably wasn’t thinking about his outfit at all.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 7 of 10)

Chapter 13

How could this be? She had been holding the lifeless bird statue when I petrified her and some of her life force was now in the bird. How much had been drained from her? The bird had had no life force for over a week.

I looked at the place where she and the bird were in contact and I could see some of the red inside her moving into the bird. I grasped the bird and was able to remove it from her hand. The bird's life lines were still very faint. At least now the essence was no longer flowing from Marie to the bird.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 6 of 10)

Chapter 11

It. Was. Divine. I had to have more! More! But, I didn’t take more. I took my hand away with my trick still active. I was in control, at least I was when I was not starving for the stuff. "That's it. Now, you just have to wait it out." I closed my eyes and opened them. The urge subsided a bit.

I walked back inside. "I'm done," I told the others. They went outside to see Douglas.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 5 of 10)

Chapter 9

I woke up Saturday morning with two legs, much to my relief. I showered and returned to my room. As I looked through my closet I noticed the one pair of jeans I had purchased just a handful of days ago. Reaching for the jeans made me feel funny on Thursday. Today, I picked them up off the rack without my compulsions complaining about it. I put them on and still there was no problem. I had to admit I liked the way they hugged my body. When I finished dressing I went downstairs for breakfast. Mom and Daddy were already up.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 4 of 10)

Chapter 7

I woke up Thursday morning with a queasy feeling in my gut. I figured it was nerves: today was my first day back to school. I hoped taking a shower would help me get settled. I did my business in the bathroom and felt a little more awake. That seemed to help.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 3 of 10)

Chapter 5

We returned from the mall around two o'clock. As we walked past the garage I was surprised to see the bird statue still sitting just outside the back of the breezeway. As I hurried up to my room to drop off my shopping bags, Mom called out to me. "Don't even think about wearing that cream colored dress in that filthy garage. And don't get any makeup on it when you take it off."

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 2 of 10)

Chapter 3

The waiting room was mostly empty. The receptionist waved me over, "Your mother needed to go start dinner. She said your father would be here in about a half hour." She glanced over at Dr. Adelaide's door before continuing softly, "She had you petrify her."

I must have looked shocked as I nodded.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 1 of 10)

Chapter 1

"Hey, Gorgon, did you twist last night?" Called the familiar and unwanted voice of Tommy Radner. "Look, somehow you got uglier." Suddenly a hideously mangled image of my face appeared floating in front of me where everyone in the hallway could see it.

"Tom, I think you may have improved his looks." John Lee joked. Tommy and John were both on the football team and could do no wrong according the school administration. No wrong apparently included accosting innocent students such as myself.

Tales Of Heirloom Gems 2 - Smooth Like Stone - Part 2

Jace was annoyed. Like many young sorcerers who wanted to advance he took over duties no one else wanted.
In his case, he helps to look after the victims of Medusa. An incurable state.
Yet one of the workers swore one of the statues had moved.
As if. But Jace decides to investigate anyway.

Tales Of Heirloom Gems 2 - Smooth Like Stone - Part 1

It should have been easy.
Nia and her group had been hired to take out a Medusa who had already been blinded.
Now she was the only one left and desperate to leave the cave system the Medusa calls her home.

(No TG in Part 1, but in Part 2)

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