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BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results 2011/11/07 - 7:39am
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TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest 2010/11/25 - 9:22am
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S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

The Princess Trap on Kindle


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TG Universes & Series: 

Teenage identical twins Allie and Cissy started swapping places just for the fun of it when they were small. It worked better than you might think, considering that Allie is a boy named Alan. Cissy loves sports and Alan loves fashion and the still enjoy playing games and fooling the grown-ups.

But things have turned serious and it looks like someone is setting up a trap....

Dragons, Fairies, and Elves, Oh My!

My hair streamed behind me and my gossamer wings fluttered in the slipstream as I hitched a flight from Bahadur Azi Dahaka, dragon warrior of the Mountains of the Summer Snows.

And That is the Way it Happened -4-

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Janice spends one day shopping with her Mom. The next day she meets someone from school who recognizes her for who she is.

Madeline also helps smooth some things over.

And That
is the Way it Happened

Part 4

by Paula Dillon

Copyright © 2007 Paula Dillon
All Rights Reserved.


This is a follow on to Luciana. It would help if you've read that.

Can someone who is not who they were be trusted? Will retracing your steps solve anything, when nothing is the same... and should you try? It is not always possible to walk away even if you want to. The past is always there.

There is some darkness, violence and general nastiness... so as before, be forewarned.
Apologies if the Italian phrases are not exactly correct. Blame Google.

Passing Tones, Chapter 11

I have no idea how long I’d been under my headphones working on the Prokofiev, but when Cindy tapped me on the shoulder she didn’t look any too pleased that I was still working. I looked at her sheepishly and took off the headphones.
Passing Tones
Chapter 11

by Jillian Marie

Thanks to my friends Karen J Taylor, Angharad Apgwilym, PB, Angel O’Hare, and Dimelza Cassidy for their assistance and support.
I never would have gotten this far without you.

Snap-In Tools

This is a drabble (100 word story) based on a joke I'd once made about a company a friend of mine had worked for that sounded very close to Snap-In Tools. I'm not really sure of the rating. If anyone thinks I should change it, please let me know. Enjoy! :)


Being Christina Chase | Chapter 3: A Simple Misunderstanding

        As Chris rolled over and opened his eyes he could tell by the light on the ceiling that it was morning, but something was different. He felt as though he was floating on a cloud. This wasn't his bed. His bed was only marginally better than sleeping on the floor, and that was only because he rarely swept. Even the soft feather pillows molded perfectly to the curvature of his head. He couldn't remember feeling so relaxed in his life. Most mornings, his first action was to untwist his underwear, but today, his pajamas flowed marvelously from his body. He sighed, reveling in the sensation of being absolutely pampered.

A Perfect Match?

The Deception of Choice. Part 15 comprising Chapters 42 & 43.

Understanding in 100 Words

This a very short and sweet story depicting how things might have gone if my father had been able to understand me when I was growing up and trying to figure myself out. It's exactly 100 words long. I remember there had been a specific name for stories this short, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is now.

They Might be Men!

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual people or situations is coincidental. This story does contain Transgender themes and if this would offend you don't continue! I the author retains the right for where and when this work is posted. As always many thanks to the proof readers Hope, Janet Nolan, and others who took my rough raw work and fashioned it into something readable! Any mistakes of course are mine!

They Might be Men!
By grover

Miki: Keeping the Faith, A Whateley Academy Fan fiction

Should she make offer to the woman, the furry one wondered? Then, to her complete astonishment, the woman and the red-man simply vanished! It wasn’t in her nature to curse or bemoan her ill fortune. She simply decided that if they were watching the entombment of the box that they would be back, and when they came back she would make offer to the woman, for it wasn’t right for one of the sisterhood to be without a protector.


A faithful sorceress's familiar waits and watches for her next mistress to be. Girl is she in for a suprise!

And That is the Way it Happened -3-

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Janice goes to her first news shoot as a woman. She becomes comfortable in her role, but things are never as easy as the plans seem.
Things for her go from good to bad... to good.

And That
is the Way it Happened

Part 3

by Paula Dillon

Copyright © 2007 Paula Dillon
All Rights Reserved.

The House of the Rising Sun

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 2: The Long Drive

        Chris began the long day's drive already spent from a week of sleepless nights. He had stopped for some soda and fast-food hours after leaving home, but caffeine and empty calories could only do so much. Realizing that his head was starting to drift downward every so often as he rested his eyes, he left the interstate for a rural route. Seeing a filling station, he decided to top off his gas tank before he ventured further into the official middle of nowhere.


More DopplerPress

Masks 2 - Template The Intrepid: A Learning Experience - Kindle Edition


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A school for superpowered children seemed like a good idea and definitely a change from fighting mad geniuses and superhuman brutes. But who knew that helping set up a school for super-powered teenagers would be so challenging? Not to mention dangerous and exciting...

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