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Codes: Solo=Standalone story, not series, verse, drabble or fanfic; Source codes: HB=Hatbox; DP=Doppler Press; KS=Kindle Store; AB=Amazon Book; LL=Lulu; SW=SmashWords; SD=Stardust; SS=StorySite; SP=Sapphire's Place; FM=FictionMania. Default is day of week.

Title Code Author(s)
Layabout. Part 4 of 4 Sun Marianne G
A Daughter Enters, Stage Left - Ch. 4 Sat SammyC
Triple Dare: Masks 24 by Rodford Edmiston on Kindle Sat Stickmaker
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2 Sat Michele Nylons
Leases in Hell, chapter 9. Sat Nagrij
A Whole New Me (Again?) - Part 6 Sat AmyLikesDancing
Mental Challenges of a Girly Boy Sat New Author, Denise
Betrayal and Forgiveness Sat Noname1
MTU - Hard To Look At (part 9 of 10) Sat magicshoppe
Exchanged - Chapters 32 and 33 Sat Sofia Hammerstein
I Was A Porn Star For The FBI By Melanie Brown On Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Recovering From Trauma Solo LadyDragon623
Parallel Lives Chapter 33 Fri LeftyPosting
The Chosen - Chapter 4 Fri Maeryn
Layabout. Part 3 of 4 Fri Marianne G
Royal Performer - Chapter 8 Fri Tiffany Shar
Jane Fri Erin Halfelven
Boys can dream. Fri Columbine
Not For Sale - Part 5 Thu SamanthaMD
A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 9 Thu Amethyst
Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 1 Thu Michele Nylons
The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 9 Thu LadyDragon623
The Ghost of 224 Maple Street Solo Avia Conner
Monkey Business by Melanie Brown on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Death in Venice Beach Solo Bru
Fake It Till You Make It - 15 - The Blonde Deamon. Thu Alyssa Plant
Altered: Chapter 9 Wed Amethyst
Mates 43 Wed Cyclist
Easy as Falling off a Bike -19- by Angharad on Kindle Tue Angharad
The Faerie Blade: Chapter 33 Tue Amethyst
The Present, Part 16 Tue Lady Lucia
Being Samantha Masters - Chapter 3: Detransition, Maybe? Tue miriamrobern
Journey Into The Forbidden West Part 1 Mon E. E. Nalley
Cammychan For Real Mon Enemyoffun
Working For A Living Chapter 6 Mon LadyDragon623
A whole New Me (Again?) - Part 5 Mon AmyLikesDancing
The Cruise Chapter 2 Mon Su Shi
Romance and Other Crimes Vol. 3 by Maryanne Peters on Kindle Mon Maryanne Peters
Switching Sides 2/5 Mon Gillian Chambers
Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *6* Sun Maddy Bell
The Girl in the mirror Solo Julie D Cole
Small Problem by Melanie Brown on Kindle Sat Melanie Brown
Easy As Falling Off A Bike part 41 Sat Angharad
Unethical Solo Bru
Taylor by Leslie Moore on Kindle Fri Leslie Moore
Just... Friends? Fri Melanie Brown
What am I doing? Solo Daring Diane
Dreams Fulfilled by Marianne G on Kindle Thu Marianne G
I Was A Cheerleader For The FBI By Melanie Brown on Kindle Wed Melanie Brown
Write Fifty Times Solo Ellie Dauber
TG-Harmony.com Solo Sephrena Lynn Miller
Flowers Solo Maryanne Peters
Demon Stalker (I Wish 4) by Amethyst on Kindle Tue Amethyst
“Oh What A Day I’ve had” Solo Gillian Chambers
Speak Now Solo Maryanne Peters
Prometheans by Joyce Melton & Lainie Lee from Doppler Press Fri Joyce Melton, Lainie Lee
The Station's Late Nite Princess Sat Snowfall
Kelly Girl by Wanda Cunningham - New Edition from DopplerPress Tue Wanda Cunningham
Rays of Light by Joyce Melton on Kindle Mon Joyce Melton
Special Someones by Melanie E on Kindle Mon Rasufelle
The Golden Blade by Marianne G on Kindle Sun Marianne G
Shannon's Course by Angela Rasch in Kindle Fri Angela Rasch
Sam and Sam by Joyce Melton - Now on Kindle Wed Joyce Melton
Peaches on Kindle: New Edition! Tue Amelia R., Angela Rasch
Being Invisible by Leslie Moore on Amazon Sat Leslie Moore
Hard Time by Melanie Brown - now on Kindle! Fri Melanie Brown
The Last of the Fey by Denise Anesidora Trask on Kindle Thu Anesidora's Urn
Battleskirts on Kindle by Melanie Brown Thu Melanie Brown
Aria - Book 3 - Bring Down the Curtain by Emma Anne Tate on... Wed Emma Anne Tate
In Bloom by Melanie Brown from Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Andy and Dawn by Angela Rasch on DopplerPress Sat Angela Rasch
Dreams of Future Past by Kevin McCarthy on Kindle Fri New Author, Kevin McCarthy
Butterscotch by Joyce Melton now on Kindle Thu Joyce Melton
Wednesday Knights Mon Rasufelle
A Summer's Odyssey - Now on Kindle Wed Jennifer Sue
Pink Bear Romance by Melanie Brown - Now on Kindle Thu Melanie Brown
Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle Sat Drea DiMaggio
Everything's Sunny with Sarah - Zoe Taylor & Ashly... Fri Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
Big Book of Heaven and Hell by Maggie Finson on Kindle Wed Bek D. Corbin, E. E. Nalley, Maggie Finson, Rasufelle
A Modest Proposal by Melanie Brown - on Kindle Tue Melanie Brown
Boys Don't Cry on Kindle Tue Dark Kitten, Zoe Taylor
The Princess Trap on Kindle Thu Tyrone Slothrop, Wanda Cunningham
The Frozen Balance - by Persephone - Kindle Edition Wed Persephone
Arctic Fox Book 2 by Rosemary Howell now on Kindle Tue Rose
Cindy's Prom and the Unwilling Princess by Melanie Brown... Mon Melanie Brown
Mindful by Beverly Taff on Kindle Sun Beverly Taff
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Layabout. Part 4 of 4

