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Unspecified Blood Infection 6 hours 59 min ago
The Dagger of Heaven at the End of Time -15- by SammyC on Patreon 7 hours 2 min ago
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Second Spirit -5- by Melanie Brown on Patreon 23 hours 19 min ago
Will and Harper 2024/09/28 - 9:27am
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Deep thoughts at the swimming pool. 2024/09/27 - 2:29pm
How To Cope With [Gender] Dysphoria 2024/09/27 - 9:21am
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Transgender Suicide is up Seventy Percent 2024/09/26 - 5:10pm
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BigCloset TopShelf's October 2024 All Hallow Eve's Story Contest 2024/09/23 - 9:30am
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Space and Time for Romance #2 - My New Anthology on Amazon 2024/03/31 - 3:34pm
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BigCloset December 2011 Christmas Spirit Contest Voting 2012/01/12 - 6:59pm
BCTS Summer Romance 2011 Contest Results 2011/11/30 - 5:11am
BigCloset TopShelf's October 2011 TG Terror Contest Results 2011/11/07 - 7:39am
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TopShelf's December 2010 Santa's Helper Story Contest 2010/11/25 - 9:22am
TopShelf's October 2010 All Hallows Eve Contest Results! 2010/11/16 - 6:41am
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Topshelf's Summer Romance 2008 Story Contest 2008/06/24 - 3:05am
BigCloset Retro-Classic Stories 2004/08/11 - 4:16am
S T O R Y    T E A S E R S

Gaby Book 27 ~ Smell of the Crowd ~ Chapter *7*

book 27 full cover kindle.jpeg

Book 27
Smell of the Crowd

by Maddy Bell
Copyright© 2022 Madeline Bell

Life has some certainties, birth and death of course, but the rest is a mix of Minestrone and Spaghetti, some of which we have no direct influence over. We can however decide whether we want Parmesan or other seasoning, we can give Gnochi a try, doesn't mean we'll like it but at least we'll know. Gaby has reached just such a point in her life, she knows she likes Pizza, she's not averse to Spaghetti or Lasagne but is Gnochi for her? The Gnochi in this case is doing the singing with BlauHase on a more serious level, as a 'hobby' its fine but could this be a change of career? Well you don't find out without trying so that's just what our heroine is about to find out in this, the 27th book of the Gaby saga.


*Chapter 7*
A Clear Head

Battle Scars Part 5

Lucifer smiled as he cleaned his swords and his magical staff which he very rarely used ,looking at the weapons which have claimed numerous lives. Its told he had imbued the staff with the souls of thousands of people he had killed turning it into a very powerful weapon .He had the staff created after his battle with Nathan to make sure he doesn't loose again. But he still took pleasure in beating his enemies to death using his bare fists.

Masks 5 - Energia - Out of Template's Shadow - Now on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


The Leader narrowed its pupils, just a bit... the equivalent of a slight smile for its species. The most important of the group were already supporting the plan. The others would go along, eventually. It sat back and let them plot and scheme, only occasionally asking a question or making a suggestion. Yes, this would work well...


Masks 5


Out of Template's Shadow

Rodford Edmiston

At Aunt Greta's 5 — School ’n Stuff

At Aunt Greta’s–
School ’n Stuff
by Gabi

Chapter 5 of a Continuing Saga

FOLLOWING THE SOMEWHAT shattering discovery that after my latest sojourn back to 1944 I had returned with a girl’s body, Mummy and Auntie Greta had taken me shopping for girl clothes, and Mummy used her mobile to ’phone Dr MacNeish who said that luckily she had had a cancellation and could see me at five o’clock that afternoon.

What Maisie Knew: 43. Unexpected Dismay

The old story of the scorpion and the frog came to mind. Maisie would be the scorpion... striking out at people is part of her nature. Maybe someday she could heal and change. Maybe. In a way, it didn't matter, because I knew that from now on, at least a part of me would always have an eye on her, ever vigilant. I'd been stung already, and I wasn't going to get stung again.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way


Four wives fed up with the way their husbands treat them, decide the shoe or is that the high heel belongs on the other foot.

Copyright 1996,1998,2000 by Vickie Tern This story is not intended for anyone below the age of consent. They will have to be corrupted by their own erotic imaginations.

The Other Me - Part 1

For readers of my past work, I should tell you that this is an incomplete story, as of this moment. I am working on other chapters, and will post them once I get the entire thing done.

Thank you for your patience, and I apologize if I left you hanging.


O.K. Jan, 2012

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 282

Easy As Falling Off A Mike.
by: Angharad
part: 282.

I sat silently in the chair, the one opposite was empty as was the bed. Feeling my knees shaking, I stood up and looked around. The room was empty and the little bathroom attached was equally devoid of human life forms.

What Maisie Knew: 42. Maisie's Other Hell

"Talk to her?" Maisie laughed. "Are you kidding? Are you out of your mind? Her brother tries to kill you, and you want to talk to her? What is there to talk about?"

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Elan Owen -7- Just the Thing

Yes, It's back, Sorry for the delay. and because you asked for it, it's longer too!

Every girl has to worry about what she's wearing and Karen found the perfect outfit for me to go to Terminator, the Musical.