Chapter 4

As we moved into the summer season, the main sales at the Village were swimwear and we weren’t needed so much. We spent that time with the drama group. The first show we did was a stage version, greatly edited, of ‘Some Like it Hot’ as a farce. It went down well, and then we worked on another show where we played a married couple. That was the one where we were seen by an agent from London.

Things They Made Me Do - Chapter 2

Things Edited.jpg
Uncle Charlie – Part Two

Julia tells her psychiatrist about Uncle Charlie's second visit. This time Uncle Charlie brings a friend to taste the delights that Julia has to offer. Julia is discovered in a compromising position by her mother and father and suffers the consequences.

Please heed the warnings as this chapter explores themes of coercion and reluctance.

Masks 12 - Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


"The students from outside the mask community are a small but rapidly growing part of our campus," Eve added, nodding in turn. "The school wasn't really intended for them, though. Some of them never really fit in, there, since they weren't interested in becoming masks. They - or their parents - just wanted training in how to use their powers; not how to fight crime, wear a costume or maintain a private identity."

Maks 12

Rodford Edmiston

Charlotte Had A Boyfriend : 15


Lucy continued: "You know, I'll admit that I'm more than a little jealous.
I'd love to have interesting men interested in me. But I gotta say that it worries me a little, too."
She paused. "Because if you're going to be carry on like this with all kinds of men,
at some point they're going to come here, looking for you."


The Wolf, The Owl, And The Cheshire Part 6

Unknown, South Pacific Island:
Nick looks over where Cheshire and Jack are sleeping. He knew the two of them were lightly sleeping. They had managed to tear the sleeves off the jumpsuits they were forced to wear. All the weapons they took had been reloaded. Each weapon had three reloads to it. After that, they were shit out of luck.

Daisy and Jamie (3)

Daisy Isabella Bell and Jamie Sarah Potter
A Sequel to “Daisy Isabella Crack's Her Egg”
A Friendship Breaks

The Hot Chocolate was thick, rich, and very creamy, it was a perfect drinkable treat on this cool, crisp, autumn afternoon. A peaceful since had fallen over Jamie and I as we both sipped on our drinks. Jamie seemed to be deep in thought and I was wondering how long this little meeting was going to last. I hoped this meeting would soon end, so I could retreat back to the warmth and comfort of my bedroom.

The Curse Chapter 1

The Curse
Chapter 1

The man had failed to meet an agreement, so his son would pay the horrible price. Now she, SHE would always be doomed to wear black, to include head covering, face covering, gloves, and floor length gown. The nerves to her vocal cords were cut, so it was intended that she would never speak. They had threatened to blind her and if there was any attempt to escape the curse, they surely would, they threatened.

Make a Wish, Part 4

The Whole Team Arrives

I updated my report for Earth to add some of these details about the sims, and about the time I was done, the crew from the other ship arrived. So we spent a while getting those 9 registered in the computer system, and finding them homes. They already had a bit of orientation into the way things work here, since they were watching much of it from the ship, but we explained some details, and everybody took a turn in the bathroom sim.

Me, My Brother, and the Last Night of Summer

Me, My Brother, and the Last Night of Summer
Copyright 2024 by Heather Rose Brown

This is a short story about a preteen nonbinary kid trying to deal with gender issues, and what happens when a sibling with similar but different issues reaches out to them.

Allison Zero - Part 2 - Chapter 1

The Beginning of Part 2 of Allison Zero. New readers should be able to jump in at this point.

In Part 1 Allison had the details of her transition, at least the medical side, explained to her. She just has to wait for the medication to take its effects and for the doctors to be ready to do their thing.

However, her new role on the station, and her new job with One is changing up more in her life than her gender. Just over a week on from discovering exactly who she is it’s now time to venture to the part of the station — that few know of — to begin her training as a young tobacconist. Except nothing is straightforward for Allison, a woman who never takes the traditional route. She wants more than is allowed for the young tobacconists and to get her way she has to be both a student and spend time working for and serving her peers.

MTU - Hard To Look At (part 1 of 10)

Chapter 1

"Hey, Gorgon, did you twist last night?" Called the familiar and unwanted voice of Tommy Radner. "Look, somehow you got uglier." Suddenly a hideously mangled image of my face appeared floating in front of me where everyone in the hallway could see it.

"Tom, I think you may have improved his looks." John Lee joked. Tommy and John were both on the football team and could do no wrong according the school administration. No wrong apparently included accosting innocent students such as myself.

Body of Water Part 3 of 4

Chapter 3

Over the next few days, I spoke to as many friends and acquaintances of Clement as I could. All it proved was that he was a man of smoke and mirrors. Everyone had their own likes encouraged and their dislikes agreed with. He was consistently remembered as smooth but untrustworthy by those he had met since he left school. Only his schoolfriends were able to skate over his failings.

Masks 28: Old School

Masks XXVIII: Old School


Rodford Edmiston

Part One

Vic's new helmet was slightly bulkier than the previous one, but it was also actually lighter. Drake had called Vic to his office for the presentation. While her boss read aloud the note which came in the box, Vic examined her new headgear.

"Ugh," she said, peering it from various angles. "Looks like something a Star Wars Stormtrooper would wear."

In spite of this opinion she put it on. At least it fit well.


Exchanged Art - Amazon
Prologue and Chapter 1
by Sofia Hammerstein

Two years ago Stacy visited a newly discovered dimension, with his parents, on an adventurous summer vacation. He was astounded by how the other dimension's technology was decades ahead of his own! During his senior year he applied to Emerson University in the city he had visited. He was excited and hopeful of learning more about their technology as an exchange student, and hopefully bring it back to his own world. (Story set in the Diaper Dimension)

The Present, Part 2

Part Two

Less than five minutes later, Chris found himself alone in the bathroom with the gift box.

He had tried several more times to argue that this was absurd, but all of his words fell on deaf ears. Aunt Mary was using him as a scapegoat to make her daughter feel better, Chloe was jumping at the chance to embarrass her younger brother, and Amy clearly arranged this whole thing to begin with. It was three to one, and all of them supported each other with ‘logic’ about why Chris should do it.

The Mysterious Cabinet Chap. 5

Budget Auto Repair, Gardena, California:
Rose looks at the time and notices that she has been up all night. She has to start prepping the shop for opening. She makes sure everything is shut down, before leaving her forensics lab. It was a good thing she used to be a forensics researcher before she was changed.

Rose turns on the air compressor and makes some fresh coffee for her employees. She goes about unlocking the garage doors and assigning the repairs to the right mechanic. By the time her employees start showing up for work. She had the place ready.

The Twilight of the Gods -- A Story of Mantra, Chapter 7

Mantra and Gabriel have come to a version of Los Angeles that exists in parallel time, but this is the worst version of the city that Mantra has ever visited. As bad as it is, something important that is about to happen, and before it does, Mantra has to get her ducks in a row. That is not going to be easy with danger on every side, and with people who used to be her friends acting like enemies.

The Life of A Sissy (Part 1: Feminized)

Chapter 1: Metamorphosis

I wanted to scream. I tried to, but nothing came out. Something was wrong. Very.....very wrong, so wrong that in fact I had to confirm this wasn't some wild dream. You're not going to believe me but here goes.