Chapter 7

Just the Thing

Wrong Number Part 7


Rorie was released from the hospital seven days after she was admitted. She thanked Dr. Goldberg for everything he had done and her mother, Tara and Keri escorted her home. She stayed in bed at home for another two weeks while her body finished repairing itself. Keri visited Rorie more at her home than she was allowed to at the hospital and helped out with everything from bringing her meals to changing the sheets on the bed once or twice and helping her with her makeup. When Keri began doing Rorie's makeup at the hospital, she decided that she should teach Rorie how to use makeup, and it became a regular part of time together. During Rorie's home convalescence, she and Keri began to discuss making their third date happen.

During the next two weeks, Rorie could get up out of bed, but she would tire very quickly, and their third date would have to wait a while longer.

Six weeks after the accident, Rorie and Keri finally got a chance to have their third date — alone. They arranged to have their third date at Rorie’s home at a time when Rorie’s mother would not be there. She was attending the retirement party of a coworker one Friday night and Rorie chose exactly that Friday for her date with Keri. She coaxed Tara to make plans elsewhere with her friends and Tara, with a wry smile on her face, agreed to be out of the house.

Lizzie Jane's Wedding, Chapter 2

This is a short chapter, but if you want to see a longer version, go to "Escape from Gorilla Island, Chapter 2" at Fictioneer.org. This is where two stories eventually collide with each other.)

For the full story, read "Return to Gorilla Island" and "Escape from Gorilla Island" on www.fictioneer.org

This particular chapter is explained more fully in


Lizzie Jane's Wedding
A Lizzie Jane Story
Chapter 2
By Billie Sue Pilgrim

Wrong Number Part 6

PART 6: Healing Wounds

Keri gently squeezed Kelly’s hand to let Kelly know she was there.

“Kelly? Are you waking up?”

Keri's eyes began to water and Kelly’s mother sat up and took notice.

“Kelly, baby? I’m right here, honey.”

Kelly’s eyes opened a few millimeters and her eyes slowly moved from one side to the other. Kelly smiled weakly at her mother and looked over to see who was holding her hand. When she saw Keri, she smiled and tried to speak.

“Keri,” she managed to rasp. “You’re here.”

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 281

Easy As Rambling Vacuously.
by: Bonzi cat 'n her.

I heard Simon get up, break wind, and go in the shower. I was trying to decide whether I would properly wake up, or go back to sleep. I assumed it was about six o'clock and wondered how he managed to stay awake all day on so little sleep.

What Maisie Knew: 41. Misty's Big Day

I sat down on a tree stump, away from the action. My cell phone battery was dead, and I still hadn't called my parents. And I was cold. Really cold. So cold that I wasn't trembling anymore. My energy was utterly depleted.

A police detective approached me, a woman, and she asked, "Is anybody helping you? Are you okay?"

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Stand and Deliver - Part 3


Oliver, wearing just his breeches and shirt, walked quietly into her bedchamber.

"Good evening, my dear," he said in a gentle voice.

"I am ready Oliver," she responded.

Stand and Deliver - Part 3

by Alys

Jack @ The Greenstalk (conclusion)

Jack@ The Greenstalk. (conclusion).
by Angharad.

“Wowee!” exclaimed Zoe as the beleagured boy followed the two women out of the beauty salon, “You look like a princess.”

Jack blushed as red as any fire engine. He looked at his mother who smiled.

“I think Zoe just paid you a compliment,” Sally said wanting to add, young lady, but she resisted the temptation.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 279

Easy As Reading - more vacuous ramblings.
by: Angharad.
part 279.

I drove Monica out towards the clinic, an old mansion which had been converted into a psychiatric unit. It was private and probably cost a large amount of money to stay there. I know Simon said he'd pay the bill, but whether that meant him personally or the family, I didn't know nor dare to ask.


More DopplerPress

Book 4 - The Reluctant Prom Date


Audience Rating: 


Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

Chrissy is no different then any other High School girl - except that she's a BOY!
But she has the same concerns, classes, cheerleading - and now the PROM!
RPD - Banner.png
The Reluctant Prom Date
by Melanie Brown

Copyright © 2004 Melanie Brown

All Those Things You Always Pined For - New Kindle Edition


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I Can't Give You Anything But Love, Baby

Adrenaline surged...daring every sensory organ in my body to absorb the tiniest nuances of my first day out in public dressed as a woman. I touched the velvety skin on my wife's arm. "I'm so lucky!"

"Lucky?" Nicole shook her head in obvious bewilderment. "You've always wanted to be a woman," she had accurately said nearly eight months ago.

All Those Things You Always Pined For on Kindle


All Those Things You Always Pined For

by Angela Rasch

Swifter, Higher, Stronger on Kindle


Audience Rating: 


When Tony's attempt to follow in his father's footsteps on the football field comes to nothing he gives his undivided attention to a different sport - gymnastics.

His unorthodox training leaves judges bemused but coaches impressed enough to give him an opportunity. With the Olympics in his sights a twist of fate has him seeing things from a whole new perspective, one that will affect the rest of his life.

Book Cover artwork for Swifter Higher Stronger rendered as virtual Paperback and Tablet editions - Cover art is girl, doing a gymnastics move, on her toes, with one arm in the air, and the wording Swifter Higher Stronger at an angle on a black background slightly overlapping the girl
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