8 hours ago I was a dude. I use the word was because now, very evidently, I am not. Today I woke up as an 18 year old GIRL. A GIRL. And that's not even the weirdest part, I still had my....well my dick.

Arctic Fox Book 3 - Chapter 33

The Arctic Fox 3.jpg

Cover photo by Jonatan Pie. Downloaded from Unsplash

Marcia is seventeen, and along with Darryl, has moved south in Alaska to attend the Anchorage campus of the Alaska State University. She wants to pursue her dream, but will it pursue her instead?
I want to thank Malady, once again, for his help checking through this story for the many errors I frequently insert, as well as listening to my sometimes completely crazy ideas about the direction of the story and telling me how crazy they are!

Chapter 33

Chugiak, Alaska

2:00 AM

It had been an eventful day for the Johnsons. That morning, or yesterday morning to be precise, they had no thought of a new child in their care. Now, in the guest room, a thirteen-year-old girl was in bed and would be for quite a while to come.

The ongoing saga of Oak Island ended and Bob stood up and stretched. It was a repeated episode from the tenth season, and he once again wondered if Mage, Chet, Marcia, and Darryl could solve the mysteries if they were to tackle it.

Demon Queened - Chapter 42 - Woodland Walk

After flubbing a powerful incantation, meant to give newly coronated Demon Queens the wisdom of their ancestors, Devilla Satanne awakens to memories of her past life as Jacob Divington, a human from Earth. Having gained a new perspective on life, she quickly comes to a rather horrifying conclusion: she's been a complete and utter brat! No wonder everyone hates her!

And then there's the fact that she's apparently been reincarnated as the villainess of Tower Conquest, a lesbian porn game with a surprisingly intricate plot. One in which the Heroine conquers Dimona Tower, turning Devilla's people against her in the process. In victory, the Heroine brings about a glorious age of peace between demons and humans for the first time in millennia. ...Which actually sounds pretty good for her people, come to think of it. Devilla knows her terrible behavior is beyond forgiveness, but maybe she can still make up for her past mistakes? She just needs to make sure the events of the game unfold correctly. Though there is one little detail she'd like to change - the part where Devilla herself is killed or enslaved!

The series cover was commissioned from https://twitter.com/HaizeUqei

Demon Queened Cover, featuring Abigail and Lucy grabbing Devilla's arm and hand, respectively, on opposite sides.

Time Jump Being Mom In The Past

A Cold Fey in Hell 2: Chapter 2

cold fey 2.png


Chapter 2: Consequences

Crystal has gotten used to being a girl, a Nymph, a Muse, and even a mother figure, but is she really ready to go to an all-girls school and start working at Pandora's Box? The life of a trouble magnet is never easy.


I couldn’t take this damn suspense for one minute longer, so I swallowed the lump of anxiety that had balled up in my throat and said, “Just give it to me straight, please.”

Statistically Speaking 10

Statistically Speaking

By Marco Asemani

Edited by Patricia Marie Allen

Part 10

My head had barely touched the pillow when my phone rang. First time in almost a year… Massimo? Is there some problem with my registration?! That is, Lexie’s?


“… Sorry, I might have mistaken the number. I seek Damiano Rossi.”


Cheerleading sisters Chapter 2 - Jealousy

Macy stood hovering over her clothes-covered bed presiding over organised chaos like a monarch over her unruly subjects, she was putting forth as much consideration as she could to her potential outfit choices. It was the day after the BBQ and she was considering a blue glittery top her mother had bought her a couple of weeks ago. Even then she had been unable to figure out what it went with now looking at it again she was still at a complete loss. Sighing she set it down on the bed again and pulled out yet more skirts and pants in a vein hope it might work with one of them.

Fake It Till You Make It - 8 - Doctor Doctor! I'm a girl!

Roberta Galbraith - Making Waves - Part 6 of 6

The call ended with Roberta still shocked by the news that Antoine de Scuderi was out of jail and given the evidence, he was now in the UK and even worse, on the hunt for her. The single fingerprint was a clear sign that he was coming for her.


More DopplerPress

Tales from the Irish by Drea DiMaggio on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


Four stories, three bonnie lasses, connected through time and spirit -- by blood, and something more.

Tales from the Irish
by Drea DiMaggio
Now on Kindle

Join Drea DiMaggio as she explores faith, faithfulness, and love in this collection of some of her best works.

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